I really enjoyed it. It was a small episode, a Tricia Tanaka type, but I liked it all. Maybe there was one flashback too many. Also not crazy about this war talk from the Ilana co-hort. But DAN! From Ann Arbor! Crap!
Oh, and Faraday... at Ann Arbor... with the DeGroots??? I think we just turned a corner as far as the arc of this season goes and after a few plodding episodes we're finally starting that swift downhill descent towards the finale!
Also, I think we can now infer Ilana's group isn't working for Widmore and almost assuredly isn't working for Dharma. The dude in the van did not seem like Dharma material to me...
i liked that episode a bunch. THAT is what The-powers-that-be can do with this time travel stuff, not show us stuff we already know happened, but filling in the details around them, EXPANDING the story.
- i don't know about the van crew. It seems like we have enough players as it is, so i hope that they tie into Ben, or DHARMA or Hanso or somebody.
- i don't hate the ewoks as much as everyone else.
For whatever reason all of season 5 when I expect big things from an episode I a disappointed but when I have no expectations I am pretty happy with it.
The third party I was talking about was a nice throw in there. You're playing for the side that will lose. But I was really really freakin out at the very end DEGROOTS DEGROOTS DEGROOTS.....faraday..
a good fart joke. dudes talking about Empire Strikes Back. talking to dead people. the guy who doesnt want to talk to his dad turning into Insta-Bitch when his dad says he needs him.
"*single tear* you do?!?"
still dont like the idea of Miles being Pierre's son. but they seemed to handle it pretty well.
I did like the episode, especially the "Ewoks suck" line. If only he'd talked about a way to NEVER ... E V E R ... have Jar Jar Binks appear in a Star Wars film...
yeah, apparently, jack fuckin hates lessons on Ancient Egypt and Heiroglyphics cuz he erased the hell out of that board. but would only do so while Roger was talking.
"what was that Roger? i couldn't hear you over the sound of how awesome i erase chalkboards."
First off, it's good to see/hear that Jimmy's back. Just noticed his music review. Gonna listen to it soon.
"Circle of trust" was pretty damn funny. Especially when Miles justifies his being there by saying, "It's ok I'm in the circle of trust." I was cracking up.
This was a pretty damn good episode. The Empire stuff was hilarious.
"What lies in the shadow of the statute" is the new Michael saying "My son." I have a feeling I am gonna want to throw something at the tv every time someone asks that question.
Add me to the list of "really liked it". This is what smaller episodes should be like. Totally entertaining.
I'm sticking with Ilana and the van people being DHARMA. It think its why we had the lame-ass ARG @ comic con and it is narratively supported by the fact that we just spent 5 eps w/the DI.
Plus, since both the Donkey wheel and the Orchid lie "in the shadow of the statue", Ilana being DHARMA would explain how she would know of both things (or perhaps she's just referencing the temporal energy that the donkey wheel is connected to) and reference them as a passcode to confirm who else she can trust on her mission.
First of all, I think this episode is a perfect example of how people's expectations affect how they view episodes. Had people not been some down and preventive before watching. Had they expected to get some big revelations, no way would we have this many people thoroughly enjoy such a simple episode.
Pierre Chang is a Total Douche. I think I just got my new rock band name.
Miles punk phase was very reminiscent of his look in X-Men 3.
Seems I wasn't the only one to notice Jack's super blackboard erasing skills. See. Sawyer knew what he was doing putting him as a janitor!
Kate. Learn to shut your mouth!
Hurley & Miles are the new Hurley & Charlie. I hope Miles sticks around. They're scenes are great.
One of the biggest laughs I got from the ep was when Pierre Chang said he was a country music fan, and the look on Miles' face. lol.
Somebody hurry up and invent time travel. So we can send Jorge Garcia back in time to write the prequels for George Lucas.
So Ilana & crew are most definitely not working for Widmore, as had been largely assumed. So if not Chuckles, then who? Could they possibly be working for Ben? I mean, wouldn't they have teamed up after the 316 crash? I'm guessing that means no. So who?!
I'm with Andrew. I don't hate the Ewoks either. I think a big factor has to do with how old you were when the movie came out. As a kid, I thought they were awesome. But I'm sure if I were older, I'd have more of a Jar Jar opinion of them.
And yes Ryan. I realize I improperly used "they're" when it should have been "their". Bite me, thank you very much. :P
Is it really that hard for blogger to implement an edit post feature? As somebody who is very anal & always goes back to make sure my ramblings made sense, this has always bothered me.
And oh yeah. Hank from Breaking Bad as the grieving father who Miles gave the money back to.
Also liked Miles' reasoning for knowing Pierre Chang was his father. Expecting something crazy like Miles speaking to some dead spirit or something. Instead it was, "I ran into my mom during lunch one day". lol.
Semi-sigh at the father-son revelation. Only in that it proved correct the sadly simple, "Asian baby = Asian cast member!" But whatchagonnnado?
Sepinwall with a good recap of the running tally of daddy issues on the show. At this point, it's gone beyond a theme. Also makes some good points about Ken Leung deserving a showcase.
What? If you're going to pre-empt my comments about your spelling, then you could at least use the right spelling of "realise"! That, and I wasn't even going to say anything.
Also. I said ages ago that Ilana was with Dharma. >:l Not once did I ever think that she was with Widmore... It never made sense at all.
Also... Miles' piercings were so obviously fake. It did, however, make me want to have more piercings.
D'oh. Missed that in my haste to shut you up. Touche, England. Touche.
Speaking of words that end in "ouche". Still love Hurley calling Pierre Chang a total douche. For whatever reason, I just love hearing people say the D word on television. It's such an all encompassing slam and term to use for someone with douche like qualities.
I don't have a button for "é" (had to copy & paste) on my keyboard. I don't live in France. And if there is some strange command for it, I wouldn't know.
And AH-HA! I knew it! Just wasn't that certain for whatever reason. Thanks MB for clarifying. In your face Captain Britannia! USA! USA!
One comment about last night's LOST. While I'm with most and enjoyed it for what it was. A simple ep, nothing earth shattering. When considering that it's what we're left with for 2 week. Now I'm kinda annoyed. Although, I guess really it should be easier to wait 2 weeks as opposed to a serious "WTF" ep or cliffhanger.
Has anybody ever heard or read any reasoning for the couple weeks off we've had this season? Does it have to do with wanting to air the finale on a certain week? I'm never aware of when the big tv ratings weeks are. Sweeps and all that nonsense.
