You know what, Stevi took my last name. I never asked her if she would, but she started doing all the paper work, so that was cool i guess. Her maiden name started with a "W", so the "A" would come in handy when shit went alphabetically.
Fuck women's rights. Fuck men's rights. how about good old plain Human Rights!
Everyone is equal and should be able to make their own choices.
i think Jordan was referring to Hyper-Sensitivity to those issues. you can get into a lot of situations where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. a... catch-22?
for instance, the classic example is that if you don't hold a door for a woman then you're a jerk but if you hold a door for a woman then you're a chauvinist pig.
but i think that has more to do with someone being a huge bitch than anything else. some people are just so horribly miserable that they'll find whatever tool they can to be pissed at someone. and sometimes they'll use "feminism" or "equal rights" to be a bitch.
Hey, I've seen other people copy in their posts from previous threads if they think they've gone un-noticed. I think it might be my turn:
To be honest, the main problem women may have with taking on their husband's name is that it stems from the act of marriage physically and legally making the wife the husband's "property".
Funnily enough I had this conversation with my fiancée earlier about the only regret I have about a forthcoming marriage would be her taking my name and thus me feeling like I was somehow the "boss" - like it was an aggressive takeover. We thought about maybe some combined surname. I already have a double barrelled surname, so going triple barrelled might be a bit much for me.
Although I think some areas of what we seem these days to be calling "political correctness" can be very cynically abused by people if they know what they're doing but I don't think the name change complaint is an indication of women "wanting their own way", cos y'know, they got that surname from their father as well. Men have got the name thing all sewed up and maybe it needs some further thought.
Hang on - I'm Ghostwatch and I haven't said anything stupid.
Thank you Palmer. That is exactly what I was talking about. Sorry guys, I wasn't trying to go all anti-womens rights or anything. It didn't come off the way I intended it to. Mainly was talking about people in the world being hypep-sensitive to the stupidest things. I can't refer to an African-American as a "black guy" yet he can sure as shit call me a "white guy". Dammit, I'm repeating my last mistake and making it sound like I'm against a large issue when I really am just annoyed at people making way too big of deals about things. That's all. Please don't kill me ladies. :)
Plus, like Kimbo (that's for calling me Jordy a while back :P) said in the last thread, it's been boring here. I was just trying to ignite the flames. lol.
just so everyone is clear. I do not make the desision on the prices of the upcoming Dharmalars Shirts. i have a feeling, based on sam and nates prices for jay and jack shirts, that the women's shirts will cost more. one again, this is not my choice, so be kind to me. i am all for equal rights, i just think that the distributer of the shirts makes us pay more for the women's shirts.
Regarding the last name thing. To me, a woman taking her husband's last name isn't about becoming his property. That's just silly. It's about becoming a family and becoming one. And for whatever reason, it's always been the man's name.
What mb and his wife did was interesting and kinda touching. But what if that were to become the norm? If my last name is Johnson-Davis and I have a kid, then he marries a girl who's parents name was Jones-Allen, do they then merge their last name to become Johnson-Davis-Jones-Allen? Or do they pick which parent they like best and combine those two? lol.
As for Ralph and his sexist pricing of his Dharmalars shirts. Tisk tisk. No really. Aren't women's clothes more expensive than guys anyway? I wouldn't know. I don't buy too many halter tops. The only reason I can think that they'd be more expensive is maybe because they don't make as many, thus raising the cost per shirt?
Jordan, I've tried to respond ten times and keep deleting it. You have slapped every intelligent female in the face. When I started to work 12 years ago my boss had 4 buddies under him in the office in gravy positions. After the cut-backs, these guys are gone. It's just funny to see his good-old-boy network has been down-sized.
Jordan - I totally agree that it is all about becoming one family, and that is actually why we merged the names. As far as what my kids will do, We figure they actually have more choice now - they can turn one of the names into a middle name, or just drop one of them and go either matriarchal or patriarchal, or whatever they want. It does seem a little confusing at first - but I look at it as having options.
I prefer 7 Up over Spite, don't care for Dr Pepper, but love berries and cream Dr Pepper. Coke is my favorite though. I think they're phasing out 7 Up. It's hard to find. Man, what we've resorted to.
Hey all! Been gone for awhile (selling house=nightmare). What a coincidence, I'm about to start the name-change process myself. Bummer that only women getting married can change it easily and for free. Men taking their wife's surname have to go through the whole legal process (forms, money, newspaper announcements, and a court date) to change it. I'm taking my partner's surname and it's just a more complicated process than it needs to be. Plus, I feel stupid, but these court forms are needlessly complex...
morgan, what was the thought process for taking the fiancee's surname? as per our discussions, we've got all sorts of nosy questions. she just have a cooler last name? engaged to Miss Danger or something cool like that? was she violently opposed to changing hers? does your last name suck?
i always feel bad for people with unfortunate last names.
Cornelius Cox-Burns Alexander Small-Johnson Megan Butts-Hurt Phil McCracken etc
i also have a pet peeve with people whos names are adjectives having a noun for a last name.
Mexicans and Bulgarians are the simplest form of unilateralism. Except when the ministry deems sacrificing virgins a redeemable attribute. But only if Harry Potter has a nice set of breasts. Therefore my one time boyfriend Michael might give a nice performance review. Salut.
im so pissed that the lonely island decided to have a sketch comedy contest on youtube right after I leave boston.
a friend and I have decided to start doing short comedy videos since we have a bunch of ideas that would be really funny shorts, and we were going to start shooting in the fall, but the dudes are like "we are going to have a contest now, before you can make hilarious videos" LAME. about London and the 2012 olympic logo. Check this out. People are requesting it being changed...and the animation has given some people seizures
GO HALOS! and i guess the ducks too. I am happy to have the stanley cup in Anaheim, even though i only watche the last period of the final game this whole season. but hey, it is still kick ass!
I would like to thank dharmalars listener Joe from New York for coming up with a kick ass idea and encourage you all to visit the debate section at . Damn i think i just turned into spam.
dear london, welcome to 1985. great logo, folks. you should be really proud. i love the fact that its "animated" and that the people in the video think that street kids will identify with it because it reminds them of graffiti. ugh...
i like the Robin Sparkles video there. Cobie Whatsherface is a good thing.
and the whole "crappy english special effects trying desperately to be cool " reminds me of this. *warning* do not click unless you're a recent Doctor Who fan or some sort of masochist.
as for caterpillars, i hate them. we used to get gypsy moth caterpillars (and then gypsy moths) all over everything in the northeast. good god, they're disgusting.
no idea, steph. never seen How I Met Your Mother. some guy at work likes it though. and admittedly Doogie Howser is a funny guy. remember him on Quantum Leap though? what a jerk! poor Dr. Sam Beckett.
ralph, that site you linked to is a trip down memory lane. pogo balls and battle beasts. oh hell yes.
and, yes, you should have kablamoed the hell out of that 69. not too late. go for it. join the crowd. all the cool kids are doing it.
it means that comic books stores is a dying breed and that you need to drive to the comic book store in real life, pick up Madman Atomic Comics #1 and #2 and support your local comic book store and keep the popularity of Madman at an all time high, so that movie continues to move forward and get made.
palmer, I was talking about Doctor Who. Where should I try to pick up? HIMYM is good tv. I don't know what number we're on because the IT gods are trying to keep me out of the blogspot.
OH STEPH! SOMEONE WHO's INTERSETED IN DOCTOR WHO?!? Now you've awakened the WhoGeek in me :)
I would start with the begining of the new series (from 2005) - the original series ran from 1963-1989 and is a whole different experience - kind of a "Lost in Space", but with LESS $$ - lol (A geek like me loves it but it is very dated).
If you haven't seen Season 1 (it looks like Netflix has the 5 disc set) of the new series from 2005, it's a good place to start. I have REALLY enjoyed the new series, it and Lost are pretty much the only two shows I don't miss. I WOULD start with Season 1 though - there are some of progressive story arcs and references going forward. Plus it introduces who the Doctor is a bit.
Steph, It looks like Netflix also has a bunch of stories from the original series (from the 70s-80s). Just so it's not confusing this is what the cover of the 2005 DVD looks like.
He's actually got a new companion now (in season 3 that's airing in Brit-land right now), and David Tennant actually started playing the doctor in season 2. In any other show, changing actors in the lead role is quite a risk, but since the idea that the Doctor regenerates is built into the series, people usually look forward to it. Eccleston and Tennant both have really kicked ass IMO.
Funnily enough, I just came here find out what the Brits among you thought of the most recent Doctor Who episode from this evening?
"Fucking amazing" is what I thought. three good episodes in a row? Not used to that lately.
Steph - old Doctor Who generally means better writing, poor special effects and slower pacing (several episodes per story). Newer ones are generally one shot episodes with better effects (although they can sometimes be pretty ropey) and more easy endings. The last couple of seasons have been largely disappointing, but there's been some amazing episodes in.
Actually if you've never seen it before tonight's episode ("Blink") is a great place to start. It's self contained in the same way you could show Flashes Before Your Eyes to someone who doesn't watch Lost and they would likely enjoy it.
Don't move. Don't turn your back. Don't even blink.
i missed a doctor who conversation?! oh man. i should have left that damn radiator leaking on the carpet. :)
yeah, mb is on track. start with the Eccleston season. move on to the first Tennant season and then join us in July(?) when the second Tennant season airs on SciFi Fridays.
the new season has been pretty bubble gum but the last two parter was good and i'm hoping to catch the latest episode via the magic box sometime this weekend.
Torchwood was shit on a stick though. gave up two episodes in. i really like John Barrowman though.
Barrowman is back in the Who next week along with Derek Jacobi. This is double excellent, but the episode itself looks like another retread of Ghosts of Mars (as also stolen for The Reavers in Firefly/Serenity)
Wasn't around today, so catching up with the conversation. Here's a few parodies I've seen of the new Olympics logo ... I would say, NSFW, but I hope that no one (besides me) has to do any work this weekend.
