Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Lars: Live From Springfield

"The Lars": Episode 7 - Ben and Ralph are reporting in from Springfield! Join them as they talk about Their Top 5 Simpsons episodes and Side Characters! Ben reviews the latest Harry Potter film. We delve into the world of Television for the Queue Segment and get a bunch of awesome calls!


Ralph Wiggum- The Bloodhound Gang
Scorpio End Credits
Señor Burns
The Garbage Man
Talkin' Softball
The Simpsons End Credits - Simpsons
The Simpsons Theme- Danny Elfman

click here to listen
Live From Springfield!


PalmerEldritch said...

first!!! beat aimee again~

elias said...

2nd is the best

Stephanie said...

third is the one with the pokadotted dress.

aimee is lost said...

Steph, you're so cute! And Palmer, you're so...hairy! But still cute.

aimee is lost said...

I'm not really hungry right now, but it's my lunch time. Should I eat something or not? If so, what?

aimee is lost said...

For those who missed the link in the previous thread, go Simpsonize yourself HERE!!

Ralph- said...

Elias is lame. you need to ditch that pic of the roof tops!

Ralph- said...


PalmerEldritch said...

went home for lunch so i could download some 'Lars. how's that for dedication? it could also have something to do with the EXCRUCIATINGLY boring day i'm having at work. but mostly dedication.

i'm really liking all of these simpson things. keep 'em coming! (thats what she said)

steph, is that your daughter in the picture?

Stephanie said...

Yes, is Morgan who is cute. Having to entertain her.

andrew. said...

-don't have a camera or pics of myself at work, but i can't wait to get simpsonized. Is there a 7 year old Cambodian girl on the other end churning out the Simpsons portraits, because they're pretty sophisticated and accurate (judging by previous avatars) for a computer algorithm.

PalmerEldritch said...

andrew, yes. yes, there is. but you help her avoid beatings and time in the frozen meat locker by helping pick out which ears, beards, hairdos, shirts, etc you want. but you get a mildly accurate approximation to start with.

International-J said...

I hope mine uploads soon, I want to see me!

aimee is lost said...

I had trouble saving mine to my computer. Anyone have the same thing? I tried emailing it to myself, but it still hasn't arrived.

PalmerEldritch said...

aimee, sit tight. i'll figure it out for you. unless the processing time keeps on bumping itself up to larger numbers... only 420 seconds to go!

aimee is lost said...


elias said...

nemo me impune lacessit - but since there's new Lars all is forgiven.

International-J said...

I guess I'll have to stick with the drunk puppet bunny for the time being until I get home.

Kablamo assist for palmer and Kablamo for me!

International-J said...

I need to learn how to refresh my pages!

aimee is lost said...

I want to see Elias Simpson!

elias said...

I can't even get onto the website Aimee.

Also I want to piss off Ralph ;)

International-J said...

Oh man if there was a futuramaize me program I'd so do that more than Simpsonize. Was always more of a fan of Futurama than Simpsons.

Benjamin said...

Maybe the Futuramize thing will be part of a mass marketing blitz tied in with the return of the show next year. We can always hope!

t-dot kim said...

This is so fun!

PalmerEldritch said...

so, aimee, you tried on the rightmost tab the export radio button in the Send & Save and it doesnt work? what browser are you using?

PalmerEldritch said...

oooh... kim simpson. kimpson!

Jordan said...

Wow, you guys all look so much like yourselves. Especially Kim & Ralph. I have to wait til later to do it myself. I tried it earlier and it totally didn't work correctly. I'm trying to figure out what Palmer is doing with his hand.

t-dot kim said...

Everyone at work is Simpsonizing themselves (twss, right?)... and we have a major car fire on the highway, and we're all like, whatever, look at my pic!!!

aimee is lost said...

Kim, you look awesome! Someone needs to make new simpsonized 'Lars and TLI logos.

elias said...

mine is too funny not to post - you win Ralph, even if you ruined my view ;)

[ally] said...

finally got mine to work!

aimee is lost said...

Ally looks great, but I still can't see Elias. :(

[ally] said...

i hope you can see elias soon, cause it's hilarious. good job, elias!


t-dot kim said...

I can see Elias' LOL!

