Thursday, May 08, 2008

Cabin Fever - Episode Discussion


Ralph- said...

Before you watch LOST...

Watch THIS!

Anonymous said...

Why is Claire in the background of this picture?

Ralph- said...

thats creepy. looks like a mary statue

Alirio said...


Alirio said...

Green porno is not available in my "territory"

Is this because I'm in Canada or because I'm not with any of the FIVE FAMILIES...


Wesh said...

Same here alirio, wrong territory too.
Here's a little preview though, to quench your green porno thirst ;)
Yoo Toob link

Wesh said...

Enjoy lost peoplez. Looks like it might be the awesomest episode yet.

scrdmnkydst said...


Alirio said...

thanks wesh!

I love Isabella Rossellini!

I always found it tragic that sex is something that actually kills bees...

Stephanie said...

Isn't she Jason Swartzman's mom? That's weird to me. Hey, an hour and a half until Cabin Fever!

Stephanie said...

That's not right! Talia Shire is Jason Schwartzman's mom. Why would I get those two mixed up?

andrew. said...

- Hey! I posted that Isabella Rossellini link in the last Dharmalars thread!

- argh. I really just want to stay home and watch Lost. I get to hang with the legendary producer/MC Large Professor though, so i'm going to stop being a Jack about it.

- enjoy the episode!

Rrb said...

Lost in 30min. With commercials:( But LIVE:( not the day after(like the pill)So if you take the morning after pill and the go over the international date line does it then become the morning before pill?("Southland Tales" don't see it) Palmer did that person happen to say what moon dust tastes like? And is said tounge still...alright?

memphish said...

Yeah! New LOST!


Trevor McFur said...

When I heard the old-timey song, I thought at first that it was gonna be young John Locke dancing around in the dress.

Anonymous said...

What the hell? Did we see the people on the boat find out about Michael, or have I missed an episode?


Oh, hello Hoarce...whoever you are...

Anonymous said...

Ahhh!!! Eye-liner Guy!!!

Trevor McFur said...

Umm, did Hurley say "Dharmalars?"

Trevor McFur said...

When we last saw the boaties, Sayid was giving up Mike to the Captain.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, I really should try not to be on the net AND watch Lost at the same time...

Anonymous said...

Ooooh...of course, Sayid...

Trevor McFur said...

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who's come to this conclusion, but I see Locke receiving the vial of sand and the compass for the first time on the island at the end of the episode tonight

Anonymous said...

Oh, for sure, Trevor...

Anonymous said...

What happened to destiny being a fickle mistress?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not exactly feeling this episode...there are connections, but. Ngah.

Malcolm in RVA said...

my mid episode prediction

im sure im not the first person to guess this, but i bet frank will sacrifice himself to save the island by flying to the island...


Malcolm in RVA said...

did teenage john remind anyone else of luke skywalker?

and how many damn times are they gonna pull the "manipulate the voice and show their body, hiding their face" thing?

Malcolm in RVA said...

that trailer was totally arrogant.

Trevor McFur said...

It was definitely a setup episode, but I thought it was very good.

I think that I'm now in the 'Claire is already dead' camp.

Malcolm in RVA said...

yeah. i agree, gillian. it was very slow. i liked a lot of it, but there were several points that didn't matter at all. perfect example: the two minute shot of hurley and ben eating a fuckin' candy bar. or the other 4 minutes of lil' john looking at richard's sack. im sure the contents of his sack will become ever important as they are revealed right in front of john's face, but right now, i just don't know what to think about it.

Jon from NKY said...

I won't lie. I expected more.

I still like Keamy more than Michael. :)

memphish said...

Gillian, I agree about the episode. There was a lot in it, but it never really got me revved up. I also totally do not understand why Frank threw out that sat phone. Nor why Jack ignored the rest of the stuff in the backpack like the possible note explaining what they're supposed to do. It seemed to me that Claire had been drinking whatever Jacob kept in those jars in the cabin.


Malcolm in RVA said...

she's either dead, or trippin on some of eathan's good ol' sour water.

Malcolm in RVA said...

keamy is a very good villain. i like that actor a lot. i think i read somewhere he was a comedian. i'd like to hear some of his stand up stuff.

Trevor McFur said...

I actually thought that the Ben/Hurley candybar scene was great.

Malcolm in RVA said...

it was funny, but it was too long, and in the last few minutes of lost, i was expecting it to just end like that, and flash lost on the screen.

that, or something surprising and scary to pop out of nowhere, like, claire's dead body, falling from the sky.

Stephanie said...

I'm glad we got where the cabin came from. I hated to assume it just appeared out of thin air. That's all I got. Good night.

Anonymous said...

Ok ok ok, nevermind, I take it back!

And wtf? Move the island? And that's how they're taking care of Claire?

memphish said...

I was actually liking Keamy a bit this episode too. Of course, it's probably just because I want to beat the shit out of Michael too. When Keamy killed the next 2 people he was back on my bad list though.

Oh, and what's going to happen to Desmond and Michael in this "rescue"?


Malcolm in RVA said...

that ending was too absurd for me

Trevor McFur said...

It felt to me like the first part of the season fianle. Good job building up the tension, but in the end not much happened. What was interesting is for the first time we see whatever forces actively pushing 815ers to the island. I read Alpert's interest in John as the island 'choosing' him (is Richard really John's father??????). I thought that Abadon was part of Widmore's group, but was he working for the island too when he was telling him to go on the walkabout?

Ben killed the DI 12 years ago ... off island, Richard is recruiting John for Mittelos when John's a high schooler, probably at least 20years ago...