I'm thinking of picking up Madman, on Ralph's rec. Haven't bought an individual comic in years, just graphic novels or TPBs, but Madman sounds intriguing. I'm also considering the new Buffy series, and the Dark Tower series.
Completely new subject, but the wife and I watched 'The Queen' last night. Thought it was amazing, and I'm not an Anglophile by any stretch. I didn't pay much attention, to be honest, when Diana died, and was wondering if some of our blogspotters from across the pond could comment on the film's accuracy. It was also strange to see Tony Blair as Mr. Popular, knowing that he's leaving office as Mr. Lapdog.
Claudius on Who is very exciting. I just hope it's a good episode not a crappy one. I'm a huge fan of the Coupling guy's episodes (the WW2 two parter with the creepy gas mask kid, and The Girl in the Fireplace). Is his new episode this week or the next?
I'll give Doctor Who a try over the long dry spell that is summer hiatus. Any other suggestions? I'm thinking of getting rid of HBO and Showtime on DirectTV and getting Netflix. Originally, I thought I had to have the cable networks for Sopranos, Weeds, and Big Love. Why not wait a few months and stick them in your queue?
"The Coupling Guy" is Stephen Moffat - the newest episode I'm typing about (using my enormous penis on the keys) is his one.
If yo're a fan of his work and have a multi region DVD player and the capability of playing back PAL format then check out Press Gang - one of the last really intelligent children's programmes.
re: Dr. Who - I am just getting ready to use my magic box to get "Blink" - & now I'm super psyched for it after you're endorsement Ghost.
Personally, while I understand the criticisms people have had with some of the new series episodes, I can't really say there are any of them that I wouldn't watch again - I've consistently enjoyed, pretty much all of them - with only minor gripes on certain performances and such. And I thought the previous 2 weeks' Human Nature/Family of Blood 2-parter was off-the-charts awesome. Easily one of the best Who stories EVER IMO.
mb, unfortunately, there have been episodes that have kind of stunk it up. russell t. davies likes to raise the stakes impossibly (and absurdly) high and then resolve the issue in 30 seconds or less. the guy can get the actors to act their hearts out with his dialogue though. but give me Moffat over Davies any day.
but you're right, mb, there hasn't been an episode i wouldn't watch again. and i've really liked both doctors.
although, i'd really like them to get more into the Gallifreyan backstory.
that's what i thought ralf. You couldve put them on there without pictures or names and ben's would've screen "biva" (ben the diva) all over the place. hahaha.
the only TV i am watching right now is reruns of American Gladiators. I have even cut back my Conan viewings. How is Smallville? i know that the creator of Smallville is doing a Flash Gordon series on Sci-Fi. i hope that they dont make Flash Gordon into a teen drama.
i've been known to dabble in the Smallville. my brother got me into it before he moved to California. thanks to the DVR, i've seen most of the past two seasons but haven't seen that much of the previous seasons.
i'm not holding out much hope for Flash Gordon. :(
i'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my dharmalars swag. i also ordered the new jayandjack shirt which is worth checking out just for the artwork alone.
will there be 'Lars shirts in addition to the Dharmalars shirts?
and when can i get some shirts with aimee and kim's smiling faces on them?
well, i am really anxious to see how these shirts sell. if we can sell out all the orders, we will be able to do more designs. i do recommend that folks check out the new jay and jack shirt, the design is awesome. I am sure that Sam and Nate would do shirts for TLI! i would buy one.
What's going to happen to Tony tonight? Something that's always intrigued/disgusted me- how he gets all the babes? Powerful men are attractive, I suppose. But I dont care how rich and powerful Tony Soprano is, he's repulsive. Regardless of that, the series finale is sure to be a bloodbath. Yay violence!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the finale. I sure hope Elias is catching up. I got the feeling he's going to have a hard time avoiding spoilers after tonight.
Gotta speak on The Sopranos tonight, so Elias, stop reading now.
I loved the episode. I bet there's gonna be a ton of bitching and moaning because 'nothing happened', and maybe I will too after a few days to digest, but I thought it was great. That fucking asshole Phil finally got what's coming to him, in one of the all-time great screen deaths. He's had it coming for years, ever since what he did to Joe Pesci in Casino. I bet everyone and his brother is gonna be bitching that, "Well, Phil died, and nothing else happened". But that's how life is ... stuff happens and all your shit doesn't get resolved all at once.
lol.... sorry Palmer, I did post and run--but not on purpose. I took Tiger Woods* for a walk, then when I got home swore like a sailor when I realized my car had a flat tire. :( wah, wah.
I asked abotu Smallville because I'd in serious need of something to watch over the summer. I've never watched an episode of Smallville, but heard it was an OK show. I bought the first season DVD--and so far I'm 3 episodes in, and not very impressed. The pilot episode made me laugh--but for all the wrong reasons. I'm hoping things will pick up by disc 2.
Personally, I think Entourage is kinda lame. You want something good to watch, check out the first two seasons of Weeds. That's a good show.
As for the big finale. I have to say, I didn't really like the overall episode as I felt that not too much happened on the whole. But I really didn't have a problem with the ending. I watched it with a group of about 12 people and everybody in the room was cursing at the tv when it ended. I was the only one that actually didn't mind. But I definitely think they could've done more with the episode overall. I'm just pissed that leprechaun looking sidekick to Phil didn't get it. That guy always pissed me off.
Let me restate what I just said. I actually quite liked the ending. It was totally out of left field, left a lot to interpretation of the viewer, and in the process really messed with your mind. Robert, you were asking what was the point of Meadow having trouble parking. It was all apart of the game, along with the suspicious looking guy going to the bathroom and the black dudes entering the restaurant. It was all to throw you off and/or lead you to think something was going down. And for all we know, maybe it did...
And as for that John in Cincinnati show. I thought it was totally crap. I can't stand it when a show predicates itself on ambiguity. It tries to make you think it's good soley based on the fact that it's mysterious. Then a mere 10 episodes or so later, you realize it just sucks. For an example, see Carnival.
Anyone got any knowledge of dream interpretation? If so, what the eff is this about: so, i'm going to collect my OBE from the Queen. However, in order, to get to the Queen, i have to partake in an assault course, which just so happens to be the stairwell in my old house! I get to the top, but, i'm given a sort of moral choice, do i climb up and over the remaining last bannister, or do i stop to give Madonna a hand, and therefore forfitting my place in line to get my OBE?
I was disappointed that Phil's sidekick didn't get it too, I didn't like him either.
I guess the final ending was kind of a 'fill in the blank' ... end the show how you want to end it. You want him killed? Want him hauled away by the feds? Want him to become the new boss of New Jersey AND New York? There's enough there to support any of those things happening.
Trev, I cried like a baby for nostalgic resons. There were so many references to the past throughout the episode. All I could think about while watching AJ is how young he was when the show started. I know, I'm such a mom. I agree with what Jordan says. The parallel parking was to build tension. Kimberley, Big Love is good and Weeds.
I've always found AJ to be such an unlikable twit that it's hard for me to sympathize with him in any way (although I did think that the suicide attempt was very powerful and well-done). It didn't really feel like an ending though ... more like, life going on.
AJ did annoy me a bit but near as much as Meadow. I've tried to like her. If Tony got whacked we wouldn't have been satisfied. Neither would we if he lived happily ever after. That's why I liked the ending.
kim, it really helps to have a knowledge of DC Comics when you're watching Smallville. lots of silly references to comicdom. i haven't seen the earlier seasons but people seem to like them. i will warn you though. each and every person in the town of Smallville is an idiot but Chloe. and Jonathan Kent is the friggin man. and you'll like that hunky men are always shirtless.
"If Tony got whacked we wouldn't have been satisfied. Neither would we if he lived happily ever after. That's why I liked the ending."
Exactly Steph! That's what I was saying to my friends when they were all freaking out. Had the scene ended with them just sitting there eating dinner, everybody would've been more pissed than now. Had Tony been shot and it ended with the family screaming and crying, that wouldn't have been satisfying either.
And I stick with Weeds as my recommendation for Kim, if she hasn't seen it already. I'm looking forward to season 3 myself.
Anybody care to comment on the following shows that I'm considering starting to watch? Prison Break, Firefly, and Six Feet Under. And if you liked all 3, which is the best?
I wonder how many people canceled their HBO today? None of HBO's 10 or so new shows look terribly compelling quite yet to keep people who just got it for The Sopranos around.
Another show that's good but I always forget about is Rescue Me. If you like the kind of show that features a guy that's a dick and does horrible things but you still root for him for some strange reason ala Sopranos and The Shield then you'll like this show too.
PrisonBreak is good. TeaBag is one creepy bastard. It actually seems to get away with a lot for a network TV show (removal of body parts, unsavory characters, implied prison rape, etc).
I tried watching Firefly but didn't care for it. Which is strange because I like Science Fiction and I like most of the actors (Adam Baldwin, Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, etc) but I'd already seen the characters and stories a hundred times before. Which is probably because I've watched way too much Science Fiction. :)
Six Feet Under is supposed to be good but I've never seen it. Like Peter Krause though. He's usually good in whatever show he's on.
morning all~ i've seen prison break and six feet under, never seen firefly. prison break is more of an edge-of-your-seat-action kinda show and six feet under is more of a family drama-esque. so it's difficult to compare. both good shows though, once i saw one episode, i was hooked.
