Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Discuss how psyched you are that you survived another hiatus without killing yourself...or someone else.


Scott and Steve said...

I will post another thread later for the post-airing discussions, so people in different time zones can separate themselves and not be spoiled.

- Aimee

Stephanie said...

Sounds like a good idea, Aimee.
In honor of the start of season 4 or season 3.5 or to be more precise season 3.25- I pledge to go spoiler-free beginning right now!
And as a PSA, the drug mentioned in the spam on the previous post- effexor- NEVER TAKE IT! It's of the devil.

aimee is lost said...

Good luck on going spoiler-free. I've considered doing the same thing, but there is so much crap out there, and it's so hard to shelter yourself from it. Besides the junk that IS out there, is never that bad anyway. I've never had my Lost experience ruined by a spoiler before.

Anonymous said...

13hrs...15min til new lost...
haha, sounds pretty pathetic, counting down to a TV show huh

- SadAce

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am very psyched. 9 hours for me! And then I think I'll probably watch it on ABC as well at 10 in case I missed anything important. Or not. Because Nelly is on CSI:NY tonight, and while I'm not a fan, it's fun to see famous people acting badly.

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked the episode never got leaked online as a bit torrent file. I kept checking some of the torrent searches (not that I normally use that type of thing), and never could find one that was a confirmed version of "Not in Portland". That amazes me since they sent out DVD Screeners of the episode to many TV critics.

- SadAce

aimee is lost said...

All of the screeners gave 3x07 excellent reviews. But I'm not sure if that makes me happy or not. Usuually if I like something, the so-called critics think it sucks, and vice versa. So I guess we'll just have to see.

PalmerEldritch said...

Happy Lostnesday, gang!

I for one can't wait for Rose to tell Bernard that she works for DHARMA. Wait... what?

Anyhow, have fun everyone. Aimee and Kim, try not to drown in your own drool from all those hunky LOST beefcakes! ;)

PalmerEldritch said...


Ralph and Ben, don't you guys drown in your own drool from those hunky LOST beefcakes either. K?

Ralph- said...

the only beef cakes i will drool over are the ones connected to ....nevermind. I am pretty excited about lost being back. i wont be really excited until we get through the "Previously" segment.

we are recording on fridays now, let's just hope we can make it 16 weeks straight.

PalmerEldritch said...

making it 16 weeks straight isn't another reference to LoST's beefcakes is it? :)

you guys should record a generic LOST podcast ahead of time to post when you don't have enough time to record a new one. really generic references to characters and lots of vague comments.

then just post it to the feed with a disclaimer when you need more time to record a new podcast.

Ralph- said...

the thing about that, is by the time you do a make up episode, it is time for the next one. it will be a marathon, but we should be able to get through it.

Jimmy said...

I know, Ralph...

It's going to be a comittment, for sure., I'm in though! Lets watch the yellow logo climb the ladder!

Ralph- said...

i added the "LOST Podcast" to our title so that people would see us in iTunes if they type LOST in the search.

Anonymous said...

hey! did you notice on that promo picture that all of the people that are secretly others have their heads cocked slightly to the left. It's a classic reference to pythagorian geometry and the theory of escalating but mirrored angles 4-8-15-16-23-42. It's obvious when you look at the hexagonal D.H.A.R.M.A. symbol and the way that that corresponds to the dewey decimal system. 481.5 is the bible and psalms 23 and 42 make reference to great black clouds...

ah interwebbing bullshit artists. i love how many physicists and dead language scholars spend their days hanging out on Lost messageboards. Looking forward to 16 straight weeks of overanalyzation and crackpot theories!

Happily Lostnesday peeps!

Mike Campbell said...

I can't believe its back on and will be on for 16 weeks. Thats the best each week there will be new Lost and new 24.

Stephanie said...

ralph- and Kimberley and Craig- y'all need to put the podcasts on

casey_donahue said...

i checked out a projector from our a/v department, I will be watching lost on a screen 5ft by 6ft

Ralph- said...

steph. i am not sure what diggs is.

Stephanie said...

Wow, ralph-. I'm shocked at how hip I am.
How Digg Works
Digg is a digital media democracy. As a user, you participate in determining all site content by discovering, selecting, sharing, and discussing the news, videos, and podcasts that appeal to you.
OMG, 6 more hours!

aimee is lost said...