Malcolm in RVA said...

the other thing i didn't like about this episode was the fact that richard just kept appearing. it was interesting, but it felt kinda like expose, to me. the episode, not the show.

Anonymous said...

the "sack" scene was important... Mirrors how a new Dali lama is chosen

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I liked the chocolate bar scene. Worked out well.

But...yeah. The episode just seemed to create as many loose ends as possible, and didn't even bother to attempt to tie them up.

But I will admit that when we saw Christian, I did scream. As in a 'wow, I am super surprised' way. And then it only seemed inevitable that Claire be there as well. Stoned.

Anonymous said...

We're missing A LOT of K-bombs here.

PalmerEldritch said...



was that a ben and ralph shout out?! dharmalars = dharma mallomars. bad.ass.

the rest of the episode had me grinning from ear to ear too.

alpert and the funky bunch trying to find out if Locke was the Golden Child. Mittelos Science Camp.

the Island used Ben. interesting!

i didn't mind the Christian Shephard and Claire stuff cuz at least it makes Claire interesting again. what's up with Claire?!

and why can dead people and/or illusions speak for Jacob? neat stuff.


is abaddon more in tune with the island than we thought? what's up with that guy?

locke's mum's boyfriend is "twice [her] age." and a con man who sawyer later kills with a chain. but Alpy Eyeliner knows about the birth of this special boy.


to add to it, i changed into my Dharmlars shirt right before the show. extra Dharmalarsiness.


fucking awesome.

memphish said...

I like how they used the Hollywood and Vines music for Sayid heading back to the Island in the zodiac. It's that trekking music they've been using since part 2 of the Pilot. And my default ringtone. There was some Crocodile Locke in there too.


PalmerEldritch said...

holli, i also noticed Hollywood and Vines. thanks, jimmy, ralph, and giacchino! thimmy, thalph, and thiacchino!

PalmerEldritch said...

p.s. did i mention i liked the WTFery of this episode?

Rrb said...

I wonder if Lil'John had to pick the items in a certain order and it was one move to soon to pick the knife?

Rrb said...

So who's this guy in my Avatar? It sure aint Christian Shep.
I like the evil Claire sidekick cathin up with dad.
Claires not Dead! i hope

t-dot kim said...

That was a great episode. I had a # of WTF moments. Keamy--still hate him.

andrew. said...

i really liked that episode

several times i caught myself looking at the screen and really being struck by how cinematic it was and how much better it is than regular TV and many movies.

good night

Chris JC said...


Gault: I fixed yer gun!

The kind of line best delivered with an Australian accent.

So, was my level of excitement yesterday a little too high? Possibly, but I don't think it was off by too much.

The least of this episode's feats was making you pay attention again when Claire was on screen. Try telling yourself even two episodes again that she would provide one of the most chilling moments in the episode with nothing more than a smile.

I keep forgetting to check out the Dharmalars Knee-Jerk reaction, so I'm off there now. Don't tell me what I can't do.

Rrb said...

O.k. I wont tell you what you can't do. I'm on my way now:)I think it's Ben's turn.

Chris JC said...

Ben has been chosen - to do the Knee-Jerk reaction this week.

Also Mallomars?

PalmerEldritch said...


Meet Jet, Rocket, and Phoenix!

PalmerEldritch said...

oh, yeah... the link!

Jordan said...

I'm liking Jet and Phoenix. But Rocket looks like a total retard. Red Rocket, Red Rocket!

Jordan said...

I don't know what all you are talking about with having too high of expectations. I guess this is where avoiding "next week on Lost" and everything possible helps me out. If I've learned anything from reading people's comments online about this show over the years, it is to have ZERO expectations. Seems like the ones who go into an ep expecting to get certain things always end up enjoying it less overall.

Either I am the most forgiving person around, or you guys are some vengeful bitches. I don't get how you can hate Michael more than Keamy. To me it doesn't make sense. Yes, Michael focked up big time. This has been documented. But he is a character that we were given his story, who we have seen the after affects of his sins, and who we know is trying to make amends. Keamy is just a piece of shit, who's sole purpose on the show is to be a piece of shit. He is the current Pickett, Ryan, etc. A character who has no role other than for you to hate him and want him offed. Lost is a show with a lot of themes. One of which is redemption. I don't get how people can be so closed off to Michael, a character who obviously was meant to rise, fall, and hopefully rise again. I'm not saying you should love him. But I think it's fairly obvious at this point what his character is trying to do. And regardless of his past transgressions, where his current heart condition stands. That's why I find the, "I hate Michael. I hope he dies" thinking to be awfully close-minded and shortsighted.

Like Trevor, I like how we see that Locke's "destiny" wasn't as by chance as you'd have thought. With Alpert and then Cedric Daniels, I mean Abbadon, we see that Locke's walk about and reason for being on 815 weren't exactly by accident. I like the idea of "fate" not exactly having the same definition we think of it to have.

Was I the only one who found Claire extra hot in this episoid? Something about here cool, calm, relaxed demeanor while sitting in the cabin. She was very at ease with the whole situation. I'm so used to her being a spazz about Aaron and/or whining at Charlie.

I liked the ep overall. But there was just a tad tinge of things being a tiny bit forced. Young Locke saying, "Don't tell me what I can't do", Alpert in the hospital, etc. I dunno. Something about the recent turn this 2nd half of the season really feels "after the fact" to me. It's hard to explain. But something about the new directions really feel disconnected from the original narrative of the show. I mean, I know that they didn't have all this stuff in mind during the first couple seasons, and that's fine. No show really does. But there's just this tiny something that I can't quite define that makes me more aware of this when watching than I'd like to be.

