from the last thread in response to holli's last post:
"methinks george and his pals were subjected to radio waves all day in the communication area and then snuck off and got rebuffed by the MagicalBarrier(tm) around the Island. which caused them to go FruitLoops."
although why would their antennae be in the actual radio room instead of on top of the ship or something. could you turn the hull of a metal ship into one big ass antenna?
anyhow, i'll blame Minkowski's irradiatedness on... bad wiring in the control room. uber high EMF is bad for you.
I'm still not sure I buy it Palmer. How much radio/electro blah blah stuff could there be and why wouldn't Frank have been exposed to just as much or Sayid either just from being on this freaky electromagnetic Island?
And it still doesn't explain getting in and out of the barrier unless everyone on the boat knows, just head for the storm cloud. Which could be.
Holli P.S. Can you tell I'm getting tired of the science stuff.
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor's wife, not a scientist.
Steph - not sure about radiation but my non-physicist brain has heard of gravity and how it affects the perceived passage of time
After a little digging on Wikipedia, I found Gravitational time dilation. Can't explain it - don't have the smarts. But it sounds like a big magnet could affect the passage of time (assuming a big magnet causes a gravitational field - which I can't back up :P )
I just thought of something ... could the time crazies be why Bearded Jack thinks that Christian is still alive?
I also noticed that Dez really seemed to be quantum leaping foward in time, not backward ... the whole time, he tought that he was 1994 Desmond, not 2004.
i think the reason frank and sayid didn't get exposed to the time travel stuff was because desmond was the only one to get exposed to the fail safe. i dont know if the effects are still lingering, but that was only a month or less ago island time. the radiation explains dan, but minkowski is a mystery.
Yeah, I think that the hatch primed Dez to be susceptible. But, maybe if you don't go on the right bearing, then you get it whether or not you had been exposed to radiation/EM.
I think that Jack told them that Dez hadn't been exposed because he didn't want to let them know about the hatch.
I don't think Jack knew Desmond was exposed to massive electromagnetism from the Hatch. He wasn't there for 2 weeks. Once he got back no one would talk to him but Kate and other than Charlie who got a little bit of explanation from Desmond I don't think any of them had a clue what happened.
I've been wondering since Ep 4.1 if Jack's been seeing Christian back in the "real" world and saw someone suggest today maybe Kate will start seeing Claire. That's some good creepy fun. Bet the devil child will see her first though.
I posted this on the previous thread: Ok, so Desmond went a little crazy because he was at ground zero when the swan station blew up. Maybe anyone close to the beach at the time are affected too. Of the people that we know are the Oceanic 6, they were all on the other side of the island. Jack, Kate and Hurley were at the dock, and Sayid was on a boat on the other side. Maybe it is too risky to bring anyone else off the island for they might go crazy/time jump.
The only thing I can think of for Aaron is at the time on the island, he's only 2-3 months old. His young self won't know what's going on and won't remember, but it would be a trip for his older self for sure.
Brennan, I like your idea about the 6 being the people across the Island. I guess Aaron is the wild card in all that.
I'm hearing from the general masses, read people who don't hang out on LOST blogs, that this episode was not their favorite. My response -- are you freakin' idiots? So this might be the episode that finally separates the wheat from the chaff.
Brennan, I think that is a great theory. If no one who was on the beach when the hatch exploded can leave, that explains why only 6 people leave. I think that perhaps because Aaron is so young it is safe to take him through the barrier now but it would become dangerous as he got older.
Maybe it's safe for him to leave now because he is so young that he doesn't have a clear conception of time yet? If he doesn't understand the concepts of future and past, his consiousness can't jump around. But once he does understand time he will be in just as much danger as everyone else.
If Aaron being so young makes him an exception to the general rule, then your theory provides an explaination for why Kate has Aaron. It is not safe for Claire to leave the island and it is not safe for Aaron to stay on the island. Claire would want to keep Aaron safe more than anything. If she couldn't do it herself then she would give him to someone who could.
