Lame discussions and poorly constructed theories about the hit ABC series "Lost."
Call the TLI Ham Fat Line: (206) 426-3238
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dharmalars- Lost Panel 008!
Well, the 2008 Lost panel is now history and the Dharmalars are reporting on it from the convention center in beautiful San Diego California. Join Ben, Ralph and a whole slew of special guests as they guide you on the wonderful journey! Did we mention Matthew Fox was there?!
Playlist: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - Ed Shearmur
Once again, incredible job by Alirio. Is it wrong that I've taken Alirio's Chin book photo as my avatar? Maybe, but I don't care, my autograph's in the book too.
Crazy day. Alirio is the big blogspot hero. Bruce Campbell was a class act.
Dude... crazy stuff in the LOST and Jay and Jack panels. I can't wait to hear Jack describe his new friend on their podcast. Also, Ryan Ozawa (sp?) is awesome and him throwing out bags of macadamia nuts at the end of the Jay and Jack panel was hilarious.
Stuart is my hero. I want a copy of the pic of him and the Sawyer impersonator.
It'll be really interesting to find out all the stuff I've been missing from panels that I didn't go to.
However, I shook Lou Ferrigno's hand and he winked at my girlfriend so life is good.
I've seen MacGyver, Jack Bauer, Jack Shepherd, the Incredible Hulk, Bruce Campbell, and CRUSH in person this week. Bad ass.
Heroes premiere was better than season two but REALLY lifts a LOT from The 4400. A whole LOT. Will complain about it in inviso-text on the BBBS next week or after the premiere has aired in the US.
Looking forward to tomorrow and reviewing all the LOST panel info.
Alirio you are THE MAN with the Chins book. So glad Kim got it to you.
Just saw Crush on CBS Fight Night. She's just watching tonight. Some blond girl named something like Cyborg just beat the shit out of another girl. Crush looked great. I'm jealous of the Crush and Wolf sightings.
- thanks to the entire Lost community for letting me experience comicon vicariously through you. I listened to the Transmission's recording of the lost panel, followed it up with the Dharmalars wrap-up and then caught the Pierre Matchstick video on aintitcool.
- they must have dropped the Marv Wickman pseudonyms because they couldn't come up with any clever candle references either
- A big salute to Alirio for going above and beyond to get Chin's autograph. we should chip in to buy him a baconator (or a tofunator)
- i think the lost audience has reached a point where we have to just trust that all of our nagging questions are going to get wrapped up. Before, it seemed like we were busy trying to catch Damon & Carlton in a lie about knowing the story better than the fans. I think that there are less questions about the nature of the show at this point.
- is it possible to watch all of season 1 of Madmen in one night? let's find out.
ALIRIO, YOU ARE THE MAN!!! That is awesome! I feel like some sort of blogspot group hug is in order.
Comicon looks awesome guys. Can't wait to take a closer look at it all when I get the chance.
Palmer, I am incredibly jealous of you for getting to see Crush in person. But I actually got something close to a similar experience though. I saw this Romania prostitute in Amsterdam who I swore is Crush's long lost cousin or something. I actually went up to her door and pretended to be interested because of this. lol. It didn't go any further than the door if you were wondering.
Speaking of Amsterdam. Let's just put it this way. That last message I left prob took me about 10 minutes to type. Haha.
Still haven't seen Batman dammit. I 'm in Belgium right now and am affraid that it will be dubbed in French. Damn Frenchies dub everything.
Oh, I totally forgot to mention this. A few weeks back I was in Stockholm and was hanging out in the tv room of the hostel I was staying at. The tv was on the the background as a few of us played cards and had some beers. You know what was on in the background? Lost. And what episode but Ralph's fave. Further Instructions!!! lol.
Ah, who will be the last to see Batman? Jordan or me?
Hubby and I were going to go this afternoon, but the kid has a terrible cold and we don't want to inflict that on our parents (our normal babysitters) because there's nothing worse than a sick child than a sick parent. And if you don't get that, just wait until you and your parents get older and you will.
Now the tentative plan is to see it next Saturday afternoon after the kid's piano recital.
This is the closest I've felt to being a hero in my life.
I'll tell you all exactly how it all went down sometime Monday or Tuesday.
Just at the hotel grabbing my bags (TWHS) and checking email before going to the airport. Just had a great lunch with Palmer, Ben, Producer Ryan and others.
I hope the red-eye flight won't be too bad. Can't wait to we MY SON! :-)
I have a question for the Comic Con attendees. The media keeps talking about people camping out for the Heroes panel ignoring the fact that the LOST panel followed it. So what I want to know is how many people left the Heroes panel not sticking around for the LOST panel? Granted they have a bit of a crossover audience, but what's the real scoop -- camping out for Heroes or camping out for LOST?
I'm in SanFran right now waiting for my flight to Montreal.
Can't wait to get home and show my gf and son what I've brought back.
Please blogspotters, save your pennies and come to Comic Con next year. You shant regret it. Also I promise to buy any present blogspotter one beverage of their choice*
holli, i dont know what the percentages were for people camping out for LOST versus people camping out for Heroes or for Heroes fans who didnt stick around for the LOST panel. some people did leave but not a heck of a lot.
however, the LOST fans wanted to know about plot and character stuff while the heroes fans' questions were "Milo is dreamy" and "Silo is awesome." yeah, they called him Silo. :)
saw Hellboy II just now at the lovely SomeTheaterInSanDiego and it kicked mucho ass. that's a visually stunning film. and Ron Perlman and Doug Jones are awesome.
Holli - I'm becoming depressingly more sure by the day that both you, your family, Jordan (and probably his family) will see Batman b4 me. A piece of me literally feels like it's dying inside - lol.
In all seriousness though - Alirio - more mad props to you man - you have been damn impressive in the amount of shit you got done the past 4 days!
Jordan - "It didn't go any further than the door if you were wondering"
and she looked like Crush?
......uh-huh. ;) (i keed)
Haven't even had time to listen to this Dharmalars ep! Ack!
But at least the back pain has subsided mostly
[in Homer Simpson voice]:
MMMMMMMM.....prescription meds :)
Now I've got to sift through any spoilerish info (or just forward looking at this point - I don't care) and get Mac to record a podcast w/me. Long overdue!
• Alrio, congrats on accomplishing the mission. That is awesome!
• Holli, I hope you've recovered well from partying this weekend.
• Jordan, good to hear you're having a good time.
oh and it'll probably be me that's the last one to see TDK, sheesh! another weekend rolled by and i didn't get to go. there's always next weekend, i guess.
I'm on the line help me out...They both sound soo good I'm leanin pancakes but you got to take shelf life into considerstion..the fresh squash is older then the picked today blueberries!
Dharmalars should record with a crowd more often - that was awesome.
If Pierre Chang is to be the character's real name then that's quite good - presumably a nod to the French/Chinese name of that particular actor, François Chau.
