Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Ji Yeon" Pre-episode & Episode Discussion

'Tis LosThursday - rejoice and discuss tonight's new episode of Lost - "Ji Yeon"



Jimmy said...

1st MF'ers!

mb said...

impressive sir - it was up all of about 4 mins.


PastPablo said...


PastPablo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mb said...

I say nuthin' spoilery here - but I just messaged you over at My Space pablo :)

PastPablo said...

thanks mb.

Anonymous said...

My friend speaks Korean, and let me know what tonight's episode title means. I'm not sure if it has been discussed elsewhere, but it is a spoiler. I definitely wish I didn't know.

mb said...

Well any insecurity I have about my abilities as a producer/editor are slightly less acute now.


god love 'em


memphish said...

Drive by hi! Be back Monday.

en vaccances with crap net access

Jordan said...

That is awesome MB! Wish Kim was here so I could make a Canada joke. lol.

Anonymous said...

Best. Photo. Ever.

Alirio said...

Oh no she didn't...


Alirio said...

I think we just met Kevin Johnson!!!

Alirio said...


Alirio said...

A flash-back AND flash-forward in the same episode?

Very cheeky.... almost unfair to us poor LOST fans...

Stephanie said...

Holy shit! My mind is blown. Thank you, Lost.

Trevor McFur said...

Was it a flashback and foward? I thought that it was all flashfoward, but Sun didn't know that Jin was actually alive.

Stephanie said...

Simultaneous flash forward and flash back. Fantastic! Hey, didn't DDK just get a DUI? Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

They gave it away when the clerk in the store said it was the year of the dragon. I still didn't figure it out in time but I knew Jin wasn't flashing forward.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure some of you noticed, but the tombstone said Jin died on 9/22/2004.

Trevor McFur said...

So is Jin really dead, or is he on the island?

Anonymous said...

so jin is not one of the oceanic six?

DenAss said...


I did see that, and now I'm a little more confused, b/c we were told that we'd know who "The Oceanic 6" were tonight. Now I'm only sure of 5.

Plus, is Jin still alive on the island?

DenAss said...

dammit! I also meant to say KA-BLAMMO

DenAss said...

Red card to anyone who posts a belated KABLAMMO. If you're not quick enough to catch it when it comes around then just let it go!

How many of you long time MYOKOM w/SAS ers remember "Red Card"?

Stephanie said...

Red card is still strong around these parts.
I refuse to believe Jin's dead. He's still alive on the island. But who is the 6th? Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurley, Sayid... That's just 5.

Trevor McFur said...


Trevor McFur said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephanie said...

Where's the chopper?
Sorry, I'm not impressed with Zoe Bell's stunt. She must be back to do more.

Trevor McFur said...

Bye-bye Regina.

Hello, Kevin Johnson.

PalmerEldritch said...

kevin johnson is the oceanic sixth?

my mind is blown too. but not by the episode but by that youtube video that MB posted. holy crap!

as for the episode, jin's phone was a pretty damn good giveaway but i, once again, excused it as some sort of prop mistake. nope, just an old ass phone cuz jin was in the past.


PalmerEldritch said...

Zoe Below!!!!

i at first thought the chains were a Marley reference from A Christmas Carol. then she up and walked off the boat. oops.

DenAss said...

Hey Stephanie,

I guess I'm just not around much to see how Red Card is used here.

I'm with you though, I want to believe that Jin is still alive on the island.

But why would Hurley travel to Korea to visit a gravesite that he knew wasn't for-real?

Was he just there to see the bay-bee? And were he and Sun only keeping up some kind of act in visiting Jin's grave?

DenAss said...


the phone was one clue, but the panda was another. you can't touch one of those giant pandas for 50,000 these days.

Alirio said...

Cusalof mentioned the Oceanic Six would be definitively identified by episode eight. Not seven.

I think Jin is on the Island as his death date would indicate.

I think the best info tonight was that the Freighties think Ben faked the plane crash wreckage in the ocean!!!

I would agree. It would keep people from looking for the plane and perhaps stumbling onto the Island during the search.

Doesn't Kevin Johnson look older than Michael? I think we'll find out that the bearing Ben gave Michael led him to the past.

What an episode!

PalmerEldritch said...


the phone was one clue, but the panda was another. you can't touch one of those giant pandas for 50,000 these days."

dude, that cracked me up way more than it should have. nicely done!