- My reaction to the Sopranos finale: mixed nuts. i was happy with the final scene, its ambiquity and its mundanity. the problem i had with the episode is that it was like a microcosm of the rest of the season. It was aimless with no momentum. Things, like *spoiler* getting clipped, happened with little foreshadowing and cut to stuff i could care less about like AJ getting bought out by his parents. I could definitely imagine the lack of drama being Chase's point, but it's not a very profound point. On a show that has played the season long build with shocking cliffhangers, that's used violence as release before, it's also a little dishonest. All of that said, i'm 80% happy with the conclusion. It was a great show with really strong characters (except Meadow, i hate Meadow) and a lot of interesting stories. Also, I'm glad *spoiler* got his mug ground into the pavement.
-Shows to catch in the hiatus *The Wire (the best TV show ever.) *The Prisoner (the best TV show ever before The Wire came along) *Six Feet Under (really good, some highs and lows but overall excellent) *Deadwood (great characters, great playfulness with language, not the strongest large storyline but the characters more than make up for it) * Homicide (more episodic than these others, and the police procedural has definitely been beaten into the ground but still quite enjoyable) * Firefly (very derivative like Palmer said, but a strong sense fun that's missing from a lot of media)
-i'm watching Season 2 of Buffy now. I didn't really like season 1 but i'm trying to give it a fair shake. -i may try out the Shield at some point. Something about the ads for the show make it look like something i won't really like. It looks a little too meatheaded, but i'd probably think the same thing about The Sopranos if i hadn't tried it.
And that's what I've been waiting for; Andrew's take on last night. I say there was some forshadowing. "Say goodbye to Grandpa." I was saying goodbye to Grandpa at the time too. And if I can see it coming...
For anyone who's interested, here's HBO's synopsis of the final five minutes of The Sopranos.
"Tony is the first to arrive at Holsten's for a family dinner. He sits in a booth and plays a song on the jukebox, watching the door. Carmela enters and joins him, asking about his meeting with Mink. He tells her Carlo's gonna testify and she takes the news with a sigh. AJ arrives next, complaining about the more mundane tasks of his job but quotes old advice from his father: "Try to remember the times that were good." Meanwhile, Meadow struggles to parallel park outside. Customers come and go - a shady looking guy who's been sitting at the counter enters the restroom. Finally parking the car, Meadow runs inside to join her family, just in time for..."
I'd agree with the above if Nathan Barley wasn't an astonishingly bad waste of the acting and writing talent that beget it. It simply wasn't worth the time I spent having my eyes open while it was on.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of my favorite shows along with Arrested Development. If you haven't seen either and you have similar tastes as many on this blogspot, what are you waiting for?!
Stephanie - You're right, that scene definitely had some forecasting going on. They had identified that it was a very small number of gas stations with pay phones in the area and i was waiting for the pop too. i guess i meant that the event was just lost in the shuffle of all of the random threads of the episode. I've gotten into a bad habit of looking at the clock while watching shows and, like the rest of the season, a 1/2 hour in, i didn't feel the episode getting anywhere, and i was mostly right, it didn't go anywhere definitive. I'm still happy with the ending. I think i see what Chase was going for and think he pulled it off, i'm just not sure it was the strongest choice.
Like with Lost, i'm happy with people (including me) overanalyzing TV/Movies/Music if it forces producers to make a more complex product. Sometimes the fact that we enjoy something gets lost in the picking apart. so i'll just reiterate that i really liked The Sopranos.
Ghost - re: Dr. Who - Did FINALLY get to watch 'Blink' - REALLY good - and goddamn scary. I mean f-me, what a kick-ass creepy idea. It seems like I've seen something like it, but I can't think where (x-files?? not sure). But as usual - production was executed beautifully. Watched the Confidential too, and was kinda blown away to find out that the statues weren't statues! NICE costume work!
So yes, I enjoyed the hell out of it - especially for a story without the Doctor (mostly). I was NOT a hater of last years "Love and Monsters" (like I know a lot of people were - and I respect that), but this just kicked so much more ass. The latter part of seas.3 seems to be really shaping up well.
So I'm onto Disc 3 in season 1 of Smallville. I think I'm going to stick it out. I've already seen Curb, The Wire, and Entourage. I think Weeds may be my next series. I am also waiting The Lars week 2. I think they're recording tonight, and I hope they'll have an episode up by the late evening.
I wish I could chime in on The Sopranos' discussion, but I haven't watched the show in ages. I watched the finale, and thought the cable went out in the last few minutes!! WTF, but then realized that WAS the end... The surfing show afterwards was a bomb!
Andrew, I do have some travel plans for the summer. I'll be in NYC for July 27-30 to see RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, and in August I'm heading to Liverpool for my grandmother's bday. She's turning 100!
Hey, sorry Elias - shoulda just said that Barley didn't do it for me. Suggestions for things to watch, you say? It's only fair:
* Children of the Stones (6 episodes) *Chocky/Chocky's Children/Chocky's Challenge (6 episodes a piece) * The Stone Tape (one off 1972 spooky BBC drama written by Nigel Kneale) * Ghostwatch (one off 1992 spooky BBC drama written by Stephen Volk) * The 4400 (a bit like Heroes, but with an alien abduction bent) * Brass Eye (6 episodes of the kind of brilliance from Chris Morris and pals that made me, In My Humble Opinion - as previously stated - find Barley somewhat disappointing. However I'm well aware that it has its fans and clearly you are one. Nowt personal, chap) * Twin Peaks (really, if you're one of our younger viewers you may not have had the chance to find out just why people still talk about this odd series). * Dark Season (6 episodes from when Russell T. Davies was great) * Century Falls (6 episodes from when Ruseell T. Davies was REALLY great). * Ultraviolet (6 episodes - not the Kurt Wimmer Aeon Flux alike, but instead a remarkable British retelling of the vampire mythos in modern London. Turns out that vampires not only don't reflect, they also don't show up on video and their voices don't travel down telephones) * Chimera (6 episodes - of course this is not available so I don't know why I mentioned it) * The Prisoner (17 episodes of the original where-the-fuck-am-I-and-what-the hell's-going-on show - a LOST crowd should love it. * And Many More Besides * Really didn't mean to piss you off * Sorry
smallville freaks me out because everytime Lana starts looking pretty, they zoom out and Clark is eight feet taller than her and she looks like she's 14 or something. ack!
ghostwatch, i'm looking forward to the next season of The 4400. starts here in the US o' A this Sunday.
P, I'm sticking with Smallville, because of the guys at The Tenth Wonder podcast. They have a Smallville podcast as well, and I figured it can't be THAT bad if it's been on since 2001.
Lana (Kristen Kruek) is my homegirl. She's Canadian, I feel I need to support my own. It's tough because she's a horrible actress.
I haven't watched The 4400, but I hear it's a good program...
- Kim, that Rock The Bells show looks pretty awesome. I was really tempted to buy tickets. Wu-Tang, Nas, MF Doom, Mos Def, The Roots, Cypress Hill, Public Enemy, EPMD, The Coup... that's a lot of acts that would be fun to see. I'm sure that, being in New York, some of the surprise guests will be awesome too. Maybe your 100 year old memaw would like to take in a show.
-Smallville is somewhere at the bottom of my list of TV shows to catch up on. But, then again, Buffy was pretty low on that list. Lost hiatus = desperate times.
'The 4400' is fun. Very similar to Heroes in that "oops! everybody got teh supahpowahs!" but the reasons and reactions are completely different. a lot more "5 Years Later" than Heroes. worth checking out and it stars William Shatner's son-in-law.
"I like the way it ended, only because I like to think that, somewhere, these characters and this show is still going on.."
Exactly - I loved the ending. Sopranos never really moved that fast in all its seasons. It was all about the characters and atmosphere and humour. I'm elated that Paulie made it to the end - so many close scrapes, and his Virgin Mary story had me in tears laughing. AJ is a little shit and he hasn't changed. Tony is a bastard who deserved his comeuppance but I'm still happy they left it up in the air.
Steph - having watched the last 8 episodes in 2 weeks there were plenty of emotional moments and nostalgia for the characters and the audience. Lovely stuff.
Ghost - thanks for the show suggestions. Brasseye is unbelievable genius - we still banter about No Effenc and Nonse Sense round here. Apologies for the terse comment earlier.
thanks for posting that. and it had the Gary Shandling theme song. most excellent. very strange interview and makes you wonder who's in on which jokes. or if they're somehow both being the actual themselves.
Not a fiancee (can't get married except in Canada), my partner and I have been together almost 10 years and are going to expand our family in about a year or so. Having the same surname makes things a lot easier, plus it makes everything seem more connected. More family-ish. I never really liked my last name anyway, so my gift to him is taking his name.
morgan, so to some extent it came down to him having a cooler last name?
congrats by the way. and i'm glad to know it didnt go something like "hell no. i wouldn't take your crappy last name! you're taking mine. its much better." i can imagine that could cause some issues.
did you ever give any consideration to a hyphenated last name or both taking yours?
i remember in middle school having a teacher's aide who was getting married and was planning on randomly changing his and his fiancee's last names to "Nicodemus" or something badass to the point of absurdity like that. not surprisingly, he was big into fantasy books and werewolves. :)
Yeah, his last name is much better. Hyphenating it would sound too absurd. The mayor of LA combined his and his wife's surname to create a completely new name, which was kinda cool, I guess. But I don't put much into last names anyway, it doesn't change who you are.
The 4400 is still on!? I just assumed it'd been cancelled (frequently a safe assumption).
Elias - it's cool. It's easy to rub people up wrong online - in a real life pub situation we'd get along like a house afire if I weren't an AI chat program with speech synthesis capabilities.
I like 4400. I haven't finished the third season but i am hoping to in time for the premire next week.
I just got back from a screen of Ratatouille. Pixar has done it again. I liked it a lot more then cars. I want say a lot about it but its not just for kids.