Anyone want to take a stab at predictions?

I think it would be nice if the episode showed both groups of people, but I don't know if they'll be able to accomplish that in one hour.

I just really miss Sayid and want to see him. I'm sorry I left him off of my hot list. He might be a little dainty, but he still kicks ass.

Ralph- said...

i have no idea what is in store for us tonight. i am fairly certain that Ben wont die. I am wondering if Juliette will mention the INXS video to jack. i think that sawyer and kate will find the sailboat. they will use the sail boat, maybe not tonight, but they will eventually run into the foot statue. I have a feeling that the hot air balloon will come into play real soon and that Locke will seek out the station with "eyepatch" in it, and discover that there is actually a tunnel leading to the second island (cause why would 2 polar bears be on the main island, if they were both caged on island 2). something will probably happen between desmond and hurley involving future seeing.

PalmerEldritch said...

Holy Moses!

Only four and a half hours until LOST. My girlfriend's not nearly as excited about it as I am so I've got to post here with people of like minds.

Kate and Sawyer do NOT get off the island in the first 40 minutes if at all in the episode.

That will include the commercials.

Sayid may be the man but he looks like his hair's full of Eriq LaSalle's Soul Glo from "Coming to America."

Aimee, I really hope for your sake that Juliet's not seen reading a copy of Infinite Jest.

aimee is lost said...

If she was, the episode would be 12,000 days long and not at all interesting.

Crazy theory that popped into my head while driving home just now:

Juliet was romantically linked with Ethan (hence the reason he was "fixing her plumbing") and she wanted to have a baby with him, but since Ben sort of ran the show he told her that they couldn't, which is why they had the falling out thing between them. That's why Juliet wants to kill Ben. She doesn't want him running the show anymore, especially now that Ethan is dead. She's a fertility doctor and wants to get her baby on.

Any takers?

Ralph- said...

I will take that aimee!

sunloc sent me a sweet theory that he had, and i dont know if he mentioned it here, and i dont want to take credit, and i hope he does not mind me sharing it here, but....

Sunloc thinks that Danny Picket might be the same Danny that was romantically linked to Ana Lucia in her flashbacks and that he might be taking his aggression out on sawyer because he knows about their "horizontal honking" in the jungle.

i thought it sounded good. maybe Sunloc can chime in and tell me that i am a dick for spoiling his theory, but i thought it was really good.

aimee is lost said...

That's a really cool theory of Sunloc's, but I don't think it's plausible due to timeline issues. Ana Lucia was on leave from the force for a few months after losing her baby, during which time she had split from her man. Briefly after this, she killed the Jason guy, and briefly after that, flew to Sydney.

I know they don't really specify in details the timeline, and I'd have to go back and look to see if they indicate, but it would appear that there wouldn't be enough time between Danny & Ana Lucia's split for Danny to find another wife (Colleen), and move to the island.

Jimmy said...


I think the "plumbing" reference is a stretch :)

I hate to say it, but I have no theories really. Just waiting to see how it all plays out tonight. I'm quite excited, I have to admit.

aimee is lost said...

Although, I forgot Ana Lucia was working as a security screener at the airport, which takes months to get hired on as (if you're living in a reality-based world...i know..i was hired by them once..) so we don't really know HOW long she was working for TSA when she met Christian Shephard and impulsively went to Sydney.

So I guess I have to take that back. It's actually a moderately plausible theory.

aimee is lost said...

Jimmy, the plumbing reference was meant as a joke, but also also a reference that they might have been cohabitating or something. There could be a million reasons for them to be romantically linked, none of which might have anything to do with plumbing.

The producers have said Juliet was romantically linked with someone we know. I think most people have just assumed it was Ben.

Ralph- said...

maybe danny met colleen on the island. shoot, sawyer and kate were on the island and hooked up in 71 days, and that is with a 3rd wheel to distract her.

i think that even if danny met colleen on the island, they would still have enough time to fall in love, or be forced to marry by the time she was shot. i know that there are a ton of Toms and Thomas in the lost world but i think there can only be one danny.

aimee is lost said...

You're right Ralph. I don't think there can be another Danny in existence.

And to be fair to Sunloc's theory, if all the survivors can be strangely connected to each other, then it's more than likely that the Others and the survivors are also strangely connected to each other.

Ralph- said...

who knows. i hope that the rest of the season is OF THE HOOK!