sorry Jimmy, I mean Dune is great - Dean Stockwell, Brad Dourif, Patrick Stewart, Jurgen Prochnow, Virginia Madsen and so on. Only Sting's acting is shitty.
Jimmy, I agree that the love [insert your 4-sided geometric object here] was an all-time low. I'd have rather seen Paolo shit again.
The pacing of this episode was very non-Season 3. I kept saying to my husband "this is a weird episode," and I didn't mean it in a good way.
It still beat whatever else is on TV. I tried to watch the last 15 minutes of AI to see who got eliminated and couldn't do it. That stuff is pure crap.
Sanjaya is gone. Maybe the Smoke Munster got the lil bastard?
Jimmy, have you seen the Dune mini-series from SciFi? Any good?
Good call in the last thread, Kim. I like the theory that the parchutist is part of a large Portuguese contingent and only she made it to the Island. Maybe the rest are left behind on the boat I've imagined that the Helicopter took off from? And, Kim, my favorite Helicoptress, what's your opinion on how to parachute out of a helicopter?
Palmer, I know you didn't address this to me, but here's what I found on another site about helicopters and ejecting.
"The Kamov Ka-50 was the first helicopter to be fitted with an ejection seat. The system is very similar to that of a conventional fixed-wing aircraft; the main rotor is equipped with explosive bolts and is designed to disintegrate moments before the seat rocket is fired."
jimmy, i dont know if you did the top 10 list already, to many posts to go look through, but i would be interested in seeing your most played or what comes up on your shuffle
to pick up on Trevor's post from the other thread (no pun intended), i don't think the parachutist would have been Penny if Desmundo would've allowed Charlie to die a horrible death. i don't think anyone would allow Penny to make an approach to CrazyAss Island. dusn't sound safe for the daughter of THE Mr. Widmore to go to an invisible island where the love of her life may have been stranded (or held against his will) for the past three years. that's what henchmen are for, afterall. and sexy brazilian henchwomen.
I can't remember seeing anyone mention this. But what the heck was that electric looking slash that was in front of Hurley's face while they were walking through the jungle? Anybody else notice that?
Jordan, I know what you're talking about. When Hurley and Charlie where having their Superman/Flash debate, I saw some sort of light on Hurley's's nothing. It just the light reflecting off the lens of the camera.
As for jumping out of a chopper... I'm no expert on that, however if our chopper goes down while were in it, we were told to stay in it. The doors are easy to open, but jumping out could cause us to be sliced by the blades because were not experienced.
I fly in an R-44, but I'm sure they'd be using a different type of aircraft. There are helipoters without doors, mostly military, but I've seen them!
palmer, I guess you didn't watch Las Vegas.
This is kinda petty but it's something that has me confused. How do they change Sayid and Desmond's hair for the flashbacks? Do they usually wear extentions and it's their normal hair in flashbacks? Anyone have any thoughts?
Jimmy - I absolutely love how your seg has enhanced my viewing of this show (especially being an out-of-practice musician). Very much appreciate it man!
Also, listening to Penny's letter (in Jimmy's show) - I love this woman. She is now my favorite female character on the show, and her and Dez's relationship is the one I think I care most about seeing the endgame to. I also re-assert what Casey and Jordan were saying in the last thread about how powerful the editing choice was in using the audio of Penny and Dez over him cutting her down from the tree. Lump in throat (sniff)
And agreed about Penny. In fact, the only two people I really care about as far as relationship is Des and Pen. Pesmond?
Yes...the final chopping down bit was really good. however...despite all this, and despite a head monk (whatever they are called) who was doing his best Liam Neeson impersonation, I still thought overall the episode sucked a raw one!!!!!
Even though nothing ultimately happened, that was one of the most gut-wrenching scenes. The multitude of emotions and thoughts that went along with watching Penny & Dez meeting for the first time and thinking that Dez might possibly be unveiling his dead lover was almost overwhelming.
I can understand Jimmy's issues with the love triangle nonsense, and I also found the blackflash to be mostly boring. But the island scenes involving Dez, Charlie, Hurley, and Jin were intense from start to finish and totally saved this episode IMO.
Question. What was your initial reaction to Charlie getting shot in the neck with the arrow? Was it obvious to you that it was just one of Desmond's flashes? Once the flashes all started right after it was obvious, but right after Charlie dies, what were you thinking for that split instant?
I found myself at first thinking "oh that's just one of Desmond's flashes". But I soon questioned that thinking wondering if this was going to be like Nikki dying at the beginning of Expose. That they were going for the ultimate shock right out of the gate. But then it was all explained. I have to thank Aimee for making me think that Charlie might really die. Her whole "make the pattern, just to broke it" comment about killing somebody in an episode that isn't theirs got me wondering.
Jordan, my initial reaction was it was a flash. Then I thought wouldn't it be cool if they killed him in the first section and then I thought of Pikki and said wait they did that. I'm getting a little annoyed with the question is Charlie ever going to die. They are using up my goodwill with respect to him.
The end of the Knut video (which is in German) is so cute. I want one of those.
Oh my goodness, that baby polar bear is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. And then he grows up and can take your face off in one swipe. I knew Charlie's arrow to the throat was a Desmond flash but I was still shocked and saddened at the thought of Charlie dying. I was really surprised with how much I really like him. I feel my brain shutting down. I have to take a nap. Am I getting sick?
I've seen that Sci-Fi Dune miniseries. It's not bad, but the special effects are SO awful that it really distracts from the show ... think Babylon 5 without the budget. Also, the Harkonens are crazy over-the-top evil. It's been a long time since I read the book, but I don't recall them being that simplistically bad.
I have to admit, I'm a bit of a Dune nut, really. I have the Sci-Fi mini series....I was "moderately" into it.
It was filmed mostly in Hungary, I think, and a lot of the actors and crew are all European big names, but not so known here. Yes...cheesy bad FX too, but it's not bad.
The girl who played Chani (Barbora Kodetová ) was a lot better and hotter than Sean Young's attempt in 1984. More my type, she was.
David Lynch's version has an incredibly unique style, and somehow looks better now in the 2000's than I think it did then. Yet in the 1990's it seemed to age.
As far as the 1984 film goes, I suggest to basically turn it up, sit back, drink/smoke/chew your poison of choice, and enjoy the ride :)
After the rewatch, I'm thinking the seven and a half out of ten was scoring it much too high. I didn't like it as much as I thought I did. And from the lack of interest here at the blogspot today, I'd say it was a mediocre episode. I am just not used to kids that run in and out all day, track dirt in, and leave the doors open. I'm not airconditioning the neighborhood! OMG, I've turned into my dad. Spring break, it's great. Yeah.
"The copy of Catch-22 found in the jungle was titled in Portuguese (Ardil-22), the same language the men were speaking in the listening station at the end of the season 2 finale, "Live Together, Die Alone"
* The word "ardil" literally translates into American English as a trick or a scheme. * The word "catch" can also mean a trick or trap in English. * The book is the Brazilian edition, made by Editora Record (is possible to see the publisher's logo). It's the old cover."
As far as Lost goes.... I am going to have to look at this episode again. I still stick to it being a bit of a dissapointment.
I think it was the whole "Meanwhile, back at the beach" bit.
By the way...Evangeline is hot, no doubt, but I think they used a stand in for the "undressing" close ups. Also..those close ups! They just seemed weird, inappropriate. I don't mean that in a moralistic way. The whole romance on the Island is boring the fuck out of me.
Jimmy, is the Children of Dune follow-up miniseries any good?
Does anyone have any idea what exactly the Catch-22 was last night (besides the book, obviously!). With a title like that, you would think that someone would have a catch-22 decision at some point; not sure if there was or not last night.
I'd be saddened if they did use a body-double for Kate last night ... we've seen her in a bikini, at least, once before, if I remember right...
Whilst the Children of Dune mini series wasn't "too" bad, it still seemed a bit flat to me. Also, if I remember well, they kind of folded "Dune Messiah" into it.