I don't know if we're still handing out red cards but red card parents who don't teach their adolescents children how to behave in a movie theater. I believe I've already mentioned how we stopped going to the movies for years because of the bad experience with Scream. That was in the big city. Lately we've been going to the small town movie theater. Well, ten years later the small town teenagers have become heathens just like the big city teens. Our experience at the movies was miserable. And Pirates sucked. Except for the monkey getting shot out of a canon.
I've been catching up and I give the premier of the 'Lars a gold star. And I love Aimee's theory (and Sadace's addendum) about why Jack was suicidal.
So has anyone else started those comics Ralph keeps schilling? I read Watchmen last week and really liked it. There's lots of shout-outs to it on LOST, especially in terms of shot composition. But Laurie in Watchmen has to be the single most annoying female in all of literature. I guess I understand Kate's annoyingness better now since Lindeloff is such a big fan.
"Watchmen" is fantastic. Very, very messed up. Good stuff. But I'm not sure if Ralph's read that one yet. Hopefully, Ben will convince him to finish it.
Hopefully, I'll remember to go look for Madman tomorrow night when I'm down the street from the "local" comic store.
- John From Cincinatti - watched this last night. It was a mess. I'm surprised that the team behind Deadwood could generate such clunky, expository dialogue. Obviously the cast of shitty actors didn't help. Maybe i'm deluding myself, maybe i'm just desperate without Lost, but i'm still slightly intrigued by the plot and i'll probably watch atleast the next 3 episodes. Part of that is my goodwill towards HBO original serieseseses.
- I understand people's problems with Pirates 3, but i guess i'm just soft on a world where people are so nonplussed by the supernatural.
- Lost. just felt like i should mention it.
- Keep meaning to buy a Dharmalars baseball T, probably the only Lost gear i could rock without feeling like i was running around in my underoos.
- Congratulations Morgan on the solid long term relationship.
- There's something romantic about sitting down with your partner and deciding on a brand new last name, especially if it's something badass.
ghostwatch, i've been leicester square. way back years ago in high school but i was there. can't really remember any of it though. oops. and i'll gladly be paying for myself and my date to go see the Silver Surfer on the big screen. but then again it is HORATIO FREAKIN HORNBLOWER as Mr. Fantastic. and Alba in spandex certainly doesn't hurt. i think that while a lot of people didnt like The Fantastic Four, i went in knowing it would be a goofy, kid-friendly, comic book movie. so, keeping that in mind, i enjoyed it.
andrew, i liked Pirates 3 too. again, it's just a popcorn movie. there were entire plotlines that didn't really seem to go anywhere but i'm somewhat ok with that.
I just wanted to clear the air concerning the prices on the shirts. There is a "Ladies" shirt that is a nice fitted tee (American Apparel style) and there is a UNISEX t-shirt that is just your run of the mill t-shirt (Hanes/Fruit of the Loom variety). We could offer Men's fitted tees as well if there was enough interest, but they would cost in the same neighborhood as the Ladies' fitted tees.
still trying to figure out what size to go with. im not a huge guy, but not tiny either. i seem to run between a small or medium depending on the brand. do the shirts run either big or small on the whole?
What I liked about Pirates: the flying monkey (which I already spoke about), the shivering monkey, the monkey pointing a gun at the parrot, Keira looking like she HAS ate a cheeseburger lately. That's about it. Oh and the special effects are great. Davey Jones is hideously beautiful. The music was great as far as I could tell with my untrained ear. What I didn't like: After all this time Orlando can't grow proper facial hair. The boy can't act his way out of a paper bag but for some reason I like him. The opening when they all were supposed to be in Singapore felt so soundstagey to me. The action was so tight that I couldn't tell what was going on. I couldn't remember nor did I care why Elizabeth and Will were on the outs. What happened to the Cracken? None of us could figure that part out. The multi-Jack was silly an annoying. Maybe I would have enjoyed the film better if it hadn't been such an uncomfortable experiece with the young lady's seat squeaking behind me and my husband asking her if she knew the reason the sound is so loud in theaters was because of people like her and the manager coming in asking if the boys in the back making so much noise wanted to leave so the rest of the audience could enjoy the movie. It was just a bad movie-going-experiece. Makes me want to stay at home.
Steph, I like your husband for pulling a George Costanza and standing up to the brat.
Generally the only movies that we'll see in the theaters are ones that come to the local IMAX screen. The crowd seems to be a little bit more serious, even if we're seeing a total popcorn movie (maybe because if you're there to goof off you're not gonna spend 12 bucks a film). Even there, we're only seen 2 or 3 theater films in the past 2 years. Having a big TV at home and a busy Netflix account helps with that.
Nate - thanks for the t-shirt info. I've got all 3 J&J tees and can't wait to add a Dharmalars. I'd add that I like the fabric of the blue t-shirt better than that of the black ones. Just my 2 cents.
LOST question -- whose Flash Back and whose Flash Forward do you want to see first in Season 4?
For flashback, I'll say Dr. Eyeliner. I'd be happy with Ben too. Not real interested in seeing original Lostaway flashbacks anymore.
For flashfoward ... tougher one to answer, because I'm not sure where the story is going. I'll say Locke, with the rationale that he's a pretty pivotal character, whether it's present, past, or future.
If they give Dr Eyeliner a flash forward to the year 3000, my head will officially explode.
Sweaty Kevin Bacon, the shirts at Sam and Nate (or Nate and Sam?) have charts with the dimensions of the shirts of different sizes. Find someone with a sewing kit and borrow a cloth tape measure and see which would fit best on you.
1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»first is the worst!
/wait. what?
fourth w00t!!!
D'oh! Ally, my old nemesis!
cheers to Ralph for an extremely appropriate thread pic.
ok what happened to everybody? all of a sudden we slowed down.
Jordan. Jordan, Jordan , Jordan.
Where do I start?
Ahhh, life in the the blogspot. What is everyone up to? I'm at work (as usual) and not flying today = more time at S&S
Jordan, WTF, woman's lib!?!?
Jordan's done a silly1
good luck, jordan! great job on opening a can of worms.
I'm all for women's lib. I love those bitches.
what did jordan do? am i missing something?
for the worms to come...
How can I help avert the potential disaster? I know - sing-a-long!
I'm your only friend
I'm not your only friend
But I'm a little glowing friend
But really I'm not actually your friend
But I am....
(boomp boomp boomp badada!)
go to the last thread, Ralph
Simply because “you” have a penis doesn't entitle you to any MORE or LESS than “we” can aspire to in life.
“because that’s the way it’s always been”. Seriously??
You know what, Stevi took my last name. I never asked her if she would, but she started doing all the paper work, so that was cool i guess. Her maiden name started with a "W", so the "A" would come in handy when shit went alphabetically.
Fuck women's rights. Fuck men's rights. how about good old plain Human Rights!
Everyone is equal and should be able to make their own choices.
...ok I paraphrased there, I'm being dramatic!!! ;)
is kim getting feisty?! ooh la la!
i think Jordan was referring to Hyper-Sensitivity to those issues. you can get into a lot of situations where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. a... catch-22?
for instance, the classic example is that if you don't hold a door for a woman then you're a jerk but if you hold a door for a woman then you're a chauvinist pig.
but i think that has more to do with someone being a huge bitch than anything else. some people are just so horribly miserable that they'll find whatever tool they can to be pissed at someone. and sometimes they'll use "feminism" or "equal rights" to be a bitch.
p.s. boobs.
Hey, I've seen other people copy in their posts from previous threads if they think they've gone un-noticed. I think it might be my turn:
To be honest, the main problem women may have with taking on their husband's name is that it stems from the act of marriage physically and legally making the wife the husband's "property".
Funnily enough I had this conversation with my fiancée earlier about the only regret I have about a forthcoming marriage would be her taking my name and thus me feeling like I was somehow the "boss" - like it was an aggressive takeover. We thought about maybe some combined surname. I already have a double barrelled surname, so going triple barrelled might be a bit much for me.
Although I think some areas of what we seem these days to be calling "political correctness" can be very cynically abused by people if they know what they're doing but I don't think the name change complaint is an indication of women "wanting their own way", cos y'know, they got that surname from their father as well. Men have got the name thing all sewed up and maybe it needs some further thought.
Hang on - I'm Ghostwatch and I haven't said anything stupid.
Ah well.
Thank you Palmer. That is exactly what I was talking about. Sorry guys, I wasn't trying to go all anti-womens rights or anything. It didn't come off the way I intended it to. Mainly was talking about people in the world being hypep-sensitive to the stupidest things. I can't refer to an African-American as a "black guy" yet he can sure as shit call me a "white guy". Dammit, I'm repeating my last mistake and making it sound like I'm against a large issue when I really am just annoyed at people making way too big of deals about things. That's all. Please don't kill me ladies. :)
Plus, like Kimbo (that's for calling me Jordy a while back :P) said in the last thread, it's been boring here. I was just trying to ignite the flames. lol.
nice save, jordan. and i totally know what you mean.
just so everyone is clear. I do not make the desision on the prices of the upcoming Dharmalars Shirts. i have a feeling, based on sam and nates prices for jay and jack shirts, that the women's shirts will cost more. one again, this is not my choice, so be kind to me. i am all for equal rights, i just think that the distributer of the shirts makes us pay more for the women's shirts.
Ghost - sweet pull on They Might Be Giants! lmao
I would randomly change the subject to how Istanbul used to be Constantinople but that's really nobody's business but the Turks
(sorry couldn't resist - haven't heard some TMBG in a while)
MB, for you, i will put a TMBG song in our next podcast!
Regarding the last name thing. To me, a woman taking her husband's last name isn't about becoming his property. That's just silly. It's about becoming a family and becoming one. And for whatever reason, it's always been the man's name.
What mb and his wife did was interesting and kinda touching. But what if that were to become the norm? If my last name is Johnson-Davis and I have a kid, then he marries a girl who's parents name was Jones-Allen, do they then merge their last name to become Johnson-Davis-Jones-Allen? Or do they pick which parent they like best and combine those two? lol.
