Wednesday, June 04, 2008

New Thread


Anonymous said...

Dare I say it?

First : )

[ally] said...


PalmerEldritch said...


holli, the video from the last thread was fantastic.

also, no more discussion of the Thong?

[ally] said...

I vaguely remember a thong being featured in the finale. Maybe I need to rewatch and then discuss it.

PalmerEldritch said...

yeah, a rando on the beach had a thong. is that appropriate wear for 100something days on a tropical island?

[ally] said...

even worse, is that something you wanna be wearing while being lost somewhere out in the sea with a bunch of dudes on a raft?

memphish said...

I'm guessing thong girl was trying to hit on tie-guy (Daniel).

Indiana Jones finds the Island. Thanks Spamelaanderson from the boards.


Trevor McFur said...


Trevor McFur said...

That's gotta be one funky thong.

memphish said...

Matthew McConaughey as Benjamin Linus (plus girl).


Anonymous said...

Reckon there's a bunny in that bag?

[ally] said...

what's the deal with that tie? he has yet to take it off! maybe the funky thong girl will take it off for him.

mb said...

Holli - thanks for the DS clip - lmao. Gotta show that to the wife!

For anyone who's interested here are the 3 alternate endings they filmed. It's just the last scene in the funeral parlor with 3 different people in the casket. Ending #1 is Locke.

It's really cool that they did this b/c it worked! I had read/reported spoilers that implied the other two might be in the casket, so I was truly surprised.

Trevor McFur said...

Sawyer or Desmond would have made no sense, though...

PalmerEldritch said...

i thought up reasons for both of them to work and then promptly forgot. hmmm...

PalmerEldritch said...

i guess Desmond could have another psychic patch where he realizes that his homies have to go back to the Island to do something.

Sawyer? uh... he could be trying to get everyone back there as an emissary of Lock/The Island.

mb said...

Oh absolutely Trev - I'm pretty positive they were totally fakeouts for the sole purpose of throwing off the spoiler crowd like me. Well done I say!

Except of course that there WAS a complete story synopsis released a few days before NPLH parts 2-3 aired, however it was pretty easy to avoid that if you wanted (which I did).

mb said...

hmmm...those could work Palmer. hadn't thought of those.

PalmerEldritch said...

oooh! and if Ben had killed Penny, then Desmond's constant could have gone away... and his brain could have microwaved itself like Minkowski's.

[ally] said...

For those of you that use gmail, I'm sure you've noticed the ads on the side of the email that always seem to relate through some kind of keyword or something. For some reason these ads came up from an email I got from a friend.

memphish said...

Child that will need therapy.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, that's more freaky then when Ben was all 'hippity hoppity!'

[ally] said...

What's a baby doing in a booze shop?

PalmerEldritch said...

babies love drinking from bottles.

Jordan said...

Hey blog. What up?

mb said...

Hey Jordan,
Nuttin' much....
it's the begining of 8 f-in months (sigh) just hit me

Jordan said...

lol. That Daily Show clip was funny.

Jordan said...

Yeah MB. I'm guessing that's why about 70% of that last thread was about Star Trek and eating squirrels. lol.

Trevor McFur said...

Hey, speaking of Star Trek ...

Here's a TNG episode guide ... in 4 minutes.

[ally] said...

Oh and speaking of eating squirrels...

i've got nothing.


[ally] said...

so jordan when do you officially leave us for europe?

i'm boarding plane on monday.

Stephanie said...

Jordan, are you on twitter yet?

mb said... fast was that guy singing in that TNG episode guide?!?!
I'm assuming some digital speed manipulation was involved, otherwise that seems close to inhuman - lol

[ally] said...

Leave your guns at home.

Jordan said...

Ally, I leave exactly 2 weeks from today!!!

I am super excited, but also a bit nervous as I am nowhere near as prepared as I need to be. I have a laundry list of things I have to do between now and when I leave.

[ally] said...

Well I hope you get everything you need done before you leave. 2 weeks should be plenty of time to get some things done. I didn't think I'd be ready but I think I am now.

Jordan said...

I am the king of all procrastinators. So I tend to worry. For instance, last night I had a few things I planned on taking care of, but instead found myself playing GTA4 and watching video clips on Youtube.

Stephanie said...

