Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Other Woman


"Look...Juliet. I'm just not that into you. I love Kate. Deal with it, b!tch."


Trevor McFur said...

First, bitches!!!!!

t-dot kim said...

If it's a Juliet episode, and she truly is an "Other" woman. I'll be first to tell you guys:

I told you so.

If I'm wrong (which I probably will be), then...*shruggs* whatevs ;)

PalmerEldritch said...

continuing the silly name discussion from the previous thread, i present to you:

Huimin Wang

doesnt mean the same thing in chinese, i guess.

PalmerEldritch said...

interestingly, kim, Juliet Burke is an anagram for "kim hates that bitch." :p

Trevor McFur said...

Just out of curiosity, how did you find that picture palmer? Are you sitting there typing in 'Human Wang' on google just to see what you find?

t-dot kim said...

C'mon, "hate" is such a strong word!

More like--highly dislike.

Just like, I don't HATE babies, and I don't HATE The Constant...what, forget the last one

mb said...

oops - posted at last thread...

Kinda fun to watch 3+ seasons of Sawyer Nicknames in 6 mins.
Could be shorter - but it still makes me chuckle

PalmerEldritch said...

my girlfriend's office has a lot of international callers. one lady's name was Huimin Wang. :\

Anonymous said...

Aww, I kinda like Juliet. Don't be hating Kim!

Us blondes stick together.

PalmerEldritch said...

probably still is too.

unless someone in the office explained the implications of having that name in America.

PalmerEldritch said...

kim and juliet need to get their aggression out.

i'm thinking The Joust.

mb said...

Canada vs. the Island

I like it Palmer -

/Dharmawhip referece omitted - b/c I don't want to get fired from TLI

memphish said...

I guess we need a synonym generator for Kim. Sorry to put words in your mouth (TWSS?) Kim.

Steph, back to the last thread, in the '93 ice storm we were in sunny Southern California. The grocery store and more importantly the liquor store wasn't too bad. The worse thing is that tomorrow starts our Spring Break. We are supposed to spend all day Saturday driving across the great state of Tennessee and on into the home of the Wolverine-slaying ASU Mountineers. But if the weather doesn't co-operate we'll drink in Memphis Saturday and drive Sunday, vs. drive Saturday and drink in North Carolina on Sunday. I'm flexible.

BTW, don't forget to change your clocks Saturday night.

/Blogspot Mom

memphish said...

Kim and anyone else, you might want to check out this recap for some good alternate Jack/Juliet dialogue.


Anonymous said...

let me get straight all the things kim hates. Babies, The Constant, Juliette, emotional scenes, short men, last call, freedom, bubbles, sunshine. Any more?

Anonymous said...

Iphone, bitches! This sucks. My fingers are too fat.


elias said...

Juliet made a deal with Ben way back when but seems to think she can walk away from it - the cheek!

PalmerEldritch said...

congrats on the iphone, steph. don't use it to post and walk or you might walk into a pole like the video from the other thread.

Anonymous said...

whats this video palmereldery?

mb said...

Holy crap! You got an iPhone Steph?!?

Stephanie said...

No, no, no. I didn't get an iPhone. My kid will get one before I do. I was playing with my co-worker's phone. He lives with his parents.
palmer, how's your girlfriend? Myspace said she's sick.

mb said...

Still, you got to play with one - that's fun.

/Ally...where are you?

PalmerEldritch said...

i took my walker back to the other thread and found it for you, anonymous.

Londoners walking into poles

i really hope it's a very dry spoof but i'm afraid that it's probably real.

kim, how angry would you be if tonight's episode was about juliette opening a daycare center for time travelling babies?

PalmerEldritch said...

steph, she's only feeling "sort of" sick today. she's feeling better than the other day. the rest of her office is coming down with the flu though.

Trevor McFur said...