That's an explaination for why Kate has Aaron that I could believe. Claire gave Aaron to Kate because she was stuck on the island and it was a bad place for him to be.
Since my kid is now obsessed with Conan thanks to ralph-'s gliding cougar and because I love Will Arnett's receding hairline, I'm watching the two discuss a Arrested Development movie from a show from last week. He says they are in talks.
To many frickin big words sorry for the butchery all.
Robin I'd say aaron is not safe since a rat has connsesness. My guess he has somethin upstaires to mess with during the travel.
Memphish on the last blog you were talkin about Menkowski and his bud. And why they got screwed up and not Sayid and Frank. maybe coming through one way is more dangerouse then the other way I.E coming and going? I really beleive turning the fail safe is why desmond is the only one with these problems.. I don't see Locke having any flashes ect.
MB the person was write Lost is way too dramatic I'm done with lost..Look out Desperate House wives blogs here comes a soon to be drunk rabbit with bad spelling and a foot in his mouth.heheh.
But realy I'm kinda done tryin to figure all this crazy shit out! I'm now going to try to make the jump to being a SHIPER.
Sooo what do you all think will Kate ever hook up with desmond? Or could Hurley and Claire get some I'm sad over Charlie Lovin on? Can't wait to see who hooks up next week. I hope it's Rose and Dan with the whole I'm Bernard and I'm angry I'll get you back Rose and get some..hmmm Danielle Lovin (its been awhile for her so Bernie should fit the bill!
O h New Bear Thanks Palmer. Bear in a basket what will they think of next a bear in a Dessert oya they got that one How about a bear in the Jungle..No wait they got that one too..Hmm
That's a neat idea that you have to have been a certain distance from the hatch to get off the island. But that leaves more than 2 possibilities left: Sun, Jin, Sawyer, Mike, Walt. You could also throw Juliet in as a wildcard, too (although obviously she can't be 'Oceanic Six'). It doesn't address why Ben has Sayid going around hunting down folks to protect whomever is left on the island. Either way, it sure does beat the theory that I was trying to explain to my wife last night after a few glasses of wine that maybe one of the requirements to time travel was that you have to have a beard (Dez, Daniel, Crazy Bearded Jack). This morning I remembered that Minkowski only had some stubble, so that theory is blown out of the water.
Its funny how things change come the Morning.. I think the best lost podcasts are the ones that digest the material before talkin about it. I guess thats why J+J do the midweek show that and the fact that they get so meny calls.. Since I'm on the calls last week i was shure I herd acaller say that Kate had a babbie girl? Any one else pick that up? It gave me a chuckle either way..I thought I was wrong cause Jack would surly pick that up! The Anon. above should be glad The Dharmalars wait a bit I know Im glad:) that goes for T.L.I. also those gals rock Jizz Island lol meny times..
Anon do you have a name? no o.k Anon. did you know polar Bears in captivity wil grow Algey on there fur(being in warmer climates not good) Next time your at the zoo ask the polar bear guy Why the fur is whit he'll respond Bleach baths:(
If you haven't seen it yet, put Gone Baby Gone at the top of your Netflix queue. Absolutely incredible film. And it was directed by Ben Afleck ... who knew that behind the shitty actor was an incredible director?
This one kinda goes with Palmers Bear postkick him in the nards Anon chill out it'll be here when it gets here go read up more on polar bears while you wait thats what I do!
I have been away since Friday, but now I'm back - and actually, I'm kinda glad I'm not behind on the Dharmalars :D
Anyway - people who got and enjoyed the Leah Brahms reference last week (was that Palmer? Trevor?) will probably also have found The Constant reminding them of Another TNG Episode...
So I was bored and started watching old lost. I started with Flashes..duhh.. Nothin there for me at least Desmond traveled in his head and all:) Then the first ep. on the disk was The Cost Of Living so I'm half way through when the "whole should'nt every one who was in the hatch at implosion be affected?"theroy popped in my head. That brought me to Echo's earl exit in the show, and the Cusaloff "we got are plan and were stickin to it "
It seems posably that he may be jumpin between himself in time but I'm half way through so will see?