DenAss said...

thanks dude. denass can usually deliver about one good one every month or so. (twss)

I know. it was forced.

Unknown said...

What the hell is happening on that boat. Regina now swims with the fishes and someone ate a gun in the room that Sayid and Desmond with be sharing. Was that morse code that tthey heard too?

Anonymous said...

That episode blew my mind. As soon as Jin went 'I've only been married for two months!' my sister and both went 'What?'

Crazy! Very well played out. Well done Lost writers, you have yet to drop the ball this season, so yay!


PalmerEldritch said...

did Jin and the panda bear remind any one else of Jingle All the Way with Arnold and Sinbad?

"i need a turbo man!"

fun episode. totally awesome when Juliet told Jin that Sun was being boned daily by Jae Lee. i could almost hear Jaime Pressly go "oh snap!" when Juliet said that.

speaking of... Bernard teaching Jin about Karma was making me hope for a Spin-Off called "My Name is Bernard."

DenAss said...


I like it. Here's some other possible LOST spin-offs:

Kharma and Ben
Perfect Others
Too close for Kate
Eko and the Man
Locke knows Best?
Weekend at Bennies
23 and a half men
Charlie and the Heroin factory
48 is enough
Unhappy days
Leave it to Sawyer

But back to tonight's episode. Just what do you think was the purpose for Jin's flashback? Surely it must have meant SOMETHING. Anyone?

btw: Here's the set-up. Make it count!

Ralph- said...


Ralph- said...

jin's death date only means that he "died in the crash". He can still be on the island alive for all we know. He may have sacrificed his own helecopter ride to juliet so she can be sure sun saved her.

LOCKE is the 6th!


also, check out for an update tonight.

PalmerEldritch said...

watched Ben jerking his knee over at the Dharmalars' web page. funny stuff.

i think if Jin were still on the Island then Hurley and Sun might have mentioned it. i figure that the dude is, unfortunately, dead or at least presumed dead by Sun in the future.

Stephanie said...

Finally, a good JCVD movie!

andrew. said...

- i can't read Korean so i have to take people's word on the Sept. 24 2004 date on the tombstone. at 1st i assumed it meant Jin was alive and it was a cover-up since we know he lived to atleast Dec. 25th 2004, but then i realized that they'd have to put the plane crash date no matter when he died to maintain the Oceanic 6 cover story.

- did anyone else get an Evil-Hurley & Evil-Sun vibe when he showed up to visit, like they should have had evil-goatees or mustaches to twirl? When he asked if anyone else was coming, Sun says no, and then Hurley says "good". i half expected them to start making out.

- actually, everyone in the flashes seemed evil. Evil-toy store clerk, evil-Obstetrician, evil cel-phone-smashing business jerk, evil-Jin, evil-Jin's-tombstone...

- also i kept repeating the mantra, "black baby, black baby, black baby" when Sun was delivering. I'm glad that they didn't go there, but with that mobisode it seemed like a real possibility.

- actually, the only character that didn't seem evil in the episode after all of the build-up was the Captain. like sayid says, he was refreshingly forthcoming.

- Naveen Andrews looks like he's 4 feet tall in that picture.

- the freighties are the new tailies! i expect them all to be dead by the end of the season. nice to meet you Minkowski. nice to meet you Regina.

- i'm getting a little tired of the writers structuring every episode to fool us in some way. sure, it makes for somewhat compelling television on the first viewing when you're 2nd guessing everything on the screen, but it doesn't really service the long narrative form very well. If they hadn't spent all of that time with Jin's fake-out flashback, they could have been spending more time with one or two of the 30 or so characters we have or 1,000 open questions. we could have seen Cindy!

- just to be clear, i'm really enjoying this season.

Stephanie said...

I was expecting a passionate kiss between Hurley and Sun too, Andrew. Weird.

Still taking suggestions for trivia question from Blogspotters.

PalmerEldritch said...

steph, these are LOST trivia questions you want?

it did seem a bit like Hurley was gunna make out with Sun. weird stuff. i think he was glad that the other Oceanic Six weren't coming to visit cuz of some sort of estrangement that must have happened. especially if Kevin Johnson is one of them. i could see Hurley holding a grudge against him.

but maybe ol' Kev isnt one of the Six and will be taking another assumed name. hmmm...

