Once again, it was a battle between John Locke & Ben Linus as the two actors competed for the 2007 Emmy award for Best Supporting Actor.
Way to go Terry O'Quinn! Better luck next year, Michael Emerson.
Lame discussions and poorly constructed theories about the hit ABC series "Lost." Call the TLI Ham Fat Line: (206) 426-3238
I don't know how I feel about this win. Dang! They were both wonderful actors, and yeah, Terry O'Quinn found his calling as John Locke, but come on! Ben Linus, people!!
Wow, I'm shocked. I just knew Sopranos would take them all.
I thought Ben would take it over Locke, but oh well.
just as long as Team Lost wins, i'm happy. either that or a robot wins. that'd be cool too.
Ben Linus won last year, didn't he, for best guest star or something? I'm glad to see Locke win.
Did you guys get a look at his shirt????
I was thinking that Michael Emerson was much more talented, but Terry O'Quinn has been rockin' that character for three years, and deserves it more in that sense.
Now if they'd only give Sayid more screen time, maybe he could win something!
nope. post a link!
and not to a lemon party... but to Locke's shirt (apparently).
Um, the white shirt he's wearing under his suit? Uhh..am I missing something?
He was wearing a hot pink shirt.
That picture up there is from an earlier Emmys... the CBS logo gives it away... The Emmys this uear are on FOX.
What did Sally Field say? She is a fruit cake. Did she say "God D$#% war"?
Could this show be any less funny?
damn - the spoiler guy gets spoiled. we're just watching the show now. That's what I get for not staying the hell away from the blog - lol - oh well.
Okay - just saw the win. I agree that I would have been more excited about Emerson winning, but I am not bummed about this, he deserves it.
Leave Britney alone!
and turn down your speakers if you're gonna click this link...
i don't put much stock in the Emmys but i'm glad Terry O'Quinn got recognized. He's inhabited Locke from the beginning. The writing for the character hasn't been as strong as it was in the 1st season, but Terry has never let the character down.
No slight to Michael Emerson, who also deserved a win.
Also, i love the Sopranos, it made my top 10 shows of all time list, but i don't think it deserved a win for this season. The only thing providing any tension for the series, including the much-talked-about finale, was that everyone knew it was ending, and we were all waiting for the shit to go down. Episode to episode, this season was disjointed and directionless.
Soooo glad that someone from LOST won tonight! Yes, I agree with Aimee and some others here that Michael Emerson REALLY friggin' deserved it, but now he can win it next year. Unless Paulo comes back. Then, watch your damn back people! Emmy loves the smell of Paulo...
I had to go on an Emmy info hunt as the only people mentioned on our news coverage were the Brits (the same kind of insular news coverage that we criticise when done by US networks).
Maybe after this, Gervais will fuck off permanently to the States and become easier for us to avoid.
I don't mind that it was O'Quinn. As was said earlier, just think of it as an award covering three years of Locke.
On the old subject of "whipping" it "out"...
Some guys can't help it
Two things:
* You probably shouldn't watch that at work
* Elias can probably guess what it is already
The silky hot pink shirt was quite the fashion statement. I felt like TOQ got the series to this point achievement award. Not that he wasn't great this year, but Emerson is so evilly good. And what did Sally Field say? After she said "the war . . ." three times or so they went straight to black like it was the Sopranos until she was done on my channel. I mostly watched the Chargers get shelled, but flipped a little near the end. I caught TOQ's win at the in-laws.
What can you do to your computer when your feeds haven't updated in an entire day?
Also Ralph, you want any Married Man advice over here?
so, what won what at the Emmys? and what was LOST nominated for?
Does anyone think how weird it was that instead of actual music playing when Terry was walking up to the stage, that they put on the 'bwwwwoooonnnngggggg' title music?
It was weird.
they should have played the Numbers Countdown.
bwoop! bwoop! bwoop!
give TOQ an Emmy every 108 minutes.
