I'm glad that Haikus are taking off. And we can thank Anonymous for it!
Kim, thanks for putting in the extra effort to bitchslap Switchpod and get us the podcast. I appreciate the extra effort and with little Knut looking so cute, I can't even stay mad at Switchpod.
Oh, that Knut!
Locke totally needs to raise a baby polar bear and then ride it into battle with the Others when it grows up.
well, i just watched SOS,with subtitles and did not hear or see a mention of a Ralph. There wasnt a list or anything shown on it either. there was no one in the credits names ralph either. oh well.
ralph-, have you been googling yourself? I remember thinking when we found out Henry was Ben that we should expect a character named Ralph next. I don't recall hearing the name. I'm hoping Aimee and Chris will be the next females mentioned. Andrew, you don't mean those imbeciles put out a 6 hour podcast, do you? Is Starbuck transmitting Jimi Hendrix to the other 4 from earth? Why were the lights flickering? Why did Roslin and Tori get sick? Andrew, call me Stephanie again please.
Stop with the teasing. My ipod is all swollen and sore now.
Thanks for the hard work ladies.
I checked here at around 1:00 am yesterday and then again at 6:30 this morning and it was up. Kim's putting in some overtime. I appreciate it cause mondays suck with out you guys.
Finished listening. Great show ladies! I'm new to listening, but I am most definitely digging it. You guys have great personalities and know your shit. Keep it up. I especially like the, "Aimee calls out internet dorks" segment. Good stuff.
And what is this about a 6 hour podcast? What nut jobs could possibly pull that off? Yikes.
stephanie, i still think Roslyn is one of the 5. The area they jumped to seemed to trigger the cylon memories in the others, and her reaction happened at about the same time. After last night's episode, i don't think Starbuck had anything to do with the music. Argh. it's so dumb that Anders is a cylon! and Tigh?! and people joke about Lost being made up as they go along. i morbidly want to listen to the official Battlestar Galactica podcast and hear Moore admit it was a shitty 1/2 season from top to bottom but it's not up yet.
i'm really hungry and i've decided that i'm going to order a pierogi pizza when i get home. mmmm...food coma.
7 minutes until Podcasty Goodness! Gotta say, it's really nice to have two podcasts (TLI and the Dharmalars) that I can count on to knock one out of the park each and every time.
I figured out why the file wouldn't load. Aimee and are are so friggin' long winded that the file was actually tooooooo big. It's was over 60MB--which is a no go.
6hr podcast!!! Seriously, Aimee and I could do it...but we won't. Ever.
Wasn't there a Nigerian plane stuck on the doors to the Pearl Station? So, if the Others did know about the Pearl, they hadn't been there to notice that our LOSTies were in there since Boone accidentally dropped the plane. But... shouldn't they have noticed Desmond and the Kurgan in there? So... we can surmise that they didn't know about, or at least hadn't used, the Pearl for many, many years. Or it's a gaping plot hole. :)
And I wish I could take credit for the DHARMA whipped cream but I can only take credit for the general idea of Kate and Juliet wrestling in delicious food product. After my original suggestion, maybe... MB suggested whipped topping?
...and I still dream of that scene - its not too late for a Kate/Juliet whipped topping smackdown. I'm telling you, I'll bet Dharma whipped topping is delicious as well as an excellent wrestling lubricant.
Palmer, that's right. I just remembered Jack on a servalance camera in the moment when Aimee and I were discussing it--she and you have proved me wrong.
Aimee, I've been discussing that question most of the day. In the podcast following ? Damon says "It was a cigarette, that was still burning . . ." I think Ben and his group knew about the existence of the Swan, but not about the button pushing thing. After all they had all that Dharma reading material in the Flame. Surely it mentioned the Swan, at least pre-incident.
Kim, I wasn't trying to rag on you or anything. quite the opposite, i was directing my comments about the Pearl towards you cuz you were the first one I thought of (even though Aimee comes first alphabetically). :)
i think it's a big (or at least well-publicized) city versus small town thing. Kim'll say she's from Toronto, Jimmy'll say he's from Seattle, but if you're from some hole in the wall that nobody's ever heard of then you'll say you're from your State or Province.
Anyhow, I've rewatched parts of "?" on DVD. Ugh. It makes no sense really. There's a cigarette there. But it didn't look like there was ash on the end, just brown where it has previously been lit? I dunno. The airplane's on top meaning they either moved it back or didn't come in through there. I seem to remember Damon saying the cigarette was still lit like Memphish was saying. I'm pretty sure it's a case of A) Damon and Carlton making up some aspects of the show as they go along, B) Damon just saying the "recently used" cigarette thing to mess with us, or C) The Mole Men.
I'm leaning towards Mole Men.
You'd have to be a dumbass or just have crappy ass luck to miss Desmundo gallivanting around dancing to Mama Cass on all those TVs. Maybe it's cuz Dez is not DHARMA just an innocent bystander? Maybe the Mole Men accessed the Pearl? Maybe Dez was on the can when the Others did their final check for survivors in the DHARMA stations?
