Friday, September 28, 2007

Welcome Back Dunder Mifflin!

Post your thoughts on the Thursday night premiere of The Office & My Name is Earl!

So yeah, how hot was John Krasinski last night? I know! He always gives Peter Petrelli a run for his Dunder Mifflin money. After seeing Heroes, I was like "Jim who?", but now all those tingly butterflies came back. You know what would be awesome? Wait, nevermind.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Afternoon Delete!

Ben is Sick and Ralph is dehydrated. The Lars decide to record earlier than normal which leads to a corrupted final 10 min. of podcast forces the show to end abruptly, but fear not, we get a Film Review and a couple of ALL NEW movies to stick in your queue and ONE FANTASTIC CALL FROM LOYAL LISTENER DRE!!!!
Sehnsucht - Rammstein
Masquerade - Eric Serra
L.A. C.A. - Doug Adams
I'll Be Doggone - Paul Revere and the Raiders
Impact - Combustible Edison

Click To Listen:
Afternoon Delete!

Welcome Back Heroes

Post your thoughts on the Monday night season 2 premiere of Heroes! Oh, and whether or not you were completely disappointed that they didn't show Peter Petrelli (who looks equally as friggin' hot with the short haircut) until the last minute. Let's face it ladies, that was just b.s. We all know the reason we tune in to that damn show, and it ain't Mohinder. Not that I have anything against Indian dudes, but seriously, spread the screen time around folks; it's the flippin' season premiere. You gotta give us a little more sugar than that.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dharmalars - The Commentary!

The Dharmalars are Back!!! Well, they never left, but they are back as The Dharmalars (not just "the lars")!!! Dust off your Season 1 dvds and get ready to enjoy an episode of LOST, with Ben and Ralph!!!!! We get some Grumpy Calls in on the "You All Everybody" segment and give you the most Annoying Into to a podcast EVER!

Monster Fight - Kumio Miyauchi
Cry Me A River - Combustible Edison

Click Here to Listen:
The Commentary!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Good Guy Always Wins

Once again, it was a battle between John Locke & Ben Linus as the two actors competed for the 2007 Emmy award for Best Supporting Actor.

Way to go Terry O'Quinn! Better luck next year, Michael Emerson.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

TLI: Hell Froze Over

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Salut! Aimee & Kimberley of The Lost Initiative discuss WTF has been going on!

MB & Mac have a special msg for us as well...

Enjoy Responsibly!!!

The feed:

or CLICK here to download

and CLICK here for MB & Mac

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

He's Back!

"The Lars": Episode 10 - Ben and Ralph are joined by long time friend, one time caller Producer Ryan! They discuss Shoot Em Up, Comic Books and the Historically/Politically Incorrectness of the 80s tv series "Voyagers"! We get some crazy calls in on the Dharmaline and we stick and Action/Comedy and a 1935 "Wrong Man" film in your queue!

You're My Best Friend - Queen
Feels So Good - Chuck Mangione
Being with You - Smokey Robinson
Rosanna - Toto
We're in this Love Together - Al Jarreau
The Checkered Flag - Combustible Edison

Click To Listen:
He's Back!

Lost's Broken Promises

"The Dharmalars": Lost's Broken Promises - Jimmy is back, and three things about Lost have always pissed him off. With super special guests "Aimee from Little Rock" and "Jordan from the 206" joining him in the Studio, the "Fab 3" dissect and critique three major story points that went absolutely, positively nowhere! Join us for revelations, proclamations and libations.

Anakins Dark Deeds- John Williams
The Sea - Morcheeba
A Stream with Bright Fish - Brian Eno
Pilots - Goldfrapp
Hairy Trees - Goldfrapp
Universal Highness - Thievery Corporation
Le Monde - Thievery Corporation
Pacific Ocean - John Grout

Click To Listen:
Losts Broken Promises

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Fistful of Glitches!

"The Lars": Episode 8 - Ben and Ralph are back with the Lars Format! They Review King of Kong, Debate Rocky Horror and suggest a Sci-Fi Actioner and Drama. Join us as we plow through the hiatus!

*new feature*
If you are listening in on iTunes, be sure to check out the album art for each chapter and get whisked away to many links on the internet!!!!!

Lapti Nek - John Williams
O Maria - Beck
Firestarter (instrumental) - Prodigy
Pleasure Unit - Ursula 1000
Intermission - Combustible Edison
The Quadruped Patrol - Danny Elfman

Click To Listen:
A Fistful of Glitches