It was a challenge to get to 300, but I think we can do it again. Not with this thread, because I expect a new Lars soon, but ... someday ... someday soon...
I need to seriously keep an eye on the blogspot--even when I'm busy. 324 post!!! Well played.
Just a quick "Hey!" to everyone before I take off again. I hope everyone is doing well. Aimee--what's the deal? You don't answer e-mails anymore. Jeeeeeeez. (...and that's Jeeeeez, not Jiiiiiiizz)
So, when are those bitches of TLI going to post a new episode. What's the deal?
*small voice in the corner* ...sometime soon...
Later Dudes, I'm going to the Hatch (for about 2 weeks)
Stinks from the cows or the heat Palmer? Today's forecast high is Memphis is only 99 for the first time in over a week. What a relief!! Of course, the humidity is up, so heat indexes will still hit well over 100.
You wouldn't know it'd been raining all day yesterday from the looks of it today. It's a sunny 89º. Everything is looking normal again. On the last post someone said for me to take pictures, I didn't get a chance to do it this time, but I'll do that next week when hurricane Dean comes this way. That is, if it doesn't kick us out of town.
Yay, cheaper beef! We got some rain for the first time since I can't remember when. Holli, you are right about the humitiy. And our power was off last night. I'd really like to go out west and see if what they say is true, that 106 in Arizona is nothing like 106 in Alabama.
Jordan, Black Snake Moan was my favorite surprise movie of the year. I went not knowing anything about the movie, only that Chistina Ricci gets freaky. It's now my most recommended movie of 2007.
Oakland, CA weather update: 75, sunny, not a cloud, slight breeze. A beautiful day to get mugged.
Glad to know everyone's got some nice weather. It's actually about to rain over here again. So I might still be on the news as "crazy lady stuck in the flood". It's very apocalyptically dark out and thundering.
If Dean could lose steam over us, that would be good. We actually had a small shower, the first in I can't remember when. I may actually have to break down and cut the grass tomorrow. It's been 2 1/2 weeks, but I've been putting it off because if I cut with temps still in the 100s, it would definitely scorch.
I'm a grass snob. I don't like gardening, but I bought a really great lawn and I like it to look nice. Screw the beds though. And red card to weeds and the field behind my house full of weeds that fly over into my beds when they mow it with the tractor.
Good to hear, MB. I feel like we should have some kind of interwebic baby shower. Of course I don't know how that would work out, but it would be interesting.
Wow, mb. That's not long from now. Black Snake Moan- Matt, you must see Hustle and Flow. I'm not sure but I think I liked it better. JT gave a good performance in BSM but I just couldn't buy his situation. I'm trying not to spoil anyone. My hubby was offended by the way Southerners were portrayed but I can leave my house and pass a dozen trailers that look just like JT's.
in an old tli podcast, you guys were talking about a scott and steve board, and you said you wanted something like, only staff members can make a new board, and you can request boards. i think i might have said it when that podcast was new, but just in case, isnt just in this little column. i know the blogspot is somewhat of a sacred ground for you old school scott and stevers, but i really do think that you could alter the message board so that it would have the same structure of the blogspot, without all the inconveniences. i know most people dont want to change the blogspot, but most of you will admit that its hard to keep up when you have a busy day or two, or at least you can admit that its annoying to have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. on jay and jacks board, wednesdays after lost they get just about as much traffic as they do on the blogspot, or more, and its pretty easy to keep up, mostly because they have the page format from message boards that makes it easy to pick back up where you left off. so im hoping that one of the administrators does something to this effect, and more of you guys move over to the forum. you dont have to abandon the blogspot. either way, im happy that there even is a scott and steve message board. it seems like i say that after every suggestion i make, because i dont want to piss you guys off, asking for all this crap, because i know i couldnt manage a podcast, and a forum, and a blogspot half as good as you guys do.
it's annoying to catch up either way. with the BBS, i read through all the updated threads and then quickly run out of posting steam and end up responding to none of them. oops!
thats why i think they should make it so only the administrators can make a board, so it will still be like the blogspot, but it will have all the features of the bbs. that way you will still only have a few threads to check up on. say, instead of having an arrested development thread, a look around you thread, a dr who thread, etc, you just have on other tv thread. instead of having a bunch of lost threads, you can have an episode discussion thread, and a spoilers thread. then, you could have, say a thread request thread, where you could say "hey aimee, could you please make a thread devoted to books?" or "hey ralph, could you make a thread devoted to music." and so on and so on. i forget exactly how to do it, but there is a way to only let administrators and moderators make new treads. or, you could go to the extreme and make the message board have 1 sub board at a time, and then when that one fills up with say, 15 pages, the administrators can start a new one. i just think there is a lot of potential in that forum to make it more like the blogspot, and to give you the best of both worlds. like hermaphrodites.
Hang on... WHEN are you guys getting Metroid Prime 3?
August 27?
Dare I risk becoming a boring parody of myself by double checking that against the UK release date? Yes, I do:
October 26.
Well, I guess it's not too bad considering the following...
SUPER PAPER MARIO US: April 9 2007 UK: September 14 2007
FINAL FANTASY VI US: October 20 1994 UK: March 1 2002 (on a different system)
WARIOWARE: TWISTED US: May 23 2005 UK: Never
Anyway - my apologies for my prattling on. We don't even have proper internet. I'm chiselling this onto the page from behind your screen using a primitive series of flint awls.
I'm too shy to watch Black Snake Moan for the very simple reason that to my mind, Christina Ricci is still Wednesday Addams so I find watching her getting 'em out and simulating sex acts really odd and uncomfortable.
A bit less so with Balk though. Probably because she's older than I am.
I can in no way justify the above comments and don't for a second think I'm suggesting that as they have previously played roles in family films, that these actresses cannot take on darker and more challenging roles.
The Audio Bullys were given a crash course in Hollywood etiquette at a party once when they met Jane's Addiction guitarist Dave Navarro.
After five minutes of musical chit chat, Navarro chipped in with this irresistible offer: "Well, you guys seem pretty cool. Do you wanna come upstairs and **** my wife?"
Unfortunately, the thought of having sex with Carmen Electra as her husband watched from the end of the bed didn't appeal.
I'm just getting into the show, malcolm, and watched that episode for the first time two nights ago (plus twice since then). I've been dying for a chance to use that line since.
That's harsh Holli. I wouldn't like to be called the Tobias Funke of anything. Haven't listened to this week's Married Man podcast as of yet, though, so I'm eager to see how Dale earned such a distinction.
Here's a funny video of a business meeting conducted by internet commenters. And since I'm not first on this this thread, I agree that calling First is lame.
Blogger's going to be down for 10 minutes starting at 4 pm Pacific, that's 5 pm Mountain, 6 pm Central, 7 pm Eastern (sorry I can't do the European math in my head) today. So get busy driving up the post count on the old post people.