Intersting video of a guy playing with his carrot.

andrew. said...

ugh. i'm swamped with work. it's been straight all-nighters all week long (i'm running on a week total of 6 hours of sleep i think) and i think i have to skip LOST tonight!

i'm just glad that it's potentially a Juliet episode because i dislike her and her stupid expressions very intensely (even though her flashbacks are generally pretty good). i think i can hold out another 48 hours before i see it.
That also means i'll have to skip the blogspot until i catch up to avoid being spoiled. :(

rockonwitchabadselves crazy blogspotters!

ps. check out my new toy:

Ralph- said...

best rack on the island!

t-dot kim said...

kim, how angry would you be if tonight's episode was about juliette opening a daycare center for time travelling babies?


PastPablo said...

if we all suspect it's a Juliet episode does that mean it won't be? anything I assume about lost is usually wrong =/

PastPablo said...

My weather channel desktop thermostat says it's currently 69 here...

memphish said...

Palmer wins the thread.


Anonymous said...

So is this the Juliet episode that all those spoiler sites were talking about months ago?

Jordan said...

How to start one of the biggest companys in the word:

Current Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer selling Windows. 1.0

Stephanie said...

The Constant: which is the wig? Short flashback hair or long island hair? I kinda think the short hair is fake because the camera is careful not to show Dez's hairline in a close-up.

Trevor McFur said...

Having just watched the Dez/Penny scene again, I gotta say ... wow, that Kim has a heart of stone.

Anonymous said...

As Rick James would say, she's "Cold Blooded".

I too Trevor was crying like a little baby. The emotion was too much. Only a true cynic would find that emotionless. Go Pesmond!

Trevor McFur said...


Trevor McFur said...

I can't decide if it was a not-so-hot episode, or just not-so-hot compared with last weeks awesomality.

PalmerEldritch said...

it was an OK episode. wasn't blown away by it. and Ben was goofy as all fuck.

"i'm making her a romance ham! she's sure to fall in love with me."

is that the first time we have official confirmation that my ancient "it's the same as that episode of House" theory of the pregnancy angle is true? ya know, that the immune system attacks the baby? like the episode of house where the immune system attacks the baby? or did we get that info before? either way, kudos to doctor house for figuring out the pregnancy death thing the week before we found out about it way back when.

oh. and does Goodwin have a first name? or a last name? is his name Goodwin Goodwin? Good Winn? is it just Goodwin like Sting or McLovin?

and did anyone not expect Sawyer to, upon seeing Ben move into the house next door, say "there goes the neighborhood!"

Stephanie said...

That's what I'm saying, Trev.

PalmerEldritch said...

steph, Des' short hair is the wig. they had a really crappy hairline shot in one of the scenes.

Stephanie said...

I found smitten-Ben charming. But my skin did crawl when he exclaimed his ownership to Juliet over the rotting corpse of Goodwin. Gross.

Scot said...

Well that episode was kinda like a deep breath after a hard ran sprint. It was good, but it felt like the overall pace took a step back with this episode. At least we got a healthy dose of Emerson. The Line "See you guys at dinner" was delivered with absolute perfection. The man is a genius at his craft.

Stephanie said...

Thanks, p. I thought I did have it figured out but all the podcasts I've listened to over the past week had me confused.

Stephanie said...

You know, I wouldn't have taken Juliet for the home-wrecker.

Stephanie said...

Is Harper dead?

Nice to see Kate get what she's been dishing out all these seasons. I'm talking about getting knocked out from behind.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't blown away by Ben revealing Widmore being the Evil of all Evils.

And I really really really wanted Claire to go down to see Miles only to find him with a grenade in his mouth. D'you reckon he's been able to hold it that long? I know I'd be dead by now, I'm awful at even holding object in my teeth, my gag reflex is awful.

But yeah. Last week's episode was way better. But as always, I was still given some surprises, and Ben was super creepy. Ew. He's so...scray...I was going to say he looked a bit hobbit-like, but then I remembered that Kim hates short guys, and I didn't want her to have some new hate on him.

Stephanie said...

Kimberley, I'm going out on a limb here to say I bet you didn't like this episode.:)
Seriously, can't wait to hear what you have to say about it.

Trevor McFur said...