Somebody earlier compared teenage Locke to Luke Skywalker. What? How on earth can you say that after we had Karl on this show. That kid was a dead ringer for a young Mark Hamill.

How cool was Ben's "attaboy" to Locke's manipulation of Hurley? Kinda interesting. Goes hand in hand with Ben's comments at the end of the ep about Locke taking Ben's place on the island.

So the doctor on the freighter died according to island time earlier than actual time. And oh yeah, "move the island"? What the hell does that mean?

There was a good while that I was able to sorta hope that the show didn't get too crazy sci-fi. That everything was going to have a "somewhat" justifiable explanation behind it. That the answers that we all wanted weren't going to be magic dust and time machines. The first few seasons, things were very ambiguous. And while we saw crazy things like smoke monsters, there was enough confusion and doubt for there to still be somewhat justifiable explanations. Then there was a while where I was thinking to myself, "Are things taking a big turn for the crazy? I really hope it doesn't go TOO crazy." But that has all gone out the window this past season or so. And I guess I am slowly coming to grips with that. People talking to the dead, time shifts, mystical cabins, ageless people, moving islands. Yeah, safe to say we have firmly stepped into the twilight zone. Time to fully embrace the crazy. It's easy to understand really. All shows that start shrouded in ambiguity, if they last long enough, at some point are forced to embrace the fantastic and the crazy. You paint yourself into a big enough corner, you leave yourself little options to get out of it in the end.

Desmond staying on the freighter to me is a big sign that he just might show up sooner or later in a flash forward. For him to return to the real world, he doesn't need to be an O6er. And with him now on the freighter, if it does go back, he's got his ticket home. And with the new "Ben trying to kill Penny" storyline we were introduced to a few eps back, it would be mighty convenient to have good ol' Des around at some point.

Ok, enough rambling from me for now.

Arnold Del Facto said...

Q: Why do Americans omit letters (such as 'u' in 'flavour') in spelling?

A: This lexical split can be directly traced to the work of one man: Noah Webster, who, aged 43, started writing the first American dictionary. He did so for two reasons; first to stamp out regional linguistic differences, and second because he felt that 'American' should be distinctive from English.

Webster not only introduced a series of spelling reforms, he also introduced new words, such as 'skunk' and 'squash', to the dictionary. His goal was to further American education by ensuring that everyone spelt, pronounced and used words in the same way. Consequently, the following changes were introduced into the language:

* Americans use -er, British use -re in words like calibre, centre, fibre, litre, metre, sombre, theatre
* Americans omit the -ue ending from words like analogue, catalogue, dialogue
* Americans write amid, among; British write amidst, amongst.
* Americans use -or, British use -our in words derived from French: armour, behaviour, colour, flavour, honour, humour, labour, neighbour, odour, rumour, vapour
* Americans use -ce, British use -se in words like practise
* Americans use -se, British use -ce in words like defence, licence, offence, pretence, vice
* Americans use -ze, British use -se in words like analyse, dialyse, materialise, organise, recognise, standardise, vaporise
* Americans write 'program', British write 'programme'
* Americans write a 'check', British write a 'cheque'
* Americans form past participles with the -ed suffix, while the British sometimes use -t, for example: burned vs. burnt, spelled vs. spelt, spoiled vs. spoilt.
* Americans write -e- for words of Greek or Latin origin that contain -æ- or -oe-:
o Americans write 'estrogen', British write 'oestrogen'
o Americans write 'fetus', British write 'foetus'
o Americans write 'gynecology', British write gynæcology'
o Americans write 'medieval', British write 'mediæval'

This dictionary was not the only book which Webster published in his lifetime. Webster did not like American schools. Sometimes seventy children of all ages were crammed into one-room schoolhouses with no desks, poor books, and untrained teachers. Their books came from England. Webster thought that Americans should learn from American books, so in 1783, he wrote his own textbook: A Grammatical Institute of the English Language. This book earned the nickname the 'Blue-backed Speller' because of its cover.

Webster did many things in his life. He worked for copyright laws, wrote textbooks, Americanized the English language, founded New York's first daily newspaper, edited magazines, founded Amherst College and even found time to have eight children! When Noah Webster died in 1843 he was considered an American hero.

Jordan said...

And for those curious. The Bigger Dance final four:

Jessica Biel vs Jessica Alba
Scarlett Johanson vs Eva Longoria

I am totally screwed. I only had ScoJo, and still only had her making the final. Looks like Andrew and Trevor are going to fight this one out.

Derrick Bates said...

did anyone think abadon sounded a bit like walt when he was telling him about the walkabout?

Jordan said...


PalmerEldritch said...

go biel, go!

right on, jordan. many good points. i can't really blame Michael all that much. he was saving his son from the Others. he played the only hand that he was dealt. i'd hope i'd have found a way around that if i were him but i'm not sure i or he could have.

i dont understand all of the Claire hate either. sure, she was boring and whiny. but i didnt really hate her or think her scrunchy face made her deserve to be destroyed or anything. she needs a haircut and a plot line. now, she has that plot line. time for the haircut!

next week: christian shephard gives claire a cabin makeover!

Jordan said...

Spelling things with unnecessary U's is fruity and for people who hate freedom.

PalmerEldritch said...

except for Armour Hotdogs.

for random pig parts, that stuff tastes good.

Jordan said...