Terry's shirt.
p or Kirk, Sopranos beat Heroes. 30 Rock beat The Office. Ricky Gervais beat Steve Carell.Terry O'Quinn beat Michael Emerson. Katherine Heigl won. Sally Field who is in a show nobody watches won because she's Sally Field. Oh and she got censored. America Ferrera won. Ryan Seacrest was aweful. Fox did a bad job producing. Emmy's should go back to NBC next year and have Conan host. Basically that's what you missed.
May I present
SciFi Drive-In
Pretty neat for being free and found randomly on the internet.
Ralph, no old Flash Gordon serials but some other old Sci-Fi serials.
I didn't really think twice about TOQ's shirt, what did catch my eye was his glittery tie.
I can't stand Seacrest, he's just so annoying, does he think that some of the stuff he says is actually funny? And then what was up with the random costume?
I loved it when Steve Carell came up to the stage to receive Ricky Gervais award, just cause he wasnt there.
Yep, Steve Carell, Steven Colbert and John Stewart were the only funny thing about the night.
Dang it, p, I just bought Metropolis.
Cute Alert!
Sorry, I was bored for about five minutes.
aimee, number 3 there is awesome.
didja catch the monkey hugging a bird i posted a few threads back?
/off to e-mail cute pictures to my girlfriend for bonus points
Stephanie - i hope you didn't pay too much for Metropolis. It's a public domain movie, so you should be able to find it for $5. It's an awesome movie though and well worth owning.
Andrew.- I only paid 5 bucks for it. I'm not used to silent films so it was difficult to watch. However, it is an amazing feat in cinema for an 80 year old film.
Holli, since Jack and Dale are getting into touchy territory do they need some sort of disclaimer?
PS, I liked number four.
I liked all the pics. Thanks Aimee.
Kenneth from 30 Rock Funny or Die video.
And did you hear Tina Fey thank her blogspot viewers last night? I felt so honored.
Re: the Emmys - I'm glad it wasn't just me on the west coast noticing the censoring (when Sally Field said whatever she said). It happened like 2 other times earlier on (I think) and at first I thought it was tech glitches, but that last one made me think FOX was exercising some editorial power.
and re: Ryan Seacrest - ugh. Fox could have gotten anyone I would think - but I imagine they wanted to use "their" AI guy. I guess I don't expect much more from them.
Aimee - I laughed for a good 30 secs. at pic #4 (hot dog).
Ghost - I take it you are not a Gervais fan - I'm a bit suprised (don't know why now, come to think of it) - what's the dislike about?
Ha'way The O'Quinn - I thought the Emmys were going to snub Lost but "I was wrong". Locke had a good arc this season and a broad range of emotions, whereas Ben was written a bit more narrow (creepy and vulnerably creepy) - hopefully next year will be award-rich for Michael Emerson.
They showed Helen Mirren's acceptance speech this morning and I thought she was quite rude.
GhostDog - BrassEye clips are always welcome.
Funnily I missed the Emmy's as I ammon a Heroes Marathon. Got to get up to speed :)
I'll take Helen Mirren being rude over Ryan Seacrest being gay, any day. Did anyone else feel like the whole time it was all about him?
Trevor - I heard that Brittany crying guy on the radio this morning. Jeezuz. I think someone else besides Brittany could use some therapy (IF that guy is for real - I'm pretty gullible with this stuff unfortunately).
Elias - If you were referring to Mirren's comment about Americans being a mixed bag (although she did end it by saying we're generous) that's very polite of you - but she's right, I think.
Ally - I think with Ryan, it's always all about him, don't you - lol
/back from lunch
it was very patronising for her to accept her 3rd (?) major award this year by telling American some home truths - I just thought she could be more gracious about it. Also, generalising about millions of people doesn't reflect well on her - or us Brits.
I did enjoy Gervais' win and TOQ's acceptance speech, skilfully avoiding Seacrest - whatever that is.
hmmm... where can one read a transcript of Mirren's speech?
generally, people who generalize about people are offensive to me.
/wait... what?