So I think we know for sure now that Mike is the man on the boat. How much of Ben's story about Widmore do we believe? And does Ben know that Dez and Widmore have a relationship (for that matter, does Ben even know Dez?

I kind of feel like this backstory for Juliet was not their original plan. My feeling is that, if Alpert was available, he would have been the one carrying Ben's message to Juliet, and the beckstory wouldn't have included a wife for Goodwin.

I did like Ben's smug little smile when Sawyer and Hurley saw him walking around the barracks. Locke is so far in over his head. When he threw that money down, I was just thinking, "Locke, you are such a fucking idiot".

And CLAIRE is gonna talk to Miles????

And did I mention????.........BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!

Trevor McFur said...

That scene with Kate, Dan, and Charlotte didn't ring true. Kate sees the sat-phone, KNOWS that Charlotte and Dan are lying, but still bends down, turns around, and lets Charlotte get the drop on her? Please, even Locke's not that dumb. OK, maybe he is.

Not a big fan of the whole love quadralateral, but I liked that sourpuss look that Juliet got when she and Jack stumbled across Kate in the jungle.

PalmerEldritch said...

trev, you've got your thinking cap on tonight. good stuff.

steph, the rain-soaked Harper and the whispers were a trick to make us think that Juliet was talking to a ghost/apparition. kind of like how they tried to trick us into thinking Juliet was a member of the Oceanic 6 when Harper was talking to her about being treated "like a celebrity" in the first few minutes of the show.

maybe that was one of the issues with this episode. it seemed like they were trying to pull out all the stops and just weren't delivering on the same scale as last week. this episode was maybe trying a little too hard at a few points. it was the GOB to last week's Tony Wonder. :p

memphish said...

I enjoyed the episode because it did indeed turn out to be the flashback that I predicted.

To me this was one of those more than meets the eye episodes that may pay off later. Frankly I don't know who to trust at this point. Ben is still only showing Locke as much as he thinks Locke needs to know to convince Locke to do what he wants. Dumb freakin' Locke! He even tells him I've made up most of this file I'm giving you.

The promo ticked me off. That's all I'll say in case some of you were smart enough not to watch it.

I've been telling you guys that Juliet was untrustworthy--hooking up with a married man in no time at all. But frankly I do feel sorry for her. Being the "property" of one Ben "I like you because you look like my Mommy" Linus can't be easy.

I still can't decide if I think Wet Harper was like Wet Walt, like Yemi, like Taller Ghost Walt. I think this may come back later. I hope those Fuselage whisper people are hard at work right now.

And Tom's lost some weight I think. Nice to see him again.


memphish said...

One final question. Charlotte knows that the 815ers don't trust Ben; that they have him tied up like a dog. Why not tell them on the front end what they're up to? Why lie and hit Kate on the head setting up more polygon shit? These people want to help you bitchy redhead! Let them.


memphish said...

One final, final thing--Palmer, I think last season Juliet gave us the whole fetus attacks the mother or immune system attacks or whatever mumbo jumbo during One of Us. Of course, she was a giant freaking plant at the time, so who knows if her story was true or not. But I think it was at least consistent from that episode to this.


t-dot kim said...

Juliet is brainwashed.

I still don't like her.

That is all.


Trevor McFur said...

"Being the "property" of one Ben "I like you because you look like my Mommy" Linus can't be easy"

One of the creepier Benisms in an episode full of creepy Benisms.

Could Harper have been the island/Smokey/Jacob/whatever? Even if it and Ben aren't on the same side, we know that they have in common a dislike of the freighter people. And if Harper is 'real', how did she spy on Charlotte and Dan, report to Ben, and get back to talk to Juliet so fast ... while Ben was locked up? Unless their actions were anticipated earlier by Ben, and she already had specific orders based upon what actions they took.

"trev, you've got your thinking cap on tonight. good stuff."

The boobies kept me focused.

PalmerEldritch said...

"The boobies kept me focused."

glad they could point the way for you.

i think the "you look just like her" person is not ben's mum but his best buddy from DharmaSchool. the little blonde girl from his flashback episode. did he poison her?