Back at work, and boy, doesn't it feel good? No. Not actually. But it's bearable because I had such a good time with such a good crew of peeps this weekend. Palmer, Alirio, Palmer's girl, Stewart, Steve, Jason Reed, Michael, Jay, Jack, Jana, Colleen, Cliff, John, Ryan, Jen, Producer Ryan, Ralph-, my baby bro, my old man, Dharmalarmonie, Seattle Jimmy, Dylz, Zero-Time Listener (now re-christened One-Time Listener, Goody Cathryn, Suzanne, and much, much more.
Honestly, the best part for me of the convention is getting face time with people, because it's tough for me to maintain connections on the internet, so I'm glad we had the time we did. Party on, Internetica!
other than that, i don't see either of us. but i'm eating a sandwich and desperately waiting for American Gladiators to come on in San Diego so i might be distracted.
I was watching the Heroes panel yesterday thinking about how Lost's cast used to be just as excited about the show in the first couple of seasons. Now they're all bitter being stuck in a hit show and can't get out of their contracts to make features. The actors don't even watch the show anymore.
Hmm. I got all the way to the page where you enter in your details and then upon sending it... i got nothing... just continual loading... how anoying...
What you guys didn't stay up all night waiting on it like I did? That proves you're smarter than me. It's just slammed right now. It may roll out as slowly as one thing a week, so don't sweat it.
- i got on the Dharma Initiative page last night around 3 am. You have to take a couple of multiple choice psychology tests and then enter in a lot of personal information (user name, real name, phone number, address) That was it so far. The design for the site was pretty nice, real straightforward. I'm looking forward to the ARG.
- I'm up to episode 10 of Mad Men season 1. I'm enjoying it, but to spice it up a little they should make the wife & kids witches.
- I also randomly caught the 1st episode of Breaking Bad. It was fun. I think Bryan Cranston runs around in his tighty-whiteys in everything he's ever been in.
- This week is going to be a rough one, and i don't even have a comicon hangover.
The other thing that's happened in the ARG is that Hans Van Eeghen sent another email and if you view source there's another message from Ruckus Guy which leads to a YouTube video of the bluetooth message he was sending at Comic Con. I'm helping out at and following along at The Lost ARGs.
Does anyone know of an "Official Lost Podcast" Archive? Itunes is strange with there podcast archives some stuff they have every one, some stuff only season4 :( I was subscribed to the RDM Enhanced and just found the regular feed had a bunch of new episodes good/and bad. New old product:) I scanned thru and did not find anything but..I could have missed it. blueberrie pancakes mmmmm
Thank you Memphish holli. I was hoping for more audio:( NOT your fault I'm gonging to grab those and burn them while there around I've listened to this seasons again, and while I was crying with laughter caught a bunch of stuff I'd,I was thinking older might shed even more dark on the 800 questions I already have!
Memphish riddle me this on the top 30 WTF link on your thread ,How the hell did Juliet's Ex getting Squished under Apollo Bar Bus not make the cut? Did I miss it? I woke up last night with that in my head! Like a Charlie, SAVE Aaron dream, you know hide the Baby in a piano!
I was in the Comic Book Store and i watched the Ceiling shift the opposite direction as the floor. I kind of get a kick out of them. Aparently it came from Chino, which if you watched The OC ("dont call it that") is on the wrong side of the tracks from where i live!!!!
It was pretty strong, nothing in the store got damaged, so not too shabby. I am waiting stevi's call at 5:15 when she gets off work to tell me that our entertainment center is on the coffee table and all our stuff is fucked! FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!!
If you have never been in an earthquake, they are pretty entertaining. A bit scary, but for me very entertaining. I just wished i was paying attention to the Bobble Head Shelve when it all went down!
- i figure if you manage to fail the Dharma Initiative Komp-Voight tests and provide them with your address, the men in white will let you know.
- why did it take me until episode 11 of Mad Men to figure out that Joan = Saffron? I guess i remembered mrs. Reynolds being a more petite bit of deviousness.
Andrew, Don Draper's family has to be perfect. He's supposed to have the wonderful suburban family with which he can't connect. OMG, is it not Sunday night already?
Andrew, I got season 1 of Mad Men waiting at home. I´ve heard good things. I watched all 7 or 8 episodes of Breaking Bad and quite liked it. It´s a very quick and easy watch. At least was for me.
I don´t think I am ever going to get to see The Dark Knight. It was out when I was in Belgium. But now the next few places I will be, it won't be out for another couple weeks. Argh!!!
Yeah, they've way overedited AG. Does Nashville Star really need that much time?
Nothing has happened in the AGR since Dharam Wants You went live except for a raging controversy as to whether or not some guy posting on the DarkUFO Forum, Duane is Insane, is in game or not. I personally think not. Really the only thing going for him being in game was that he knew the name of the guy with the video at Comic Con 2 days before that panel. Since then it seems like all the info has been self-serving promotion.
The ID of the actor playing Dan Bronson has been determined too. There's a Facebook page, but Hoodlum, the company running the ARG, really didn't use Facebook or MySpace in Find 815. Of course it was hard to use those because the game essentially took place in 2004 not live. I assume this game is in real time so social networks may be more in play.
Yeah, with Portuguese subtitles. the theater wasn´t that big, but it still rocked. Up til now all the Ledger Oscar buzz to me was mostly due to his death. But I don´t know. The dude ruled the entire flick. I don´t know if they do another film. But if they do, you cannot touch the Joker role. not after what Ledger did. When I get some time, I will post my thoughts over on the forum. I flipped my lid when he ejected the batcycle out of the batmobile!
That race is on MB. It doesn't look like we'll be seeing it this weekend either unless I can swing some Sunday afternoon deal. Of course we have to settle for normal screen. Our only intown Imax theater doesn't show feature films.
Sorry MB, no pics. I´ve been getting a lot of flack from family and friends for it. Been too crazy and busy to do so. Will for sure do when I get home. And yeah, Portugal is really cool. Am in Lisbon right now, heading to Porto in a couple days.
I'm not going to see the Dark Knight at all... So i think i win. Go me.
Also, did anyone else see the recent Lewis Black's Root Of All Evil? This week they were debating which was more evil... Ultimate Fighting or Bloggers...
TDK is very good. and you can pretend you're being patriotic by seeing it cuz everyone's from the commonwealth of nations but eckhart, freeman, and sad cartoon turtle.
so, anything else cool happening back in the states? i have no clue what has been going on. has my long awaited crush-phoenix kiss taken place yet? have there been any runaway brides or celebs that showed their junk in public?
you know, it´s the little things that you miss the most.
Palmer - i might watch TVK when it comes out on DVD... but i'm not going to go to a cinema... i can't go to my local cinema because i used to work there and they don't allow ex employees to visit the in a spectatorly capacity... load of bull. The next closest cinema would be like an hour away.... i cba with that...
- Palmer - i saw "Young People [getting their groove on]" I was interested after i heard one of the film podcasts talk about it ('Filmed But Not Forgotten' maybe?) but despite the provocative name, the whole thing was very tame with very 2-dimensional, stereotypical characters.
- i'm watching Oz, finishing off season 3. I think i would have liked Harold Perrineau as Michael a lot more if i'd seen more Oz before Lost started. I'd probably also have a very different opinion of Mr. Ecko.
