
MB and Mac don't have a ton of spoilers this week, but 4 clips from the upcoming episode "Eggtown", and a couple of new nuggets to chew on (of what - you can be the judge). As Kim says - enjoy responsibly!
Keep looking forward!
The feed: http://www.switchpod.com/users/mimms515/feed.xml
or CLICK here to download
Lindeluse discribed this week's episode as "killer". Will someone die or were their words not actually cryptic?
I think it's about time someone died. I really thought they were going to kill Sayid in the Flash Forward last week, and was kind of disappointed when they didn't go there -- yet.
I've stuck up some polls over on my blog about The Economist. Come by and vote.
Dark Knight toys.
Eko died in episode 5. Shannon died in episode 6 of season 2, I think. So, I think it's about time to lose someone. I have my fingers crossed for Claire.
But who will feed the bay-bee? But it works with my theory that the HIM Kate has to get back to is Aaron.
AI, anyone? I like the guy with the .
I've been watching AI, very randomly, so randomly that in fact I've only caught one full "performance", which was this girl. So that's the one I'm gonna root for, because she's the only one I've actually seen.
Steph, that guy has an interesting look. I could see him making something of himself with a look like that.
Do me! Do me!
redrabbitblue, do you work with boxes really?
RRB- Sorry to disappoint but I don't pack heat. I must be one of those Texans that doesn't fit the "Texan" mold, as in, I don't have a southern accent, don't always carry a gun and don't ride a horse to work.
I don't think you have to "claim" to be a graphic designer to know how to put a picture on your profile. Especially since you already have one on there.
"Do me! Do me!"
that's what she said!
/yes she really did say it.
In honor of tonight's America's Next Top model... it's name generator time!
All I could find was this male model name generator. I think it'll be fun, nonetheless.
~Allegro Camille
oh ok, i thought you meant, you couldn't get a picture on here.
log in, click on your profile, then go to modify profile and you can change it there.
and Steph..night night..
Wait, I want to getin on that pet peeve conversation from yesterday.
My fan pet peeve: using Desmond's time travel to explain inconsistencies in the show. For example ... Charlie can swim at the end of season 3, but said that he couldn't before? Desmond must have changed something. Rose and Bernard aren't around during S3, and N/P are? Desmond must have dome something and N/P wound up on the plane instead. It's a TV show, it's gonna evolve in ways that the writers don't expect, or they're gonna make mistakes sometimes. Big deal.
Also, the fans that bitch and moan because Jorge's still overweight. Again, it's a TV show. And let's be honest, it's not really supposed to be a realistic drama about a bunch of people crashed onto a deserted island. It's about people on an island where there's all sorts of goofy shit going on. Suspend your disbelief and enjoy the ride.
First time checking out this blog. Having a hard time following. ???
It's not usually this hard to follow.
once the drunk people pass out, it's actually pretty easy to follow.
LOL...right on, Ally. Right on.
trevor, right the fuck on about Desi's time travels being an excuse for Charlie's swimming. agree just about exactly.
the one time travel episode was pretty fun though. if only he had a hologram who only he could see and hear.
/desmond leap
I prefer the Desmond's time travel explanation for Charlie's swimming to the "I forgot I could swim because I do drugs" explanation, or the more likely "damn it, I forgot that line from 3 years ago, f'in fans" explanation. But overall, I agree that time travel opens up a giant can of worms that give them a big lazy out as does the magical ghost whispery stuff.
My model name: Brendan Horatio.
I hate people who podcast just as an excuse to complain about the show.
Palmer, look what you started! The gloves are off!! ;)
btw...my pet peeve with LOST is Claire.
That's it. Claire.
I don't like those live podcasts where the same 5 people call in and say, over and over again, "Can you hear me?" "Are you there?" "Uhhhh, I'm not sure what's going on here, I'm getting a lot of feedback..."
Question. Now that we are in seemingly mostly flash forward mode. How are they going to make us feel for a disliked character before they are killed off? Like how Shannon's final flashback made her much more sympathetic. Seems as this tactic is no available without flashbacks. How will they make me care about Karl getting shot in the head?
And add Karl to my Lost pet peeve list. Exactly what about Mark Hammil Jr. did the casting people find so great? He isn't much of an actor and the poor kid looks like he was hit in the face with a shovel. Normally you need one of those two attributes to be cast on a huge show like Lost. I'm hoping Alex soon realizes that he is out of her league, and then dumps him for Taller Ghost Walt.
Jack is my pet peeve.
He comes off as if he's wielding his God complex over all the island inhabitants. Yes, he was their leader but has he made any good decisions lately? he himself admits getting off of the island was a mistake. i'm just sayin'...
Agreed pablo. The thing about Jack for me is how he calls out Locke for basically the exact same thing Jack does. Both feel they know whats best for everybody else and don't care to take anyone's imput into consideration. And the second Jack pulled the trigger on that gun, he lost a lot of points in my book. Locke wouldn't have done that to Jack. Jack's losing it.
