Sunday, March 23, 2008

TLI: The Other Woman, Ji Yeon, Meet Kevin Johnson

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Ola Amigos! Aimee & Kimberley of TLI discuss the last 3 episodes of LOST: "The Other Woman" - the Juliet-centric episode, "Ji Yeon" the Sun flashforward & Jin flashback episode, and "Meet Kevin Johnson" - the Michael-centric episode.

contact us now!

AND get your TLI boxers, and thongs!

Enjoy Responsibly!!!

The feed:

or CLICK here to download


scrdmnkydst said...

Whoo! It's been a long time coming! i bet it's worth it...


scrdmnkydst said...

hey, i'm actually pretty good at this "first" business.

Go me!

t-dot kim said...

Mama Cass - It's Getting Better
3LW - Not This Time
Changing Faces - I Can't Be That Other Woman
Collin Raye - That's My Story
Sugarland - Baby Girl
INXS - Not Enough Time
Jimmy Buffett - Captain Morgan Song, lol
Beastie Boys - Sabatoge
The Notorious B.I.G - I Gotta Story To Tell
Ray Parker, Jr. - The Other Woman
Kristian Leontiou - Story Of My Life

t-dot kim said...

Good stuff Herlihy ;)

scrdmnkydst said...

oh, btw, not to be a pedantic sod or anything, but you sorta accidentally named the itunes thingy "3 episode breakdwon"..

I'm sure this wasn't intentional... :p

andrew. said...

Razzle Dazzle!

scrdmnkydst said...

I have well just sent in some well good song choices for Kim and Aimee. I'll be well upset if they don't choose my favourite one....

mb said...


Nice work bosses! Extra big TLI - good stuff! Thanks for going over all 3 eps!

mb said...

Just saw Cirque de Soleil here in Portland (Corteo). Fucking incredible!
Also saw Mystere like 10 years ago in Vegas as well - I didn't know it was still playing. It also was fucking incredible! That's the one that really blew my mind

Anonymous said...


memphish said...

Looking forward to it ladies.


Rrb said...

Awsome Title!

PalmerEldritch said...

your moment of cute.

good podcast so far. or, for kim, good episoid of the podcast.

aimee, admittedly it was a joke suggestion and was "Aimee from Oklahaimee" but cut me in on those big time Oklahaimee merchandising profits!

Rrb said...

Season 3 finale when Ben comes upon the Losties, or vise versa, He announces That My name IS Benjamin! we havent met! Naomi is write there front and center? After seeing what we've seen thus far,that statement in front of a fratie is interesting. I would have been like hi my names Henry. nice to meet ya! that lady is bad etc.etc.

Jimmy said...

I think the people who killed Karl and Danielle (and yes, they are both dead) were a team from the boat. Remember that a week or so ago there was a scene where Sayid said on the freighter "Where is the Helicopter?", and someone said it was off on an errand. Frank dropped off a couple of the "hard men"to do some dirty work. Where else would the helicopter have gone besides the Island?

Rrb said...

Belated Kablomooosss

I'm with you Jimmy but I also like the Ben killing them. Who the hell knows with Lost?(Love your stuff Thank You!)
One Last Problem I have with the Season 3 Finale. Jack's all, I want Ben to see us get rescued. Then, Im going to kill him...Why then Jack would you give him to Locke when the Fratties make there Appearence? I would be all Sucka! Bang bye bye Ben.. Were going home I win:)
But I would not have gotten my favorite line this season.."Jack with your permission I'd like to go with John":)lol every time i think of it great writing bad for Jack not following up on his promise..but he's still got some time.

Malcolm in RVA said...

jimmy, i love that theory! i was thinking the others, but that makes total sense! i dont think danielle is dead, because damon and carlton have been promising her flashback for so long, but carl is easily dispensible. do you think the errand was allowed by the capitan, or was it a secret thing? because it seems that he wouldnt let anyone off the boat. maybe he would let frank off, if he went on the bearing...not sure. great theory though.

has anyone seen the dharmalars? theyve been gone for a while.

PalmerEldritch said...

ralph's off watching the Halos. has his initial reaction though.

Malcolm in RVA said...

was i the only person that was like "what the shit?!" when zeke showed up? i thought this was a flash forward to around the same time jack's was, and i was like, "shit dude, you were dead!"

that being said, when do you think this took place? around the same time dan saw the report. probably the same time, in fact. also, around christmas. michael got off day 67, and we can assume that the freighter got to the vicinity of the island around catch 22, which was on day 86. so michael did all of this in the span of less than 20 days, assuming it took more than 2 days to sail out from fiji to the island. very odd. now, im not gonna say its impossible. im perfectly fine with this explanation, but its interesting to put this into the timeframe its in. for instance, i figured dan, miles, and the gang were recruited around the time of the crash, but it wasn't until about 3 weeks before now that they were even recruited, or maybe even less...hmmm.

memphish said...

Silent Bob, My first thought when I saw Tom was also "But you're dead!" I went to Lostpedia and figured out there's about a week from after Stranger in a Strange Land until the end of Par Avion that must be the time Tom traveled to the mainland and visited Michael. But that only gives Michael about a week to have found rescue and screw things up with Walt enough to want to commit suicide.