/we used poisonous gasses
//and we poisoned their asses

memphish said...

Stinking blogger just erased by brilliance! Damn you blogger!

I was trying to break down the Harper scene. First I cleverly commented that the name Harper for a girl is stupid and should be on the list Trevor posted earlier. You should all giggle politely at this point. Then I got back to the main point. Was this Harper's revenge for Juliet's adultery? If Juliet had shot Dan when she'd found him, everyone on the Island would have died. Right? So Juliet would die. Ben would die. And Harper would have revenge on Juliet and Ben? Damn if I know. There. I think that was what I said last time. Going to copy it before I hit post this time.


Trevor McFur said...

If Ben really was pulling the strings on Harper, then I could see him telling her that the freighties were going to use the gas, when in reality he was the one who wanted to save it and maybe use it later. Using gas for mass murder is his m.o., after all, and I think they implied that Goodwin was working with it on Ben's orders too.

Why were they wearing the space suits in there? That ain't gonna do squat against poison gas.

Dunce cap for Jin tonight too ... just because he's foreign shouldn't mean that he's an idiot.

memphish said...

Hmm. I read that more as dunce cap for Jack. He's told Jin these are people we can trust. Oops. Unless they sneak off into the jungle.

/Still mad at Jack

PalmerEldritch said...

if it's the poisonous gas that ben used to kill off dharma then those space suits would do just fine. Alpert and the Hostiles (now that's a good band name) were fine in the poisonous gas in just gas masks to protect them.

by the way, locke is theoden to ben's grima wormtongue.

memphish said...

I have no idea what that means Palmer. Links please.


Trevor McFur said...

Nice use of geek lore.

Grima Wormtongue.

Trevor McFur said...

This one should be even easier.

PalmerEldritch said...

nice! someone doing the footwork for me. does that make me ben linus to trevor's locke? hmm...

grima was an advisor to theoden, the king of rohan in The Lord of the Rings. grima was a little snivellingly bitch who basically made policy in rohan by manipulating theoden.

ben's going to be controlling the Locke Flocke by pulling the wool over Locke's eyes.

/metaphors and similes!!

memphish said...

I'll admit it. I don't like The Lord of the Rings. I never even made it through the last movie and the second one which I did make it through I hated. I can follow The Hobbit, but that's about it for me.


memphish said...

I think that opens up a whole new line of commenting.

Charles Widmore is so rich . . . you have to watch him piss, make appropriate manly comments, and turn the sink off bitch.


PalmerEldritch said...

that'd be a great new internet meme.

"charles widmore is so rich" followed by some sort of hilarity.

charles widmore is so rich that even his daughter is named after money.

PalmerEldritch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PalmerEldritch said...

by the way, charles widmore should be dating boone's mom. birds of a feather and all.

mb said...

"charles widmore is so rich that even his daughter is named after money"

L M A OFFFFF Palmer!!! THAT one rocks!

...whew...let me stop the laughter then I'll post

mb said...

Not bad - especially for having to follow The Constant. A new Dharma station + A pretty big (if predicted) reveal re: Widmore = a solid episode for me.
Juliets flashback really just made me feel more sorry for her than anything. I was enjoying the knock-down drag out between Charlotte and Juliette - pretty badass.

And....Locke....(sigh)....Locke Locke Locke Locke....

COME ON MAN!!!! WTF R U doing with Ben!!!! I mean REALLY?!? After all the shit that's gone down wih Ben, REALLY?!?

It's just so frustrating to see this guy try to take charge who sabotages himself so regularly. But now watch as Ben actually becomes an asset - I don't know, we'll see.
I guess this is why I actually liked assertive-Claire. And of all the people in the Locke Flocke she may be the only one that could confront him and actually get him to listen.

So, as always, big-ass questions of who should we believe come:
- believe Charlotte re: their reason for messing with the gas?
- believe Ben that Widmore is as big a threat as he says - and that Ben's motives are snow-white?

I am thinking Charlotte is telling the basic truth as is Ben. The fun of this show is seeing how they manage to twist what "basically" seems to be true.

