Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It’s Just Like Torture

Only THREE more Wednesdays left before the Season 3 (Pod Two) premiere of that one show we used to watch.


Anonymous said...

Kinda feels like it's gone by much faster than I originally thought it would. Strange.

aimee is lost said...

Yeah, it sort of did. I can't believe today is the ninth Wednesday without Lost. Of course the holidays helped speed it along. I wish all off-seasons were during the winter.

Anonymous said...

Mmm, true. Exams also helped. I must say though, I LOVE not having Lost during the holidays-because otherwise I'd be having a huge dilemma of whether to go home or not, and frankly, I don't think my parents would be too keen on that.

Ok, I wouldn't have a HUGE dilemma, but I'd be regretting every Wednesday of my holiday, which is not fun.

Jimmy said...

It is hard to believe it's just around the corner. I'm looking forward to it, naturally.

Ralph- said...

maybe the new season will light some fires under some people to put out podcasts. i know that i will be making a podcast sometime this coming week

aimee is lost said...

I miss the 'Lars with Ralph & Bullwinkle.

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! Podcasts!!! YEAH yeah!!!

Ralph- said...

we will have our Price is Right one up soon, then we are back into LOST

aimee is lost said...

What's "Lost"?

Mike Campbell said...

Lost is dead. Its been too long. Hang up the towell and hitchhike somewhere else.

I am pritty excited for the new episodes to start. 24, Lost and Heroes. Should be a good few weeks. Its been kinda lame without new stuff. House is pulling a Lost. It had been three weeks since a new episode and they were like new episode tonight. Then they showed the preview for the next episode and its not for three weeks. luckly i am not too hooked to that show.

aimee is lost said...

I've seen a few episodes of House, and enjoyed them.

Ralph- said...

i liked House 2: The Second Story, that shit was funny.

Stephanie said...

ralph-, that tickled me.
Aimee, go subscribe to SceneUnseen now. They are crude, sexist pigs. You'll love them. I have a huge crush on Jimmy(unseen).
I've finally got my best friend hooked on Lost. So, I'm getting excited again. I can't believe I'll actually have a real friend to discuss the show with.

Anonymous said...

Plus sceneunseen was in the Apple staff's top 100 podcasts for the year - if that means 'owt.

Kim, i like that you thought fat woman-hole thing was funny, but did you see the beer picture i posted on the last thread? What do you think - marketable?

aimee is lost said...

I guess Steph's "fake friends" aren't cutting it anymore.

Anonymous said...

'Fake friends'? did i miss something?

aimee is lost said...

She got a friend hooked on Lost, and was happy that she has a "real friend" to talk about the show with.

Anonymous said...

I see - i quite like the idea of fake friends. Saves hassle doesn't it!

Anonymous said...

Good news for Kim and Aimee,

Matthew Fox loves to walk around naked lying to people!

And a Canadian link too. Just for our friend up north.

aimee is lost said...

See what I'm talking about? If he doesn't mind showing off his goods, why would he mind Kim showing off hers?

Anonymous said...

Good link palmer. However, it did provide me with the news that Yvonne De Carlo, star from the Munsters, has died at age 84. I for one, would like to take this opportunity to give thanks for making me slightly less bored between the ages of 8 and 10 during the summer break from school by being in a sort-of-alright tv show.

Anonymous said...


"Matthew Fox and an unidentified Toronto woman were arrested downtown today wearing only Fedoras. When asked to comment, the woman said 'Honestly, I'd prefer Josh Holloway. But all he wanted to do was talk about his wife.'"

Anonymous said...

aw. i loved the Munsters. They managed to take what was essentially a pastiche of fads and made great television. Lily Munster was a pretty awesome TV mom too.
I love a lot of those 60's TV shows though. Munsters, Monkees, Addams Family, Bewitched, Get Smart... so much better than the boring-group-of-people-living-together sitcoms we've had for the past 40 years.
I just used a christmas gift card to order Vol. 1 of The Addams Family DVDs, awesomeness awaits.