Jordan said...

I like how Kim and Aimee are both facing each other. ;)

elias said...

in my Birthday Suit :)

Chest wig is old schule 007.

Jordan said...

I'll have to wait til I have more time to do what I want to with this pic. ;)

jayhawk said...
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aimee is lost said...

Jordan, we were thinking the exact same thing! I actually accounted for Kim's Ent-ish height though.
Now Who Can Make Them Wrestle?

jayhawk said...

Nothing like Simpsons fun to bring me out of lurk mode. Hopefully the pic shows up. Mine isn't very exciting but I kinda like it.

aimee is lost said...

Aw, Jayhawk is so cute!

PalmerEldritch said...


Stephanie said...

I give up. I'll just have to be satisfied with Morgan's Simpsonization.
Elias, I gave you recipes for your pineapple juice. Now, i need help. What can I do with all these eggplants and peppers my husband has grown? I don't understand why he can't grow bellpeppers. That's the only pepper I know what to do with.
Andrew, did you enjoy Once More With Feeling?

elias said...

no problem Steph:

Baked Eggplant

Eggplant tips


some other great recipes on that site but you need bell peppers for Yemista.

jayhawk said...

Thanks, Aimee. I apparently made an error and became tiny. I assure you all that I'm much larger and less cute in person. :)

PalmerEldritch said...

steph! eggplant parmesan.

but to get them to perfection, you'll need a gas stove and an italian grandmother.

Stephanie said...

Awesome, Elias. I'll let you know how it turns out.

PalmerEldritch said...

elias, greek food? what limited greek food i've had is pretty damn good. cook some up and share with us blogspotters.

t-dot kim said...

Eggplant parmesan is easy...

If you have the George Foreman grill, it's super easy--and tasty!

Stephanie said...

I think we should just take a blogspot fieldtrip to. I know, it's not Greek but Cajun. But it's the only place I've ever eaten eggplant.

Stephanie said...

I have no idea how I keep srewing this up.

Stephanie said...

I mean screwing. I guess you can figure that out.

PalmerEldritch said...

steph, if i ever go to that restaurant, it's bourbon chicken time. :)

kim, your simpson avatar is a fox. freaks me out.

PalmerEldritch said...

and while we're all simpsons, i want to point out that Spider-Pig is no Spider-Ham.

/peter porker is my hero

Jordan said...


Trevor McFur said...

Finally got meself Simpsonized. Woo-Hoo!

Steph, how did you turn the time into a clickable link???

Trevor McFur said...

WTF, I'm tiny too!

Benjamin said...

Steph, I think I'd appreciate a refresher in embedding links here, so if someone tips you some info, let me know.

Spider-ham is pretty great. I think I still have one where he teams up with the Punfisher.

PalmerEldritch said...

jordan, i hope that dog is OK. and why no dharma whipped topping involved in your picture?

PalmerEldritch said...

<a href = "www.cnn.com"> CNN </a>

all on one line makes CNN as a link

Trevor McFur said...

Considering how funny-looking the residents of Springfield are, I gotta say that all of the blogspotters are pretty damn hot.

PalmerEldritch said...
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PalmerEldritch said...

crap. got in the car and realized that it should be <a href = "http://www.cnn.com">CNN</a> with the http:// and whatnot just to be sure that the browser doesn't think it's a link to an HTTPS site or an FTP site. good god, anyone remember the gopher protocol from los dias de dialup?

/now with proper use of greater thans and lesser thans

Anonymous said...

how to do links

Anonymous said...

accidentally found this site looking for the lost initiative podcast. what the hell is this? this does not look like the official lost podcast. just a bunch of sodding yanks talking nonsense.

International-J said...

Yes, I guess you can say we are. Come! join us, be ONE OF US, ONE OF US! GOOBLE GOBBLE GOOBLE GOBBLE ONE OF US!

Stephanie said...

Bugger off.;)

Anonymous said...


Ralph- said...

Hey Anonymous, There was already a Lost Initiative podcast before you Red Coats decided to name your podcast!!

Ralph- said...