I liked Tom's little comment to Juliet about Harper getting him to cry about his daddy (or whatever the line was) - nod to all the Daddy issues on the show.

memphish said...

Good call MB. I'd forgotten about that. I think this episode had a lot of little things like that.


PastPablo said...

Hmm, surprisingly I wasn't thrilled with this episode. I suspect it has something to do with the flashbacks weaving in and out of events we've already dealt with. Nice reveals but some of the writing seemed predictable (or we already knew what the answer to a question was: i.e. Jack asking Kate why she stayed @ Locke's camp) due to the nature of the episode. whatevs.

Chris JC said...

I done an enjoy. I still firmly believe that Ben will turn out to be the hero of LOST, nothing in today's show has disabused me of that.

Harper was real, but didn't actually speak to Ben. Although interestingly:

Miles: I am exactly where I want to be.

Harper: Ben is exactly where he wants to be.


I don't know where Daniel got that map of Middle Earth from, but I hope it helps him and Charlotte get to Mordor.

Good to hear the Hatch Emergency Tone again (bingboooong).

Ben, when showing Juliet Goodwin's body... this is, I believe, the only time we've ever seen him not in control of himself. Achilles' heel: FOUND.

He's not gonna like "Jacket".

When we see how stagnant Sawyer and Hurley are in Otherville, you realise how much of a poor choice they may have made. They'll just go mental at this rate.

This series, the makers seem to have been more lax with the use of production sound - in "Confirmed Dead" when Abaddon spoke you could hear the traffic in the background (although use of a noise gate made sure it only presented itself while he was actually making any noise) and in THIS episode, the rain in the post-Harper scene make so many different tones cutting back and forth that it sounded like a really avant-garde bit of score.

Would Goodwin not be Goodwin Stanhope, like Harper? Or would that be too easy?

PalmerEldritch said...

so, to take down Ben, we must find something he's emotionally invested in and exploit it.


Chris JC said...

Can we get a volunteer to exploit Juliet, please?


memphish said...

I was just going to suggest that Palmer. Will Juliet and Jack be smart enough to use that tactic? Jack, doubt it. Juliet, maybe.


Chris JC said...

I guess it's time to brace ourselves for some sexy, red-hot Jack Action.


Trevor McFur said...

"nice! someone doing the footwork for me. does that make me ben linus to trevor's locke? hmm..."

Don't know if I'm crazy about THAT analogy...

Since we saw him with a moustace, does that settle the "Is Tom gay" question?

Charles Widmore's so rich, that he stages a phony-baloney boat race just to get rid of his daughter's boyfriend. Then he hires another boat to find him, rub his face in it, and leave him behind.

Chris JC said...

Also: was anyone else as amused as I was when Ben showed Juliet her new place and used it as an excuse to scope our her ass/rse?

We just aren't used to seeing Ben as a sexual being - and I think the raw power of that may be a little too much for us.

Chris JC said...

Charles Widmore is so rich that he's paid for himself to appear in every US drama made in the past two years.

Rrb said...

So new Hatch reminded me of the return of the Jedi scene In Ewok land..Broken entrence key thingy little cubby hole Door that goes up..Except it was TALLER?

Rrb said...


Rrb said...

So Sir Eldrich I just got My LOST game via Mail and if you got some questions i got some anwseres..I'm not much of a reviewer so what do you want to know? That is if you did'nt buy it yet or get your review filll.

Rrb said...

Widmore is so rich that he now has some one pee for him..not only does he not shut off faucets he has shut off peeing..So very rich..he knows Ben? Good vs. evil /evil Now thats a tv first..

PalmerEldritch said...

everybody check the fuck out of cuz it is very pleasing to the eye.

ralphie and ryan, did you guys do that layout yourself? good stuff!

Trevor McFur said...

One big weakness about Ben, he's really not very good with the ladies. Here he's the undisputed leader of the Others, and he still can't get any lovin'. I think that when you resort to the old, "I'll show her her boyfriend's dead body! Then she'll love me forever" trick, then it's time to give up.