Podcasts i listen to:
Lost Initiative
Jay & Jack
Lost Lowdown
-Other TV:
That's What She Said (The Office)
and i plan on trying some Battlestar Galactica casts as soon as i catch up with the series (currently on Season 2 Disc 3)
Scene Unseen
-Comic Books
indie Spinner rack
Around Comics
Comic Timing
I Read Comics
Comic Geek Speak
Uncanny X-Cast
This American Life
Spooky Southcoast
The Lynn Cullen Show

i like shows that have strong structures so i don't listen to people talking about the ins and outs of podcasting instead of the topic at hand. top 5 lists are always winners. trivia questions are also good.


Jimmy said...

Well for the record I used to date a girl who looked like Butch Munster!

Please take into account 80's haircuts, "The Cure", "Fright Night" etc...

Jimmy said...

I'm also going to predict that Paulo will be killed by another major character, who is not an Other.

The scenario would be something like:

Jack is forced to choose by the Others who to kill, and as no one really gave a shit about Paulo, he gets it. Does this make sense...I'm still tired.

Half day at work here. It's a snow day.

I can hearby announce that my part in the Price is Right episode is now in production. I can hear the applause from here ;)

Jimmy said...

I'm also going to predict that Paulo will be killed by another major character, who is not an Other.

The scenario would be something like:

Jack is forced to choose by the Others who to kill, and as no one really gave a shit about Paulo, he gets it. Does this make sense...I'm still tired.

Half day at work here. It's a snow day.

Anonymous said...

ha ha, Butch Munster sounds like a terrible alterna-rock band resigned to playing on tuesday nights at the local bar. Their drummer isn't really into it because drummers are in demand and he has a couple other "projects" in the works. They just got another bass player because their last 2 ended up quitting when their night school classes started to interfere. The singer and the guitarist both hooked up with the 2nd hottest waitress at the bar but they don't know yet. powder keg. They're planning on hooking up a myspace page one of these days but they're going to wait until they get their demo recorded and they have to deal with breaking-in the new bassist right now. They play a couple of originals but their biggest "hit" is a cover of White Zombie's 'Thunder Kiss 65' which they learned by playing Guitar Hero. They're good people.


Anonymous said...


As for your Beer label, I thought it was very funny... but you put it on a Budweiser bottle, and as a Canadian it's my duty to tell you I am very offended. Drinking Budweiser is like drinking a glass of tap water. If find it amusing when American tourists come to our Canadian bars and think they can hack it with our Canadian beers. It's like trying to watch a baby deer walk for the first time. Our Beer is like Moonshine.


Also amusing future fake news, I laughed out loud when I read it. Really, am I the only one that notices Holloway has to metion his wife in EVERY interview he does?!?


Again my evil sense of humour strikes again. Why didn't they stomp those grapes on the ground? It was a recipe for disaster, LOL!!!!

Mercy. Okay that's all for now

aimee is lost said...

No hablo espanol; can someone translate that article? I'm assuming it said something about Paulo's demise. I'm giddy with anticipation.

Anonymous said...

try - it's fairly close.


I understand what you mean about the beer. sorry aboot that.
Personally, i'm a bit of a beer officianado - i found the holy grail of beers the other day at ASDA (owned by wal-mart) - it was a litre can of danish lager called Taxe - a whole fucking litre! And it only cost £1.80! It wasn't too weak either - after two, i'm pretty sure i had a conversation with myself about blueberry jam.

Anonymous said...

Translating that article is Portugueasy thanks to BabelFish.

According to the translation, Pablo says he's going to die but won't say HOW it happens so it's basically completely useless. But it IS in Portuguese so that's a bonus.

Ralph- said...


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I wish I could buy liquor at Walmart or the Grocery store. I'd have to move to Quebec to do that... crazy Frenchies

I can't stand white wine, but I foldly remember drinking it on my limited budget. There was a little shop beside a Sainbury's where every weekend I'd pick up a few bottles for £1.49 each!

The article talks about Paulo dying... did it say anything about Nikki's death?? Jimmy, I like your theory that Jack is going to sacrifice him to the Others... If we're to believe that Paulo was on the island from the crash then the writers can say Jack thought Paulo was lazy and useless--therefore expendable. Nikki would be the only one to miss Paulo--so we can off her too.