Ally, that is so stupid. That's kind of like that kid being expelled for bringing a watergun to public school.

[ally] said...

Steph, I don't understand what the big deal is. It's not like it looked like a real gun. I'm sure it was something that totally didn't even look like a gun. It was probably just the shape.

mb said...


Jordan - totally hear you on the procrastination. Less so nowadays with kiddos, but it used to be that no matter HOW far in advance I started to think about all the shit that I had to do b4 a big trip - i.e. I would make lists, I'd prioritize, I'd even actually cross some things off the list (miracle of miracles) - it would never matter because I would ALWAYS, without fail, be up most if not all of the night packing the night before leaving.

I sympathize

P.S. I too always use the terminology "I found myself doing so-and-so instead of packing" - as if I lost myself and was walking around my apartment saying "Goddammit where the fuck did I go?!?! I'd better not be watching more f-ing TNG instead of packing or I'm gonna kick my ass!!!

Stephanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephanie said...

Listening to Jay and Jack. I like the listener theory that Sayid will kill Penny so Desmond will have to kill Ben. We got the Pez reunion too soon. Something bad has to happen.

mb said...

Yeah Steph - I've been thinking along those lines as well. Don't like the idea of Penny dying, but the drama has to be ratcheted up on that storyline in SOME way I'm thinking.

memphish said...

I have to say I'm a little worried about how spread out everyone is. If we see a Desmond and Penny episode we aren't going to see anyone else, right? Unless it's the Ben kills Penny episode. Is there going to be an on-Island and then an off-Island episode. How can they integrate them?

We need to find out who all is going to Comic Con and come up with a list of questions after Ralph asks his flash forward question. For example, how can you tell on and off Island stories without us getting early Season 3 cage angst. I also want to know why the heck people aren't freaked about the fake 815 being in the WRONG OCEAN! That still drives me nuts.


PalmerEldritch said...

Des needs a baby daughter first. Then maybe Ben can steal her (Alex 2.0). Then Des can kill the fuck out of Ben.

jordan, you did the right thing playing GTA4. you're going to be without it for a year, right? get all the time you can in now before its too late. also, we'll need pics of you in your dharmalars/tli swag at various european landmarks.

anyone got their Dharmalars Sydney t-shirts yet? ordered mine forever ago and haven't heard anything yet. :(

Jordan said...

Yeah, MB. That's it exactly. My list of things to do is ridiculous. On it have have items such as "make list of items needed". So I have a list about making more lists. Ugh. And I am going nuts with all the things I'm having to call and figure out how and if i can suspend instead of canceling. So annoying. And in true procrastinator fashion, when I'm goofing off doing something unprodcutive, I am constantly telling myself, "5 more minutes". Next thing I know it's 2 am. Sigh.

Jordan said...

Not a year Palmer. Just 2 and a half months. But yeah. Point well taken. lol.

PalmerEldritch said...

holli, i'm hoping that we'll have scenes in England with Pesmond, and scenes on the Island with hobo Sawyer and hobo Juliet getting their rum on for three years, AND have scenes with Jack and Sayid at the beauty parlor getting their chests waxed and their hair straightened all in the same episode. i'd really prefer they did that over one episode in Korea, one in England, three in the US, and three on the Island.

the only thing i can think of in regard to the Sunda Trench being thousands of miles WEST of Sydney and LA being distinctly EAST of Sydney would be that a plane like that does have the fuel to get that lost (no pun intended) but it'd take a LOT of effort to be that wrong. maybe that's why the Oceanic payout to the O6 is so huge.

"sorry that our plane crashed. also, sorry that our pilot took you thousands upon thousands of miles in the wrong direction."

memphish said...

You know Jordan, they have toiletries and clothes for purchase in Europe. Last time I went to Europe -- 2 years ago now dang it -- I did 11 days with one carry on and one large purse. Then in the last leg of the trip they made us gate check the bag and the Florence airport took forever to get it to the baggage claim. So much for hot-footing it out of the airport, but at least I was assured the bag would arrive. Planning in advance is overrated.


memphish said...