Steph - that's the big question (or...one of them). I'm going with Herlihy's theory that they are from the reconstituted Dharma Initiative - I posted my reasoning a little earlier.
How would Dharma know about the statue and shadow? This is why I don't think the Shadow people are Dharma.
I'm going with the "Shadow" people being Others. It's a pretty safe bet that "Jughead" is what's buried in the shadow. The Others were the ones in possession of the bomb so they are the only ones who would know where they buried it.
Ok CW would also know, but it's been established that the Shadow people don't work for CW.
Hold on. Assuming Jughead is what's buried in the shadow, Cw would know the answer to this question. Wouldn't that make this question useless? I guess as long as CW hasn't told anyone about Jughead it's fine.
Then again, Dharma may have come across what's in the shadow of the mountain. Logically, I assume the statue's ruins are in the Others territory so it would be weird, but there were fake Dharma bunkers (whatever those things are called) by the statue so maybe the Shadow people are Dharma.
Kid, While you may be right and Jughead is also in the shadow of the statue, the underground Donkey Wheel chamber (and thus, ALSO the Orchid) is definitely behind where the statue stood. Remember, near the beginning of LaFleur, that's where the well was that led Locke to the underground Donkey Wheel chamber. Sawyer & crew were standing where the well had been a moment before - then it disappeared after one of the flashes and Sawyer was left still holding the well rope when Miles points them to the back of the statue. As far as how Dharma would know of the statue, I assume they saw the 4 toed foot at some point and figured out that a big-ass statue used to stand there. How much they know about the statue or if they actually know what it originally looked like, I have no idea. I am curious to know WHY the donkey wheel is behind the statue - I imagine it's by design, but which came first - the statue or the wheel? I'm betting the wheel but maybe they were built at around the same time.
As far as how Ilana knows haw to find Sayid - I imagine that the DI has A LOT of $$$ (assuming they're still funded by Hanso) and like Penny said "if you have enough money, you can find anyone."
There are several reasons I don't think they are Others (unless they are a completely different faction of others who are hostile toward Alpert's Others) the two that come to the front of my mind are - - Ilana would have known who Ben was and acted upon seeing him (i.e. dealt with him in some way and definitely not let him zoom off in an outrigger). - She wouldn't be readying her and her team with guns just to get back to the island. If she was an Other, all she'd have to do is paddle on over, and I assume be welcomed by Alpert when they find each other.
Also, the way Bram was talking to Miles in the Van was very Dharma. He offered answers to Miles about his ability (to hear the dead) and about his father (Pierre Chang). Since one of the original missions of he DI was parapsychology, and Chang is Miles' dad, it makes sense that Bram & Ilana are DHARMA.
But considering how many times I've been wrong - I wouldn't listen to anything I say :D
Charles Widmore told Locke something that we've all known was coming for a while: The War. Widmore was an Other and even though he was banished from the Island, he still cares about it and it's interests. I don't think he resents the Island because he was banished, but he resents Ben for being the one who facilitated his banishment.
I wouldn't be surprised if Widmore sent the freighter to the Island to extract Ben from the Island because he thought that Ben wouldn't act in the best interests of the Island and only do what was best for himself.
Ilana had no idea who Ben was when she was on the plane or on Hydra Island. This is probably because Dharma had no idea about Ben. All they knew is that the Purge happened, but no idea when. It's likely that Dharma has only just found out about the Purge in the past couple of years, I'm thinking around 2005/6?, this would corroborate with them still sending pallet drops with food for the Swan station.
It must be Dharma, otherwise, what was the point in the ARG? Don't forget that at comiccon there was that video of Pierre Chang tell people in 2008 to reconstitute the Dharma Initiative because of the Purge and that he was sending the video through a timehole or some other bullshit like that.
MB, I politefully have to disagree. Especially with the van people acting like Dharma.
From what we've seen of Dharma, minus Radzinsky (who I believe is an Other) are not hostile. The van people were and acted more like Ben then anyone else. Just listen to the way Ben talks to Locke.
Good points about the Donkey Wheel. I haven't gone back to watch the scene with James and co. by the well, but it would be interesting to see if the statue is in fact casting a shadow on them.
Like my issue with the bomb, the Donkey wheel's location is known by many people. Dharma, the Others, even CW claimed he turned it to leave the island.
I've been working with Lost in the background and "Jughead" came on. I totally forgot about Eloise Hawkins.
It is clear from her encounter with the 815ers and my main man Desmond that she is not friends with Ben.
CW says Eloise will not be happy to see Desmond. This was not the case. But the fact that CW knew where Ellie was suggests he is closer to her than Ben is.
Nevertheless, it did not seem like Ellie and Charles were on good terms. I am officially jumping off the Shadow people are Others bandwagon and saying the Shadow people are with Ellie. If this group turns out to be Dharma, then so be it. Still their actions are very Ben like. I mean, Ellie was an Other. Maybe these hostile tactics are just passed on. Who knows.
Hold on, "La Fleur" just came on. There's no way! Unless the shot is not intended to be a POV shot (which would be really weird since no characters are in the shot), there's no way the donkey wheel is in the shadow of the statue. It's too far away. Maybe I'm taking the question too literally, but just wanted to point this out.
I hadn't thought about the pallet drops being evidence that DHARMA didn't know about the purge yet. Hmmmmm. But wouldn't they have suspected something when the sub stopped returning from the island (in 1992)?
You're well wrong. Widmore said he was banished. He never even hinted at having to turn the donkey wheel.
I'd hazard a guess that Ben was the first person to have turned the donkey wheel, well, since the Orchid was built anyways. What with the wall covering the entrance.
I don't think the distance from the statue is an issue - I think "the shadow" is being used to mean "behind". Meaning that the statue can be a kind of marker for where the wheel is. B/c if you want to be literal about where the shadow is, any shadow cast by the sun moves throughout the day and year. So you really couldn't literally use the statue's shadow as a means of determining a location.
Good point about Ms. Hawking. That would be interesting if Bram and Ilana were aligned with her.
To be honest, I don't think that when Ilana asked "What lies in the shadow of the Statue?", it literally meant the four toed Statue. I think it's just a generic question asked like the Snowman thing. Which also leads me to believe that it's Dharma.
Spent the afternoon at America's best minor league ball park and while what people have typed since I left for the day went in front of my eyes, I didn't really absorb any of it. My brain is the opposite of a ShamWow and without the aid of alcohol. A lovely afternoon in the sun will do that.