Anonymous said...

Juliet is a slut!

memphish said...

None of the "leaders" on this show do very well with the ladies--Jack, Locke, Ben. The Island is populated with Bad Boy Girls. And Bad Girls.

The site looks great Dharmalars.


PalmerEldritch said...

yeah, if the Romance Ham doesn't work, take the lady out for a sexy jaunt to her lover's corpse. if decomposition doesn't get her in the mood, then move onto whining and claiming ownership.

she's bound to love you.

Trevor McFur said...

Jack might not be great with the ladies, but he does have 2 hotties chasing after him. Even Locke was in a relationship at some point. Ben looks to be the fifty-year-old virgin.

Ralph- said...

I like how happy "shirt carrying" ben walked like Pee-Wee herman leaving Chuck's Bike Shop in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure!

Rrb said...

Wow Palmer cool pick up? How did you get that? Before the big Unveiling soon to come on this weeks dharmalars? Your lars spoilerifficate!!!

Palmer goes where no man usely goeos, the dharmalar futre, there he may anwser questions but most likely he'll show some crazy dumb shit..on the net.. Does he see in the future? I think he may, he pulls the Dharma net.Out of his you know what.
An interesting new view on The podcast we all love and he finds this before any other? Hmmmm ?

Ralph- said...

the layout was my design and ryan posted it last night. i still want it to look like the best lost podcast webpage around and will hopefully get some more work done on it this weekend.

Rrb said...

Cool stuff Ralph+company..I posted a thought on the dharma page not sure if it got through wanted to keep it low key B G here it goes.. A Ryan Laugh track ALA the "Crickets" I listened to the whole crickets......I was workin so changin it was inconvienient..but it was funny..At one point I was like why am Im listen to crickets???

Rrb said...

I NEED TO THINK WHY AM I LISTEN TO RYAN LAUGH FOR....a couple minutes any more may be dangerouse:)

Ralph- said...

i remember the Crickets. i forget which episode that was. there is no point in having a Ryan laugh track if he is sitting in the room laughing. It helps us guage what is funny and what is not.

Ryan is the All Knowing, when it comes to dharmalars humor.

memphish said...

Do you think Ben has tried having his chest waxed? I'm pretty sure they offer that and other salon services somewhere in the Dharma network.


Rrb said...

Ralph I totaly get Ryans Input it the show.

I was hopen on a response to the negativity towards Ryan latly onthe dharma line:( I thought a good revenge would be RYAN's laugh on aloop:

Anonymous said...

Not even I would want to hear that.

Rrb said...

Benry Wax UEWWWW

Rrb said...


Ralph- said...

i could play it over the dharmaline.

Rrb said...

of coarse you would'nt Ryan I sure would'nt want to here me but this needs a repracaution..and I think my thought is fitting..


I'm all for a VOTE:)

Rrb said...

Ralph I don't have the means:( BUt MAYBEEEEE my fellow in anger MB could help me?????

Rrb said...

My Dharmaline call would be dumb like my 45min cooking of French fries..Do you aLL still have my call deleted if you do through it on some time I'm curios what I had to say? I know I was sellin T shirts in a..hmmmmm diff.dielect?
If Not that is for the better..

Jordan said...

What do you guys want to be that Charles Widmore ends up being in alliance with Sun's father, along with Christian Sheppard, Boone's mother, Kate's mom, the formerly alive Anthony Cooper, and the rest of the losties' parents. IT'S HEROES ALL OVER!!! lol.

Anonymous said...

somebody blew a kablammo. :(

/late kablammo?

Rrb said...

Sorry MB did'nt want to throw you under the bus "Juliet style" I just remember readin your thoughts on the one dude thinkin how dumb he was and back a bit you miriored my thought on how this all is FREE!!!
WHY make negative? Your an ass..And need to be messed with:)Not you MB I'm abit buzzed, NO I'll admit it drunk...But it's lost day:0 for me at least an I celibrate the helll out of each Lost Ep.. you never know it could be your the last.. I personly fear mortality in LOST years..What if i don't find out how the nanobots took over Mickey and Pablo and made a whole new Political Correct Island?

