Hi, folks. Dylan "Digital Attitude" Speed here. I'm afraid it's bad news. Scott and Steve will be taking this last week of the hiatus off. Why?
Craig "The Crybaby" Sanger and his yuppie friends will be going on a yuppie ski trip from tomorrow until Monday, and I don't have another night free until Wednesday next. So sorry. One suggestion as to how you might make the final hiatus week pass without us: heroin. It works for "genius" rock stars.
My predictions for the ski trip: the words "rad" and "booyakasha" will be completely exhausted. The whole group will drink trendy microbrews and high five each other like it hasn't yet gone out of style but it's about to. Most will even opt to snowboard rather than ski to seem like they're "with it." One of them will get drunk enough to get a tattoo from another lodger.
In all fairness, Craig did offer to do a short show tonight. However, we have said before about eighty percent of the podcasts that we would do a short one that week, and we have yet to produce one. Ultimately it just doesn't seem very neccessary to do in a week when ABC isn't even airing a rerun of LOST. So enjoy the Rose Bowl. I like the Trojans.
Also, if we haven't yet given you an on-air salute and you would like one, please email scottandsteve@gmail.com. Make "Holla File" the subject line and include any or all of the following: your name, city, state, country, favorite Lost flashback character (and not why), and any questions you may have for the two of us or for Chuck Norris.