You know how a lot of people think that Claire died in the rocket attack on her house, but refused to accept it until she walked off into the jungle with dead Christian? What if Charlie, Eko, Desmond and Locke all died in Swan Hatch implosion? Desmond got visions of Charlie having to die because heck he was already dead and just had to accept it. Yemi Smoke Monster was confronting Eko on the matter and ending it. And we've yet to see Locke and Desmond be confronted with and accepting the fact of their deaths in that implosion. Needless to say this idea could be adapted to have some and not all of that group die in the implosion say Charlie and Eko or even just Charlie.

So what do you think?


PalmerEldritch said...

i think it's just as possible as the Claire-Forgot-To-Die theory.

of course, both those theories remind me of how Arthur Dent learned to fly by falling and missing the ground. which worked for Douglas Adams but i'd have a hard time accepting on LOST. just a bit too "donkey wheel scifi" for me. :p

Jordan said...

Ok, so due to Steph's insistence, I am now twittering. Whatever that means.

mb said...

Holli - re:plane in the wrong OCEAN -
yeah that's still bugging me as well. It seems a stretch to think that the plane was able to get that far off course (is it even possible?)

Also, another thing is: obviously Widmore knew the general vicinity of the island so he sent the freighter there, but why would he put the fake plane in the ACTUAL vicinity of the island (and risk anyone even possibly getting curious and looking around there as well).
i.e. the island of Sumba (where the O6 "wash up" after leaving Penny's boat) is not far east of the east end of the Sunda trench (the bottom of which is where the fake plane sits).

MAP w/labels and pointers

and if it helps: the map that was shown @the O6 press conference in NPLH pt.1

mb said...

I should point out for that first map with "Java Trench" circled - the Java Trench and the Sunda Trench are one in the same (most of the maps I've looked at label it as the Java Trench)

memphish said...

I know I've beaten this to death, but if I were one of the 300 other 815 families you'd see me on every conspiracy theory website, TV program, radio program etc. wanting an answer for why a plane flying from Sydney to LA flew Northwest instead of Northeast to crash where Oceanic says it crashed. They'd give me enough money to buy Paik to shut me up. Where's DJ Dan when you need him?


PalmerEldritch said...

i think Widmore was thinking (if it really WAS him) that he needed to find a big ol' trench to put the wreckage in so he could get footage of it but nobody could investigate it any further.

and if Flight 815 could get from Sydney to Los Angeles (and there are non-stop flights from Sydney to Vancouver!) then the plane has enough gas to get make a 180 turn at Fiji and head to that trench. however, your pilot would have to do be pretty fucked up to do that. i hope.

so, holli's right, people should be thinking "how does an airline pilot turn himself around and miss Australia as he flies over head?"

"not impossible... just improbable."

Jon from NKY said...

I live next door to a pilot. I like him and all, but he's just like you and me,, he makes mistakes, and he's stubborn to boot.

I could see the copilot saying "you need to adjust your couse settings, we can't make it back." and him saying "Don't tell me what I can't do!"

Trevor McFur said...

I've always been terrible at geography, and I don't know anything about flight paths ... didn't Matt Parkman say in the pilot that they were thousands of miles off course for some reason?

memphish said...

He did Trevor, but he said they turned back toward Fiji which implies at the minimum that they were in fact over the Pacific Ocean. He said they were 1000 miles off course, but never indicated that they weren't actually on route from Sydney, located on the East Coast of Australia and LA. As Palmer said, they should never have been flying over land, but to end up in the Sunda Trench from Sydney, they would have been flying over a large part of the Australian continent.

Part of my obsession with this is that I've actually flown from Sydney to LA and way back in Season 1 used to think what if my flight had crashed. And I would hope my family would be on the ball enough to realize that you don't get from Sydney to LA via Indonesia.


Trevor McFur said...

Maybe he was taking the long way.

PalmerEldritch said...

i guess he could have turned back towards Fiji and then gone an extra couple of thousand miles.

i guess this (imaginary) fuck up could be part of the reason for the large settlements they got.

mb said...

I'm just trying to decide if it's just an overcompensation by the writers to make 815 look REALLY "off-course" or if there actually will be an explanation within the canon of the show.

Why didn't I write into the Official Lost Podcast! This is a perfect question.

memphish said...

I've posted the question at least twice on the ABC boards MB. No answer yet. Jeff Jensen from EW asked it as well and got the answer that: a) it doesn't come up at the press conference because it got asked when 815 was found in the trench, and b) we aren't going to answer the question yet.


memphish said...

