Lame discussions and poorly constructed theories about the hit ABC series "Lost."
Call the TLI Ham Fat Line: (206) 426-3238
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Dharmalars - The Commentary!
The Dharmalars are Back!!! Well, they never left, but they are back as The Dharmalars (not just "the lars")!!! Dust off your Season 1 dvds and get ready to enjoy an episode of LOST, with Ben and Ralph!!!!! We get some Grumpy Calls in on the "You All Everybody" segment and give you the most Annoying Into to a podcast EVER!
playlist: Monster Fight - Kumio Miyauchi Cry Me A River - Combustible Edison
I've thought about doing something like this - if only to satiate my MST3K fanship, but I have a PAL version of LOST and y'all will find yourself going out of sync as I zip along ahead.
Also, sorry to bring up an old anonymous-posting wanker but I have to take exception to this:
"those chicks only have listeners because of the dharmlars"
I personally find this odd, because I only found Dharmalars because of The Lost Initiative. And I only found Jay & Jack through the Dharmalars. I found The Lost Initiative purely on my own... initiative - hence me "calling" that podcast long before any of the others, or even hitting the Blogspot (at Aimee's auditory request).
I'm sure my experience cannot be the only one of this kind?
Penis power? Where did this sister get her phd? Before I get to the podcast, let me tell you I saw We Are Marshall last night. Brilliant casting for Foxy. If you need someone to bring on the tears at the drop of a hat, he's your man. Matthew McConaughey was ridiculous and over the top. Anthony Mackie, Ian McShane, David Straithairn are wonderful. As for the story, it tries too hard to be sentimental and ends up being sappy. I thought I'd make it through without the tears but the scene with Bobby Bowden got me.
Steph, I liked WAM when I saw it in the theaters. It was over the top sentimental, but I liked the humor in it and I liked the use of the drum line music in the football scenes. And yes, Matthew Fox is the master of the man tears.
When Jimmy said to call the dharmaline to let them know what we thought about Lost's Broken Promises, I knew I should have called. If one person calls with their opinion, wouldn't you know it's gonna be negative. Jimmy, I didn't call but I meant to. I enjoyed it. Mental note: always do what Jimmy says.
I liked the Broken Promises cast too, although I thought that the answer to the church one was pretty obvious ... it was Eko's church, and now Eko's gone. I have the same complaints about Sawyer the Sheriff ... it looks like they had decided to send Sawyer & Charlie to the dark side, then they suddenly changed their mind 2 or 3 episodes later. Whatever.
Today's Urban Dictionary Word of the Day:
September 19, 2007: yarr! A word often used by pirates whenever they have experienced a loss or pain Yarr! My pirate's booty has been stolen.
Ugh - I haven't listened yet, but now I think I'll have to skip Adam's comment. All due respect to Adam if you're reading but I get defensive when it comes to my favorite podcasts.
Well, you've got some decay in the back molars which has resulted in some cavities - so I'll mix up some amalgam and pop it in there. In the meantime, if you'll rinse, please...
Alright listened to Adam first (to get it out of the way) -
1st - he needs to try a land-line first next time (if and when he calls) - jebus that was annoying.
2nd - he was actually less grumpy than I was expecting
3rd - Although he follows his insult with decent analysis and reasoning - come on man! You really have to start your call firing a "bullcrap" salvo right out of the gate. Hint to Adam - more people will give a rat's ass about ANYTHING you say afterwords if you START your call respectfully.
Alright, I'm done - I guess Adam's not the only grumpy one - lol
Can somebody paraphrase what Adam said? I'm quite curious and am not able to listen here at work.
I think the show was alright. Jimmy & Aimme did a bang up job. That other guy was kinda annoying though. Quite frankly, I find it refreshing to hear fans of Lost not slobbing it's knob constantly. Nothing against podcasts that do, but not everything that Lost craps out it's ass turns to gold. But for whatever reason, I guess some people don't understand that you can still really like a show while being constructively critical about it.
Lost is an interesting case in this regard. It seems people either love it or mock it. You either have the hard core fans who have stuck with it and are in for the long haul, or you have the people who watched during the first season and then in season two quickly said "oh this show just sucks now." I listen to a couple podcasts about movies where if Lost ever comes up somehow, they say things like, "boy does that show suck now." So you got those types and then you got the types who call in to Jay & Jack gushing "Oh my god! Stranger in a Strange Land was the best episode ever!" To each his own I guess. I just don't understand why it's gotta be all one way or the other.
I probably got way off topic from what Adam's call was about. I'm sure he made some decent points. I just felt the need to defend the show if anybody took offense to it being a non knob slobbing event as opposed to the norm.
Adam actually sent us 2 emails last week. The first one was super long about how Lost Promises sucked. (booooo). the second was about my review of Shoot Em Up, then proceded to talk about how Lost Promises sucked (boooooooooooo). And then he called! this dude has a real chip on his shoulder, but i figured i would play the call and let everyone get their 2 cents in as well!
Jordan, I thought that other guy on the Lost Broken Promises was awesome! Jimmy and Aimee did a good job, but it wouldn't have been the same without what's-his-name.
Jordan - the first part of Adam's call is barely understandable b/c he had crap reception on his cell phone, but if I'm understanding him right he basically doesn't think that the "broken promises" you guys talked about are actually broken promises. He thinks that some of them are story arcs that still may be revisited. Unfortunately, I can't go into more detail now b/c I need to review what you guys talked about - lol
I was just bitching b/c he started the call out rudely I thought, and went with a red-carding/calling-you-out attitude instead of displaying basic politeness.
Ok, this is the last one I am going to post. As I'm sure if you aren't finding this lady funny, you're probably getting annoyed by now. But if you find these videos funny and want to see more, youtube search "Alexyss Tylor".
You know at least Adam used his name. That first call was anonymous as is the guy with the cavities and the no-balls on the last thread.
It's okay to dislike a podcast and it's okay to have different opinions and it's okay to think LOST craps gold and it's okay to think at times LOST craps crap. But don't pull this anonymous hit and run bullshit.
I have no intellectual respect for the people that say LOST sucks now or that they don't get it or that they can't keep up. But then hey, my 2nd favorite podcast I listened to today was an interview with Alan Greenspan. In other words, I have high (and very nerdy) standards.
It's not Adam West Palmer. You can disagree with him pre-emptively.
I saw a news story today that Fox has announced it will NOT be having any 2-hour (8-10 pm Easter/Pacific) special airings of 24 after LOST begins airing. So there's one problem solved if LOST indeed airs on Mondays at 8 pm Eastern/Pacific.
Still doesn't solve my kid's bedtime problem. Maybe I can change all the clocks in my house on Mondays so that hubby and kiddo will think it is 8 pm when it's only 7 pm and then I can watch LOST as it airs. Otherwise I'll be looking for an HD DVR for Xmas.
Not sure if this Adam is a Jay & Jack caller. I myself tend to skip those segments. No offense to the fine people who call that show. But I will admit that there definitely seems to be a difference between the general listenership of that show and the MYOKOM based casts. Nothing wrong with that. Just different strokes for different folks.
I got about 1/2 way through the lastest Dharmalars, always entertaining.
I don't have a problem with people voicing their opinions. I welcome long as it's not malicious. Aimee & Jimmy did a great job, and that other guy was somewhat decent too. Adam (who has e-mailed us before) was sharing an opinion. (However, I haven't heard it yet) Regardless, I enjoyed it.
Btw, I also agree wiht Ben when he was talking about Michael, Eko and Jin's hair--it was out of control. Jack, Sawyer, Locke, Boone...suprisingly stylish.