Aimee, holy crap. You're in such trouble, young lady. I swear you said "Executive.tv" instead of "Execute.tv" on the podcast. Well, that's certainly what I heard. And I said "That can't be right. I'll go check it out." Next thing I know, it's a Carson Daly website having to do with him in a shower. Ack!
You're already forgiven, don't worry.
Hmm... Official LOST Podcast (, The) just appeared in my iTunes. Very interesting...
still listening to the podcast, i'm only 1/3 in. even though they seem to fly by, and they're not quite 6 hours long, you guys aren't slouching.
idea on the cigarette/Pearl station - there could have been another door, the hatch under the plane wouldn't have to be the only way in. There could be another easy access door like the one that magically appeared for the Swan station, or there could be a series of underground tunnels between the hatches. Maybe they didn't find the tunnels in the Swan hatch because of all of the sections cemented off.
for the Nikki/Paulo episode, do you guys think the flashbacks will be on-island, pre-island, pre-crash and hanging with the others, or some other crazy configuration?
You can never tell with Cuselof whether or not they're just trying to be funny or actually saying something real. I don't know if anyone listened to the Official Lost Podcast last week, but Carlton kept saying that Mikhail was still alive, while Damon said he wasn't. Honestly, they just need to cut the shit. It's pissing me off.
About Carlton talking about his theory on Mikail. Everybody says that he said he isn't sure if Mikail is dead. I don't think that's what he was getting at.
Damon was talking about Locke killing Mikail. And Carlton said something like, "I'm not sure about that." To me that sounded like he wasn't sure that Locke in fact "killed" Mikail. Not that Mikail didn't die. Basically that he didn't think that Locke's actions constituted him "killing" Mikail so to say. That Mikail dying wasn't the intended action on Locke's behalf.
Did any of that make any sense at all? I ended up confusing myself more than anything I think. haha.
I am so glad someone brought up the cigarette in the pearl - I keep forgetting to mention that. I was originally thinking that it was possible proof that Tom or Ben or one of them had been there, but now I like the mole-others idea. Maybe I'm just hoping that it's true b/c I love the idea of another set of others.
Aimee - somehow I missed your Chris Hanson comment on the first listen. I've gotta DVR Dateline and actually watch this guy - I don't think I've ever really paid attention.
Powers Booth has got to be the best name ever. I do like the idea of there being other others but all these new people popping up all the time is getting a little silly. The island isn't that big. I think the magnet fixed John Locke and now he's fixed forever. Since Desmond turned the key, the magnet can't cure any new afflictions like Ben's injury. And I believe Ben will start aging faster. He is actually hundreds of years old.
The new Official Lost Podcast will answer Andrews Pikki episode question. The OLP is very spoilery. If you are trying to avoid spoilers avoide the OLP.
Maybe Carlton means that Mikhail isn't dead because the Others believe in re-incarnation. Maybe he's now one of the mole men.
And I like your Picture of Dorian Gray thing Steph. That Just for Men hair color of Ben's will be the first thing to go.
Sorry about the misquote on the website link. But at least I said to go to jayandjack.com. It's easier to go that route anyway.
There's got to be another entrance into that Pearl station, because if someone was in there recently, that hatch door wouldn't have been so jammed in place that it needed the swing of Eko's mighty axe to force it unstuck. And it's kinda hard to move in and out when there's a plane on top of your only entrance.
MB, I can't listen to your voice without thinking of Chris Hanson now; it's awesome.
My official synopsis of the ridiculous Official Podcast: Jorge bought a pingpond table to practice. Josh is a great player as well as trash-talker. Can you survive falling 8 floors? Writers read article on a college kid fell 15 floors in Toronto. The box is a metaphor- Sayid's cat, Jack's dad, Kate's horse. We will see Locke again soon but not will have to wait for more on the box. Locke lectured Ben on the others not living a naturalistic life. Will the others continue not to? Ben's disregard for the island will come back into play again. The others will not be encamped in that place all season. Why doesn't Danielle grab her daughter and say "let's go off into the jungle and eat bugs together"? She has issues she has to work out before she can do that. Talked about Expose. Viewer questions: something stupid about Boone's hair. Lindeluse won't ask Ian to cut his hair for 2 days work. Instead they will ask him to wear a sqirrel's carcus. It's Carlton's birthday of which he shares will Bill Shatner. Damon shares the same with Babs. Is it out of character for the others to string Charlie up in a tree to die? Carton says the others are badder than you think.
in the official podcast they use "jump the shark" a lot. So something, it seems, big is going to change tomorrow. Is anyone Worried. Does anyone have any idea what this jumping is?
Con't. The song Jack is playing is an original Michael Giachino. Foxy learned it even though he doesn't play. Why intro PAtchy, Klugh and other intresting characters if your just going to kil them off? One interesting character will be back. I have more. Gotta go to the dentist now.
I think the jump the shark thing they might be talking about is the Desmundo connection with Nikki and Paulo. (Where Desmond going back in time and changing things ended up causing Nikki and Paulo being on the plane, when they previously were not, thus explaining why we haven't seen them until now.)