This is a minor quibble I have with the show. I feel like the timeline has become super compressed which seems unnecessary for a show willing to engage in time travel. I personally preferred the more spread out timeline of Season 1 to the route they've taken Season 2 and forward of having hardly any time pass on the Island. Like I say, it's a minor quibble, but damn, these folks are more efficient than any super secret organization ever in the history of the world. Needless to say, no one from FEMA was involved in staging the fake 815.


Stephanie said...

Unless 815 were rich, Californians with homes in danger of forest fires as opposed to Po Southerners living along the Gulf of Mexico.

[ally] said...


[ally] said...

"we're all from toronto!"
"i'm from montreal!"
"oh shut up!"


and i thought i was the only one that hadn't seen knocked up. i should probably get on that.

elias said...

F**k me it's TLI!

PalmerEldritch said...

elias, that's a good slogan for the podcast. get chris to record that in his johnny ghostwatch voice and we're in business.

[ally] said...

it can be a weekly segment, we all take turns doing it.

PalmerEldritch said...

"it can be a weekly segment, we all take turns doing it."

that's what she said!

PalmerEldritch said...

build a TARDIS (that plays arcade games).

mb said...

Holy crap that's a lot of work - especially for a guy who claims not to be a Whogeek (come on - embrace it sir - embrace your geekdom) ;)

But very cool!

scrdmnkydst said...

Hmm. I am well tempted to buy me a TLI hoodie...

[ally] said...

i have yet to buy my tli t-shirt. i will get on that before the end of the week.

i'll submit my photo with my t-shirt on.

mb said...

Oh - and put me in the Danielle's NOT dead camp.

PalmerEldritch said...

yeah, danielle will be back to be smelly and creepy. don't worry!

Anonymous said...

Jordan - you're such a pussycat.

[ally] said...

she'll stink even more now that she's covered in blood.

Jordan said...

I said it in the last thread already, but I'll say it again. I'm thinking that Danielle isn't dead just yet. She'll stick around in peril just long enough to have a flashback send off episode.

[ally] said...

what a random thought, anon.

scrdmnkydst said...

I'm currently watching Terminator 3, Why is it that is keep thinking that Kristiana Loken is well similar to Rousseau...? It's quite disconcerting...

Jimmy said...

I am certian that Danielle is totally stone dead but I am equally certain that we will have her reappear in flashbacks.

The logical route is...

If we are about to go into a plot where Alex is captured and they try to get to Ben thru her, then there will certainly be some sort of flashback explaining "Exactly" the nature of this Father/daughter relationship (forcefully adopted, would be my guess)...and therefore Danielle will almost certainly appear to have that clarified.

It makes me wonder if they are going to make Alex a more central character...and by the way, I can totally confirm that she went from "That fairly good looking, bad actress" to "That totally hot bad actress" in just a few episodes.

I'll also add tha the timeline is in fact rather compressed so I agree with all on does appear that Michael got back, got depressed, lost Walt and became suicidal all in the space of a standard pay period! Oh well...

mb said...

Herlihy and Ally -

Go for the swag!
Here's the link to TLI SWAG-DOM

[chants] do it! do it! do it...

PalmerEldritch said...

i can see Michael being depressed after killing some people and selling out his friends. then telling Walt while they're still on the boat trying to get to safety. so, it's just a week to get a fake identity, an apartment, and drop walt off with his mom.

if you've seen Heroes and what Officer Parkman accomplished between seasons (re: divorce, adoption, move across the country, new job, and a promotion) then Michael's accomplishments aren't all that crazy.

anyhow, Heroes notwithstanding, that is a crazy amount to take care of in a week. maybe Ben and Co. helped him out?

mb said...

And just to further pimp the swag (and my family) -

TLI: the Next Generation

PalmerEldritch said...

jordan, let's just hope that Anonymous there is british.

scrdmnkydst said...

MB - Haha, i shall get some swag, maybe a hoodie and a big mug..? but i shall have to wait until my student loan comes through, because i am thoroughly poor... bah.

mb said...

I think you are right that Alex's impending capture (assuming it's the frieghties in the bushes for the moment) may be what triggers a Danielle flashback, but I don't think she's dead.
Aside from the fact that I think it is significant that they did not show her wound or blood (or even her body - right? not sure) after she went down, it seems more dramatic to me to keep her around, perhaps severely wounded, long enough for a flashback (as Jordan suggested).

I'm envisioning her waking up, seriously injured, and trying to track Alex and captors while also struggling with her wounds - seems a perfect way to segue into flashback memories.

Stephanie said...

mb, that is sure to melt Kimberley's cold heart. He's beautiful! Will order my TLI swag next payday.

mb said...

Thanks guys - thuys!

We're pretty fond of him!

PalmerEldritch said...

The Deuce is twice as nice.

It's true. Good lookin' kid. A few short years and you can start scaring the crap out of him by exposing him to Daleks on tv. Fantastic!

mb said...

EXACTLY PALMER! It's a rite of passage :)

The Ace already keeps asking me about DW stuff b/c I won't let her watch it yet.

[ally] said...

LOL, MB. "we're pretty fond of him"

As you should, he's adorable. Have we ever seen what the Ace looks like? I think we've only see the Deuce.

Either that's a tiny baby or that is one big bib.

I'll also be getting my TLI swag at the end of the week, when I get paid.

Jordan said...

I agree with MB agreeing with me. I can totally see it play out that way.