Apparently Palmer isn't the only one concerned about Pam Beasley's hair. Check out question 4 on The Office Five Questions. No new season 4 spoilers in case you're worried about that. Only 8 more days to new Office!
Hey all - DARK UFO has a video someone shot with a camcorder of a SESAON 4 PROMO which appartently plays on a loop of previews in the the Commissary at Disney World in Florida. No sound from the promo and I saw no real spoilers (so I'm posting it here as well as the SPLOG), but it's SOMETHING! w00t!
Of course - please do not click if you wish to see NOTHING related to S.4 yet.
It sounds like you're the only one doing sound checks, Ralph. I didn't notice anything weird, like sounds on the podcast. But that's maybe cause I was enjoying it so much :)
Hi guy. Great podcast. I just found out your show on digg. very nice with the funny script. You talk like my frends talk but is more intelecsual and western. i just posted a link to your site on you guys should get some good expousuer. keep it up guy. lostavistalas!
You're right Holli, that ending is worth waiting for. I always thought, with that episode of Lost, if they decided, "Well, this is going to be the worst episode of the series, let's see if we can find the worst actress on the planet to be in it"
Jordan, I just want to thank you for introducing me to the power of Alexyss Taylor. I can't stop watching her clips... I love her 'co-host' -- she has this look on her face the entire time that says, "I thought they were recording 'Cooking with Marge' today..."
I would like to second that thank you for introducing us to Alexyss Tylor. That woman is hi-larious her sidekick really adds that little extra something. What was up with the cop hat? Is that the hot cop from MB's picture?
frederich, i dont know what you are talking about with "the script", but ben and i just "wing it" everyweek. nothing is ever pre planned other than the 2 minute debates, even those arent scripted. we know what the battle will be ahead of time, but other than that it is always on the fly.
Geordin, I totally read the blogspot when I have the time and I'm not on my deathbed, but as far as misspelling my name is concerned, I'm used to it. However, on the blogspot I find it a little insulting, considering that the proper spelling of my name is right next to my avatar. So in conclusion, you're dumb.
Anonymous poster that said TLI only has listeners because of the Dharmalars: at least we have the guts to say who we are! And on a serious note, all podcasts come from somewhere, and those who know how to work with one another are happy to promote each other. We mention the Dharmalars as much as they mention us, and J&J mention everyone. It's a community, so we really don't care where our listeners come from because for the most part, we are all friends. Unlike some cowardly blogspotter who only wants to cause trouble.
I have updated the Lost Library/Book Club blog for those interested. I don't know where the surge of energy came from, but since Kim & I are going to record this weekend, and I've finished a couple more books from the list that I was going to discuss, I figured I should update the blog. Anyway, click on my profile to get to it.
1. To agree with something. Comes from the Military Saying "Affirmative," which was said by soldiers in the Heat of battle as "Fucking Affirmative" which was later shortened to "Fucking A"
2. However over the years the meaning of this phrase has been changed and is now used to express something as good.
3. Also can be used to describe something bad.
4. Pretty much can be used for anything depending on the user
i usually hear it used as a declaration of exasperation.
"someone just rearended your parked car." "fucking a!"
which makes sense cuz you're calling someone an ass. but dusnt make sense cuz your not saying ass. and A takes as long to say as Ass. weird stuff. and it's usually used in the same context as "Jeez Louise!"
i guess it does have a certain charm to the sound of the phrase though.
trevor, at comic-con, hayden and milo had a discussion about whether a Peter/Claire pairing would be creepier because of the age difference or because they're related. that was amusing.
Technically she is legal now, so there's not much anyone can do about it. "cutting her meat"? Is that what those crazy kids are calling it these days...
Affirmative makes a lot more sense than Ass or Awesome. I guess it doesn't really matter though. People will say anything as long as someone else is saying it. Making sense has nothing to do with it.
I've been seeing that rumor a lot on the net but didn't pay much attention because Milo is the only castmate anywhere near her age. They've spent so much time lately traveling around the world promoting Heroes that I just chalk it up to he's the only person she had to talk to. Off to Jasper.
Looks like Lost-Media has some S4 set photos. I'm trying very, very hard not to look. It's going to be better next week when we have new non-LOST shows to talk about right?
Anyone watch "Back to You" last night? Unfortunately, I did. There were a few funny jokes, but all in all very predictable. I wouldn't recommend it.
My favorite thing about Hayden and Milo potentially being a couple was something I read that said something like, "at the emmy pre-party Milo was seen cutting Hayden's meat for her". OMG! They are so together!!!! lol.
I had come up with a horror movie called "Fucking A" that took place in a shopping mall. The title was then changed to "Maul of America". I decided to change the location of the movie due to the success of the dawn of the dead remake and set the story inside an office building which then became "Casualty Friday", which no one will buy from me... :(
Nice try Jordan. Anyone with the word 'baconator' in their name could only be you.
Sawyer's Humpy shirt from season 1 is the reason I started watching Lost. I was still living in Anchorage at the time, and Humpy's was one of my favorite bar/grills. Fuckin' K halibut tacos. Humpy's had Lost parties every Wednesday!
My computer doesn't like mb's site. Abort. Abort. Aimee, I tried to call the TLI line. I got some lady's voicemail. Did I misdial or has the number changed?
Those dogs are hi-larious! Speaking of dogs, when we'll we see an updated picture of Chile Biscuit? I don't think Aimee has any new ones on her myspace.
I just wanted to point out that both Aimee and Kimberley stole shit from me with this "fuckin' A" stuff. i was the one who both questioned what the A meant to aimee and made a "fuckin' eh" joke to kimbo. Watch what you say around those two.
Whatever. You so are full of shit on this one. It was like 3 days ago and you said "fucking A" and I was all like, "you mean fucking A or fucking eh?"
You see, I like to make Canadian jokes with Ms. Canada here. The thing is, she totally cracked up laughing at the joke. Now, coincidentally just days later, she uses my joke on here? pssshwaw!Now she's trying to tell me that she made the joke and I laughed at her. Apparently one of us was smoking crack that day.
And now she's trying to say that it's a universal Canadian thing. It never ends. Somebody, go find a Canadian and ask them. Anybody have Brendan Frazier's phone #?
Part 2 of that George Lucas interview I linked to before (last thread? not sure). Apparently Star Wars fans (which includes me) have more original content to look forward to in the form of 2 TV shows.
now we need a flashback in which Ethan says "Fucking A" and we can debate with it was A or Eh (since he said he was from Canada). can't wait. Cuselof, MAKE IT HAPPEN.
think we'll meet more Others this year or just Anothers (Freighters)?
holli, did we ever decide on a name for the NPBs (Not-Penny's-Boaters?) with our luck, we'll find the coolest possible name for them and then it'll end up that there's no boat. bastards.
Still working on a name for the NPBs. NPBs is working a bit for me. We could have the Freight-ies like the LOSTies, Tailies, Fusies. We could have the F-Others (Freighter Others); the B-Others (Boat Others); the MF-Others (from the description of their attitude).
Here's an actual LOST question. There's been some speculation that Michael and Walt are on Not Penny's Boat perhaps aiding the MFOthers. Why couldn't they merely reverse the 325 heading Michael followed to "rescue?" That Ben and his word choices. What else could "rescue" have meant? After all he took Jack "home," to Ben's "home."
Ally - I suppose I did call you a bra - metaphorically of course. Actually, if you think about it - it's a compliment. You're so supportive!
Trevor - I thought that too re: the Star Wars TV shows. We'll see - you never know right? If he'd only let someone else do the writing and directing, they might pull something really cool out.