Palmer, I don't exactly defend what Michael did. I just don't get how people seem to be so all or nothing with characters. The whole point of character development in a tv show is that they "develop". The way some are, "I hate you forever. Die" with Michael, it's totally ignoring the point of Michael. Desperate people do desperate things. That's a fact in life. And Michael is living with the guilt and pain of his poor choice of action. If you want to play the, "you use poor judgment, you are forever cast with a scarlet letter and can in no way redeem yourself" game, then just about everybody on this show deserves to be hated. One act does not define a person in my mind. The sum of the whole is much greater. To get that, you need to take into consideration a lot more than simply, "so and so did this".

And yes, I don't understand the Claire hate either. So the writer's never really used her in a super interesting way. Oh that bitch, just die already.

I guess that's where I differ from many Lost fans. I don't have favoUrites who I stand by til the end, nor do I have people I hate so much that I will never give them a shot. Some of the best television and movies play with characters. Making them either morally gray or flipping them at somepoint. To play the fan club/haterade game to me, takes away from the getting the whole spectrum of the show. Don't get me wrong. There are characters I like, and those I dislike. But none of them is impervious to changing my mind.

And yes, go Biel! I knew I should've stuck with my instincts!

memphish said...

But Jordan you are dead hating on Keamy right now. I agree that one the genius things about this show is how it makes you like someone then turns you 180 and then turns you back, but I will admit to piling on the Michael-bashing bandwagon (it's not really hate for me; that I save for Juliet) mainly from the parenting angle. Granted it's not like he had years of experience, but to me he's made every parenting f### up you could ever conceive of. He's written himself off at this point, and so I feel safe in writing him off too.

One last thing on Keamy -- he is sooooooo much better to look at than Pickett or Ryan. That's why we're cutting him the slack.

As for Rocket on AG, my kid will be very excited to see that. Evan was his favorite last year. The crazy thing to me is how they're going to incorporate this shrimp sized new Gladiators with the rest of the behemoth Glad cast.


Jordan said...

"But Jordan you are dead hating on Keamy right now."

Keamy has never once done anything to make you like him. I don't get it AT ALL. His character isn't meant to be a Ben, somebody you are conflicted in whether you are supposed to like him or not. He fills simply the role of "villian goon A". If he gave me a single ounce of reason to not want a tree limb to fall ontop of him, fine. But he is clearly "the guy trying to kill everybody". And I really don't see room for much more. He hasn't exactly been given much character exposition besides "Give me my gun so I can kill people. Grrrrr."

Trevor McFur said...

Keamy's been given no redeeming qualities whatsoever; he's been portrayed as evil through-and-through, so of course he's fun to hate. But to be honest, if he's still around next season as this pure evil crazy guy, he's gonna get kind of boring. I don't get the Michael hate either (except for "WAAAAAAALLLLLLLT!"). We know that essentially he's a good man who's made horrendous decisions ... his flaws are what makes him interesting. He does need to redeem himself for what he's done, and that means more than just a senseless death.

I have ScoJo winning the thing, but she's my only correct Final Four pick. I think that I'm destined for second, just like in the Oscar pool and March Madness pool.

Chris JC said...

Hey! I love freedoum as much as the next maun.

Trevor McFur said...

One other interesting thing that came out of last night's ep is that Keamy is probably suffering from the sickness.

Trevor McFur said...

For all this talk about who's supposed to be raising Aaron, Christian says that he's, "Exactly where he's supposed to be".

Jordan said...

I myself don't have Keamy lasting beyond the finale. We need somebody to be Hurleybussed.

memphish said...

I don't think Keamy will last past the finale either. So Trevor are you predicting that the bloody nose rather than a bullet will take Keamy out?

That thing strapped to Keamy's arm -- someone said it's an XM satellite radio. Kind of like Naomi's iPhone last year. I don't understand why killing Keamy would necessarily trigger a detonation though.


memphish said...

Iron Man and Batman from Funny or Die. Be sure to watch until the end.


Trevor McFur said...

I think that there's more to the sickness than time trippin'. I don't see Keamy living past next week either, but I'm not sure it's the sickness that does it. I bet he get's blowed up real good by some of those explosives.

PalmerEldritch said...

Have you ever shot a guy with an XM Radio strapped to his arm? BAD NEWS.

Or it's monitoring his vital signs and will blow up if he gets killed.

Or it's his new continuous feed of BULLSHARK TESTOSTERONE!!!!


memphish said...

If it's bullshark testosterone maybe Keamy will think he is pregnant.


PalmerEldritch said...

alpert is to linus as abaddon is to widmore?

Trevor McFur said...

I hear that bullshark testosterone does funny things to your balls.

andrew. said...

- Trevor: I missed the evidence that Keamy was suffering from the sickness. care to enlighten?

- i'm fairly positive that the device strapped to Keamy's bicep is a dead man's switch. So, if anybody hurlybusses him the whole island goes raging inferno

- Try as the writers might to make Michael sympathetic, I think his crimes are pretty much irredeemable. No matter how selflessly his acts are from now on, he still has to die.

- I've backed off of my hatred for Juliet this season. I always hated the way Elizabeth Mitchell played is-she/isn't-she evil with those pursed lips and cross-eyed stare. This season she's just acting more naturalistically so even if she turns out to be double-crossing the losties, she's not making that stupid grin.

Trevor McFur said...

Maybe it wasn't the thing strapped to Keamy's arm that they were afraid of, maybe it was actually the stink from his armpit.

Trevor McFur said...

Andrew, the Captain and Keamy were talking about Regina, and the Cap said something like, "I'd be remiss if I didn't suggest that you might be suffering from the same symptoms", or something along those lines.

Stephanie said...