Michael Giacchino
scores Medal of Honor: Airborn

casey_donahue said...

this is bizarre...

casey_donahue said...

and the simpsons me is pretty dead on

PalmerEldritch said...

first they overtax our tea and stamps. now, this?!

oh. thanks for standing up to Hitler and for creating Doctor Who.

by the way, you should listen to this The Lost Initiative. our hosts are girls. ga-row!!!

casey_donahue said...

thats a good way to advertise the american lost initiative

"our hosts are girls"

Jordan said...

Screw that simpsonize site. I just went and make a kick ass one and when I went to save it, it wouldnt work. Then when I go to re-do it, it says all slots are full. WTF?

Stephanie said...

You would not believe how long I've been working on this. How did you guys save yours? I've worked in every image program I have. I believe one problem I had was I couldn't see the entire site. Palmer, I selected F11 to see more of the page. It helped vertically but not horizontally.
I still haven't listened to the Lars yet. I left my iPod cord at work Sunday and had to go into town this evening for it. And you know, I have to listen with earbuds.:)

casey_donahue said...

jordan after i did mine i tryed to go on and redo it a bit and it started to say the same thing

Ralph- said...

i did a screen grab then photoshopped the backround

Anonymous said...

Oh hurrah, I can't wait to:

a)make myself a Simpson when I get home
b)listen to the Lars (have I mentioned my dad's name is Lars? Makes it feel a bit weird whenever I think 'oh, the Lars!' and then my dad walks into the room)
c)go to a 7am Potter Party at Kelly & Walsh dressed as Luna Lovegood, grab my book, go into work, and spend the entire time at said work place, 'discreetly' reading the book. Or looking through the goodie bag.

: D

International-J said...

I somehow was able to get my full body

PalmerEldritch said...

homer in his Naked Desmond costume trying to get some dude to hump a donut! there's some ancient cartoon wang involved.

Stephanie said...

I am again amazed by the reverence the Brits have for Homer.

Casey or anyone who knows something about film production: Why do some people look down their noses at establishing shots?

Stephanie said...

Are some people offended because it implies the director thinks the audience is too stupid to figure things out for themselves?

Jordan said...

I freaking hate technology!

First that damn Simpsons thing, now I can't for the life of me get this damn wifi network that I'm trying to set up to work! My goal is to get it working with my PS3. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. But for some freaking reason it keeps going in and out and my damn internet won't even work. Got damn this is frustrating.

casey_donahue said...

steph, i dont think i know what you mean by look down their noses, are you talking about the characters in the scene?

PalmerEldritch said...

jordan, that sucks. i'm about to go to bed since it's midnight over here but i can answer questions in the morning.

microsoft has a page which might be at least partially helpful. clicky clicky. the list o' admin accounts and passwords by vendor is pretty sweet. by the way, change yours so jerks cant use the default password to lock you out of your own internet. cuz that would blow.

oh. and if you screw up a setting, most wireless routers have a reset button in the back. you can use a pencil to activate it. but it'll wipe everything you've done so be sure that that's what you want to do.

Brooklyn said...

I love how EVERYONE is now Simpson-ized. Awesome...

t-dot kim said...

I think everyone looks fabulous. "Simponizing" is hilarious. I like them all. Casey's I think is the best.

casey_donahue said...

thanks kim, i thought yours looked really good too

one of my friends said it looks nothing like me

casey_donahue said...

oh and i think i know what you mena steph,

personally i think an establishing shot is necassary, say 2 characters are talking indoors, and we cut to 2 other characters talking indoors but they are in a different location, you need to have an establishing shot before you cut to the other characters otherwise it could get confusing wether they are all in the same place or not

I do think that once you have established where the characters are though, you dont need another one until the characters leave and go to a new setting

Jordan said...


mb said...

(sigh) I look forward all day to Simpsonizing me and my family and I now don't think it's working - it's been uploading my photo for 15 mins. Feh!

Oh, and Aimee, if you want to move to an area with an aparently low crime rate, try mine - how do I know? Because we LEFT OUR F-ING FRONT DOOR WIDE OPEN ALL DAY while we were at work!! Not joking. We come home and freak out at our door being wide open, followed by a semi-nervous walk through the house which confirmed that all was well, and that we had indeed eaten Moron Flakes for breakfast.