If you wanted to take the theory one step further, you could say that Pikki made it on flight 815 in place of Rose and Bernard, since 1) we haven't seen them in season 3 at all, and 2) the promo photos don't show them where they should be seen.
Steph, Dorian Gray is a book where the DG makes a wish that prevents him from aging, instead a portrait of him stored in his closet does the aging. It's like the picture in the first room of the Haunted Mansion at Disney World too.
After listening to the OLP I think the Jump the Shark moment DL and CC are referring to is the fact that they aren't going to mention the box and what came out of it again for quite some time, instead they are pulling a Wizard of Oz and saying look over here, pay no attention to the beaten up man in the closet.
I'm excited as well. Paolo may be Captain BathroomBreak but Nikki's got boobs. So, that's cool.
I hope it's the laugh riot of the millennium but I do feel like they are not long for this world. No new characters on LOST stick around for very long. So, we'll probably get used to them until Knut eats them.
"I'm a baby polar bear! I'm eating people! I like balloons and ponies!"
Ralph can ask the courts if they work under an Explicit tag. Since they don't he'll say "Fuck this shit; I'm out of here."
I was on a drunk driving jury once. The CHP guy annoyed us so much that we almost acquitted to teach him a lesson, and that was way before Johnny Cochran.
Holli, remember you're talkin to an illiterate here. I hope you and Aimee can tell me there's rain coming my way to wash away this shittin yellow stuff. How far did I get? Will we see the volkswagen again? We will see another volkswagen product. In season one, Sayid looks at Dannielle's map and there are two islands. The writers DID have a plan for Alcatraz Island even in the beginning. A bunch of talking about Michael Emerson and how did the story change if he was originally only planned to appear in three episodes. Next week, the OLP features Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, the writers of Expose and Hurley's episodes. Aimee, it may be a good idea to listen since Lindeluse are so vague. I didn't get the point that a gay character would appear in Expose. I took dorks as just kidding with that.
I want to serve on the jury of a highly publicized homicide, which in this town is pretty common, but I keep moving from county to county. When one county calls me, I've moved to another.
i'm trying to stay mostly spoiler free for this episode. i listened to a bunch of Lost podcasts last night and turned them all off when they got to the spoiler segments (including The Lost Initiative!!!)
i really enjoyed having a KABLAMO moment when Locke tasted the air outside A.Coop's window, so i don't want to potentially rob myself of that experience when Paulo pulls an Elvis and has a coronary while squatting in the forest.
I'm starting to see it that way also Andrew. If people didn't want spoilers on the podcast, I'd stop looking them up.
Kim sort of pissed me off this week though because she took off her headset for this week's big spoiler, which is totally unfair, because if I have to be exposed to it, she should too!!!
I might have to vote to get rid of them if I can get a count of how many podcasts out there do spoilers. If there are enough that already cover them, I would like to get rid of the segment so I can stop reading them during the regular season.
Aimee, or you could put the call out to see if someone wants to do a segment and send it in - there are people who love that shit (not ME - I just like to suggest that other people do extra work)
Going back to the idea of an underground tunnel system. Not to get stuck on the swan hatch map too much but you could see that there seemed to be passageways (or maybe just conduits) leading toward the question mark from each of the stations that looked as if they were no longer open or passable (judging by the "X's" crossing them out)
There's a pretty cool interactive blast door map here: http://www.lost4815162342.com/blastmap.htm This guy split the map elements into layers that you can turn on and off.
It would make sense for C3 to possibly represent Otherville since it's close to the Arrow station (that the Tailies found) because they were closeby. The Others had such easy access to the Tailies from their location.
It would also make sense that it's unidentified because Kelvin and Radzinksy, being Dharma folks, wouldn't have access into it. But odd that no "sonic fence" marking exist around it.
The "spoilers" I really enjoy knowing about are upcoming cast members, which character-centric episode it's going to be, the titles of the episodes, and the "next/previously on Lost".
If I could limit my exposure to those things, that would be cool, because it's not giving away a lot, but it's still enough to get you excited without taking away any experience.
Aimee, It's your podcast; do what you want. Tell everyone you're going to limit your spoilers to just those things and tell them about Spoilerfix and the other spoiler places or podcasts to go to if they want more. I personally skip the spoiler section.
i'm totally with the people who are against giant reveal spoilers. minor spoilers like aimee mentioned are fine. but dont tell me what is gonna happen in the show. and aimee, i think that enough podcast do the super spoiler stuff that you guys dont have to. just my 2 cents.
oh, and i tried to listen to that 6 hour podcast. too long, no thanks. and is it just me or do those 2 guys sound a little...uh..you know. not that theres anything wrong with that.
Palmer - oh were that it were true! Season 7 can be a series of matchups between various losties and the Zombies in the PIT (whipped topping really pisses the Zombies off for whatever reason - so it should be a serious smack down one way or the other).