I liked the whole series. I was afraid that it was gonna end in a way that nothing really gets resolved, but I was happy with the way it ended, it tied up a lot of stories. If you're finishing up season 3 then you're about halfway. I really liked season 4, i believe season 4 was the longer season.
Andrew, It´s pretty good the whole way. But it gets a bit goofy near the end. Doesn´t quite live up to it´s high standards set earlier. Tends to happen with that type of show after it´s been around a bit. Trying to stay fresh without getting crazy can be a bit tough. Still though, one of my favorite shows. The show responsible for HBO getting into original programming. Without it we might not have The Sopranos or The Wire. Also, one of the first shows I am aware of that pulled off multiple character storylines and a large cast. There were plenty of times when I watched it and thought that they guys from Lost must´ve got some ideas from it. The cast is pretty amazing. Especially considering how often it is turned over time and again. You will never look at Mr Eko or Juno´s dad the same. And if you are a Wire or Lost fan, a lot of familiar faces. And although I´ve never really watched it, Law and Order pretty much used all of the Oz guys after it was over. I think they had the same casting people. We should start an Oz thread on the message board. And Andrew, you an give your impressions as you go along. I love talking about that show. There are some reall good omg moments along the way. And did I mention Luke Perry makes a visit to Oswald? lol.
Thanks, palmer. You know me so well. It takes a truly devoted fans to dress up as Adam West Batman characters. Especially the guy dressed as old-school, short yellow cape, green tights Robin. I wonder if he got the short end of the stick when they were picking costumes, or if he wanted to be Burt Ward Robin. "Yeah, sure, I'll be Robin. Damn right I got the package to pull it off'"
Awesome... because it'sso horrible... i don't like the quadrangle. I don't even like starbuck in season three... just gimme more Gaius!! he's blates the best character.
- Still want to see The Dark Knight at the Imax but i haven't got around to it yet. A big part of my hesitation is that the only other time i saw a Hollywood movie at the Imax was "Matrix 3". Aside from the movie just generally sucking, the Imax is at the science center. The screen doubles as the planetarium so it's curved. Trying to watch a movie where action sequences are playing out in your peripheral vision and you have to turn your head from side to side to follow a conversation is a really exhausting experience.
- the movie podcast backlash at the Dark Knight is pretty severe. The reviewers have a tough job because they feel like they need to point out that they noticed all of the problems with the movie, but they should also convey that the viewing experience more than makes up for the flaws. It has a bunch of problems because it is so ambitious and full of ideas, where something like Hancock has 2 ideas still manages to fuck them up.
- ah Sunday. i should really ration out my TV viewing through out the week, but i'll probably just plow through "Generation Kill", "Venture Bros.", "Mad Men", and "Weeds" in the next 24 hours. Also, the interwebs hooked me up with all of season 1 of "Breaking Bad".
Funnily enough, Palmer - I had to answer a question about it just earlier so I know there are three seasons (third still showing on Adult Swim) and that a fourth has been commissioned but has not had an air date scheduled yet.
As for catch up there is certainly a season 1 DVD, I assume 2 must be out as well - I don't know cos I live in a different country, don't have that channel and barely understand anything.
nice. thanks, chris. it's no Danger Mouse but i keep hearing a lot of good things about it. so, might give it a looksie sometime.
i've actually caught about four episodes of Flapjack but that's about it for my exposure to CartoonNetwork ever since Justice League Unlimited went off the air. i should break out my Sealab and Space Ghost DVDs sometime though...
as for Baconators... i only had one while i was there. but i did have a Big Kahuna Burger at Dick's Last Resort and some kind of bacony cheeseburger thing at Jack in the Box.
- Palmer - if you liked Space Ghost & Sealab, you'll definitely find things to like about Venture Bros.
The latest season is actually a lot different. The first 2 seasons were just funny adventures that slowly introduced more characters. Now they are very caught up in the continuity of the show, and it feels more like serious stories about ridiculous characters. So definitely watch from the beginning.
Saw TDK yesterday (not in IMAX - am going to go back next weekend).
Wow. Seriously, wow.
Did Christopher Nolan sleep during production? b/c that looked like a MASSIVE production! I can only imagine the job he had getting it done - must find interviews and such.
Don't want to spoil here so I'll head over to the Dark Knight thread on the SAS boards and just say that I am DEFINITELY going to have to go back again and see it in IMAX.
ally, just read some headlines about a possible Hurricane Edouard coming to Houston so be careful and dont lose your television signal during the American Gladiators finale!!!
mb, good doing. TDK was a wise move on your part. off to the BBS to read some spam and see what you thought of TDK.
i didnt ever find anything out about Log Carrying Guy bumper stickers the other week. i don't think i was smart enough to actually ask about them but i kept my eyes peeled.
I asked Jay about the Log carrying Guy swag while we were waiting in line Saturday morning. He told me they couldn't get it done in time for Comic Con, it's all still forthcoming.
So I think we've all seen TDK now, right? If anyone here hasn't seen it, go see it pronto!
this movie was freakin' awesome! shame that i didn't get to IMAX it, but still cool. i'm glad i got there early, the theater was packed by the time the previews started. i can't imagine what it was like opening weekend. all i kept thinking was, this is the 3rd weekend! what are all these people still doing here?
palmer~ thanks for the heads up on the hurricane. you wouldn't know it's about to plow us from the looks of it right now. the sky is crystal clear and the weather is lovely 85º I guess it's the calm before the storm. It sounds like it'll be hitting right around when AG comes on! As long as I don't lose the signal I'll be ok.
Thanks Alirio and Palmer for the Log Carrying info.
Looking forward to the 2 hour AG finale tonight. I doubt the Olympics will be anywhere near as interesting. Sad, huh?
The ARG IMHO sucks. Nothing has happened in an entire week. If I were running the thing the first few weeks would be packed to get people engaged and excited. At this point, ho hum. So we've got a test, a pretty pathetically hacked blue tooth thing. A couple of hacked emails. And Dan Bronson's pirated video which is now up at I'd imagine if this is going to be the pacing -- one thing a week, that people are going to go into high bitch mode or just ignore it and read the Lostpedia summary when it's all over.
I'm glad people caught up with that Burn Notice episode. I thought it was very entertaining, especially Patchy. That guy's pretty rough even with both eyes.
I just got the Kid's 3rd grade teacher and classmate assignment. I wanted one certain teacher and didn't get her, but I think we'll like the one we did get. He starts back 2 weeks from today. A lot of schools here start next week and my nieces in Mississippi start this Wednesday which I think is ridiculous.
Morgan Freeman was in a bad car wreck in Mississippi and was airlifted to the trauma center here in Memphis. They'll do a good job. My nephew was in a terrible wreck 2 summers ago that he shouldn't have survived, but he did. The trauma center is named after Elvis because it's where he was pronounced dead.
just noticed this one (how did I miss it) - but let me be clear - I only make this joke b/c Ally seems NOT to be upset or nervous about the impeding storm:
you wouldn't know it's about to plow us from the looks of it right now
The craziest part of this Morgan Freeman story is that our local TV station, the one quoted in Palmer's story as the CNN affiliate was using TMZ as it's source. No word from Perez Hilton yet. I guess he wasn't returning WMC's calls.