I can tell you though, that in my opinion, the music was abysmal! Especially the Muad Dib assassination sequence. Bad enough to make you want to turn it off!
Oh yeah. I just have a feeling it was a stand in for her.
The sequence of gratuitous hot shots just kin dof bugged me. It reminded me of when they did "Enterprise" and were trying to sex it up.
Some studio exec says "I know...pre Kirk, when people need to go through quarantine, they had to strip down into their underpants, unisexs, and then rub lube all over each others tight, tanned bodies".
It just seemed all a bit out of place at this stage of the game. Maybe I'm just getting old!!!!
jimmy! i know exactly what you're talking about with Enterprise. ugh...
of course, other things about Enterprise were suckalicious but the unnecessary turning up of "teh sexay" quotient was horrendous. a tad like Torchwood. watched two episodes of that and never bothered again.
Trevor, I think the Catch-22 was Desmond's dilemma of do I save Charlie or let him die and maybe my reward will be Penny. Or stated another way I can let him die and be a depraved heart killer or I can save him and it won't be Penny.
I read on Lostpedia that these 5 episodes leading up to the 2 hour season finale constitute a Catch-22 damned if I do/damned if I don't scenario. Next week, e.g., Sun will be facing one.
I am so in agreement on the Enterprise thing. I saw the first episode of that series and I thought "Alright - I can see where they could go with this series", and then the other shoe dropped like immediately. There were a lot of things they COULD have done w/that series, I guess that's what bugs me most.
Palmer - RE: Torchwood - totally hearing you on the over-sexed thing, but I did go and watch the rest of the season, and I gotta say, while there was plenty I thought was unecessarily over-the-top, it wasn't BAD, and the last scene of the season finale ties directly into this season of Who. But I am a pretty serious nerd when it comes to Who, I'll admit (the Doc would have to start a Kirk-like shagging rampage b4 I say "OK hang on...").
Jimmy, here's something else you can bitch about. Why is it only Sawyer and Kate have beach love shacks, enclosed to keep prying eyes and perverts out? Everyone else is open to the breeze and prying Other eyes. Kind of ironic isn't it?
True enough I didn't get into Lost for the one-liners and totty, and I'm desparate to learn more of the mythology so maybe we are being cheated wth an episode like this. But I still enjoyed watching it.
and I was talking about myself becoming more jaded about violence and sex on TV. not yet though :)
Jimmy, you want to see them in dire situations. Situations in which you would expect 42 survivors of a plane crash to be in. That's not too much to ask. I still want to see more of a power struggle. Not just Sawyer trying to win hearts and minds with a bar-b-que.
I forgot one of my favorite lines from this episode. When Sawyer said to Jack and Juliet, "What are you guys doing, talking about who your favorite other is?" That was good.
My least favorite other now that Pickett is dead is the new Pickett, Ryan. Is that his name? That guy is a punk.
Holli, you wanna hear a funny story? I had some friends of mine over last night before the new episode. They are a married couple and they were a couple weeks behind, so they came to watch Left Behind & One of Us. And the entire time during both ep's Kelly couldn't shut up about how much she hated Juliet. And every time she would say something Nick, would say something like, "what's your problem? she's not that bad." It was so funny because it was a microcosm of this blogspot the past few weeks. Guess it's pretty universal.
That leads me to something really quick. About the whole women hating Juliet thing. I don't think it's as simple as guys are suckered by her looks while gals can see through her. I don't know exactly what it is, but I think that something about her personality just rubs females the wrong way. Something that has nothing to do with her being shady or lying. Can't explain any better than that, but that's just a thought I've had all along.
I just listened to Jay & Jack. How hilarious was the last caller segment when about 50 people back to back all point out the ring lady in the monk's picture?
Jordan, we need some college student doing a psychology paper to analyze it for us. That's so funny.
I do think there's a definite non-girliness factor to Juliet that makes her a girl outsider. That robot-like calmness and rationality drives me nuts. Ever since she's been around the Losties there's been a definite tough girl, rational front. The real emotions we see in her flashbacks are completely missing from her dealings with them. That's the thing that makes her hard to warm up to and untrustworthy to me. A girl who sells out other girls whether for a boy or science just isn't going to fit in.
memphish, I agree, and that Desmond's choice was the intended catch-22 ... but, as I understand it, that wasn't really a catch-22. A catch-22 is basically, I think, a logical dead end, where there's two interdependant actions that can't be completed, because each is reliant on the completion of the other. So if Dez's choice was, say, he needs to let Charlie LIVE to see Penny again, but Penny is the only one who has something that's needed to save Charlie's life (pretty weak, I know, but it's all I could think of right now) ... that's a catch-22, because each possibility depends on the other, and there's no way out. What Dez had last night was just a tough decision, I think. Anyway, my whole point is, that I don't think that the writers actually knew what a catch-22 is (assuming that Dez's choice was supposed to be one). I admit, super-nitpicky ... stuff like that just bugs me, though.
Jimmy, I think you're right about that second miniseries being a combo of Messiah and Children. It's in my Netflix queue, but I think it's somewhere in the 120s, so maybe I'll watch it around 2020.
I don't think we've seen the full extent of the catch-22. In fact, I don't think it has anything to do with Charlie. No idea why, but it just would be too simple to deal with Charlie. I actually really liked this episode. Though they're just running in circles around the dumb love quadrangle, I liked the trek in the jungle and this episode sets up the arc for the rest of the season.
Jordan, where should I send the broom to? Haha. I won't get cocky yet, though, there's a couple of innings left. Too bad about Felix though. I hope he recovers soon. The Twins had a similar thing last year Francisco Liriano, and he won't be back until next year. I hope the injury is a lot less severe with Felix.
colin, I've thought too that maybe there's more to the catch-22 than we've realized. I bet that it does have something to do with Charlie and his death, though.
All these people complaining about their favorite baseball teams ... look, I'm a PHILLIES fan. They're in last place, Ryan Howard just got hurt, and their manager challenged a radio host to a fistfight yesterday. So I don't want to hear about it!
Has anybody here watched Drive? I watched the first episode the other night and find is strangely intriguing. I can't really tell if it's that great of a show, but it's got a certain something that I like which I can't put my finger on.
I also saw Children of Men the other night. And for those who have seen it, how similar was Charlie's "death" scene last night to that of a character in Children of Men? Totally out of nowhere and in a very similar fashion.
Trevor, I agree that the Catch-22 proposition wasn't what I thought it would be. Having just read the book, the whole idea of Catch-22 was something that was very in your face and imposed by an authority. Desmond's situation was more of a test that was in large part created in his own mind since I don't think Charlie's death would have lead to parachute girl being Penny.
This coming week though, Sun's choice is more of one in that she either admit's she conceived off island in which case Jin may kill her or she says she conceived on Island and is sentenced to death assuming Juliet doesn't come up with some miracle cure, plus she'd have to subject herself to said cure attempt which seems to involve lots of large needles. Again, not really a Catch-22 I think but nevertheless a screwed either way thing.
Jordan, I've watched the first 3 hours of Drive. The ends of the episodes really get you. I'm going to hang in there at least this next week. The end of hour 3 was very LOST like in that it left you screaming at the TV "No! You can't end here!" And so far Kate's husband and Pickett are in it.
hey jordan, i've been meanin to ask you something. what do the papers over ther say about ichiro? is he gonna test the market, or are the m's gonna pony up?
B.Linus, Ichiro has said that he wants to play for a winner and doesn't like to lose. If it's up to the M's, they'll keep him no matter what. Their owner is Japanese and would never want to lose him. But many here think that if the M's continue to suck as they have the past couple years, he might walk regardless of the money they offer. So if that's the case, then the question is do you risk that or trade him before the deadline?
According to Lostpedia, they think the catch-22 is something completely different than what we were thinking, not involving Charlie at all.