I liked the ep overall. But there was just a tad tinge of things being a tiny bit forced. Young Locke saying, "Don't tell me what I can't do", Alpert in the hospital, etc. I dunno. Something about the recent turn this 2nd half of the season really feels "after the fact" to me. It's hard to explain. But something about the new directions really feel disconnected from the original narrative of the show. I mean, I know that they didn't have all this stuff in mind during the first couple seasons, and that's fine. No show really does. But there's just this tiny something that I can't quite define that makes me more aware of this when watching than I'd like to be.

Jordan, I feel the same. It didn't feel natural to the story. Oh, well. We get episodes like that every once in a while. I just feel this one was a good set up for the finale. It's strange to hear Damon and Calton talk about season 5. I can't believe we're that far along.

Stephanie said...

I don't care what you all say. I still hate Claire and want her dead. ASAP.

PalmerEldritch said...

steph and keamy are gunna burn that island down to ensure that claire is gone!

Trevor McFur said...

Maybe she already is dead Steph.

Stephanie said...

Trev, I'm not getting my hopes up.

memphish said...

I think regardless of whether or not Claire is dead she will be around until the end. Sorry Steph. And I do agree with Jordan that a party hardy Claire is much better than a "mah bay-beee" Claire.


Trevor McFur said...

I don't want Claire to die. To many attractive women have already been killed off on this show.

PalmerEldritch said...

if claire's already dead then maybe she'll go goth again with the brunette wig.

Robert said...

75918150I have been missing from the blog for a while as I have had nothing to comment on, but now I must speak my mind. I am amazed at the increasing number of podcasts dedicated to the "mythology" of the show (I do enjoy Black Rock, just because the guys are intelligent and courteous) when Darlton have repeatedly said this show is ultimately about the CHARACTERS and their journey to redemption. This show is starting to get a little too sci-fi weird with things that cannot be rationally explained as the producers have said wouldn't happen. "Move the island??" I would MUCH rather have an hour of Jack playing grab-ass with Kate than tonights episode which, once again, brought up a few more questions that can probably never be answered. I give last week a 10 and this week a 2, and no, I am not a woman with a man's name. :)) I will never quit watching Lost, but it is not looking like the show I once thought it would be. Jack and Kate are Adam and Eve. :) I don't even subscribe to this theory anymore. :(

Robert in Houston

andrew. said...

- i need some of these T-shirts: LINK

Wesh said...

Just finished watching the latest intallment, and: me likey very much! Sure it was more of a build up to something greater, then it was an action packed episode, but nevertheless I thought it was awesome.
Christian traded his white shoes with some boots, so he wouldn't give his identitty away too soon I guess. Cabin scene wasn't as freaky as our first encounter with Jacob, but I guess that's normal. Also the lack of Jacob might've taken a few points off the scary scale. And me watching it at like four in the afternoon on a sunny day. Normally I'll watch lost in the evening, so the mood is right. But couldn't wait.

Solid episode!

Trevor McFur said...

Do you think that they have ones that say, "Bay", "Ratner", or "McG"?

Wesh said...

Sure, I too wanted the show not to be too sci-fi and all that, like they kinda promised. It would stay pseudo-scientifically explainable. But it seems they kinda strayed (sp?) off that path a little bit, and to tell you the truth: I find myself ok with it. I don't feel cheated. I like the way things are going. And I'll like it even more if in the end, they still manage to give it that pseudo-science touch. And even then I wouldn't terribly mind some mythologically untied knots.

Trevor McFur said...

Quick, not spoilery, news about Seasons 5 & 6.

I'm really bummed about S4 coming to an end soon. We're only 11 hours in, and it feels like the season should still be just starting to open up, but actually, it's pretty much done. What a bummer.

Trevor McFur said...

I can understand the complaints about the sci-fi direction the show has gone in, but, I don't know, I kind of feel like I knew it was scifi from the moment I realized that Locke used to be in a wheelchair.

[ally] said...

Steph, I think that it doesn't really matter if Claire is officially dead or not, since she's gonna keep appearing like every other dead person does, anyway.

Jordan said...

I realized that as well Trev. But there's a bit of a differnce between subtle pseudo-science fiction and banging over your head, crazy anything and everything goes sci-fi. I think it's just a mindset that you need to be in. Either can work. It just takes some adjusting for some when it seems like all the rules have been thrown out the window. But like Ben said, "The rules have been changed."

Ralph- said...

Mallomars is the Nabisco version of Dharmalars...Hmm. Maybe Dharmalars (the cookie) isnt up to Mallomar standards and he is dreaming of the real deal??

Anonymous said...

Speed Racer or What Happens in Vegas? How ever do I choose?!!!

Alirio said...

I LOVED this episode....

I must say I enjoyed it more than I thought I would... considering I usually find Locke-centric episodes a little on the weak side...

derrick bates said...
did anyone think abadon sounded a bit like walt when he was telling him about the walkabout?

Could Abadon be Walt????

andrew. said...

listened to the Jay & Jack podcast on my commute & it inspired some notes:

- okay, so supposedly Horace built the cabin that Jacob (& Christian & Claire) reside in as 'a nice getaway for him and his wife.' He did so 12 years ago. Is the Jacob manifestation relatively new on the island? If he existed before 12 years ago was he previously homeless? Was he previously a free-roaming spirit and somebody trapped him in the cabin with the ring of ash?

- Alpert's test of young Locke seemed to suggest that Locke should have owned the items in a previous time or life. Jay & Jack made an apt allusion to the Dalai Lama. Is Locke a reincarnation of an important figure? Is he Neo?

- When Keamy gets the folder out of the safe it has a big Dharma symbol on the cover, further evidence that Widmore had connections to the Dharma Initiative. If plan B is to blow up the island to kill everone on it, wouldn't it have been more efficient if they had left the Tempest in tact so they could just gas everyone? Do you think Widmore & Keamy are counting on the Flame station & all of its platic explosive still being there?

