Wednesday, May 07, 2008


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SPOILERS! GOT YER SPOILERS HERE! Catch the fever people! And as Kim says - enjoy responsibly!

Keep looking forward!

The feed:

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Anonymous said...

Anonymous wins the first spot!!

Suck it everyone else!! (not really)

[ally] said...


PalmerEldritch said...

we got anony-pwn3d!

other than that, people looking for rooms in San Diego should try Chula Vista (south of San Diego). just make sure you can get a bus or a trolley to the convention center.

memphish said...



Stephanie said...

Resisting the urge to listen. I'm so excited though. Ok, spoiler-free question. I want to hear your speculation. Will Jacob in Cabin Fever?

memphish said...

Will Jacob what?


[ally] said...

i was thinking that same thing, holli.

spit it out, steph!

Chris JC said...

Will Jacob is in Cabin Fever? I hope not - I just googled him and you won't want him in your entertainment shows.

Stephanie said...

Sorry, I'm retarded. Will we see Jacob?

memphish said...

Ah, see. With Jacob that seems to be a relative term. Do you have Tivo to record and go frame by frame? Then I'd bet yes you will see Jacob. If you are stuck relying on your eyes in realtime, maybe not.


Jon from NKY said...

I got my swag!

Jon from NKY said...


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope so. And this has to be the most spoiled episode title ever.


Anonymous said...

Gotta love Beaver Lick, Jon.

[ally] said...

Lookin' good, Jon.

Thanks for the warning, Beaver Lick!

I still need to take a picture of me in my swag. Make sure you send yours to the chicas at TLI so they can post you on their myspace.

[ally] said...

I just realized that in that last post it sounds like I'm calling Jon, Beaver Lick. That was unintentional.


Wesh said...

As always, I'll enjoy your intro mb :) but I will go no further than those opening words. No spoilers for wesh-san, arigato!
Lol, you could ofcourse screw me over badly, by screaming out an epic spoil right at the first seconds of the show ("WHAT? DID YOU SEE SAWYER GET EATEN BY THE MONSTER???!"), but I'll take my chances. I know you wouldn't do that. Mac, might though. He's a sneaky lil booger!

my jacob prediction: I think we'll finally see him in person (this might be partially wishful thinking).

Also, just know I got hit with the fact that Alex and Rousseau are goners :'( I honestly didn't care too much when it happened.
But we havent had there story yet. Their possibly very intriguing story. *sigh*
Maybe we'll get a flashback of Rousseau's husband, forgot his name, was it Montand, or something? And hopefully that'll fill in the missing pieces.

Enjoy the episode tomorrow you lot!

Jon from NKY said...

I'm sticking to my theory. Jacob is some form of Charles Widmore. I don't quite know how, if he's a past version caught between times (that's why Ben can't kill him).

I just have feeling.

Also, I've got a Fever, and the only prescription, is more Cabin!

Jon from NKY said...

Ally, you can call me anything you want... I GUARANTEE I HAVE BEEN CALLED WORSE!

PalmerEldritch said...

Photo of Mr. Eko and his Jesus Gun from the new GI Joe movie.

mb said...

'sup blog!

Going back to the last thread re: why the island might be making him sick - I'm thinking it's for phoning the freighter and allowing evil Keemy and co. onto shore. But it is probably also b/c he's not supposed to leave.

scrdmnkydst said...

ETA on the new TLI?

PalmerEldritch said...


PalmerEldritch said...

oh. holli and aimee: NBC Streaming full episodes of 30 Rock and The Office to iPhones for Free.

memphish said...

Giacchino is on NPR this morning talking about Speed Racer.


PalmerEldritch said...

awesomest thing so far today:

found a random cardboard box in the hallway at work with NASA symbols and the phrase "CRITICAL SPACE ITEM" all over it.

it's this sticker off of NASA's site but not dirty or anything.

we tracked down the owner who said it was just a box he found and that we could have the stickers. so, i now have one of those.

what should i do with it? i'm thinking of tracking down a frame to fit it in.