Alright he just chopped some people up! He comes out of the church and he really looks confused ?maybe he thought he was on an island? Im At the end an I'd say it could go either way if they revisit Echo I think they left a bunch of ways back in the story all though I doubt they're going to. In conclusion I don't think any one other then Desmond was affected the way des was IE Locke ect ect The magnet close range seeems important but as I was watchin T C O L i thought of the theory and wanted to put my to cents in..It s Possable They were Affected By it more then we know...
Wow we don't know what Echo said to Locke? Very interesting given are current events( Iwanted to use curcumstance (SP) all wrong.) I never remebered or may have not noticed that his final word were to Locke and ......LOST (later dudes)
Heres a crazy thought we know they were dragin there feet through out the serious Is it possable that Nikki and Pablo should have been the entrence origanly for Dan and Charlotte?hmmmm
anonymous, ralph- has a blurb up about the episode on MySpace. a MySpace bulletin or whatnot. anyhow, if i remember correctly, the episode is "in the can" and we have to be patient. not sure why. he also recommended The Transmission and Jay and Jack to tide us over while we wait for it to be posted.
maybe there's a technical glitch with the feed? maybe they just want to make us sweat? dunno.
Chris - NICE pull on the TNG comparison to "All Good Things..." - I would say that Cuselof almost plagarized but it has been used in other places (i.e. Quantum Leap - sort of)
Anyone else having trouble downloading the latest Offical Lost Podcast?
I wouldn't call it a steal - just the way Desmond gets acquainted with the phenomenon and manages to begin to take it in his stride reminded me of it.
Although, frankly, Picard got much more into the swing of it, managing to twist sentences he uttered while flipping from one time line to the next so that they made sense to those around him.
the show has been "done" since friday night, including my Lost Score segment. I was planning on putting it up saturday morning, with something special on it, but have not received the "something special" email yet. it isnt even a super fantastic big deal, but it is specific to this episode, so i am just kickin' it arrives.
i could post it now, but i was sort of looking forward to this new addition to the show!
If anyone else has listened to the OLP yet, did you think it strange that Damon and Carlton kept saying Desmond was flipping between 1994 and 2004 (not 1996 and 2004)? I chalked it up to a mistake the first time, but it happened at least 3 times and they even said that it was a 10 year difference. Probably still a mistake, but they're both such uber nerds that I didn't think they would screw up major dates.
- jonlytle - johnny lytle is my favorite vibes player so points for that.
- haven't been able to download the Official Lost Podcast at home or at work, don't know why.
- listening to the Jay & Jack podcast right now and a bit of their discussion has inspired my own crack pot(pipe) theory. * they raised the idea that the vaccine that Desmond was injecting himself with at the Swan Station could have been preventing him from coming unstuck in time, maybe as simply as being an anti-radiation vaccine. * My crazy theory, which i like but don't actually buy into 100% is that all of the flashbacks on the island are in fact the Losties' consciousness coming unstuck in time, travelling back to 1994 or whenever. * The flashes start mildly, like daydreams, which is why Desmond had a few regular flashbacks, and the other Losties aren't as addled by theirs. * the dead people show up because there are traces of their consciouses still lingering on the island & in their dead bodies like Christian. * the smoke munster can possess consciousnesses, especially the weak ones like those of the dead folk. * Jacob is a consciousness unstuck from time. His body may have been destroyed, like Johann from the comic B.P.R.D. (and in the upcoming Hellboy 2 movie) who was a medium whose body was destroyed while he was out-of-body during a seance.
My theory is that Desmond will continue to time travel as the show goes on, and that he'll actually master the ability by the time the show comes towards the end. He'll actively travel back to meet Jack at the stadium, to have that conversation with him about Sarah. It's that conversation that really allows Jack to believe in and ultimately form his relationship with Sarah, a relationship that ends badly. That bad ending may also be the ultimate catalyst of Jack's falling out with Christian, and in the long run what eventually causes Christian to flee to Australia, where he dies. His death brings Jack to Australia, where he gets on Flight 815 and crash-lands on the island, where he does.......... I don't know what, but whatever it is, Desmond jumps back in time to make sure that he gets there to do it.