But I did get this much. I agree with MB that the Shadow people (is there a better name for this group yet?) are a new DI. That's the only thing that makes the lame ass ARG make any sense. I don't think it's Hawking because surely she'd warn Ilana about Ben or have refused to help him in the first place. For some reason Mrs. Hawking to me doesn't really seem to have a stake in the Widmore/Ben conflict, so I can't see her staking a claim to her own agenda.
If she was in the crate, wouldn't they have opened it as soon as possible? Y'know, so she can breathe and stuff. I think there's just heavy artillery in the crate.
I totally think think Hawking has a stake in protecting the island, just not taking sides in the Widmore/Ben feud. I think she is at the Lampost station (the pendulum) - b/c THAT is her role in protecting the island - guarding the "gateway" (the way to find the island). She also seemed pretty committed to helping the O6 return, so I assume she feels that sending them back is what's best for the island.
Also, just spitballing here, but she probably had an idea of why Ben was returning (to get judged), and helped him return w/the O6 because she probably believes that that is what he's SUPPOSED to do (like she believed Desmond was SUPPOSED to go to the island, press button in the Swan, and turn the failsafe key), and that Ben has a role in what ultimately happens to the island.
why is blogger scrunching the lines of my post together. It deleted the space (a whole line) I put between the end of the quote in italics and my words following it.
I think the use of the name Bram is the clue that Mrs. Hawking is a vampire. They can't open the crate for her until they get her into the shadow of the statue. Lost taking on the Vampire craze. Suck it Twilight.
Maybe there are a bunch of dead bodies in the crate that new DI is trying to bring back to life. You know, like, "while we're here getting the island back to Dharma, we might as well try to bring these dead bodies back to life. Get on in, Grandma!"
Also - I am now seriously wondering if Ms. Hawking is helping the DI (or whoever Ilana and Bram are if I'm wrong).
Assuming Ilana and Bram were not on flight 316 by chance - how did they know it was the plane to be on? Maybe they had some other way of getting the info, but I'd think they'd use the Lampost since DHARMA built it.
But on the other hand, I suppose they could just be tracking the O6 and got on the same flight, so never mind.
F**k this 2 weeks between eps crap - what the hell. It's just hitting me :(
yeah, whoever the Shadow people are, they must have had a good idea that the Oceanic 6 were on their way back to the Island. and they're diametrically opposed to Widdy Cent, apparently.
which really would seem to point to Ben, DHARMA, or Eloise. or another group.
really, it would most seem to point to Not-Widmore. :p
On rewatch of the episode I noticed Sawyer got to be the voice of the fans this week.
JACK: Ben's father thinks that Kate had something to do with his son going missing. SAWYER: Why the hell would he think that? [Jack looks to Juliet.] JULIET: Because she talked to him, tried to make him feel better. [Sawyer scoffs.] JACK: Her heart was in the right place. SAWYER: Yeah, well, where was her head?Where indeed?!?
Years ago (I'm guessing 5?) I used to eat at Wendy's all the time, as it was right next to my office at the time. And I loved their 99 cent menu. Double stack, Jr Bacon Cheeseburger, and chicken nuggets were my go to items. Anyway, I quit that job and for whatever reason just didn't eat there as often. But in the past year or so, I've tried it again. And they did something. Cuz none of them are close to as good. For some ingenious reason ($, I'm sure), the double stack doesn't have lettuce anymore. Which makes it taste like a bucket of ass. And they raised the price of the chicken nuggets. I'm more of a Jack in the Box value meal guy nowadays anyway. 2 slimely tacos for 99 cents! Woo hoo!
The other thing about Wendy's. Back when i used to go a lot, I found it to be horribly inconsistant from store to store. One place would be awesome, another terrible, an another just whatever. This exists for other chains. But for some reason Wendy's takes the cake.
"This is taking into account that you have to have little to no life to regularly update your own Twitter."Careful, loads of people on here use twitter regularly.
I also have Twitter. But it's more for knowing what's up with stuff.
Herlihy, I apologize if I offended you or anyone who updates their Twitter frequently.
The fact is that if you update your Twitter that you're going to take out the garbage or that you're going to take a dump, it's safe to say you have a lot of free time.
Then of course there is that freak of nature that is Ryan from the Transmission. The man is a blogging, twittering, podcasting, husband and father of three (or is it 2?). Can't imagine being able to be online that much and have a productive life.
"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!" "Who's scruffy-looking?" ―Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo from The Empire Strikes Back which is the best of the 6, Herlihy. Please watch it too. It wasn't written or directed by George. The Nerf Herders are also the band that does Buffy's theme. Hopefully, you knew that already. Please watch Empire. It's awesome.
Is it just me, or have they been making Hurley into a real moron this season? He doesn't know how to spell the word bounty? He said something like, "I wont tell anyone about the dead body...oops." Earlier this season he picked up the gun and peered over the balcony long enough for someone to snap a photo of him. I mean, come on. At least put a funny line with it, ie "You just totally Scooby Doo'd me." He doesn't have to be completely clueless to be innocent and lovable.
"Is it just me, or have they been making Hurley into a real moron this season? Completely agree! I thought I was just being overly critical... Nice to know I'm not the only one.
But he's always been that sort of an oaf. It's been a long running joke that Hurley can't keep a secret. "If Hugo knows, everybody knows". He was working in a fast food chicken restaurant before he won the lottery, so it's fair to say that he's probably not got first class honours at a top institution of education. And he's a proper laid back guy who isn't used to thinking tactically or strategically, so it's likely that in those situations, he's not going to do the sane thing and not look over a balcony at someone who has just been thrown off it.
He's not the hero, he's not the strategist, he's not the rogue or the bad guy. He's the comic relief. Just take it as it is.
eah...I've watched the show for 5 years, so I know about that particular long running joke. I realize Hurley can't keep a secret, but it's getting kind of ridiculous. Last season, when Kate tricked Hurley into telling her where Ben was, at least she TRICKED him. On the other hand, in the scene with Pierre Chang, Hurley wasn't even a participant IN THE CONVERSATION and he just piped in. And really...he can't spell BOUNTY. Really. Or maybe he couldn't spell hunter. Really. Stuff like that just sticks out at me. It's never bugged me in the past and it's bugging me now so I thought I should bring it up, and someone already agreed with me so I feel justified. It's actually really pissing me off because, like everyone, I love Hurley and they're starting to ruin him for me. Thank you and goodnight. Good Night and Good Luck. Lucky Charms. Charm City Cakes. Cake eater.