Rrb said...

I shed a tear for jin..just one he was a mans man, kick ass all the way. But I 'm not going on record as he really is dead. As for the flash back/forward/present/alternate ending???

Rrb said...

Palmer thanks for the link my brain... dead....totaly forgot the balph diarys of an lost episode..

Rrb said...

Last but not least in the future I hope Lost does not make me wonder about the time line this much..I just listened to the "Movies you should see podcast for Pulp Fiction last night at work" (a thread rec o mend ).
And thats weird with the three timeline thing Back to back now that I think about it..
Any way I don't like it for Lost 2timelines..Thats it got it Cussaloff.. Past Present .or Vice Versa.
None of this three way shit..
In a year at this rate we could be watchin FF,FB,FS,F. Where the hell, when the hell, How the hell, Is this hell?
FF FB plenty for one episode no more of this BS

Abit of a Rant ..Sooryishh

Alirio said...

I predict BEN LINUS will be one of the Oceanic SIX.

Makes the most sense as we've already seen him off the island by way of a flash-forward.

Stephanie said...

rrb, you should check out the show on which they discuss the many layers of Scream. I seem to recall they decided the film has seven layers. Mmmmm. Seven layer salad.

palmer, you are right. Hulu is awesome. Bob Newhart and The Tick all in one place. I think Baby Cakes will like The Tick penned by Barry Sonnenfeld (Pushing Daisies).

PalmerEldritch said...

tick live action or tick cartoon?!

only one has Speak.

Trevor McFur said...

I totally thought that Sun and Hurley were gonna make out too. Weird.

I don't think that Jin is actually dead. What I think is that something happens that will make everyone but the Oceanic 6 look like they're dead. If the 6 (except maybe Sayid) think that everyone else is dead, it would explain why Kate has Aaron, and why they're not exactly actively trying to get back. One thing that always bothered me was the idea that Jack, Hurley etc would leave and agree to the coverup if they knew everyone else was still alive.

Rrb said...

The Last time I was at Hulu I thought it was kinda cheap they decide what you can watch and it was mostly "clips" what would you want to watch a clip of the episode you want to see..Give us the "frickin show" Austin Powers is on Tbs Frickin in dr evil cracks me up..
As For Lost I had a last minute thought before I went to Bed I'm Not sure if every one picked this up but it changed the episode for me. I think it was the first scene Nikki's show is in the background dubed in I guess Chinese, in Sun's room. That was makin me all confused on time frames!!And what episode of "..?.." it wa scant remember name of the fake show now:( to lazy to go to Lostpedia:( Ooowell just my thoughts..Palmer I anwsered your tea question but may have rehashed the rev..war in the response

Rrb said...

"Where in a Fricken Volcano surrounded by Fricken Lava" hahhahaaahha
19 18 17 16 15 14 yOU KNOW...

Ralph- said...

did anyone listen to Jay and Jack. Doc Artz asked if we have seen any flash forwards in previous seasons...they dodged the question.


Rrb said...

Go Ralph I'm on board I think the Charlotte Dan Miles ep. Is part FF and Naomi part has to be FB.. It works if Miles does'nt get the money.
So he has to Ghost bust for change? Daniel Rembers the people on the island, and feels bad he left them?..But does'nt remeber, why?
Charlotte is tryin to find her way back.With the dharma knowladge from bein on island..,Goin straight for the colar...know all see all..
My theroy i posted abit back sorry for repeat
but it's stilll in play.
Thanks Ralph for thinkin out side the box. Which got mme thinkin out side the box:) We don't know if some are FF or FB or my favorite FS?

Chris JC said...

Hello all.

The way I see it, there are two possibilities:

1) Jin is still alive and Sun KNOWS that he is. The date of his death is the date of the 815 crash, in keeping with the cover-up (meaning that he would be the first confirmed of the two from the cover-up story that didn't make it). The biggest giveaway being that Sun asked the hopsital staff to go and get him. But then this leads to

2) LOST pulling another fast one by referring to a dead character in a way that makes the audience think they were alive. They made sure that we noticed that Sun only started asking them to find Jin after she got drugged up. So if he IS actually dead, then presumably this happens on-island rather than after.

That leaves you with either a real tombstone, or a fake tombstone (well, real but with someone else under it - another one of the seemingly plentiful "spares") - but either way it's one that she goes to whenever she finds herself needing to think of him.