I don't think both Mark Hammill Jr. & Rousseau are dead. For one basic reason. In the episode preview, the obnoxious announcer yelled, "SOMEBODY WILL DIE!" You know how pathetically desperate the ABC promo people are. Don't you think they would've said, "TWO PEOPLE WILL DIE!" if they could have? But more importantly, Danielle needs a flashback to make her death all the more impactful and emotional. It's the Lost code. Otherwise the audience is just, "Oh snap. Rousseau is dead." Only worthless people like Karl are sent off without such justice.

[ally] said...

well no one's gonna top that.

mb said...

lol - Ally - yes the bib is frickin' huge actually. More of a smock/apron I'd say :D

memphish said...

Loving the podcast Kim and Aimee! There's nothing better than Juliet bashing!

I've got a new crazy LOST theory. Ben, not Widmore is behind the Freighter. He had Abaddon hire everyone and tell them that Widmore was his boss, but Widmore doesn't know squat about Ben or the Freighter. So now Ben is playing both ends of the game with the one constant being that both sides thinks Ben has to be alive when it's done.

This comes up to me because the Freighter people think they're supposed to get Ben alive and then kill everyone else. I can't come up with a good explanation for why Widmore would do that. And if Widmore thinks he can deal with a live Ben, he's a fool. As Miles observed, it only takes him 1 week to get from gun to the head to pound cake. While I'm sure Widmore is no Locke, I'm betting he's no Ben either.


mb said...

I like it Holli! Indeed - why wouldn't Widmore just kill everyone, Ben included?

The only things I can think of is that either Widmore needs Ben to navigate the island's powers (but then why hire Daniel, Charlotte, and Miles - seems their talents are fitted for that purpose), or he just a sadistic mofo and wants to kill Ben himself.

memphish said...

Excellent point Kim and Aimee that Ben lets the innocent pregnant women die on the Island when he could let them give birth off and bring them back. That's the best example of "innocents" dying at Ben's hand that I've heard yet.


memphish said...

Steph, I love your Sawyer's parents' money theory! I can totally back that.


Jordan said...

From Eonline:

Wacky and Probably Wrong Theory of the Day: Did you notice that Walt's grandma sure looked a whole lot like the woman who asked Miles to get rid of her grandon's ghost in the second episode of the season? And didn't Walt look a whole lot like Casper the freaky ghost as he peered from the window above? According to IMDb, Michael's mom/Walt's grandma has appeared in only one episode of Lost. But according to IMDb, my mom was a costume designer for Charlie's Angels, my dad was a janitor for Merv Griffin and I've appeared multiple times on Howard Stern (wrong, wrong, and oh yeah, wrong), so it's possible Ben is writing that site.

mb said...

When you start stacking up Ben's victims - it becomes clear I think that he is a quintessential example of someone using a belief system/object of worship (I'm not singling out a religion or anything) in an ends-justify-the-means philosophy - i.e. it's all for the good of the island or b/c Jacob said so.
On top of this you have his passive involvement in Goodwin's death, and I would argue, the death of Ana Lucia and Libby* (see below), as well as him out and out shooting Locke. He is indeed delusional.

*I think it is bullshit for Ben to claim no part in driving Michael to extremes - it wouldn't have been hard to deduce that someone in the Fusies camp was going to get hurt when the Others told Michael to get Ben released and to bring ONLY the selected 4 people to them (i.e. Michael had to also prevent the Fusies from mounting a full scale attack), basically telling Michael to do whatever he needed to if he wanted to see his son again.

andrew. said...

to play Devil's advocate for a second
- we don't know that getting women off of the island will fix anything. If they conceive on the island, their fates may already be sealed. If it were simply the case that transporting the women off island was the fix then i'm sure there would have been more dissention in the ranks of the Others demanding that the submarine should be making a lot more trips. [remember also that Alpert was annoyed enough that the pregnancy issue was taking up too much time & resources that he gave Locke a way to undermine Ben]Considering Claire successfully delivered Aaron and Sun successfully delivered Ji Yeon, the writers have given themselves pretty much free reign on the pregnancy issue.

- Ben didn't actually give the orders when it came to getting himself sprung (TWSS) from the gun closet. Miss Klue (who apparently knew something juicy enough to get herself killed... but i digress) was the one putting notions in Michael's head.

/devil's advocate

- i ran out of podcasts today so i resorted to listening to GSPN. An interesting tidbit, there's a good screen cap of one of the shooters of Karl Skywalker & Rousseau. If you look at the screen cap and then at the slowmo animated gif, it really does look like the shooter has a D.H.A.R.M.A. patch on.

now, if that holds up, then the question becomes is D.H.A.R.M.A. allied with Widmore or an independent party? (They're obviously not aligned with the guy responsible for the purge (but, then again, i wouldn't have had Sayid or Michael working for him either))

- i'm starting to feel like Damon & Carlton were sitting on so much of the story that we're now getting a little inundated with crazy developments. Remember that episode where Hurley & Sawyer caught a frog?

memphish said...

I'll devil's advocate back at you Andrew. I'd say Sun leaving and delivering successfully proves that's an option. There seems to be nothing else different in her pregnancy from the Other pregnancies.

There are those who are even suspicious that Ben is somehow sabotaging the pregnant women to keep Juliet on Island. I'm not willing to go that far, but I'd say at a minimum that Juliet's presumption "that it occurs at conception" is wrong given that Sun conceived on Island and delivered off. But Ben's unwillingness to try on/off Island methods is setting these women up to die especially once they reach the stages Juliet described to Sun in terms of unabated nausea, lightheadness and coma is criminal in my book. Of course, Ben seems to be his own author.