Quote: "In this episode it refers to the predestination paradox — Desmond only goes on the mission because he sees flashes of him doing so. But the flashes wouldn't have occurred unless he had gone on the mission. So where did the flashes come from?" Source
dudes. i'm downloading Ralph's Geekscape episode as we type. good stuff. can't wait to see the tattoo, ralph. congrats on your growing celebrity. now, it's time to develop an addiction so you can have a stint in rehab.
That is an interesting idea Colin. I had wondered that myself during the episode. What if Desmond had gone on at night and left Charlie on the beach? What if Charlie hadn't come at all?
If we believe Mrs. Hawking though, the universe would have course corrected and tried to kill Charlie some other way and sent Desmond new flashes and maybe parachute girl to a more beach-friendly location.
i like the new catch 22 theory. it makes a lot more sense as per memphishes detailed definition.
thats pretty interesting on the whole ichiro front jordan. have they made him an offer yet? if i was g.m. over there in seattle i think i'd try to work out a deal with him up to the deadline, but if he doesn't budge you have to at least see what you could get for him. what could make that interesting is if m's are still in it at that time. i know my twins just swept them, but no ones really running away with that division. if the a's and the angels(sorry ralph) continue to falter, you can't possibly trade ichiro with a division title looming. even if that means you lose him and get nothing in the offseason. that's almost a catch 22 itself.
Casey... I am highly embarassed. I was listening to the game today and was like, at least they can pull 2 out of 3, then I walked away for a second, and then the game was over--but the Jays lost. All I could think was, "I'm never going to live this down on the blogspot" :(
Wesh... "Mixed Tape", a running joke about the lamest gift a guy can give a girl to show how he cares. Usually sappy love songs.
So...perhaps I'm one of the only ones who isn't really bugged by the Kate/Jack/Sawyer/Juliet thing. Although Kate's sorta stupid, I think it's sorta sad seeing that she actually has real feelings for someone but keeps screwing it up. But, as a pretty solid Jater, I like Sawyer more and more very week. The mix tape really sold me. And I LOVE Des and Penny. The ending was so wonderful.
Now then, Memo to Charlie: You should die now. And then go star in "Hobbits the Musical." That would be sweet.
Brooklyn - that's exactly where I'm at with Jate/Skate as well. And yeah - Dez and Penny rock.
Was just watching it again and a minor detail I noticed was Charlie talking about Superman being able to fly around the world in an instant - referring of course to Superman the Movie where he alters history, like Desmond.
For some reason, the Dez and Penny relationship doesn't resonate with me as it seems to with you guys. When I say you guys, I mean you males. You seem to relate well to his character. We girls are in need of a likeable character to relate since we hate Kate now. Having to pause Bluto's podcast to type. Can't concentrate. Just finished the latest of Drive. Pretty good. I'm enthralled. Very cool, mb.
Interesting point that it seems guys are rooting for Des and Pen and not the other quadrangle.
I think for one that Desmond is liked by guys a lot because his failings seems real. He is (at this point) nothing really more than a good natured, likeable loner....a man who's greatest failings seem to be alcoholism and commitment issues. Many men can relate to that or at least know others just like that. It seems more believable.
This is why I wish he didn't have powers...I think it's unneccessary for his character.
Also, I think the Desmond Penny romance basically makes all the other Island relationships look rather trivial.
Yes, I kind of imagine that if Denny were actually shacked up on the Island they'd be saying "There's so much drama with those stupid wankers down the beach" or such like.
Palmer, I can actually say that I've had fast food only 3 times in the last 10 years! And by that I mean Wendys/Jack/MacD's etc. No, it's toast and vegemite for me :)
The Jater/ Skater thing is too complicated for guys. Desmond & Penny is a simple kind of fantasy where the woman pursues the man. at least that's my explanation...
Jimmy - I bow to you sir - I'm sure you've heard enough cracks about it, but I do have respect for a man who can down vegemite on a regular basis. I tried it when I was in Australia and I just couldn't do it. Do you eat Marmite too, out of curiosity?
RE: Pesmond (I know Denny sounds smoother - Pesmond has pes/pez in it and I love Pez candy) For me there's just an elegance to their story that I find really romantic, and the sheer amount of crap Desmond has been through (or put himself through?) makes the prospect of seeing her incredibly moving. The fact that Penny has been looking for him for all this time despite him having left her behind says to me that she knows that he really does love her - that she understands him that well. And the idea that someone would be that committed to and in love with a person is probably what I find most moving.
And Penny's not an indecisive little twit like the Jakatawyiet debacle. It's not quite a Starpollanderdee level of suck ala BSG but Jakatawyiet is getting a little annoying.
Don't worry, Jimmy. I know fast food isn't good for me. But it's fun and what we do once a week at the office to unwind after an inevitably stressful week. I'd rather go out for Chinese, but I doubt that five pounds of Chinese food from a buffet once a week would be any better for me.
I totally agree with your take on how you view the Pesmond thing. The more and more I think about it, and the more I think of the timeline on the Island, the more totally Dawsons Creek Jakatawyiet seem to me. I'm beginning to lump them into the same category as Carl and Alex.
LOL... my mother and I enjoy Marmite. We have it on toast with scrambled eggs. We were in Melborune for my cousin's wedding, and I tried "Vegemite" (sp?) I felt like I was going to vomit.
I simply could care less about the Jack/Juliet/Kate/Sawyer quad--I thought Ana Lucia was going to play more of a factor into that relationship, but she didn't :( Juliet just gives me the creeps.
As for Penny/Desmond, it's a touching story, but I didn't get worked up in the last scene of "Catch 22", like I've been reading. (But then again, I have a heart of ice, and I don't like babies)
Fast Food, I wouldn't touch it in the US... not to say that it's healthier in Canada, but we have higher beef regulations, etc. We didn't get a Taco Bell in my city/town, until it was approved by health officials. On a school trip we stopped at McDonalds, I took a bite and spit it out...eww
I agree with what Jimmy said about why guys can relate to Desmond so easy. Jack isn't easy to relate to as he comes off as a silver spoon privaliged whiny baby, and Sawyer because he comes off as mr. "time to take my shirt off for dramatic effect". Dez is just you normal dude. Scared of commitment, not sure of himself, trying to find his place in the world. Just about any guy can relate to those things.
Has anybody heard the Alec Baldwin voicemail that has been leaked onto the internet? It's of him berating his 12 year old daughter. Pretty funny stuff. What do you want to bet she was the one that put it out there?
Kim - I thought perhaps you had taken the Helicopter out for some tricks. Just freak out some t-dot communters.
Are Ben and Ralph recording today - or do they usually lay it down tonight? And RE: Aimee it sounded like her work actually had the temerity to intrude on blogging. What-ever.
Kidding - hope work isn't kicking your ass too bad Aimee.
I don't fly the helicopter, so I can't freak out people on the 401, and I'm sure I'd get fired if I suggest it.
The 'Lars record Friday nights, usually when I come home (around 2-3am), their cast is just being uploading onto iTunes! Their podcast is on the one one I wait for each week!
Palmer, I'm not going to cast judgement on Alec Baldwin. I've had 12 year old sisters and I know what they can be like. lol.
Actually it's quite interesting. While 12 or 11 years old sounds fairly young, I was reading an article somwhere about how kids are cultivating teenage characteristics and qualities at much younger ages nowadays. I think they call them tweens or something silly like that. The article basically said that young kids today are growing up faster due to technology and entertainment.
Kim, do you always work in the chopper? Or are you sometimes in a studio? And btw, does the radio station you work for stream online? I'm sure a few of us here would put up with some random TDot whatever to listen to you in action.
I will admit that the part when he said she didn't have the brains for something was pretty low class. It's just I've known some pretty mouthy punk young kids and can just imagine this little spoiled rich girl totally asking for it. But maybe Baldwin is just an ass.
Reading all this stuff about Desmond and Penny is pretty funny. It seems that just on the whole that the guys on here are more accepting and kind hearted. You ladies are just cold. Burrrr! lol.
Just heard ya Kimberly on the talk radio station. Excellent work. How come you sound like you are on the other end of a tin can though? Do they have you in the underground traffic hatch?