Yes, Holli, your last post should've been KABLAMO.
MB, it looks like Dean is headed south (TWSS), although we're definitely gonna get some rain for sure, but at least we won't get hammered (TWSS) with the worst of it. I believe they said it might be here mid-late week.
There was an email from an Aimee on The Married Man Podcast and a phone call who didn't use her name, but I think you'll find her familiar despite an accent change.
How I confuse Steph and Holli, I'll never know. Sorry. I think this confused me, because you always Kablamo on 69, Holli. Anyway, Aimee just posted a bulletin on myspace to say that a fake Aimee had been spamming us.
Seacrest, playing himself, becomes ticked off on the set when Jessica Simpson throws off his busy schedule by arriving at her leisure for an interview.
He angrily suggests that maybe he’ll retaliate by asking for her thoughts on an “exit strategy” in the Middle East.
“I don’t understand the young talent in this town,” the movie Seacrest goes on. “It doesn’t make any sense. I got four jobs — hell, I’m more famous than half the people we talk to anyway!”
The rant then escalates into an R-rated diatribe with Seacrest dropping the F-bomb and denouncing the superficial workings of the entertainment industry. The apoplectic host finally has to be ushered into the green room with a promise of a cookie in an effort to calm him down.
Michael Bay responds to Paramount's abandonment of Blu-ray: "No Transformers 2 for me!" So by now you've heard that Paramount has dropped support for Blu-ray right? Good, so has a notable Hollywood director. Michael Bay -- the man behind "Transformers," "Bad Boys," "Pear Harbor," etc. -- just threw down with Paramount in his personal blog. In a forum post titled "Paramount pisses me off!", he states, "I want people to see my movies in the best formats possible. For them to deny people who have Blu-ray sucks! They were progressive by having two formats. No Transformers 2 for me!" That's right Mike, aim your PS3 right at their coffers!
I knew you'd appreciate that story, p. Here's another interesting story in a different way. Bears and beer don't mix. Bears eat man at beer festival A 23-year old Serb was found dead and half-eaten in the bear cage of Belgrade Zoo at the weekend during the annual beer festival.
The man was found naked, with his clothes lying intact inside the cage. Two adult bears, Masha and Misha, had dragged the body to their feeding corner and reacted angrily when keepers tried to recover it.
"There's a good chance he was drunk or drugged. Only an idiot would jump into the bear cage," zoo director Vuk Bojovic told Reuters.
Local media reported that police found several mobile phones inside the cage, as well as bricks, stones and beer cans.
FEH! 43% BIONIC??!? I'm gonna have to do that again....later....after a nap.
And DAMN! I had a great idea to keep posting at the last thread - and then ROCK RIDDLE lays the smack-down on it and shuts it down for good. DISABLED! damn.
This has been bitchfest 2007 brought to you by the Splog-nerd
I've been lurking here for a while and I've got a random questions for you guys. My girlfriend and I have been going out for 3 years. She doesn't seem like she wants to get married, but I would like to. Should I ask her anywya?
Ryan, I'm very hesitant to give advice with that little bit of info. I'd recommend discussing it with your/her friends you hang out with for a better take on the situation than I can give you from the blogspot.
Thanks guys. She's never said that she didnt want to, and i've herd her talking to her friends about getting married. I am pretty wimpy, adn I just dont want to ask and get turned down.
Some background: we're both almost 30 and have been living together for 6 months or so.
She knows, although I don't believe that she reads the website herself. But she's also used to me shooting my mouth off when I've got no business doing so.
wow! i go to lunch and come back to find a possible marriage proposal?
i can see what you mean, ryan, about asking and getting turned down. that would suck. but if you guys have been living together and have been together for this long then i'm guessing she must not be having too terrible of a time. but i agree with holli, ask your friends or her friends, just make sure that if you plan on it being a surprise that they don't tell her about it.
I think we all know who the caller was. There's an email from an Aimee too though about winning a date with Dale and something about Jay. Besides, Aimee doesn't have a Southern accent despite her current address.
Ryan - If it were me - I'd probably try to get some idea of her general feeling about where the relationship is at, so I'd start by talking to her about how she's feeling. It always seemed to me like women appreciate (and are pleasantly surprised) when the guy actually takes an interest in relationship-talk.
Beyond that, talking to any mutual friends you have could give you some idea (particularly whichever friend she confides in).
But I'd start at the source and talk to her - you don't have to actually say yet that you want to get married.
I talked to my sister and she basically kicked my ass and told me to ask her. she said that beth is probably just irritated that I haven't asked her after all of these years. We've known eachother for 10 years or so and have been going out off and on for 6 years, seriously for 3.
Here's advice that's a bit more serious ... if you've been together 3 years, you're living together, you're both close to 30, and you propose and she says no ... then probably she's never going to say yes, and the relationship is eventually doomed, one way of the other. So if you propose and she says yes (and for all of the above reasons, she almost surely will), then congratulations, you're engaged. If she says no, then at least you've found out now, so you can bounce back and move on with your life.
Right now with 6 more months to go, I wish I didn't like LOST. I've been married almost 18 years, and my husband doesn't like LOST. It can work. I'd say listen to your sister.
I want to hear from Aimee how many pages her iPhone bill is. A girl on NPR had a 300 page iPhone bill.
sounds like a good thread for the boards. how many pages is your iphone bill? of course i think aimee is the only one we know that has one and she probably wouldn't post.
Trevor just took the words from my fingers. Ryan, print out Trevor's response and memorize it. Don't think about this anymore and ask her already. If you can't muster up the courage to ask her, then maybe you don't really want to marry her. I just got out of a 3-year relationship myself: she wanted to get married and I didn't, so I had to break up with her. My point is: 3 years is enough time for you to know for real if she wants to spend the rest of her life with you.
So, there's a short answer made long. Four words is all it will take to receive an eight-word answer. "Yes, you wimpy ass I will marry you."
How did the gig come about? It's no secret that you've been fielding many offers, including from Lost. Bell: Obviously, I was in an extremely lucky position. I've kind of felt like I've been on a sugar high the last couple of weeks. Having any of those options… it still feels surreal. How do you make the decision between [Lost and Heroes]? Basically, being able to stay in [Los Angeles] was a little bit of a factor for me [in terms of turning down Lost]. But I was honored to even be considered by Lost. I really, really was, because I love that show. But I have social relationships with a lot of the people who work on Heroes, through so many random connections. It was sort of funny that so many of my friends had been working on this show. I spent a lot of time with a few of them at Comic-Con. I was actually sitting on the train [back from San Diego] with Zachary Quinto and Masi Oka, and some of the writers were on the train and they were like, "Hey, if you ever want to come on Heroes, give us a call!" And I sort of joked back, "I'd love that!" Later on I said to Zach, "Hey, if they were serious, I would love to work with you guys." And somehow, somebody made it happen.