Buts satisfier.


mb said...

LMAO Holli - my god! You see this is what happens when you let the client write the script ;)
Save the remote possibility that he knew and it was on purpose for whatever reason, how would you NOT hear how that sounds and do a little script editing?
That is too funny.

Chris JC said...

Jordan - are you spending any time in London on your Euro Attack? If so, perhaps we could arrange for me to walk past you in a Dharmalars shirt looking enigmatic.

It's what Twitter was designed for.

Trevor McFur said...


PalmerEldritch said...

blargh. thursday and no new LOST!

guess i better get used to it for a while.

[ally] said...

Is there even anything worth watching on TV tonight? Or should we all just go to bed early?

PalmerEldritch said...

probably not.

good lord, today blows. is it the weekend yet?

PalmerEldritch said...

oooooh! sam and nate shipped my new dharmalars shirt. anyone received their shirt yet?

[ally] said...

I haven't even ordered one yet. I should probably get on that though. I waited forever to get a goldenrod one and by the time I decided to go for it they were all out of my size.

Jordan said...

Chris, I am flying into London. Not exactly sure how long I will be there though. I have an uncle who lives there that I'll prob stay with for a couple days before I take off to the continent.

Jordan said...

memphish said...

Ack Attack's hilarious and Skateriffic and Pesmondo and Jack bashing recap.


Stephanie said...

Hey. Twitter's down. It's killing me.

scrdmnkydst said...

Hello all!

Just come back from a couple of days in manchester, which was full of Charlies and Naomis. It was quite fun. Went to this awesome "emo" club, it was well fun, they played some of my favourite music ever. "That's What She Said" was literally the quote of the trip. It was said to some funny innuendos. My friend said that she laughed so much at one line that a little bit of pee came out. (TMI?)

Also, Geordies are literally amazing too.

The awesome-ness subsided when i was approached by two old prostitutes outside of the club... Was it wrong to be terrified of them all..?

Oh, and i returned to find some new CDs to be reviewed. Amazing. That and the start of Big Brother UK. Amazinger.

PalmerEldritch said...

mercifully, today is friday. thank goodness. i really couldn't take another day or two of work.

how is everybody?

herlihy, did you take the opportunity of visiting manchester as an excuse to say "Mancunians?" cuz, really, you should have.

Chris JC said...

He did say Geordies instead of Novocastrians, though.

I don't know how to demonstrate Geordies to you all. There's a video online that comes to mind, but ... it's rude.

PalmerEldritch said...

wikipedia to the (somewhat vague) rescue!


The Doctor's Daughter tonight, Whoites. i still have to watch the Agatha Christie episode (thanks to Chris' ninja friends). then i can watch a Moffatt episode.

Chris JC said...

Geordies are indirectly responsible for that great British "Star Trek: The Next Generation" joke standby:

"That Geordi LaForge... he's not a proper Geordie is he?"

Which is allegedly hilarious.

More Moffat for me tomorrow!

Stephanie said...

My dream holiday to England consists of me sleeping on Elias and Chris' couches in London, then traveling to Cardiff, and then to Manchester. Or should I start in the north and then travel south? I don't know why I'm even asking, I can't go anywhere.

PalmerEldritch said...

if you go to England, take a sidetrip to Scotland. Edinburgh Castle was a highlight.

ya know, while you're daydreaming anyhow. :)

mb said...

Steph I'm right with you on that fantasy vacay. I so want to go back to the UK.
I'll second that endorsement of Edinburgh (including the castle). Really awesome city center with the park surrounding the castle on the hill. Can one of you Brits confirm or deny that the proper pronunciation is Ed-in-barrah.

LOVED London even with the relatively high expense, but I needed about an extra month there or so - too much crap to see. Good problem to have as a tourist :)

And OF COURSE I need to visit Cardiff - center of the new Who-niverse.

Someday perhaps

Chris JC said...

My couch is horrible. I should know - cos that's where I am right now!

Steph - in the reality where it would be possible you'd be more than welcome.

Chris JC said...


mb said...

Who says opera ain't sexy

scrdmnkydst said...

Leeds Castle is weirdly no where near the city of Leeds.

Also, I didn't say "mancunians" once. i did say "manc-y" as a pun on the term "manc" short of "mancunian" and manky, a colloquialism for horrible.