I f Desmond is time travler extrodinaire, He very well could have been at that swimming poll in Greatest Hits? Or it could just be the crack pipe theroy in all of us.
I thought that anon was a little to bold for your run of the mill drop in. Any more Bear thoughts Ralph?
from the last thread in response to holli's last post:
"methinks george and his pals were subjected to radio waves all day in the communication area and then snuck off and got rebuffed by the MagicalBarrier(tm) around the Island. which caused them to go FruitLoops."
although why would their antennae be in the actual radio room instead of on top of the ship or something. could you turn the hull of a metal ship into one big ass antenna?
anyhow, i'll blame Minkowski's irradiatedness on... bad wiring in the control room. uber high EMF is bad for you.
I'm still not sure I buy it Palmer. How much radio/electro blah blah stuff could there be and why wouldn't Frank have been exposed to just as much or Sayid either just from being on this freaky electromagnetic Island?
And it still doesn't explain getting in and out of the barrier unless everyone on the boat knows, just head for the storm cloud. Which could be.
P.S. Can you tell I'm getting tired of the science stuff.
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor's wife, not a scientist.
Jordan, will you be my constant?
ok, then, new theory:
Johnny 5 leaks radiation like a sieve.
I know nothig about physics but why either radiation or magnets? Why not something else? Why only those two things?
because Electro-magnetism and Radiation sound cool.
electro-magnetic cuteness overload!
new baby polar bear!
in a basket!!!
i go away for a while and come back to:
1. a new thread
2. to realize that i'm a "butt futer" ??
i need to leave the blogspot unattended.
Steph - not sure about radiation but my non-physicist brain has heard of gravity and how it affects the perceived passage of time
After a little digging on Wikipedia, I found Gravitational time dilation. Can't explain it - don't have the smarts. But it sounds like a big magnet could affect the passage of time (assuming a big magnet causes a gravitational field - which I can't back up :P )
mb, this will answer all your questions
I just thought of something ... could the time crazies be why Bearded Jack thinks that Christian is still alive?
I also noticed that Dez really seemed to be quantum leaping foward in time, not backward ... the whole time, he tought that he was 1994 Desmond, not 2004.
lol Palmer
Good point trev - and Minkowski seemed to be leaping backward. I wonder if it's random or not.
i think the reason frank and sayid didn't get exposed to the time travel stuff was because desmond was the only one to get exposed to the fail safe. i dont know if the effects are still lingering, but that was only a month or less ago island time. the radiation explains dan, but minkowski is a mystery.
Yeah, I think that the hatch primed Dez to be susceptible. But, maybe if you don't go on the right bearing, then you get it whether or not you had been exposed to radiation/EM.
I think that Jack told them that Dez hadn't been exposed because he didn't want to let them know about the hatch.
good call on that one trevor. I've been pondering that conundrum myself.
But since they seem to know everything, they prolly know about the hatches too
but just because they know the hatches are there, doesn't mean they know that one of them blew up.
I don't think Jack knew Desmond was exposed to massive electromagnetism from the Hatch. He wasn't there for 2 weeks. Once he got back no one would talk to him but Kate and other than Charlie who got a little bit of explanation from Desmond I don't think any of them had a clue what happened.
I've been wondering since Ep 4.1 if Jack's been seeing Christian back in the "real" world and saw someone suggest today maybe Kate will start seeing Claire. That's some good creepy fun. Bet the devil child will see her first though.
So, are we thinking that the freighter IS penny's boat, but they are just keeping her in the dark for whatever reason?
There are people out there who think Lost is getting TOO dramatic?!? That's a new one.
Henry Ian Cusick was quite magnificent.
This episode reminded me of watching Lost for the first time.
I posted this on the previous thread:
Ok, so Desmond went a little crazy because he was at ground zero when the swan station blew up. Maybe anyone close to the beach at the time are affected too. Of the people that we know are the Oceanic 6, they were all on the other side of the island. Jack, Kate and Hurley were at the dock, and Sayid was on a boat on the other side. Maybe it is too risky to bring anyone else off the island for they might go crazy/time jump.