In honour of Jin's crazed toy buying, my screen grab is: a tubby Pikachu as seen on one of the shelves.


PalmerEldritch said...

i still say Jin is Arnold.

Trevor McFur said...

I think that, at the very least, Sun believes that Jin is dead. I don't think that she was acting to maintain the cover or anything like that. I think that he really is alive, she just doesn't know it...

andrew. said...

ps. that Obstetrician was terrible at his job.
"yeah, so we're going to have to do a C-section because you're baby is in distress"
"uh, doctor..."
"just a minute nurse. So, as i was saying, we're definitely going to have to perform a life threatening procedure...
"uh, doctor..."
"what is it nurse?!!"
"the baby came out."

PalmerEldritch said...


right on, andrew. that baby is the next houdini or something. able to escape when the experts said it would be impossible.

Trevor McFur said...

Maybe he trained at Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.

mb said...

Alright - still processing....

- lmao at how many people thought there was going to be a Sun Hurley smooch for a second - I thought I was just thinking crazy :D

- LMFAO Andrew - excellent comment re: that doctor! Although, is it possible that the birth progressed unusually fast? Perhaps due to wacky effects the island has on pregnancy. Just a thought reading that hilarious comment.

- I'm such a spacer - I saw Jin's old-ass cell phone, noticed it, thought "that's weird"...and forgot about it. What an obvious clue in hindsight!

- So, Sun having the baby in the hospital means that the Oceanic 6 are leaving the island within 3 weeks island time - right? Otherwise she'd be dying, right? This gives us a little more info on the chronology of Flash Forward life (unless they leave and somehow get thrown back in time).

- I thank everyone for the speculation about Jin's death. does the date on the tombstone mean that he's still on the island?

- That's a beautiful baby!

- Trevor - I was thinkin the same thing about Sun crying at the gravesite (that that means Jin must be dead) - until I realized that she could be crying about the fact that he's not there (and still on the island) - and she probably doesn't know if she'll ever see him again.

mb said...

sorry trevor - just re-read your post and realized that you were saying Jin is alive nut Sun BELIEVES he's dead.

mb said...

I liked this episode a lot, however I was thinking, like Andrew that I wished the Jin flashback served more of a purpose than just deception. Seemed like wasting valuable story time.

Trevor McFur said...

I can understand that. I don't really mind too much when it's used to make the story more interesting.

mb said...

OH - I almost forgot -
What about Frank being sent off in the helicopter on an "errand"? I have to assume it's to the island, right? It just caught my attention b/c why wouldn't they just say he was going back to the island?

mb said...

I also liked that Dez now knows that it's Charles Widmore's boat. Defintely a "holy shit" moment for him.

Trevor McFur said...

What did they say when Sayid asked if Frank went to the island? "Do you know anyplace else he could go?", or something like that...? Could there be someplace else he might have gone???

I was glad Michael being KJ wasn't the final reveal of the episode. Was there anyone who didn't know it was him walking down the hallway?

Trevor McFur said...

Oh yeah...

Join the March Madness pool!!!!!!!

Group ID: 38329
Password: 4815162342

Stephanie said...

Could Ji Yeon melt even Kim's icy, cold heart? Kidding, of course.

PastPablo said...

"- i'm getting a little tired of the writers structuring every episode to fool us in some way. sure, it makes for somewhat compelling television on the first viewing when you're 2nd guessing everything on the screen, but it doesn't really service the long narrative form very well. If they hadn't spent all of that time with Jin's fake-out flashback, they could have been spending more time with one or two of the 30 or so characters we have or 1,000 open questions. we could have seen Cindy!

- just to be clear, i'm really enjoying this season."

my sentiments exactly. I was a bit bothered by both this episode and the last one, only because I know we aren't getting as many episodes as we were initially supposed to so I want every second to count. In the long run, years from now looking back I'll enjoy that they went back and filled in Juliet's gap (twss) and I'll appreciate how clever the dueling flash/forward/back was, but as of now...whatevs!

that's what she said...

Did anyone else - while watching Ben's knee jerk reactions - think he was going to say at the very end...

"now, back to the porn"



PalmerEldritch said...

oooh! new Avatar in honor of Jin's quest for a TurboMan, err, Panda.