Morgan starts back to school next Wednesday. The news is reporting on the effort to move the first day of school back to after Labor Day. School bus drivers are buying ice and water for the students because it's too hot on the buses. I've been saying this whole time somebody's going to have a heat stroke. What pisses me off the most is the reason the extra days have been added to the school year isn't for the benefit of the students. It's only to get the teachers raises. What about the children?(in my best Maude Flander's voice) I hate government schools.
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I may be second, but I've added a VERY special picture to my gallery.
Alirio! Great job! Did you actually get to tell him the story about the book? What did he say?
Nice work ... I'm not sure why I'm feeling a sense of accomplishment about it...
Alirio, I could cry. That is awesome. I plan on getting a screengrab when I get home. Thanks, dude.
Good job guys! Thanks for keeping us all informed. I'm def going next year because it will be the last chance b4 the last season... must feed the pig.
Once again, incredible job by Alirio. Is it wrong that I've taken Alirio's Chin book photo as my avatar? Maybe, but I don't care, my autograph's in the book too.
And what does it say above the book title? 'Shop Sam and Nate'?
Shop Smart!
Crazy day. Alirio is the big blogspot hero. Bruce Campbell was a class act.
Dude... crazy stuff in the LOST and Jay and Jack panels. I can't wait to hear Jack describe his new friend on their podcast. Also, Ryan Ozawa (sp?) is awesome and him throwing out bags of macadamia nuts at the end of the Jay and Jack panel was hilarious.
Stuart is my hero. I want a copy of the pic of him and the Sawyer impersonator.
It'll be really interesting to find out all the stuff I've been missing from panels that I didn't go to.
However, I shook Lou Ferrigno's hand and he winked at my girlfriend so life is good.
I've seen MacGyver, Jack Bauer, Jack Shepherd, the Incredible Hulk, Bruce Campbell, and CRUSH in person this week. Bad ass.
Heroes premiere was better than season two but REALLY lifts a LOT from The 4400. A whole LOT. Will complain about it in inviso-text on the BBBS next week or after the premiere has aired in the US.
Lifting from the 4400 may not necessarily be a bad thing, to be honest...
Looking forward to tomorrow and reviewing all the LOST panel info.
Alirio you are THE MAN with the Chins book. So glad Kim got it to you.
Just saw Crush on CBS Fight Night. She's just watching tonight. Some blond girl named something like Cyborg just beat the shit out of another girl. Crush looked great. I'm jealous of the Crush and Wolf sightings.
Everyone travel safely home!
Lost plus Arrested Development. Comic gold.
How did the guy who asked the local news scheduling question get there? What a douche.
How in the heck did Stuart know the plant was in Spiderman?
I was curious so I googled him. This is Bob Stencil.
Other than questions pertaining to specific episodes that they're probably not going to answer, have we asked Lindeluse everything we want to know?
Lost panel video I think because I can't see it.
- thanks to the entire Lost community for letting me experience comicon vicariously through you. I listened to the Transmission's recording of the lost panel, followed it up with the Dharmalars wrap-up and then caught the Pierre Matchstick video on aintitcool.
- they must have dropped the Marv Wickman pseudonyms because they couldn't come up with any clever candle references either
- A big salute to Alirio for going above and beyond to get Chin's autograph. we should chip in to buy him a baconator (or a tofunator)
- i think the lost audience has reached a point where we have to just trust that all of our nagging questions are going to get wrapped up. Before, it seemed like we were busy trying to catch Damon & Carlton in a lie about knowing the story better than the fans. I think that there are less questions about the nature of the show at this point.
- is it possible to watch all of season 1 of Madmen in one night? let's find out.
ALIRIO, YOU ARE THE MAN!!! That is awesome! I feel like some sort of blogspot group hug is in order.
Comicon looks awesome guys. Can't wait to take a closer look at it all when I get the chance.
Palmer, I am incredibly jealous of you for getting to see Crush in person. But I actually got something close to a similar experience though. I saw this Romania prostitute in Amsterdam who I swore is Crush's long lost cousin or something. I actually went up to her door and pretended to be interested because of this. lol. It didn't go any further than the door if you were wondering.
Speaking of Amsterdam. Let's just put it this way. That last message I left prob took me about 10 minutes to type. Haha.
Still haven't seen Batman dammit. I 'm in Belgium right now and am affraid that it will be dubbed in French. Damn Frenchies dub everything.
Oh, I totally forgot to mention this. A few weeks back I was in Stockholm and was hanging out in the tv room of the hostel I was staying at. The tv was on the the background as a few of us played cards and had some beers. You know what was on in the background? Lost. And what episode but Ralph's fave. Further Instructions!!! lol.
Catch you later guys. Take it easy 'spot.
Ah, who will be the last to see Batman? Jordan or me?
Hubby and I were going to go this afternoon, but the kid has a terrible cold and we don't want to inflict that on our parents (our normal babysitters) because there's nothing worse than a sick child than a sick parent. And if you don't get that, just wait until you and your parents get older and you will.
Now the tentative plan is to see it next Saturday afternoon after the kid's piano recital.
thanks everyone for your kind words.
This is the closest I've felt to being a hero in my life.
I'll tell you all exactly how it all went down sometime Monday or Tuesday.
Just at the hotel grabbing my bags (TWHS) and checking email before going to the airport. Just had a great lunch with Palmer, Ben, Producer Ryan and others.
I hope the red-eye flight won't be too bad. Can't wait to we MY SON! :-)
I'm gonna assume Alirio means see my son.
I listened to the Dr Horrible panel. I found it surprisingly boring.
Thanks for that Stephanie.
These darned thumbs don't always get along with my iPhone's keyboard.
Sitting at my gate almost 3 hours early. Comfy chairs here.
matthew fox interviewed by at Comic Con
I have a question for the Comic Con attendees. The media keeps talking about people camping out for the Heroes panel ignoring the fact that the LOST panel followed it. So what I want to know is how many people left the Heroes panel not sticking around for the LOST panel? Granted they have a bit of a crossover audience, but what's the real scoop -- camping out for Heroes or camping out for LOST?
I'd say maybe about 10% of the audience left.
I'm in SanFran right now waiting for my flight to Montreal.
Can't wait to get home and show my gf and son what I've brought back.
Please blogspotters, save your pennies and come to Comic Con next year. You shant regret it. Also I promise to buy any present blogspotter one beverage of their choice*
* Beverage must be under 10$
holli, i dont know what the percentages were for people camping out for LOST versus people camping out for Heroes or for Heroes fans who didnt stick around for the LOST panel. some people did leave but not a heck of a lot.
however, the LOST fans wanted to know about plot and character stuff while the heroes fans' questions were "Milo is dreamy" and "Silo is awesome." yeah, they called him Silo. :)
saw Hellboy II just now at the lovely SomeTheaterInSanDiego and it kicked mucho ass. that's a visually stunning film. and Ron Perlman and Doug Jones are awesome.