They are supposed to be answering questions from the fans which you could submit at the official podcast website. I submitted some, but I haven't gotten a call from Darlton.
The 'Clone Wars' toon was actually pretty good, better than eps 1 & 2, imo. Minimal Lucas-involvement, I think. If I never hear the term 'Midichlorians' again, it'll be too soon.
finally got a chance to take on the Dharmalars commentary. sweet episode. it was nice to have an excuse to dust off Season 1 again. And who is that lovely vision on Ocean 815? Cindy! Ben & Ralph better watch what you say about my girl
i'd still like to hear a Dharmalars commentary about "Whatever The Case May Be"
Palmer, That's gross. Sounds like something the NEA used to fund.
I've gone back and forth and finally decided that today is the day I am buying an iPhone. I already have ATT and can get an appropriate plan for no more than I'm paying now. The iTouch hard drive still isn't big enough to replace my iPod, so I'll be a dual portable i Device woman. iPhone for phone and web, iPod for serious music listening. I'll be at the Apple store in a little over an hour.
My speed typing on tiny keyboards is going to have to improve. I also now vote for shorter threads because it takes a long time to scroll through 166 comments on an iPhone. It's really cute though.
Holli, congrats on the new toy. Having played with Aimee's iphone for a few days, I can attest to the coolness of those suckers. Just be careful not to web browse too much. I almost drained Aim's battery checking up on the UW football game while we were down in Or-eh-gaahhn. Enjoy.
Thanks for the congrats. Anyone with cool iPhone tips can post them or email me. It looks like its going to take a while to discover all the things I can do with it.
And Jordan, screw people wanting to call me when I'm checking the scores. Battery power for checking the scores is way more important than for any other feature. I know I'll be doing that in full force tomorrow while I'm watching 1st and 2nd graders play flag football during prime college gridiron action. Fortunately, it looks like there are lots of charging option -- computer, wall and car.
fender bender on the way back from work. everyone's fine no, i wasn't driving. but my co-workers BMW is scratched. anyhow, i'd really appreciate it if everyone would...
Hey Jordan (and Aimee if you didn't get my email yet), I finally did my homework that you and Aimee assigned to me about where the name for "The Pearl District""The Pearl District" here in Portland came from. Not the most interesting answer - oh well. So, do I get an F for tardiness?
I'm kind of frustrated with that OLP. It was pretty short and the questions they chose to answer were softballs. Hell, they even found someone other than Ben and Ralph who liked Nikki and Paolo.
There's an aritcle over at DarkUFO's Media Mention pages where some person analyzes the signature of famous Canadians. I guess they ran out of space for our own T-Dot Kim. I find the idea of handwriting analysis to determine character a particularly lame concept. Much lamer than sending in smoke with a camera for example.
I am also excited for the return of Tony Almeida. Hope this season is good.
I also broke down and bought a PS3. Now i have a blue ray player woohoo. I know a few on the blogspot has one, does anyone take it online and game. anyone want another friend :). Someone like me, anyone, be my friend :)
Tony coming back sounds like a completely ridiculous idea. I mean, how can they explain him being alive in any sort of plausible way (even 24-plausible)?
That being said, Tony Almeida was my favorite character on the show by far, and I'm SOOOOO happy he's back. If anyone is being resurrected zombie-style, thank god it's Tony!
i only watched Season 1 & Season 5 of 24, and even i know that Tony dude is dead.
Listened to the Official Lost Podcast. I thought the questions were pretty good. I don't want them to give anything about the upcoming season away, but i always enjoy hearing them clarify points from previous episodes.
I think the fact that Mikhail is dead is a pretty big revelation. i wish they'd been a little clearer in the episode, maybe splatter a little patchy around the looking glass ala Arzt. I really liked Mikhail as a character, but i like when they avoid supernatural avenues as much as possible.
i'm also really glad that they've shut down the alternate reality corridors. They're right that it just diffuses the drama when you've always got a reset button handy.
Holli's new question about Locke vs. The Swan Hatch is a good un. As far as Lost broken promises go, the whole Locke, Ecko, Yemi, button thing always frustrated me, & never seemed to make sense.
Congratulations to everybody on the new toys. I'm heavily considering getting a Nintendo DS.
tony was my favorite character. we were both sporting the soul patch when that very first episode came on. *sniff* i've missed the bastard.
Soulpatch Tony was the man. and he was schtuping Michelle so bonus points for him banging the only female character on 24 not to be evil or an idiot.
mike, i'll throw you a PS3 friend invite later today. i'd suggest that you download the following demos from the Playstation Network Store. Heavenly Sword, Virtua Tennis, Stranglehold, Ghost Recon 2, and... there's gotta be some other really fun demos out there. i just can't remember them. i have about a dozen demos on my PS3. they can keep you occupied while you recover from the initial investment and save up for some games. maybe jordan can remember some of the other fun demos.
in other PS3 news, i just bought Heavenly Sword. but my local WallyWorld and Target employees apparently really dont want to make game sales. when i bought Warhawk the dude was like "you know it's only multiplayer, right?" which was a little weird for him to question my upcoming purchase but was kind of cool that he wanted to make sure that i knew ahead of time that the game has no single player. that wasn't all that bad. but at Wally's today, when buying Heavenly Sword, the guy was like "Have you read any of the reviews? It's only 22 hours long. Only game to take up the entire Blu-Ray but it's the shortest." was he trying to talk me out of the sale?. what gives? anyhow, the game's getting solid 8s (out of 10) and 22 hours of gameplay is OK with me cuz i know it'll take me much longer than that. and i can replay it. and sell it when i'm done with it if i want to.
anyhow, i figure that a two hour movie is worth seven bucks. no one would say you wasted your money going to a seven buck movie. so, at an estimated 22 hours, Heavenly Sword is worth $77 to me. so, buying it in the high $50s works for me.
Palmer is right. The demos can be just as entertaining as the actual games. They come out with new ones just about every Thursday. Some of my favs: Stranglehold, Ninja Gaiden, Tiger Woods, Virtua Tennis, Gran Turismo Concept. The new FIFA 08 demo is pretty cool, but hard. The Stranglehold demo has got to be my fav. As for games I own, I got Resistance: Fall of Man, Madden 08, and Motorstorm. Both Resistance & Motorstorm have demos available. Motorstorm is fun if you like crazy racing games. Resistance is great fun, especially online. Good first person shooter. Madden is Madden. It's got a few hickups and not the best due to EA screwing up the framerate. But it's still pretty good. Not sure if you're a Metal Gear fan or not, but there's a bunch of preview vids in the PSN that look awesome.
Palmer, I always liked Michelle too; I thought that she was the hottest chick on the show too (you could argue Kim, but, as you point out, you gotta remember the idiot factor).
So yeah, Tony was the man. I loved it when he turned into white trash in season 4 after he got out of prison, started living with a stripper, wearing a bathrobe all day ... until Jack came and kicked him in the ass to pull his shit together. Hopefully, he's still got his Chicago Cubs mug when he returns.