And Aimee, I personally could go either way on the spoilers. I certainly appreciate your time and effort, but if it's interfering with your enjoyment of the show, it's not worth it. I like memphish's idea - point people to where to go.
i like having some spoilers but i could have done without that HUGE spoiler from the other day, i suppose. light spoilers are cool. but if they're not provided by an energetic aimee, i can find them elsewhere. in theory...
Count me in with the little spoilers only crowd. Especially if Aimee doesn't want to do the mondo spoilers. I'm just one listener, but when I hear or read, "HUGE SPOILER!" I tune out.
I'm at the point where I don't even want to watch the "next week on Lost" ABC promos. I still do, because I'm weak and can't help myself. But much like another show I love, Heroes, ABC is starting to beg us to watch by giving away big happenings like Jack & Claire, and Locke's accident. It almost makes me want to not watch the show at all and wait til the season is over and watch it all from start to finish. That's how I watched the first season, and that was awesome. But how the hell could I wait all this time? It's hard enough not hearing about the show. Not gonna happen.
What REALLY annoys me on both Lost and Heroes is how it's now impossible for a character to be killed off without it teased to death in the promos. "SOMEBODY WILL DIE NEXT WEEK!" "ONE OF OUR HEROES WILL BE LOST FOREVER." Seriously, this drives me nuts. Even if you don't know who is going to die, you spend the entire episode waiting for it. I don't even remember what it is like to be shocked about a characters death. Instead of the shock and awe that should be our reactions, it's more like, "Oh, so that's who dies. Huh." It's really a shame too. Because it's all the network's promotional departments' doing and not that of the shows. Damn you network television! Damn you!
I just heard myself on the podcast, I guess I do have an accent. By the way, I watch Lost on ABC 'cause I'm usually busy until late so I watch @ 11pm here in The Maritimes.
i will give it a shot.
Here goes nothing.
I'm nervous...
WOOOHOOOO!! its streaming - yeah baby!
...but hey - I managed to write a haiku during the wait - so I can't complain
I got it downloaded. Sweet! I'll get back to you guys after I've listened.
...and it's on itunes - life rocks now! The Universe has course-corrected.
I'm glad that Haikus are taking off. And we can thank Anonymous for it!
Kim, thanks for putting in the extra effort to bitchslap Switchpod and get us the podcast. I appreciate the extra effort and with little Knut looking so cute, I can't even stay mad at Switchpod.
Oh, that Knut!
Locke totally needs to raise a baby polar bear and then ride it into battle with the Others when it grows up.
KICK-ass idea palmer, i love it
Lock can ride the polar bear and Sawyer can ride the pig (that's what she said
I always pictured him riding the smoke munster into battle, but I suppose Knut would be way cuter.
I failed to mention among the other podcaster names that appear on the show, Seattle Jimmy, represented by James "Sawyer" Ford.
Please forgive me for the omission.
I don't remember Ralph!?! What the?
I am suffering from an acute lack of vitamins T, L, and I.
No Dylan. No Aimee.
Listening to the podcast, about half through. Remind me to never send you a bitchy email. hahaha.
well, i just watched SOS,with subtitles and did not hear or see a mention of a Ralph. There wasnt a list or anything shown on it either. there was no one in the credits names ralph either. oh well.
downloading now.
anybody else listen to The Lost Lowdown? they managed 6 hours 17 minutes this time out! They're crazy.
Aimee, What else besides anonymous comments does your out of your ass intution work on?
the epic that is the Lost Lowdown....
ralph-, have you been googling yourself? I remember thinking when we found out Henry was Ben that we should expect a character named Ralph next. I don't recall hearing the name. I'm hoping Aimee and Chris will be the next females mentioned.
Andrew, you don't mean those imbeciles put out a 6 hour podcast, do you?
Is Starbuck transmitting Jimi Hendrix to the other 4 from earth? Why were the lights flickering? Why did Roslin and Tori get sick? Andrew, call me Stephanie again please.
Stop with the teasing. My ipod is all swollen and sore now.
Thanks for the hard work ladies.
I checked here at around 1:00 am yesterday and then again at 6:30 this morning and it was up. Kim's putting in some overtime. I appreciate it cause mondays suck with out you guys.
I'd feel better if "Kim" wasn't a man :(
Finished listening. Great show ladies! I'm new to listening, but I am most definitely digging it. You guys have great personalities and know your shit. Keep it up. I especially like the, "Aimee calls out internet dorks" segment. Good stuff.
And what is this about a 6 hour podcast? What nut jobs could possibly pull that off? Yikes.
i still think Roslyn is one of the 5. The area they jumped to seemed to trigger the cylon memories in the others, and her reaction happened at about the same time.
After last night's episode, i don't think Starbuck had anything to do with the music.
Argh. it's so dumb that Anders is a cylon! and Tigh?! and people joke about Lost being made up as they go along.
i morbidly want to listen to the official Battlestar Galactica podcast and hear Moore admit it was a shitty 1/2 season from top to bottom but it's not up yet.
i'm really hungry and i've decided that i'm going to order a pierogi pizza when i get home. mmmm...food coma.