- Locke's highschool administrator suggested that Locke's true path was to be a scientist. Alpert continued to try to recruit him with the science camp. Was Locke supposed to be a member of the Dharma Initiative? Were other Dharma Initiative recruits similarly recruited for their special destinies?

- Even though the blogspot kind of spoiled me on the fact that Christian & Claire were hanging tough in the love shack, I still expected Abaddon to be the one to lean out of the shadow

- Christian appears before Hurley & Locke in the cabin and vincent in the jungle even though none of those characters have a personal connection with him kind of messing with the notion that the island manifestations appear in a familiar form. Since it was a mobisode, i discounted the vincent/christian encounter to be a bit of a flub by the writers, and Hurly's encounter was sort of a flash and more for the benefit of the obsessive viewers. Last night's encounter was no fluke.

- The 'move the island' thing was the only bit of last night's episode that i had a little bit of a hard time with. Rolling with it, if Locke & Co move the island geographically, it does raise some interesting concerns. Will Sayid be lost at sea while trying to reach the island? Penny reportedly has a rough location for the island from the electromagnetic anomaly. Will she have to start fresh? Does that kind of suggest that Desmond & Penny's story might wrap up sooner & less positively than we think?

- Locke's mom Emily is crackers bananas in the future. Is that a result of head trauma from the car accident? Or is she being haunted by island manifestations after her special baaaybee. Was Anthony Cooper just after a little 16 year old loving or was there a con in play? Dude is skeazy either way.

- I was annoyed by the latest round of Abaddon = future Walt theories because there's always a little subtle racism at work when black dude must equal black dude in TV Land. Even though I don't think there's any way its true, I've eased up on my angry stance on the theory because people have been citing some other clues beyond their skin color and Abaddon calling John "Mr. Locke"

- I also liked the listener theory that Jorge Garcia played us a little and the snowman painting from the season opener was actually an easter egg about the island moving to an arctic climate. I don't actually forsee the island ending up in a winter wonderland, but it would be a really elegant clue with the flashforward framework if it were true.

- top that word count Jordan

andrew. said...

When Keamy's heart stops, the island goes....

PalmerEldritch said...


Chris JC said...

Are you suggesting that Season 5 will be a really long sequel to CRANK?

Will that mean the return of Bai Ling?

Jordan said...

Andrew's ridiculously long post: 659 words
Jordan's ridiculously long post: 909 words

So I win the battle of yammering...for now. Although I will give Andrew credit for being more concise than myself. Hence the slightly lower count.

Trevor McFur said...

Does anything think that the rest of the Lostaways were being pushed towards the island like Locke was last night, or is it something unique to Locke?

Chris JC said...


Chris JC said...

one word.

memphish said...

I hope you copied and pasted to get a word count and didn't count words Jordan.

Andrew, I agree about the black=black thing, but I kind of love the idea of Abaddon being Walt but for what I assume were Abaddon's agreement to kill everyone on the Island. Would Walt kill Mr. Locke? I think not.


andrew. said...

haha Chris, i like the idea that Season 5 will be a 24-style season long version of Crank.

Even if Lost doesn't take you up on that, some smart TV executive should definitely run with the idea. Guaranteeing an audience that the protagonist is going to do several ridiculous things an episode would be certified ratings.

Rrb said...

Here's a funny, in the sceene where Lockes grandma goes to smoke a butt in the incubator room in the second shot she has the cigerette backwards you can see the lip stick on the side you light hehhehe

Rrb said...

Is there a CRANK2 coming out?

Alirio said...

Just to be perfectly clear about black=black and latent racism in Abadon=Walt theories...

although I admit to being part of a systemically racist society and being a white guy, I would find it odd to think that future Walt would NOT be black!

Abadon's reference to meeting Locke in the future made me instantly think about John's visit to the island and who he may have helped... i.e. Walt.

Maybe Abadon is Smokey (is that racist?) and John will help save Smokey by saving the island?

Aaaargh! Racism is not cool, unless properly satirized, of course. However, I find looking for racism around every corner even less cool...

Let's keep it upbeat people!

Stephanie said...

I know Claire will be with us in one form or another regardless of what happens but I will feel better when she bite the big one.

Alirio said...

Sorry folks... didn't mean to dictate what beats to keep...

Please feel free to groove to the down-beat or off-beat if you want...

Is there is Cobra Commander pic for the new GIJOE movie???

Rrb said...


Rrb said...

evil dead or hot alive

Jordan said...

I don't know if I'd call it racism as much as imbred ignorance. As a society, we have a really hard time seeing past race sometimes. For instance in sports. Whenever you have a good young basketball player who is white, he is instantly compared with former white players such as Larry Bird or John Stockton. And same in football. Whenever you have a white wide receiver, because there are so few, they are always compared to former white receivers. For whatever reason, people have a hard time comparing beyond skin color.

With this Walt-Lt Daniels thing, I can see it, sorta. I don't buy it. But there are slim things you could pick up on. However, would anyone have ever picked up on them had Abbadon been white? I don't think so.

Rrb said...

"What happened to them?" "He Did!"
Awsome Locke Hurley line

andrew. said...

Alirio - i hope you didn't think my comment about the racism was aimed at you. I actually made a note while listening to the Jay & Jack podcast. It was also aimed more at the continuation of lost fan theories from the past like Rose = walt's mom, Ecko = Walt... etc. Even though I don't agree that Abaddon = Walt, it does have some merits like the line 'the next time you see me, you'll owe me' so i wasn't trying to suggest that everyone that toys with the theory is racist.

ugh. sorry to stick my foot in my mouth.