So I'm on the subway today and this guys sitting next to me asks me "hey buddy. you ever strangle a bitch during sex?" I tried to ignor him, but he asked me again. I shook my head and said, "no". He then began to tell me about how his girlfriend used to make him choke her while she climaxed. He said that it after a while he began to like it. And now he has this problem where he can't do a chick without choking the hell out of her. Said he got the cops called on him last night and that they are after him. Asked me if he could hide out at my place. I politely told him that I had company. He asks me for how long. I said, "not sure". He then said, "that's cool. i can find somewhere else until they leave". I said that it might be a while. Anyway. I got off at my stop and went home. So I'm at home and I look out the window. It's the guy from the subway. He's hanging outside my place. I had to leave for an important appointment, so I changed clothes and put on my ex-girlfriends elvira wig and my Mets hat and some glasses. I succesfully made it past the guy. I then came back and the guy was still there! and then he comes up to me back in disguise. He asks me if I knew where this one dude lived (me). I spoke in a Russian accent to throw him off and said "Dah. I don't know of this person of who you speak". He says "thats cool. I need to use your phone." I say "no dahling. I have to go inside and feed my husband who is paralyzed and who has a very deadly disease." The guy follows me up anyway and forces himself into my apartment. He uses my phone and calls some guy and makes plans to meet up somewhere for an exchange of some sorts. I'm panicing. I say that I am going to call the police and scream rape if he doesn't leave. He gets real angry and starts to shout at me and calls me a stupid dirty whore. Says something about how he hates whores and that this world is infected with them and how they need to be extinguished. So I run in the bathroom and lock the door. I barely squeezed out of the tiny window and ran down the fire escape 7 floors down. I ran as fast as I could. I called the cops and they went to my place. I went straight to my friend's house and stayed there even though he was teaching his transcendtal thinking class. The cops called me and said that nobody was at my place and that it was ransacked. The guy tore the place to shreds. So now I am at an intenet cafe scared to go back home. the police said that they will send somebody over to keep an eye out outside my front door, but that they got a lot of other stuff going on and it might be a day or so. What should i do in the mean time? I'm worried that this man thinks I'm a russian whore and that he wants to rape me and choke me. I have ditched the wig, hat, and glasses. Do you think that he realized that I was teh same guy as on the subway this morning? I ride that line to work everyday. I wish Lost were back.
but, uh, if that freakish story is true then there's got to be some kind of crisis hotline or something that you can call to find out what to do.
at the least, find a place to crash for a couple of days while you sort out the mess in your apartment and catalog what you need to make insurance claims for. and don't be afraid to call the police the second you see this guy again (and hopefully you wont).
I only wish I had a daughter who could wear a skin tight shirt with a letter painted on it so that she could be on TV repeatedly. I'd hope she'd be part of Rammer or Jammer; Yellowhammer is boring. (This is in reference to the Bama game.)
For the record as an Auburn fan (and they suck this year; I know) the only good outcome of Bama/Georgia is for them to both lose, but you can't win have everything.
1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»I've thought about doing something like this - if only to satiate my MST3K fanship, but I have a PAL version of LOST and y'all will find yourself going out of sync as I zip along ahead.
Also - first?
Also, sorry to bring up an old anonymous-posting wanker but I have to take exception to this:
"those chicks only have listeners because of the dharmlars"
I personally find this odd, because I only found Dharmalars because of The Lost Initiative. And I only found Jay & Jack through the Dharmalars. I found The Lost Initiative purely on my own... initiative - hence me "calling" that podcast long before any of the others, or even hitting the Blogspot (at Aimee's auditory request).
I'm sure my experience cannot be the only one of this kind?
So we have to listen to find out the episode eh? Ralph is one sly dog. But does he have penis power? Where's Stevi when you need her?
Penis power? Where did this sister get her phd?
Before I get to the podcast, let me tell you I saw We Are Marshall last night. Brilliant casting for Foxy. If you need someone to bring on the tears at the drop of a hat, he's your man. Matthew McConaughey was ridiculous and over the top. Anthony Mackie, Ian McShane, David Straithairn are wonderful. As for the story, it tries too hard to be sentimental and ends up being sappy. I thought I'd make it through without the tears but the scene with Bobby Bowden got me.
gotta watch that whole vid from the last thread when i get home. it's educational and entertaining. it's... EDUTAINEMENT!
/that's one batshiat crazy lady
My favorite part is at around 2 minutes, when the 2nd lady starts discussing her own experiences with jackrabbits.
Steph, I liked WAM when I saw it in the theaters. It was over the top sentimental, but I liked the humor in it and I liked the use of the drum line music in the football scenes. And yes, Matthew Fox is the master of the man tears.
Monkey photos.
holli, you've saved my sanity at a boring day of work.
Your welcome Palmer.
Shiver me timbers! It's Talk Like a Pirate Day.
in honor of pirates everywhere, i'm posting a picture of a mighty pirate!
When Jimmy said to call the dharmaline to let them know what we thought about Lost's Broken Promises, I knew I should have called. If one person calls with their opinion, wouldn't you know it's gonna be negative. Jimmy, I didn't call but I meant to. I enjoyed it. Mental note: always do what Jimmy says.
I liked LOST's Broken Promises too. Face it Adam in Fort Worth, with nothing else to talk about, let's nitpick LOST.
Add me to the Broken Promises likes.
I liked the Broken Promises cast too, although I thought that the answer to the church one was pretty obvious ... it was Eko's church, and now Eko's gone. I have the same complaints about Sawyer the Sheriff ... it looks like they had decided to send Sawyer & Charlie to the dark side, then they suddenly changed their mind 2 or 3 episodes later. Whatever.
Today's Urban Dictionary Word of the Day:
September 19, 2007: yarr!
A word often used by pirates whenever they have experienced a loss or pain
Yarr! My pirate's booty has been stolen.
That was good fun if, as suggested earlier, I had to keep pausing my PAL DVD whenever it rocketed off ahead of the comments.
You All Everybody/Lars Line - where do you finally make the decision that a phone call is broken up enough to not be worth including?
Ugh - I haven't listened yet, but now I think I'll have to skip Adam's comment. All due respect to Adam if you're reading but I get defensive when it comes to my favorite podcasts.
Well, you've got some decay in the back molars which has resulted in some cavities - so I'll mix up some amalgam and pop it in there. In the meantime, if you'll rinse, please...
Just in case some people missed it from the last thread. This is still making me laugh.
Behold the power of the penis
Alright listened to Adam first (to get it out of the way) -
1st - he needs to try a land-line first next time (if and when he calls) - jebus that was annoying.
2nd - he was actually less grumpy than I was expecting
3rd - Although he follows his insult with decent analysis and reasoning - come on man! You really have to start your call firing a "bullcrap" salvo right out of the gate. Hint to Adam - more people will give a rat's ass about ANYTHING you say afterwords if you START your call respectfully.
Alright, I'm done - I guess Adam's not the only grumpy one - lol
DOH - I keep screwing up -
belated KABLAMMO!
lmAO Ghost!
Can somebody paraphrase what Adam said? I'm quite curious and am not able to listen here at work.
I think the show was alright. Jimmy & Aimme did a bang up job. That other guy was kinda annoying though. Quite frankly, I find it refreshing to hear fans of Lost not slobbing it's knob constantly. Nothing against podcasts that do, but not everything that Lost craps out it's ass turns to gold. But for whatever reason, I guess some people don't understand that you can still really like a show while being constructively critical about it.
Lost is an interesting case in this regard. It seems people either love it or mock it. You either have the hard core fans who have stuck with it and are in for the long haul, or you have the people who watched during the first season and then in season two quickly said "oh this show just sucks now." I listen to a couple podcasts about movies where if Lost ever comes up somehow, they say things like, "boy does that show suck now." So you got those types and then you got the types who call in to Jay & Jack gushing "Oh my god! Stranger in a Strange Land was the best episode ever!" To each his own I guess. I just don't understand why it's gotta be all one way or the other.