Podcast Spoiler
Tom is the Hurley of the Others -- great line Aimee
7 minutes until Podcasty Goodness! Gotta say, it's really nice to have two podcasts (TLI and the Dharmalars) that I can count on to knock one out of the park each and every time.
Thanks, gang. Thang!
Hey Aimee. Could you please post the link to that Lost books website you were talking about? That would be coolness. Thanks.
Andrew, the answer lies in the Say Anything Nebula.:)
I've been thinking Tigh was a Cylon for a while now. No idea why.
I figured out why the file wouldn't load. Aimee and are are so friggin' long winded that the file was actually tooooooo big. It's was over 60MB--which is a no go.
6hr podcast!!! Seriously, Aimee and I could do it...but we won't. Ever.
after last week's 4 1/2 hour podcast I challenged them to record an 'extended' version. My bad.
I don't think I have the stamina for a 6 hr podcast. But I'll bet Rolph & Boner do...
Lostpedia Literary References Link: HERE
Lost Hatch Books Link (the one with audio/photos): HERE
Thanks for the link.
And don't worry about not doing a longer podcast. We like it better fast and hard anyway. ;)
Wasn't there a Nigerian plane stuck on the doors to the Pearl Station? So, if the Others did know about the Pearl, they hadn't been there to notice that our LOSTies were in there since Boone accidentally dropped the plane. But... shouldn't they have noticed Desmond and the Kurgan in there? So... we can surmise that they didn't know about, or at least hadn't used, the Pearl for many, many years. Or it's a gaping plot hole. :)
And I wish I could take credit for the DHARMA whipped cream but I can only take credit for the general idea of Kate and Juliet wrestling in delicious food product. After my original suggestion, maybe... MB suggested whipped topping?
...and I still dream of that scene - its not too late for a Kate/Juliet whipped topping smackdown. I'm telling you, I'll bet Dharma whipped topping is delicious as well as an excellent wrestling lubricant.
(jeezuz I'm a weirdo)
Palmer, that's right. I just remembered Jack on a servalance camera in the moment when Aimee and I were discussing it--she and you have proved me wrong.
Great podcast as usual! I feel like I just got my fix. Monday is good again.
In the episode "?" wasn't there a recently smoked cigarette in the Pearl station? Or was it determined to be an old cigarette? I can't remember.
Aimee, I've been discussing that question most of the day. In the podcast following ? Damon says "It was a cigarette, that was still burning . . ." I think Ben and his group knew about the existence of the Swan, but not about the button pushing thing. After all they had all that Dharma reading material in the Flame. Surely it mentioned the Swan, at least pre-incident.
Not to mention the fact that all of their food is labeled with the FREAKING SWAN LOGO!
So they can't claim total ignorance on the Swan's existence.
Yeah, all the booze seems to be from the swan station as well. They gotsta be aware. No way those fools haven't been drinking this whole time. haha.
Kim, I wasn't trying to rag on you or anything. quite the opposite, i was directing my comments about the Pearl towards you cuz you were the first one I thought of (even though Aimee comes first alphabetically). :)
i think it's a big (or at least well-publicized) city versus small town thing. Kim'll say she's from Toronto, Jimmy'll say he's from Seattle, but if you're from some hole in the wall that nobody's ever heard of then you'll say you're from your State or Province.
Anyhow, I've rewatched parts of "?" on DVD. Ugh. It makes no sense really. There's a cigarette there. But it didn't look like there was ash on the end, just brown where it has previously been lit? I dunno. The airplane's on top meaning they either moved it back or didn't come in through there. I seem to remember Damon saying the cigarette was still lit like Memphish was saying. I'm pretty sure it's a case of A) Damon and Carlton making up some aspects of the show as they go along, B) Damon just saying the "recently used" cigarette thing to mess with us, or C) The Mole Men.
I'm leaning towards Mole Men.
You'd have to be a dumbass or just have crappy ass luck to miss Desmundo gallivanting around dancing to Mama Cass on all those TVs. Maybe it's cuz Dez is not DHARMA just an innocent bystander? Maybe the Mole Men accessed the Pearl? Maybe Dez was on the can when the Others did their final check for survivors in the DHARMA stations?
Aimee, holy crap. You're in such trouble, young lady. I swear you said "Executive.tv" instead of "Execute.tv" on the podcast. Well, that's certainly what I heard. And I said "That can't be right. I'll go check it out." Next thing I know, it's a Carson Daly website having to do with him in a shower. Ack!
You're already forgiven, don't worry.
Hmm... Official LOST Podcast (, The) just appeared in my iTunes. Very interesting...
still listening to the podcast, i'm only 1/3 in. even though they seem to fly by, and they're not quite 6 hours long, you guys aren't slouching.
idea on the cigarette/Pearl station - there could have been another door, the hatch under the plane wouldn't have to be the only way in. There could be another easy access door like the one that magically appeared for the Swan station, or there could be a series of underground tunnels between the hatches. Maybe they didn't find the tunnels in the Swan hatch because of all of the sections cemented off.
for the Nikki/Paulo episode, do you guys think the flashbacks will be on-island, pre-island, pre-crash and hanging with the others, or some other crazy configuration?