The only thing I can think of for Aaron is at the time on the island, he's only 2-3 months old. His young self won't know what's going on and won't remember, but it would be a trip for his older self for sure.
mb,Greg is an idiot. And you and Mac are hilarious.
Maybe Claire's demise will be because she doesn't have a constant.
Thanks Steph! :)
(...should I make the check out to you or just "cash"? ;)
Brennan, I like your idea about the 6 being the people across the Island. I guess Aaron is the wild card in all that.
I'm hearing from the general masses, read people who don't hang out on LOST blogs, that this episode was not their favorite. My response -- are you freakin' idiots? So this might be the episode that finally separates the wheat from the chaff.
Greg is clearly a douche and should go back to watching his very special episodes of Blossom, or I guess in his case, his not very special episodes.
Brennan, I think that is a great theory. If no one who was on the beach when the hatch exploded can leave, that explains why only 6 people leave. I think that perhaps because Aaron is so young it is safe to take him through the barrier now but it would become dangerous as he got older.
Maybe it's safe for him to leave now because he is so young that he doesn't have a clear conception of time yet? If he doesn't understand the concepts of future and past, his consiousness can't jump around. But once he does understand time he will be in just as much danger as everyone else.
If Aaron being so young makes him an exception to the general rule, then your theory provides an explaination for why Kate has Aaron. It is not safe for Claire to leave the island and it is not safe for Aaron to stay on the island. Claire would want to keep Aaron safe more than anything. If she couldn't do it herself then she would give him to someone who could.
That's an explaination for why Kate has Aaron that I could believe. Claire gave Aaron to Kate because she was stuck on the island and it was a bad place for him to be.
I really like your theory.
That makes sense. But for some reason I really have my heart set on Claire dying.
Since my kid is now obsessed with Conan thanks to ralph-'s gliding cougar and because I love Will Arnett's receding hairline, I'm watching the two discuss a Arrested Development movie from a show from last week. He says they are in talks.
To many frickin big words sorry for the butchery all.
Robin I'd say aaron is not safe since a rat has connsesness. My guess he has somethin upstaires to mess with during the travel.
Memphish on the last blog you were talkin about Menkowski and his bud. And why they got screwed up and not Sayid and Frank.
maybe coming through one way is more dangerouse then the other way I.E coming and going?
I really beleive turning the fail safe is why desmond is the only one with these problems.. I don't see Locke having any flashes ect.
MB the person was write Lost is way too dramatic I'm done with lost..Look out Desperate House wives blogs here comes a soon to be drunk rabbit with bad spelling and a foot in his mouth.heheh.
But realy I'm kinda done tryin to figure all this crazy shit out! I'm now going to try to make the jump to being a SHIPER.
Sooo what do you all think will Kate ever hook up with desmond? Or could Hurley and Claire get some I'm sad over Charlie Lovin on? Can't wait to see who hooks up next week. I hope it's Rose and Dan with the whole I'm Bernard and I'm angry I'll get you back Rose and get some..hmmm Danielle Lovin (its been awhile for her so Bernie should fit the bill!
O h New Bear Thanks Palmer.
Bear in a basket what will they think of next a bear in a Dessert
oya they got that one
How about a bear in the Jungle..No wait they got that one too..Hmm
That's a neat idea that you have to have been a certain distance from the hatch to get off the island. But that leaves more than 2 possibilities left: Sun, Jin, Sawyer, Mike, Walt. You could also throw Juliet in as a wildcard, too (although obviously she can't be 'Oceanic Six'). It doesn't address why Ben has Sayid going around hunting down folks to protect whomever is left on the island. Either way, it sure does beat the theory that I was trying to explain to my wife last night after a few glasses of wine that maybe one of the requirements to time travel was that you have to have a beard (Dez, Daniel, Crazy Bearded Jack). This morning I remembered that Minkowski only had some stubble, so that theory is blown out of the water.