I volunteered to Jack to set up a message board for the married man podcast. He took me up on my offer. I hope I can do it. Surely it won't be hard to do. Will any of you guys join up?
Steph- Couldn't we just add a thread to the boards we already have? Cause I would joing up, but I'd probably forget to check it regularly. Although I do love the podcast.
Jack really wants a message board for some reason, Ally. I wonder if the married man podcast has any listeners that don't already listen to Jay and Jack. But if it's a message board he wants, a message board he gets. Holli, don't tell the 3 Heroes but I can't argue with that article.
I've kind of been thinking the same thing about Heroes ... how many new characters have they added? And you have to wonder, are they adding Kristen Bell because she's a good fit for the arc they're planning, or are they adding an arc specifically for Kristen Bell? I really hope that the, "You choose the hero" aspect of the Origins spinoff is dropped by the time the show airs (although I don't mind the stunt guest-director if it's a director that I like).
Gotta disagree with the 'Lost failed miserably' in it's second season. I liked Mr. Eko...
I disagree with that articles take on LOST as well. I don't think TPTB added the Tailies to attract new viewers. They obviously had it planned from the beginning which is why they stuck Bernard there. As much as I disliked Ana Lucia, I liked disliking her much as I like disliking Juliet this season. And I really do regret they weren't able to bring the Mr. Eko story full arc. He seemed to have so much to offer than just didn't pan out for reasons other than the storytellers. And hopefully, hopefully, we'll start to get more on Libby and Cindy and the kids and other taken Tailies this season.
I can't wait to see where Heroes is heading and I really, really hope they do it well. But I fear it's going to turn into a case where Kring is spread so thin that the vision gets lost in a whirlwind of "special guest stars." It was disheartening that at ComicCon they did not seem interesting in addressing their ending arc which flamed out the season. Failure to listen to reasonable criticism will sink them faster than anything.
There's several typos in my last post, but I trust you can figure out what I meant, or if I'm lucky, you'll make it sound more intelligent than I could.
I agree, Holli, we def need to see more Cindy, cause it's getting ridiculous that they're just sprinkling her in here and there, but we're not getting anything good about her. Libby also seems to be a loose end that needs to be explained.
As for the Heroes thing, I don't really have much to say, I'm kinda waiting to see how the second season pans out. The first season had its good and bad.
mb and ghost, i started watching Jekyll. it was really good. until Hyde showed up. my god, that was #%$$ing annoying. the editing was annoying, the character was annoying, everything was annoying. does it get better or if i didn't like that (the scene in the alley) should i avoid the rest of the series?
I'm not sure, p. I didn't pay that close attention. Did you guys see Kevin Smith? He has to be the funniest person alive. All this Heroes bashing reminded me of something. Unless things change, Jay and Jack are going to be on The 3 Heroes podcast this week debating Heroes vs Lost. Hope it's not a bloodbath.
Palmer, Doh! Sorry Hyde wasn't working for you. If i'm remembering right, that alleyway scene is pretty typical of how they show Hyde - so if it was unbearable to you, I can't say the Hyde parts of the show are going to be much different, save a few scenes where he talks less. I actually think you could fast forward past most of the Hyde stuff and you'd still get the gist of what was going on and still catch most of the really good stuff about the show IMO (but I WOULD watch the basement scene with Hyde and Claire - b/c it's good and she's hot)
I guess the way Nesbitt portrays Tom's struggling stands on it's own in my opinion. The Hyde character's insanity is not what makes me feel for Tom, it's Nesbitt's performance.
Steph - do you listen to Kevin Smith's SModcast? I'd recommend it (if I haven't already on the SAS Board podcasts thread). He is indeed hi-frikkin-larious
Bonaduce's question is on the Heroes panel video that I watched over at
Steph, let us know when that 3 Heroes hits the airwaves. I'd like to hear it. I tried a Heroes podcast one time, but I just don't have the energy to commit to breaking down another show.
Personally I've enjoyed the show so far as a bit of entertainment and nothing more. That article gets it wrong about Lost Season 2 (obviously it was great) and Chris Ecclestone's character (the best cameo appearance in Heroes).
I always defer to whoever made this point: compare Heroes Season 1 to Lost Season 1. If it lasts 3 seasons compare it to 3 seasons of Lost. I hope J&J do Lost proud.
Since it started on terrestrial TV in England it's the hot new show and everybody in the office is creaming themselves. Even some friends who never saw Lost are into it so I tell them they're Heroes-nerds(!)
mb, the non-Hyde stuff was excellent. especially the first five minutes. how cool was all that?
anyhow, i may give it another chance.
oh! and the doctor lady is the new Bionic Woman and she was at the Bionic Woman panel that we sat through to get seats for the Heroes panel. good times.
Overall I really enjoyed Heroes this year. I think that the problem was, it peaked around midseason, with 'Company Man' (right around the time that Lost was giving us 'Stranger in a Strange Land'), and delivered a stinker for what should have been the best episode of the season. If they learn from their mistakes and become a better show, then great. I hope that they do ... no show can last long based on stunt casting.
Company Man was my favorite episode of Heroes. The last arc just didn't work at all for me. Talk about tap dancing your way to the end.
But, you know, it's really hard to write good endings. Think of all the books you've read, especially, mystery/thriller types that have had let down endings.
I'll be glad when Heroes is back on. It got a lot of things right in S1 and I hope it can regain that momentum in S2.
Hey Palmer, what was your take on the style of the Heroes and LOST panels at Comic Con? They were very, very different in terms of who and how many participated. I've got some ideas having watched them on the web, but I'd love to get your in-person take.
hey, if hiro had killed sylar, and claire had shot peter then we'd have had a good finale. you could even have "dead" peter about to blow up and have nathan save the day.
I just found out there will be no Heroes vs Lost debate. Jay and Jack are too busy. I guess I should have checked before I said anything. Company Man was my favorite also. And I heard someone say on Slice of Scifi podcast that we got the typical Comic Book Ending with Heroes. I wouldn't know since I don't read comics.
I would have been happy i the Peter/Sylar fight had actually, you know, used powers. There were more superpowers used in the 3 seconds of future fight 3 or 4 weeks before than in the finale fight. I mean, two guys with almost unlimited powers ... and you get some Darth Vader treatment and a little bit of punching? Lame.
And yeah, she should have shot Peter. She of all people would know that he'd be ok (and that it would stop him from blowing up).
the heroes was panel was a whole lot of the cast interacting with each other (which was a lot of fun). wish that they had that much chemistry on the show. officer parkman is officer milktoast on the show but grunberg is a really dynamic presence during the panel.
the LOST panel was just Carlton and Damon avoiding having to answer any of the spoilery questions that fans had. they made it amusing though (or annoying. or amusingly annoying. or annoyingly amusing?).
and, holy god, the belittling comic con seating lady who bellows out offensive quips was wearing short shorts and a belly shirt during the battlestar panel. ack!!