I think Gervais as Brent and within the confines of the show is an amazing thing of wonder (Andy Millman to some degree as well, but far less so). Gervais as "himself" irritates me big, as he never is himself, he plays up this super arrogant persona and it just rubs a Ghost up bad.
Brian and Stewie open the Emmy's. We can criticize ourselves, Hellen Mirren can't.
gotta disagree JG. I find his persona amusing and easier to take than if he was geniunely arrogant or fake-humble. I have no desire to see the real Gervais.
I rather enjoy his stand-up stuff and Millman was more of a straight role than Brent.
I finally found TOQ's acceptance speech.
Here's a great site started by the guy who won the auction for Barry Bonds' record-breaking ball. Basically, anyone can vote what he should do with it: give it to the Hall of Fame; brand it with an asterik, then send it to the Hall; or, blast it into space.
Brand it!
That Brian and Stewie thing was genius. Why couldn't they just host the rest of the show.
I don't know enought about Gervais to have an official opinion about him.
I prefer edgier animal photos.
Good Lord! That's quite a picture.
the blogspot has stalled. i think it needs a jumpstart.
who'll be the next one voted off the island? it seems like people eat the big one (metaphorically) when their backstories are played out. there were a lot of people who looked like they were running out of backstory. but now we've got flashforwards... so, who's next? and will people now die off after their forestories are played out instead of their backstories? yeesh...
ive been gon for a while, but i just listened to the tli podcast, and i can say that that thing that kim said about short guys made her sound like the biggest shallow, stuck up bitch. now i dont know her personally, and she usually seems like a nice person, but thats just a really bitchy thing to say. hypothetically, what if hes a really great guy, but you wouldnt give him a chance because he is a little short.i might have heard what she said wrong, or something, but that was just really mean.
and no, i am not one of those guys that wouldnt go above your neck. im just about 6 feet tall, maybe a bit shorter.
whatever. i still love the podcast, i just thought that was a mean thing to say, and very arrogant.
Yes Malcolm, maybe Kim should listen to the Married Man Podcast for advice on not limiting her options. Of course, if you're just out for some drinks and some grubbing, maybe only purely superficial things matter. Since I got married at age 3 (see last thread) I wouldn't know about that.
Palmer, who's backstory hasn't played out at this point? By that criteria everyone but Sayid should be dead. I think the more critical thing is facing the demons of your past and moving beyond them. E.g., Boone got over Shannon; Shannon was able to really love someone, not just use them; Ana Lucia couldn't kill for mere revenge; Eko was reconciled to the choices he'd made in life; Charlie wasn't a junkie and could in fact provide a life for his loved ones.
So who hasn't moved beyond their past? Need to fix things Jack; can't make a decision and stick with it Kate; what do I do once I've killed the real Sawyer James; dad's dead is that enough Locke; I'll lie as much as I need to Sun.
The rest I'm not sure. Sayid says he refuses to torture, but does he really mean it? Jin I guess has to live up to the reality of his lowly birth and his inability to provide Sun the lifestyle to which she had grown accustomed and be willing to live only with their love (cue the Lifetime channel music). Hurley has to realize bad things happen, but they aren't his fault (or the numbers). Claire -- beats me; but for the fact that she has to feed that baby, you could lose her immediately. Desmond has to chose to live for himself not his notion of fate or his destiny. And then on top of all that how does Dharma and the Others and the Freighter people fit in?
Has anyone come up with a clever name for the Freighter people yet? Are they the Other Others? Naomi's Neighbors? Not Penny's Boatniks? We need a moniker for them.
This post is already way too long, but we'll see if it can't help Palmer's kickstart.
P.S. This is what you get when you drink and blog.