Jimmy, I'm so glad you had time to waste with us today. Alec Baldwin is pithetic if that's how he deals with his child. Kimberley, I'm bookmarking this station to hear you at a later date.
steph, right on about alec baldwin. i think i'm predisposed to disliking the guy but yelling at your 11 year old daughter on the phone and calling her "a pig" and whatnot is refreakindonculous. he should be trying to guilt trip her into submission. ;)
Just heard Kim (up in the copter I assume)! Sweet! She did a Scott's Turf Builder ad read at the end - and she sold me - I'll be right back. Gotta go buy some. Naveen Andrews on Tavis Smiley. He signed on only because it's a Tarantino Film even though he thinks these movies are "abysmal"? What a prostitute! Palmer, can you articulate better what I'm trying to say?
Heya, peeps! just wanted to throw out a crackpot theory before i go to sleep. It might've been theorized before; havent been following the lost theory scene closely.
Jacob is Shannon's dad. We might soon see a backstory with a scary accident at the end (like that car at the crossroad in Alias). So this means Jacob's dead. I'm assuming Ben is the only one who alledgedly contacts Jacob and passes down his orders. So the others might've seen Jacob in the past, so they know he exists, but at some point he became an invisible player, moving his pawns around from high above. Only now he's dead, and Ben is manipulating everyone and using his Jacob card as a trump.
Can't wait to see the reaction of the losties that parachute girl. Someone from the real world. That should be awesome. LOL, no one will prolly ask any relevant questions :p Come one Wednesday allready!
Thx for the birthday wishes kim and aimee! *kiss/hugzzz*
Steph, are you saying that "Naveen Andrews compromised his artistic integrity when he made a film he considered abysmal just so he could work with a popular director in a film widely expected to be highly successful?"
I see where you're coming from but on some level it's pretty funny that he admits it. "yeah, it's a crap movie but i like money and fame."
Hi Wesh (sleep tight)! I like the idea that Jacob might be dead. Ben seems desperate to me (for all his scheming and manipulation) and this would explain where some of that is coming from. I'm not sure about it being Shannon's dad - only because a can't remember any connections or other clues that would point to that. But who knows all that's to come b4 the end of the season (and beyond).
I think Jacob exists. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's something goofy like a computer or a bird or something. Wouldn't it be funny if it was like the South Park where the kids found out that the writers of Family Guy were a bunch of manatees? Maybe Jacob is a manatee?
True that. And yeah, I agree it's a stretch for Jacob to be Shannon's father, but I just went with that, cause he's a character that only popped up in the story for a second. We havent got anything invested in him, so maybe it would be surprising if he did pop up in some story line. Or not :) Either way, I really want to be blown away by the final, so I'd be happy if whatever they come up with hasn't been mentioned in any theory :) Granted that they come up with something amazing. If it's some lame cop out they come up with, that wouldn't be quite as cool, i guess :)
I suspect Jacob will be alive and be a real actor but they'll have to provide a big twist with it. Maybe he is an incarnation of Ben's split personality. or he's 800 years old - that sounds so lame now I read it.
i watched rolph on geekscape. good job big guy. you held you own own. but it was kinda hard to watch. the other guy was hella annoying. i could tell roplh was annoyed much of the time. at least it seemed that way. the dude seemed either drunk or stoned or something. whats up with him calling rolph bluto? ps - homeboy got some white arms.
Everyone should listen to Jimmy now. Where are you people? Work sucks.
On a totally non-LOST note, what is with The Office being a re-run tonight?
Dune is harsh although Sting nearly ruins it.
Cheers for the podcast.
Harsh? Elias, always interested in anything "Dune".
I didn't post this in order not to fuck up the episode discussion flow,m but whilst here, can I say that I HATED this weeks episode.
With the exception of Desmonds actual flashbacks, I thought I was watching Dawsons Creek.
sorry Jimmy, I mean Dune is great - Dean Stockwell, Brad Dourif, Patrick Stewart, Jurgen Prochnow, Virginia Madsen and so on. Only Sting's acting is shitty.
Amazing as usual, James
Jimmy, I agree that the love [insert your 4-sided geometric object here] was an all-time low. I'd have rather seen Paolo shit again.
The pacing of this episode was very non-Season 3. I kept saying to my husband "this is a weird episode," and I didn't mean it in a good way.
It still beat whatever else is on TV. I tried to watch the last 15 minutes of AI to see who got eliminated and couldn't do it. That stuff is pure crap.
Sanjaya is gone. Maybe the Smoke Munster got the lil bastard?
Jimmy, have you seen the Dune mini-series from SciFi? Any good?
Good call in the last thread, Kim. I like the theory that the parchutist is part of a large Portuguese contingent and only she made it to the Island. Maybe the rest are left behind on the boat I've imagined that the Helicopter took off from? And, Kim, my favorite Helicoptress, what's your opinion on how to parachute out of a helicopter?
Palmer, I know you didn't address this to me, but here's what I found on another site about helicopters and ejecting.
"The Kamov Ka-50 was the first helicopter to be fitted with an ejection seat. The system is very similar to that of a conventional fixed-wing aircraft; the main rotor is equipped with explosive bolts and is designed to disintegrate moments before the seat rocket is fired."
I imagine as long as the Helicopter's not falling that you could simply drop out of the side of the chopper. Jumping up and out would be messy though.
When you say Dune, why do I think of Charles Durning? The guy with the disgusting boils on his face? Maybe that guys reminds me of Charles Durning?
jimmy, i dont know if you did the top 10 list already, to many posts to go look through, but i would be interested in seeing your most played or what comes up on your shuffle
to pick up on Trevor's post from the other thread (no pun intended), i don't think the parachutist would have been Penny if Desmundo would've allowed Charlie to die a horrible death. i don't think anyone would allow Penny to make an approach to CrazyAss Island. dusn't sound safe for the daughter of THE Mr. Widmore to go to an invisible island where the love of her life may have been stranded (or held against his will) for the past three years. that's what henchmen are for, afterall. and sexy brazilian henchwomen.
/hope she's a looker
heh. Appaulo already answered Trevor better than I could in the OtherThread.
I can't remember seeing anyone mention this. But what the heck was that electric looking slash that was in front of Hurley's face while they were walking through the jungle? Anybody else notice that?
Jordan, I know what you're talking about. When Hurley and Charlie where having their Superman/Flash debate, I saw some sort of light on Hurley's's nothing. It just the light reflecting off the lens of the camera.
As for jumping out of a chopper... I'm no expert on that, however if our chopper goes down while were in it, we were told to stay in it. The doors are easy to open, but jumping out could cause us to be sliced by the blades because were not experienced.
I fly in an R-44, but I'm sure they'd be using a different type of aircraft. There are helipoters without doors, mostly military, but I've seen them!
palmer, I guess you didn't watch Las Vegas.
This is kinda petty but it's something that has me confused. How do they change Sayid and Desmond's hair for the flashbacks? Do they usually wear extentions and it's their normal hair in flashbacks? Anyone have any thoughts?
Jimmy - I absolutely love how your seg has enhanced my viewing of this show (especially being an out-of-practice musician). Very much appreciate it man!
Also, listening to Penny's letter (in Jimmy's show) - I love this woman. She is now my favorite female character on the show, and her and Dez's relationship is the one I think I care most about seeing the endgame to.
I also re-assert what Casey and Jordan were saying in the last thread about how powerful the editing choice was in using the audio of Penny and Dez over him cutting her down from the tree. Lump in throat (sniff)
Thanks MB...your encouragement is appreciated.
And agreed about Penny. In fact, the only two people I really care about as far as relationship is Des and Pen. Pesmond?
Yes...the final chopping down bit was really good. however...despite all this, and despite a head monk (whatever they are called) who was doing his best Liam Neeson impersonation, I still thought overall the episode sucked a raw one!!!!!
Even though nothing ultimately happened, that was one of the most gut-wrenching scenes. The multitude of emotions and thoughts that went along with watching Penny & Dez meeting for the first time and thinking that Dez might possibly be unveiling his dead lover was almost overwhelming.
