Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We miss you all...everybody.

Namaste bitches,

- Kimberley & Aimee


aimee is lost said...

Fuck, I missed this place.

memphish said...


TLI girl said...


JoeSC said...

Holy crap! Did someone turn the donkey wheel and send us back to 2010? I'm going to reload the entire TLI catalog on my iPod in silent celebration. Hope everyone's had a great couple of years!

TLI girl said...

Reading through waaay old threads from the MYOKOM days, and holy crap, I think I peed a little.

Jellyman said...

I miss you tooooooooooooo!

mb said...

Had to stop back here and express serious excitement for the TLI REUNION SHOW!!! :))) Gotta record a comment this weekend. WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!

JonFromNKY said...


t-dot kim said...

OOOOH my goodnessssss!!

t-dot kim said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA---look at my Avatar, it has been waaaay too long

PalmerEldritch said...

All I know is that Paolo is in a movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and I have somehow not bought a ticket yet.

JoeSC said...

Don't feel bad. Lots of people haven't bought a ticket yet. Although I would LOVE to hear Arnold annunciate "Paolo Lies". That alone would be worth the price of admission and would let them legitimately promote it as a comedy.

mb said...

Damn! Just realized I missed a the #8 KABLAMMO. It HAS been too long. You guys recorded yet?

JoeSC said...

Here's a "Welcome Back" KA-BLAMMMMO for you mb!

Hopefully no recording yet. Haven't had time to call in.

Unknown said...

Lord knows I have put on weight since I was last here!

mb said...

Thanks Joe :) wow - can't believe I'm posting in here again. Good times :)

Emma B. said...

Please please PLEASE do a Losties All-Stars! My head would explode (a la Arzt)

PalmerEldritch said...

I'm firmly against Emma's head exploding (or any of her exploding, really) but a LOSTies All Stars would be cool. Of course, so is any sort of a TLI Reunion Show!

Maybe MB can bring Mac along for a spoiler segment? Or is Mac too depressed by the rise of Siri?

TLI girl said...
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TLI girl said...

Aimee and Kimberley are recording tonight!!! Jan 30th

PalmerEldritch said...

guess i'm too late to write you with all the boring stuff i've been up to without LOST. :p

excited to hear from you two though. even if i am boring. i guess i went to Disney a bunch. that was cool!

PalmerEldritch said...

kablamo? "Knut's real fur used for new museum statue"

Ckalt said...

When's it gonna air? Can't hold my breath any longer <3

mb said...

Palmer - Mac's not too concerned about Siri. Says she's a ppl pleasing whore for Apple. Always the diplomat, that guy.

Don't have anything to spoil, but Mac did have something to say :) I imagine right now Kim has fired up the TLI Post Production Suite and is editing furiously :)

señorsifert said...
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señorsifert said...

I heard that you ladies were supposed to record again earlier this year? What happened?

Anyone out there want to know what the ol' gang (Aimee, Kim, MB have been doing for the past couple o' years?

Please tell us what is new in your lives!! We miss you!!!

Chris JC said...


mb said...

I can't tell when (what date) the previous comments were posted - so my apologies for not responding for (what I assume to be) such a long time - lol.

My understanding is that something got recorded (and I'm pretty sure they received mine and Mac's comment for the show). So, I assume we'll see a new TLI (love saying that) at some point. Will most definitely love it whenever it pops up on my iPhone :)

Anonymous said...

We were hooked on this show to the point of near obsession, but felt pointedly let down by the series finale...
Official Stickman

Ralph- said...