P.P.S. If this was February, we could be talking LOST.
well, as a 5'8" dude who wouldn't stand a chance with kim at a club, i can say that i forgive her. i'm pretty sure that kim's referenced her pet peeve before cuz i can remember blogspottin' about it. people have pet peeves and hang ups. kim's a tall girl (amazonian goddess of podcasting is a term we've used before) and prefers tall guys. i agree that if i didn't know that kim was good people, her statement out of the context would put me off a bit too. i think its important to note that kim said "while clubbing." in fact, didnt this first come up when she was hit on at a club by a short guy named Jin?
by the way, kim, you may want to call into the Married Man Podcast and ask if you're overlooking a good percentage of eligible man meat. after all, peter petrelli's 5'9".
malcolm, thanks for sticking up for short guys like me, even if you are 5'11"+. but don't worry about kim. i can see where you'd be alarmed by her statement, but she's a good egg.
The Freighties? Anothers?
I interrupt this boring-ass MNF game to bring you this K-Fed update.
I tried coming up with a snarky comment about the story, but I couldn't do it. It's just too strange.
I saw that somewhere today Trevor. Sounds a bit like some any publicity is good publicity stunt. Seriously, I wish I could stage a Britney intervention. That girl needs someone just to care about her, not her money, not her fame, just her. Why is it that there are millions of sensible people in the US, but not one that can apparently get through to her?
Instead of watching boring MNF, I'm sitting on my computer listening to the Dixie Chicks because the Country Music Awards that hubby has on in the other room was making fun of them. It's a small protest, but still. I think "Taking the Long Way" is an awesome album, and I don't like most country music. Carrie Underwood's song with her baseball bat is appealing though. I like the line about the bathroom Polo and Shania karaoke.
I think the idea of characters dying when their forestory has played out might run into a few snags.
Mostly, the inarguable cause-and-effect nature of linear time.
point taken.
heheheheheeh. that's fucking great. you've just won the thread.
let me re-phrase my question to take into account your narrow human concept of the linearity of time:
do you think that when their forestory is played out that they will die forestory wise? or would that make them a lame-duck character?
also, how will forestory affect our "holy crap! will this dude die?" moments? if you're in the forestory, what happens if you rack up the DUIs? how will they write your asses off?
will they neglect to use characters in the forestory to keep us guessing as to whether or not they make it? will forestory just be Kate, Jack, and vague references?
and how will Desmond's time-jumping affect our forestory? is he the device with which TPTB will repair any damage done to the timeline through bad planning / character availability / drunken binges?
/off to my TARDIS to hang out with those Prophets from DS9 before i have to hop into the Quantum Accelerator to save a boy and his dog who will invent a Wayback Machine
I may be a bit late for this conversation, but I would like to side with Kim's point of view. I'm a tall girl and I don't have a preference for shorter guys. Keep in mind that by shorter guys, I mean like 5'6" and under, guys tend to have a different measuring device for measuring their own height, like a guy that's 5'10" isn't short to me, he would be at eye level with me, but another guy might consider him "short". From what Kim said, I understood that she's not interested in someone who is lower than her eye level, which is where also where I draw the line. It doesn't matter what a guy looks like as long as he doesn't look like he's my little brother. (height-wise)
For all the ladies of the blogspot...
... I'm 6'2".
just over at OfficeTally.com and saw a pic of Jenna Fischer which only reinforces my "Pam Beasly, for the love of God, do something with your hair!" policy.
/has bad hair himself
//now with 50% more working links
Glad to know I'm not the only one bothered by Pam's hair. It just bugs me that her hair always looks so good at any other time, except on that show.
/Trevor, duly noted.
William Mapother and Sam Anderson were on K-Town tonight!!
Forestory Death.
Evidently, you can't have people die on the island when forestory is played out otherwise there will BE no forestory. If people die in their forestory, then some people may feel that the character isn't worth investing in any more (although arguably, they did the same with Six Feet Under with no ill effect - but then they did that RIGHT at the end). But that would be people assuming that that character would have no more to offer between that point and their death (and also - do they think all the other characters will live for evermore?)
As you point out, the main problem of seeing someone in a flashforward means that the threat of them dying on the island is nought, so they will need to learn not to hinge a lot on their jeopardy (but then they also risk letting the cat out of the bag if characters DON'T get a flashforward - keep an eye out for a Claire forestory, for example).