Yeah, Aimee definately said Executive.tv.
You can never tell with Cuselof whether or not they're just trying to be funny or actually saying something real. I don't know if anyone listened to the Official Lost Podcast last week, but Carlton kept saying that Mikhail was still alive, while Damon said he wasn't. Honestly, they just need to cut the shit. It's pissing me off.
Oh, and Aimee, sorry about your Dad.
About Carlton talking about his theory on Mikail. Everybody says that he said he isn't sure if Mikail is dead. I don't think that's what he was getting at.
Damon was talking about Locke killing Mikail. And Carlton said something like, "I'm not sure about that." To me that sounded like he wasn't sure that Locke in fact "killed" Mikail. Not that Mikail didn't die. Basically that he didn't think that Locke's actions constituted him "killing" Mikail so to say. That Mikail dying wasn't the intended action on Locke's behalf.
Did any of that make any sense at all? I ended up confusing myself more than anything I think. haha.
I am so glad someone brought up the cigarette in the pearl - I keep forgetting to mention that. I was originally thinking that it was possible proof that Tom or Ben or one of them had been there, but now I like the mole-others idea. Maybe I'm just hoping that it's true b/c I love the idea of another set of others.
Aimee - somehow I missed your Chris Hanson comment on the first listen. I've gotta DVR Dateline and actually watch this guy - I don't think I've ever really paid attention.
Powers Booth has got to be the best name ever.
I do like the idea of there being other others but all these new people popping up all the time is getting a little silly. The island isn't that big.
I think the magnet fixed John Locke and now he's fixed forever. Since Desmond turned the key, the magnet can't cure any new afflictions like Ben's injury. And I believe Ben will start aging faster. He is actually hundreds of years old.
Mole Men. I like it.
The new Official Lost Podcast will answer Andrews Pikki episode question. The OLP is very spoilery. If you are trying to avoid spoilers avoide the OLP.
Maybe Carlton means that Mikhail isn't dead because the Others believe in re-incarnation. Maybe he's now one of the mole men.
And I like your Picture of Dorian Gray thing Steph. That Just for Men hair color of Ben's will be the first thing to go.
Sorry about the misquote on the website link. But at least I said to go to jayandjack.com. It's easier to go that route anyway.
There's got to be another entrance into that Pearl station, because if someone was in there recently, that hatch door wouldn't have been so jammed in place that it needed the swing of Eko's mighty axe to force it unstuck. And it's kinda hard to move in and out when there's a plane on top of your only entrance.
MB, I can't listen to your voice without thinking of Chris Hanson now; it's awesome.
Yeah, i love the mole-others (the mothers??) idea too.
I bet they only have 4 toes on each foot - good for crawling through holes with.
Mole men would have digging claws, that would facilitate all that Island tunneling. I can't wait until Season 7 -- Mole Men vs. The Zombies.
If Carlton and Damon really are book fetishists like Aimee, then any MoleMen will at least be referenced to as "The Morlocks."
In fact, I daresay they might suggest that "It's about time that we refer to them as Morlocks, isn't it Carlton? *Hee-haw*"
My official synopsis of the ridiculous Official Podcast:
Jorge bought a pingpond table to practice. Josh is a great player as well as trash-talker. Can you survive falling 8 floors? Writers read article on a college kid fell 15 floors in Toronto. The box is a metaphor- Sayid's cat, Jack's dad, Kate's horse. We will see Locke again soon but not will have to wait for more on the box. Locke lectured Ben on the others not living a naturalistic life. Will the others continue not to? Ben's disregard for the island will come back into play again. The others will not be encamped in that place all season. Why doesn't Danielle grab her daughter and say "let's go off into the jungle and eat bugs together"? She has issues she has to work out before she can do that. Talked about Expose.
Viewer questions: something stupid about Boone's hair. Lindeluse won't ask Ian to cut his hair for 2 days work. Instead they will ask him to wear a sqirrel's carcus. It's Carlton's birthday of which he shares will Bill Shatner. Damon shares the same with Babs. Is it out of character for the others to string Charlie up in a tree to die? Carton says the others are badder than you think.
in the official podcast they use "jump the shark" a lot. So something, it seems, big is going to change tomorrow. Is anyone Worried. Does anyone have any idea what this jumping is?
The song Jack is playing is an original Michael Giachino. Foxy learned it even though he doesn't play. Why intro PAtchy, Klugh and other intresting characters if your just going to kil them off? One interesting character will be back.
I have more. Gotta go to the dentist now.
Holli, I don't know what you're talkin about. Dorian Gray?
We'll find out 4 of our LOSTaways are potentially Cylons thanks to the magic of Rock N' Roll.
oh. that was a different show... nevermind.
I think the jump the shark thing they might be talking about is the Desmundo connection with Nikki and Paulo. (Where Desmond going back in time and changing things ended up causing Nikki and Paulo being on the plane, when they previously were not, thus explaining why we haven't seen them until now.)