I probably got way off topic from what Adam's call was about. I'm sure he made some decent points. I just felt the need to defend the show if anybody took offense to it being a non knob slobbing event as opposed to the norm.
Didn't need to spell your name wrong there Aimee. Not that you're reading this anyway. :P
More from the penis power lady
Gotta love how she spells her name.
Adam actually sent us 2 emails last week. The first one was super long about how Lost Promises sucked. (booooo). the second was about my review of Shoot Em Up, then proceded to talk about how Lost Promises sucked (boooooooooooo). And then he called! this dude has a real chip on his shoulder, but i figured i would play the call and let everyone get their 2 cents in as well!
Jordan, I thought that other guy on the Lost Broken Promises was awesome! Jimmy and Aimee did a good job, but it wouldn't have been the same without what's-his-name.
I can't wait to hear what else this lady has to say, unfortunatelly i can't watch it here at work, it won't let me. :(
but it'll be the first thing i do when i get home.
/i have yet to finish listening to the dharmalars, so i haven't gotten to this adam guy.
Jordan - the first part of Adam's call is barely understandable b/c he had crap reception on his cell phone, but if I'm understanding him right he basically doesn't think that the "broken promises" you guys talked about are actually broken promises. He thinks that some of them are story arcs that still may be revisited. Unfortunately, I can't go into more detail now b/c I need to review what you guys talked about - lol
I was just bitching b/c he started the call out rudely I thought, and went with a red-carding/calling-you-out attitude instead of displaying basic politeness.
Ok, this is the last one I am going to post. As I'm sure if you aren't finding this lady funny, you're probably getting annoyed by now. But if you find these videos funny and want to see more, youtube search "Alexyss Tylor".
Dick Will Make You Slap Somebody
You know at least Adam used his name. That first call was anonymous as is the guy with the cavities and the no-balls on the last thread.
It's okay to dislike a podcast and it's okay to have different opinions and it's okay to think LOST craps gold and it's okay to think at times LOST craps crap. But don't pull this anonymous hit and run bullshit.
I have no intellectual respect for the people that say LOST sucks now or that they don't get it or that they can't keep up. But then hey, my 2nd favorite podcast I listened to today was an interview with Alan Greenspan. In other words, I have high (and very nerdy) standards.
yeesh... you miss one lil Dharmalars in favor of listening to it after work, and you're completely out of the loop for the whole darn thread.
i'd like to preemptively disagree with Adam. unless he's Adam West... cuz that guy is the man.
It's not Adam West Palmer. You can disagree with him pre-emptively.
I saw a news story today that Fox has announced it will NOT be having any 2-hour (8-10 pm Easter/Pacific) special airings of 24 after LOST begins airing. So there's one problem solved if LOST indeed airs on Mondays at 8 pm Eastern/Pacific.
Still doesn't solve my kid's bedtime problem. Maybe I can change all the clocks in my house on Mondays so that hubby and kiddo will think it is 8 pm when it's only 7 pm and then I can watch LOST as it airs. Otherwise I'll be looking for an HD DVR for Xmas.
Isn't Adam in Fort Worth a devout Jay & Jack caller? I like J&J and all, but their callers for the most part....
There's no need to dump on Jay & Jack callers.
What up with the shouting at the start of the new podcast????????
Not sure if this Adam is a Jay & Jack caller. I myself tend to skip those segments. No offense to the fine people who call that show. But I will admit that there definitely seems to be a difference between the general listenership of that show and the MYOKOM based casts. Nothing wrong with that. Just different strokes for different folks.
I found it erotic
I got about 1/2 way through the lastest Dharmalars, always entertaining.
I don't have a problem with people voicing their opinions. I welcome long as it's not malicious. Aimee & Jimmy did a great job, and that other guy was somewhat decent too. Adam (who has e-mailed us before) was sharing an opinion. (However, I haven't heard it yet) Regardless, I enjoyed it.
Btw, I also agree wiht Ben when he was talking about Michael, Eko and Jin's hair--it was out of control. Jack, Sawyer, Locke, Boone...suprisingly stylish.
Don't forget that Sawyer and Charlie were getting some hair care there on-Island.
Apparently Palmer isn't the only one concerned about Pam Beasley's hair. Check out question 4 on The Office Five Questions. No new season 4 spoilers in case you're worried about that. Only 8 more days to new Office!
A movie with George Michael from AD, Rainn Wilson, Jason Bateman, Jennifer Garner, and the Nazi dude from Oz!
And the main girl is the chick who played Kitty Pryde in X3.
thanks for the info, jordan. looks like an interesting one. it should be cool to see jason bateman and george-michael together again, on-screen.
Jessica Biel + Scarlett Johnanson = messy pants
Hey all - DARK UFO has a video someone shot with a camcorder of a SESAON 4 PROMO which appartently plays on a loop of previews in the the Commissary at Disney World in Florida. No sound from the promo and I saw no real spoilers (so I'm posting it here as well as the SPLOG), but it's SOMETHING! w00t!
Of course - please do not click if you wish to see NOTHING related to S.4 yet.
if you listen to the begining of the show, ben says "are you reaady for the sound check?" -
and then we did our sound check...
Isn't making annoying sounds non-stop how you go about doing a sound check???
Kim, Aimee, Mb, Jimmy???
...uh....sound what?
I kid
Actually I usually just talk randomly - but I guess a sustained annoying sound would be good to compare levels :)
It sounds like you're the only one doing sound checks, Ralph. I didn't notice anything weird, like sounds on the podcast. But that's maybe cause I was enjoying it so much :)
Hi guy. Great podcast. I just found out your show on digg. very nice with the funny script. You talk like my frends talk but is more intelecsual and western. i just posted a link to your site on you guys should get some good expousuer. keep it up guy. lostavistalas!
Magic Bat.
ok, so, that bat video isn't real. right? please?
i only wish that this was somehow not real. strangest in a strange land, that one.
Glad I hung in for that entire video. The end is the best. How could mild mannered dumped ass spinal surgeon Jack Shephard not want some of that?
I'll take your word for it, Holli. We just read this on the net.
What’s the most popular sport in Thailand? Kite flying. No crap.
You're right Holli, that ending is worth waiting for. I always thought, with that episode of Lost, if they decided, "Well, this is going to be the worst episode of the series, let's see if we can find the worst actress on the planet to be in it"
Steph, what the heck is your avatar?
Jordan, I just want to thank you for introducing me to the power of Alexyss Taylor. I can't stop watching her clips... I love her 'co-host' -- she has this look on her face the entire time that says, "I thought they were recording 'Cooking with Marge' today..."
I would like to second that thank you for introducing us to Alexyss Tylor. That woman is hi-larious her sidekick really adds that little extra something. What was up with the cop hat? Is that the hot cop from MB's picture?
frederich, i dont know what you are talking about with "the script", but ben and i just "wing it" everyweek. nothing is ever pre planned other than the 2 minute debates, even those arent scripted. we know what the battle will be ahead of time, but other than that it is always on the fly.
Trev, it's a satellite picture from NASA of London. I just thought it looked neat.
so, uh, wassup?
Geordin, I totally read the blogspot when I have the time and I'm not on my deathbed, but as far as misspelling my name is concerned, I'm used to it. However, on the blogspot I find it a little insulting, considering that the proper spelling of my name is right next to my avatar. So in conclusion, you're dumb.
Anonymous poster that said TLI only has listeners because of the Dharmalars: at least we have the guts to say who we are! And on a serious note, all podcasts come from somewhere, and those who know how to work with one another are happy to promote each other. We mention the Dharmalars as much as they mention us, and J&J mention everyone. It's a community, so we really don't care where our listeners come from because for the most part, we are all friends. Unlike some cowardly blogspotter who only wants to cause trouble.