[ally] said...

Even though the blogspot kind of spoiled me on the fact that Christian & Claire were hanging tough in the love shack, I still expected Abaddon to be the one to lean out of the shadow

i was thinking the same thing! i hadn't seen the picture so i didn't know about that, but simply because abaddon said he would see him in the future, i thought it would be him.

Jordan said...

I have a funny side affect when characters on this show gather arbitrary hate online. I tend to defend/side with them. Maybe it's the contrarian in me. Maybe it's because these characters usually tend to be female and garner most of their hate from women. I dunno. lol. But like with Juliet, I now find myself defending/siding with Claire in opposition to all the mass hate. I guess I just don't like trends or piling on. :P But in the case of Juliet, I was that way from the get go. I always defended her, saying that while she wasn't exactly trustworthy at the start, her character had a lot of reasons for being duplicitous in nature. And not that we are out of the woods just yet. But I would say that my defending her has been somewhat proven just. Hell, even Kimb last week said she couldn't help but feel for/like her. I will soon enough get you guys on the Michael one. Just wait. lol. Not so sure with Claire though. As the hate towards her has very little to do with character morality and almost all to do with style over substance. That's a hard sell to make.

Robert said...

When are dead people dead, when are they apparitions, when are they smokey ( the silliest thing on the show, IMO) , what can we grab and hold on to and feel confident about on mystery frickin' island. I hold on to the hope that Jack, on the island, is a noble hero, doing the best he can for our 815ers, loving Kate purely enough to let her and Sawyer be happy if that is what she truely wants. He hasn't found redemption yet because of father and control issues. I don't blame him for his failure in his short future relationship with Kate. Is his dad dead or not. These issues of who is dead and when and why is, along with the cheesy smoke monster, almost to the point of jumping the shark. JMHO


Stephanie said...

- I also liked the listener theory that Jorge Garcia played us a little and the snowman painting from the season opener was actually an easter egg about the island moving to an arctic climate. I don't actually forsee the island ending up in a winter wonderland, but it would be a really elegant clue with the flashforward framework if it were true.

Andrew, what about the HO-HOs? What about Ben landing in a hot climate looking like he just came from somewhere cold? What about Jorge could just have been lying?

Stephanie said...

I guess I just don't like trends or piling on.

Jordan, I don't either. That's why I hate Claire and not Juliet.

memphish said...

The fun thing about having strong feelings about characters, positive or negative though is how much you can enjoy the head whipping nature that TPTB manage to pull off. Jin is a great example of that.


Selecta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
andrew. said...

oops. i was logged in for work.

- Robert: I share some of your concerns regarding the various manifestations on the island & dead people. I think i was generally okay with it being a complex mystery that we'd have to be patient to understand but when Damon & Carlton ran through that list and classified the various appearances on The Official Lost Podcast I got really confused by their answers.

Jordan said...

Ralph, Some sort of Madman involvement at the Seattle Comicon.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I just saw a speculation...

15 year old Emily Locke gives birth early going 'Call him John!!'

30 year old Emily Linus gives birth early going 'Call him Ben!!'

Could it be? I know we apparently met Locke's mummy in season one, but...this could help explain why Ben and Locke have the relationship they have. That connection.

(oh yeah, and what I was getting at, for those thinking I'm being vague-BROTHERS!!!)

Jordan said...

Was Ben's mom named Emily as well? I'm not up on the detailed Lost facts. If so and the time lines work, allow me to say "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." That's mighty interesting.

Stephanie said...

I really hate to bring up this sore subject again but...
We white people really can't help making the connections between people of color since we have been conditioned from birth with only one non-white character at a time. We're just now getting accustomed to our shows having non-whites as actual characters instead of cardboard cut-outs. So, I don't think it's entirely our fault we have trouble thinking differently. I'm seriously thinking of deleting this because I'm so afraid it will not come across well.

PalmerEldritch said...

Jordan said...

Rock on Steph. Don't be affraid. You make total sense. I think your opinion as somebody in deep south is very valuable and interesting. Some of us live in more progressive parts of the country, and it can be hard to identify sometimes that not everywhere is at the same place. And yes, even places like Seattle and Chicago still have a lot of racial stuff to get past.

Jordan said...

And just so nobody gets offended. I wasn't trying to talk bad about the south. My point was that people in other places sometimes don't realize just how different things are and have been.

Yay for happy, fun, race relation talk on the blogspot! :P

Stephanie said...

Thank you for the support, Jordan. Don't worry about offending Southerners. The more intelligent ones know you're not talking about them. The ones you are referring to probably don't have internet connection.
About the two Emilys: While Emily Locke was onscreen, I kept wondering who they wanted her to remind us of. She really didn't look much like Swoosie Kurtz. I wasn't thinking about Ben's mom. I was thinking she looked like Claire. It must be my blinding hate for her.

[ally] said...

The two Emilies (Twemilies) theory seems kinda crazy.... I like it!

It would make total sense if it ever became reality.

Alirio said...

I can't help but think that Alpert must have been getting VERY tired of luggin around those objects to different special little boys around the world looking for the chosen one/golden child...

Did you notice how quickly he left John's foster-home?

Alirio said...

If Ben and John have the same mom, and ben knows all there is about everyone... wouldn't he know they're brothers?

That's probably why he likes fracking with John's head all the time....

Selecta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
andrew. said...

grrr. logged in wrong again. tracking a Fed-Ex package for work. (& the fact that it hasn't arrived is the reason why i've got so much time to spend on the blogspot today)

- Ben tormenting Locke out of sibling rivalry would be pretty delicious.

