Saturday, January 20, 2007


Cast your vote & discuss your favorite episode (from any season). The reminiscing will help.


aimee is lost said...

Any episode where Sawyer takes his shirt off. Oh wait, that's all of them.

In that case, I'll have to think about it..

1. Live Together, Die Alone (2x24)- All around awesome episode.

2. Do No Harm (1x20)- the death of Boone & birth of Aaron.

3. Exodus (1x23)- Multi-character flashbacks, and superemotional.

4. The 23rd Psalm (2x20)- Probably the best flashback story by far.

5. The Long Con (2x13)- A wonderful "new sheriff in town" premise, if only they'd have followed through on it.

Stephanie said...

I'm at work and can't see the picture, but The Hunting Party always comes to mind when I think about the one I enjoyed the most. Not for the Jack flashback, but The Other's scared the hell out of me. The pilot was great. It could have been an feature film almost. Two For The Road was sweet too. Finally, we got rid of what's her name. One Of Them was greatly entertaining.
My least favorite- Abandoned, Adrift, Further Instruction

Jimmy said...

Maternity Leave -

The first "Island flashback", info actually was revealed, girls in tank tops, and Henry Gale starts fucking with Locke!


casey_donahue said...

Deus Ex Machina, the final scene is the most emotional scene in the whole series

least favorite fire + water, nothing useful came out of that episode at all and was straight up boring

Darryl Cunningham said...

Best episode: Numbers. Hurley flashback, in which the sheer strangeness of the show first began to reveal itself. Has a kicker final shot.

Worst episode: Fire and Water. Appalling dream sequences and heavy-handed religeous symbolism. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with casey d about my #1...

1. Deus Ex Machina - I rewound and watched the last 15 minutes of that episode like 8 times the original night it played, with Boone getting on the plane, the radio signal, the plane falling, and the best scene in Lost with John on the top of the hatch crying til the light turned on.

2. Live Together, Die Alone - I agree with Aimee...all around great. Side note about the episode...I know it was kind of an inside joke, but I have a feeling the Hurley bird is more significant and we'll see more of it. who know's

3. Numbers - I love the Hurley episodes, and this one really gets the conspiracy and freakiness thoughts flowing

4. Lockdown - Henry Gale isn't the man he claims to be...we get to see the glow in the dark map...The airdrop. Cool episode.

5. Walkabout - still one of the best, probably the best twist, and the episode that hooked me permanently on to LOST

- SadAce

Stephanie said...

Lockdown was one of the best, one of those that made you run to the internet to try to figure out WTF you just saw.
Numbers was good back in the day when the numbers where fresh and interesting. They're so boring now. But how can I complain about a Hurley-centric episode?

Ralph- said...

Exodus is WAY more emotional for me. i can not keep a dry eye when the raft takes off and Vincent runs after walt, or when Sawyer talks to Jack about meeting a Doctor in a bar in Sydney.

I am a huge sucker for the Daddy issue angle. cause it IS true, every cowboy.

Ralph- said...

oh, and the scene where we are introduced to bernard....snap, it's over.

Stephanie said...

I read that Carlton is seriously thinking about putting a uncut version of the skate sex on the season 3 DVD, since the skate sex scene was so hot that it needed a r rating and the standards and practice at ABC went frame by frame took a bunch of stuff out of it.

Carlton also said that to expect more of that. Don't know if that's skate or another couple.

This was from a report from get-lost and her friend when Carlton was at NATPE
Source: Get Lost@Lost-Forume

Snap. What does that mean?

Mike Campbell said...

I really loved the The 23rd Psalm . I wasn't into spoilers then so i had no idea where Eko came from. i thought it was one of the best flashbacks ever. And i am really into the monster so seeing it drove me bat shit crazy.

Go Pats

aimee is lost said...

I think it's safe to say I cry at about 75% of the episodes. Exodus really got me for so many reasons, like Jin & Sun making up right before he left, Walt passing Vincent over to Shannon, Kate & Sawyer's missed goodbye, and of course the scene with Jack & Sawyer. Yeah, I think I'm going to watch that one...right now.

It's funny how so many people (including myself) had dumped on season 2, yet 3 of my top 5 favorites are from that season.

aimee is lost said...

Oh my gosh, and Collision, when Sun & Jin and Rose & Bernard were reunited. Someone get me a tissue.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Aimee-any episode when Sawyer gets hot and sweaty and loses some clothing.


Anonymous said...

- Orientation - i've mentioned here before that the last few episodes of Season 1 had me losing my committment because it felt like they were very deliberately stalling. I think if they had come up with any kind of mythology other than the hippy scientists staving off the doomsday thing i would have checked out. it was right up my alley.

- Lockdown - it was an exciting episode. the map was huge but they didn't rest their laurels on it, they came back with the verdict on Henry Gale too.