"Well... double dumbass on you!!!"
Sometimes there's just no time for eloquence.
And, of course, Kablamo for that previous post.
I have updated the Lost Library/Book Club blog for those interested. I don't know where the surge of energy came from, but since Kim & I are going to record this weekend, and I've finished a couple more books from the list that I was going to discuss, I figured I should update the blog. Anyway, click on my profile to get to it.
Reading is cool,
I'm more concerned with the context from which the expression is used. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Joe says, "This episode of Lost sucks!"
Bob says, "Fuckin' A!"
Which translates to:
"This episode of Lost sucks!"
"Fucking Ass!"
In what way does "fucking ass" translate into a verbal form of agreement?
I like Fuckin' A
also this...
1. To agree with something. Comes from the Military Saying "Affirmative," which was said by soldiers in the Heat of battle as "Fucking Affirmative" which was later shortened to "Fucking A"
2. However over the years the meaning of this phrase has been changed and is now used to express something as good.
3. Also can be used to describe something bad.
4. Pretty much can be used for anything depending on the user
i usually hear it used as a declaration of exasperation.
"someone just rearended your parked car."
"fucking a!"
which makes sense cuz you're calling someone an ass. but dusnt make sense cuz your not saying ass. and A takes as long to say as Ass. weird stuff. and it's usually used in the same context as "Jeez Louise!"
i guess it does have a certain charm to the sound of the phrase though.
Cool or creepy? Fuckin' a.
ah, nate, that makes more sense. but i hear it used when something is bad more often than when something is good. which is maybe not the intended use?
that's what she said.
ok i was having trouble logging in, which explains my belated TWSS.
/ i feel dumb now.
trevor, at comic-con, hayden and milo had a discussion about whether a Peter/Claire pairing would be creepier because of the age difference or because they're related. that was amusing.
Technically she is legal now, so there's not much anyone can do about it. "cutting her meat"? Is that what those crazy kids are calling it these days...
Affirmative makes a lot more sense than Ass or Awesome. I guess it doesn't really matter though. People will say anything as long as someone else is saying it. Making sense has nothing to do with it.
i.e. "Kablamo" - per Urban Dictionary, "Kablamo" or sometimes "Ka-blamo" translates to "awesome".
So technically, we could say "Fuckin' K".
aimee, let's just make up our own exclamation and see if it catches on.
or we could try to make "Razzle Dazzle!" catch on.
we're thinking along the same lines. so, "Razzle Dazzle" and "Kablamo!" ? or "Fucking K?"
I've been seeing that rumor a lot on the net but didn't pay much attention because Milo is the only castmate anywhere near her age. They've spent so much time lately traveling around the world promoting Heroes that I just chalk it up to he's the only person she had to talk to. Off to Jasper.
We could sweep the nation with our new catchphrase!
/ it's gonna be a thing.
There were some pics a few months ago of her and HRG, which would be way creepy and inappropriate.
Steph, I had thought that your avatar was a spider-web.
that girl is always licking things in pictures. weird stuff.
Looks like Lost-Media has some S4 set photos. I'm trying very, very hard not to look. It's going to be better next week when we have new non-LOST shows to talk about right?
Anyone watch "Back to You" last night? Unfortunately, I did. There were a few funny jokes, but all in all very predictable. I wouldn't recommend it.
My favorite thing about Hayden and Milo potentially being a couple was something I read that said something like, "at the emmy pre-party Milo was seen cutting Hayden's meat for her". OMG! They are so together!!!! lol.
Just wanted to let you know, Sawyer's shirt is from Humpy's Alehouse in Anchorage Alaska:
danielle, that is awesome.
ask and you shall receive. the dharmalarmy will provide.
trevor, he was cutting her meat but it just kept growing back.
Maggie Grace photos.
On the heels of Holli's info re: new set pics - I've updated The SPLOG with all the info I was too lazy to read about over the last 5 days.
Maggie Grace is not ugly
I like the avatar MB. If I could get a cat like that, I'd consider getting a cat.
Speaking of meat and love - The other white meat doesn't get enough love IMO
Speaking of people's avatars. Aimee in Little Rock, who is the babe in your avatar? Grrr-oww. (slobber emoticon)
I had come up with a horror movie called "Fucking A" that took place in a shopping mall. The title was then changed to "Maul of America". I decided to change the location of the movie due to the success of the dawn of the dead remake and set the story inside an office building which then became "Casualty Friday", which no one will buy from me... :(
And check out Larry Craig's other hangout
Nice try Jordan. Anyone with the word 'baconator' in their name could only be you.
Sawyer's Humpy shirt from season 1 is the reason I started watching Lost. I was still living in Anchorage at the time, and Humpy's was one of my favorite bar/grills. Fuckin' K halibut tacos. Humpy's had Lost parties every Wednesday!
Those pictures are freakishly awesome, MB.
/ set up...
My computer doesn't like mb's site. Abort. Abort.
Aimee, I tried to call the TLI line. I got some lady's voicemail. Did I misdial or has the number changed?
yeah steph? well I don't like your computer!
(KEEDing of course) ;)
My computer doesn't like the site either Steph.
I gotta say, I'm real nervous clicking on a link that's called 'the other white meat' while I'm at work...
When poofy dogs attack.
Here are direct links to The pork photo and The other photo for those who couldn't get to the other site - sorry about that!
FYI - the pics themselves are only NSFW if someone stops to READ the text in them
lmao @those dogs Trevor
did somebody say nerds?
when you say nerds I think this
Great clip. Each time I see a scene from that movie, I'm always shocked to see young and (relatively) skinny John Goodman.
I think of these.
I tend to think of these guys.
like this kim?
"Do you like my new tuque?"
"Fucking Eh!"
//always make fun of the tuque
Those dogs are hi-larious! Speaking of dogs, when we'll we see an updated picture of Chile Biscuit? I don't think Aimee has any new ones on her myspace.
Right on, Kirk... something like that
I just wanted to point out that both Aimee and Kimberley stole shit from me with this "fuckin' A" stuff. i was the one who both questioned what the A meant to aimee and made a "fuckin' eh" joke to kimbo. Watch what you say around those two.
I just wanted to point out that Jordan is a liar.
Whatever. You so are full of shit on this one. It was like 3 days ago and you said "fucking A" and I was all like, "you mean fucking A or fucking eh?"
You see, I like to make Canadian jokes with Ms. Canada here. The thing is, she totally cracked up laughing at the joke. Now, coincidentally just days later, she uses my joke on here? pssshwaw!Now she's trying to tell me that she made the joke and I laughed at her. Apparently one of us was smoking crack that day.
And now she's trying to say that it's a universal Canadian thing. It never ends. Somebody, go find a Canadian and ask them. Anybody have Brendan Frazier's phone #?
well, yeesh. now i'm sorry i brought it up.
It's Penis Power vs. Vagina Power.
Convenient twisting of the facts. Whatever you hoser.
Seriously Palmer (or is it Kirk now?). Wtf man? lol.
double bOObies.
Grow up, ally!
thats more like it
Part 2 of that George Lucas interview I linked to before (last thread? not sure). Apparently Star Wars fans (which includes me) have more original content to look forward to in the form of 2 TV shows.
thanks for the boob support Ally - lol
AAACHHHHH (groan) Jordan - your post literally is making me cringe. I HATE paper cuts. My sympathies to you!
Kirk, check it.