As to the info from the podcast that shall not be named, if people can really see a Dharma patch there they've got much better eyesight than I do. I'd see the photo and the .gif, but I think assuming that's a Dharma patch is a stretch.


andrew. said...

it could definitely be a case of wanting to see it, but i really do.
Here's the animated gif:
and the still again:

- there must be something else preventing most of the Others from leaving the island (so it's not just a privilege in Tom's case but a real exception) because otherwise they could simply abstain from babymaking except off-island & have babies like Claire.

- don't get me wrong, Ben is an evil little MFer.

Anonymous said...

An evil little what?

Trevor McFur said...

I actually can see it too, in the moving gif. In the still pic, it doesn't look like anything at all.

This bit with Mike not being able to off himself has been bugging me. So now, we're basically giving The Island the power of life and death, extending beyond the island itself. So Ben got cancer ... implying that the island gave it to him. Ignoring the question of why the heck he didn't just leave the island ... if the island gave Ben cancer, and Ben knows that, then why would he think that Jack would really be able to cure him? Was the cancer some sort of test of Ben's faith, and he knew that he just needed to wait for the island that gave him the cancer to begin with to also provide a way to save him? If that's true, what happened in between Ben finding out about the cancer and Jack crashing that would let the island decide that it wanted to save Ben?

memphish said...

The gif pic is more compelling that the still pic. If you guys want a little more on that scene you can read the interview with the Karl actor at Kristin's E site. (Too lazy to get the link.) Of course, the question of unaired infos canonicity is always there.

But let's say it is a Dharma logo. Does this means there's a 3rd group operating? The infamous Other Others? Ben's people other than Mikhail haven't been caught dead in Dharma gear. Of course there is the its Mikhail theory out there which I love because he's frankly the S3 character I'd most like resurrected (sorry Charlie and Eko). And there's no Dharma gear on the Freighter that we've seen and I presume Michael hasn't seen any either or he might have mentioned it in his "flash" with Sayid.

I'm also not getting how Ben convinces the Richard-led Others to kill anyone. Richard is already highly skeptical of Ben and his side projects. All the toughs were offed at the beach by the 815ers. Who's left to go commando?


Chris JC said...

I wonder what THIS Officer Shortstack would whip out?

By the look of it, whatever it was - it'd hurt.

Herlihy - you say "well" lot - I'd say you say it well loads and that. Are ye a Brit, sir? If so, we're spreading - LOST Blogs will be the new British Empire.

Chris JC said...

Hey - anyone who cares about the TinTin movie (I do not include myself in that list at the mo) may like to know it's looking like the lad himself might be being played by Feather Boy.

Who is, in my opinion, a top class young actor (Who fans will know him as the youngster from Human Nature/The Family of Blood combo).

And THAT, my friends, (and considering next post is #69) is cause for a.......

PalmerEldritch said...

early morning KABLAMO!

PalmerEldritch said...

or at least an early morning one. right?

should have read chris' post before posting myself. improper grammar and whatnot.

chris, who's this TinTin kid? and does anybody actually like TinTin?

and why have i never seen the Asterix and Obelisk movie? c'mon, it's got The Bellucci. right?

Chris JC said...

I personally care not for TinTin, but he is well loved by many - there's a trilogy of films backed by Spielberg and The Jackson (Peter - not the other Jackson: Action) in the offing.

Feather Boy there (or Thomas Sangster to use his Earthly name) is a front running choice for the role - and also played the kid who takes "John Smith"'s super secret Gallifreyan mind-watch in the Doctor Who two-parter previously mentioned.

He's pretty good.

PalmerEldritch said...

ah! i remember him now.

why doesnt Netflix have the Asterix movies?

does LOST rerun this Thursday with the annoying pop ups?

Rrb said...

My Name and mug shotI'm on Lost and Lostpedia:)

PalmerEldritch said...

"now in a body bag"

ouch! that sucks.

Rrb said...

Hey at least I was cooler then Palo:) I got to go CRAZY!!!

Rrb said...

I wish I watched the gay(I mean *dumb* politicaly correct version) pop ups.
Why you may ask?
Well because I am listening to dancing Queen by: ABBA!
Really they give Lost podcast, like anwsers! Naomia's Braclet! Being nothing! Side note people still don't know that!
The only way I could see that version is by taping it on VHS and that aint happening..My computer is what it is Because of watching Lost.I will not tape anything but a baseball game on that dustie thing..VCR ha..

I don't know how to put hte rest but it does include the meny ways as a viewer you get anwsers and how it may not be fair to some fans..I think that the pop up may be for people who don't do the podcast scene, But I cant see the pop up and it giving anwsers I don't seee is ????Can't say I'm mad Ca't say I'm Happy I can say they should be in the show. And not in alternet media. As a newbie I can say I learnded the term Cannon A year agoish...If I did'nt and played 815 then what the hell would I think?

Rrb said...

A kinda random name too I was surprised to see it:) It was kind cool plus I'm still a little mysterous...How do I die? hmm Bullet in the head in Desi's+ Syiad's Bedroom? Jumped overboard Reginier style?

Rrb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
[ally] said...

"How do I die? Desi's+ Syiad's Bedroom"


[ally] said...

maybe that "twss" is a little far fetched.

but anyway, according to and, this week we get a repeat of The Beginning of the End. I haven't found anything that says whether it's a pop-up version or not. So this Thursday, 9/8C

mb said...