Holli - I'm becoming depressingly more sure by the day that both you, your family, Jordan (and probably his family) will see Batman b4 me. A piece of me literally feels like it's dying inside - lol.
In all seriousness though -
Alirio - more mad props to you man - you have been damn impressive in the amount of shit you got done the past 4 days!
Jordan -
"It didn't go any further than the door if you were wondering"
and she looked like Crush?
......uh-huh. ;) (i keed)
Haven't even had time to listen to this Dharmalars ep! Ack!
But at least the back pain has subsided mostly
[in Homer Simpson voice]:
MMMMMMMM.....prescription meds :)
Now I've got to sift through any spoilerish info (or just forward looking at this point - I don't care) and get Mac to record a podcast w/me. Long overdue!
Essex, MA Silent Bob.
• Alrio, congrats on accomplishing the mission. That is awesome!
• Holli, I hope you've recovered well from partying this weekend.
• Jordan, good to hear you're having a good time.
oh and it'll probably be me that's the last one to see TDK, sheesh! another weekend rolled by and i didn't get to go. there's always next weekend, i guess.
Ally, you can't go go to the movies during the week? :P
Yes...I typed "go go".
*Very Drunk Blog*
Whats for dinner?
Blue berrie pancakes(Fresh picked blue berries:) from my own BUSH ..ES * or *
Here comes the are you that high moment!
Summer Squash on Toast(Lots of butter and salt +PEPPER)? Hmmm
I'm on the line help me out...They both sound soo good I'm leanin pancakes but you got to take shelf life into considerstion..the fresh squash is older then the picked today blueberries!
I was wondering what the "go go" thing was about. lol.
I wish I could, but my week is usually full.
alirio - that beverage seems mighty tempting right now. It's all hot and sticky in these parts.
Go Go T-dot Kim!
It's all hot and sticky in these parts.
that's what he said!
thought you'd like that one Ally :)
What I meant to say before was - thank you TLI for the finale podcast and Dharmalars for the Comic Con scoop.
Dharmalars should record with a crowd more often - that was awesome.
If Pierre Chang is to be the character's real name then that's quite good - presumably a nod to the French/Chinese name of that particular actor, François Chau.
Back at work, and boy, doesn't it feel good? No. Not actually. But it's bearable because I had such a good time with such a good crew of peeps this weekend. Palmer, Alirio, Palmer's girl, Stewart, Steve, Jason Reed, Michael, Jay, Jack, Jana, Colleen, Cliff, John, Ryan, Jen, Producer Ryan, Ralph-, my baby bro, my old man, Dharmalarmonie, Seattle Jimmy, Dylz, Zero-Time Listener (now re-christened One-Time Listener, Goody Cathryn, Suzanne, and much, much more.
Honestly, the best part for me of the convention is getting face time with people, because it's tough for me to maintain connections on the internet, so I'm glad we had the time we did. Party on, Internetica!
Good work guys, I just finished listening to your panel discussion.
Thanks for your re-creation of what happened!!
I found me!!! Couldn't see Palmer though....
What prize do I get???
Spotted Palmer too... Clever of him to hide half his face like that...
To paraphrase Tom Hanks -- There's no crying in Gladiators! I won't add anything else for now except wow!
Alirio and I?
other than that, i don't see either of us. but i'm eating a sandwich and desperately waiting for American Gladiators to come on in San Diego so i might be distracted.
The dharmawantsyou page is now online!!
I joined Dharma.
Julie Bowen on Weeds as either a MILF or a Cougar. I'm not sure what the difference is.
Was she a mom? You have to be a mom to be a MILF. I just recently watched the HIMYM where Barney attempts to tame the Cougar played by Jane Seymour.
But she's going after 17 and 11/12 year old Silas. Wouldn't that make her a Cougar?
If she's on the prowl, then yes. A MILF is defined from the boy side.
Stuart is on Pop Candy.
Where is everyone?
I was watching the Heroes panel yesterday thinking about how Lost's cast used to be just as excited about the show in the first couple of seasons. Now they're all bitter being stuck in a hit show and can't get out of their contracts to make features. The actors don't even watch the show anymore.
The actors don't even watch the show anymore.
Leading us to think... why are we watching it?
is anybody else having trouble with the dharmawantsyou page? it's not doing anything when i get to it.
Hmm. I got all the way to the page where you enter in your details and then upon sending it... i got nothing... just continual loading... how anoying...
hmmm... i wonder if it's overloaded with everyone trying to do it.
It might be too busy. A lot of folks are twittering about it.
What you guys didn't stay up all night waiting on it like I did? That proves you're smarter than me. It's just slammed right now. It may roll out as slowly as one thing a week, so don't sweat it.
- i got on the Dharma Initiative page last night around 3 am. You have to take a couple of multiple choice psychology tests and then enter in a lot of personal information (user name, real name, phone number, address) That was it so far. The design for the site was pretty nice, real straightforward. I'm looking forward to the ARG.
- I'm up to episode 10 of Mad Men season 1. I'm enjoying it, but to spice it up a little they should make the wife & kids witches.
- I also randomly caught the 1st episode of Breaking Bad. It was fun. I think Bryan Cranston runs around in his tighty-whiteys in everything he's ever been in.
- This week is going to be a rough one, and i don't even have a comicon hangover.
The other thing that's happened in the ARG is that Hans Van Eeghen sent another email and if you view source there's another message from Ruckus Guy which leads to a YouTube video of the bluetooth message he was sending at Comic Con. I'm helping out at and following along at The Lost ARGs.
Does anyone know of an "Official Lost Podcast" Archive?
Itunes is strange with there podcast archives some stuff they have every one, some stuff only season4 :(
I was subscribed to the RDM Enhanced and just found the regular feed had a bunch of new episodes good/and bad. New old product:)
I scanned thru and did not find anything but..I could have missed it.
blueberrie pancakes mmmmm
RRB -- all of Season 4's OLP are here. And there's more at Lostpedia either archived or transcribed.
Thank you Memphish holli. I was hoping for more audio:( NOT your fault I'm gonging to grab those and burn them while there around I've listened to this seasons again, and while I was crying with laughter caught a bunch of stuff I'd,I was thinking older might shed even more dark on the 800 questions I already have!
Memphish riddle me this on the top 30 WTF link
on your thread ,How the hell did Juliet's Ex getting Squished under Apollo Bar Bus not make the cut? Did I miss it? I woke up last night with that in my head! Like a Charlie, SAVE Aaron dream, you know hide the Baby in a piano!
I agree RRB -- that moment was a total WTF for me. It surprises me every time even when I know it's coming.
I hope the Reyes family still employs The Trahns.
Heard there was an earthquake in L.A. area.
Everyone ok?
what has the world come to?
the search continues, for an OKC name
And to piss off Jordan. That's the real delay, don't you think?
of course... how much you wanna bet they'll have a round 3 of picking out names.
just pick one already!
Just read about the earthquake in L.A. -
so I second Alirio's question - everyone in L.A. OK (if you're online)?