I felt like watching the panels from afar that the LOST panel gave me a lot more useful information about the previous and the upcoming seasons, but I think if I'd been there, I'd have been more psyched to see "the stars" at Heroes especially since Milo didn't have the emo hair and Adrian Pasdar didn't have the beard. But I really don't care what Mohinder's favorite part of the year was or that Ali Larter liked playing a mom.
Here are some Emmy presenters that Fox has confirmed:
Steve Carell, Kyle Chandler, the cast of Entourage, Kelsey Grammer, Patricia Heaton, Katherine Heigl, Hayden Panettiere, Jimmy Smits, Jon Stewart, Kiefer Sutherland and Kate Walsh.
No one I have to tune in for yet, unless Steve Carell's wife is writing his bit for him.
Sylar getting away was definitely a 'comic-book ending' (the bad guys always get away eventually. The weak-ass fight? No budget constraints in a comic book, the fight would have been bad-ass.
Emmys Smemmys. I agree about Greg Grunberg, p. If Parkman was as charismatic as Grunberg, it'd be The Officer Parkman Show instead of the Hiro And His Cute Sidekick Show. I'm off to sit in the grueling sun with other moms too.
- Hadrian's Wall restored after heavy raids by Caledonian tribes had overrun much of northern Britain. - Sima Wang, general of Wei and Jin Dynasty is born
1 – 200 of 386 Newer› Newest»Alright, dont start counting which post number you are.
i consider that thread title a personal challenge. luckily for ralph, i'm extremely lazy and unmotivated.
It was a challenge to get to 300, but I think we can do it again. Not with this thread, because I expect a new Lars soon, but ... someday ... someday soon...
I will not say 4th
(mini kablammo - oops!)
I need to seriously keep an eye on the blogspot--even when I'm busy. 324 post!!! Well played.
Just a quick "Hey!" to everyone before I take off again. I hope everyone is doing well. Aimee--what's the deal? You don't answer e-mails anymore. Jeeeeeeez. (...and that's Jeeeeez, not Jiiiiiiizz)
So, when are those bitches of TLI going to post a new episode. What's the deal?
*small voice in the corner*
...sometime soon...
Later Dudes, I'm going to the Hatch (for about 2 weeks)
what if we just posted in the last thread until we hit 400?
I was thinking of that too, but I lack drive.
Palmer and Holli, do you really want to piss off Rock Riddle?
MB, has anyone mentioned Michael Bluth yet? Mother Brain is still my favorite MB....METROID PRIME 3 IN 11 DAYS!!!
I'm not scared of Rock Riddle. I'll just sick Jerry "The King" Lawler on him. He's my neighbor (well, about 2 miles away.)
Warning, that last link is NSFW.
Trevor. New Lars on Wed. so you have a while to build up this thread to 400
oooh.... new 'lars coming! can't wait!
The infamous QB forward pass to himself...
oh, and stinks to be living near Steph lately (
Stinks from the cows or the heat Palmer? Today's forecast high is Memphis is only 99 for the first time in over a week. What a relief!! Of course, the humidity is up, so heat indexes will still hit well over 100.
Thanks for checking in Kim!
Ralph - had not thought of Micheal Bluth. I like it.
Check out the The Sloganizer.
Have You Had Your Trevor Mcfur Today?
You wouldn't know it'd been raining all day yesterday from the looks of it today. It's a sunny 89º. Everything is looking normal again. On the last post someone said for me to take pictures, I didn't get a chance to do it this time, but I'll do that next week when hurricane Dean comes this way. That is, if it doesn't kick us out of town.
My slogan is:
I'm a secret memphish drinker.
It's so secret I didn't know about it myself.
kablamo again!
All You Need is an Elias and a Dream.
is 25 the steroid post?
if so - kablammo!
Yay, cheaper beef! We got some rain for the first time since I can't remember when. Holli, you are right about the humitiy. And our power was off last night. I'd really like to go out west and see if what they say is true, that 106 in Arizona is nothing like 106 in Alabama.
"Mum's Gone To Stephanie"
Tail Section has another/revised casting spoiler. I'm still not looking.
It's about 72 and sunny here.
Steph & Holli, I feel for you guys. As a Pacific NW'ner I cannot handle hot humid weather. Blech. That's gotta really suck after awhile.
Also glad to hear that Ally didn't end up on the news as "crazy lady stuck in the flood". lol.
I'm excited. I just got Black Snake Moan and 300 on bluray in the mail. Getting caught up on the few months I took off from the movies.
Jordan, Black Snake Moan was my favorite surprise movie of the year. I went not knowing anything about the movie, only that Chistina Ricci gets freaky. It's now my most recommended movie of 2007.
Oakland, CA weather update: 75, sunny, not a cloud, slight breeze. A beautiful day to get mugged.
Glad to know everyone's got some nice weather. It's actually about to rain over here again. So I might still be on the news as "crazy lady stuck in the flood". It's very apocalyptically dark out and thundering.
Thanks for the tip Holli I posted the info along with a few other things at der SPLOG
Ally - glad you guys are drying out! I will keep my fingers crossed that Dean loses steam or goes the other way.
a slogan for my soon-to-be-born-son:
"See the face you love light up with The Deuce"
Aww - that's nicely appropriate :)
If Dean could lose steam over us, that would be good. We actually had a small shower, the first in I can't remember when. I may actually have to break down and cut the grass tomorrow. It's been 2 1/2 weeks, but I've been putting it off because if I cut with temps still in the 100s, it would definitely scorch.
You'll probably scorch too, Holli.
I'm checking out the SPLOG now, MB. Speaking of The Deuce, how is he doing? How much longer are we waiting until we're graced with his presence?
I just blue myself.
I'm a grass snob. I don't like gardening, but I bought a really great lawn and I like it to look nice. Screw the beds though. And red card to weeds and the field behind my house full of weeds that fly over into my beds when they mow it with the tractor.
Thanks for asking Ally - he seems to be doing fine - quite active (which is good). We go in Monday for another ultrasound.
The Deuce arrives aroundabout Nov. 2!
Good to hear, MB. I feel like we should have some kind of interwebic baby shower. Of course I don't know how that would work out, but it would be interesting.
Wow, mb. That's not long from now.
Black Snake Moan- Matt, you must see Hustle and Flow. I'm not sure but I think I liked it better. JT gave a good performance in BSM but I just couldn't buy his situation. I'm trying not to spoil anyone. My hubby was offended by the way Southerners were portrayed but I can leave my house and pass a dozen trailers that look just like JT's.
he's heatin' up..!
What's this Cue The Music, ralph-?