Song announces Dual Shock for PS3
did you just call me a bra?
now we need a flashback in which Ethan says "Fucking A" and we can debate with it was A or Eh (since he said he was from Canada). can't wait. Cuselof, MAKE IT HAPPEN.
think we'll meet more Others this year or just Anothers (Freighters)?
holli, did we ever decide on a name for the NPBs (Not-Penny's-Boaters?) with our luck, we'll find the coolest possible name for them and then it'll end up that there's no boat. bastards.
does the dualshock 3 just mean that they can make the controller "rumble?" or is there more?
mb, after Episodes 3, 2, and, most especially, 1, is more original Star Wars content really a good thing?
Still working on a name for the NPBs. NPBs is working a bit for me. We could have the Freight-ies like the LOSTies, Tailies, Fusies. We could have the F-Others (Freighter Others); the B-Others (Boat Others); the MF-Others (from the description of their attitude).
Here's an actual LOST question. There's been some speculation that Michael and Walt are on Not Penny's Boat perhaps aiding the MFOthers. Why couldn't they merely reverse the 325 heading Michael followed to "rescue?" That Ben and his word choices. What else could "rescue" have meant? After all he took Jack "home," to Ben's "home."
Finsters, Wing-Men, Pit-Bulls - that cracked me up when I heard it.
I want to call the noobies - Noobies. Or The Bad Guys.
Whatever happened to that awesome show Lost??!?
pastpablo, lost did a wacky flashforward all the way to february 2008.
Dang. Joel McHale & The Soup discovered Alexyss K. Tylor way back in April.
The Soup shows up the blogspot
Funny clips there. But one shocking revelation. The old lady sitting next to Alexyss is her mom!!! How crazy is that?!
Dammit. Messed up that link. Here ya go.
Ally - I suppose I did call you a bra - metaphorically of course. Actually, if you think about it - it's a compliment. You're so supportive!
Trevor - I thought that too re: the Star Wars TV shows. We'll see - you never know right? If he'd only let someone else do the writing and directing, they might pull something really cool out.
Be on the look out for a new Official Lost Podcast tomorrow.
Interesting Steph. Wonder what they'll talk about? Aren't the supposed to still be in radio silence?
They are supposed to be answering questions from the fans which you could submit at the official podcast website. I submitted some, but I haven't gotten a call from Darlton.
The 'Clone Wars' toon was actually pretty good, better than eps 1 & 2, imo. Minimal Lucas-involvement, I think. If I never hear the term 'Midichlorians' again, it'll be too soon.
finally got a chance to take on the Dharmalars commentary.
sweet episode. it was nice to have an excuse to dust off Season 1 again.
And who is that lovely vision on Ocean 815? Cindy!
Ben & Ralph better watch what you say about my girl
i'd still like to hear a Dharmalars commentary about "Whatever The Case May Be"
Saw King of Kong last night. Great stuff. If it's playing in your town, go see it. Really, do it. And if not, rent it when you get the chance.
please tell me that this isn't real.
In case anybody's interested in seeing some ink. On the morning show of our local radio station they're holding a contest called SHOW US YOUR TATS.
Palmer, That's gross. Sounds like something the NEA used to fund.
I've gone back and forth and finally decided that today is the day I am buying an iPhone. I already have ATT and can get an appropriate plan for no more than I'm paying now. The iTouch hard drive still isn't big enough to replace my iPod, so I'll be a dual portable i Device woman. iPhone for phone and web, iPod for serious music listening. I'll be at the Apple store in a little over an hour.
post from your iphone!!!
YAY! Holli's getting and iPhone! I hope that doesn't mean that you'll be leaving us to go hang out with the cool kids.
Now you'll have to write to us from your iPhone at least once a day.
Posting from the new iPhone!
My speed typing on tiny keyboards is going to have to improve. I also now vote for shorter threads because it takes a long time to scroll through 166 comments on an iPhone. It's really cute though.
WOO-HOOO! Right ON Holli! very very cool - congrats on the iPhone!
Also forgot to mention there's some cast/storyline news over at the SPLOG thanks to a tip-off from Ally.
Listening to the OLP now - finally, someone NOT from Oregon actually pronounces the name correctly (i.e. not Or-eh-gaahhn). w00t!
Awesome, Holli. You'll have to let us know what you think of your new toy, as you get to play around with all the cool features.
Holli, congrats on the new toy. Having played with Aimee's iphone for a few days, I can attest to the coolness of those suckers. Just be careful not to web browse too much. I almost drained Aim's battery checking up on the UW football game while we were down in Or-eh-gaahhn. Enjoy.
Thanks for the congrats. Anyone with cool iPhone tips can post them or email me. It looks like its going to take a while to discover all the things I can do with it.
And Jordan, screw people wanting to call me when I'm checking the scores. Battery power for checking the scores is way more important than for any other feature. I know I'll be doing that in full force tomorrow while I'm watching 1st and 2nd graders play flag football during prime college gridiron action. Fortunately, it looks like there are lots of charging option -- computer, wall and car.
fender bender on the way back from work. everyone's fine no, i wasn't driving. but my co-workers BMW is scratched. anyhow, i'd really appreciate it if everyone would...
/that one's for you, ghostwatch
Hey Jordan (and Aimee if you didn't get my email yet),
I finally did my homework that you and Aimee assigned to me about where the name for "The Pearl District""The Pearl District" here in Portland came from. Not the most interesting answer - oh well. So, do I get an F for tardiness?
Holy crap Palmer - didn't read your post till now. Glad you're alright. and....OMARION WAS WITH YOU ?!?!?!
low speed collision. but the license plate and grill on my friend's BMW will need some work/replacement.
Omarion wasn't actually with us. here's some more background on Omarion and the bombings in London a couple years back.
I'm kind of frustrated with that OLP. It was pretty short and the questions they chose to answer were softballs. Hell, they even found someone other than Ben and Ralph who liked Nikki and Paolo.
There's an aritcle over at DarkUFO's Media Mention pages where some person analyzes the signature of famous Canadians. I guess they ran out of space for our own T-Dot Kim. I find the idea of handwriting analysis to determine character a particularly lame concept. Much lamer than sending in smoke with a camera for example.
"Much lamer than sending in smoke with a camera for example."
that's quite possibly the quote of the day. :)
What my city will be known for.
"Welcome to Houston: We're Not as Naked As You Would Have Liked"
/that one's for you, ghostwatch"
Thanks, man - didn't even need to click the link. To this day we suggest that people pray for Omarion at times of great strife.
Ironically enough, people like to get naked in public around here. By in public, I mean like in clubs or at this one particular street.
/I just realized I'm wearing the exact same outfit as I am in my avatar. Wow!
Cows taste good.
Lol steph - that was a good attempt at jump starting the blogspot :)
But Cow no like to be tasted.
Tony Almeida lives!
I am also excited for the return of Tony Almeida. Hope this season is good.
I also broke down and bought a PS3. Now i have a blue ray player woohoo. I know a few on the blogspot has one, does anyone take it online and game. anyone want another friend :). Someone like me, anyone, be my friend :)
Rentfn on ps3 and 360 (such a loser)
Tony coming back sounds like a completely ridiculous idea. I mean, how can they explain him being alive in any sort of plausible way (even 24-plausible)?
That being said, Tony Almeida was my favorite character on the show by far, and I'm SOOOOO happy he's back. If anyone is being resurrected zombie-style, thank god it's Tony!
i only watched Season 1 & Season 5 of 24, and even i know that Tony dude is dead.
Listened to the Official Lost Podcast. I thought the questions were pretty good. I don't want them to give anything about the upcoming season away, but i always enjoy hearing them clarify points from previous episodes.