Stephanie said...

Did anyone read that "10 Step Program" for Lost on lostlinks back several months ago? One step said to pledge to spend more time with REAL friends than FORUM friends. So, that's what I was talking about. I didn't mean you guys were my fake friends.

Mike Campbell said...

silly work. the blog was busy today good job everyone. I'm going to have to say lets keep Paulo around. I enjoy watching someone smash fruit. haven't seen galiger in awhile so i needed to see that.

Ralph - finally saw Crank. It was good stuff. I loved the scene that you posted everywhere. it was great.

Has anyone seen childern of men, keep hearing good things about it but i thought the preview looked kinda lame, guess i am a poor judge of character :)

Stephanie said...

OMG, Wesh, The Departed is the best movie I have ever seen in my entire life! Go tomorrow and see it.
I would love to see Children of Men. It looks good.

Mike Campbell said...

steph did you see the movie it was based on. Its called Infernal Affairs. I haven't seen Departed but that movie was a grand old time!

casey_donahue said...

I plan on seeing pans labrynth tomorrow, very excited about that

also I picked up a wii today, very excited about that. they didnt have zelda though so I picked up far cry

Stephanie said...

Haven't seen Infernal. I'd really like to start watching more Asian films, like Infernal, 7 Samurai, and more anime. I need Netflix.
Maybe nobody will find this interesting, but the guy that plays Helo on BSG has the same birthday as I do- the highlight of my day!
Oh, and I'm not quite qualified for that job I wanted. So the director told me to keep my eye out. At least I learned that I don't have to spend my time, energy, or money on college when the company will give me the training I'll need.

Ralph- said...

Pan's Labyrinth is amazing!

Wiis are tight.

Crank is the shit.

um...something else.


casey_donahue said...

ralph on the pan's labrynth website you can listen to the full score, its a very good one too

Anonymous said...

Children of Men is the best movie I've seen this year... that doesn't say much, considering it's Jan 13th, but seriously AMAZING movie. The Departed definately a great movie--one of my new favs.

Stephanie said...

I meant 12 step program.

aimee is lost said...

I don't have a Lost addiction problem. I can quit anytime I want.

Mike Campbell said...

I want to see Pan's they gotta fricken release to other markets!!

Datty Mike said...

Pan's labyrinth was my fave film of 2006, horrific yet also enchanting. There was a point when i was watching the film when a woman next to me squealed "god, he's gonna sew his own face up!". that made me spit cola all over my legs in laughter, during what should have been a very tense scene.

Podcasts i listen to (other than the usual LOST ones):
KCRW's morning becomes electic (good for discoving new music)
Mark Kermode's film review
New Scientist podcast
Russell Brand (brilliant stand up comedian's radio show)
stuff mags podcast (gagets, technology, etc)
Adam & Joe's xfm podcast (brilliant comedy as previously mentioned by jellyman)
The Chequered flag (F1 podcast)

Ralph- said...

casey, thanks for the heads up, i am gonna go check it out. That lulaby that mercedes sings is gonna make me weep

casey_donahue said...

by the way my wii# is 7910 5308 0827 0744 for anyone with wiis who would like to add me

Anonymous said...


children of men was SOOOO good, i couldnt belive it.

Im going to see curse of the golden flower tonight, it also looks very good.

and also, the Office last night made me wanna fall over it was so funny,

"fool me once... strike one..... fool me twice....... strrrike three.."


Stephanie said...

Yeah Wesh, that's exactly what I'm talkin about. I just watched The Last Kiss. It stunk. Zach Braff needs to stick to comedy.

I just finished the season 2 dvds of The Office and was all psyched for some Office hilarity last night. For some reason I was disappointed. The Ryan and Stanley stuff was good but that's about it. There's no way Dwight would leave that office without a fight to the death. This is the second time today I posted this so I apologize to Wesh if he has to read it twice.

Ralph- said...

Michael Scott's RObot friend was awesomely awesome.