Andrew -
point taken (and appreciated) earlier re: Ms. Klugh giving Michael the order to free Ben - but I'm sticking to my assertion of putting some responsibility for Ana Lucia and Libby's deaths on Ben's shoulders.
Reason being, after seeing that he apparently can make his intentions known to the Others without physically being near them - as with Harper and her orders to Juliet from Ben - I am assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that Klugh was acting per Ben's orders (even if those orders maybe were given before he left).
And I maintain that he COMPLETELY knew that Michael might use violence to get the job done. I see it as the same thing he did with Goodwin - put someone in a volatile situation knowing the possible/probable outcome, then deny culpability. He again got someone else to do his dirty work.

andrew. said...

- I read Tin Tin as a kid and really enjoyed it. He had cool adventures with real(ish) backdrops and a really odd supporting cast. The artwork, especially in regards to the backgrounds and the coloring, was awesome. If done right Tin Tin could be a precocious little Indiana Jones. If done wrong he'll end up Anakin Skywalker from Phantom Menace. I hope they CG little white pupils for the kid.

- I have never seen any of the Asterix & Obelisk movies, but I read 2 of the graphic novels. They're okay, very French.

- According to TVguide we get another hour of Miss Guided followed by a rerun of LOST which i'm guessing is pop-up Kevin Johnson (TWSS) (PS. ABC might want to put their programming schedule on their website)

Theory time:
- In a crazy turn of events to make "Stranger In A Strange Land" a relevant episode, it turns out that, in Juliet's trial, her life was in the balance. The Others were going to put her to death but Jack interceding on her behalf gave Ben an idea. He literaly took ownership of Juliet. They branded her with Ben's mark, and she was forced to comply with Ben's orders or the penalty would be death. This is why she had to infiltrate the Losties beach even though her sympathies had shifted. When Harper appears to her and tells her Ben is asking her to stop Daniel & Charlotte, she has no choice. I know it's not a super crazy theory that wasn't brought up a bit last year, but in light of Ben's crazy "you're mine," and how Juliet's little tattoo is fading into the memory hole, i think it may prove to be relevant again. I guess the big shift is that she doesn't just belong to the Others but to Ben specifically. I don't think she told Jack about the arrangement out right, but keeps hinting to him and he's just too much of a knucklehead to catch on. I don't know how the Others would go about enforcing the penalty, especially now that your friend the sheriff is dead. Whether or not Ben took advantage of his new deal in light of his crush will have to be addressed once Lost hits the 10pm time slot.

PS. i'm a little bothered that Juliet is supposed to resemble Jack's wife AND either Ben's mom or Annie. Sure, she's blond, but so was Colleen.

- I had a bunch of theories this morning but being at work sort of zapped them out of my mind. ah well.

mb said...

Got a filming update over at The SPLOG

elias said...

Kebabs and Ouzo all round - it's Greek Independence Day!

andrew. said...

- MB, i don't diagree with you about Ben playing high & mighty while there's obviously blood on his hands (see: purge & kidnapping somebody's kid)

- Thinking about Ms. Klugh is bothering me now. What could she have possibly known that she had to get Mikhail to shoot her to prevent the Losties from finding out? It happened before the Flame blew up, so all of those binders and shit were still there at that moment, so i hope it wasn't merely the location of the barracks, or the Looking Glass station, because then she died in vain.

Chris JC said...

Greek Independence Tuesday!


memphish said...

Someone on another blog said she saw an ABC promo that said Thursday's LOST is a pop-up version of The Beginning of the End.


[ally] said...

Greek Independence Tuesday Is Today.


PalmerEldritch said...

chris, let's go make some signs with GIT written in big letters and join the festivities!

mb said...

That's a really good point Andrew. What WAS she hiding? I suppose she could just have been trying to avoid capture (as Mikhail tried to off himself as well) so as to protect the Others (i.e. not give the 815ers any bargaining chip). It certainly was essential to Ben's plan for Jack (to get him to operate on his cancer) plus Sawyer and Kate, to think there was no chance of rescue.
However, It does seem extreme that she would have to kill herself adn Mikhail - I'm assuming she would never have given the 815ers any info.

mb said...


PalmerEldritch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
andrew. said...

MB - i like your thinking that she didn't want to be a hostage-shaped bargaining chip

PalmerEldritch said...

Maybe Klugh figured that Ben would find a way to kill her anyway once she was captured? So, better to die now than to incur Ben's wrath?

Trevor McFur said...

Andrew brought up Stranger in a Strange Land. Does that episode seem even more out of place following Juliet's recent FB? Ben is the leader of the Others, and even though we know there's some grumbling in the ranks, as far as we know there's been no outright rebellion (except for Juliet's attempt to get Jack to kill him). So he get's laid up for a while recovering from his procedure ... and the Sheriff decides to hold a trial and execute Juliet, whom they all know Ben has a crush on? Does that make any sense at all? Ben didn't know what they were doing until Jack told him ... so she expected Ben to wake up, find out his girlfriend is gone, and just say, "OK"? What kind of power play was the Sheriff making here? And if she's in position to make that kind of a power play ... shouldn't she be a more important character?

mb said...

Good points Trev - I think there's a lot in Others society (if you can call it that) that we haven't yet seen (the Temple and whoever is there right now for example). I agree the Sheriff and whoever supported her actions need some screen time.

Trevor McFur said...

I think that the sheriff is gone, never to be heard from again...