I think the fact that Mikhail is dead is a pretty big revelation. i wish they'd been a little clearer in the episode, maybe splatter a little patchy around the looking glass ala Arzt. I really liked Mikhail as a character, but i like when they avoid supernatural avenues as much as possible.
i'm also really glad that they've shut down the alternate reality corridors. They're right that it just diffuses the drama when you've always got a reset button handy.
Holli's new question about Locke vs. The Swan Hatch is a good un. As far as Lost broken promises go, the whole Locke, Ecko, Yemi, button thing always frustrated me, & never seemed to make sense.
Congratulations to everybody on the new toys. I'm heavily considering getting a Nintendo DS.
tony was my favorite character. we were both sporting the soul patch when that very first episode came on. *sniff* i've missed the bastard.
Soulpatch Tony was the man. and he was schtuping Michelle so bonus points for him banging the only female character on 24 not to be evil or an idiot.
mike, i'll throw you a PS3 friend invite later today. i'd suggest that you download the following demos from the Playstation Network Store. Heavenly Sword, Virtua Tennis, Stranglehold, Ghost Recon 2, and... there's gotta be some other really fun demos out there. i just can't remember them. i have about a dozen demos on my PS3. they can keep you occupied while you recover from the initial investment and save up for some games. maybe jordan can remember some of the other fun demos.
in other PS3 news, i just bought Heavenly Sword. but my local WallyWorld and Target employees apparently really dont want to make game sales. when i bought Warhawk the dude was like "you know it's only multiplayer, right?" which was a little weird for him to question my upcoming purchase but was kind of cool that he wanted to make sure that i knew ahead of time that the game has no single player. that wasn't all that bad. but at Wally's today, when buying Heavenly Sword, the guy was like "Have you read any of the reviews? It's only 22 hours long. Only game to take up the entire Blu-Ray but it's the shortest." was he trying to talk me out of the sale?. what gives? anyhow, the game's getting solid 8s (out of 10) and 22 hours of gameplay is OK with me cuz i know it'll take me much longer than that. and i can replay it. and sell it when i'm done with it if i want to.
anyhow, i figure that a two hour movie is worth seven bucks. no one would say you wasted your money going to a seven buck movie. so, at an estimated 22 hours, Heavenly Sword is worth $77 to me. so, buying it in the high $50s works for me.
p.s. LOST is the coolest.
oh! mike, i haven't played it yet but the Tiger Woods Golf Demo is out and so is the FIFA 08 demo.
Palmer is right. The demos can be just as entertaining as the actual games. They come out with new ones just about every Thursday. Some of my favs: Stranglehold, Ninja Gaiden, Tiger Woods, Virtua Tennis, Gran Turismo Concept. The new FIFA 08 demo is pretty cool, but hard. The Stranglehold demo has got to be my fav. As for games I own, I got Resistance: Fall of Man, Madden 08, and Motorstorm. Both Resistance & Motorstorm have demos available. Motorstorm is fun if you like crazy racing games. Resistance is great fun, especially online. Good first person shooter. Madden is Madden. It's got a few hickups and not the best due to EA screwing up the framerate. But it's still pretty good. Not sure if you're a Metal Gear fan or not, but there's a bunch of preview vids in the PSN that look awesome.
And if you like racing games, the demos for Dirt & Sega Rally Revo are pretty good.
Palmer, I always liked Michelle too; I thought that she was the hottest chick on the show too (you could argue Kim, but, as you point out, you gotta remember the idiot factor).
So yeah, Tony was the man. I loved it when he turned into white trash in season 4 after he got out of prison, started living with a stripper, wearing a bathrobe all day ... until Jack came and kicked him in the ass to pull his shit together. Hopefully, he's still got his Chicago Cubs mug when he returns.
So I'm on the subway today and this guys sitting next to me asks me "hey buddy. you ever strangle a bitch during sex?" I tried to ignor him, but he asked me again. I shook my head and said, "no". He then began to tell me about how his girlfriend used to make him choke her while she climaxed. He said that it after a while he began to like it. And now he has this problem where he can't do a chick without choking the hell out of her. Said he got the cops called on him last night and that they are after him. Asked me if he could hide out at my place. I politely told him that I had company. He asks me for how long. I said, "not sure". He then said, "that's cool. i can find somewhere else until they leave". I said that it might be a while. Anyway. I got off at my stop and went home. So I'm at home and I look out the window. It's the guy from the subway. He's hanging outside my place. I had to leave for an important appointment, so I changed clothes and put on my ex-girlfriends elvira wig and my Mets hat and some glasses. I succesfully made it past the guy. I then came back and the guy was still there! and then he comes up to me back in disguise. He asks me if I knew where this one dude lived (me). I spoke in a Russian accent to throw him off and said "Dah. I don't know of this person of who you speak". He says "thats cool. I need to use your phone." I say "no dahling. I have to go inside and feed my husband who is paralyzed and who has a very deadly disease." The guy follows me up anyway and forces himself into my apartment. He uses my phone and calls some guy and makes plans to meet up somewhere for an exchange of some sorts. I'm panicing. I say that I am going to call the police and scream rape if he doesn't leave. He gets real angry and starts to shout at me and calls me a stupid dirty whore. Says something about how he hates whores and that this world is infected with them and how they need to be extinguished. So I run in the bathroom and lock the door. I barely squeezed out of the tiny window and ran down the fire escape 7 floors down. I ran as fast as I could. I called the cops and they went to my place. I went straight to my friend's house and stayed there even though he was teaching his transcendtal thinking class. The cops called me and said that nobody was at my place and that it was ransacked. The guy tore the place to shreds. So now I am at an intenet cafe scared to go back home. the police said that they will send somebody over to keep an eye out outside my front door, but that they got a lot of other stuff going on and it might be a day or so. What should i do in the mean time? I'm worried that this man thinks I'm a russian whore and that he wants to rape me and choke me. I have ditched the wig, hat, and glasses. Do you think that he realized that I was teh same guy as on the subway this morning? I ride that line to work everyday. I wish Lost were back.
it's about 01:25 Ealing sides, off the back of a 2-2 so I'm reasonably lush - check out Pro Evolution Soccer instead of FIFA 08.
Well, no one's gonna top that.
Wow Scotty. You should get Neil Jordan to direct that.
Roll Tide.
"Well no one's gonna top that."
Trev, I was just thinking the same thing.
"the aristocrats!"
but, uh, if that freakish story is true then there's got to be some kind of crisis hotline or something that you can call to find out what to do.
at the least, find a place to crash for a couple of days while you sort out the mess in your apartment and catalog what you need to make insurance claims for. and don't be afraid to call the police the second you see this guy again (and hopefully you wont).
oh. and get a smoke munster as security.
Nice display of class by the Tide fans last night Steph...
Ohh. What happened? I missed it. I went straight to bed so I could get up at 4am.
They threw junk at the Georgia players celebrating after the win. Lots of cups, pompoms, an empty bottle of Jim Bean or two...
It'll be dwarfed, I'm sure, by Philly fans' reaction today if the Birds fall to the Lions to start 0-3 today... :(
I only wish I had a daughter who could wear a skin tight shirt with a letter painted on it so that she could be on TV repeatedly. I'd hope she'd be part of Rammer or Jammer; Yellowhammer is boring. (This is in reference to the Bama game.)
For the record as an Auburn fan (and they suck this year; I know) the only good outcome of Bama/Georgia is for them to both lose, but you can't win have everything.
Omit win from the last sentence in the previous post.
I can spell expect. I just wanted everyone to know that.
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