C + 357 =
I just watched the first 3 episodes of flight of the Conchords. The Camera phone was the funniest.
in an old tli podcast, you guys were talking about a scott and steve board, and you said you wanted something like, only staff members can make a new board, and you can request boards. i think i might have said it when that podcast was new, but just in case, isnt just in this little column. i know the blogspot is somewhat of a sacred ground for you old school scott and stevers, but i really do think that you could alter the message board so that it would have the same structure of the blogspot, without all the inconveniences. i know most people dont want to change the blogspot, but most of you will admit that its hard to keep up when you have a busy day or two, or at least you can admit that its annoying to have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. on jay and jacks board, wednesdays after lost they get just about as much traffic as they do on the blogspot, or more, and its pretty easy to keep up, mostly because they have the page format from message boards that makes it easy to pick back up where you left off. so im hoping that one of the administrators does something to this effect, and more of you guys move over to the forum. you dont have to abandon the blogspot. either way, im happy that there even is a scott and steve message board. it seems like i say that after every suggestion i make, because i dont want to piss you guys off, asking for all this crap, because i know i couldnt manage a podcast, and a forum, and a blogspot half as good as you guys do.
wow. that made me seem like a suck up.
it's annoying to catch up either way. with the BBS, i read through all the updated threads and then quickly run out of posting steam and end up responding to none of them. oops!
thats why i think they should make it so only the administrators can make a board, so it will still be like the blogspot, but it will have all the features of the bbs. that way you will still only have a few threads to check up on. say, instead of having an arrested development thread, a look around you thread, a dr who thread, etc, you just have on other tv thread. instead of having a bunch of lost threads, you can have an episode discussion thread, and a spoilers thread. then, you could have, say a thread request thread, where you could say "hey aimee, could you please make a thread devoted to books?" or "hey ralph, could you make a thread devoted to music." and so on and so on. i forget exactly how to do it, but there is a way to only let administrators and moderators make new treads. or, you could go to the extreme and make the message board have 1 sub board at a time, and then when that one fills up with say, 15 pages, the administrators can start a new one. i just think there is a lot of potential in that forum to make it more like the blogspot, and to give you the best of both worlds. like hermaphrodites.
now i remember that i have said this before, and i made that same stupid joke.
Well, no one's gonna top that.
you just watched bringing up buster, didnt you? i love that part.
another advantage of the bbs is you can see who is online, and if nobody is there, you dont need to stay online and keep checking for someone to post.
Hang on... WHEN are you guys getting Metroid Prime 3?
August 27?
Dare I risk becoming a boring parody of myself by double checking that against the UK release date? Yes, I do:
October 26.
Well, I guess it's not too bad considering the following...
US: April 9 2007
UK: September 14 2007
US: October 20 1994
UK: March 1 2002 (on a different system)
US: May 23 2005
UK: Never
Anyway - my apologies for my prattling on. We don't even have proper internet. I'm chiselling this onto the page from behind your screen using a primitive series of flint awls.
I'm too shy to watch Black Snake Moan for the very simple reason that to my mind, Christina Ricci is still Wednesday Addams so I find watching her getting 'em out and simulating sex acts really odd and uncomfortable.
Same with Fairuza Balk.
A bit less so with Balk though. Probably because she's older than I am.
I can in no way justify the above comments and don't for a second think I'm suggesting that as they have previously played roles in family films, that these actresses cannot take on darker and more challenging roles.
The Audio Bullys were given a crash course in Hollywood etiquette at a party once when they met Jane's Addiction guitarist Dave Navarro.
After five minutes of musical chit chat, Navarro chipped in with this irresistible offer: "Well, you guys seem pretty cool. Do you wanna come upstairs and **** my wife?"
Unfortunately, the thought of having sex with Carmen Electra as her husband watched from the end of the bed didn't appeal.
I'm just getting into the show, malcolm, and watched that episode for the first time two nights ago (plus twice since then). I've been dying for a chance to use that line since.
lol. i love that episode.
alright, everybody. we're almost up to 400 in the last thread. let's give rock riddle whatfor.
MegaSnake with Stargate SG-1's Michael Shanks on Saturday at 9 will feature FEEDBACK from SciFi's "Who Wants to be a Superhero?"
Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to forcing myself to watch this heinous shitfest in order to catch Feedback's one minute cameo. woo-hoo!
hopefully, it's more Mansquito or Mammoth than Flash Gordon.
worst screen couple of all-time
Dale is the Tobias Funke of The Married Man podcast.
lol @ love duds. ben affleck made the list twice, poor guy, apparently he doesn't have much chemistry with people.
That's harsh Holli. I wouldn't like to be called the Tobias Funke of anything. Haven't listened to this week's Married Man podcast as of yet, though, so I'm eager to see how Dale earned such a distinction.
Wow - I hadn't checked back at the last thread since Thursday. I'm doing my part now for the cause.
Must listen to Jack and Dale on the MM podcast = only listened to the first one I think (I'm lazy if it's not on iTunes).
Ally - how are you guys holding up - does Dean look like it's heading your way?
Married Man is on iTunes now MB.
Here's a funny video of a business meeting conducted by internet commenters. And since I'm not first on this this thread, I agree that calling First is lame.
The only scrambling he'll be doing is to get his back to the shower wall. Michael Vick acccepts plea deal.
Well I'm glad this isn't going to drag out for a few years. Vick should watch Season 1 of Arrested Development for some prison tips.
Blogger's going to be down for 10 minutes starting at 4 pm Pacific, that's 5 pm Mountain, 6 pm Central, 7 pm Eastern (sorry I can't do the European math in my head) today. So get busy driving up the post count on the old post people.
It is time for a kablammo? I'm in the dark.
Yes, Holli, your last post should've been KABLAMO.
MB, it looks like Dean is headed south (TWSS), although we're definitely gonna get some rain for sure, but at least we won't get hammered (TWSS) with the worst of it. I believe they said it might be here mid-late week.
Nice use of TWSS, Ally.
Anyone else get some myspace spam from Aimee in Little rock today?
*raises hand*
something about a slut?
i missed aimee spam?! oh man. :(
There was an email from an Aimee on The Married Man Podcast and a phone call who didn't use her name, but I think you'll find her familiar despite an accent change.
And that was Steph who took the Kablamo.
How I confuse Steph and Holli, I'll never know. Sorry. I think this confused me, because you always Kablamo on 69, Holli. Anyway, Aimee just posted a bulletin on myspace to say that a fake Aimee had been spamming us.
But Palmer did your cat get Aimee spam?
I thought that caller sounded familiar - her description of Jay was priceless.
no spam but I go a memo of explanation all the same.
Damn - I keep wanting to do an "Enter 77" kablammo and missing it
RE: Aimee spam - What up?!? I didn't get it either - i feel slighted ;)
Ally - glad to hear Dean might not hit you full force - I will continue to cross my fingers.
I wonder how the hacker chose its Aimee victims.
The comment read:
can't believe she put pics like that on her myspace.. talk about slut..
Ally, Don't feel bad. Everybody confuses Steph & Holli, the two southern blogspotters who both post scary pics of their kids with rifles. lol.