I was in the Comic Book Store and i watched the Ceiling shift the opposite direction as the floor. I kind of get a kick out of them. Aparently it came from Chino, which if you watched The OC ("dont call it that") is on the wrong side of the tracks from where i live!!!!
It was pretty strong, nothing in the store got damaged, so not too shabby. I am waiting stevi's call at 5:15 when she gets off work to tell me that our entertainment center is on the coffee table and all our stuff is fucked! FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!!
If you have never been in an earthquake, they are pretty entertaining. A bit scary, but for me very entertaining. I just wished i was paying attention to the Bobble Head Shelve when it all went down!
Pretty entertaining until inevitable Big One hits.
Dopey me completely forgot that yesterday was Dharma sign up day. Fortunately, I was able to sign up today, no problem.
Has anybody heard of anyone failing the test?
I don't think you can fail. Even all those pathetic people in San Diego who were dissed by Van Eeghen at the panel passed the eval.
- i figure if you manage to fail the Dharma Initiative Komp-Voight tests and provide them with your address, the men in white will let you know.
- why did it take me until episode 11 of Mad Men to figure out that Joan = Saffron? I guess i remembered mrs. Reynolds being a more petite bit of deviousness.
Andrew, Don Draper's family has to be perfect. He's supposed to have the wonderful suburban family with which he can't connect.
OMG, is it not Sunday night already?
i still haven't even been able to get into the site. i keep trying and either it does nothing or gives me an error message.
i think there's still too many people trying to get on there.
It's too bloody warm over here. I don't like it. I want winter to come. and soon as well. It's just unbelievable!
it's not right, it's not fair and i pretty much think it's bad for the environment...
- Stephanie - it was a lame Bewitched joke.
- [ally] said...
i think there's still too many people trying to get on there.
Andrew, I got season 1 of Mad Men waiting at home. I´ve heard good things. I watched all 7 or 8 episodes of Breaking Bad and quite liked it. It´s a very quick and easy watch. At least was for me.
I don´t think I am ever going to get to see The Dark Knight. It was out when I was in Belgium. But now the next few places I will be, it won't be out for another couple weeks. Argh!!!
i've got mad men in my queue.
wait... what?
This seems so wrong, but:
That's what SHE said!
[ally] said...
i've got mad men in my queue.
The funniest thing is that in Quebec, where I live, "queue" is French slang for penis!
So that's what HE said too!!!!
i realized it was kind of crude after i said it, but there was no other way to put it. or maybe there was and i just decided not to reword it.
Well, I just completed and passed the Dharma test. Kind of cool questions actually - I found myself actually thinking about them.
Wow, I just read that back to myself. There's no hope for my geekness.
Also, I'm not a big Today Show (or Kathie Lee Gifford fan), but as Jon Stewart often comedically quips - "um...aahaahawkwaaaard"
/Good luck to Chef Sam on his new job search - lol
oh god. they've combined The Today Show with Kathie Lee Gifford?!
Well said, Sam. Well said.
It's not a leprechaun in a tree, but here's Jesus in the cat's fur.
sup, blogspotica?
P, are you back on the East Coast?
yup. back on the ol' east coast. now, time to do all sorts of annoying house work. blech!
gotta catch up on DVRed television. saw (most) of Burn Notice last week. new Burn Notice tonight?
New Burn Notice tonight! So what did you think of AG Monday? This Monday is the finale -- set your DVRs accordingly.
AG was OK. not enough Crush!!!
wish they had shown that guy's head wound a bit more.
anything going on in the LOST ARG?
Yeah, they've way overedited AG. Does Nashville Star really need that much time?
Nothing has happened in the AGR since Dharam Wants You went live except for a raging controversy as to whether or not some guy posting on the DarkUFO Forum, Duane is Insane, is in game or not. I personally think not. Really the only thing going for him being in game was that he knew the name of the guy with the video at Comic Con 2 days before that panel. Since then it seems like all the info has been self-serving promotion.
The ID of the actor playing Dan Bronson has been determined too. There's a Facebook page, but Hoodlum, the company running the ARG, really didn't use Facebook or MySpace in Find 815. Of course it was hard to use those because the game essentially took place in 2004 not live. I assume this game is in real time so social networks may be more in play.
Cute animal story. We haven't had any in a while.
has anyone watched the lost boys 2 flick yet?hehehe. really though
nope. i hereby nominate anyone else but me as the guinea pig who has to sit through it.
so... yeah...
õverseas kablammo!!!
And oh yeah. FINALLY saw Batman!!! Thank you Portugal!
Oh yeah. And it rocked.
in english?
Right on Jordan (for seeing TDK)!
But now that puts the final nail in my hopes to NOT be the last one here to see it I think - lol! Even Jordan in Portugal has seen it - lmao
Hope Portugal is as nice as I've heard! You don't perchance have pics posted anywhere?
Yeah, with Portuguese subtitles. the theater wasn´t that big, but it still rocked. Up til now all the Ledger Oscar buzz to me was mostly due to his death. But I don´t know. The dude ruled the entire flick. I don´t know if they do another film. But if they do, you cannot touch the Joker role. not after what Ledger did. When I get some time, I will post my thoughts over on the forum. I flipped my lid when he ejected the batcycle out of the batmobile!
That race is on MB. It doesn't look like we'll be seeing it this weekend either unless I can swing some Sunday afternoon deal. Of course we have to settle for normal screen. Our only intown Imax theater doesn't show feature films.
Sorry MB, no pics. I´ve been getting a lot of flack from family and friends for it. Been too crazy and busy to do so. Will for sure do when I get home. And yeah, Portugal is really cool. Am in Lisbon right now, heading to Porto in a couple days.
Palmer, speaking of foreign languages and the like. WWF wrestling just isn´t the same when it´s dubbed in French. Totally éliminates the whole macho element. lol.
Can´t wait for my crazy AG marathon when I return.
So it's down to MB, Holli and I.
Who will see it first?...
Who will see it last?...
Who won't see it all?...
Stay tuned!
meant to say:
who won't see it AT all?
hopefully if we bother to see it, we'll see it all. lol.
i'll have to see if maybe i can go see it this weekend. if i don't see it this weekend, chances are, i won't see it til it comes out on dvd.
so it sounds like both holli and i have a plan or at least talks of a plan. so bring it on mb!
Ladies and Gentlemen... I interrupt this competition to bring you BREAKING NEWS!
dee dee deet deet dee dee dee deet....
I too have not yet seen TDK!!!
I almost saw it Tuesday night and again this afternoon...
Two-year-olds are soooo demanding...
Game on!
- the (scantily clad) ladies of Comic Con.
ABC has posted better quality video from Comic Con of the test subjects including John Norton masquerading as Jay and the Candle/Chang video.
I'm not going to see the Dark Knight at all... So i think i win. Go me.
Also, did anyone else see the recent Lewis Black's Root Of All Evil? This week they were debating which was more evil... Ultimate Fighting or Bloggers...
Proper made me lol.
"I'm not going to see the Dark Knight at all..."
say what?
are you posting from jail or something?
TDK is very good. and you can pretend you're being patriotic by seeing it cuz everyone's from the commonwealth of nations but eckhart, freeman, and sad cartoon turtle.