Don't feel bad I'm stickin too a White Fur theroy.
And I'm not sure if you were replyin to me if so I think I worded my thoughts wrong?
Its funny how things change come the Morning..
I think the best lost podcasts are the ones that digest the material before talkin about it. I guess thats why J+J do the midweek show that and the fact that they get so meny calls.. Since I'm on the calls last week i was shure I herd acaller say that Kate had a babbie girl? Any one else pick that up? It gave me a chuckle either way..I thought I was wrong cause Jack would surly pick that up!
The Anon. above should be glad The Dharmalars wait a bit I know Im glad:) that goes for T.L.I. also those gals rock Jizz Island lol meny times..
Still no Dharmalars? Issues?
and the set-up
Did you know that polar bears fur is not white? It is actually translucent.
where is the new darmalars show? wtf?
Polar bear's skin is black underneath the fur, to hold in heat.
"Black bears weigh between two and five hundred pounds. Brown bears weigh between three hundred and over one thousand pounds. Black bears run from you. Brown bears run at you."
Stephen Colbert HATES bears! They know why.
no dharmalars?
Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
King of Kong has been added to the Watch Instantly part of Netflix.
Anon do you have a name?
no o.k Anon. did you know polar Bears in captivity wil grow Algey on there fur(being in warmer climates not good)
Next time your at the zoo ask the polar bear guy Why the fur is whit he'll respond Bleach baths:(
If you haven't seen it yet, put Gone Baby Gone at the top of your Netflix queue. Absolutely incredible film. And it was directed by Ben Afleck ... who knew that behind the shitty actor was an incredible director?
what's the hold up, dharmalames?!
This one kinda goes with Palmers Bear postkick him in the nards
Anon chill out it'll be here when it gets here go read up more on polar bears while you wait thats what I do!
Gone Baby Gone is good, Trev. Stick The Assassination of Jesse James in your queue. And also After the Wedding if you don't mind reading your movies.
I have been away since Friday, but now I'm back - and actually, I'm kinda glad I'm not behind on the Dharmalars :D
Anyway - people who got and enjoyed the Leah Brahms reference last week (was that Palmer? Trevor?) will probably also have found The Constant reminding them of Another TNG Episode...
"Into the anomaly!"
So I was bored and started watching old lost. I started with Flashes..duhh.. Nothin there for me at least Desmond traveled in his head and all:)
Then the first ep. on the disk was The Cost Of Living so I'm half way through when the "whole should'nt every one who was in the hatch at implosion be affected?"theroy popped in my head.
That brought me to Echo's earl exit in the show, and the Cusaloff "we got are plan and were stickin to it "
It seems posably that he may be jumpin between himself in time but I'm half way through so will see?
Alright he just chopped some people up! He comes out of the church and he really looks confused ?maybe he thought he was on an island?
Im At the end an I'd say it could go either way if they revisit Echo I think they left a bunch of ways back in the story all though I doubt they're going to.
In conclusion I don't think any one other then Desmond was affected the way des was IE Locke ect ect The magnet close range seeems important but as I was watchin T C O L i thought of the theory and wanted to put my to cents in..It s Possable They were Affected By it more then we know...
Wow we don't know what Echo said to Locke? Very interesting given are current events( Iwanted to use curcumstance (SP) all wrong.) I never remebered or may have not noticed that his final word were to Locke and ......LOST (later dudes)
Heres a crazy thought we know they were dragin there feet through out the serious Is it possable that Nikki and Pablo should have been the entrence origanly for Dan and Charlotte?hmmmm
chris, i have to step up and save trevor from a nerd label. that was me who threw out the TNG reference.
she's been on DS9, 24, and the new Knight Rider movie too.
does anyone on the blog know if the dharmalars are putting up a show this week?
I saw Gibney in Knight Rider. That was half good.
I don't know about Dharmalars - I certainly was expecting one, but I guess we'll wait and see what happens.
Doesn't Ralph have a wedding to attend soon? Could that have affected the show this week?