I can understand Jimmy's issues with the love triangle nonsense, and I also found the blackflash to be mostly boring. But the island scenes involving Dez, Charlie, Hurley, and Jin were intense from start to finish and totally saved this episode IMO.
Knut update. Get your awwwws out.
Question. What was your initial reaction to Charlie getting shot in the neck with the arrow? Was it obvious to you that it was just one of Desmond's flashes? Once the flashes all started right after it was obvious, but right after Charlie dies, what were you thinking for that split instant?
I found myself at first thinking "oh that's just one of Desmond's flashes". But I soon questioned that thinking wondering if this was going to be like Nikki dying at the beginning of Expose. That they were going for the ultimate shock right out of the gate. But then it was all explained. I have to thank Aimee for making me think that Charlie might really die. Her whole "make the pattern, just to broke it" comment about killing somebody in an episode that isn't theirs got me wondering.
Jordan, my initial reaction was it was a flash. Then I thought wouldn't it be cool if they killed him in the first section and then I thought of Pikki and said wait they did that. I'm getting a little annoyed with the question is Charlie ever going to die. They are using up my goodwill with respect to him.
The end of the Knut video (which is in German) is so cute. I want one of those.
Oh my goodness, that baby polar bear is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. And then he grows up and can take your face off in one swipe.
I knew Charlie's arrow to the throat was a Desmond flash but I was still shocked and saddened at the thought of Charlie dying. I was really surprised with how much I really like him.
I feel my brain shutting down. I have to take a nap. Am I getting sick?
I've seen that Sci-Fi Dune miniseries. It's not bad, but the special effects are SO awful that it really distracts from the show ... think Babylon 5 without the budget. Also, the Harkonens are crazy over-the-top evil. It's been a long time since I read the book, but I don't recall them being that simplistically bad.
steph, indeed i did not watch Las Vegas. she looks like she might be cute. we'll see.
kim, i googled the R44. you're a brave woman. or you drink just enough to get up in the sky in that thing. :)
maybe the Brazilian Woman is simply a traffic announcer who's helicopter went off course? hmmm?
I have to admit, I'm a bit of a Dune nut, really. I have the Sci-Fi mini series....I was "moderately" into it.
It was filmed mostly in Hungary, I think, and a lot of the actors and crew are all European big names, but not so known here. Yes...cheesy bad FX too, but it's not bad.
The girl who played Chani (Barbora Kodetová ) was a lot better and hotter than Sean Young's attempt in 1984. More my type, she was.
David Lynch's version has an incredibly unique style, and somehow looks better now in the 2000's than I think it did then. Yet in the 1990's it seemed to age.
As far as the 1984 film goes, I suggest to basically turn it up, sit back, drink/smoke/chew your poison of choice, and enjoy the ride :)
I didn't catch why we think the Parachutist is Brazillian?
-Captain Snake
Wasn't the copy of Catch-22 that Desmond found in Portugese? I guess that and the fact that she looked somewhat Brazilian.
After the rewatch, I'm thinking the seven and a half out of ten was scoring it much too high. I didn't like it as much as I thought I did. And from the lack of interest here at the blogspot today, I'd say it was a mediocre episode.
I am just not used to kids that run in and out all day, track dirt in, and leave the doors open. I'm not airconditioning the neighborhood! OMG, I've turned into my dad. Spring break, it's great. Yeah.
stolen from the lovely
"The copy of Catch-22 found in the jungle was titled in Portuguese (Ardil-22), the same language the men were speaking in the listening station at the end of the season 2 finale, "Live Together, Die Alone"
* The word "ardil" literally translates into American English as a trick or a scheme.
* The word "catch" can also mean a trick or trap in English.
* The book is the Brazilian edition, made by Editora Record (is possible to see the publisher's logo). It's the old cover."
As far as Lost goes....
I am going to have to look at this episode again. I still stick to it being a bit of a dissapointment.
I think it was the whole "Meanwhile, back at the beach" bit.
By the way...Evangeline is hot, no doubt, but I think they used a stand in for the "undressing" close ups. Also..those close ups! They just seemed weird, inappropriate. I don't mean that in a moralistic way. The whole romance on the Island is boring the fuck out of me.
Jimmy, is the Children of Dune follow-up miniseries any good?
Does anyone have any idea what exactly the Catch-22 was last night (besides the book, obviously!). With a title like that, you would think that someone would have a catch-22 decision at some point; not sure if there was or not last night.
I'd be saddened if they did use a body-double for Kate last night ... we've seen her in a bikini, at least, once before, if I remember right...
Whilst the Children of Dune mini series wasn't "too" bad, it still seemed a bit flat to me. Also, if I remember well, they kind of folded "Dune Messiah" into it.
I can tell you though, that in my opinion, the music was abysmal! Especially the Muad Dib assassination sequence. Bad enough to make you want to turn it off!
has the show got more saucy since it moved to 10PM? At least now we know Kate can drive stick ;)
Oh yeah. I just have a feeling it was a stand in for her.
The sequence of gratuitous hot shots just kin dof bugged me. It reminded me of when they did "Enterprise" and were trying to sex it up.
Some studio exec says "I know...pre Kirk, when people need to go through quarantine, they had to strip down into their underpants, unisexs, and then rub lube all over each others tight, tanned bodies".
It just seemed all a bit out of place at this stage of the game. Maybe I'm just getting old!!!!
jimmy! i know exactly what you're talking about with Enterprise. ugh...
of course, other things about Enterprise were suckalicious but the unnecessary turning up of "teh sexay" quotient was horrendous. a tad like Torchwood. watched two episodes of that and never bothered again.
well I have no problem with gratuitous hot shots but give me a few more jaded years....
oh... and why wasn't kate dressed like that when she was mudwrestling with juliet? :(
Trevor, I think the Catch-22 was Desmond's dilemma of do I save Charlie or let him die and maybe my reward will be Penny. Or stated another way I can let him die and be a depraved heart killer or I can save him and it won't be Penny.
I read on Lostpedia that these 5 episodes leading up to the 2 hour season finale constitute a Catch-22 damned if I do/damned if I don't scenario. Next week, e.g., Sun will be facing one.
I find it odd that I am complaining about hot shots??? Elias...I am anything but Jaded :) But something didn't fit right.
Also...Kate looked really nice...the clean jeans, the cute underwear...the pressed, fashionable striped shirt. My point being, it's as if there is a Dharma strip mall located somewhere on the Island. It's funny that they all seem to be having such a great time on the beach. No food issues, ping pong, lovely tents/shelters, flirt fests, an endless supply of reading materials. I'm expecting next week to see someone serving dinner Flambé style...
God I'm a bitching, critical bastard today!
I am so in agreement on the Enterprise thing. I saw the first episode of that series and I thought "Alright - I can see where they could go with this series", and then the other shoe dropped like immediately. There were a lot of things they COULD have done w/that series, I guess that's what bugs me most.
Palmer - RE: Torchwood - totally hearing you on the over-sexed thing, but I did go and watch the rest of the season, and I gotta say, while there was plenty I thought was unecessarily over-the-top, it wasn't BAD, and the last scene of the season finale ties directly into this season of Who. But I am a pretty serious nerd when it comes to Who, I'll admit (the Doc would have to start a Kirk-like shagging rampage b4 I say "OK hang on...").
Jimmy, here's something else you can bitch about. Why is it only Sawyer and Kate have beach love shacks, enclosed to keep prying eyes and perverts out? Everyone else is open to the breeze and prying Other eyes. Kind of ironic isn't it?
Can we go bulletin board with this thing?
True enough I didn't get into Lost for the one-liners and totty, and I'm desparate to learn more of the mythology so maybe we are being cheated wth an episode like this. But I still enjoyed watching it.
and I was talking about myself becoming more jaded about violence and sex on TV. not yet though :)
Jimmy, you want to see them in dire situations. Situations in which you would expect 42 survivors of a plane crash to be in. That's not too much to ask. I still want to see more of a power struggle. Not just Sawyer trying to win hearts and minds with a bar-b-que.
