Monday, January 15, 2007

How Long Will LOST Last?

T.V. Guide has the story here.
What do you guys think?


Ralph- said...

as long as it does not last so long that it is retarded. if they make it shorter than they will be able to jam pack each episode with forward story telling, with little bullshit. Cut the fat! i say, go for it. i like the show.

i wish that arrested development continued on, but i am glad it never reached 'lame' status.

casey_donahue said...

I know I loved the x files, and right after the movie when mulder left the show sucked, I think the show will have a same effect if they go longer than what the lindelof and cuse think it should

I say its a good move

Mike Campbell said...

As long at it stays good i will continue to watch it. I will continue to watch it if it becomes total crap too though. But i am kinda excited for the zombie season. Even when a show has gone on too long it still has a few amazing episodes that make it all worth it.

Mike Campbell said...

If you guys didn't see you should check out Sacha Baron Cohen's acceptance speech for his golden globe win!! Amazing

casey_donahue said...

god damn greys anatomy

Mike Campbell said...

Grey's is so over rated. 24 had its best season last year and it was in its 5th year. I wish to declare war on Grey and her friggen anatomy

casey_donahue said...

I second the motion

Stephanie said...

To me, this shows Lindeluce's commitment to produce a quality show. Hopefully, Lost will go out on a good note and the producers will be signed to do another show. I bet they've got more tricks up their sleeves. What I've learned from Battlestar Galactica is, there are other good shows out there. Lost isn't just it. Life will go on.

Stephanie said...

My thoughts as I watched a few minutes of The Globes- I wish my skin was as tight as Clint Eastwood's. That America girl's speech made me cry, and every female in the audience. Did Evie win?

Stephanie said...

Kevin Bacon's wife beat out Evie.
Marty won best director!

Anonymous said...

I am sad Lost and Evie didn't win...but really mad that The Fountain didn't win best score. I have not heard all the other scores nominated, so I guess I'm not the best judge, but I thought Clint Mansel (sp?) score for the fountain was one of my favorites of all time.

Anyone else see The Fountain (Daren Aronofsky's latest movie). I really liked it, I love Rachel Weis, and I loved the music. It is a little out there and artsy, but still great in my opinion. Although my wife didn't like it.

- SadAce

casey_donahue said...

I was happy for marty but I think he just wants his oscar already

Mike Campbell said...

Clint's score are always amazing. well i only have his PI and Requem and those still blow my mind.

casey_donahue said...

I love the requim score

Anonymous said...

mike campbell - you definitely need to check out the Fountain score will like it.

- SadAce

Starline said...

2 more seasons.

Ralph- said...

if they did 99 episodes and LOST "End Game" motion picture, that would be cool!

Mike Campbell said...

if they canseled lost this season and didn't explain everything then we would know what its like to watch HBO and Fox

Ralph- said...

i already know what it is like to watch FOX...and i hate it.

did you guys see that pic of sawyer with the gun? nikki and paulo are hanging out in the backround.

Anonymous said...

I don't like it when you buggers talk about programs i don't watch, so....
I'm gutted that The O.C. has been cancelled, because i can't look at the pretty girls whilst my missus cries over cast members dying and whatnot.
However, I'm excited about the fact that Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps is about to start shooting a new series! Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

- already said, but i'm glad Lost is getting a game plan, hope it empowers the writers to write the hell out of the thing.

- all caught up with Battlestar Galactica as of 4pm today (thanks internetica). Awesome all the way through. i still find Lost more intriguing subjectwise but BSG sure crams a lot into an hour, consistently.

- i DVR'd the last two nights of 24 but i'm not sure i really want to get into this season. Last season was my first and it was really good (for the most part) but exhausting.

- i loved arrested development straight out of the gate, but then, because i was busy and Fox kept monkeying with the airtime, i missed an episode, and decided that i couldn't watch new episodes because i'd miss a lot of the references and they're often the funniest parts. I caught up on DVD and it was awesome, but season 3 got a little ridiculous when the creators became aware of the show's imminent demise.

- listened to the 'Lost' dharmalars episode yesterday thanks to the new feed. supreme as always. i love the fact that Ben relays everything producer Ryan says. Looking forward to the Price Is Right episode. I used to watch Price Is Right every day after pre-school. My favorite episode was one where they had a Dracula theme for one of the showcase showdowns. I bet it was really, really, really lame. Used-car lot Rod Roddy was Dracula with the mom-jeans beauties. i was obsessed with Dracula at the time and it blew my little mind.

- Winter might have finally hit Pittsburgh today. It keeps snowing really hard but isn't really sticking. It's long overdue but i'm still not ready.

- Is there going to be a new Lost clip show on Jan 31st?

- Listening to the Emerald Forest soundtrack today. I don't listen to a lot of OSTs but do really like a few.


Mike Campbell said...

andrew go ahead and watch 24. the first four of this season are better then last season, which is saying something.

Is anyone going to give into the beast and watch american idol tonight? Last year two friends in college used my tivo to tape it. And sadly i got hooked. its taking all my will power not to tape it but i have a feeling i might give in. But i will feel bad about it.

Anonymous said...

Man, I never thought I'd be so pumped about LOST ending. I'm glad they can keep up the pace they want and end it on their own terms. I'd hate for it to just peter out like Twin Peaks did.

Mike Campbell said...

Ralph we can only hope the first episode is as good as further instructions :)

Stephanie said...

I'm burnin up with Idol Fever. Hooked from the intro. Can't wait to see B'ham on tv. It's biggest thing to hit this town since the hosings and police dogs of the 60's.

Casey, have you seen this?

Mike Campbell said...

steph i had heard about that when they put out the orginal call for it. I am excited for it. but i liked it a lot more when it was called project greenlight :)

Jimmy said...