My pet peeve is not Claire, but her bad wig. I thought bad wigs were supposed to be something of a flashback, not on island stuff.
Claire has a wig?
I think i'm one of the people who doesn't mind claire just because....she's such a background player now, she's not even in the forefront enough for me to care about her one way or another.
From Maureen Ryan at the Chicago Tribune citing an ABC announcement released today:
And “Lost” fans, there’s good news: “Lost” will finish up its current run of eight episodes as scheduled, then return April 24 with five more Season 4 outings. When it comes back in late April, “Lost” will finish off ABC’s post-strike Thursday lineup. It will air one hour later, after the returning “Ugly Betty” and “Grey’s Anatomy.”
This is slightly different from what was reported earlier which was 7 then a break then 6.
I don't mind Claire much. I more mind that the writers didn't seem to have any idea what to do with her once she gave birth. She gets one episode a season and they're usually good. Okay, the bird story was stupid, but the stuff with Sayid, Kate, Locke, etc. that also took place that episode was good.
As for the wigs, they've now become a running gag in terms of how horrible they can become. Has anyone had to pull the double yet? Bad wig and bad fake facial hair? And will we ever get the Desmond flashback which shows him getting electrolysis on his hairless shiny chest?
You're right, Claire really has become a background player. She didn't even get much of a moment when her boyfriend died, and I think that Rose has had more lines so far this season.
Speaking of bad wigs, that's actually one of my secret favorite things about Lost ... those wigs are just hilarious. I like not-yet-bald Locke's flashback wig the best.
So, in the past, their hair is terrible. But in the future, their hair is amazing but the beards are bad...
I want to see a Jenga movie.
Yah I don't mind the wigs and agree that they are indeed hilarious.
Jack- his beard was longer than the hair on his head.
"...and I think that Rose has had more lines so far this season."
Speaking of not having many lines. How many lines does Jin have so far this season. Cuz I'm thinking that # is somewhere near ZERO.
yeah, it is kind of weird how Claire often doesn't have anything to do. if the writers wanted to, i'm sure they could think of something.
like Claire trains Aaron to dance the robot at the island talent competition or something.
wow @ the thought of Aaron doing the robot.
One thing I have realized about claire is that her sense of pride in parenthood can be annoying. example: when Charlotte asks [claire] about her baby and she does that whole Chin -to- the- sky- holier- than- thou "this is aaron" shit. smug biatch.
NBC plans 52 week schedule, year round programming
unrelated question: nothing on my desktop will appear on my desktop (things i save there, "my computer/recycle bin" etc, i can access the files if i pull up a folder and go to desktop tho...any ideas?
(windows xp)
are there a shit ton of user accounts with weird garbled names under Documents and Settings?
either way, play it safe and have a back up of your important stuff just in case.
^ this is what i found under Documents & settings
^ this is what my desktop looks like (even tho i have 123 items on it according to the status bar in my Desktop folder..
ok it's not allowing the entire jpeg link to appear, but to answer your question, no there doesnt appear to be anything fitting that description, palmer
well I just fixed the problem. sorry for defiling the blogspot!
problem all gone? sweet. good stuff. out of morbid curiosity what was the fix? and did it get fixed by desmond's time travel? :p
apparently my niece (because of COURSE it wasn't me, right clicked the desktop>arrange icons by>show desktop icons (and turned that feature off)
if by desmond's time travel you mean that i had to travel 30 odd days into the future to figure that out, then yes.
jordan, do they have that in free? if so, i'll take it!
They should. Wasn't there like 5 episodes? Maybe there's an HD-DVD version out there. That's gotta be free.
maybe that was the fatal flaw in Bionica Jones' design. she was HD-DVD compatible but couldn't read Blu-Ray.
poor girl. she never had a chance.
I need iPod case recommendations for a classic iPod. Anyone found a perfect solution?
Don't buy one from Apple I paid 30 some odd dollars + S/h for my nano case.but that was shortly after it came out they may be cheaper now..
My case is kinda, sorta like this. It's been pretty durable, Holli. I'd say anything Belkin would be a good buy.
The girls sucked tonight on American Idol. The Irish girl was great, as was Asia'h and Syeshia. The girls on Top Model were too squealey. The Smiths couldn't watch.
I was enjoying some Kim solo action today (Ally, that's your cue), and I realized something. Walt is dead. That's why he's appearing as a manifestation as Smokey, and that's why he wasn't at Michael's funeral at the end of last season. And the reason he's taller is because, uhhhh.... well, I haven't figured that out yet, but it's probably related to Desmond's time travel.