As for Ralph and his sexist pricing of his Dharmalars shirts. Tisk tisk. No really. Aren't women's clothes more expensive than guys anyway? I wouldn't know. I don't buy too many halter tops. The only reason I can think that they'd be more expensive is maybe because they don't make as many, thus raising the cost per shirt?
When will these shirts be out??
Jordan, I've tried to respond ten times and keep deleting it. You have slapped every intelligent female in the face.
When I started to work 12 years ago my boss had 4 buddies under him in the office in gravy positions. After the cut-backs, these guys are gone. It's just funny to see his good-old-boy network has been down-sized.
ok, not mad at you anymore, jordan.
Ralph - you are the man - that would make me smile.
Jordan - I totally agree that it is all about becoming one family, and that is actually why we merged the names. As far as what my kids will do, We figure they actually have more choice now - they can turn one of the names into a middle name, or just drop one of them and go either matriarchal or patriarchal, or whatever they want. It does seem a little confusing at first - but I look at it as having options.
OK y'all, i'm off for the week, see y'all monday!
have a great weekend :)
Enjoy the hell out of the weekend Ally! :)
Yuck. I just accidentally bought sprite zero. Blech.
You know - I was actually curious about that stuff. Now I know - thank you for your sacrifice Jordan.
I prefer 7 Up over Spite, don't care for Dr Pepper, but love berries and cream Dr Pepper. Coke is my favorite though. I think they're phasing out 7 Up. It's hard to find. Man, what we've resorted to.
the shirts will be out very soon. anyone who wants to see them can IM me.
Dr. Pepper is grodie!
congrats on the kablamo, ralph. is that your first?
How do we IM you Ralph?
PS - Is there going to be a shirt with the mural of Ben thats in his living room on it?
and you will see my IM address.
What's Paris' drug?
steph, about paris, i've heard alcohol, cocaine, and mocaine (mushrooms and cocaine).
oh. and cock.
Hey all! Been gone for awhile (selling house=nightmare). What a coincidence, I'm about to start the name-change process myself. Bummer that only women getting married can change it easily and for free. Men taking their wife's surname have to go through the whole legal process (forms, money, newspaper announcements, and a court date) to change it. I'm taking my partner's surname and it's just a more complicated process than it needs to be. Plus, I feel stupid, but these court forms are needlessly complex...
Is your new last name gonna begin with the letter "B"?
morgan, what was the thought process for taking the fiancee's surname? as per our discussions, we've got all sorts of nosy questions. she just have a cooler last name? engaged to Miss Danger or something cool like that? was she violently opposed to changing hers? does your last name suck?
i always feel bad for people with unfortunate last names.
Cornelius Cox-Burns
Alexander Small-Johnson
Megan Butts-Hurt
Phil McCracken
i also have a pet peeve with people whos names are adjectives having a noun for a last name.
Sandy Rhodes
oh. and someone find the Asswipe Johnson skit with Nic Cage from SNL.
/too lazy and gave up
Mexicans and Bulgarians are the simplest form of unilateralism. Except when the ministry deems sacrificing virgins a redeemable attribute. But only if Harry Potter has a nice set of breasts. Therefore my one time boyfriend Michael might give a nice performance review. Salut.
two friends I used to know hyphenated their names to ...this is true -
If either of those friends is reading right now (which I can't imagine they are) - I apologize for making light of your name. I love you guys.
Anonymous -
im so pissed that the lonely island decided to have a sketch comedy contest on youtube right after I leave boston.
a friend and I have decided to start doing short comedy videos since we have a bunch of ideas that would be really funny shorts, and we were going to start shooting in the fall, but the dudes are like "we are going to have a contest now, before you can make hilarious videos" LAME.
On a completely different subject:
A late congrats to Emelio Estevez and his team. They played very well, and took home the Stanley Cup, although...
Ducks win...but Stanley Cup Ratings Horrible
SadAce, I'm waiting for the sequel.
/love youtube
Nice...those Ducks can sure give a beatdown. about London and the 2012 olympic logo. Check this out.
People are requesting it being changed...and the animation has given some people seizures
2012 London Olympics Logo and Animation
Here's the set up. Knock it out of the park, Palmer.
The Olympic logo reminds me of this.
GO HALOS! and i guess the ducks too. I am happy to have the stanley cup in Anaheim, even though i only watche the last period of the final game this whole season. but hey, it is still kick ass!
I would like to thank dharmalars listener Joe from New York for coming up with a kick ass idea and encourage you all to visit the debate section at . Damn i think i just turned into spam.
Stinging Catepillars?
mmmmmm..........thats what she said!
dear london, welcome to 1985. great logo, folks. you should be really proud. i love the fact that its "animated" and that the people in the video think that street kids will identify with it because it reminds them of graffiti. ugh...
i like the Robin Sparkles video there. Cobie Whatsherface is a good thing.
the logo animations remind me of our beloved Square One.
and the whole "crappy english special effects trying desperately to be cool
" reminds me of this. *warning* do not click unless you're a recent Doctor Who fan or some sort of masochist.
as for caterpillars, i hate them. we used to get gypsy moth caterpillars (and then gypsy moths) all over everything in the northeast. good god, they're disgusting.
oh... and those caterpillars are small, hairy, and can give you a horrible burning sensation?
reminds me of carl from ATHF.
The 2012 Olympics are brought to you by Pogo Ball!
was i supposed to say Ka-Blamo for 69? i fucked up again!
Rose is a former pop star? I've tried to pick up that show. Where should I start? The beginning?
no idea, steph. never seen How I Met Your Mother. some guy at work likes it though. and admittedly Doogie Howser is a funny guy. remember him on Quantum Leap though? what a jerk! poor Dr. Sam Beckett.
ralph, that site you linked to is a trip down memory lane. pogo balls and battle beasts. oh hell yes.
and, yes, you should have kablamoed the hell out of that 69. not too late. go for it. join the crowd. all the cool kids are doing it.
Wow, finally get to catch up on the blogspot
Hey Ralph, I dreamt that I was driving to the comic store & that it was no longer there lol. Whaddaya reckon that means?
it means that comic books stores is a dying breed and that you need to drive to the comic book store in real life, pick up Madman Atomic Comics #1 and #2 and support your local comic book store and keep the popularity of Madman at an all time high, so that movie continues to move forward and get made.
palmer, I was talking about Doctor Who. Where should I try to pick up? HIMYM is good tv.
I don't know what number we're on because the IT gods are trying to keep me out of the blogspot.
ralph-, is there a way of doing netflix without a creditcard or debitcard? I think I'll call customer service.
Yeah, will do, Ralph.
Hi steph =)
OH STEPH! SOMEONE WHO's INTERSETED IN DOCTOR WHO?!? Now you've awakened the WhoGeek in me :)
I would start with the begining of the new series (from 2005) - the original series ran from 1963-1989 and is a whole different experience - kind of a "Lost in Space", but with LESS $$ - lol (A geek like me loves it but it is very dated).
If you haven't seen Season 1 (it looks like Netflix has the 5 disc set) of the new series from 2005, it's a good place to start. I have REALLY enjoyed the new series, it and Lost are pretty much the only two shows I don't miss. I WOULD start with Season 1 though - there are some of progressive story arcs and references going forward. Plus it introduces who the Doctor is a bit.
Email me if you have any questions.
It looks like Netflix also has a bunch of stories from the original series (from the 70s-80s). Just so it's not confusing this is what the cover of the 2005 DVD looks like.
So, the same girl has been on the entire time? But new Doctors? Eccleston is which number? I really liked him on Heroes.
He's actually got a new companion now (in season 3 that's airing in Brit-land right now), and David Tennant actually started playing the doctor in season 2. In any other show, changing actors in the lead role is quite a risk, but since the idea that the Doctor regenerates is built into the series, people usually look forward to it. Eccleston and Tennant both have really kicked ass IMO.
Including the original series and the 1996 TV movie (starring Paul McGann) Eccleston is #9, Tennant is #10.
Funnily enough, I just came here find out what the Brits among you thought of the most recent Doctor Who episode from this evening?
"Fucking amazing" is what I thought. three good episodes in a row? Not used to that lately.
Steph - old Doctor Who generally means better writing, poor special effects and slower pacing (several episodes per story). Newer ones are generally one shot episodes with better effects (although they can sometimes be pretty ropey) and more easy endings. The last couple of seasons have been largely disappointing, but there's been some amazing episodes in.
Actually if you've never seen it before tonight's episode ("Blink") is a great place to start. It's self contained in the same way you could show Flashes Before Your Eyes to someone who doesn't watch Lost and they would likely enjoy it.
Don't move. Don't turn your back. Don't even blink.
Never before have angels been so creepy.
i missed a doctor who conversation?! oh man. i should have left that damn radiator leaking on the carpet. :)
yeah, mb is on track. start with the Eccleston season. move on to the first Tennant season and then join us in July(?) when the second Tennant season airs on SciFi Fridays.
the new season has been pretty bubble gum but the last two parter was good and i'm hoping to catch the latest episode via the magic box sometime this weekend.
Torchwood was shit on a stick though. gave up two episodes in. i really like John Barrowman though.
/not like that though
Barrowman is back in the Who next week along with Derek Jacobi. This is double excellent, but the episode itself looks like another retread of Ghosts of Mars (as also stolen for The Reavers in Firefly/Serenity)
Wasn't around today, so catching up with the conversation. Here's a few parodies I've seen of the new Olympics logo ... I would say, NSFW, but I hope that no one (besides me) has to do any work this weekend.
Dirty logo
Simpsons Olympics
I'm thinking of picking up Madman, on Ralph's rec. Haven't bought an individual comic in years, just graphic novels or TPBs, but Madman sounds intriguing. I'm also considering the new Buffy series, and the Dark Tower series.