I thought it was witty. No one else did. :(

PalmerEldritch said...

herlihy, don't worry. the best jokes are the bad ones.

twitter back up yet?

PalmerEldritch said...

also, don't eat bathtub cheese.

Jordan said...


PalmerEldritch said...

i'm going to a wedding this weekend. i'll take special note of the groom's cake for you all.

as i'd never heard of a groom's cake until the SAS blogspot, i'm guessing there wont be one though.

Jordan said...

Same here. Never heard of one til this blog. I think we determined that it was mainly a southern thing. But if I ever get married, I'm going to ask for one. I'm sure I will be laughed out of the room though.

PalmerEldritch said...

a frozen donkey wheel groom's cake?

[ally] said...

Like what of cake would you have if you had a choice? Since you're thinking of having one?

Palmer, see if you can get a picture of the cake (if there is one).

mb said...

You wanna know about grooms cakes?

[ally] said...

Alright, peeps. I'm heading out for the day. It's gonna be a busy weekend before I go on vacation, so hopefully I can spare a sec to come by and say good bye for a while.

I'm so excited!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Chris JC said...

I've found the internet's saddest image, the Chewbacca costume with no actor in it.

Might actually make you cry. Be warned.

PalmerEldritch said...

ally, if you dont get a chance to hang out at the blogspot this weekend (or if i dont), have a great time on vacation!

i'm glad you scheduled it to not conflict with LOST. very good thinking.

chris, are you sure that's a picture of an empty Chewbacca outfit and a not a picture of the day when Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker switched costumes?

Jordan said...

I forgot, where is Ally going?

Have an awesome time Ally! Be sure to check in with us. That is unless the awesomeness involves doing things that keep you far, far away from bothersome computers.

Chris JC said...

Palmer - if it is, I'd love to see the OTHER picture in that series.

Chris JC said...

Never mind, Palmer.

i already found it

Jordan said...

So I'm waiting out the rest of the work day watching European Vacation. And I think I just came across one of the most dated lines in movie history. The son meets a girl in Rome and after they hit it off, he asks her, "Do you want to go scarf some grimace proportions?" Lol. In fact, all of Rusty's radical lines in this movie are hilariously 80'srific.

Michael Canfield said...

106th! Yeah!

Michael Canfield said...

Oh, and good on Harold Perrineau for the full and frank TVGuide interview.

memphish said...



memphish said...

I recorded Swingtown last night and watched it tonight. Greta, the dark haired Looking Glass Other is the lead female swinger. And Josh Holloway's lucky he already has work because Grant Show is rocking a Sawyer + porn-stache look pretty hard. I would not recommend it. It was pretty darn cheesy.


Stephanie said...

Swingtown? Never heard of it, Holli. It's about the Swinging 70's?

memphish said...

That's the idea Steph. It just premiered this week on CBS. I saw some stuff about it on the Internet and decided I'd try it. I don't know if I'll watch again, but I might stick a couple more on the DVR for boredom watching.


Stephanie said...

I'm watching The Mole and Last Comic Standing. Might watch Nashville Star even though the Smiths aren't big on country music.

Stephanie said...

The Blogspot needs resusitating. Hurry, someone post something interesting. Quick!

PalmerEldritch said...



i got my Dharmalars Sydney shirt yesterday. :D

Stephanie said...

I ran across a patient here yesterday named DeGroot.

Erika said...

well i'm still trying to do alot of last minute things like set up bill pays and stuff like that. sheesh! still gotta pay bills even when i'm on vacation.

jordan, i'm going to el salvador to go stay with my family for a while.

holli, i watched swingtown, i thought it was entertaining. of course that's the last i'll see of it for a while or for good, who knows.

Trevor McFur said...


Stephanie said...

Is Erika Ally?

PalmerEldritch said...

as far as i can tell, steph. she must've borrowed a friend's computer.

what's up, everybody?

anybody checked out the Civilization Revolution demo?

Trevor McFur said...

Have fun, Ally!

Or Erika...

memphish said...

New iphone today?.


PalmerEldritch said...


Chris JC said...

Sorry I've been so quiet - I've been fixing up some errors in a Cue the Film episode and reposting it - but I'm done now, so:


My entireness hurts.