- Hurley doesn't have to be smart. He's insanely lucky, and plucky. He's luplucky. But i agree, a 20+ something should know how to spell bounty hunter. Hell, i think i learned a ton of my vocabulary from the backs of Star Wars & GI Joe packaging.
So it hasn't really been a huge debate, but I definitely think Caesar is dead. A) He took a shotgun blast to the chest. B) I remember the writers saying they wanted to kill Jack in the pilot episode because they liked that shock factor of killing the guy who looked like the leader and who looked like he was going to stick around for a long time.
Also, I agree with the people who believe Ilana and the guy from October Road are with DHARMA and not Ben or Widmore. This season has been very DHARMA-heavy and add in the Comic-Con video with Chang and all evidence points to the DI.
So, I guess Widmore, Ben, Locke, the others, and The Island are all going to be on the same side in a way. When this war comes, will Sawyer and Juliet be on the side of DHARMA? I think Sawyer feels like his allegiance is with DHARMA now. "He's OUR you." As they said, they've made a life there.
Hate to be the correcting nerd of the blog. But two people have referred to a band called "The Nerf Herders". As a fan of the band (as well as detail obsessed spaz), I have to point out that the band's name is "Nerf Herder". No "the" or plural form.
Interesting comment earlier by Chris JC about the Star Wars "loosing a hand" comment by Hurley. And Bai Ling sounds absolute bat shit crazy in that interview. i cannot believe I actually read the whole thing, but like lots of things you can see on the internet, it was like a train wreck... I couldn't look away.
In England (and the rest of Britain and I'll wager a couple of other predominantly English speaking countries) periods don't get used in sentences at all, regardless of quotation marks.
That's cool - I'm not one for correcting American English into English unless I'm trying to annoy somebody. Just figured that in that context - what people do in the UK - it was appropriate.
"I'm going to bring you into the circle of trust"
Why did I find that so funny?
oooh, and he says it again
"Welcome to the circle of trust"
Miles - "I'm in the circle of trust"
"dude, that guy's a total douche"
I'm pretty sure they do trust falls and sing Cumbaya (sp?) in The Circle of Trust.
Loved the Captain and Tenille.
"...and that douche is my father"
Douche -- I am your Father.
ok, that was cool.
also, poor herlihy got spoiled for episodes 4 through 6.
I really enjoyed it. It was a small episode, a Tricia Tanaka type, but I liked it all. Maybe there was one flashback too many. Also not crazy about this war talk from the Ilana co-hort. But DAN! From Ann Arbor! Crap!
Okay, I'll just come out and say it...
My expectations for this episode were pretty damn low, so that may have something to do with this, but I REALLY enjoyed this episode.
No huge reveals, but it was well paced, they did a great job with the miles story and the dialogue was hilarious!
Not the best episode of the season, but it was one of the few that held my interest the entire way through.
Hurley writing Empire??? CLASSIC!!!
Oh, and Faraday... at Ann Arbor... with the DeGroots??? I think we just turned a corner as far as the arc of this season goes and after a few plodding episodes we're finally starting that swift downhill descent towards the finale!
Also, I think we can now infer Ilana's group isn't working for Widmore and almost assuredly isn't working for Dharma. The dude in the van did not seem like Dharma material to me...
i liked that episode a bunch.
THAT is what The-powers-that-be can do with this time travel stuff, not show us stuff we already know happened, but filling in the details around them, EXPANDING the story.
- i don't know about the van crew. It seems like we have enough players as it is, so i hope that they tie into Ben, or DHARMA or Hanso or somebody.
- i don't hate the ewoks as much as everyone else.
Hurley writing Empire!
It would be even more exciting if we later we find out that he also wrote "The Wrath of Khan" LOL!!!
I thought it was a great episode. I really enjoyed it.
i'm glad you all liked the episode so much. it means a lot to me to hear that because i'm about to go back in time and write this episode.
/not really
For whatever reason all of season 5 when I expect big things from an episode I a disappointed but when I have no expectations I am pretty happy with it.
The third party I was talking about was a nice throw in there. You're playing for the side that will lose. But I was really really freakin out at the very end DEGROOTS DEGROOTS DEGROOTS.....faraday..
I'll give it an 88/100.
I was thinkin the exact same thing about truss falls and kumbaya I thought it was going to be said again.
bad spelling don't care.
marvin candle saying turds + the use of "douche" = AWESOME!
this episode had it all.
a good fart joke. dudes talking about Empire Strikes Back. talking to dead people. the guy who doesnt want to talk to his dad turning into Insta-Bitch when his dad says he needs him.
"*single tear* you do?!?"
still dont like the idea of Miles being Pierre's son. but they seemed to handle it pretty well.
heheheheh. polar bear turds indeed, lauren!
I will never work on Lost night ever again. Damn those people short of breath.
I loved what I saw of it. Compelling- Miles didn't get the tape!!!
The Fart joke seemed weird that they wouldn't say "FART" is that some kind of "bad" word for network tv?
If not...those funny writers..
how'd y'all like crazy metal face Miles and his "finger in a light socket" hair?
Jack has to be the fastest blackboard eraser in the history of blackboard erasers.
Go back and watch how fast the 2nd and then the 3rd panels get wiped down.
Nice editing.
I did like the episode, especially the "Ewoks suck" line. If only he'd talked about a way to NEVER ... E V E R ... have Jar Jar Binks appear in a Star Wars film...
yeah, apparently, jack fuckin hates lessons on Ancient Egypt and Heiroglyphics cuz he erased the hell out of that board. but would only do so while Roger was talking.
"what was that Roger? i couldn't hear you over the sound of how awesome i erase chalkboards."
Sorry I had to pull the Ruffio pic down... I couldn't get the link to work...
Anyways, Ruffio was the first thing I thought of when I saw "Punk Rock" Miles!
Who was the better leader... Widmore, Ben or RUFFIO? Hmmmm...
Awesome episode... I HATE EWOKS!!!
I loved how Hurley said he LOVES the kitchen...
I'd love to try some of that garlic Mayo
First off, it's good to see/hear that Jimmy's back. Just noticed his music review. Gonna listen to it soon.
