Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Station 6 Orientation


Mike Campbell said...

Great job guys!!!!

Ralph- said...

aimee, you need to grab a sledgehammer and bucket of sand and tear that firewall down!

Jimmy said...

Ms Aimeee...Tear Down that Wall!

Well done guys. Liked it a lot. Had a few people come up to me at work and say "WTF are you looking at?"

Ralph...you bastard, I have that same orange shirt I think?

aimee is lost said...

Guys, that was just brilliant.

Ralph- said...

Jimmy, it is probably the same size as mine. as you can see, i am putting that t-neck to the test with all of my stomach!

Ralph- said...

Thanks aimee!

Benjamin said...

Thanks for the compliments, guys! And rubycalaber, great work on the secret code.

aimee is lost said...

Now I know why there was no podcast this weekend!

Ralph- said...

CD Available through Varese Sarabande.

aimee is lost said...

Who WOULDN'T want music with track titles like, "I Crashed Your Plane, Brotha" and "Eko Blaster"?

It would be almost STUPID of us if we DIDN'T buy it.

Benjamin said...

The track listing is awesome as usual. Freaking "McGale's Navy." I think my favorite from last year was "Monsters Are Such Interesting People."

aimee is lost said...

I want to join McGale's Navy.

Mike Campbell said...

I take a keen liking to Bon Voyage, Traitor.

Ralph- said...

i am really glad to see that they put the end title music up on this disc, i was missing it on the season 1 CD.

Yesterday i watched "Everybody Hates Hugo" and i am glad to hear that track 6. "Hurley’s Handouts" made the cut. that is a good piece of music. it is the scene where everyone is happy with their Dharma Food, and when we are introduced to Sam Anderson as Bernard. it is a very moving cue...and i am a lady.

Mike Campbell said...

Ralph admitting it is the first step to getting your man points back

Ralph- said...

my man points are bigger than some women's points

Anonymous said...

It is there for all of to see with that green shirt!
No offence dude - video is mega!

aimee is lost said...

Holy crap, have you guys seen the new Season 3 promo with Michael Emerson's narrative?

New footage and everything. I guess it's been up on lost-media since Sunday, but I didn't notice it til this morning.

Mike Campbell said...

Thanks for the tip aimee. I can not wait. These two and a half weeks are going to kill me.

On a side note, Nintendo released the price and release date of their new system today. I am pritty excited. Anyone else?

Benjamin said...

I'd have to say I'm a Wii bit excited.

aimee is lost said...

I think I might have a secret crush on Michael Emerson now. Okay, maybe it's not so much a secret. Maybe it's just the Henry Gale character. Either way, you have to admit, he does kick a lot of ass.

Mike, I discovered something pretty funny during my morning commute today; here's a little SaS trivia for you:

Who was the first SaS listener to send Craig & Dylan an audio comment?

Ralph- said...


aimee is lost said...

Yes, happy birthday (I hate the term "b-day") Seaman Speed!

Mike Campbell said...

I also have a Wii excitement.

Aimee i lose. who was it?

Anonymous said...

holy crap!

aimee is lost said...

Dang Mike, I thought someone would remember; but I totally didn't, which is why this was so funny.

The first audio comment came from none other than the Rev. Cliff J. Ravenscraft, in the MYOKOM w/SAS episode "Hiatus Week Two". And yes, that self-promoting douchebag does manage to plug his 'brand-new' podcast.

Mike Campbell said...

I didn't know he was a Rev. But he is kinda a douchebag. Never really enjoyed his show.

But thats awesome he called to promote his show. So very Classy

aimee is lost said...

I don't know if he was actually a Rev, I think he was just referred to one at some point. I'm not sure.

Anonymous said...

i have a very an extraordinary story regarding Ravenscraft - let me know if you want to hear it, i'll tell you know, it's a doozy of a story!

Anonymous said...

San Miguel does not help grammar...

Ralph- said...

Tim , you have to tell the story. and then i will tell mine.

Ralph- said...

anyone who has a cliff story call the dharmaline @ 206-338-4261 or leave an email with dharmalars@gmail.com. we will read them on the air.

aimee is lost said...

Does anyone actually listen to his podcast? I flat-out refuse to boost his ratings; I don't need any more ammunition for disliking him anyway. He whores himself out on the internet so much, you really can't miss him.

Ralph- said...

19 Days Left!

aimee is lost said...

...and counting!

Ralph- said...

can we please get LOST going again.i am getting sick of this bullshit. someone get a LOST topic started.

ZeroNine said...


Ralph- said...

do you think that there is a posibility that Christain Shepard was the "Real Sawyer", and that James Ford killed him after their little encounter at the bar, which is roughly the same time anna lucia decided to go back to L.A. on the same plane as Jack Shepard?

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott and Steve
Your Apollo bar is sitting on my desk at work - I emailed you to ask what address to send it to, but I haven't gotten an answer. I may not be able to resist eating it for much longer...

Datty Mike said...

First time poster, and all that.

Interesting thoughts on the real Mr sawyer.
Most people would say locke's dad, but to me, that just seems too obvious.

What did the coroner say was the cause of death for jack's dad in the episode 'white rabbit'?
Bollocks to it. Going to check the S1 dvd...