Oh, I get the jaded thing now...agreed.
Holli...I have thought exactly the same about the accommodation. Sawyers no longer in a shelter, it's more like a pad!
Yeah Jimmy. All Sawyer needs is some sketches to invite the ladies to come up and see.
Sawyer's always had the best pad on the island. what with grog and jazz mags underneath the bed :)
I forgot one of my favorite lines from this episode. When Sawyer said to Jack and Juliet, "What are you guys doing, talking about who your favorite other is?" That was good.
My favorite Other to like is Tom. My favorite Other to dislike is Ben. My least favorite Other now that Pickett is dead is Juliet.
My least favorite other now that Pickett is dead is the new Pickett, Ryan. Is that his name? That guy is a punk.
Holli, you wanna hear a funny story? I had some friends of mine over last night before the new episode. They are a married couple and they were a couple weeks behind, so they came to watch Left Behind & One of Us. And the entire time during both ep's Kelly couldn't shut up about how much she hated Juliet. And every time she would say something Nick, would say something like, "what's your problem? she's not that bad." It was so funny because it was a microcosm of this blogspot the past few weeks. Guess it's pretty universal.
That leads me to something really quick. About the whole women hating Juliet thing. I don't think it's as simple as guys are suckered by her looks while gals can see through her. I don't know exactly what it is, but I think that something about her personality just rubs females the wrong way. Something that has nothing to do with her being shady or lying. Can't explain any better than that, but that's just a thought I've had all along.
my favourite Other is Cindy :)
I just listened to Jay & Jack. How hilarious was the last caller segment when about 50 people back to back all point out the ring lady in the monk's picture?
Jordan, we need some college student doing a psychology paper to analyze it for us. That's so funny.
I do think there's a definite non-girliness factor to Juliet that makes her a girl outsider. That robot-like calmness and rationality drives me nuts. Ever since she's been around the Losties there's been a definite tough girl, rational front. The real emotions we see in her flashbacks are completely missing from her dealings with them. That's the thing that makes her hard to warm up to and untrustworthy to me. A girl who sells out other girls whether for a boy or science just isn't going to fit in.
memphish, I agree, and that Desmond's choice was the intended catch-22 ... but, as I understand it, that wasn't really a catch-22. A catch-22 is basically, I think, a logical dead end, where there's two interdependant actions that can't be completed, because each is reliant on the completion of the other. So if Dez's choice was, say, he needs to let Charlie LIVE to see Penny again, but Penny is the only one who has something that's needed to save Charlie's life (pretty weak, I know, but it's all I could think of right now) ... that's a catch-22, because each possibility depends on the other, and there's no way out. What Dez had last night was just a tough decision, I think. Anyway, my whole point is, that I don't think that the writers actually knew what a catch-22 is (assuming that Dez's choice was supposed to be one). I admit, super-nitpicky ... stuff like that just bugs me, though.
Jimmy, I think you're right about that second miniseries being a combo of Messiah and Children. It's in my Netflix queue, but I think it's somewhere in the 120s, so maybe I'll watch it around 2020.
Jordan, for some reason, that's just how us girls are. We don't like outsiders sometimes. Maybe it's a territorial thing.
I don't think we've seen the full extent of the catch-22. In fact, I don't think it has anything to do with Charlie. No idea why, but it just would be too simple to deal with Charlie. I actually really liked this episode. Though they're just running in circles around the dumb love quadrangle, I liked the trek in the jungle and this episode sets up the arc for the rest of the season.
Jordan, where should I send the broom to? Haha. I won't get cocky yet, though, there's a couple of innings left. Too bad about Felix though. I hope he recovers soon. The Twins had a similar thing last year Francisco Liriano, and he won't be back until next year. I hope the injury is a lot less severe with Felix.
colin, I've thought too that maybe there's more to the catch-22 than we've realized. I bet that it does have something to do with Charlie and his death, though.
All these people complaining about their favorite baseball teams ... look, I'm a PHILLIES fan. They're in last place, Ryan Howard just got hurt, and their manager challenged a radio host to a fistfight yesterday. So I don't want to hear about it!
sorry kim, the series goes to the sox, I love 9th inning wins
and I love having tickets to the first yankee/red sox game of the season
and I love lost too
Has anybody here watched Drive? I watched the first episode the other night and find is strangely intriguing. I can't really tell if it's that great of a show, but it's got a certain something that I like which I can't put my finger on.
I also saw Children of Men the other night. And for those who have seen it, how similar was Charlie's "death" scene last night to that of a character in Children of Men? Totally out of nowhere and in a very similar fashion.
Trevor, I agree that the Catch-22 proposition wasn't what I thought it would be. Having just read the book, the whole idea of Catch-22 was something that was very in your face and imposed by an authority. Desmond's situation was more of a test that was in large part created in his own mind since I don't think Charlie's death would have lead to parachute girl being Penny.
This coming week though, Sun's choice is more of one in that she either admit's she conceived off island in which case Jin may kill her or she says she conceived on Island and is sentenced to death assuming Juliet doesn't come up with some miracle cure, plus she'd have to subject herself to said cure attempt which seems to involve lots of large needles. Again, not really a Catch-22 I think but nevertheless a screwed either way thing.
Jordan, I've watched the first 3 hours of Drive. The ends of the episodes really get you. I'm going to hang in there at least this next week. The end of hour 3 was very LOST like in that it left you screaming at the TV "No! You can't end here!" And so far Kate's husband and Pickett are in it.
hey jordan, i've been meanin to ask you something. what do the papers over ther say about ichiro? is he gonna test the market, or are the m's gonna pony up?
Stumbled across this weird game on NBC's 30 Rock site. It's what we were doing the other day, but I don't totally get how it works.
Check it out.
B.Linus, Ichiro has said that he wants to play for a winner and doesn't like to lose. If it's up to the M's, they'll keep him no matter what. Their owner is Japanese and would never want to lose him. But many here think that if the M's continue to suck as they have the past couple years, he might walk regardless of the money they offer. So if that's the case, then the question is do you risk that or trade him before the deadline?
whoa man. that was close. neshek and nathan almost blew that one. pulled out the sweep though. sorry bout that jordan.
p.s. i liked last night episode.
B. Linus, hurry up and kablamo that 69!
According to Lostpedia, they think the catch-22 is something completely different than what we were thinking, not involving Charlie at all.
"In this episode it refers to the predestination paradox — Desmond only goes on the mission because he sees flashes of him doing so. But the flashes wouldn't have occurred unless he had gone on the mission. So where did the flashes come from?"
good find, colin. now the title of the episode sort of makes sense. that lostpedia is a heck of a site. is it nominated for the Hugo Cup?
dudes. i'm downloading Ralph's Geekscape episode as we type. good stuff. can't wait to see the tattoo, ralph. congrats on your growing celebrity. now, it's time to develop an addiction so you can have a stint in rehab.
That is an interesting idea Colin. I had wondered that myself during the episode. What if Desmond had gone on at night and left Charlie on the beach? What if Charlie hadn't come at all?
If we believe Mrs. Hawking though, the universe would have course corrected and tried to kill Charlie some other way and sent Desmond new flashes and maybe parachute girl to a more beach-friendly location.
My typing sucks at this point, I meant move parachute girl to a more beach-friendly location.
My Name Is Earl was painfully funny tonight.
Great find! I hadn't even thought of that. So basically the whole Desmond story is a big catch-22.
Palmer, I also am downloading the geekscape podcast. I'm pumped for this.