Seriously though - if we didn't have a fairly large barky dog (who likes to stand at the front door) I wonder what would be gone (or, maybe more accurately, what would still be there). Few things make you realize you need to slow your morning down and make sure you're actually awake b4 venturing out.

On a happy note - just watched Jay and Jack's Vidcast from last September (#1.3 "The Tri-fecta") and totally forgot that Ben and Ralph are in it! Nice bitch-slap fighting bitchez!

mb said...

Fuck - Simpsonize Me still uploading. Fuck it I'm going to bed

Nice pic Jordon! That's a kick-ass looking character I think.

Ralph- said...

long day.

going to bed.

goodnight internetica!

International-J said...

Good morning everyone, today will be a great day!!!

PalmerEldritch said...

jonjon, that'd be a bonus. anyone made simpsonized Lostaways yet?

Trevor McFur said...

Listened to part of the Lars on the way in to work today ... good stuff so far. I gotta wonder, though -- how often does Ben come over, and Ralph says, 'You know, I'm kind of comfortable in the bed here...'

PalmerEldritch said...

would that be the same bed that they were farting on back when Producer Ryan was giggling in the background?

long live producer ryan!

Johnny Ghostwatch said...

I can't get Ghostie Simpson fat enough.

Johnny Ghostwatch said...

Also - the framing makes me look short - I'm six feet tall, damn you!

Johnny Ghostwatch said...

By the way - you may recall me railing against Iain Lee when I first came here. If you look in iTunes for the OTHER (derivative) Lost Initiative podcast, you get the joy of SEEING Iain Lee in vision as well as hearing his awful voice.

Oh, and some clips of LOST.

Everyone else from Britain - fuck off, eh? If you can't tell this isn't related to the OTHER Lost Initiative then you're 40 times thicker than any nonsense-speaking "sodding Yank". The UK might have more sophisticated spelling, but that's about it.

See - I can be anti-Brit too :D

PalmerEldritch said...

Ghostie Simpson will always be fat enough for us.

Anything cool going on in the UK? What's Paul Potts up to?

And what's that Thalia Whatsherface from Big Brother up to? Ga-row!

Johnny Ghostwatch said...

I seem to still be posting. About the "thanks for creating Doctor Who" line:

Did you know that Sydney Newman, one of the main driving forces behind both Doctor Who and The Avengers - two quintessentially British genre TV shows - was not actually British, but Canadian?


Stephanie said...

In Britain, are yesterday's reality stars forgotten as quickly as they are here? The other day a guy was bragging to me about Taylor Hicks buying a house near him on Lake Guntersville. I had to fake the excitement.

Stephanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PalmerEldritch said...

then maybe i am a canadaphile, ghostie.

International-J said...


PalmerEldritch said...


nicely done, jonjon.

International-J said...

When I first tried to make Charlie Simpsonized he turned out being a girl!

Stephanie said...

The triumphant return of JonJon.
Simpsons: You'd think that Bart or Homer would have the funniest lines. After thinking about it, Apu and Ralph are the funniest.
Apu: "And if you survive please come again."
Ralph: "My cat's breath smells like catfood."
Ralph: "Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers."
Ralph: "I'm not allowed to go in the deep end. That's where the leprecaun lives. He told me to burn things."
Ok, maybe ralph is the funniest.

Mike Campbell said...


Thats another website that MIGHT have something to do witht he new J.J. Film. In the trailer someone is wearing a shirt that had that name on it. A lot of the site is in english so i'm thinking its a tie in. There is a lot to read in the history section of the site. I sent in an e-mail saying i love their drink. Maybe i will get an e-mail back!

Benjamin said...

Palmer, just decide you're a fan of Queen Elizabeth. That way you're covered for Canada, New Zealand (FotC), the UK and even Australia if you feel like it.

International-J said...

I don't know if this is the best Charlie I can do..


PalmerEldritch said...

ben, i remember helen mirren being kind of hot in Excalibur... and she was Elizabeth in The Queen... so... canadaphile? score!

elias said...

gotta hand it to The Lars - Guy Incognito is the mutt's nuts.

Gonna simpsonize a more recent photo of me if I can find one.