PalmerEldritch said...

*not really a spoiler but maybe if you're really, really spoiler free and dont listen to Damon and Carlton then you might want to skip this link*

Lostpedia has some info on Isabel based on something said by the producer's at Comic Con.

PalmerEldritch said...

and why the hell did i spell "producers" as "producer's"?!


mb said...

Ah - thank you Palmer. I had forgotten about that.

Trevor McFur said...

I really think that she was created specifically to let them explore parts of Other society that they might not necessarily need to explore (in other words, draw out the series). Once they had the end-date, there was no more need for her, so she was gone, along with any exploration of the Others' justice system they had planned.

andrew. said...

ooh. 7.5 hour Lost Lowdown podcast. I should be good for a while.

Malcolm in RVA said...

i came up with another portmanteau!(the word combination things ben and ralph were talking about a while ago.)


t-dot kim said...

Yes, that is a cute baby ;)

scrdmnkydst said...

Chris JC - Sorry for the late reply, been well busy... getting drunk i mean. ahem.

Anyway, yeah i do say well quite alot.. can't help it, i type in phonetics most times and i do say well alot in my natural speech.

and yes, i am a brit, from the north of england, where none of you americans recognise our accents... haha, i swear, from all the people from the states that i've met, all of them think we should speak like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins..... :/

scrdmnkydst said...

Silent Bob - Soprry to be a bit of a killjoy, but "spring break-dancing" 's technically not a portmanteau. it's more of a pun and suchlike...

a portmanteau is when you take morphemes from two words and combine them together to make a whole new word, the first example i can think of is "chillax"...

I sound like such a nerd now... :/

PalmerEldritch said...

late night kablamo!

portmanteau sounds like the plateau on top of natalie portman's head or something.

or is it a mesa?

Rrb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rrb said...

I can't understand you I'm from the States J/k Side note I think all Brits/Ukers talk like the guy in Locke, Stock and two smoking barrels(the title so long i ran out of Capitals)Cockney?
Portmanteau: A port for Manatee some where near France

9:26 PM

Chris JC said...

I know of portmanteau words as in my youth I was a fan of the rock band Extreme, who had titles such as Pornograffiti and Politicalamity.

RRB, I suspect you are talking about Jason Statham. For more on Statham, listen to the new Cue the Film mini episode!

Sorry :)

PalmerEldritch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PalmerEldritch said...

lost connection to portmanteaus! portmanteau's are first attributed to C.S. Lewis who had a metric crap load of them in "Through the Looking Glass."

thanks, Wikipedia!

PalmerEldritch said...

sorry about the double post. and why the hell did i put an apostrophe to pluralize portmanteaus?!

Rrb said...

I may cheack it out. I was'nt sure which charecter I could'nt understand? I rember when I first saw it I was like they can't talk like that!
I listened to the "movies you should see" podcast about said movie I guess UKers don't much like the movie. I thought it was good and did'nt think it a Tarintino hack off as they may have suspected but it was funny the podcast that is and for me thats all that counts.

Chris JC said...

Did they not like it?

I wonder if George A. ROMANO liked it, or whether the co-writer of Hot Fuzz, Nick Frost liked it.


Anonymous said...

Should anyone want a karaoke track to record something for the Dharmalounge, i have procured a massive selection of tracks - give me a nudge if you want anything.

On another matter: Chris, Tin Tin or 5 Children and It? Discuss.

PalmerEldritch said...

did they say all that stuff, chris?


Rrb said...

They liked Snatch better.
I just saw to dudes win $4,200 dollars in the cash cab! The biggest winners ever the final question Lost related something about Tunisia and Carthage to much history for me. Istill feel it should be spelled/called tunsinia?

Ally that last TWSS was alittle scary:)Try to stay away from the long and hard ones. The shorter and fatter ones may be better?

just wrong.

Chris JC said...

Five Children and It. Not only did it have people struggling to spell Psammead, but also the film has the voice of Eddie Izzard providing amusing asides.

Jelly - please do drop me a line about what tracks you have available.

I also like Snatch.

PalmerEldritch said...

"I also like Snatch."

thats what she said.

Chris JC said...

That "she" being Madonna.

As she is the wife of "Snatch" film-maker Guy Ritchie.

I can't find MYSS talking about The Bank Job anywhere - I wonder if RRB has made an error and I've been lured into being unprofessionally rude about people without real cause.


[ally] said...

"They liked Snatch better."

"I also like Snatch."


Chris JC said...

Man, she's saying it all OVER the place.

About my MYSS outburst - I've just seen their brief video about premium content in which they steal the Spaced sketch which is itself a reference to RoboCop and dont' feel as bas as I did.

Frankly, any fan of Spaced has no right not being able to pronounce Peter Serafinowicz, or at least having a go.

PalmerEldritch said...


PalmerEldritch said...

and i didnt like the first five minutes of Spaced and stopped watching. but, apparently, the show is really good. true?

Chris JC said...

Oooh, not bad.

It's Serra - finno - witch

Chris JC said...

Yes, Spaced is very good - but you needn't put up with that boring old British version - McG is putting together a US remake, in which Tim & Daisy become Ben & Apryl!

So rejoice!

Anonymous said...

I bloody love it (and It) Psammead, god bless it. Just watched the film version with Eddie Izzard - thought it was very good - true to the original and all that.

Half of what karaoke i have is shown HERE

Anonymous said...