The GEEKSCAPE episode is up.
all the info is on the dharmalars blog
i like the new catch 22 theory. it makes a lot more sense as per memphishes detailed definition.
thats pretty interesting on the whole ichiro front jordan. have they made him an offer yet? if i was g.m. over there in seattle i think i'd try to work out a deal with him up to the deadline, but if he doesn't budge you have to at least see what you could get for him. what could make that interesting is if m's are still in it at that time. i know my twins just swept them, but no ones really running away with that division. if the a's and the angels(sorry ralph) continue to falter, you can't possibly trade ichiro with a division title looming. even if that means you lose him and get nothing in the offseason. that's almost a catch 22 itself.
sorry about the baseball chat every one.
argh! i was totally going to (correctly) call Ralph's tattoo the other day but my boss interrupted me before i posted.
that's a sweet tattoo though.
sweet. i did call the tat in a previous post. just call me desmond.
Haha. Good tattoo, Ralph. I kinda liked that podcast....that guy had some interesting comments about your wife, Ralph.
that guy is WhiteKumar.
i had talked about that whole batcave situation on a previous thread. trust me it is harmless
Casey... I am highly embarassed. I was listening to the game today and was like, at least they can pull 2 out of 3, then I walked away for a second, and then the game was over--but the Jays lost. All I could think was, "I'm never going to live this down on the blogspot" :(
Wesh... "Mixed Tape", a running joke about the lamest gift a guy can give a girl to show how he cares. Usually sappy love songs.
So...perhaps I'm one of the only ones who isn't really bugged by the Kate/Jack/Sawyer/Juliet thing. Although Kate's sorta stupid, I think it's sorta sad seeing that she actually has real feelings for someone but keeps screwing it up. But, as a pretty solid Jater, I like Sawyer more and more very week. The mix tape really sold me. And I LOVE Des and Penny. The ending was so wonderful.
Now then, Memo to Charlie: You should die now. And then go star in "Hobbits the Musical." That would be sweet.
Um...yeah...that should be "more and more EVERY week." I talk nonsense sometimes. I think it's probably the medication. Or the crack.
Brooklyn - that's exactly where I'm at with Jate/Skate as well. And yeah - Dez and Penny rock.
Was just watching it again and a minor detail I noticed was Charlie talking about Superman being able to fly around the world in an instant - referring of course to Superman the Movie where he alters history, like Desmond.
mb, good catch on the superman thing. now, i want Nuclear Man to visit the Island.
/CGI Richard Pryor as Jacob?
For some reason, the Dez and Penny relationship doesn't resonate with me as it seems to with you guys. When I say you guys, I mean you males. You seem to relate well to his character. We girls are in need of a likeable character to relate since we hate Kate now. Having to pause Bluto's podcast to type. Can't concentrate. Just finished the latest of Drive. Pretty good. I'm enthralled.
Very cool, mb.
We guys like the romantic Desmond/Penny true love story.
You ladies like the cheap thrills and the who's-bonking-who aspect of the Sawyer/Kate/Jack/Juliet quadrangle. :p
Interesting point that it seems guys are rooting for Des and Pen and not the other quadrangle.
I think for one that Desmond is liked by guys a lot because his failings seems real. He is (at this point) nothing really more than a good natured, likeable loner....a man who's greatest failings seem to be alcoholism and commitment issues. Many men can relate to that or at least know others just like that. It seems more believable.
This is why I wish he didn't have powers...I think it's unneccessary for his character.
Also, I think the Desmond Penny romance basically makes all the other Island relationships look rather trivial.
Jimmy, you're right on. But I also identify with Desmond because we both have super powers (Captain Cat and his Bulletproof Shorts to the rescue!).
I agree 100% that the Jack/Sawyer/Kate/Juliet/Vincent love scrum is pretty superficial compared to Desmund/Penny (Denny? Penmund?).
Yes, I kind of imagine that if Denny were actually shacked up on the Island they'd be saying "There's so much drama with those stupid wankers down the beach" or such like.
It's my day off today :)
three day weekend? lucky bastard.
catch up on your Benny Hill DVD collection.
burger day. wendy's. you have your mission.
Palmer, I can actually say that I've had fast food only 3 times in the last 10 years! And by that I mean Wendys/Jack/MacD's etc. No, it's toast and vegemite for me :)
Good for you, Jimmy. Fastfood is killing this nation.
The Jater/ Skater thing is too complicated for guys. Desmond & Penny is a simple kind of fantasy where the woman pursues the man. at least that's my explanation...
Jimmy -
I bow to you sir - I'm sure you've heard enough cracks about it, but I do have respect for a man who can down vegemite on a regular basis. I tried it when I was in Australia and I just couldn't do it. Do you eat Marmite too, out of curiosity?
RE: Pesmond (I know Denny sounds smoother - Pesmond has pes/pez in it and I love Pez candy)
For me there's just an elegance to their story that I find really romantic, and the sheer amount of crap Desmond has been through (or put himself through?) makes the prospect of seeing her incredibly moving. The fact that Penny has been looking for him for all this time despite him having left her behind says to me that she knows that he really does love her - that she understands him that well. And the idea that someone would be that committed to and in love with a person is probably what I find most moving.
108 a comin...
And Penny's not an indecisive little twit like the Jakatawyiet debacle. It's not quite a Starpollanderdee level of suck ala BSG but Jakatawyiet is getting a little annoying.
Don't worry, Jimmy. I know fast food isn't good for me. But it's fun and what we do once a week at the office to unwind after an inevitably stressful week. I'd rather go out for Chinese, but I doubt that five pounds of Chinese food from a buffet once a week would be any better for me.
Agreed with tthe Chinese weekly buffett thing.
I fucking love "Jakatawyiet" !
I'll leave it up to the you guys as to how the hell to pronounce it. :)
/could really go for some Indian or Thai food every Friday
oh, and i'll take ownership for jakatawyiet if i can.
jah-kaw-tah-whee-yee-et ?
jah-kaw-tah-whee-ee-et ?
I totally agree with your take on how you view the Pesmond thing. The more and more I think about it, and the more I think of the timeline on the Island, the more totally Dawsons Creek Jakatawyiet seem to me. I'm beginning to lump them into the same category as Carl and Alex.
I'm doing
Ja - Kata - Wayet
"Your on a diet"
jimmy with the kablamo. nice. where're aimee, kim, ben, and ralph though? along with MB, we'd have all six of you on the blogspot today.
Jakatawyiet - love it, gonna use it in Scrabble. Shit that's like 28 points - triple word score that mutherf***er and you can take the game.
I'm here...just got to work, and time to blog!
i'd like to hear the lovely Kim try to radio voice it through Jakatawyiet without messing up. three times fast!
LOL... my mother and I enjoy Marmite. We have it on toast with scrambled eggs. We were in Melborune for my cousin's wedding, and I tried "Vegemite" (sp?) I felt like I was going to vomit.
I simply could care less about the Jack/Juliet/Kate/Sawyer quad--I thought Ana Lucia was going to play more of a factor into that relationship, but she didn't :( Juliet just gives me the creeps.
As for Penny/Desmond, it's a touching story, but I didn't get worked up in the last scene of "Catch 22", like I've been reading. (But then again, I have a heart of ice, and I don't like babies)
Fast Food, I wouldn't touch it in the US... not to say that it's healthier in Canada, but we have higher beef regulations, etc. We didn't get a Taco Bell in my city/town, until it was approved by health officials. On a school trip we stopped at McDonalds, I took a bite and spit it out...eww
I agree with what Jimmy said about why guys can relate to Desmond so easy. Jack isn't easy to relate to as he comes off as a silver spoon privaliged whiny baby, and Sawyer because he comes off as mr. "time to take my shirt off for dramatic effect". Dez is just you normal dude. Scared of commitment, not sure of himself, trying to find his place in the world. Just about any guy can relate to those things.
Has anybody heard the Alec Baldwin voicemail that has been leaked onto the internet? It's of him berating his 12 year old daughter. Pretty funny stuff. What do you want to bet she was the one that put it out there?
Celebs have annoying kids too.
Ja-Kay-Ta-Why-Ette. That's how I'm gonna say it
Jordan - I really shouldn't have listened to that but I did :)
Jordan, that was my first five minutes at work this morning.