Trevor McFur said...

Good avatar, palmer. Mine's in honor of Mike's pseudonym.

PalmerEldritch said...

i saw basketball and assumed it was your NCAA bracketball stuff. but that's certainly retired NBA player Kevin Johnson.

elias said...

Like Andrew I was expecting Kevin Johnson's baby to pop out of Sun's hatch - at least they fooled me with the FB/ FF split. And seeing Jin die with me own eyes is believing.

As for the last Oceanic Sixer I think they'll go for the least likely which is probably Locke.

Hurley did look badass in his whistle & flute.

PalmerEldritch said...

think he took the apples and pears to sun's apartment?

[ally] said...

So I missed last night's episode and had to go home today for lunch to go watch it, because the anticipation was killing me!

I really hate Juliet now. I hope Kim has room for me on the "I hate Juliet Club". I've never really had a problem with her before, but her telling Jin about Sun's affair was not her place. I'm glad she got bitch slapped.

I like the good balance between the people on the island, the freighties and the flashfobacks. It had a good even amount of all of it.

I was looking at the screen caps and it looks like Michael/Kevin = Mevin?? was on deck when Regina jumped. I didn't catch that at all while I was watching the episode, but I wasn't really looking for it either.

Ralph- said...

My sister did no know that Michael was on the boat!

I think i mentioned that on the show that if it was michael she would have been fooled, cause she is a casual watcher. But i may have stated that on the episode that got dumped.

[ally] said...

she didn't know at all?!?


in her defense, he does look different and it has been a while since we've seen him around.

mb said...

Do we think that the Captain's correct that Widmore did plant the other 815 at the bottom of the ocean? My main problem with the idea that it was staged is - if you wanted to stage a downed flight, why would you put the plane in the Sunda Trench which is THOUSANDS of miles from 815's original course. Wouldn't you want to make it LOOK plausible? The pilot originally said that they lost radio contact 6 hours into the flight (so they were well on their way to L.A - I've got to think close to halfway there), at which point they changed course to head to Fiji, and that they were only "1000 miles off course" when they hit turbulence (i.e. the island).

It seems like some wacky timespace/wormhole/casamir effect thing is looking more and more to me like it might have something to do with the duplicate 815.

The only reason I can think of to place the wreckage so far off course is to throw off anyone who might use a search for 815 to look for the island. I don't know - I'm confused.

andrew. said...

i thought the Captain suggested that it was Ben who staged the sunken plane with all of the dead bodies, and implied that that was why they were trying to get him

[ally] said...

yeah that's what i understood too. what the captain said was that widmore was the one looking to see why they did it.

Ralph- said...

ally, she knew that it was michael, she didnt know that it was going to be michael on the boat. She does not know the actors names, other than jorge garcia and matthew fox (she is a party of 5 fan). so seeing Harold Perrenau's name in the credits didn't clue her in.

so the big slow ass reveal of michael walking into the light ever so slowly totally got her all excited!! Much in the same way i felt when i saw that dude arive at comic con!


[ally] said...

The other thing I didn't catch, which I probably should've since it played so slowly, was Nikki on Exposé. Just what you need to watch before you go into labor.

PastPablo said...

yeah the Michael reveal would have been WTF?!?-caliber had it not have been so obvious to us lostaholics via comic con. ah well. win some lose some. I like ralph's theory about Locke being the 6th. let's see what happens.

mb said...

I thought the captain said something about the operation (planting the wreckage) taking up a lot of Widmore's resources. Looking for clip...

PalmerEldritch said...

mb, getting the blackbox from the fake wreckage took a lot of Chuckulicious Widmore's money. but he, supposedly, didn't plant the wreckage. he thinks Ben did.

[ally] said...

it's taking up his resources to find out why.

that's what i gathered from it.

[ally] said...

who knew that we had even more in common palmer.

thinking up the same response for mb AND we both have panda avatars.

what next? are you gonna tell me you watch prison break?


PastPablo said...,2933,337232,00.html

wow @ that

sorry but I don't remember how to make a link clickable here.

PastPablo said...

Worlds longest restroom break

thanks futureally!

mb said...

Thanks Ally, Palmer, and Andrew - makes sense now!

RE: that news story - Holy porcelin throne batman! That's a new one - lol

/maybe some ex-lax would have sped things up? just suggestin' ;)