...and cannot recommend Spaced enough, fuck me that's funny telly. And you want to go back in time a bit and see Simon Pegg before even Spaced came out, in Big Train. I own very few DVDs, because i can't be arsed with it, i buy something and watch it once, and once only. A waste. Big Train is different though: Example

Chris JC said...

Another late 90s Pegg series, Hippies, is just out as well though - it's good stuff.

Sorry, all - we've all gone a bit Britcom here.

Rrb said...

Holy Brit athon Batman..You guys confuse my U.S. brain. Chris I was not talking about bank job just JockeStock......most likely I worded something wrong:)

Chris JC said...

See - I don't like Lock Stock much either, so my outburst is even less appropriate.

Sorry, MYSS.

Rrb said...

I just spit beer out Chris you were thinking the same thing as me way fukin funny lol lol lol choke out lowd

Rrb said...

As a Uker is it hard to understand some american films? I imagin it would be but how difficult? Locke Stocke confused the shit out of me language wise the first quarter then I caught on same with Trainspotting.

Chris JC said...

No it's not difficult - and the reason is that us seeing US films and TV shows is not the rarity. Percentage-wise we see more US television and movies than anything domestic and so get used to accents, phrases, references and the difference between zed and zee.

I've never seen Gilligan's Island. But - I feel like I have after hearing so many references to it. I could probably have a conversation about the Skipper and the Professor as a result.

Meantime - when EastEnders was launched in the US on PBS, it came with a phrasebook containing things like:

Off his/her rocker - Gone mad

Rrb said...

Ican't find 2 things maybe someone can help?
1. Aimee's book clublist? for the minibreak I could use a good audiobook but want something off the top of the list, that I cant find?
2. MYOKOM w/ SAS is there a place to download I've not found?

Rrb said...

Funny stuff thanks Chris always wondered, How one language can sound so diferent? And so nonunderstandable!
Although I love accents! Kim's are top notch loved hearing her say 9:00pm on Sky 1.

scrdmnkydst said...

As i am a Uker, as it seems to have been coined, who is also doing a degree in the English language, I too like the differences and variations in different accents and dialects. I remember that in the UK alone there is over 80 different accents, each with it's own dialect and suchlike... Add that to the many other countries that speak English as a primary language, this makes the whole accentisms a very interesting subject.


Chris JC said...

Add to that the fact that Great Britain is smaller than, say, Minnesota and you've got yerself some ridiculous diversity in a very small space.

scrdmnkydst said...

That is very true..

Where i'm from, West Yorkshire, all, you have to do is travel by bus to the next town to hear a totally different accent... it's quite weird! Luckily my accent isn't as strong as some other people who live near me, which is a well big blessing. haha.

I have to say, my favourite accent is the Edinburgh accent... it's well hot.

scrdmnkydst said...

Also, just watched an episode of Big Brother USA, and it just occured to me... has anyone else noticed how much Sheila sounds like our very own Aimee in Little Rock..? it's uncanny!

Chris JC said...

See, even US Big Brother is shown over here.

I bet you didn't have to watch our tedium.

scrdmnkydst said...

Actually, I don't watch it on TV, I torrent it (shush).

Actually, i seem to download most of the tv i watch... Shockingly, most of it's from the US...

I only seem to watch Hollyoaks and Torchwood over here... oh and the UK big brother.... because i'm well cool.

Stephanie said...

Hey, are y'all talking about my future husband, Simon Pegg?
Chris, you have never seen Gilligan's Island? Surely, you saw The Brady Bunch.
I get Layer Cake, Lock..., and Snatch all mixed up because I watched them all at the same time. Which is the one with Brad Pitt? That's the one I don't like.

Anonymous said...

Right that's it herlihy - i don't care about you watching Hollyoaks, but torrenting Big Brother USA!!?? That's definitely not what BitTorrent is for, and you should feel thoroughly ashamed of yourself.
That said, Eastenders is good at the moment int' it!?

PalmerEldritch said...

UKers (You-Kay-Ers, not Uckers. although if we were ever mad at each other we might refer to one another as "mother uckers"),

TARDIS for sale since Jesus Loves Everyone But The Doctor.

mb said...


mb said...

lol Palmer's the TV SHOW that's evil...I see.

Actually I certainly experience hell everytime I am forced to watch Real Housewives of O.C. so maybe this guy's onto something.

By 'forced to watch' I of course am referring to my insurmountable sloth when the remote has been set on top of the TV and I am on the couch - I hate it when people do that (lol)

mb said...

Apologies to all Real Housewives fans

Trevor McFur said...

Couple of select quotes from that article...

"I turned to drink and became an alcoholic and the Dr Who obsession was the only thing that kept me going."

"Dr Who and his materialistic obsession with it represents the "greatest lie that Satan ever told" according to Mr White."

That's gratitude for you...

Chris JC said...

I love the fact that the entire article notes his memorabilia as the tools of Satan, and yet basically ends by saying:

"If you wish to buy the blood-soaked evil tools of the Dark Overlord, please send your soul to Freepost Hellfire"

Trevor McFur said...

From the comments of that article...

