Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pre-Episode Discussion: Meet ***** *******


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scrdmnkydst said...

Wow, am super excited about this episode... But doesn't the picture kind of give away the title of the episode...?

mb said...


I just downloaded that exact pic to use for this thread - had I posted it

mb said...


scrdmnkydst said...

Oh and... First!

scrdmnkydst said...

Bahaha. I didn't even mean to do that either... Sorry MB!

mb said...

I too am excited :)

I don't think there's anything spoilery about the pic, is there? We already saw Michael in Ji Yeon.

mb said...

Do not be sorry...the thread is yours - nice one
(bows) ;)

t-dot kim said...

Agreed, MB


scrdmnkydst said...

haha. There's nothing spoilery about the photo, it's just that he title has two prominent words censored and it's kind of obvious what the words are.. well to me anyway... That and the previous thread has the title in the Blurb as well.. haha.

Why thankyou Mr. MB. I shall proclaim this thread as my own... :)

mb said...

KIM! Welcome back - good vacay?

Oops! you know that's an excellent point (re: the spoiler seg post). I have alluded to a few details of each upcoming episode in each of my posts. My apologies - I will be more careful from now on. Glad you caught that - thanks!

mb said...

Hey Holli - sounds like you caught Top Chef last week. I still have to watch last night's ep - but I have to say I enjoyed seeing my hometown on the small screen.

I'm basically liking most of the group so far (all of....1 episode in for me), except the spastic guy (can't remember his name). I've got money on him losing it at one of the judges before the 8th episode. I get stressed watching him talk - lol.

scrdmnkydst said...

I always make excellent points, soon, you people will surely notice this as well. haha.

Personally i'm not that fussed, i knew the title ages ago... Damn Lostpedia... It does more bad than good that site does!

t-dot kim said...

Yes, vacation was AWESOME! I needed a few days to recover from a cold I caught the 2nd last day :( Other than that, good times!!

scrdmnkydst said...

Oh no Kim! Isn't that always the way? When I last went on holiday i broke my foot on the second day there...

That's the last time I go to the Running Of The Bulls... :/

mb said...

Either my wife or I always get at least a little sniffle or something when we have actual vacation time together. It's uncanny.
My theory is that my body is being considerate and waiting until I have downtime to succumb to being sick - lol.

mb said...

Kablammo and Kablammo

(it's not really late if I catch it on ANOTHER of the numbers is it?)

memphish said...

MB I am watching Top Chef. I'll be glad when they get rid of a few more people so I can start bothering to learn names. At this point to me they're like "the girl who looks like Rachel Dratch," "the guy who is Hung's twin," and "the weird molecular guy."

Will Desmond ever find the Dharma Hatch that has a sewing kit to repair the obviously missing buttons from that shirt? Oh, wait. What did Jack and Kate do with their sewing kit?


Stephanie said...

Poor Des. He's been wearing that same blue shirt for a year now.
mb and Holli, would you have served the mushroom? Did we ever find out what the right decision was? I think I fell asleep. I probably won't see another episode. It's just like Project Runway. I give it a good start but don't follow through.

memphish said...

Don't read this yet MB.

I would not have served the mushroom or the crab salad Steph. Both of those contestants had made a 2nd dish, so I don't understand why they served the bad food.

Bravo runs lots of marathons, so it's not like you have to keep up with their shows. But I enjoy them and there's NOTHING else on I want to watch. I'm looking forward to seeing Project Runway winner Christian on Who Wants to Be a Supermodel tonight. The SNL skit 2 weeks ago about Project Runway was dead on.

/not fierce

memphish said...

My child picked all the top seeds all the way through the tournament until he has Memphis beating UNC. Right now he leads in our household pool.


Anonymous said...

so michael is the man on the boat? thoery?

PalmerEldritch said...

it'll be pretty anti-climactic if michael is the MOTB but it sure is looking that way.

if we hadn't known since last summer that there was a freighter and that the mikester was returning, we may not have put the two together.

but ralph's sister was friggin' surprised as hell, right?

actually, our friend came over and we watched her brain asplode when Michael first talked. "i bet that's michael!!!" she exclaimed with pride and self-satisfaction. once michael introduced himself as Kevin Johnson, we let her know that we've known he was coming back since July.

scrdmnkydst said...