[ally] said...

that's pretty good, jonjon. it's better than him turning out to be a girl :)

PalmerEldritch said...

we have a potential charlie. now, for everybody else...

andrew. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
andrew. said...

forgot to grab a photo to simpsonize so i just drew up a quick picture of myself.

elias said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
International-J said...

thats a good drawing Andrew. I would do more Lost Simpsons crosses, but 1.Its now time for my lunch break and 2.I'm working off the slowest computer in the world!!

mb said...

AAHH! Simpsonize me is pissing me off - it doesn't like any of my photos dammit!

Stephanie said...

I had the same problem, mb. I went to take another picture, my battery was dead. The internet gods were working against me.
I think I'll call the Lar's line now.

[ally] said...

just keep at it, mb. it took me a while too. i had to try different pictures.

Jordan said...

Hey Palmer, Were you ever able to find a program to stream non-mpeg videos with a pc? If so, let me know. Most of my damn videos are avi's.

t-dot kim said...

I'm trying to re-Simponize the same photo I used yesterday and it keeps saying error. I don't think it's you MB, I think the site may be overloaded from people Simponizing!

Anonymous said...


Jordan said...

Yeah. Kim might be right. Yesteday I had certain pics both work then not work. Then I couldn't even get it to scan a pic because the system was overloaded. Damn nerds.

mb said...

(Homer voice) Woo-HOO!

Thanks for the support everyone!

PalmerEldritch said...

anonymous, that's awesome.

jordan, i've used VLC to convert files to the proper format. but it's a bit of a pain. i'll try doing some googling when work slow down a bit. it'd be awesome to have a better way to do it.

Stephanie said...

Anon was me. I was just too lazy to log in.

International-J said...

God, when can we get Lost: The Musical

elias said...

Steph - you kicked it up another notch with that background. Bam!

I just read that anonymous Brit hates Yanks. What was he/ she doing looking for the (other) Lost Initiative in the middle of the night? perhaps fantasizing about Iain Lee?

mb said...

Like Hurley says - "I'm spry"
(from "Numbers")

mb said...

should've specified - that was re: the Hardee's ad that steph/anon posted

Trevor McFur said...

Here's my contribution to the Simpsonized Lost community...

PalmerEldritch said...

trevor, that's fantastic. eventually, we'll have the whole gang. then we can photoshop them all together and then promptly forget all about it in a week or two.

[ally] said...

that's awesome, trevor. good job.

International-J said...

There now mine is like everyone elses

Stephanie said...

Elias, it wasn't my intention to up the ante or one up anyone. I only wanted a more realistic portrait of myself except I don't wear dresses ala Lucille Ball. I'm more of a t-shirt and shorts sort of person. But I am in the kitchen battering eggplant as I type.

Stephanie said...

And I don't think the anon yank-hater is an actual person. I'd be willing to bet it's someone we know.

Anonymous said...

Why you say that Steph? Anonymous folks are people too.

PalmerEldritch said...

judging from his attitude, the anonymous poster was Mr. Widmore.

/not good enough for MacCutcheon's

Jordan said...

Palmer, I haven't had enough time to read up on it much. But I came across some people talking about something called Nero @ Home that I think streams diff formats why transcoding. Not sure exactly if that's correct. But if so, that would be awesome.

Trevor McFur said...

One more, then that's it. Takes like 20 minutes to upload a picture to this thing!

Stephanie said...

Jordan, have you done anything other than the ps3 since you got it? Have you gone outdoors? You're still going to work, right? I think since you're rolling in dough, you should send us all to San Diego.:)

I'm bored with my current podcasts. Suggestions? Anyone?

elias said...

Steph - a mystery to solve while Lost is on hiatus: who is the anonymous troll? we need some 70s conspiracy thriller music, a carton of Marlboros and a magnifying glass.

International-J said...


I think I'm going to with the violin music, a magnifying glass, and a pipe.

'It's elementary my dear Elias'

Johnny Ghostwatch said...

Charles Widmore is, as you probably know, played by an Australian actor named Alan Dale who in the past five years appears to suddenly be US TV's big new thing having been in 24 and Ugly Betty and Almost Everything Else.

Australian imports (as well as US imports) are a big part of the TV diet over here (cos it's cheaper than making our own stuff) so we remember the way Alan Dale's hair used to look. For everyone else - there's YouTube.

