Thursday, May 12, 2011

Random Re-watch, 3x10

I forgot what a fun episode Tricia Tanaka Is Dead was. I do remember what a clusterfuck Season 3 was 'on the hole', and this episode was a much needed victory for the characters. Thank God for Hurley episodes.

Namaste bitches,

- Aimee


JonFromNKY said...

A new thread? Whaaaaaaaaa?!

James said...

The best "Filler" episode in history!

JonFromNKY said...

Whoa! It's Seattle Jimmy!

alex said...

Seattle Jimmy! I just took a Film Music course in college thanks to you! It was fantastic

PalmerEldritch said...

i still have yet to rewatch anything. what a lazy bastard i am.

i'll prolly rewatch Stranger in a Strange Land since it was so important to the story. expecially Juliet's Island-tramp-stamp and the Others' Sheriff.

Chris JC said...

Well, I guess I'd better pull out the other name for a while...

Johnny Ghostwatch said...

There's still no way they wouldn't have crashed that camper van. Still never mind, Hurley got to do a murder with it later and everyone went "YAY!"

Jimmy said...

Correct, Ghostwatch...Sayid snaps a neck with his feet, Hurley runs them down and Sawyer takes out Bearded raft kidnapper guy (see, can't remember his name nowadays)...Oh, LOST's golden years!

Kevin said...

Aimee, I listened to your podcast, loved it, I'm a comic book publisher, I'd love to get your permission to do a tribute to you guys. I already have Ryan & Jen, Jay&Jack and Ralph cameoing as background characters in my comic book. I have a crowd scene in which I want to have a BUNCH of the LOST podcasting community in one panel (they're protesting angrily) Anyway, I'd like to have you, scott&steve seattle jimmy, & of course Kim in that scene along with all the others. If you all are interested , email me @ You can stop by the website and see I'm legit. If you do want to do this, I'll need a pic form each of you making an angry face. Loved the show, enjoying the re-watch

James said...

Well I dropped Kevin a couple of pictures...why not, say I?

PalmerEldritch said...

please keep us in the loop, kevin. i know i'd get a kick out of seeing such as Seattle Jimmy in a comic. and, yes, the lovely ladies of the Lost Initiative wouldn't be bad either.


Anonymous said...

I miss the show and the podcast :(

Tried to do a silly little tribute to lost but don't think I quite did it any justice ^^

Ralph- said...

Kevin put me in a book of his already, it is pretty awesome! If you guys get a chance, jump in on that good action, it's pretty fun to see yourself in a comic.

Johnny Ghostwatch said...

You've probably seen this by now, but:


Worth a spin :)

alex said...
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Jon from NKY said...
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JonFromNKY said...

11/25/2011 09:39 EST.

I think the blogspot has become extinct :(

PalmerEldritch said...

"You have designed a very good blog. Makes me stick around it."

That's what she said?

Kyle from Kentucky said...

just listened to TLIs last podcast. I know I'm way behind. The season 6 losties. They made several comments about an all time Losties they were going to do. But I don't think thats going to happen is it.

JoeSC said...

Yeah, I'd love to see a series-long Losties. I haven't watched a single episode since the finale and this would give me a good reason to start up again.

Hope this finds everyone well!

scrdmnkydst said...

I miss this place :(

JonFromNKY said...

Me too:(

Chris JC said...

Totes Amazeballs!


andrew. said...

is this the site where we discuss 2 Broke Girls???

PalmerEldritch said...

when the Giacchino comes on in itunes, i think back to my time on a magical island somewhere in the internet. we made friends and we lost some but i know, when its all said and done, we'll be reunited in a strange season 6 b plot.

thanks, SASers. :)

Chris JC said...

I love you, Palmer!

Urgh - I don't like the new Blogger comments systen. Uuug-leeeee.

alex said...

Hey, almost 2 years since the finale. Hope everyone is doing well!

Anonymous said...


Jordan said...

I miss this place. Twitter just isn't the same.