Hey no worries - let's just hang back and chill.
anonymous, ralph- has a blurb up about the episode on MySpace. a MySpace bulletin or whatnot. anyhow, if i remember correctly, the episode is "in the can" and we have to be patient. not sure why. he also recommended The Transmission and Jay and Jack to tide us over while we wait for it to be posted.
maybe there's a technical glitch with the feed? maybe they just want to make us sweat? dunno.
Chris - NICE pull on the TNG comparison to "All Good Things..." - I would say that Cuselof almost plagarized but it has been used in other places (i.e. Quantum Leap - sort of)
Anyone else having trouble downloading the latest Offical Lost Podcast?
I wouldn't call it a steal - just the way Desmond gets acquainted with the phenomenon and manages to begin to take it in his stride reminded me of it.
Although, frankly, Picard got much more into the swing of it, managing to twist sentences he uttered while flipping from one time line to the next so that they made sense to those around him.
MB, I haven't been able to get the OLP to download into iTunes either. You can listen to it while at, but that does limit your mobility.
jay and jack and the transmission? what is this, 2005?
Pretend it's a flashback.
pretend i am not Ralph this whole time!
I think signing a post As Ralph back there, complete with trademark hyphen may have given it away.
So, Ralph - what gives? :D
the show has been "done" since friday night, including my Lost Score segment. I was planning on putting it up saturday morning, with something special on it, but have not received the "something special" email yet. it isnt even a super fantastic big deal, but it is specific to this episode, so i am just kickin' it arrives.
i could post it now, but i was sort of looking forward to this new addition to the show!
If anyone else has listened to the OLP yet, did you think it strange that Damon and Carlton kept saying Desmond was flipping between 1994 and 2004 (not 1996 and 2004)? I chalked it up to a mistake the first time, but it happened at least 3 times and they even said that it was a 10 year difference. Probably still a mistake, but they're both such uber nerds that I didn't think they would screw up major dates.
- jonlytle - johnny lytle is my favorite vibes player so points for that.
- haven't been able to download the Official Lost Podcast at home or at work, don't know why.
- listening to the Jay & Jack podcast right now and a bit of their discussion has inspired my own crack pot(pipe) theory.
* they raised the idea that the vaccine that Desmond was injecting himself with at the Swan Station could have been preventing him from coming unstuck in time, maybe as simply as being an anti-radiation vaccine.
* My crazy theory, which i like but don't actually buy into 100% is that all of the flashbacks on the island are in fact the Losties' consciousness coming unstuck in time, travelling back to 1994 or whenever.
* The flashes start mildly, like daydreams, which is why Desmond had a few regular flashbacks, and the other Losties aren't as addled by theirs.
* the dead people show up because there are traces of their consciouses still lingering on the island & in their dead bodies like Christian.
* the smoke munster can possess consciousnesses, especially the weak ones like those of the dead folk.
* Jacob is a consciousness unstuck from time. His body may have been destroyed, like Johann from the comic B.P.R.D. (and in the upcoming Hellboy 2 movie) who was a medium whose body was destroyed while he was out-of-body during a seance.
- looking forward to the anonylars podcast.
Andrew, your flashback theory is awesome.
My theory is that Desmond will continue to time travel as the show goes on, and that he'll actually master the ability by the time the show comes towards the end. He'll actively travel back to meet Jack at the stadium, to have that conversation with him about Sarah. It's that conversation that really allows Jack to believe in and ultimately form his relationship with Sarah, a relationship that ends badly. That bad ending may also be the ultimate catalyst of Jack's falling out with Christian, and in the long run what eventually causes Christian to flee to Australia, where he dies. His death brings Jack to Australia, where he gets on Flight 815 and crash-lands on the island, where he does.......... I don't know what, but whatever it is, Desmond jumps back in time to make sure that he gets there to do it.
I f Desmond is time travler extrodinaire, He very well could have been at that swimming poll in Greatest Hits? Or it could just be the crack pipe theroy in all of us.
I thought that anon was a little to bold for your run of the mill drop in. Any more Bear thoughts Ralph?
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