I suppose if the "LOST Curse" (driving at super high speed around Hawaii while off your face and thinking you're better than the locals) claims another cast member who has already been in flashforward, we may find the distinction between "dying on the island" and "leaving the island before everyone else" being employed.
I suppose that they could work around it if they somehow cynically introduce some kind of pseudo-science "effect" that can replicate characters and can give them a forestory AND an island death.
You have no control over what qualities you find attractive. If Kim only likes tall guys, she only likes tall guys. I like tall guys too. Tall guys with receding hairlines. Which is a good thing since this describes my hubby.
Holli, you are so funny when you're drunk.
Palmer, are you growing your hair out?
Holli, you're always funny but more chatty than usual.
steph, i think i might be. it's over an inch long now!
/that's what she said
Who killed the blogspot?
I figured out what I don't like about Weeds this season. I don't like the fact that Agrestic was set up as this utopian community so isolated from the rest of the world. And now we have to buy that it's right next door to the Hood. I like the recent events that have took place. I love that Uncle Andy is back home. I love that guy. Why isn't he in more stuff? Anyways, have y'all seen last weeks Burn Notice? That GREAT! Go watch it if you haven't.
Those of us over 6'0" are height snobs - I still call my older brother "Stumpy" even though he's 5'10". Credit to Kim for being honest about who has a chance - it would be worrying if she said "come one, come all".
I'm almost through season 2 of Arrested Development and loving it. Hopefully I'll be finished before any special podcasts are recorded. David Cross is hilarious and my favourite running joke so far is Ann Veal.
Ally and Kimberley, Top Model premieres tomorrow night!
The height thing isn't a big deal to anyone, unless you've experienced it. Like on Friday, I went out to a club and there were like no guys taller than me, except for a few. Guys know when they're too short for a girl that they might go and talk to, again, on Friday as I'm walking up to the line at the club there were these guys looking at me and talking to each other, as soon as I go to stand next to them, they went silent after realizing that I was a good 6" taller than them. Call me a stuck up bitch if you want, but I'm tall and I'm not gonna talk to guys that are that much shorter than me, although I was also wearing heels.
Thanks, Steph, I'm ready for some drama other than my own or on the blogspot. ;)
Elias, Tobias only gets better. My life feels slightly empty now that I finished watching Arrested Development.
Longtime blogspot lurker, first time posting. As a girl who is 5'11" barefoot, I just had to comment. Tall girls don't like short guys because it makes them feel freakish. Yeah, they might like the look of a tall man, but the fact is that they just want to feel feminine. And for whatever reason, our society has this thing about women being smaller than men. Quite absurd, but it's there no less. There's a select minority of tall women out there who like being bigger than their man, but they are few. Most want to be made to feel that they have a man taking care of them. So get off the tall girls backs. But I will say this. Tall girls, if you are uncomfortable towering over guys are clubs, maybe you shouldn't go with the 6 inch heels. Yay Terry O'Quinn! How about that shirt?!
Thank you, Jill (lover of Lost), that's all I wanted to say. But somehow I was having a hard time finding the words. As for the heels, I've worn my Converse to the clubs before (it wasn't a fancy club) and that didn't seem to make much of a difference.
huh. big into keeping tidy? or is there a follow up to that, ralph?
Wow. You tall girls are total bitches. I'm 5'8/9ish or so and I am offended to the nth degree! Kim, just wow. lol.
No I'm just kidding ladies. I totally understand. As a dude of my height I am more comfortable with a girl who is shorter than myself, so I can totally see where you are coming from. Although I don't limit myself to any one physical attribute. Are we really that shallow? (again, I kid, I kid)
But it's all good. We need to celebrate our differences people! Hopefully one day my children will be able to live in a world where tall girls and average to short guys can live in peace and harmony.
yeah, height doesn't matter that much. what really matters is what a person is like on the inside. and if they're totally fucking hot. that helps.
what? how do you know i posted that?
also, i posted that. It is a suggestion to get your Lost season 1 dvd ready, but also while you have it in your hand, wipe off the top of it.