Just had a 'holy crap!' moment
Flipped onto CSI NY (never watched it b4 in my life), just in time for Gary Sinise and crew bust into a room where they find what looks to Sinise like a time machine (how he knew what it was I don't know - do they teach temporal mechanics as part of criminology? lol)
Sinise says the machinery looks like an attempt to time travel, and the wise-cracking cop to his left says "You talkin' time machine? Paging Doctor Who"
Yeah baby
how far we've come in 40 years - Who reference on CSI - lol
I turn my eyes away from the Blogspot for a day and miss sixty comments. Insanity!
I saw Stewie time travel on a Family Guy re-run last night; then he went back to the past and changed the future. Time travel is everywhere!
Trevor, didn't the obituary say the guy in the coffin was survived by a teenage son? Also, live Walt appeared to Shannon, albeit Shorter Wet Walt as opposed to Taller Ghost Walt. Unless that was Sort Of Taller Ghost Walt in the boat in Live Together, Die Alone.
Still eliciting iPod case suggestions.
Nice midweek show Jimmy!
Doc Jensen interviews Damon and Carlton in his pre-episode post. Mild Damon and Carlton type spoilers included about the scope of Season 4 and broadly what we will and won't see in Season 4.
Of note -- the bracelets aren't linked, it was just an emotional touchstone in the Island and off Island story; the golf scene came before Sayid met Elsa; Frank only knows the Red Sox won in 2004 because they wrote the episode before the 2007 series.
Wow I've been Deleted..:(
Any way So I was listen to the Official lost podcast last night and someone sent in question about the polar bear in Tansa.whatever..Damon hinted to a possible connection between Orchid video/experiments..As i thought on this a bit I came to a conclusion that what ever crazy stuff they were doing the animal had to be White..Why I do not know but it explains, why they would have polar bears there and not a black bear for instance..
They found out how to do it with the white bunny, and then wanted to try something bigger say a dog but it did'nt work..thus they came to the conclusion that they could only do it with white animals. Make any sense?
i'm not sure what was in those deleted comments, redrabbitblue. but i enjoy your polar bear related posts.
as such, i'm posting a link to a picture of baby Knut.
Thanks he's a cute little guy/girl not so sure..
I guess I over stepped my drunk blog boundries..Hey live and learn..thought it was being enjoyed by a few but i guess few is the opertive word in this sentence..
As for the white thing it seems to make sense they have never showed us any thing funny with the dharma shark..like it being found dead in some ones pool in Sigapoor or such?
was it a great WHITE shark?
One sexy kablammo!
Tom Servo: Woo-hoo! My favourite number!
Mike Nelson: Seventy?
Tom Servo: Yeah, I love seventy!
Short Wet Walt was a maifestation of Real Walt's powers; Real Walt was being held by The Others at the time. My theory is that Real Walt died at some point after he and Mike left the island, allowing Smokey to manifest as Tall Ghost Walt. Wow, I sound completely crazy.
This is what Lostpedia has to say about the the obituary. I remember the part about the teenage son too, where did that come from?
do we know if the Obit is "canon" or if it's just some shit that the prop department threw together willy-nilly?
oh. and i thought up some kind of prediction about LOST last night and didn't post it in case it was spoilery but now i can't remember what it was. hmmm...
well, if something awesome happens tonight, then maybe i predicted it!
About the "teenaged son" - if you read the discussion page for the Lostpedia article, you'll see someone posting what they claim is the actual full text of the article, which mentions a teenaged son.
I know what you're thinking, and yes it could very easily be some shit they've made up to look impressive but...
Didn't Harold Perrineau refer to the teenaged son section when asked who he thought was in the coffin at Comic-Con?
that sounds familiar, chris. hmmm...
re: harold and the teenaged son
"HAROLD: Well I mean, this is just me guessing, and someone online had blown up the article Kate and Jack had, and it said that they had left behind a teenage son, so my guess is that, the person with the son, its probably Locke. (Crowd laughs) It's just a guess."
- http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/Official_Lost_Podcast_transcript/August_2,_2007
so, he's just been reading the same stuff online that we have. which is maybe true but maybe not.
I'm sticking with it, but if Walt's standing there hanging out with Michael when Sayid lands on the boat, I'm denying all knowledge with that theory.
redrabbit - hmmm - never thought about the idea that the rabbit being white would have something to with what happened in the Orchid video.
Aren't the Oceanic planes mostly white? Too lazy to find a good pic. But that would support the theory that the plane at the bottom of the Sunda trench is a clone like the second Orchid rabbit. Dunno.
Dominic Monaghan in Wolverine movie?
in case anyone has missed it, there's a new post. so let's all hold hands and head over there in a single file line. quietly please.
alright here's a movie i think should be noticed. I am not sayin go see it.
Movie you wont hold me too but i enjoyed alot!
I once told a friend I thought he should watch So I offer no you should watch this because he will never watch another movie I liked fo the last 9 yrs cause of that recomendation
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