If you wanted to take the theory one step further, you could say that Pikki made it on flight 815 in place of Rose and Bernard, since 1) we haven't seen them in season 3 at all, and 2) the promo photos don't show them where they should be seen.
Steph, Dorian Gray is a book where the DG makes a wish that prevents him from aging, instead a portrait of him stored in his closet does the aging. It's like the picture in the first room of the Haunted Mansion at Disney World too.
After listening to the OLP I think the Jump the Shark moment DL and CC are referring to is the fact that they aren't going to mention the box and what came out of it again for quite some time, instead they are pulling a Wizard of Oz and saying look over here, pay no attention to the beaten up man in the closet.
I'll have to go listen to the OLP. I've been avoiding it lately and relying on people's descriptions, but I'll get off my keyster and listen.
I think we need a wager between the Pikki fans and the Pikki haters about tomorrow night's episode.
I'm a Pikki hater, but I'm actually rooting for them to stay around a little while longer (even though I doubt that'll happen).
It's become interesting having them around because they're like the supplemental comic relief for the show because no one takes them seriously.
I'm excited as well. Paolo may be Captain BathroomBreak but Nikki's got boobs. So, that's cool.
I hope it's the laugh riot of the millennium but I do feel like they are not long for this world. No new characters on LOST stick around for very long. So, we'll probably get used to them until Knut eats them.
"I'm a baby polar bear! I'm eating people! I like balloons and ponies!"
I wonder how many remaining polar bears there are on the island because that would be sweet to see a baby Knut on the island!
I've got it. Two baby polar bears. One named Dylan and one named, aw!!!, Aimee.
Then we can get our baby polar bear fix AND get our people named Aimee and Dylan.
And if one polar bear can be a secret agent and the other a ninja or a robot, then that's THREE birds with one stone. Somebody call up Cuselof!
Ralph just texted me; he's on his way to jury duty...hahahaha.
That blows. I had a buddy at work who was at jury duty for a month or two. I hope Ralph can fake schizophrenia or something to get out of it.
He should just start licking the back of his hand and cleaning himself like a cat. That should get him out of jury duty.
I always wanted to be on a jury, but I'll never get called because I work in law enforcement. I was called for jury duty once, I was dismissed.
Ralph can ask the courts if they work under an Explicit tag. Since they don't he'll say "Fuck this shit; I'm out of here."
I was on a drunk driving jury once. The CHP guy annoyed us so much that we almost acquitted to teach him a lesson, and that was way before Johnny Cochran.
So, everyone's predictions as to what Nikki and Paolo will be up to? Maybe keep it to non-spoilery predictions? Somehow...
Paulo is going to take a poop in the jungle and accidentally witness Locke witnessing the "eye of the island".
Paulo is going to take a poop in the jungle and witness Ethan kidnapping Claire & Charlie.
Been thinking for a while, does Paolo take a poop (or two!) in the woods and see Charlie putting a bag over Sun's head? So to speak...
Actually, I think the episode will open with Paolo's eye opening and we'll hear an unmistakable *plop* sound.
Regardless, I think it'll be something that involves their witnessing or direct involvement with something we had no idea about. And of course poop.
Nikki will also whine.
Maybe he'll see someone schtooping while he's pooping?
Seuss is back on the blogspot.
Will he see them when it plops?
Will he keep on reading or will he stop?
I do not like Nikki and Paolo.
CC and DL make them go Kablamo.
Or maybe he'll "out" Arzt's corpse?
"Paolo, why are you always dropping a deuce?"
"Uh, well, HeellBeelly, Arzt's is teh ghey!"
Holli, remember you're talkin to an illiterate here. I hope you and Aimee can tell me there's rain coming my way to wash away this shittin yellow stuff.
How far did I get?
Will we see the volkswagen again? We will see another volkswagen product.
In season one, Sayid looks at Dannielle's map and there are two islands. The writers DID have a plan for Alcatraz Island even in the beginning.
A bunch of talking about Michael Emerson and how did the story change if he was originally only planned to appear in three episodes.
Next week, the OLP features Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, the writers of Expose and Hurley's episodes.
Aimee, it may be a good idea to listen since Lindeluse are so vague. I didn't get the point that a gay character would appear in Expose. I took dorks as just kidding with that.
I want to serve on the jury of a highly publicized homicide, which in this town is pretty common, but I keep moving from county to county. When one county calls me, I've moved to another.
i'm trying to stay mostly spoiler free for this episode. i listened to a bunch of Lost podcasts last night and turned them all off when they got to the spoiler segments (including The Lost Initiative!!!)
i really enjoyed having a KABLAMO moment when Locke tasted the air outside A.Coop's window, so i don't want to potentially rob myself of that experience when Paulo pulls an Elvis and has a coronary while squatting in the forest.
I'm starting to see it that way also Andrew. If people didn't want spoilers on the podcast, I'd stop looking them up.