"Circle of trust" was pretty damn funny. Especially when Miles justifies his being there by saying, "It's ok I'm in the circle of trust." I was cracking up.
This was a pretty damn good episode. The Empire stuff was hilarious.
"What lies in the shadow of the statute" is the new Michael saying "My son." I have a feeling I am gonna want to throw something at the tv every time someone asks that question.
Add me to the list of "really liked it". This is what smaller episodes should be like. Totally entertaining.
I'm sticking with Ilana and the van people being DHARMA. It think its why we had the lame-ass ARG @ comic con and it is narratively supported by the fact that we just spent 5 eps w/the DI.
Plus, since both the Donkey wheel and the Orchid lie "in the shadow of the statue", Ilana being DHARMA would explain how she would know of both things (or perhaps she's just referencing the temporal energy that the donkey wheel is connected to) and reference them as a passcode to confirm who else she can trust on her mission.
First of all, I think this episode is a perfect example of how people's expectations affect how they view episodes. Had people not been some down and preventive before watching. Had they expected to get some big revelations, no way would we have this many people thoroughly enjoy such a simple episode.
Pierre Chang is a Total Douche. I think I just got my new rock band name.
Miles punk phase was very reminiscent of his look in X-Men 3.
Seems I wasn't the only one to notice Jack's super blackboard erasing skills. See. Sawyer knew what he was doing putting him as a janitor!
Kate. Learn to shut your mouth!
Hurley & Miles are the new Hurley & Charlie. I hope Miles sticks around. They're scenes are great.
One of the biggest laughs I got from the ep was when Pierre Chang said he was a country music fan, and the look on Miles' face. lol.
Somebody hurry up and invent time travel. So we can send Jorge Garcia back in time to write the prequels for George Lucas.
So Ilana & crew are most definitely not working for Widmore, as had been largely assumed. So if not Chuckles, then who? Could they possibly be working for Ben? I mean, wouldn't they have teamed up after the 316 crash? I'm guessing that means no. So who?!
I'm with Andrew. I don't hate the Ewoks either. I think a big factor has to do with how old you were when the movie came out. As a kid, I thought they were awesome. But I'm sure if I were older, I'd have more of a Jar Jar opinion of them.
Dharma is a good guess MB. Makes more sense than anything at this point.
And yes Ryan. I realize I improperly used "they're" when it should have been "their". Bite me, thank you very much. :P
Is it really that hard for blogger to implement an edit post feature? As somebody who is very anal & always goes back to make sure my ramblings made sense, this has always bothered me.
And oh yeah. Hank from Breaking Bad as the grieving father who Miles gave the money back to.
Also liked Miles' reasoning for knowing Pierre Chang was his father. Expecting something crazy like Miles speaking to some dead spirit or something. Instead it was, "I ran into my mom during lunch one day". lol.
Semi-sigh at the father-son revelation. Only in that it proved correct the sadly simple, "Asian baby = Asian cast member!" But whatchagonnnado?
Sepinwall with a good recap of the running tally of daddy issues on the show. At this point, it's gone beyond a theme. Also makes some good points about Ken Leung deserving a showcase.
Digging a ditch. Filling being blasted through brain. Swan being built? It's time for an electro-magnetic freakout.
I say: bring on The Incident.
Also - decent prefiguring of hand removal by Hurley in a throwaway line. Classy.
hmmm... Miles powers do kind of suck in comparison to Hurley's.
Unless, of course, Hurley's just a nutter.
Exclusive preview of Daniel Faraday's flashback episode.
what's up, internetica?
wtf is up with a clip show next week??? boo!
What? If you're going to pre-empt my comments about your spelling, then you could at least use the right spelling of "realise"! That, and I wasn't even going to say anything.
Also. I said ages ago that Ilana was with Dharma. >:l Not once did I ever think that she was with Widmore... It never made sense at all.
Also... Miles' piercings were so obviously fake. It did, however, make me want to have more piercings.
I give absolute braggers rights to Herlihy on the DHARMA prediction (assuming it is true). I agreed with Herlihy in my first post about it.
Also in the US we do spell REALIZE with a Z. The cultural diversity on the blogspot strikes again! :)
damn - late-KABLAMMO
D'oh. Missed that in my haste to shut you up. Touche, England. Touche.
Speaking of words that end in "ouche". Still love Hurley calling Pierre Chang a total douche. For whatever reason, I just love hearing people say the D word on television. It's such an all encompassing slam and term to use for someone with douche like qualities.
isn't it spelt "Touché" though?
I jest, i jest.
It was weird though. I don't think "douche" has filtered down to english tv yet.
RANDOM FACT. The plural of douche is in actual fact "douche"!
An old lady turns to her son at the old folks home:
"Oh dear, she giggles, "I seem to have let out a silent fart. What should I do?"
"Well", says her son, "I'd get a new battery for your hearing aid."
I don't have a button for "é" (had to copy & paste) on my keyboard. I don't live in France. And if there is some strange command for it, I wouldn't know.
And AH-HA! I knew it! Just wasn't that certain for whatever reason. Thanks MB for clarifying. In your face Captain Britannia! USA! USA!
One comment about last night's LOST. While I'm with most and enjoyed it for what it was. A simple ep, nothing earth shattering. When considering that it's what we're left with for 2 week. Now I'm kinda annoyed. Although, I guess really it should be easier to wait 2 weeks as opposed to a serious "WTF" ep or cliffhanger.
Has anybody ever heard or read any reasoning for the couple weeks off we've had this season? Does it have to do with wanting to air the finale on a certain week? I'm never aware of when the big tv ratings weeks are. Sweeps and all that nonsense.
now, Jordan, just a few updates ago I showed everyone how to type é on their keyboards.
As well as stuff like ™
Wait. The "statue shadow" people. Who are they? I need to rewatch soon.
Steph - that's the big question (or...one of them). I'm going with Herlihy's theory that they are from the reconstituted Dharma Initiative - I posted my reasoning a little earlier.
How would Dharma know about the statue and shadow? This is why I don't think the Shadow people are Dharma.
I'm going with the "Shadow" people being Others. It's a pretty safe bet that "Jughead" is what's buried in the shadow. The Others were the ones in possession of the bomb so they are the only ones who would know where they buried it.
Ok CW would also know, but it's been established that the Shadow people don't work for CW.
Hold on. Assuming Jughead is what's buried in the shadow, Cw would know the answer to this question. Wouldn't that make this question useless? I guess as long as CW hasn't told anyone about Jughead it's fine.
