Friday, January 05, 2007

The Mind is Fragile.



aimee is lost said...

I'm hungry now.

Stephanie said...

I don't know what to make of this.

Aimee, are you and Kimberley doing Jay and Jack's podcast? Or was that an invitation?

Anonymous said...

Is that supposed to be a burger?

Stephanie said...

Ok, on The Office the other night, Darryl found the iPod speaker thing in the warehouse. What did that mean? Did I miss something?

Mike Campbell said...

yeah steph i didn't get that either. i was wondering if it was a bribe from michael or something. it might have been a scene in the extended version on iTunes.

Mike Campbell said...

Heres a cool interview with Aimee's "Dream Man" :) Sorry i still love calling him that. Please no hate aimee

Sorry i can't figure out that cool way of linking :(

Ralph- said...

if i were to eat that burger, i would lose some teeth. knowing that, i still wouldnt pass up a burger. i am worse than Wimpy when it comes to that shit, except i wouldnt pay you tuesday.

aimee is lost said...

Steph, I'm not sure what you're referring to re: Jay and Jack...did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

Ya, I'm also out of the loop on that thing. But Aimee and I have recorded part 2 of Girl SaS, and I'm going to upload it this weekend.


aimee is lost said...

I can't wait to hear the final product on that one, especially the Matthew Fox discussion. You're such a chicken, Kim.

aimee is lost said...

Steph, I just listened to Jay & Jack's new episode, and finally got what you were talking about. Kim sounded just as surprised, so it sounds like they sort of just threw the invite out.

We should post our skater vs. jater arguments here, but I don't know when they're recording for that ep.

Ralph- said...

i listened to that episode also, are you sure they were not talking about Kim and Chris from the Lostchicks Podcast?

aimee is lost said...

No, they mentioned both of us. After they invited the Lost Chicks, Jay also said "Kim-dot from t-dot and Aimee from Little Rock; the Lost Initiative chicks". He didn't really say anything else though, so I don't know if they just want us to email them or what.

Anonymous said...

Aimee, Kim...

E-mail Jay about it if he's been too lazy to e-mail you. I'm going to listen to their Jater/Skater podcast and it'd help to have you two voices of reason there. Who are these "LostChicks?" I'm scared.

Protect me.

Stephanie said...

When I heard Jay mention all you guys doing a podcast I thought, "Good luck getting 6 people together."

aimee is lost said...

They record so often, I have no idea when this would even be done. If they were talking about another SkypeCast, it's really difficult to have more than 3 or 4 people talking at the same time, much less being able to schedule it.

Anonymous said...

"The Lost Chicks" are 2 other girls who podcast about Lost. (One girl also named Kim...) They're ok, don't be scared, lol!

editor said...

I ate one of those today.

Scott and Steve said...

Is that Samurai signature meant to make people think I posted this?

Japanese Peat

Anonymous said...

I have to say - that looks rubbish. And the bits on top are supposed to sesame seeds! Rubbish.

aimee is lost said...

I didn't post the legoburger, and I assumed that Japanese Pete did.

The new girl-cast is out on iTunes on Kimberley's Pop Junk feed!

Benjamin said...

Someone answer the question about the iPod in the warehouse, because that's been driving me bonkers!