Sexy, shirtless, curly Widmore. Namaste!

International-J said...


I tried listening to the Married Man podcast with Jack of Jay and Jack fame. But I couldn't really get into it.

Jimmy said...

I've been wondering a bit about the anonymous troll as well. There may be more than one...weird to hate something to the extent that you have time to comment on it!

Anyway...I love Yanks. Hell, I even made one!

Jump said...

No more Richard?


PS - tried to simpsonize me... didn't work - but will try later

Stephanie said...

Alan Dale: an example of a man that has gotten better looking with age.

[ally] said...

i don't know what to do. my friends and i have been planning a surprise party for a friend at a club. everything is ready to go, except the friend! he's refusing to go! any ideas as to how i can get him to go?

casey_donahue said...

tell him its a strip club, or if he doesnt like that tell him its a topless bar, theres just topless bars too

steph, wait, wait..don't tell me is a great podcast and I love this american life as well

Stephanie said...

Thanks Casey. I'll check em out.
JonJon, I bet the reason you don't like the Married Man podcast is because you can't relate to the subject matter. I like the podcast but can't get used to Jack talking in a PG-13 manner.
Ally, tell him you'll give him $10. That's how I talk Morgan into doing things.

[ally] said...

the only other idea i can come up with is, that we'll all go and have a good time and take lots of pictures and then give them to him later. we'll just tell him, we had a great time at your birthday party.

Anonymous said...

Is there something wrong with me that Kim and Aimee's simpsonifications are getting my little friend excited?

Trevor McFur said...

Steph, I think that most of the podcasts I'm listening to now are ones that you recommended to me! But if you like Kevin Smith at all, his podcast, called Smodcast, is hilarious. It can be pretty dirty too.

Death Watch: no. No there's not. What was wrong was telling us about it.

PalmerEldritch said...

harvy, as long as it is your cartoon wang everything is ok.

actually, they are pretty cute. hmmm...

andrew. said...

Speaking (in a manner of speaking) of the Simpsons, who, besides R&B are going to see the movie at the 1st opportunity?

I may see it but i'm not super jazzed about it. I was a huge Simpsons fan until season 9, and then i felt a noticeable shift in the style of humor. I don't know what year Groenig started Futurama, but i loved that show so maybe some of the creative spark migrated there.
Considering a lot of the early writing staff handled the movie, i was ready to be excited but none of the commercials have been funny.

Ben's list of episodes was pretty spot on. I think "King-Size Homer" is my favorite episode.

Unknown said...

I just wanted to add that my favorite Simpsons episode is "Homer's Enemy', which is the one with Frank "Grimey" Grimes. I love the episode so much I bought this

Trevor McFur said...

I'm an old-school Simpsons fan who thinks that it jumped the shark around season 5 (although it remained hilarious until around season 7). I love Last Exit to Springfield and Marge vs. The Monorail, but would have to find room in my top 5 for Homer the Heretic, Simpson and Delilah, Principal Charming, A Streetcar Named Marge, and my personal ATF, Homer at the Bat. The chili pepper one, I think, is atrocious, and is actually the one that drove me to stop watching the show.

casey_donahue said...

i wasnt really into seeing the movie because I stopped watching the show a couple years ago, but then I thought I should see it because up until a couple years ago i saw just about every episode

i also didnt want to see it because they took out the back to the future ride out of universal in orlando to make way for a simpsons simulation ride. I loved that ride and it gift shop and that movie far more then the simpsons

Trevor McFur said...

Is The Simpsons ride any good? I thought that Back to the Future one was pretty good when I was there a few years ago.

PalmerEldritch said...

yeah, i haven't watched a new episode of the simpsons as it aired in years. simpsons are funny and all but, meh, there are 400 episodes now. nothing to get excited about. so, the movie just seemed like an excuse to spend $10 on yet another episode of the simpsons. but Ben and Ralph's enthusiasm has piqued my interest a bit.

oh. and i'd like to take this opportunity to say FUTURAMA! what a damn good show that was (and will be when we get new episodes next yearish). if you can watch Jurassic Bark and not be at least tempted to cry like a little bitch, you have no heart.