- Walkabout - Locke's big reveal, but also the appearance of ghostly Christian Shepherd.

* i got something in my eye when Vincent was swimming out to the departing raft. i might be cinematically allergic to dogs, because they're always making my eyes water, even in commercials.

* did anyone hear about Lando Calrissian making an appearance in one of the next few episodes?

* my 1st new episode of Battlestar Galactica tonight. give in to the temptation... give in...

* Pan's Labyrinth was really good.

* Lady In The Water is one of the worst written movies i've ever seen. I can't believe Shyamalan gets his casts to give as much effort as they do for his crappy, crappy scripts.


aimee is lost said...

I'm getting back to my Lost roots and having a Lost marathon (starting with the Pilot episode). Let's see if I can watch all of them before Feb. 7th. I'm thinking yeah, I can.

Mike Campbell said...

Aimee, a few of my friends are doing that too. We have a friend that wants to get into lost so we are marathoning it until the new one. We are on disk four right now. We all can do it. its written in the stars.

aimee is lost said...

It's really funny to watch these episodes from season 1, because in so many of them, people are referring to "the others", which to us now, means something completely different.

casey_donahue said...

lets go pats

Stephanie said...

The Illusionist was really good.

Mike Campbell said...

I saw Pan's last night. I liked it a lot but i didn't think it was the best film this year. I really want to watch it again and just watch the images on screen and not bother with those pesky subtitles getting in the way :)

Anonymous said...

I like all the episodes with a gold Pontiac Bonneville in. Wish they would tell me what the hell that was about.

TJ (can't be arsed to sign in - takes too fucking long with this blooger2 shite)

Anonymous said...

Obviously, i meant blogger.


Stephanie said...

I was trying to make a point once on a message board somewhere, jellyman, about the car and some wiseass said Lindeluce shot down the idea of a conspiracy involving the car. I've listened to every useless minute of the official Lost podcast and I never heard them say that. I always thought Dharma was manipulating the events to make sure those particular people were on flight 815.

Anonymous said...

I just think the average viewer wouldn't necessarily understand why the only way to get off the island is in a gold pontiac bonneville, unless they flashed back to all the episodes it featured in, which would be fairly easy to write as a script, but not particularly good watching. Loose ends like that should be tied up soon. By all means introduce new things like that to upcoming episodes, but if it ends up mental like twin peaks, and everybody sits around happy, eating pie, i'll be annoyed.
Is it me, or is the hidden stuff not so prevalent in recent episodes? I know this series is supposed to about the Others, and i'm sure their links to the Losties will be amazing. But i used to love hearing something like the gold car thing, or the fact a wooden box thing shows up in various people's lives. Don't hear anything like that anymore...


Mike Campbell said...

thier stuck on the island because of payton manning. Go Bears!

aimee is lost said...

I'm a Packer fan, and the Bears are one of my sworn enemies.

Go Colts.

Anonymous said...

Surely the team on everyone's lips is LA Galaxy? Ever heard of David Beckham? You will.

Mike Campbell said...

Boo Galaxy go NE revolution!

Anonymous said...

My favourite episodes--so far--are the Pilot, 23rd Pslam (I really laughed out loud at the "Jesus Stick", and the BLACK SMOKE...c'mon!), and Exodus.

I seriously can't wait any longer for this hiatus to be over. I have to watch the first 6 episode again before the 7th!


Anonymous said...

My favourite episodes--so far--are the Pilot, 23rd Pslam (I really laughed out loud at the "Jesus Stick", and the BLACK SMOKE...c'mon!), and Exodus.

I seriously can't wait any longer for this hiatus to be over. I have to watch the first 6 episode again before the 7th!


Anonymous said...

01. Man of Science, Man of Faith (2x01) - Best intro sequence in the history of TV, clever flashbacks (ever notice which stair Jack tripped on or when Shannon's dad died?), kick ass ending.

02. Numbers (1x16) - best flashbacks in an episode so far, Hurley and Charlie wondering if they got shot at is a classic scene.

03. Outlaws (1x17) - Jack's father indirectly convincing Sawyer to shoot the wrong guy was great, the last scene when Sawyer realizes he met Jack's father was well written.

04. Live Together, Die Alone (2x23) - Desmond is king. This would probably be my favorite episode if not for the ending. I'd have liked it better if the arctic sequence was a flashback to September 22nd when the magnet went off because Desmond got back late. Having an off-island scene that wasn't a flashback sets a weird precedent.

05. ? (2x1?) - I liked this episode for the amount of potential it set up for future story lines. The whole Eko thing unfortunately went nowhere, but someone being in there just before them (cigarette still burning) and the potential to monitor other hatches was interesting.

Yeah I messed the episode numbers up.

elias said...

Deus Ex Machina, Exodus, Lockdown, The 23rd Psalm, Live Together Die Alone. And an honourable mention to Do No Harm.