Completely new subject, but the wife and I watched 'The Queen' last night. Thought it was amazing, and I'm not an Anglophile by any stretch. I didn't pay much attention, to be honest, when Diana died, and was wondering if some of our blogspotters from across the pond could comment on the film's accuracy. It was also strange to see Tony Blair as Mr. Popular, knowing that he's leaving office as Mr. Lapdog.
Claudius on Who is very exciting. I just hope it's a good episode not a crappy one. I'm a huge fan of the Coupling guy's episodes (the WW2 two parter with the creepy gas mask kid, and The Girl in the Fireplace). Is his new episode this week or the next?
I'll give Doctor Who a try over the long dry spell that is summer hiatus. Any other suggestions? I'm thinking of getting rid of HBO and Showtime on DirectTV and getting Netflix. Originally, I thought I had to have the cable networks for Sopranos, Weeds, and Big Love. Why not wait a few months and stick them in your queue?
Who wrote up the profiles?
Somebody with a sense of humor.
"The Coupling Guy" is Stephen Moffat - the newest episode I'm typing about (using my enormous penis on the keys) is his one.
If yo're a fan of his work and have a multi region DVD player and the capability of playing back PAL format then check out Press Gang - one of the last really intelligent children's programmes.
re: Dr. Who -
I am just getting ready to use my magic box to get "Blink" - & now I'm super psyched for it after you're endorsement Ghost.
Personally, while I understand the criticisms people have had with some of the new series episodes, I can't really say there are any of them that I wouldn't watch again - I've consistently enjoyed, pretty much all of them - with only minor gripes on certain performances and such. And I thought the previous 2 weeks' Human Nature/Family of Blood 2-parter was off-the-charts awesome. Easily one of the best Who stories EVER IMO.
Oh - and re: Jacobi coming up next week + the return of Captain Jack...rock and f-ing roll. Cannot wait.
we all wrote our own, even though i think that Ryan may have lifted his.
mb, unfortunately, there have been episodes that have kind of stunk it up. russell t. davies likes to raise the stakes impossibly (and absurdly) high and then resolve the issue in 30 seconds or less. the guy can get the actors to act their hearts out with his dialogue though. but give me Moffat over Davies any day.
but you're right, mb, there hasn't been an episode i wouldn't watch again. and i've really liked both doctors.
although, i'd really like them to get more into the Gallifreyan backstory.
oooh! sounds like pizza's here.
that's what i thought ralf. You couldve put them on there without pictures or names and ben's would've screen "biva" (ben the diva) all over the place. hahaha.
screen = screamed
ps - love the podcast! more arguments!
Palmer - I completely agree that Moffat is one of the biggest assets on the new series.
one step closer to 108.
yeah, OK. i know i just posted. but i really need to share this article.
at least it's Prince Phillip and not Jacob the Violent Amish Cabin Dweller.
Does anyone here watch Smallville?
the only TV i am watching right now is reruns of American Gladiators. I have even cut back my Conan viewings. How is Smallville? i know that the creator of Smallville is doing a Flash Gordon series on Sci-Fi. i hope that they dont make Flash Gordon into a teen drama.
i've been known to dabble in the Smallville. my brother got me into it before he moved to California. thanks to the DVR, i've seen most of the past two seasons but haven't seen that much of the previous seasons.
i'm not holding out much hope for Flash Gordon. :(
but i desperately want it to be good.
I watched the first 4 seasons of Smallville, but lost interest.
kim, why do you ask?
nice! glad someone got the kablamo without missing it and having to retcon a kablamo.
No Smallville. But Kyle XY is a cute little show.
SHIRTS!All new high quality shirts are now available.
Perfect for a bathingsuit coverup.
Morning all.
i'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my dharmalars swag. i also ordered the new jayandjack shirt which is worth checking out just for the artwork alone.
will there be 'Lars shirts in addition to the Dharmalars shirts?
and when can i get some shirts with aimee and kim's smiling faces on them?
well, i am really anxious to see how these shirts sell. if we can sell out all the orders, we will be able to do more designs. i do recommend that folks check out the new jay and jack shirt, the design is awesome. I am sure that Sam and Nate would do shirts for TLI! i would buy one.
so, did kim log on, ask a random ass question, and then run for the hills?
What's going to happen to Tony tonight?
Something that's always intrigued/disgusted me- how he gets all the babes? Powerful men are attractive, I suppose. But I dont care how rich and powerful Tony Soprano is, he's repulsive.
Regardless of that, the series finale is sure to be a bloodbath.
Yay violence!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the finale. I sure hope Elias is catching up. I got the feeling he's going to have a hard time avoiding spoilers after tonight.
wow that was a terrible series finale
Gotta speak on The Sopranos tonight, so Elias, stop reading now.
I loved the episode. I bet there's gonna be a ton of bitching and moaning because 'nothing happened', and maybe I will too after a few days to digest, but I thought it was great. That fucking asshole Phil finally got what's coming to him, in one of the all-time great screen deaths. He's had it coming for years, ever since what he did to Joe Pesci in Casino. I bet everyone and his brother is gonna be bitching that, "Well, Phil died, and nothing else happened". But that's how life is ... stuff happens and all your shit doesn't get resolved all at once.
Wish they were coming back next year.
As you can see Casey, I disagree completely...
and p.s., I fully believe that I'm going to be in the minority.
Still drying my tears.
I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. That was feakin awesome.
Wasn't really a sad episode though .. whatchu cryin' about???
I like the way it ended, only because I like to think that, somewhere, these characters and this show is still going on...
But at least we have' John from Cincinnati' in it's place.
It's about surfers.
And features Al Bundy...
So, does anyone think that the shady guy in the diner is about to kill The Soprano clan?
who know anonymous, who knows...
we dont, and we never will
Why was so much time spent with Meadow and her parallel parking skills? Just to screw with us?
lol.... sorry Palmer, I did post and run--but not on purpose. I took Tiger Woods* for a walk, then when I got home swore like a sailor when I realized my car had a flat tire. :( wah, wah.
I asked abotu Smallville because I'd in serious need of something to watch over the summer. I've never watched an episode of Smallville, but heard it was an OK show. I bought the first season DVD--and so far I'm 3 episodes in, and not very impressed. The pilot episode made me laugh--but for all the wrong reasons. I'm hoping things will pick up by disc 2.
*btw, Tiger Woods = my dog.
kim if you have hbo, watch entourage, i really enjoy that show and wish it was longer than 30 minutes.
Personally, I think Entourage is kinda lame. You want something good to watch, check out the first two seasons of Weeds. That's a good show.
As for the big finale. I have to say, I didn't really like the overall episode as I felt that not too much happened on the whole. But I really didn't have a problem with the ending. I watched it with a group of about 12 people and everybody in the room was cursing at the tv when it ended. I was the only one that actually didn't mind. But I definitely think they could've done more with the episode overall. I'm just pissed that leprechaun looking sidekick to Phil didn't get it. That guy always pissed me off.
Let me restate what I just said. I actually quite liked the ending. It was totally out of left field, left a lot to interpretation of the viewer, and in the process really messed with your mind. Robert, you were asking what was the point of Meadow having trouble parking. It was all apart of the game, along with the suspicious looking guy going to the bathroom and the black dudes entering the restaurant. It was all to throw you off and/or lead you to think something was going down. And for all we know, maybe it did...
And as for that John in Cincinnati show. I thought it was totally crap. I can't stand it when a show predicates itself on ambiguity. It tries to make you think it's good soley based on the fact that it's mysterious. Then a mere 10 episodes or so later, you realize it just sucks. For an example, see Carnival.
Anyone got any knowledge of dream interpretation? If so, what the eff is this about:
so, i'm going to collect my OBE from the Queen. However, in order, to get to the Queen, i have to partake in an assault course, which just so happens to be the stairwell in my old house! I get to the top, but, i'm given a sort of moral choice, do i climb up and over the remaining last bannister, or do i stop to give Madonna a hand, and therefore forfitting my place in line to get my OBE?
Please note - i'm not a recovering heroin addict, still on methadone to keep the sweats down...
How'd ya get on with Blink, MB?
I was disappointed that Phil's sidekick didn't get it too, I didn't like him either.
I guess the final ending was kind of a 'fill in the blank' ... end the show how you want to end it. You want him killed? Want him hauled away by the feds? Want him to become the new boss of New Jersey AND New York? There's enough there to support any of those things happening.
Trev, I cried like a baby for nostalgic resons. There were so many references to the past throughout the episode. All I could think about while watching AJ is how young he was when the show started. I know, I'm such a mom.
I agree with what Jordan says. The parallel parking was to build tension.
Kimberley, Big Love is good and Weeds.
I've always found AJ to be such an unlikable twit that it's hard for me to sympathize with him in any way (although I did think that the suicide attempt was very powerful and well-done). It didn't really feel like an ending though ... more like, life going on.
AJ did annoy me a bit but near as much as Meadow. I've tried to like her.
If Tony got whacked we wouldn't have been satisfied. Neither would we if he lived happily ever after. That's why I liked the ending.
Pirates tonight. I think I might finally be in the mood for them.
finally, i will weigh in on the Sopranos finale!
eh, don't watch the show.
kim, it really helps to have a knowledge of DC Comics when you're watching Smallville. lots of silly references to comicdom. i haven't seen the earlier seasons but people seem to like them. i will warn you though. each and every person in the town of Smallville is an idiot but Chloe. and Jonathan Kent is the friggin man. and you'll like that hunky men are always shirtless.
"If Tony got whacked we wouldn't have been satisfied. Neither would we if he lived happily ever after. That's why I liked the ending."
Exactly Steph! That's what I was saying to my friends when they were all freaking out. Had the scene ended with them just sitting there eating dinner, everybody would've been more pissed than now. Had Tony been shot and it ended with the family screaming and crying, that wouldn't have been satisfying either.