See you suckers on the next thread!
Ralph has got something up his sleeve regarding season 1 me thinks.
Yeah something seems fishy regarding Ralph asking us to clean, specifically, clean our Lost S1 DVDs.
~the tall bitch from the south.
ralph's secretly a neat freak. he obsesses about cleanliness. specifically the cleanliness of other people's lost dvds.
he also digs american gladiators.
he gave the same advice on the boards... which only makes my suspicions grow.
... what could it be?
My guess is we're getting a commentary episode of the Dharmalars.
And good news Chuck Norris is in Iraq. Guess between that and Sally Field the troops will be coming home any day now.
Are they hoping to scare those people over there in Iraq, by having Chuck Norris over there? Is this like a let-our-troops-go-home-or-i'll-roundhouse-you visit?
Hey all,
TV Guide has an interview with George Lucas and has a little bit of info (mostly generic) about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
can you guess which episode though???
The first one?
actual footage of chuck norris in iraq. *not safe for work language*
boy, you just couldn't make a movie that offensive nowadays.
Q: Why is Chuck Norris dressed like Chance Boudreaux?
A: Cause his mama toook wan!
I'm guessing Numbers just like Scott and Steve did.
Anon -- if you want to call a spade a spade have the balls to do it with a name.
if you don't like TLI, that's fine. but coming on to their blogspot to call them names where you know they'll read it while you hide behind internet anonymity? not exactly cool.
kim and aimee take time and energy to put out a podcast that a lot of people really enjoy. if you dont want any part of it, just stay unsubscribed.
you don't have to talk shit about them from behind the computer screen while accusing them of bitchiness.
my alternate post was:
"office shortstack? is that you?"
"Whatever The Case May Be"?
hard to improve on perfection though.
What's with all the name calling? Why can't we all just get along? I think the hiatus is starting to get to us, Cuselof is doing this to us! Always good to know that we can count on the fellow blogspotters to defend those who don't come and read what's being said about them. I don't even know what to say to lighten the mood...
oh. btw, i'd like to go on record as saying that aimee and kim are NOT bitches. in fact, they're pretty darn cool.
even if kim thinks i'm short. :p
/viva la TLI!
How's this for a crackpot theory:
The asshole anon poster a few posts ago is none other than Ralph. Now before you start ripping me a new a-hole, hear me out on this one.
Maybe Ralph is getting bored with the blogspot, and wants to shake things up a bit. You know, Inject a bit of contraversy to liven things up. Then he cleverly puts in a plug to his podcast to throw us off so that we wouldn't think it's actually him doing the anon posting.
I know, it IS crackpot, but wtf else is there to talk about?
p.s. Aimee, can I come over later and cut your hair?
p.p.s. Maybe I'M Ralph
ok if you are indeed ralph, why are you speaking of yourself in the 3rd person?
/set up... kablamonate!
Woah... I should check in more often. Hot topic this week. This is why I adore the blogspot.
Malcolm, I totally agree with you on what I said--and honestly, I was hoping someone would bring that up, and I'm glad you did. I had thoughts of not putting that comment into the podcast, but I left it as is... and have to live with it. It got me thinking because I know short(er) guys have no contol over their height, just like I have no control over---well, let's not open that can of worms
Maybe I should have said this: Red Card. Agressive guys who barely come up to my chin that ask me to go home with them. (Because that's what I was refering to)
Anyway, it's over and done with now. Palmer/Kirk you're the greatest... and Anon. thanks for the shoutout.
wow, trevor. that video is hilarious!
/should i be looking out for these "predators"?
Good to see you come by and defend yourself, Kim. It got ugly at times, but just know you have support from the rest of us and we all love to hear you and Aimee on the podcast.
OMG i can't stop laughing at that video. i hope these people never decide to go to a sex addicts meeting.
How did Long John Silver's get into the mix? This is the funniest video!!
Sorry Jordan, I just realized I called you Trevor. And they call you the player...
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