PalmerEldritch said...

whats up in Inglaterra, Chris?

did i hear something about a Blake's 7 remake?

and why havent i ever bothered to watch Blake's 7?

Chris JC said...

Ingleterra? It's still here - which is handy, otherwise I'd have nowhere to stand.

The rumours of a Blake's 7 retread are, indeed, true - be interesting to see what figures it gets on a satellite channel, but it might do okay.

Palmer - you seem the kind to not be bothered by basic special effects and cheap sets, so you really should give Blake's 7 a go - it's extraordinarily dark.

PalmerEldritch said...

i don't mind cheesy sets, costumes, and special effects. but if the story or the dialogue sucks then i'm outta there. tried watching the old BSG and quickly abandoned ship.

also, i tried re-watching some Buck Rogers and was disturbed that a threatened sexual assault by aliens played by little people was played for laughs. a good message for kids: sexual assault and violence is never OK, unless the assailants are lilliputian.

memphish said...

Getting ready for Hulk night on AG! If Titan does the thigh jiggle in green, I may not survive. Green Hellga would also be deeply traumatizing.


memphish said...

Comparison of LOST and BSG. I didn't read it since I'm not up to date on BSG.


Chris JC said...

Slightly out of sync and smugly British primer for Blake's 7

WARNING - if, while watching, you think "I might give that a go, after all", then do NOT watch the video past the 6 minute mark. Really. Stop it at about 5:55.

The show doesn't seem to be available in the US, so you might have to coax it out of a fat pipe near you.

PalmerEldritch said...

"Getting ready for Hulk night on AG!"

hell yes, holli. and Ferigno'll be there. when he was very young, my older brother was banned from watching The Incredible Hulk as he'd pretend to turn green and start smashing stuff. excellent.

"you might have to coax it out of a fat pipe near you."

that's what she said.

Rrb said...

So I'm staring Fire fly and between ep's, 1,and 2 someone is healed fast? Did I miss something?

PalmerEldritch said...

maybe, i hear the viewing order and the order in which they were aired is all messed up.

Rrb said...

HMMM???Kinda BSG

Chris JC said...

Lost: one Blur album, answers to the name of Think Tank (Special Edition).

I've looked everywhere for this sod, and I'm out of ideas. any suggestions gratefully received.

Stephanie said...

rrb, you have to take into consideration the pilot was re-written and reshot to try and please Fox. Also there seems to be some discrepancy between Inara's stories in the first two episodes. I'm looking for a screen shot of Jayne looking into the sickbay when Kaylee was shot in the pilot.

PalmerEldritch said...


Stephanie said...

Now find mine, p.

Chris JC said...

I see where you're coming from, Palmer - but that's not really a solution to me problem which is, there's a copy SOMEWHERE in the very room I'm sitting in right now.

PalmerEldritch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PalmerEldritch said...

chris, i wondered whether you'd misplaced yours or were looking to buy one online. i decided i'd have better luck rummaging the internet than trying remote viewing to rummage through your bedroom. by the way, it's a shambles. clean up a bit.

steph, Bringing Up Baby or is there an international rash of Think Tank (Special Edition) CD misplacement?

/now with less random commas

PalmerEldritch said...

//or fewer for that matter

memphish said...

So did people completely get over the Twitter thing last week before I started following the Dharmalars?


PalmerEldritch said...

twitter is cool and all, holli. but i'm about to enter an American Gladiators coma!


Trevor McFur said...

I think that I'm gonna show my age and say that I really don't get it with twitter, at all. Even as a time waster it just seems really boring to me. I don't know, maybe I'm just too old.

memphish said...

Seems to me like Twitter's just a shorter form of the blogspot. I think it's supposed to be easier to use when you're on your phone, at least judging from Whitney at PopCandy's use of Twitter. Otherwise it is a bit of an ego trip to think anyone cares what I'm doing right now.


Stephanie said...

Twitter is boring if you're not following many people. The more people you follow, the more interesting things you run across. Now I follow too many people. I miss things. Messages just fly right past me.
p, I wanted you to find a screen grab of the Firefly pilot with the shot of Jayne peeping in the sickbay when he was worried about Kaylee after she was shot.

Ralph- said...

Landon Jones has to be the Douchiest dude ever

Jordan said...