I take it sad cartoon turtle is ms gillenhall. she was much better than mis cruise. by a mile. btw, how funny was the brokeback shoutout? hahaha.
whoops, wrong account.
so, anything else cool happening back in the states? i have no clue what has been going on. has my long awaited crush-phoenix kiss taken place yet? have there been any runaway brides or celebs that showed their junk in public?
you know, it´s the little things that you miss the most.
Mikhail is on Burn Notice!
Palmer - i might watch TVK when it comes out on DVD... but i'm not going to go to a cinema... i can't go to my local cinema because i used to work there and they don't allow ex employees to visit the in a spectatorly capacity... load of bull. The next closest cinema would be like an hour away.... i cba with that...
thats a load of bollocks.
good ol' has a great story about a South Carolinian copper thief.
Alirio as well eh? Alright - I'm motivated.....
who wants to babysit?
( this keyboard on?)
TDK update:
Will try going to a late show Saturday night...
Also, this is NOT something that happens regularly in my country. I SWEAR it's not!
Arilio, I can 2nd that! Bizzare story...poor kid too, just listening to his iPod and gets his head cut off.
I shouldn't laugh.... but i will anyways...
Those crazy canadians!
Sorry... this is well funnier...
I want to be this man when i grow up
speaking of fun with canadians, anyone seen Canadian film Young People #^(%ing?
worth a rental?
last one i promise....
this man is my hero...
corrected link for the South Carolina copper theif
- Palmer - i saw "Young People [getting their groove on]" I was interested after i heard one of the film podcasts talk about it ('Filmed But Not Forgotten' maybe?) but despite the provocative name, the whole thing was very tame with very 2-dimensional, stereotypical characters.
- i'm watching Oz, finishing off season 3. I think i would have liked Harold Perrineau as Michael a lot more if i'd seen more Oz before Lost started. I'd probably also have a very different opinion of Mr. Ecko.
Andrew~ agreed on the Oz/Lost thing. I thought the same thing after watching Oz after watching Lost.
- Did you watch the whole show Ally? Is it good all of the way through or is there a season I should prepare to hate?
I liked the whole series. I was afraid that it was gonna end in a way that nothing really gets resolved, but I was happy with the way it ended, it tied up a lot of stories. If you're finishing up season 3 then you're about halfway. I really liked season 4, i believe season 4 was the longer season.
i've only been back at work for two days and am already in desperate need of a weekend. blargh!
that's usually how it works, p.
lazyness ensues first week back to work after some time off.
Andrew, It´s pretty good the whole way. But it gets a bit goofy near the end. Doesn´t quite live up to it´s high standards set earlier. Tends to happen with that type of show after it´s been around a bit. Trying to stay fresh without getting crazy can be a bit tough. Still though, one of my favorite shows. The show responsible for HBO getting into original programming. Without it we might not have The Sopranos or The Wire. Also, one of the first shows I am aware of that pulled off multiple character storylines and a large cast. There were plenty of times when I watched it and thought that they guys from Lost must´ve got some ideas from it. The cast is pretty amazing. Especially considering how often it is turned over time and again. You will never look at Mr Eko or Juno´s dad the same. And if you are a Wire or Lost fan, a lot of familiar faces. And although I´ve never really watched it, Law and Order pretty much used all of the Oz guys after it was over. I think they had the same casting people. We should start an Oz thread on the message board. And Andrew, you an give your impressions as you go along. I love talking about that show. There are some reall good omg moments along the way. And did I mention Luke Perry makes a visit to Oswald? lol.
And don't forget Master P. lol.
I love talking about this show too.
Comic Con Costumes
scroll down to see the self-proclaimed "Hardest Working Hulk in Hollywood"
ah, the original Comic Con Costume article that io9 refers to has MORE costumes... including a certain dharmalars listener?
and a special pic just for Mr. McFur.
there were alot of bOObies at comic con. i'm sure the geeks were thrilled.
so i guess the race is on. alrio and mb are set to go see TDK this weekend. i better get a move on it too.
Good bit of blogspotting to read up on at work tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know I'm here.
Go ALLY go! Just do it!
(That's what she and NIKE said)
Thanks, palmer. You know me so well. It takes a truly devoted fans to dress up as Adam West Batman characters. Especially the guy dressed as old-school, short yellow cape, green tights Robin. I wonder if he got the short end of the stick when they were picking costumes, or if he wanted to be Burt Ward Robin. "Yeah, sure, I'll be Robin. Damn right I got the package to pull it off'"
"I wonder if he got the short end of the stick"
Not if that picture is to be believed.
is that a reference to Robin's bat-pole?
whattup blogspottica?
I'm posting this from my back yard.
I hope everyone is having a nice, lazy Saturday.
Wow... blogspot's well slow today...
anyone else catch Lapidus on Psych last night?
he played a daredevil. good stuff.
i've been half-assedly doing yard work today. but listened to some podcasts while i did so. w00t.
alirio gets a mention on the Jay and Jack podcast. also, did i mention that i offered a donut to Ed Hochuli?
Excellent episode of Burn Notice with Patchy.
Oh god. This love quadrangle in BSG is totally nauseating...
tell me it mdoesn't happen for long... please?
steph! fantastic. i have yet to watch this week's Burn Notice. totally slipped my mind. i'll try to take care of that later tonight.
hurlihy, the love quadrangle stuff is AWFUL. but it eventually dies down and we go back to our regularly schedule space show.
Awesome... because it'sso horrible... i don't like the quadrangle. I don't even like starbuck in season three... just gimme more Gaius!! he's blates the best character.
gaius baltar is my hero.
Gaius looks like jesus. it's true
beard, long hair... what's next? stigmata?
i would well go gay for him.
the Dark Knight was awesome.
IMAX was like being in the movie.
Just checked our IMAX. Ours isn't showing TDK.
What????!!?! WTF are they showing instead?
IMAX in Birmingham
Trev, there were about the same number of people at Comic Con as live in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. We're lucky to even have an IMAX theater.
Ah, it's a science museum IMAX. Yeah, they don't usually show the Hollywood pics.
That's why our IMAX doesn't show them either. It's in our Natural History museum and it's too small (and too old) to show the Hollywood IMAX movies.
I'm off to see TDK in 2 hours. MB and Ally -- TDK status?
- Still want to see The Dark Knight at the Imax but i haven't got around to it yet. A big part of my hesitation is that the only other time i saw a Hollywood movie at the Imax was "Matrix 3". Aside from the movie just generally sucking, the Imax is at the science center. The screen doubles as the planetarium so it's curved. Trying to watch a movie where action sequences are playing out in your peripheral vision and you have to turn your head from side to side to follow a conversation is a really exhausting experience.
- the movie podcast backlash at the Dark Knight is pretty severe. The reviewers have a tough job because they feel like they need to point out that they noticed all of the problems with the movie, but they should also convey that the viewing experience more than makes up for the flaws. It has a bunch of problems because it is so ambitious and full of ideas, where something like Hancock has 2 ideas still manages to fuck them up.