If we'd have not known that HP was coming back then i don't think it would have been as clear as it is to most people.

I am personally of the belief that the audience have become privy to the way the writers work, they're gonna have to outdo themselves in later episodes, just to give us the runaround like they used to.

Trevor McFur said...

Balph, have you heard the news???

PalmerEldritch said...

trevor, it's damn good. had one a couple of weeks ago. and i'm getting another one tomorrow!

/burger day!

memphish said...

Hubby had one of the trip last week and I worried since I had no way to brew a pot of coffee in the car.


Trevor McFur said...

Just reading about that thing sends me running to the bathroom.

Stephanie said...

Dang it! No Lost repeat. Miss Guided has promise.

memphish said...

Unless Kitty's at Senor Tadpole's, I'm not interested.


Chris JC said...

My friends - regarding tonight's episode: I am SO damned ready to meet that guy.

Oh, and "cunts", apparently. Anon, it's a shame you missed the El Cunto chat recently. Sounds like it would have been right up your alley.

Anonymous said...

M.C. "Gay"-ney

memphish said...

I'm calling now that Bai Ling's is one of those 324 bodies.


scrdmnkydst said...

I hope Bai Ling isn't on the fake plane... i feel like i'm the only one who liked her...

also, whatever happened to the other two episodes in the three episode stint... was that just a fake out so we thought she was in the s3 finalé?

memphish said...

Delusions of Bai Ling, Herlihy.


memphish said...

What? They can't kill the Crazy French chick!!!


Stephanie said...

How are we going to get a Crazy French Chick flashback now? Obviously Ben had Rousseau and Carl killed, right?

Stephanie said...

I say that's the worst use of a guest ever (Libby).

Stephanie said...

Fake bomb? Why? I don't get it.

Trevor McFur said...

Wow. When they killed Karl, I was like, "Ha, good riddance." But Danielle ... didn't see that coming. Is she really dead? She just got that new shirt, after 3 years!

And what about the long-rumored Danielle flashback?

International-J said...

If Alex stays alive, then the flash back could be when she was a baby

International-J said...

Then it would be a flashback with danielle included

Unknown said...

One thing I was looking for was to see if there were 2 heli's. I only saw one. There had to be one that Naomi crash and the one Frank, Dan, Charlotte, and Miles came in on. Unless Abaddon sent another to make a special trip to take Naomi to the island sooner due to the engines being out.

I watched Miss Guided and thought it was decent. I loved the second episode with Lindsey Lopez.

memphish said...

I never saw 2 helis either.

I think Keamy shot them on the errand he's running with Frank. I thought that was why they showed him shooting on deck. Plus the shots were shot with a silencer, the one piece of equipment we haven't yet seen provided by Dharma.


scrdmnkydst said...

and here i was thinking tyhis was a non spoiler thread... woe.gutted for me.

International-J said...

non spoiler threads are meant to be spoiled

International-J said...

I was expecting karl's hand to be cut off

PalmerEldritch said...

i was expecting him to destroy the death star.

International-J said...

I was expecting Mr. Gay Friendly to tell him he was his father!

International-J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This episode just messed up my mind.

Especially since theree was no 'Next Time on Lost' bit to help calm me down.


Anonymous said...

When are we going to get an Arturo flashback?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Desmond had better not repair that shirt. If anything, it should become more torn up so that he can just get rid of it altogether.

PalmerEldritch said...

Friendly was pretty badass in the alley. and then we get back to his hotel room and he's living it up with some male prostitute who's about 30 years younger than him.

nicely played, tom. nicely played.

/if thats what your into

Stephanie said...

Arturo- is he an other or a prostitute? Or what do you call a male/gay ho?

PalmerEldritch said...

should the thread title be changed to spoiler full? or should we delete all our spoilery comments?

that really sucks that herlihy got spoiled.

PalmerEldritch said...

thanks, ralph. thalph!

memphish said...

It's spoiler free until the episode airs on the East Coast as usual people. Clue in.

Arturo is merely a delight of the mainland. Makes you wonder what delights of the mainland the actual LOST actors enjoy when they visit.


Chris JC said...

I got spoiled too, but that'll teach me for looking at a time that I knew the episode had already aired.

Onward to next thread!