So nice, the Birmingham memories. The pints. The canals. The pork scratchings. Banks' Best Bitter. Duran Duran. Aston Villa....

Oh sorry, wrong Birmingham.

Stephanie said...

Awe, jimmy, Duran Duran. Takes me back to my pre-teens. My first obsession.
Tomorrow night on Idol, Seattle. Simon says it's the worst town ever. It's surely to be great television.

casey_donahue said...

steph, I did see that and I am actually working on a short to submit to the competition

Stephanie said...

Wow, Casey. That's great! Good luck.

Stephanie said...

Casey, I've always meant to check out your podcast. I will.
I just remembered. A promo for this new show aired during Idol. It's Nathan Fillion's new show produced by Tim Minwhatever(Joss' partner).

mrlerone said...

Jellymanianos, Two Pints of Lager is the worst TV show ever made! I do sometimes watch it though, to convince myself that there really is nothing on TV worth watching and that I should go to bed. The most hideous out-dated one dimensional sexual stereotypes, the terribly predictable plots, the fact that it keeps that chap who did Fame Academy in pies for the foreeeable future. Horrible.

I don't watch Eastenders though. I like the OC.

Anonymous said...

Mrlerone, you couldn't be more wrong! It is shite, but it makes me laugh, and that says it all really. I am truly one-dimensional.
On a lighter note, Dirk Benedict is in Big Brother over here, cigars an all. Genius.

aimee is lost said...

Wow, I disappeared for a few days and the blog has gone crazy.

- I've watched a few episodes of the OC because my brother sometimes made me watch it while he was living with me. Not groundbreaking entertainment, unless you like to look at hot young caucasians with money.

- I'm seriously considering BSG, since I trust most of your opinions, and several of you seem to like it. Which seasons are on DVD?

- Cuselof have said from the beginning (in several interviews) that they only intended for about five seasons, so I'm glad to see them sticking to their guns. It's better to go out on a high note, and I'm glad that ABC is sort of seeing that now. I hope it works out.

- I saw that commercial for "The Lot", and was grateful for something different. I'm not really a music person, yet I still watch AI every year like a sucker. This is like AI for filmmakers, so being a movie buff, I'll enjoy this one probably a lot more.

- Boo Kyra Sedgwick. Boo Grays Anatomy. Zach Braff was funny at the GGs, I'm glad Sacha Baron Cohen showed up as himself and not as Borat. Could these freaking speeches BE any longer?? Holy crap. Zzz zzz zzz...

- Brian left yesterday, so please keep him in your thoughts and wish him well over there. Right now, he's somewhere over the Atlantic ocean. I had a dream last night that burglars broke into my house and I was shooting at them.

Mike Campbell said...

awe aimee i am sorry. I know time table are complete rubbish but do they have an idea of how long he will be gone?

Aimee don't give into the BSG, or hold out a few more weeks. i am almost done season 6 of the west wing then one more and we could marathon it different states. ok i guess you can start it whenever. But i need you to start Infinite Jest.

aimee is lost said...

Four months is the alleged duration, so it shouldn't be so bad. The Air Force does it a lot better than the Army, which goes for a minimum of 1 year. Of course, the President is famous for starting shit while Brian is gone, causing him to be stuck over there for 8 months instead of 4, so we'll see.

I'm getting into the classics at the moment; just finished reading Treasure Island which was awesome, and now I'm on The Count of Monte Cristo. I wrote Infinite Jest on a post-it note and stuck it to my computer screen, so I'll pick that up on my next trip to B&N.

Minneapolis Ryan said...

A few points:

-The golden globes have left me both furious and a bit baffled. Are grey’s anatomy and ugly Betty good shows? Because for some stupid reason people like to watch them rather then other better shows. Now this being a LOST blog most people here will be biased, but I would like for someone who likes either of these shows to tell me why they deserved a golden globe, and other dramas and comedies like the office, which is just getting better and better, and the other multitude of dramas out their that were passed up.

Oh I’m pissed.

Yes, i was also rooting for the Fountain's score, the movie itself was great to look at, the score was REALLY good, but the story could have been so much more.

thats also somehow grey's fault that they didnt win best score...

Ralph- said...

with all bias aside, LOST is techniclaly a better show than greys anatomy. the writing is better, the acting is better.

Greys SUCKS!

aimee is lost said...

I'll take Dr. McFoxy over Dr. McDreamy any day of the week.

Ralph- said...

me too. that show is lame. it is Sex in the City in a hospital.

aimee is lost said...

The only medical "drama" I enjoy is Scrubs.

Minneapolis Ryan said...

UGH, Screw Grey's.... AHHHHH

i would say that ER. and House are Ok shows, thier not super or anything, but Hugh Laurie has such good witt and just makes me laugh.

But i do agree, scrubs is the shit...

Most of the people i know who like grey's talk about how good the acting and the story line is... maybe they just dont like polar bears eh?

Stephanie said...

Aimee, I'll remember Brian in my prayers as well as this Iran thing.
BSG- Start with the miniseries, that's what they call the pilot. Don't expect much from it, it's ok. The episode after it is 33. It's my favorite so far, along with the one where Starbuck and Apollo beat the hell out of each other. So very dramatic. I've figured out why I enjoy this show so much- the stakes- I feel like I, myself have a stake in the series. It's all about the survival of the human race.
You have seasons one, 2.0, and 2.5 on DVD, along with the miniseries. Season 2.5 is the second half of last year. Season 3.5 will start this Sunday at 9 central. I have a link to stream every episode but I don't have it at the moment.
Scrubs musical tomorrow night! I've been hearing about this thing for months. "Guy Love" brought tears to my eyes. What I love about THIS show is, besides the quirky humor, is the friendship between JD and Turk.