And I stick with Weeds as my recommendation for Kim, if she hasn't seen it already. I'm looking forward to season 3 myself.
Anybody care to comment on the following shows that I'm considering starting to watch? Prison Break, Firefly, and Six Feet Under. And if you liked all 3, which is the best?
I wonder how many people canceled their HBO today? None of HBO's 10 or so new shows look terribly compelling quite yet to keep people who just got it for The Sopranos around.
Another show that's good but I always forget about is Rescue Me. If you like the kind of show that features a guy that's a dick and does horrible things but you still root for him for some strange reason ala Sopranos and The Shield then you'll like this show too.
PrisonBreak is good. TeaBag is one creepy bastard. It actually seems to get away with a lot for a network TV show (removal of body parts, unsavory characters, implied prison rape, etc).
I tried watching Firefly but didn't care for it. Which is strange because I like Science Fiction and I like most of the actors (Adam Baldwin, Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, etc) but I'd already seen the characters and stories a hundred times before. Which is probably because I've watched way too much Science Fiction. :)
Six Feet Under is supposed to be good but I've never seen it. Like Peter Krause though. He's usually good in whatever show he's on.
morning all~
i've seen prison break and six feet under, never seen firefly. prison break is more of an edge-of-your-seat-action kinda show and six feet under is more of a family drama-esque. so it's difficult to compare. both good shows though, once i saw one episode, i was hooked.
is that the thred that made the dharmalars shirts?
- My reaction to the Sopranos finale:
mixed nuts.
i was happy with the final scene, its ambiquity and its mundanity.
the problem i had with the episode is that it was like a microcosm of the rest of the season. It was aimless with no momentum. Things, like *spoiler* getting clipped, happened with little foreshadowing and cut to stuff i could care less about like AJ getting bought out by his parents.
I could definitely imagine the lack of drama being Chase's point, but it's not a very profound point. On a show that has played the season long build with shocking cliffhangers, that's used violence as release before, it's also a little dishonest.
All of that said, i'm 80% happy with the conclusion. It was a great show with really strong characters (except Meadow, i hate Meadow) and a lot of interesting stories.
Also, I'm glad *spoiler* got his mug ground into the pavement.
-Shows to catch in the hiatus
*The Wire (the best TV show ever.)
*The Prisoner (the best TV show ever before The Wire came along)
*Six Feet Under (really good, some highs and lows but overall excellent)
*Deadwood (great characters, great playfulness with language, not the strongest large storyline but the characters more than make up for it)
* Homicide (more episodic than these others, and the police procedural has definitely been beaten into the ground but still quite enjoyable)
* Firefly (very derivative like Palmer said, but a strong sense fun that's missing from a lot of media)
-i'm watching Season 2 of Buffy now. I didn't really like season 1 but i'm trying to give it a fair shake.
-i may try out the Shield at some point. Something about the ads for the show make it look like something i won't really like. It looks a little too meatheaded, but i'd probably think the same thing about The Sopranos if i hadn't tried it.
also, i DVR'd the John From Cincinatti show but was TV'd out after the Sopranos. I'm hearing it wasn't very good but please no spoilers.
And that's what I've been waiting for; Andrew's take on last night.
I say there was some forshadowing. "Say goodbye to Grandpa." I was saying goodbye to Grandpa at the time too. And if I can see it coming...
For anyone who's interested, here's HBO's synopsis of the final five minutes of The Sopranos.
"Tony is the first to arrive at Holsten's for a family dinner. He sits in a booth and plays a song on the jukebox, watching the door. Carmela enters and joins him, asking about his meeting with Mink. He tells her Carlo's gonna testify and she takes the news with a sigh. AJ arrives next, complaining about the more mundane tasks of his job but quotes old advice from his father: "Try to remember the times that were good." Meanwhile, Meadow struggles to parallel park outside. Customers come and go - a shady looking guy who's been sitting at the counter enters the restroom. Finally parking the car, Meadow runs inside to join her family, just in time for..."
Good to be back from my mini-holiday. I really don't want to read any posts because I'm 2 episodes behind on the Sopranos.
Recommended summer DVD viewing -
Nathan Barley (crazy British 6-episode sitcom)
The Larry Sanders Show
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Wire
I'd agree with the above if Nathan Barley wasn't an astonishingly bad waste of the acting and writing talent that beget it. It simply wasn't worth the time I spent having my eyes open while it was on.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of my favorite shows along with Arrested Development. If you haven't seen either and you have similar tastes as many on this blogspot, what are you waiting for?!
Stephanie - You're right, that scene definitely had some forecasting going on. They had identified that it was a very small number of gas stations with pay phones in the area and i was waiting for the pop too.
i guess i meant that the event was just lost in the shuffle of all of the random threads of the episode. I've gotten into a bad habit of looking at the clock while watching shows and, like the rest of the season, a 1/2 hour in, i didn't feel the episode getting anywhere, and i was mostly right, it didn't go anywhere definitive.
I'm still happy with the ending. I think i see what Chase was going for and think he pulled it off, i'm just not sure it was the strongest choice.
Like with Lost, i'm happy with people (including me) overanalyzing TV/Movies/Music if it forces producers to make a more complex product. Sometimes the fact that we enjoy something gets lost in the picking apart. so i'll just reiterate that i really liked The Sopranos.
Ghost - re: Dr. Who -
Did FINALLY get to watch 'Blink' - REALLY good - and goddamn scary. I mean f-me, what a kick-ass creepy idea. It seems like I've seen something like it, but I can't think where (x-files?? not sure). But as usual - production was executed beautifully. Watched the Confidential too, and was kinda blown away to find out that the statues weren't statues! NICE costume work!
So yes, I enjoyed the hell out of it - especially for a story without the Doctor (mostly). I was NOT a hater of last years "Love and Monsters" (like I know a lot of people were - and I respect that), but this just kicked so much more ass. The latter part of seas.3 seems to be really shaping up well.
anybody have any exciting summer travel plans?
i'm trying to go on my 1st vacation in 8 years that didn't involve family. i'm trying to get to San Francisco to goof off with friends.
I have jizz news.
Jizz News, lol
So I'm onto Disc 3 in season 1 of Smallville. I think I'm going to stick it out. I've already seen Curb, The Wire, and Entourage. I think Weeds may be my next series. I am also waiting The Lars week 2. I think they're recording tonight, and I hope they'll have an episode up by the late evening.
I wish I could chime in on The Sopranos' discussion, but I haven't watched the show in ages. I watched the finale, and thought the cable went out in the last few minutes!! WTF, but then realized that WAS the end... The surfing show afterwards was a bomb!
Andrew, I do have some travel plans for the summer. I'll be in NYC for July 27-30 to see RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, and in August I'm heading to Liverpool for my grandmother's bday. She's turning 100!
actually, it looks like we are going to be recording on tuesdays.
Hey, sorry Elias - shoulda just said that Barley didn't do it for me. Suggestions for things to watch, you say? It's only fair:
* Children of the Stones (6 episodes)
*Chocky/Chocky's Children/Chocky's Challenge (6 episodes a piece)
* The Stone Tape (one off 1972 spooky BBC drama written by Nigel Kneale)
* Ghostwatch (one off 1992 spooky BBC drama written by Stephen Volk)
* The 4400 (a bit like Heroes, but with an alien abduction bent)
* Brass Eye (6 episodes of the kind of brilliance from Chris Morris and pals that made me, In My Humble Opinion - as previously stated - find Barley somewhat disappointing. However I'm well aware that it has its fans and clearly you are one. Nowt personal, chap)
* Twin Peaks (really, if you're one of our younger viewers you may not have had the chance to find out just why people still talk about this odd series).
* Dark Season (6 episodes from when Russell T. Davies was great)
* Century Falls (6 episodes from when Ruseell T. Davies was REALLY great).
* Ultraviolet (6 episodes - not the Kurt Wimmer Aeon Flux alike, but instead a remarkable British retelling of the vampire mythos in modern London. Turns out that vampires not only don't reflect, they also don't show up on video and their voices don't travel down telephones)
* Chimera (6 episodes - of course this is not available so I don't know why I mentioned it)
* The Prisoner (17 episodes of the original where-the-fuck-am-I-and-what-the
hell's-going-on show - a LOST crowd should love it.
* And Many More Besides
* Really didn't mean to piss you off
* Sorry
kim, what made you stick with Smallville?
smallville freaks me out because everytime Lana starts looking pretty, they zoom out and Clark is eight feet taller than her and she looks like she's 14 or something. ack!
ghostwatch, i'm looking forward to the next season of The 4400. starts here in the US o' A this Sunday.
P, I'm sticking with Smallville, because of the guys at The Tenth Wonder podcast. They have a Smallville podcast as well, and I figured it can't be THAT bad if it's been on since 2001.
Lana (Kristen Kruek) is my homegirl. She's Canadian, I feel I need to support my own. It's tough because she's a horrible actress.
I haven't watched The 4400, but I hear it's a good program...
- Kim, that Rock The Bells show looks pretty awesome. I was really tempted to buy tickets. Wu-Tang, Nas, MF Doom, Mos Def, The Roots, Cypress Hill, Public Enemy, EPMD, The Coup... that's a lot of acts that would be fun to see. I'm sure that, being in New York, some of the surprise guests will be awesome too. Maybe your 100 year old memaw would like to take in a show.
-Smallville is somewhere at the bottom of my list of TV shows to catch up on. But, then again, Buffy was pretty low on that list. Lost hiatus = desperate times.
-looking forward to more 'Lars.