I think new 'Lars is coming soon....
damn rock riddle and his real ultimate power!
the Lars will be up on Wed. unless Rock Riddle stops it from happening. what a cock sucker that dude is!
Rock Riddle is a douche bag.
The last thread cut off at 373.
I guess that Aimee's slut spam today was better than the ringtomes spam that I received from Jay & Jack last week.
Sluts vs. ringtones. I go with sluts.
Rock Riddle makes me want to sit here all night until we hit 400, but I have a life.
If it was slut spam it probably came from Lindsey Funke.
Now that Ryan Seacrest has been tapped to host the Emmys I'm glad LOST was snubbed.
Ryan Seacrest steals the scene in ‘Knocked Up’
Seacrest, playing himself, becomes ticked off on the set when Jessica Simpson throws off his busy schedule by arriving at her leisure for an interview.
He angrily suggests that maybe he’ll retaliate by asking for her thoughts on an “exit strategy” in the Middle East.
“I don’t understand the young talent in this town,” the movie Seacrest goes on. “It doesn’t make any sense. I got four jobs — hell, I’m more famous than half the people we talk to anyway!”
The rant then escalates into an R-rated diatribe with Seacrest dropping the F-bomb and denouncing the superficial workings of the entertainment industry. The apoplectic host finally has to be ushered into the green room with a promise of a cookie in an effort to calm him down.
I agree Steph. That was a good part of Knocked Up.
Michael Bay responds to Paramount's abandonment of Blu-ray: "No Transformers 2 for me!"
So by now you've heard that Paramount has dropped support for Blu-ray right? Good, so has a notable Hollywood director. Michael Bay -- the man behind "Transformers," "Bad Boys," "Pear Harbor," etc. -- just threw down with Paramount in his personal blog. In a forum post titled "Paramount pisses me off!", he states, "I want people to see my movies in the best formats possible. For them to deny people who have Blu-ray sucks! They were progressive by having two formats. No Transformers 2 for me!" That's right Mike, aim your PS3 right at their coffers!
steph, that's hilarious.
i'll have to check out this engadget site.
by the way, paramount's move pisses me off too. it was looking like Blu-Ray was winning. and now this annoying move.
6 more months of format wars. bleh.
I knew you'd appreciate that story, p. Here's another interesting story in a different way. Bears and beer don't mix.
Bears eat man at beer festival
A 23-year old Serb was found dead and half-eaten in the bear cage of Belgrade Zoo at the weekend during the annual beer festival.
The man was found naked, with his clothes lying intact inside the cage. Two adult bears, Masha and Misha, had dragged the body to their feeding corner and reacted angrily when keepers tried to recover it.
"There's a good chance he was drunk or drugged. Only an idiot would jump into the bear cage," zoo director Vuk Bojovic told Reuters.
Local media reported that police found several mobile phones inside the cage, as well as bricks, stones and beer cans.
i like that the dude decided that it was an even better idea to be a nude guy in a cage with bears.
a nude man in a cage? was it sawyer?
poor guy. just wanted some fish biscuits.
actually, that's a great euphemism for crazy bear cage sex: "fish biscuits." as in "he's only after some fish biscuits."
Time killer How Bionic Are You?. I haven't done it yet.
Also, the Cheerleader is legal as of today. I know that's been a concern of this group in the past.
I think I need a retest. I'm only 30% bionic, but I wasnn't really paying attention. I'll retest later and give my revised results.
Pregnant Salma Hayek
Hayden Panettiere
Poor Hayden. That's just cruel.
oh man, that's so mean. She doesn't look fat at all.
Settin' up.......
kablamo, bitches!
a 108 kablamo at 1:08 eastern time? fantastic.
Cruel indeed - she looks alright to me.
"Hey, I calls 'em like I sees 'em! I'm a whale biologist"
FEH! 43% BIONIC??!? I'm gonna have to do that again....later....after a nap.
And DAMN! I had a great idea to keep posting at the last thread - and then ROCK RIDDLE lays the smack-down on it and shuts it down for good. DISABLED! damn.
This has been bitchfest 2007 brought to you by the Splog-nerd
mb, only 288 posts left in this thread to get it to 400. right?
go get 'em, gang!
/kicks feet up and watches
Dang, I suck at being bionic. I'm almost too embarrassed to admit my score. 28%
well, ralph said he would post the new podcast by wed. so we have until tomorrow to make it to 400. can we do it?
... well we can try.
I've been lurking here for a while and I've got a random questions for you guys. My girlfriend and I have been going out for 3 years. She doesn't seem like she wants to get married, but I would like to. Should I ask her anywya?
Office/Bourne mashup.
Ryan, I'm very hesitant to give advice with that little bit of info. I'd recommend discussing it with your/her friends you hang out with for a better take on the situation than I can give you from the blogspot.
ryan, e-mail Dale and Jack at the Married Man Podcast and ask! Married Man Podcast
is it too wimpy to ask her what she thinks about it?
Speaking as a married man...
What are you crazy? If the relationship is good and she's not interested in marriage, leave a good thing alone.
Or, maybe talk to someone a little closer to the situation...
Trevor, I'm assuming Mrs. Trevor doesn't know about this website? If not, your ass is grass.
Thanks guys. She's never said that she didnt want to, and i've herd her talking to her friends about getting married. I am pretty wimpy, adn I just dont want to ask and get turned down.
Some background: we're both almost 30 and have been living together for 6 months or so.
LOST news. Safe for spoiler avoiders (SFSA).
She knows, although I don't believe that she reads the website herself. But she's also used to me shooting my mouth off when I've got no business doing so.
wow! i go to lunch and come back to find a possible marriage proposal?
i can see what you mean, ryan, about asking and getting turned down. that would suck. but if you guys have been living together and have been together for this long then i'm guessing she must not be having too terrible of a time. but i agree with holli, ask your friends or her friends, just make sure that if you plan on it being a surprise that they don't tell her about it.
That caller to the Married Man podcast wasn't Aimee
I think we all know who the caller was. There's an email from an Aimee too though about winning a date with Dale and something about Jay. Besides, Aimee doesn't have a Southern accent despite her current address.
Ryan -
If it were me - I'd probably try to get some idea of her general feeling about where the relationship is at, so I'd start by talking to her about how she's feeling. It always seemed to me like women appreciate (and are pleasantly surprised) when the guy actually takes an interest in relationship-talk.
Beyond that, talking to any mutual friends you have could give you some idea (particularly whichever friend she confides in).
But I'd start at the source and talk to her - you don't have to actually say yet that you want to get married.
It would be nice to hear Aimee's voice soon, or get an update on her reading list, her golf game, her hair.
i bet "that caller" likes to make obscene gestures while being interviewed by podcasters while she's travelling to the west coast.
just guessing...
oh. and i think she likes Arrested Development. just a hunch.
She also sounded like a Tina Fey. Just something about her.
yeah, i think that the email was from Aimee :) What is she up to?