Trevor McFur said...

Wait, it's a box full of stickers, or it's a box full of something else that has that sticker on it?

PalmerEldritch said...

unfortunately, it's a box full of random computer parts that time forgot.

the circuit boards are generally hundreds of WIRES and not metal lines on the board.

there's one with a big ass expansion board (i think it's maybe extended ISA as opposed to today's PCI or PCI-Express) with a an old school memory chip kind of thing with a wire running to a red button on the outside of the card. so, you'd press a red button on the back of the computer and it would send a signal to the computer. wtf?

a guy down the hall ordered "box of random computer guts" from someone online and got that badass box.

PalmerEldritch said...

but we knifed the box to extract the stickers and the top layer of cardboard underneath them.

PalmerEldritch said...

...we're a simple people. :)

[ally] said...

That's cool, Palmer. Wouldn't anything that NASA sent out be qualified as a "critical item"?

Would you believe, I've been living here in Houston most of my life, and I've never been to NASA.

Rrb said...

Wow MB I just listened to PART of your 2/18 seg. I stopped it got a little to forward for my thinking. But it did get me thing about Frank. My only question is this why does Frank not even ask about the pilot? You would think he would be concerned if the guy was dead or not? It was his Driving force?

Rrb said...

You must have seen a Launch though?

PalmerEldritch said...

rrb, badass avatar.

memphish said...

I've been to NASA in Houston, Huntsville, & Cape Canaveral and met 2 astronauts. I like space.


PalmerEldritch said...

i saw a lady eat part of the moon once.

in college, our astronomy professor brought in some moon rock. it was in a zip lock bag and was passed around the class for us to look at. he told us not to touch it. i watched in amazement as a continuing ed student opened the bag, stuck her pinky to the rock to get some moon dust on her finger, stuck her tongue out, and pressed the finger to her tongue to TASTE THE MOON. wtf?!!!!

mb said...

"We're a simple people" - lmFAO!

Palmer - that sticker is awesome! I think I would put one of those on everything I own :D

(if, of course, I had more than one)

mb said...


"taste the moon"?!?!?!

maybe she still thought it was made of cheese

andrew. said...

- That NASA sticker is badass. It reminds me of how much of an adolescent club house government departments can be with things like the CIA's Terrorism Buster logo: LINK

- Interesting point about Frank not concerning himself with the pilot. Maybe they don't have the cockpit prop any more but it would be cool for Miles & Frank to make a trip to find the pilot's treemains

- I know us fans get ornery when we don't get regular visits with the main losties & there are a lot of characters to juggle, but it does feel like the helicopter 4 are taking too much of a tag-along role. One of the lost podcasts was talking about how they really couldn't believe that Farraday & CS Lewis's main mission was disarming the Tempest, and i tend to agree. I'm guessing Charlotte is going to step up if she gets to "the temple" or sees the 4-toed statue. Plus, Farraday & Desmond obviously have unfinished business.

Trevor McFur said...

I'm hoping that we'll find out more about the Fab 4's mission as time goes on. To be fair, they have pretty much been prisoners since they've gotten there. We've also seen Faraday conducting some experiments, too. What I don't understand is, why were they the ones sent as initial island expedition force, after Naomi (whom I guess we can consider to be recon)? If their job is to research things, would't it make more sense to send in the Marines to secure the island first ... especially after Naomi sent her coded message?

andrew. said...

- They're filming this movie: She's Out Of My League (2008) on my street this week. I want to be excited but it seems like an entry in the "most mediocre movie ever" contest.

memphish said...

If you aren't reading Ack Attack's Lost Recaps you should be. Here's my favorite part from the most recent one.

So future Jack goes and wakes Kate up in the middle of the night, and he’s all, “MARRY ME!”

And Kate’s like, “STEVE HOLT!” and then she’s like, “OH wait, you’re serious? lol I thought we were just quoting Arrested Development.”


[ally] said...

It may be a crappy movie, but you should try and get in on it.