Then again, Dharma may have come across what's in the shadow of the mountain. Logically, I assume the statue's ruins are in the Others territory so it would be weird, but there were fake Dharma bunkers (whatever those things are called) by the statue so maybe the Shadow people are Dharma.
The Shadow people (Iliana and the Van peeps) remind me of the off island Others that keep helping Ben.
Also, how would Iliana know where to find Sayid? It all point to Others.
While you may be right and Jughead is also in the shadow of the statue, the underground Donkey Wheel chamber (and thus, ALSO the Orchid) is definitely behind where the statue stood. Remember, near the beginning of LaFleur, that's where the well was that led Locke to the underground Donkey Wheel chamber. Sawyer & crew were standing where the well had been a moment before - then it disappeared after one of the flashes and Sawyer was left still holding the well rope when Miles points them to the back of the statue.
As far as how Dharma would know of the statue, I assume they saw the 4 toed foot at some point and figured out that a big-ass statue used to stand there. How much they know about the statue or if they actually know what it originally looked like, I have no idea.
I am curious to know WHY the donkey wheel is behind the statue - I imagine it's by design, but which came first - the statue or the wheel? I'm betting the wheel but maybe they were built at around the same time.
As far as how Ilana knows haw to find Sayid - I imagine that the DI has A LOT of $$$ (assuming they're still funded by Hanso) and like Penny said "if you have enough money, you can find anyone."
There are several reasons I don't think they are Others (unless they are a completely different faction of others who are hostile toward Alpert's Others) the two that come to the front of my mind are -
- Ilana would have known who Ben was and acted upon seeing him (i.e. dealt with him in some way and definitely not let him zoom off in an outrigger).
- She wouldn't be readying her and her team with guns just to get back to the island. If she was an Other, all she'd have to do is paddle on over, and I assume be welcomed by Alpert when they find each other.
Also, the way Bram was talking to Miles in the Van was very Dharma. He offered answers to Miles about his ability (to hear the dead) and about his father (Pierre Chang). Since one of the original missions of he DI was parapsychology, and Chang is Miles' dad, it makes sense that Bram & Ilana are DHARMA.
But considering how many times I've been wrong - I wouldn't listen to anything I say :D
Charles Widmore told Locke something that we've all known was coming for a while: The War. Widmore was an Other and even though he was banished from the Island, he still cares about it and it's interests. I don't think he resents the Island because he was banished, but he resents Ben for being the one who facilitated his banishment.
I wouldn't be surprised if Widmore sent the freighter to the Island to extract Ben from the Island because he thought that Ben wouldn't act in the best interests of the Island and only do what was best for himself.
Ilana had no idea who Ben was when she was on the plane or on Hydra Island. This is probably because Dharma had no idea about Ben. All they knew is that the Purge happened, but no idea when. It's likely that Dharma has only just found out about the Purge in the past couple of years, I'm thinking around 2005/6?, this would corroborate with them still sending pallet drops with food for the Swan station.
It must be Dharma, otherwise, what was the point in the ARG? Don't forget that at comiccon there was that video of Pierre Chang tell people in 2008 to reconstitute the Dharma Initiative because of the Purge and that he was sending the video through a timehole or some other bullshit like that.
So yeah. Ramble.
MB, I politefully have to disagree. Especially with the van people acting like Dharma.
From what we've seen of Dharma, minus Radzinsky (who I believe is an Other) are not hostile. The van people were and acted more like Ben then anyone else. Just listen to the way Ben talks to Locke.
Good points about the Donkey Wheel. I haven't gone back to watch the scene with James and co. by the well, but it would be interesting to see if the statue is in fact casting a shadow on them.
Like my issue with the bomb, the Donkey wheel's location is known by many people. Dharma, the Others, even CW claimed he turned it to leave the island.
I've been working with Lost in the background and "Jughead" came on. I totally forgot about Eloise Hawkins.
It is clear from her encounter with the 815ers and my main man Desmond that she is not friends with Ben.
CW says Eloise will not be happy to see Desmond. This was not the case. But the fact that CW knew where Ellie was suggests he is closer to her than Ben is.
Nevertheless, it did not seem like Ellie and Charles were on good terms. I am officially jumping off the Shadow people are Others bandwagon and saying the Shadow people are with Ellie. If this group turns out to be Dharma, then so be it. Still their actions are very Ben like. I mean, Ellie was an Other. Maybe these hostile tactics are just passed on. Who knows.
Hold on, "La Fleur" just came on. There's no way! Unless the shot is not intended to be a POV shot (which would be really weird since no characters are in the shot), there's no way the donkey wheel is in the shadow of the statue. It's too far away. Maybe I'm taking the question too literally, but just wanted to point this out.
It's = it is or it has
its = possessive of it
Grammar lesson son.
This post was in honor of JORDAN FROM THE 206
I hadn't thought about the pallet drops being evidence that DHARMA didn't know about the purge yet. Hmmmmm.
But wouldn't they have suspected something when the sub stopped returning from the island (in 1992)?
You're well wrong. Widmore said he was banished. He never even hinted at having to turn the donkey wheel.
I'd hazard a guess that Ben was the first person to have turned the donkey wheel, well, since the Orchid was built anyways. What with the wall covering the entrance.
I don't think the distance from the statue is an issue - I think "the shadow" is being used to mean "behind". Meaning that the statue can be a kind of marker for where the wheel is.
B/c if you want to be literal about where the shadow is, any shadow cast by the sun moves throughout the day and year. So you really couldn't literally use the statue's shadow as a means of determining a location.
Good point about Ms. Hawking. That would be interesting if Bram and Ilana were aligned with her.
To be honest, I don't think that when Ilana asked "What lies in the shadow of the Statue?", it literally meant the four toed Statue. I think it's just a generic question asked like the Snowman thing. Which also leads me to believe that it's Dharma.
Spent the afternoon at America's best minor league ball park and while what people have typed since I left for the day went in front of my eyes, I didn't really absorb any of it. My brain is the opposite of a ShamWow and without the aid of alcohol. A lovely afternoon in the sun will do that.
But I did get this much. I agree with MB that the Shadow people (is there a better name for this group yet?) are a new DI. That's the only thing that makes the lame ass ARG make any sense. I don't think it's Hawking because surely she'd warn Ilana about Ben or have refused to help him in the first place. For some reason Mrs. Hawking to me doesn't really seem to have a stake in the Widmore/Ben conflict, so I can't see her staking a claim to her own agenda.