Dale didn't know and still doesn't know who it was. like, at all, apparently.
I told y'all Dale is the Tobias Funke of the Married Man podcast.
This guy needed some lessons from Gob.
I talked to my sister and she basically kicked my ass and told me to ask her. she said that beth is probably just irritated that I haven't asked her after all of these years. We've known eachother for 10 years or so and have been going out off and on for 6 years, seriously for 3.
She doesn't like Lost though.
Here's advice that's a bit more serious ... if you've been together 3 years, you're living together, you're both close to 30, and you propose and she says no ... then probably she's never going to say yes, and the relationship is eventually doomed, one way of the other. So if you propose and she says yes (and for all of the above reasons, she almost surely will), then congratulations, you're engaged. If she says no, then at least you've found out now, so you can bounce back and move on with your life.
i think her liking or disliking Lost is the least of your problems ryan.
Right now with 6 more months to go, I wish I didn't like LOST. I've been married almost 18 years, and my husband doesn't like LOST. It can work. I'd say listen to your sister.
I want to hear from Aimee how many pages her iPhone bill is. A girl on NPR had a 300 page iPhone bill.
sounds like a good thread for the boards. how many pages is your iphone bill? of course i think aimee is the only one we know that has one and she probably wouldn't post.
Trevor just took the words from my fingers. Ryan, print out Trevor's response and memorize it. Don't think about this anymore and ask her already. If you can't muster up the courage to ask her, then maybe you don't really want to marry her. I just got out of a 3-year relationship myself: she wanted to get married and I didn't, so I had to break up with her. My point is: 3 years is enough time for you to know for real if she wants to spend the rest of her life with you.
So, there's a short answer made long. Four words is all it will take to receive an eight-word answer. "Yes, you wimpy ass I will marry you."
Go get her Ryan! w00t!
whatever you go for, you have our support, ryan. apparently we're all pretty split on this marriage thing.
No Lars tonight.
I am sick and have a bunch of shit that i still need to do today. look for the show on Thursday.
In the meantime, flood the TLI Gmail with some love!
In the meantime, flood the blogspot with 247 comments...
yay! we've been given one more day to complete our mission.
I bet they didn't poll Aimee, but maybe they included Ralph.
Good. The Lars sucks anyway.
That's something we can all get behind.
So THIS is why Kristen Bell won't be on Lost.
I think she's better suited for Heroes as opposed to Lost.
There's also rumors that Bell wants to go to Broadway in Legally Blonde where she would also play "Elle."
there are bigger parts for her on Heroes..............
that's what she said.
How did the gig come about? It's no secret that you've been fielding many offers, including from Lost.
Bell: Obviously, I was in an extremely lucky position. I've kind of felt like I've been on a sugar high the last couple of weeks. Having any of those options… it still feels surreal. How do you make the decision between [Lost and Heroes]? Basically, being able to stay in [Los Angeles] was a little bit of a factor for me [in terms of turning down Lost]. But I was honored to even be considered by Lost. I really, really was, because I love that show. But I have social relationships with a lot of the people who work on Heroes, through so many random connections. It was sort of funny that so many of my friends had been working on this show. I spent a lot of time with a few of them at Comic-Con. I was actually sitting on the train [back from San Diego] with Zachary Quinto and Masi Oka, and some of the writers were on the train and they were like, "Hey, if you ever want to come on Heroes, give us a call!" And I sort of joked back, "I'd love that!" Later on I said to Zach, "Hey, if they were serious, I would love to work with you guys." And somehow, somebody made it happen.
I volunteered to Jack to set up a message board for the married man podcast. He took me up on my offer. I hope I can do it. Surely it won't be hard to do. Will any of you guys join up?
Arrgghhh, another place to check and post.
Did Rock Riddle take down blogger to keep the post count down?
For those in the mood to read negative Heroes press.
Couldn't we just add a thread to the boards we already have? Cause I would joing up, but I'd probably forget to check it regularly. Although I do love the podcast.
Jack really wants a message board for some reason, Ally. I wonder if the married man podcast has any listeners that don't already listen to Jay and Jack. But if it's a message board he wants, a message board he gets.
Holli, don't tell the 3 Heroes but I can't argue with that article.
I've kind of been thinking the same thing about Heroes ... how many new characters have they added? And you have to wonder, are they adding Kristen Bell because she's a good fit for the arc they're planning, or are they adding an arc specifically for Kristen Bell? I really hope that the, "You choose the hero" aspect of the Origins spinoff is dropped by the time the show airs (although I don't mind the stunt guest-director if it's a director that I like).
Gotta disagree with the 'Lost failed miserably' in it's second season. I liked Mr. Eko...
I'll join a Married Man board, Steph. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up.
I disagree with that articles take on LOST as well. I don't think TPTB added the Tailies to attract new viewers. They obviously had it planned from the beginning which is why they stuck Bernard there. As much as I disliked Ana Lucia, I liked disliking her much as I like disliking Juliet this season. And I really do regret they weren't able to bring the Mr. Eko story full arc. He seemed to have so much to offer than just didn't pan out for reasons other than the storytellers. And hopefully, hopefully, we'll start to get more on Libby and Cindy and the kids and other taken Tailies this season.
I can't wait to see where Heroes is heading and I really, really hope they do it well. But I fear it's going to turn into a case where Kring is spread so thin that the vision gets lost in a whirlwind of "special guest stars." It was disheartening that at ComicCon they did not seem interesting in addressing their ending arc which flamed out the season. Failure to listen to reasonable criticism will sink them faster than anything.
There's several typos in my last post, but I trust you can figure out what I meant, or if I'm lucky, you'll make it sound more intelligent than I could.
I agree, Holli, we def need to see more Cindy, cause it's getting ridiculous that they're just sprinkling her in here and there, but we're not getting anything good about her. Libby also seems to be a loose end that needs to be explained.
As for the Heroes thing, I don't really have much to say, I'm kinda waiting to see how the second season pans out. The first season had its good and bad.
I hadn't heard anything about the Heroes Comic Con panel. It's real concerning if they don't realize how bad that finale was.
Steph - just tell me where to sign up :)
And speaking of the Taillies - it's
Triple A's b-day
ghostie, PS3 news in Europe...
mb and ghost, i started watching Jekyll. it was really good. until Hyde showed up. my god, that was #%$$ing annoying. the editing was annoying, the character was annoying, everything was annoying. does it get better or if i didn't like that (the scene in the alley) should i avoid the rest of the series?
Trev, if you're looking for something to do to get out of work, here ya go.
Heroes Panel
steph, does that have Danny Bonaduce's question?
by the way, DANNY BONADUCE walked by us at comic con.
/behold, the power of nerds
I'm not sure, p. I didn't pay that close attention. Did you guys see Kevin Smith? He has to be the funniest person alive.