"Firstly I would like to thank Benjamin Parkes, and the Wiltshire Times for a tremendous article with pictures, and their support in helping me sell my collection. I do not remember using the word "evil" and never said Dr Who was evil. My obsession with it was very unhealthy and I loved Dr Who more than I loved God. The reverse is now true. The things I loved did not make me happy, only God has done that. Have a look at the 10 commandments. Dr Who had become my idol and it did not keep me going, it failed me, it's only a TV programme after all. Alcoholics Anonymous in partnership with God, and me helping myself delivered me from alcoholism. Now it is time to get rid of the reminders of the mistakes of my past life, and I'm hoping to raise money to pay for training to study theology, provided I am well enough in the future. I wonder if it is an assumption that if a Christian sells something they must donate all the proceeds to charity, I think it's a private matter how one then plans to benfit others, though at times of course there are benefits of doing something public to set an example. I had no idea the paper was going to make such a big story out of it!"

mb said...

And yet a little MORE info at the SPLOG

mb said...

Thanks Trevor - I hadn't seen that comment. I wonder if it's really him?

Jimmy said...

I've enjoyed the last 25 posts as funnily I came to a bit of a mini realization. That Dharmalars/TLI/Myokom etc as far as podcasts are concerned has the most diverse range of accents that I can think of.

Ban and Ralph's SoCal casualness, Aimee's twang (we love it), Kims hot Canadian thing (gorgeous voice regardless), JellyMan and Johnny Ghost Watch so very British, my own (blended) West Midlands/NZ/OZ, Dre from LA (Style of his own), associated foreign phone ins! Craig and Dylans MidWestness.

No wonder all the others sound so bland ;)

scrdmnkydst said...

I wish i had aimee's voice... although it would be a bit weird, what with me being a 6"6 long haired oaf... :/

Jellymanious - Don't diss me for torrenting BBusa. It's actually alright... anyway i like it, and so does Kim... if i remember rightly... So there. I win. You're full of FAIL. but yes, eastenders is a bit of alright at the mo..

Jimmy said...

Back in 1988, I was working as a builders laborer in Derbyshire, and we all used to rush back to watch East Enders! It was hugely popular then because there was all this drama with "Dirty Den" and "Wilmott Brown". 20 years back we took it all so seriously !

Anonymous said...

not forgetting Producer Ryan's sexy accent

Chris JC said...

Elias is the sound of urban flava.


mb said...

And yet MORE crap flows onto the SPLOG - end of the day SPLOGSPLOSION!

scrdmnkydst said...

I can't remember which district his accent is from but isn't elias from East London?

elias said...

I'm about as cockney as Guy Richie.

Oh West London is wonderful, oh West London is wonderful - it's full of tits, fanny and Brentford - oh West London is wonderful

scrdmnkydst said...

so you don't go round shouting "brapp brapp brapp, East, East LAHNDON!"?

elias said...

I don't watch 'Enders neither.

scrdmnkydst said...

i didn't say that because of eastenders.... i just know some people from eat london who talk exactly like thatg...

Chris JC said...

Peckham 4 Life, you slags.

Rrb said...

It's the blog British Invasion! I'm learning so much, I don't understand. Maybe it will all be clear in a year or so? Drinking makes you grow brain cells write?
You'all should show Chris how to torrent Gilligans Island:)

Rrb said...

I'm having helecopter issues. At first Frator sighting I saw two landing pads this made me happy I did'nt think a freator was big enough to hold 2 choppers. But they at least remembered there was two. Then some podcast decided to remind me Naomi Parachuted in in full Aviater gear(Like she was copilot in a stealth bomber).
Dan Milo or Miles if you prefer and Charlotte Not so much They hand vests and Helmets with comunication stuff but..No High alltitude gas mask thingy..The we got Frank he had on a Hawian Shirt and maybe some earmuff style hedset..???I don't want to go on for pages but something is ary? Why did they not just come on island in a boat? So much simpler, I've almost gotten to the point they should have two ships:( But Naomi and Frank had there little who goes first fight showing they were on the same ship arguing over the same HELICOPTER not Plural.? Any thoughts

Chris JC said...

"Drinking makes you grow brain cells write?"

Sure thing. You just have to make sure that time's running backwards.


[ally] said...

So... no Lost tonight. Well, no new Lost.

Will everyone be watching the repeat?

/Chris~ I had to borrow and modify your avatar idea.

memphish said...

No new Lost, but how about some new Dharmalars? I'm taping the pop-ups and will fast forward thru them tomorrow. Hoops tonight!


[ally] said...

Today is payday! And the first thing I did with my hard earned cash was go spend it at the TLI Swag Shop.

I shall be sporting my new pink t-shirt in 4-10 business days.

Rrb said...

Awsome avatar edit were is the SAS archives?

Chris JC said...

There is no archive, sir. I've only managed to hear a couple myself.

There was a concerted effort by some folks to make them available on some download services like YouSendIt but it was on the forum where, clearly, SEVERAL anonymous readers saw that and made sure that each file almost immediately exceeded its download limit.

So - y'know - Anonymous.

[ally] said...

i had them at some point, cause i was the one that uploaded them. i just realized they were in the computer they took away from me here at work. i just had a mini panic attack just now, from the thought that the SAS is out of my hands forever!

scrdmnkydst said...

Won't Aimee or Kim have them at least? I'd be very suprised if Aimee didn't have any of them...

here's a thought, why don't kim and aimee give us the old time SAS episodes during the 8 month hiatus...

[ally] said...

Go to the boards and on the Download Scott and Steve post, go to page 2.

I put up some links a while back. The Megaupload ones still work.

Rrb said...

I like that idea for the break ala SAS I'll try mege upload in AM thanks all! Sounds a little...Big?