Hope to catch you at the recording tonight.
Good points Phish, but Ellie knows too much. She has spent too much time devoted to the island and time travel to not have a stake in the island.
The why doesn't she stowaway on Ajira 316? Oh wait, that's what's in the crate.
If she was in the crate, wouldn't they have opened it as soon as possible? Y'know, so she can breathe and stuff. I think there's just heavy artillery in the crate.
Maybe she can't come back to the island.
Or she needs to be off island in order to get other Shadow people on the island in case these Shadow people fail.
I totally think think Hawking has a stake in protecting the island, just not taking sides in the Widmore/Ben feud. I think she is at the Lampost station (the pendulum) - b/c THAT is her role in protecting the island - guarding the "gateway" (the way to find the island). She also seemed pretty committed to helping the O6 return, so I assume she feels that sending them back is what's best for the island.
Also, just spitballing here, but she probably had an idea of why Ben was returning (to get judged), and helped him return w/the O6 because she probably believes that that is what he's SUPPOSED to do (like she believed Desmond was SUPPOSED to go to the island, press button in the Swan, and turn the failsafe key), and that Ben has a role in what ultimately happens to the island.
"Maybe she can't come back to the island."Yeah, I think that may also be true
why is blogger scrunching the lines of my post together. It deleted the space (a whole line) I put between the end of the quote in italics and my words following it.
It just hit me that the 815ers are Dharma Class of '77 and that you have to enter 77 to blow up the flame.
I think the use of the name Bram is the clue that Mrs. Hawking is a vampire. They can't open the crate for her until they get her into the shadow of the statue. Lost taking on the Vampire craze. Suck it Twilight.
Maybe there are a bunch of dead bodies in the crate that new DI is trying to bring back to life. You know, like, "while we're here getting the island back to Dharma, we might as well try to bring these dead bodies back to life. Get on in, Grandma!"
I could see her being a vampire.
which ushers in the zombie season
love it Lauren! :D
lmao Holli
Not VAMPIRES again!
The Vampire Strikes Back
vampires again? i was hoping for A New Hype.
instead, we got the Return of the Dead Guy.
You're forgetting the witch-themed sequel, Attack of the Crones.
lmao - awesome guys
Also - I am now seriously wondering if Ms. Hawking is helping the DI (or whoever Ilana and Bram are if I'm wrong).
Assuming Ilana and Bram were not on flight 316 by chance - how did they know it was the plane to be on? Maybe they had some other way of getting the info, but I'd think they'd use the Lampost since DHARMA built it.
But on the other hand, I suppose they could just be tracking the O6 and got on the same flight, so never mind.
F**k this 2 weeks between eps crap - what the hell. It's just hitting me :(
yeah, whoever the Shadow people are, they must have had a good idea that the Oceanic 6 were on their way back to the Island. and they're diametrically opposed to Widdy Cent, apparently.
which really would seem to point to Ben, DHARMA, or Eloise. or another group.
really, it would most seem to point to Not-Widmore. :p
On rewatch of the episode I noticed Sawyer got to be the voice of the fans this week.
JACK: Ben's father thinks that Kate had something to do with his son going missing.
SAWYER: Why the hell would he think that?
[Jack looks to Juliet.]
JULIET: Because she talked to him, tried to make him feel better.
[Sawyer scoffs.]
JACK: Her heart was in the right place.
SAWYER: Yeah, well, where was her head?Where indeed?!?
"This post was in honor of JORDAN FROM THE 206"Right on. lol.
Palmer, has influenced me with his Burger Day. Sneaky Pete's isn't so good.
tried all of the sandwiches on the Wendy's Super Value Menu.
all cheap.
all not so good.
Palmer, you didn't try them all at once, did you?!?!
Hey now -
Alirio - you got Pausecast mugs available? or is that photo just a photoshop job?
I figured I'd start everyone's Friday off right with the article of the year! ENJOY!
not stacked one on top of the other or anything.
a one dollar Crispy Chicken Sandwich. a one dollar Double Stack. a one dollar Jr Bacon Cheeseburger.
all mediocre. :\
Ahhh... that's better!
Full of
Bai Ling goodness!!!
Someone needs to record a conversation between Bai Ling and Paula Abdul.
Palmer, that's potentially enough to make you lose your dollar-menu lunch! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!
Alirio has "Done A CafePress"
< shameless plug >
PauseCast Store< / shameless plug >
Years ago (I'm guessing 5?) I used to eat at Wendy's all the time, as it was right next to my office at the time. And I loved their 99 cent menu. Double stack, Jr Bacon Cheeseburger, and chicken nuggets were my go to items. Anyway, I quit that job and for whatever reason just didn't eat there as often. But in the past year or so, I've tried it again. And they did something. Cuz none of them are close to as good. For some ingenious reason ($, I'm sure), the double stack doesn't have lettuce anymore. Which makes it taste like a bucket of ass. And they raised the price of the chicken nuggets. I'm more of a Jack in the Box value meal guy nowadays anyway. 2 slimely tacos for 99 cents! Woo hoo!
The other thing about Wendy's. Back when i used to go a lot, I found it to be horribly inconsistant from store to store. One place would be awesome, another terrible, an another just whatever. This exists for other chains. But for some reason Wendy's takes the cake.
It's official. I'm friends with Damon Lindelof.
for some reason, i think the picture on this page is AWESOME.
clicky clicky
Jordan, Wendy's tastes better in Canada...because of the Maple Leaf
It's official. Damon's twitter account is a fake.
It's official. I feel embarrassed.
You have to have no life to pretend to be someone else on Twitter.
This is taking into account that you have to have little to no life to regularly update your own Twitter.
"You have to have no life to pretend to be someone else on Twitter."
Whoever it was, they really didn't put much effort into it.
Some amusing LOST answers, though.
"This is taking into account that you have to have little to no life to regularly update your own Twitter."Careful, loads of people on here use twitter regularly.
Such as me - and I do, indeed, have no life. Curse your insight, Tha Kid!
I also have Twitter. But it's more for knowing what's up with stuff.
Herlihy, I apologize if I offended you or anyone who updates their Twitter frequently.
The fact is that if you update your Twitter that you're going to take out the garbage or that you're going to take a dump, it's safe to say you have a lot of free time.
But the main thing is that it's sad when people pretend to be someone else on Twitter.