[ally] said...

* Awesome page, Dharmalars.

* So Juliet was the other woman.

* Ben cooking ham for Juliet - hilarious.

* Juliet's reaction to a romantic ham dinner - priceless.

* Ryan's giggle on a loop? That'll show that one guy that hates it! :)

* Charles Widmore is so rich, that he didn't want Pesmond to get hitched.

Rrb said...

WOW JORDAN FROM sleep for 36hr is askin ? Is it real or is it DRE.?

[ally] said...

"somebody blew a kablammo."


Rrb said...

Pesmond it sounds candy like...Who Get's the Head?

Rrb said...

Alright Ralph has to play this on the dharmalime. If he doesnt he can't stay neutral..So it has to stay on the dharmaline..How can we as Fans Remedy this matter?

mb said...

So, the spoilers I had reported said that Charlotte and Daniel were going to The Orchid in this episode. Just want to check with everyone else that the "gas station" is indeed called The Tempest - I didn't hear Orchid mentioned as an alternate name. Am I right?
(just sorting out what end up being foilers)

RRB - TOTALLY 100% support playing Ryan's laugh on a loop for Eddie from LA! Perfect response!

[ally] said...

"Who Get's the Head?"


memphish said...

MB, Doc Jensen reported yesterday that he had mistakenly thought we'd see The Orchid last night, but then he found out it was The Tempest. The other Foiler from Doc Jensen yesterday was we'd find out who was Ben's man on the boat.


Chris JC said...

Indeed, MB, t'was The Tempest - complete with new DHARMA station logo with a tidal wave picture on it.

Perhaps this is the show's concession to the tsunami.

Anonymous said...

Jordan - Heroes IS better than Lost.

Anonymous said...

Did I just say that? Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

mb said...

Nice pull Chris! forgot about the tsunami.

mb said...

Thanks for the heads up Holli - missed that

Chris JC said...

No credit to me MB, every sod's been going on about the tsunami for weeks now :D

[ally] said...

Desmond's Hair Secrets Revealed

I think it's what we all figured, but this explains it.

t-dot kim said... looks great guys!

Trevor McFur said...

Ally, did you steal my avatar?

Trevor McFur said...

Oops, apparantly not.

[ally] said...

i was debating on which one i wanted and landed on that one.

i'm too happy with it, so i'll keep looking for another one.

[ally] said...

ha! mine's bigger than yours!

PalmerEldritch said...

"i was debating on which one i wanted and landed on that one."

that's what she said.

[ally] said...

ok i found one. i think no one will have that one.

Stephanie said...

OMG,ralph-. I was thinking PeeWee too.
The page looks great. The video is a nice touch. I have a new destination for Friday mornings.
The Other Boleyn Girl is great.

Anonymous said...

Kate is doing the squinchy face.

Jordan said...

So 136 some odd posts, and not a one (at least that I read) that talk about that super hot kiss between Jack and Jules? When that happened, I couldn't think of anything else but, "Oh snap. Kimberley, Aimee, and the rest of the women who hate Juliet are going to be pissed!!!" lol.

Jordan said...

Man, I suck at this message board. I never am around during the big sprawling conversations, and always show up when nobody is around. Dang East coast people. :P

PastPablo said...

re: always being too late for the east coast/central tea party:

i couldn't agree more Jordan, happens to me, too,

pablo from the 310

mb said...

Sorry Jordan - I had my one busy hour at work just now - otherwise I woulda been here for you :(

BALPH - fuckin' sweetness

lovin' it - looking great!

PalmerEldritch said...


we totally had a juliet/charlotte dynasty-esque hair pulling match and nobody (including me) seemed to care!

memphish said...

The condom Charlotte was wearing made it less interesting. Though it was Dharma Whipped Topping colored.


Rrb said...

I'd take Cali weather and paci, time zones vs eastern aones with MA weather fucin rain snow 35 degrees if lucky..And no heat in my car.

Jordan said...

For the film buffs out there.