Wednesday, May 16, 2007

3x21 Greatest Hits - Episode Discussion

Will he or won't he? - Post your thoughts on tonight’s episode here!

*Spoiler Warning!*


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Jordan said...

The chick who plays Greta was on Lost during season 4:

And btw, meow.

And wow, looks like the blonde girl was on the same season of 24. Weird.

mb said...

Aimee - lol re: the Ringwald. I agree she annoys me as well. I think it may be that she kept playing these girls who I had no sympathy for.

Jordan said...

Check that. She was on season 2.

elias said...

Jordan - did you wait to post that until I mentioned Jack Bauer? :)

Jordan said...

I'm with you Elias. Claire was looking gorgeous in this ep. And I'm not usually a huge Claire guy.

Trevor McFur said...

I like The Green Mile a lot, and The Running Man is good cheesy Arnold fun (& is completely different from the short story, if memory serves). I actually remember enjoying the 80s miniseries of Salem's Lot. I've heard that King hates the Kubrick version of The Shining.

But the best King adaptation, IMO, is Stand By Me.

Trevor McFur said...

Beat me to it Elias.

International-J said...

Aimee, why no love for the Green Mile. Every time I see that movie I tear up at the end.

Jordan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trevor McFur said...

Hearts in Atlantis was pretty good too. Last summer's Nightmares and Dreamscapes on TNT was shiite.

mb said...

totally forgot about Stand By Me - one of Rob Reiner's finest - along with Misery

elias said...

Molly Ringwald will get her revenge on the blogspot - she'll be cast in Lost ;)

International-J said...

Oh and Molly will become a love interest with Sawyer

Jordan said...

Molly Ringwald is Jacob.

memphish said...

JonJon, you're just being mean to Aimee with that last one.


International-J said...

i'm glad you caught that

International-J said...

You know, after looking at that picture of Jacob, it does look a bit like Molly Ringwald

Anonymous said...

hahaha. ralph text messaged jay during jay and jack. that was funny. am i the only person who when listening to jay and jack's listener feedback has trouble figuring out if a listener is a woman or a little boy? why do little boys sound so much like women?

mb said...

That cracked me up as well anonymous. Listening right now - and the first caller also echoed the idea that Bonnie and Greta might not be others. I like the idea more and more.

Morgan said...

My favorite King movies:

1) Carrie (I end up watching it at least 5 times a year...plug it up!)
2) Misery
2) Stand By Me
4) The Shawshank Redemption
5) Dolores Claiborne

I wanted to like The Green Mile, but I feel for Tom Hanks (Otm Shank?) the same way Aimee feels for Molly Ringwald.

Jordan said...

Guesses as to what Ralph's text said?

My guess:


Stephanie said...

Don't get left behind. New thread.

PastPablo said...

for me it's: Green Mile, Shawshank, Shining, (pet sematery was cool, but didn't read the books so can't compare, same with all the others actually)

PastPablo said...

Oh yeah, how could I forget Stand By Me? one of my all-time favorite films.

PastPablo said...

Yeah i heard that King hated Kubrick's version also. Conversely King's film version of his own book sucked ASS. Anyone have the misfortune of catching "Ride the Bullit" (or whatever it was called?) - the most horrid short-story-to-film translation ever of a King short.

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