It's not like Facebook or Myspace. You actually have to put in effort. Hence the sadness/no lifeness.
I only tweet about tv or music or other funny things that i may encounter.
Then of course there is that freak of nature that is Ryan from the Transmission. The man is a blogging, twittering, podcasting, husband and father of three (or is it 2?). Can't imagine being able to be online that much and have a productive life.
/bows to Ryan
So... I watched Star Wars...
- ha ha Herlihy, you nerf-herder
- Happy Record Store Day! It's actually kind of exciting this year, which means a ton of work for me, but also a modicum of respect!
- just giving you guys the heads up that i got hit with the food-poisoning, so be on your guard lest we have another blogspot epidemic. not fun.
- i'm kind of in love with Rashida Jones, don't tell Cindy.
Guess what? I have never seen Star Wars.
What in the bollocking name of buggery is a "nerf-herder"?
"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!"
"Who's scruffy-looking?"
―Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo from The Empire Strikes Back which is the best of the 6, Herlihy. Please watch it too. It wasn't written or directed by George. The Nerf Herders are also the band that does Buffy's theme. Hopefully, you knew that already. Please watch Empire. It's awesome.
Of course Empire wasn't written by George. It was written by Hugo Reyes.
Doc Arzt has some more pics of the 100th Episode Cake.
Jorge wearing his Dharmalars shirt. Fantastic!
check this out!
Garlic mayo!
I see that Elizabeth Mitchell is still giving the fans what they want.
yeah, chris. i didn't want to mention anything. but i thought everybody would enjoy that.
and, speaking of, look at that garlic mayo link:
"Recipe courtesy Giada De Laurentiis"
throw in some bacon and it's like everything the blogspot loves.
or in her case, she says pannnnnccccccccceeeeeettaaaa as she leans over the stove.
Oh, I know of the band, The Nerf Herders. I just had never heard of that as some sort of insult.
I am determined to make it through all of the films, don't worry. Should be watching Empire Strikes Back tonight.
So, something has been bothering me.
Is it just me, or have they been making Hurley into a real moron this season? He doesn't know how to spell the word bounty? He said something like, "I wont tell anyone about the dead body...oops." Earlier this season he picked up the gun and peered over the balcony long enough for someone to snap a photo of him. I mean, come on. At least put a funny line with it, ie "You just totally Scooby Doo'd me." He doesn't have to be completely clueless to be innocent and lovable.
"Is it just me, or have they been making Hurley into a real moron this season? Completely agree! I thought I was just being overly critical... Nice to know I'm not the only one.
But he's always been that sort of an oaf. It's been a long running joke that Hurley can't keep a secret. "If Hugo knows, everybody knows". He was working in a fast food chicken restaurant before he won the lottery, so it's fair to say that he's probably not got first class honours at a top institution of education. And he's a proper laid back guy who isn't used to thinking tactically or strategically, so it's likely that in those situations, he's not going to do the sane thing and not look over a balcony at someone who has just been thrown off it.
He's not the hero, he's not the strategist, he's not the rogue or the bad guy. He's the comic relief. Just take it as it is.
eah...I've watched the show for 5 years, so I know about that particular long running joke. I realize Hurley can't keep a secret, but it's getting kind of ridiculous. Last season, when Kate tricked Hurley into telling her where Ben was, at least she TRICKED him. On the other hand, in the scene with Pierre Chang, Hurley wasn't even a participant IN THE CONVERSATION and he just piped in. And really...he can't spell BOUNTY. Really. Or maybe he couldn't spell hunter. Really. Stuff like that just sticks out at me. It's never bugged me in the past and it's bugging me now so I thought I should bring it up, and someone already agreed with me so I feel justified. It's actually really pissing me off because, like everyone, I love Hurley and they're starting to ruin him for me. Thank you and goodnight. Good Night and Good Luck. Lucky Charms. Charm City Cakes. Cake eater.
- Hurley doesn't have to be smart. He's insanely lucky, and plucky. He's luplucky. But i agree, a 20+ something should know how to spell bounty hunter. Hell, i think i learned a ton of my vocabulary from the backs of Star Wars & GI Joe packaging.
- Battlestar Galactica characters simpsonized - they're good simpsons drawings, but a little hard to recognize as their BSG counterparts without the props.
i've noticed that too, holder. i guess it's to contrast with the really insightful stuff he says like "at least i'm not afraid to talk to my own dad."
i'd like to see that aspect played down a bit though. it's fun that he's a goofball but, yer right, sometimes it's a bit of a stretch.
So it hasn't really been a huge debate, but I definitely think Caesar is dead. A) He took a shotgun blast to the chest. B) I remember the writers saying they wanted to kill Jack in the pilot episode because they liked that shock factor of killing the guy who looked like the leader and who looked like he was going to stick around for a long time.
Also, I agree with the people who believe Ilana and the guy from October Road are with DHARMA and not Ben or Widmore. This season has been very DHARMA-heavy and add in the Comic-Con video with Chang and all evidence points to the DI.
So, I guess Widmore, Ben, Locke, the others, and The Island are all going to be on the same side in a way. When this war comes, will Sawyer and Juliet be on the side of DHARMA? I think Sawyer feels like his allegiance is with DHARMA now. "He's OUR you." As they said, they've made a life there.
Hate to be the correcting nerd of the blog. But two people have referred to a band called "The Nerf Herders". As a fan of the band (as well as detail obsessed spaz), I have to point out that the band's name is "Nerf Herder". No "the" or plural form.
Periods go inside quotation marks when used at the end of a sentence. I just blew your mind.
- Go Trek Yourself
Interesting comment earlier by Chris JC about the Star Wars "loosing a hand" comment by Hurley.
And Bai Ling sounds absolute bat shit crazy in that interview. i cannot believe I actually read the whole thing, but like lots of things you can see on the internet, it was like a train wreck... I couldn't look away.
Except if you are in England, in which case, the the period goes outside the quotation marks.
In England (and the rest of Britain and I'll wager a couple of other predominantly English speaking countries) periods don't get used in sentences at all, regardless of quotation marks.
They use full stops.
That's cool - I'm not one for correcting American English into English unless I'm trying to annoy somebody. Just figured that in that context - what people do in the UK - it was appropriate.
Back to the main topic. Maybe "The Nerf Herders" are the sequel to "Nerf Herder" like "Fast and Furious" is the sequel to "The Fast and the Furious"??
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