"I don't care that you're only 12 - uh... err... 11"
that's a classy dad. only reinforces my dislike for him. any guy who'd allegedly verbally abuse Kim Basinger is allegedly a dipshit in my book.
Kim - I thought perhaps you had taken the Helicopter out for some tricks. Just freak out some t-dot communters.
Are Ben and Ralph recording today - or do they usually lay it down tonight? And RE: Aimee it sounded like her work actually had the temerity to intrude on blogging. What-ever.
Kidding - hope work isn't kicking your ass too bad Aimee.
I don't fly the helicopter, so I can't freak out people on the 401, and I'm sure I'd get fired if I suggest it.
The 'Lars record Friday nights, usually when I come home (around 2-3am), their cast is just being uploading onto iTunes! Their podcast is on the one one I wait for each week!
Palmer, I'm not going to cast judgement on Alec Baldwin. I've had 12 year old sisters and I know what they can be like. lol.
Actually it's quite interesting. While 12 or 11 years old sounds fairly young, I was reading an article somwhere about how kids are cultivating teenage characteristics and qualities at much younger ages nowadays. I think they call them tweens or something silly like that. The article basically said that young kids today are growing up faster due to technology and entertainment.
Alec, Alec...(sigh)... all that money and not enough for anger mgmt.? Or a cell phone?!? How hard is it to get to a phone?
Kim, do you always work in the chopper? Or are you sometimes in a studio? And btw, does the radio station you work for stream online? I'm sure a few of us here would put up with some random TDot whatever to listen to you in action.
jordan, i'll pass enough judgement on Alec Baldwin for both of us then. :)
I will admit that the part when he said she didn't have the brains for something was pretty low class. It's just I've known some pretty mouthy punk young kids and can just imagine this little spoiled rich girl totally asking for it. But maybe Baldwin is just an ass.
Reading all this stuff about Desmond and Penny is pretty funny. It seems that just on the whole that the guys on here are more accepting and kind hearted. You ladies are just cold. Burrrr! lol.
Kids are growing too fast because of all the hormornes injected into food (re: Fast Food, etc)
Organic foods all the way!
What are you guys in the mood for? News/Talk? Country? Alt-Rock? (Hamilton) (Toronto) (Toronto/Hamilton)
I'm in the air from 4-7 (2-4 I report from my desk :( BORING)
That's 4:00-7:00pm EST (right now it's 2:50pm
Just heard ya Kimberly on the talk radio station. Excellent work. How come you sound like you are on the other end of a tin can though? Do they have you in the underground traffic hatch?
I report from the airport hangar until we fly--they want to make the sound consistant, like I'm in the air the entire shift
how often are the traffic updates, kim?
now they're all recorded, so they air them when they have time, 4-7pm every 10 minutes on the 9s ;)
on the News/Talk station
kim, you do realize that this will only lead to us trying to convince you to use code words during your broadcasts... :) don't listen to us, buddy!!!!
I was thinking the same thing Palmer. hahaha.
lol...I've done that before for my friends. I'll use their names as the cross streets for in town collisions HAHA!
huzzah!! i've now heard kim on the radio. i have no idea why that's so cool but it definitely made my day. congrats on being so cool, kim.
"there's a 4 car pile-up on the corner of 8th and 15th. police expect traffic trouble for the next 16 to 23 minutes... 42, bitches!!!!"
Kimberly, If you are somehow able to sneek in a seemless "kablammo" or "razzle dazzle" I'd crap my pants. hahaha.
Jimmy, I'm so glad you had time to waste with us today.
Alec Baldwin is pithetic if that's how he deals with his child.
Kimberley, I'm bookmarking this station to hear you at a later date.
steph, right on about alec baldwin. i think i'm predisposed to disliking the guy but yelling at your 11 year old daughter on the phone and calling her "a pig" and whatnot is refreakindonculous. he should be trying to guilt trip her into submission. ;)
Just heard Kim (up in the copter I assume)! Sweet! She did a Scott's Turf Builder ad read at the end - and she sold me - I'll be right back. Gotta go buy some.
Kimberly just did a kick ass ad for the Honda Civic (at!!). That was sweet to hear her.
Good job, Kim! You got those street names down!
Naveen Andrews on Tavis Smiley. He signed on only because it's a Tarantino Film even though he thinks these movies are "abysmal"? What a prostitute! Palmer, can you articulate better what I'm trying to say?
Heya, peeps! just wanted to throw out a crackpot theory before i go to sleep. It might've been theorized before; havent been following the lost theory scene closely.
Jacob is Shannon's dad. We might soon see a backstory with a scary accident at the end (like that car at the crossroad in Alias). So this means Jacob's dead. I'm assuming Ben is the only one who alledgedly contacts Jacob and passes down his orders. So the others might've seen Jacob in the past, so they know he exists, but at some point he became an invisible player, moving his pawns around from high above.
Only now he's dead, and Ben is manipulating everyone and using his Jacob card as a trump.
Can't wait to see the reaction of the losties that parachute girl. Someone from the real world. That should be awesome. LOL, no one will prolly ask any relevant questions :p Come one Wednesday allready!
Thx for the birthday wishes kim and aimee! *kiss/hugzzz*
I am subscribed to the theory Jacob doesn't exist. However I do like yours, Wesh, that Jacob DID exist at one time but is now dead.
Steph, are you saying that "Naveen Andrews compromised his artistic integrity when he made a film he considered abysmal just so he could work with a popular director in a film widely expected to be highly successful?"
I see where you're coming from but on some level it's pretty funny that he admits it. "yeah, it's a crap movie but i like money and fame."
Hi Wesh (sleep tight)!
I like the idea that Jacob might be dead. Ben seems desperate to me (for all his scheming and manipulation) and this would explain where some of that is coming from.
I'm not sure about it being Shannon's dad - only because a can't remember any connections or other clues that would point to that. But who knows all that's to come b4 the end of the season (and beyond).
Exactly, p.
I think Jacob exists. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's something goofy like a computer or a bird or something. Wouldn't it be funny if it was like the South Park where the kids found out that the writers of Family Guy were a bunch of manatees? Maybe Jacob is a manatee?
True that. And yeah, I agree it's a stretch for Jacob to be Shannon's father, but I just went with that, cause he's a character that only popped up in the story for a second. We havent got anything invested in him, so maybe it would be surprising if he did pop up in some story line.
Or not :)
Either way, I really want to be blown away by the final, so I'd be happy if whatever they come up with hasn't been mentioned in any theory :) Granted that they come up with something amazing. If it's some lame cop out they come up with, that wouldn't be quite as cool, i guess :)
Night night (for realz this time ^__-)
rofl jordan! That'd be funny as hell indeed :D
Hey, maybe the cable going into the sea, is like a tube feeding Jacob the Manatee?
I suspect Jacob will be alive and be a real actor but they'll have to provide a big twist with it. Maybe he is an incarnation of Ben's split personality. or he's 800 years old - that sounds so lame now I read it.
If you saw Ralphy boy on that geek show, you'll know what this is. lol.
Weng Weng
It's 4:20, on 4/20. Am I required to smoke right now?
(inhales).....(in held-breath voice:) sweet dude!
i watched rolph on geekscape. good job big guy. you held you own own. but it was kinda hard to watch. the other guy was hella annoying. i could tell roplh was annoyed much of the time. at least it seemed that way. the dude seemed either drunk or stoned or something. whats up with him calling rolph bluto? ps - homeboy got some white arms.
Happy 420 day to all those who celebrate it.
Can we petition somewhere for a very special Myokom w/SAS episode (Craig/Ryan A. Howard) fror the finale?
That would indeed be awesome. Craig? you reading this perchance?
the girlfriend is making me do yardwork this morning. i'm going to need some extra strength Dharmalars to get through it.
i wonder if Rolph and Boner will weigh in on the Jakatawyiet vs. Pesmond controversy.
/Pesmond all the way. eat it, Jakatawyiet!
"this morning?" well, i suppose so since it's technically tomorrow on the East Coast. but i meant to write "this weekend." i'm almost sure of it.
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