/taste the moon. wtf!
//because she thought it was made of cheese! lmao!
///that's gotta be my favorite story of all time, palmer.

[ally] said...

that's hilarious, holli.

i'll be sure to add that to my list of things to read.

Stephanie said...

Andrew, your street is in Pittsburg, right?
I was in Hutsville two weeks ago. I still need to stick The Right Stuff in my queue.
Yay, Lost tonight. Storms now.
Holli, did they let schools out early?

Stephanie said...

Huntsville, not Hutsville.

PalmerEldritch said...


memphish said...

We had our storm last night and then rain this morning Steph. Now it's cloudy, but that shouldn't start Hubby from picking Kiddo up from school and getting in 9 holes of golf this afternoon.

I'm psyched for LOST tonight. All I know about it is seeing the preview last week.


Stephanie said...

Huntsville! The only reason Alabama has any dog in the fight known as the space industry is because the scientist the US stole from Germany during WW2 found Texas too hot and decided to move to a cooler city.

PalmerEldritch said...

ah, yes. good ol' Nazi scientists!

"we're incredibly angry about that whole Nazi thing!"
"i can help you make cool rockets."

andrew. said...

- Stephanie: yup, Pittsburgh. I don't know if i've ever been to Huntsville. Maybe I drove through it once. What brought you to the fair state of Pennsyltuckie?

- Holli: That Ack Attack recap was a good'un.
My favorite part: "And then [Sawyer] picked up the baby and every female Lost viewer’s ovaries exploded."
I've added the site to my embarassingly long list of Lost bookmarks.

memphish said...

My 6th grade teacher was from Huntsville and they were neighbors of the Van Brauns.


Stephanie said...

My kid's friend's grandad was Van Braun's pilot.

Stephanie said...

Huntsville is a nice town. Much better than B'ham. Clean, progressive.

mb said...

Wow, I had forgotten about Ack Attack. Thanks Holli - I just spent the last 7 minutes crying with laughter (*breathe*...woo!...).

I think my fave line is:
“You know what, Jack? I’m going to stop trying to get between you and the Island Bike, over there. You’re obviously…in love…?”

memphish said...

Jorge and the Smokey Door.


[ally] said...

I've added the site to my embarassingly long list of Lost bookmarks.

me too.

we have a Huntsville, TX but it's known for it's college and prison.

PalmerEldritch said...

apparently, chris' excitement level goes to eleven.


that's what she said!

anyone listened to the new Official Lost Podcast? is it pre-episode discussion or post-episode discussion of tonight's episode?

memphish said...

I'm too chicken to listen to the OLP pre-episode. Spoiler-phobia -- Catch It!


Chris JC said...

Eleven is for amateurs.

Bring on the,,,, stuff I've heard about!

Stephanie said...

I'm in the process of listening to the podcast. It is too cute. Damon and Carlton's moms talking about how marvelous their son's tv show is. I haven't come across anything spoilery yet.

PalmerEldritch said...

holy jeebus!

what an extraordinarily oedipal mother's day Official Lost Podcast!

no spoilers in the first 13 minutes! oh... here's one. semi-spoiler for the season finale! they're revealing when important questions will be answered in terms of which episode.

so, maybe stop listening about 13 minutes in. after Cuse freaks out from his mom pretending to hit on Sawyer? *shudder*

mb said...

OLP is pretty awesome - with D&C phoning their mothers to get their opinions on the show (apparently they both think Sawyer is hot :D )

HOWEVER - it DOES delve into spoilerish territory both for tonight and on into the future. So spoiler-free folk are right to avoid it at least until tomorrow.

PalmerEldritch said...

ack! more semi-spoilers!

and more!!!!! aaaaah!!!

Wesh said...

Hit me with the TLI goody goody allready! Hit me in the face with it!

(anytime is fine ^__-)

Stephanie said...

Wiping away my tears, I return to say exactly what mb and palmer were saying. Stop after the first 12 minutes or so. Caution- small spoilers.