All this Heroes bashing reminded me of something. Unless things change, Jay and Jack are going to be on The 3 Heroes podcast this week debating Heroes vs Lost. Hope it's not a bloodbath.
If you watch the video, what studio is he talking about?
Doh! Sorry Hyde wasn't working for you. If i'm remembering right, that alleyway scene is pretty typical of how they show Hyde - so if it was unbearable to you, I can't say the Hyde parts of the show are going to be much different, save a few scenes where he talks less.
I actually think you could fast forward past most of the Hyde stuff and you'd still get the gist of what was going on and still catch most of the really good stuff about the show IMO (but I WOULD watch the basement scene with Hyde and Claire - b/c it's good and she's hot)
I guess the way Nesbitt portrays Tom's struggling stands on it's own in my opinion. The Hyde character's insanity is not what makes me feel for Tom, it's Nesbitt's performance.
Steph - do you listen to Kevin Smith's SModcast? I'd recommend it (if I haven't already on the SAS Board podcasts thread). He is indeed hi-frikkin-larious
Kevin Smith fights back!
Bonaduce's question is on the Heroes panel video that I watched over at
Steph, let us know when that 3 Heroes hits the airwaves. I'd like to hear it. I tried a Heroes podcast one time, but I just don't have the energy to commit to breaking down another show.
I saw that question to Kevin Smith on the Metrobuzz vidcast. Very, very funny.
The Heroes media backlash has started.
Personally I've enjoyed the show so far as a bit of entertainment and nothing more. That article gets it wrong about Lost Season 2 (obviously it was great) and Chris Ecclestone's character (the best cameo appearance in Heroes).
I always defer to whoever made this point: compare Heroes Season 1 to Lost Season 1. If it lasts 3 seasons compare it to 3 seasons of Lost. I hope J&J do Lost proud.
Since it started on terrestrial TV in England it's the hot new show and everybody in the office is creaming themselves. Even some friends who never saw Lost are into it so I tell them they're Heroes-nerds(!)
mb, the non-Hyde stuff was excellent. especially the first five minutes. how cool was all that?
anyhow, i may give it another chance.
oh! and the doctor lady is the new Bionic Woman and she was at the Bionic Woman panel that we sat through to get seats for the Heroes panel. good times.
Well said, elias!
Heroes is entertaining, but it's not as fantastic as the hype has made it out to be. Hype doesn't usually last too long anyway.
Overall I really enjoyed Heroes this year. I think that the problem was, it peaked around midseason, with 'Company Man' (right around the time that Lost was giving us 'Stranger in a Strange Land'), and delivered a stinker for what should have been the best episode of the season. If they learn from their mistakes and become a better show, then great. I hope that they do ... no show can last long based on stunt casting.
Company Man was my favorite episode of Heroes. The last arc just didn't work at all for me. Talk about tap dancing your way to the end.
But, you know, it's really hard to write good endings. Think of all the books you've read, especially, mystery/thriller types that have had let down endings.
I'll be glad when Heroes is back on. It got a lot of things right in S1 and I hope it can regain that momentum in S2.
Hey Palmer, what was your take on the style of the Heroes and LOST panels at Comic Con? They were very, very different in terms of who and how many participated. I've got some ideas having watched them on the web, but I'd love to get your in-person take.
***heroes season 1 finale spoilers***
hey, if hiro had killed sylar, and claire had shot peter then we'd have had a good finale. you could even have "dead" peter about to blow up and have nathan save the day.
***end of heroes season 1 finale spoilers***
/really just airing now in England?
I just found out there will be no Heroes vs Lost debate. Jay and Jack are too busy. I guess I should have checked before I said anything.
Company Man was my favorite also. And I heard someone say on Slice of Scifi podcast that we got the typical Comic Book Ending with Heroes. I wouldn't know since I don't read comics.
I would have been happy i the Peter/Sylar fight had actually, you know, used powers. There were more superpowers used in the 3 seconds of future fight 3 or 4 weeks before than in the finale fight. I mean, two guys with almost unlimited powers ... and you get some Darth Vader treatment and a little bit of punching? Lame.
And yeah, she should have shot Peter. She of all people would know that he'd be ok (and that it would stop him from blowing up).
the heroes was panel was a whole lot of the cast interacting with each other (which was a lot of fun). wish that they had that much chemistry on the show. officer parkman is officer milktoast on the show but grunberg is a really dynamic presence during the panel.
the LOST panel was just Carlton and Damon avoiding having to answer any of the spoilery questions that fans had. they made it amusing though (or annoying. or amusingly annoying. or annoyingly amusing?).
and, holy god, the belittling comic con seating lady who bellows out offensive quips was wearing short shorts and a belly shirt during the battlestar panel. ack!!
I felt like watching the panels from afar that the LOST panel gave me a lot more useful information about the previous and the upcoming seasons, but I think if I'd been there, I'd have been more psyched to see "the stars" at Heroes especially since Milo didn't have the emo hair and Adrian Pasdar didn't have the beard. But I really don't care what Mohinder's favorite part of the year was or that Ali Larter liked playing a mom.
Here are some Emmy presenters that Fox has confirmed:
Steve Carell, Kyle Chandler, the cast of Entourage, Kelsey Grammer, Patricia Heaton, Katherine Heigl, Hayden Panettiere, Jimmy Smits, Jon Stewart, Kiefer Sutherland and Kate Walsh.
No one I have to tune in for yet, unless Steve Carell's wife is writing his bit for him.
Sylar getting away was definitely a 'comic-book ending' (the bad guys always get away eventually. The weak-ass fight? No budget constraints in a comic book, the fight would have been bad-ass.
in a comic book, they probably would have battled on the moon.
Cool, the moon.
I'm off to run carpool. I want to see the post count at 200 when I return. Screw Rock Riddle.
well let's work on holli's mission to get to 200, people!
i don't really know what to say about that whole heroes debate, but i do agree with most of it.
Emmys Smemmys.
I agree about Greg Grunberg, p. If Parkman was as charismatic as Grunberg, it'd be The Officer Parkman Show instead of the Hiro And His Cute Sidekick Show. I'm off to sit in the grueling sun with other moms too.
ok, holli, here we go. one more post towards a half Riddle.
Riddle = Blogspotica term of measurement which equals 400 posts
You let me down people. I love the idea of a Grunberg/Ando spinoff.
Sorry Holli - little late
ok, only 200 more to go to piss Rock Riddle off something fierce. go go go!
Nice idea there. We can post and delete and drive up the count without sounding stoopid.
new Ramblecast is up featuring Director Clif.
Bad night for England fans, what with choking against the (ahem...talented and efficient) Germans.
I won't hear the end of this one.
A couple of factoids about the year 205
- Hadrian's Wall restored after heavy raids by Caledonian tribes had overrun much of northern Britain.
- Sima Wang, general of Wei and Jin Dynasty is born
Sorry for the loss Elias.
Thanks for the Ramblecast tip!
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