Mike Campbell said...

Has anyone seen Dreamgirls? John Krasinski was in it for about five minutes with two lines. But it was nice to see him. The film was kinda dragging at the point he came in and it was nice to see him.

Stephanie said...

Looks like John Krasinski has alot of roles coming up. Also, he has his own movie he wrote and directed.

Mike Campbell said...

The movie he is writing and directing is baised on a David Foster Wallace bbok. That writer has some issues he needs to work out.

Aimee - I dare you to read Infinite Jest. See how far you can get into it. I will mail you the 16 bucks to buy it. I only know one other person who has finished it. But i would love to talk to you about how messed up it is.

Stephanie said...

Mike, this looks like some heavy shit. It's not comedy? Or is it dark comedy?

aimee is lost said...

I fear no book, Mike. Keep your fourteen dollars!

Mike Campbell said...

Then prove yourself Miss Little Rock. I can't wait to hear what you think.

Mike Campbell said...

Steph - Its set in the semi future but its not really sci-fi. Its just fricken strange and intense. It focuses on different people around the same area. I wish i could recomend it but it took me two years to finish cause i would get so angry at the book. But Aimee is beyond hardcore so i think she is up for the challenge.

Stephanie said...

Well, I definately wouldn't read it. I couldn't get through the Da Vinci Code. I think I'm ADD when it comes to reading. I'll wait for the movie.

The Dharmalars said...

You guys are the first to know.

Check out our Blog!


casey_donahue said...

so I saw pan's labyrinth tonight, I thought it was awesome, sad though, and it was annoying in the very beginning of the film in the theater cause most of the people groaned once they realised it was in spanish, I don't understand how someone doesn't know they language of the movie before they see it

Ralph- said...

that was like the time that this elderly couple walked out of A Scanner Darkley at the 5 minute mark. seriously? what do you think you are going to see?

casey_donahue said...

same thing happend to me when I saw scanner darkley, my biggest pet pieve is probably uninformed movie goers, and improperly projected movies, but I am a projectionist so that might just be me

casey_donahue said...

i just came upon this, check out the videos they for it tigger apparentlly punches a kid in the face and the attorney video is awesome, check it out in all of its ridiculousness

casey_donahue said...

ah shit heres the link

Stephanie said...

Tigger is innocent. That was not an intentional punch. You could hardly call that a punch. That kid needs his ass beat.

Mike Campbell said...

yeah some people walked out of borat when i went to see it. come on now they didn't know what it was about?

Anonymous said...

The wonderful thing about Tiggers is that Tigger just owned that kid.


Interesting. Mildly.

Mike Campbell said...

Go Pats!!!!

casey_donahue said...

thats what im talkin about mike

Mike Campbell said...

Looks like lost might have a season like 24 next year. Which i think would be a good thing. It would be a long wait but it would be worth it. Or split it in half. 11 episodes in the fall in a row then 11 episodes in the spring in a row. WHatever they decide we will watch though

Anonymous said...

What's 'Lost'?

Anonymous said...

same sort of story but it suggests we'll get 7 seasons all told (too long in my opinion)

i think determining the number of seasons/episodes is a great step. The writers will be able to plan the big payoffs and they can stop leaving plot threads because they're afraid they'll write themselves out of material.

More American TV should cap their number of episodes. It doesn't really make sense financially i guess, but TV would be much better artistically and maybe that would bring more viewers.


Ralph- said...

i getting fired up on the return of LOST you guys. there has been so much activity on the boards. i am ready to do this. Super Bowl is only a few weeks away and LOST is 3 days after that, for 17 weeks straight. this is gonna kick ass!

Ralph- said...

4 toed statue

Jimmy said...

I feel the same Ralph,

Things are moving. We have to work, Lad. Work!

Mike Campbell said...

as am i ralph. With 24 back on it should keep me happy until i have my other favorite show back. And soon all the other shows i started to like this season will return.

I like heroes but i am not crazy about it like a lot of other people. I am excited for Studio 60 to return.

Mike Campbell said...


Sorry i am an award show sucker.