'The 4400' is fun. Very similar to Heroes in that "oops! everybody got teh supahpowahs!" but the reasons and reactions are completely different. a lot more "5 Years Later" than Heroes. worth checking out and it stars William Shatner's son-in-law.
and Megalyn Echikunwoke is teh hot.
speaking of hot:
Katharine McPhee.
but what's up with her having a FORTY TWO year old boyfriend?!
/one of the numbers! sweet.
Seems like Katharine McPhee was dating him during Idol last year.
Andrew, what's up with "You taste like strawberries"? That line from Sawyer was supposed to be a Buffy shout-out.
"I like the way it ended, only because I like to think that, somewhere, these characters and this show is still going on.."
Exactly - I loved the ending. Sopranos never really moved that fast in all its seasons. It was all about the characters and atmosphere and humour. I'm elated that Paulie made it to the end - so many close scrapes, and his Virgin Mary story had me in tears laughing. AJ is a little shit and he hasn't changed. Tony is a bastard who deserved his comeuppance but I'm still happy they left it up in the air.
Steph - having watched the last 8 episodes in 2 weeks there were plenty of emotional moments and nostalgia for the characters and the audience. Lovely stuff.
Ghost - thanks for the show suggestions. Brasseye is unbelievable genius - we still banter about No Effenc and Nonse Sense round here. Apologies for the terse comment earlier.
Stephanie - don't think i'm there yet in my Buffy viewing. i'm only through season 1 which was only about 12 episodes long. I'll keep you abreast.
I'm relieved Paulie made it also. He always makes me chuckle.
The Larry Sander's Show- wow, that brings back memories.
Larry Sanders translates over here and has aged well. Anything with Jeffrey Tambor is good enough for me.
Shandling is a bit prickly in real life though:
Ricky Gervais meets Garry Shandling
thanks for posting that. and it had the Gary Shandling theme song. most excellent. very strange interview and makes you wonder who's in on which jokes. or if they're somehow both being the actual themselves.
Palmer, RE: the surname thing...
Not a fiancee (can't get married except in Canada), my partner and I have been together almost 10 years and are going to expand our family in about a year or so. Having the same surname makes things a lot easier, plus it makes everything seem more connected. More family-ish. I never really liked my last name anyway, so my gift to him is taking his name.
morgan, so to some extent it came down to him having a cooler last name?
congrats by the way. and i'm glad to know it didnt go something like "hell no. i wouldn't take your crappy last name! you're taking mine. its much better." i can imagine that could cause some issues.
did you ever give any consideration to a hyphenated last name or both taking yours?
i remember in middle school having a teacher's aide who was getting married and was planning on randomly changing his and his fiancee's last names to "Nicodemus" or something badass to the point of absurdity like that. not surprisingly, he was big into fantasy books and werewolves. :)
Yeah, his last name is much better. Hyphenating it would sound too absurd. The mayor of LA combined his and his wife's surname to create a completely new name, which was kinda cool, I guess. But I don't put much into last names anyway, it doesn't change who you are.
is anyone around? i'm bored :c(
Just got back from Pirates. It sucked.
The 4400 is still on!? I just assumed it'd been cancelled (frequently a safe assumption).
Elias - it's cool. It's easy to rub people up wrong online - in a real life pub situation we'd get along like a house afire if I weren't an AI chat program with speech synthesis capabilities.
I like 4400. I haven't finished the third season but i am hoping to in time for the premire next week.
I just got back from a screen of Ratatouille. Pixar has done it again. I liked it a lot more then cars. I want say a lot about it but its not just for kids.
I don't know if we're still handing out red cards but red card parents who don't teach their adolescents children how to behave in a movie theater. I believe I've already mentioned how we stopped going to the movies for years because of the bad experience with Scream. That was in the big city. Lately we've been going to the small town movie theater. Well, ten years later the small town teenagers have become heathens just like the big city teens. Our experience at the movies was miserable.
And Pirates sucked. Except for the monkey getting shot out of a canon.
Red cards to annoying kids too. Darn whippersnappers!
Knut turned 6 months old last week.
hey, holli! long time no see. good to have you back.
Knut is the man. maybe Kim and Aimee can get him to guest host TLI sometime soon.
"I'm Kimberley in Toronto."
"And I'm Aimee in Little Rock. Our special guest this week is Knut in Berlin!"
"Butts Charged with Stealing Toilet Paper"
Thanks for the welcome back Palmer.
I've been catching up and I give the premier of the 'Lars a gold star. And I love Aimee's theory (and Sadace's addendum) about why Jack was suicidal.
So has anyone else started those comics Ralph keeps schilling? I read Watchmen last week and really liked it. There's lots of shout-outs to it on LOST, especially in terms of shot composition. But Laurie in Watchmen has to be the single most annoying female in all of literature. I guess I understand Kate's annoyingness better now since Lindeloff is such a big fan.
"Watchmen" is fantastic. Very, very messed up. Good stuff. But I'm not sure if Ralph's read that one yet. Hopefully, Ben will convince him to finish it.
Hopefully, I'll remember to go look for Madman tomorrow night when I'm down the street from the "local" comic store.
good to have holli back amongst us. welcome back holli!
It's not JizzNews, it's SurnameNews!
For some reason I'm just off out of the door for the world premiere of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer in London's Leicester Square.
Help me.
- John From Cincinatti - watched this last night. It was a mess. I'm surprised that the team behind Deadwood could generate such clunky, expository dialogue. Obviously the cast of shitty actors didn't help. Maybe i'm deluding myself, maybe i'm just desperate without Lost, but i'm still slightly intrigued by the plot and i'll probably watch atleast the next 3 episodes. Part of that is my goodwill towards HBO original serieseseses.
- I understand people's problems with Pirates 3, but i guess i'm just soft on a world where people are so nonplussed by the supernatural.
- Lost. just felt like i should mention it.
- Keep meaning to buy a Dharmalars baseball T, probably the only Lost gear i could rock without feeling like i was running around in my underoos.
- Congratulations Morgan on the solid long term relationship.
- There's something romantic about sitting down with your partner and deciding on a brand new last name, especially if it's something badass.
andrew laffsatdanger
ghostwatch, i've been leicester square. way back years ago in high school but i was there. can't really remember any of it though. oops. and i'll gladly be paying for myself and my date to go see the Silver Surfer on the big screen. but then again it is HORATIO FREAKIN HORNBLOWER as Mr. Fantastic. and Alba in spandex certainly doesn't hurt. i think that while a lot of people didnt like The Fantastic Four, i went in knowing it would be a goofy, kid-friendly, comic book movie. so, keeping that in mind, i enjoyed it.
andrew, i liked Pirates 3 too. again, it's just a popcorn movie. there were entire plotlines that didn't really seem to go anywhere but i'm somewhat ok with that.
RE: Price of the Shirts....
I just wanted to clear the air concerning the prices on the shirts. There is a "Ladies" shirt that is a nice fitted tee (American Apparel style) and there is a UNISEX t-shirt that is just your run of the mill t-shirt (Hanes/Fruit of the Loom variety). We could offer Men's fitted tees as well if there was enough interest, but they would cost in the same neighborhood as the Ladies' fitted tees.
still trying to figure out what size to go with. im not a huge guy, but not tiny either. i seem to run between a small or medium depending on the brand. do the shirts run either big or small on the whole?
What I liked about Pirates: the flying monkey (which I already spoke about), the shivering monkey, the monkey pointing a gun at the parrot, Keira looking like she HAS ate a cheeseburger lately. That's about it. Oh and the special effects are great. Davey Jones is hideously beautiful. The music was great as far as I could tell with my untrained ear.
What I didn't like: After all this time Orlando can't grow proper facial hair. The boy can't act his way out of a paper bag but for some reason I like him. The opening when they all were supposed to be in Singapore felt so soundstagey to me. The action was so tight that I couldn't tell what was going on. I couldn't remember nor did I care why Elizabeth and Will were on the outs. What happened to the Cracken? None of us could figure that part out. The multi-Jack was silly an annoying.
Maybe I would have enjoyed the film better if it hadn't been such an uncomfortable experiece with the young lady's seat squeaking behind me and my husband asking her if she knew the reason the sound is so loud in theaters was because of people like her and the manager coming in asking if the boys in the back making so much noise wanted to leave so the rest of the audience could enjoy the movie. It was just a bad movie-going-experiece. Makes me want to stay at home.
Dang, I didn't realize I was writing a thesis on Pirates 3.
I plan to order my t-shirt Friday.
Steph, I like your husband for pulling a George Costanza and standing up to the brat.
Generally the only movies that we'll see in the theaters are ones that come to the local IMAX screen. The crowd seems to be a little bit more serious, even if we're seeing a total popcorn movie (maybe because if you're there to goof off you're not gonna spend 12 bucks a film). Even there, we're only seen 2 or 3 theater films in the past 2 years. Having a big TV at home and a busy Netflix account helps with that.
Nate - thanks for the t-shirt info. I've got all 3 J&J tees and can't wait to add a Dharmalars. I'd add that I like the fabric of the blue t-shirt better than that of the black ones. Just my 2 cents.
LOST question -- whose Flash Back and whose Flash Forward do you want to see first in Season 4?
For flashback, I'll say Dr. Eyeliner. I'd be happy with Ben too. Not real interested in seeing original Lostaway flashbacks anymore.
For flashfoward ... tougher one to answer, because I'm not sure where the story is going. I'll say Locke, with the rationale that he's a pretty pivotal character, whether it's present, past, or future.
If they give Dr Eyeliner a flash forward to the year 3000, my head will officially explode.
Sweaty Kevin Bacon, the shirts at Sam and Nate (or Nate and Sam?) have charts with the dimensions of the shirts of different sizes. Find someone with a sewing kit and borrow a cloth tape measure and see which would fit best on you.
What if Dr. Eyeliner flashes back 3000 years Palmer? What happens to your head then?
And does Dr. Eyeliner have 4 toes or 5 per foot?
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