- The problem with the theory is that you'd have to pick a parent to be the same. Locke's mom is alive and bugging during his flashback. Ben's mom is dead and haunting the island. Anthony Cooper lays claim to Locke (& his kidney) right up to Sawyer getting all Return Of The Jedi on him. Roger Workman is a proper asshole to Ben, blaming him for his mom's death, right up to Ben hotboxing him in the hurleymobile.

- If all of these crazy theories of family ties prove to be true somebody is going to end up boinking their sister. (sorry Boone & Shannon, and Malory Keaton)

Stephanie said...

Ryan just tweeted he stumbled across the last day of filming. I can not make this sentence make sense.

Anonymous said...

The return of squiggly legs!

Jolly good episode.

scrdmnkydst said...

It's taken four bloody years, but they finally made claire interesting.

I was stuck in a "WTF" loop for at least ten minutes after i finished watching this episode.

scrdmnkydst said...


I wrote a review, of an album, check it out please.

Wake Up Rock Star, You've Gone Too Far

Jordan said...

Had Robert Downey Jr turned down the role of Iron Man, this guy was next in line.

memphish said...

Thank God for small favors.


Trevor McFur said...

Not as bad as these two folks auditioning for the upcoming Justice League movie.

PalmerEldritch said...

best headline of the year?

click for the dirty headline for the non-dirty story

Rrb said...

That was Hot/Nasty Palmer.

Rrb said...

If anything, this episode gave you all ALOT to type about! Long live scrunchie/ My BAABBIEE/ I don't want a drup addict in my tent/ not dead
How do you think Christian would do her hair? a Bob? Death to the bangs?
Is Christian Jabob? Is Jacob the guy in my avatar or just what he felt like being at the time? Perhaps Jacob is Horace Goodspeed they have some simalarities. He did build the Cabin after all to get away from the D.I.

mb said...

Oh man. I REAALLY shouldn't have waited this long to post. Dat wus a LAWTA readin' mistah Luthor! ;)

First of all - though its already been talked about plenty I realize - as far as Keemy goes?

"Keamy has never once done anything to make you like him. I don't get it AT ALL"

THANK you Jordan - EXACTLY what I was thinking and going to say. Keamy is horrible, pure and simple. All props to Kevin Durand (truly) because I used to feel this way about Danny Pickett, and I now feel this way about Keamy. Please understand, I recognize that my reaction is a result of Mr. Durand and the writers doing their job well. I am just saying this because I can see no way in reason how one would find him a more sympathetic character than Michael. I vascilate (sp?) between feeling sorry for him and wanting to punch him because of the idiot he can sometimes be, but with the words of DeNiro in The Untouchables:
"I want you to get this fuck where he breathes!... I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!.
I will be punching my fist up in the air VERY hard when he is killed - I only hope it is on par with Ryan getting squished by Hurley. I will honestly breathe a sigh of relief.

On a positive note - I agree, I think he's a goner in the next 3 episodes. The bad part - I totally think he will take a load of people with him to "apparition-world"

RE: Hurley's painting - didn't Jorge say on Jay and Jack a while back that the image/idea just popped into his head when the director left it up to him to decide what to paint? i suppose that doesn't mean that TPTB can't make something of it anyway though, right?

Also - re: Alpert and Locke - I know it was a long time ago - but is it just me who thinks it's strange that Locke had NO recognition of Alpert when they met on the island. Not even a "you look familiar" (or did he, and I'm forgetting)? Alpert coming to see him as a boy just seems like a fairly odd event that I pretty sure I would remember somewhat. But, it WAS a long time ago I suppose - and John has had a few things on his plate since then ("...and the understatement-award of the year goes to...) :)

mb said...

OH - and I'm hoping people will give their opinion on this:

I think I have addressed this before but I can't remember what other people thought. People keep talking of the apparitions possibly (or sometimes?) being smokey - I don't get this, and have never thought the smoke monster actually manifested itself as anything but a cloud of smoke. I don't remember the details of the list that Cuselof ran down on the OLP a while back (re: what the various entities WERE that have been seen by the ALIVE characters), but the only evidence I can remember that people seemed to use to justify this idea (and I think it is the first time I heard people talk of smokey appearing as an apparition) was when Yemi appeared to Eko, said something to the effect of "why would you think that I am the person you call your brother" and then smokey came along shortly thereafter and killed him. I always assumed Yemi and all the other apparitions were either ghosts or simply the Island manifesting itself to speak. I don't really see any good evidence that smokey is more than what it has appeared to be - which is a really bad-ass watchdog (that is a cloud of smoke that can fuck you up). I think an important distinction ought to be made between what smokey is (and it's purpose), and the various ways in which the island communicates. I just don't think it uses smokey for this purpose.

Rrb said...

MB I think people say somkey is the apparitions cause they want to give them some sort of solid form. ie. not an illusion, illusions can't pick up kids, but maybe smokie can? I think smokie is the islands watchdog thats it. The whole scanning thing is probably just checking to so if your in the data banks? I haven't watched the Echo Yemmi stuff in a bit but with the actor wanting to leave the show maybe the writers bent the rules with the Smoke Monster and Apparition stuff and doing so confused the matter? My feelings as of this moment is they are the island's doings some how. Side note people don't seem on board with "moving the island" I say if the cabin can move around why not the island.

Anonymous said...

'When I heard the old-timey song, I thought at first that it was gonna be young John Locke dancing around in the dress.'

I was hoping that she was going to be Jane Locke and she was just about to get a sex change and become John