Kim sort of pissed me off this week though because she took off her headset for this week's big spoiler, which is totally unfair, because if I have to be exposed to it, she should too!!!
I might have to vote to get rid of them if I can get a count of how many podcasts out there do spoilers. If there are enough that already cover them, I would like to get rid of the segment so I can stop reading them during the regular season.
or you could put the call out to see if someone wants to do a segment and send it in - there are people who love that shit (not ME - I just like to suggest that other people do extra work)
Going back to the idea of an underground tunnel system. Not to get stuck on the swan hatch map too much but you could see that there seemed to be passageways (or maybe just conduits) leading toward the question mark from each of the stations that looked as if they were no longer open or passable (judging by the "X's" crossing them out)
There's a pretty cool interactive blast door map here:
This guy split the map elements into layers that you can turn on and off.
MB, did I see "Dharma Whipped Topping Wrestling Pit" in Latin on that map?!
Aimee, you're the only place I get my spoilers from. I wouldn't be heart broken if it were gone, but I do enjoy the segment.
It would make sense for C3 to possibly represent Otherville since it's close to the Arrow station (that the Tailies found) because they were closeby. The Others had such easy access to the Tailies from their location.
It would also make sense that it's unidentified because Kelvin and Radzinksy, being Dharma folks, wouldn't have access into it. But odd that no "sonic fence" marking exist around it.
The "spoilers" I really enjoy knowing about are upcoming cast members, which character-centric episode it's going to be, the titles of the episodes, and the "next/previously on Lost".
If I could limit my exposure to those things, that would be cool, because it's not giving away a lot, but it's still enough to get you excited without taking away any experience.
I could completely do without huge reveals.
Aimee, It's your podcast; do what you want. Tell everyone you're going to limit your spoilers to just those things and tell them about Spoilerfix and the other spoiler places or podcasts to go to if they want more. I personally skip the spoiler section.
MB that's a great suggestion (if someone wants to do the spoiler segment)
I don't mind spoilers, but Aimee warned me that it was going to be a BIG spoiler so I took off my headphones
i'm totally with the people who are against giant reveal spoilers. minor spoilers like aimee mentioned are fine. but dont tell me what is gonna happen in the show. and aimee, i think that enough podcast do the super spoiler stuff that you guys dont have to. just my 2 cents.
oh, and i tried to listen to that 6 hour podcast. too long, no thanks. and is it just me or do those 2 guys sound a little...uh..you know. not that theres anything wrong with that.
Here's my BIG spoiler: Tom Hanks breaks up with the woman and uses the Zoltar machine to turn him back into a child.
Palmer - oh were that it were true! Season 7 can be a series of matchups between various losties and the Zombies in the PIT (whipped topping really pisses the Zombies off for whatever reason - so it should be a serious smack down one way or the other).
And Aimee, I personally could go either way on the spoilers. I certainly appreciate your time and effort, but if it's interfering with your enjoyment of the show, it's not worth it. I like memphish's idea - point people to where to go.
yes palmer - nice pull - zoltar machine is the answer to eternal youth. I like it.
7 more comments to 108...
i like having some spoilers but i could have done without that HUGE spoiler from the other day, i suppose. light spoilers are cool. but if they're not provided by an energetic aimee, i can find them elsewhere. in theory...
Hey Steph and other BSG folks, Starbuck whipped Jack Bauer's ass in the TV Character contest. You can read about it here.
WTF?! People like Starbuck?
I dig Katee Sackhoff but Starbuck blows space monkeys.
Count me in with the little spoilers only crowd. Especially if Aimee doesn't want to do the mondo spoilers. I'm just one listener, but when I hear or read, "HUGE SPOILER!" I tune out.
I'm at the point where I don't even want to watch the "next week on Lost" ABC promos. I still do, because I'm weak and can't help myself. But much like another show I love, Heroes, ABC is starting to beg us to watch by giving away big happenings like Jack & Claire, and Locke's accident. It almost makes me want to not watch the show at all and wait til the season is over and watch it all from start to finish. That's how I watched the first season, and that was awesome. But how the hell could I wait all this time? It's hard enough not hearing about the show. Not gonna happen.
What REALLY annoys me on both Lost and Heroes is how it's now impossible for a character to be killed off without it teased to death in the promos. "SOMEBODY WILL DIE NEXT WEEK!" "ONE OF OUR HEROES WILL BE LOST FOREVER." Seriously, this drives me nuts. Even if you don't know who is going to die, you spend the entire episode waiting for it. I don't even remember what it is like to be shocked about a characters death. Instead of the shock and awe that should be our reactions, it's more like, "Oh, so that's who dies. Huh." It's really a shame too. Because it's all the network's promotional departments' doing and not that of the shows. Damn you network television! Damn you!
(deep breath) Rant over.
Yeah. The "waiting for X to die" thing is pretty lame. (comment 106)
heres a comment!
KA-BLAMMO (i think)
I just heard myself on the podcast, I guess I do have an accent. By the way, I watch Lost on ABC 'cause I'm usually busy until late so I watch @ 11pm here in The Maritimes.
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