- ah Sunday. i should really ration out my TV viewing through out the week, but i'll probably just plow through "Generation Kill", "Venture Bros.", "Mad Men", and "Weeds" in the next 24 hours. Also, the interwebs hooked me up with all of season 1 of "Breaking Bad".
venture brothers. how many seasons and how do i catch up?
Funnily enough, Palmer - I had to answer a question about it just earlier so I know there are three seasons (third still showing on Adult Swim) and that a fourth has been commissioned but has not had an air date scheduled yet.
As for catch up there is certainly a season 1 DVD, I assume 2 must be out as well - I don't know cos I live in a different country, don't have that channel and barely understand anything.
Any use?
In fact
Season 1
Season 2
My job strikes again - see how fast I am.
Im looking forward to Generation Kill. Let's hope Simon hasn't lost the touch.
So who ate the most baconators at Comicon? Im thinking I might have to go next year. But only if there are Baconators.
I'll be there. Baconators or no baconators. Preferably the later.
Mad Men tonight.
nice. thanks, chris. it's no Danger Mouse but i keep hearing a lot of good things about it. so, might give it a looksie sometime.
i've actually caught about four episodes of Flapjack but that's about it for my exposure to CartoonNetwork ever since Justice League Unlimited went off the air. i should break out my Sealab and Space Ghost DVDs sometime though...
as for Baconators... i only had one while i was there. but i did have a Big Kahuna Burger at Dick's Last Resort and some kind of bacony cheeseburger thing at Jack in the Box.
- Palmer - if you liked Space Ghost & Sealab, you'll definitely find things to like about Venture Bros.
The latest season is actually a lot different. The first 2 seasons were just funny adventures that slowly introduced more characters. Now they are very caught up in the continuity of the show, and it feels more like serious stories about ridiculous characters. So definitely watch from the beginning.
Saw TDK yesterday (not in IMAX - am going to go back next weekend).
Wow. Seriously, wow.
Did Christopher Nolan sleep during production? b/c that looked like a MASSIVE production! I can only imagine the job he had getting it done - must find interviews and such.
Don't want to spoil here so I'll head over to the Dark Knight thread on the SAS boards and just say that I am DEFINITELY going to have to go back again and see it in IMAX.
Good good stuff!
just saw an ad for LOST... on SciFi.
monday september 15th at 7.
maybe airing in four hour blocks.
a four hour locke block!
ally, just read some headlines about a possible Hurricane Edouard coming to Houston so be careful and dont lose your television signal during the American Gladiators finale!!!
mb, good doing. TDK was a wise move on your part. off to the BBS to read some spam and see what you thought of TDK.
oh. and Burn Noticers, it was very cool to see Patchy in last week's episode. good stuff.
in fact, we were shopping this morning and saw some guy who looked like a tubby mustachioed Patchy (plus an eye).
i didnt ever find anything out about Log Carrying Guy bumper stickers the other week. i don't think i was smart enough to actually ask about them but i kept my eyes peeled.
I asked Jay about the Log carrying Guy swag while we were waiting in line Saturday morning. He told me they couldn't get it done in time for Comic Con, it's all still forthcoming.
and if Jay had had one, Alirio would have gotten Bruce Campbell to sign it for you. :)
anything new in the ARG?
those so inclined can purchase Firefly for a buck something or other per episode: Amazon's Deal of the Day for August 4th
me? i'll skip. not a big Whedon fan. which made me fear for my life at Comic-Con.
So I think we've all seen TDK now, right? If anyone here hasn't seen it, go see it pronto!
this movie was freakin' awesome! shame that i didn't get to IMAX it, but still cool. i'm glad i got there early, the theater was packed by the time the previews started. i can't imagine what it was like opening weekend. all i kept thinking was, this is the 3rd weekend! what are all these people still doing here?
palmer~ thanks for the heads up on the hurricane. you wouldn't know it's about to plow us from the looks of it right now. the sky is crystal clear and the weather is lovely 85º I guess it's the calm before the storm. It sounds like it'll be hitting right around when AG comes on! As long as I don't lose the signal I'll be ok.
Thanks Alirio and Palmer for the Log Carrying info.
Looking forward to the 2 hour AG finale tonight. I doubt the Olympics will be anywhere near as interesting. Sad, huh?
The ARG IMHO sucks. Nothing has happened in an entire week. If I were running the thing the first few weeks would be packed to get people engaged and excited. At this point, ho hum. So we've got a test, a pretty pathetically hacked blue tooth thing. A couple of hacked emails. And Dan Bronson's pirated video which is now up at I'd imagine if this is going to be the pacing -- one thing a week, that people are going to go into high bitch mode or just ignore it and read the Lostpedia summary when it's all over.
I'm glad people caught up with that Burn Notice episode. I thought it was very entertaining, especially Patchy. That guy's pretty rough even with both eyes.
I just got the Kid's 3rd grade teacher and classmate assignment. I wanted one certain teacher and didn't get her, but I think we'll like the one we did get. He starts back 2 weeks from today. A lot of schools here start next week and my nieces in Mississippi start this Wednesday which I think is ridiculous.
Morgan Freeman was in a bad car wreck in Mississippi and was airlifted to the trauma center here in Memphis. They'll do a good job. My nephew was in a terrible wreck 2 summers ago that he shouldn't have survived, but he did. The trauma center is named after Elvis because it's where he was pronounced dead.
ack. hope he's OK.
that sucks. i hope he recovers.
I was just about to post about Morgan Freeman but Holli's all over it. Good positive thoughts to him.
just noticed this one (how did I miss it) - but let me be clear - I only make this joke b/c Ally seems NOT to be upset or nervous about the impeding storm:
you wouldn't know it's about to plow us from the looks of it right now
morgan freeman broke some bones but should be OK.
lol. thanks mb. and yeah i'm not too upset/worried about it. i think it'll be ok.
at this point i'm more worried about morgan freeman. of course his accident would happen right when i'm watching him in a movie. scary.
The craziest part of this Morgan Freeman story is that our local TV station, the one quoted in Palmer's story as the CNN affiliate was using TMZ as it's source. No word from Perez Hilton yet. I guess he wasn't returning WMC's calls.
i wonder if it'll rain bad enough for me not to come to work tomorrow...
Give good thoughts to Morgan Freeman for a speedy recovery, and to Aimee's website :(
My thoughts are with you Aimee - that sucks!
oh no! i hope she gets it back up and running soon.
Boo... two pages... how droll...
anyways, to lighten the mood... how a
Everybody's excited about Soul Calibre IV
Ralph and Ben need to do an American Gladiators hair podcast. The hair in this episode is definitely worth discussing.
Morgan starts back to school next Wednesday. The news is reporting on the effort to move the first day of school back to after Labor Day. School bus drivers are buying ice and water for the students because it's too hot on the buses. I've been saying this whole time somebody's going to have a heat stroke. What pisses me off the most is the reason the extra days have been added to the school year isn't for the benefit of the students. It's only to get the teachers raises. What about the children?(in my best Maude Flander's voice) I hate government schools.
Me want food!
and a new thread :-)
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