/good news! it's a suppository!

casey_donahue said...

the simpsons ride isnt open yet, they just closed back to the future a few months ago

and if I didnt work at a movie theater, i probably would not go and pay to see the simpsons, but because its free, why not

t-dot kim said...

I'm not sure if I'll see The Simpsons the first day. I've only watched the show in syndication (after grade 8). I don't know which is my favourite. I like Ralph, Flanders, and Milhouse most--though I also like the Maggie isn't liked by the other babies in Springfield. I've always enjoyed their Hallowe'en Episdoes--and that one about the Lemon Tree. However, my favourite episode is the one where Bart and the boys become a boyband and are subcontiously recuting kids to "Yavn eht nioj". Good stuff.

Robert said...

What were the search words for the girl shitting in the hot tub on You Tube that Ben and Ralph mentioned on a recent podcast? Doing this from my iPhone. Really cool!


Brooklyn said...

Robert, here's the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySyJwWaOZSQ It's pretty funny, even if it is fake (I'm still not sure...)

Stephanie said...

The Smith's will be attending the premiere next Friday night. We're big Simpson's fans and the show is a weekly event at our house. I don't know about Fox not having any say-so about what the show does because at some point they definitely changed. It went from a show about a bratty kid to more of a family show. My favorite episodes would have to be the ones where they give a different view of historical events.

Unknown said...


The Party Posse is another good one. I love the fact the Ralph Wiggum is the one with the deep voice. Also my user name on the Jay and Jack forums is "ltsmash" inspired from that episode.

Anybody looking to pick up the Simpsons on DVD, I think Best Buy has seasons 1-8 for $20 bucks each this week.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Futurama man and didn't follow the Simpsons until recently. All the classic episodes are great but there are still some gems from later series. IMO the last 2 seasons have been pretty weak.

I think it's Transformers this weekend and next weekend is the Simpsons so that's where I'll be.

Also - the new Futurama is gonna be 4 DVD movies.

"I'm not not licking toads"

Johnny Ghostwatch said...

Noo Fred

(new thread)

Dave said...

I don't post very often, and it took me a while to get to this episode but this is a topic about which I feel pretty effin' passionate. Ben, I disagreed with your list for the most part. However, I just tried making my own list and it was really hard. I made a top 8 list (after trying to limit myself to 5) and then I checked their airdates, and they were all between January '93 and February '95. The Simpsons had about a 6 year run of flawlessness, but there were a couple years in there that were unbelievable. They even drew Homer funnier back then; it's hard to explain. Anyway, my list:

8. Deep Space Homer. "Gentlemen, you've both worked very hard. And in a way, you're both winners. But in another more accurate way, Barney is the winner.

7. Homer the Clown. "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college!"

6. Homer Goes to College. "It was the most I ever threw up, and it changed my life forever." And also "Hello, Dean. You're a stupid-head." And of course "S-M-R-T!"

5. Last Exit to Springfield. You mentioned this on the show, and that transition from Yellow Submarine to Batman made me realize how bad Family Guy is. The references in the Simpsons actually serve to advance the story.

4. Marge vs. the Monorail. You mentioned this too. "I like the way Snrub thinks."

3. Lisa's Rival. I usually don't like Lisa as protagonist, but this is Ralph Wiggum in his prime, bending his Wookiee. And the episode has the most amazing subplot of all time, Homer and his pile of sugar.

2. Whacking Day. It's probably the best portrait of Springfield, and so many secondary characters shine in this one. "They should call this book Johnny Deformed."

1. The Front. Homer goes back to high school, meanwhile Bart and Lisa write Itchy and Scratchy cartoons under Grampa's name. Homer's at his best: " All right brain, you don't like me, and I don't like you. But let's just get me through this, and I can get back to killing you with beer." And the cartoon writing is the kind of self-referential stuff that fans eat up.

As far as Ralph's list of secondary characters, I think Ralph Wiggum peaked a long time ago and has disappointed lately. Kirk Van Houten would have made my list. I also love Disco Stu, if only because he was created for one gag in one episode, and has become a recurring character.

Oh, nevermind.

Brian Kincaid said...

Hey Ya'll
How sexy did Kim's voice sound on the voicemail she left??!!