Jimmy said...

It's funny but although I know a buttload about the show I seem to be a bit vague on the whole "Who's the Real Sawyer" question. It seems to have slipped my mind a bit.

Is it really just 16 days! Holy shit :)

Datty Mike said...

In the ep 'white rabbit' the coroner says jack's dad was found in a backstreet alley, and had died as a result of a heart attack brought on by large levels of alcohol in his blood.

Maybe the twist is that sawyer (as in james ford) unwittingly helped christian shepard die by getting pissed up with him in the bar!

aimee is lost said...

Datty, I know at this point in the game Anthony Cooper is seeming like the obvious choice for the real Sawyer, but I still really like it.

Which of course means the exact opposite will happen, and it'll be someone else.

Ralph, you're getting ants in your pants just like the rest of us.

aimee is lost said...

There's a crapload of new promo photos/screen shots of the premiere up at Lost-media.com!!!

Ralph- said...

Why was James Ford in Sydney? Was he still on his quest to find "Sawyer"? Is it possible that he may have slipped something into Christain Shephard's drink?

If the answers are yes, then it makes the log chopping scene in season 1 take on a whole new meaning. James Ford realizes that Christain was Jack's dad, which triggers the fact that he just came face to face with the son of the father he had just killed. this is a big deal to James Ford cause of his life persuit hunting down the man that murdered his own father.

I am a big fan of going back to older episodes and watching it with the knowlege that i know know, and looking at them in hindsight. I find that a lot of the scenes take on a whole new meaning. When you look at some of the early scenes with Libby and Michael walking through the jungle heading towards the other side of the island, it takes on a whole new meaning now that you know that he eventually kills her. this would be an awesome season 4 twist that changes the meaning of a scene in season 1. i just hope that the writers are cool enough to make that connection, instead of wasting everyone's time by making "sawyer" the obvious character, Anthony Cooper.

i really hope that christain shephard is "sawyer". we know that he has a double life, we know that he is ruthless and that he has a problem controling himself. I think that this is something that the average viewer would not see coming.

if there is any theory that i want to happen at all, it is this one. but knowing my streak of theory making, i am pretty uch always let down.

aimee is lost said...

James Ford went to Sydney after his ex-partner Hibbs (Robert Patrick) told him where he could find the real Sawyer, but learned after he killed the shrimp guy that he was set-up.

I swear I remember hearing or reading something official a long time ago that James Ford was going to meet the real Sawyer, and not know it. Thus far, the only one he's met was Christian Shepard. He hasn't met Anthony Cooper, at least not that we know of.

Anthony Cooper is the obvious choice because we know he WAS and IS a confidence man, much like the real Sawyer.

Although Christian Shepard may have led a double life, I just don't see how he would have managed to become the chief of surgery at a hospital, raise a family, father children in Sydney, AND bilk people out of their life savings. It just seems like too much.

That is my logical reasoning, but of course, this isn't always a "logical" show, and the writers are talented enough to find a way to make it work somehow.

But for now, I'm going to go against the majority and stick with the obvious choice of Anthony Cooper, because I still think it's cool, even if it makes me a loser.

Mike Campbell said...

Maybe Henry Gale is the real saywer. That would be a true lost twist. But i think cooper will turn out to be the real saywer. There has to be a way for saywer to find that out and maybe saywer will turn against Locke. maybe in the last season everyone just starts going nuts and killing each other. That would be a twist.

I had a friggen theory the other day but now i forgot it. I think it was a doozy of a theory too. But oh well. The lost gods must have knew it was so amazing so they erased my memory.

So YAY this week. Most shows start up this week, and although this doesn't mean much to Ralph, who doesn't have a bad TV problem like i do, but i am pumped. I am excited to see 30 rock, Jericho and studio 60 on the sunset strip. Veronica Mars starts the 3rd and then Lost on the 4th. Two Great Days!

Any other shows people are looking forward to?

aimee is lost said...

I'm waiting for The Office, which I don't even know when it starts. But other than that, it's just me and Lost.

Ralph- said...

office and earl, on the 21st

aimee is lost said...

sweet, that's this week! something to actually look forward to.

aimee is lost said...

I had this really funny dream last night about The Black Dahlia, which I haven't seen yet. She was being held in this apartment and was strapped to a bed, and the killer had chopped off her foot, and when he left, I climbed up the fire escape and into the window, and helped her get out.

I put a shoe on her stump of a left leg so she could walk. Josh Harnett was chasing us because he was the one killing her. It was pretty cool.

Mike Campbell said...

I had a weird Lost Dream last night...

People were at war with the others. And there were these two houses and a lake in between the houses. And tom the bearded man had an everglade boat with the huge fan in the back and was patroling the lake and shooting random losties. I remember jin and sun died. I don't really remember how i factored into it, i think i might have been watching it on TV. Oh well. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Ralph- said...

i snorted some drugs and my mom gave me a handgun while we were at disneyland.

Mike Campbell said...

and Ralph wins!

aimee is lost said...

Let's not forget people, I MADE OUT WITH HENRY GALE.

...and Aimee takes the lead from Ralph.

aimee is lost said...

Gaaaaa, these are going to be the slowest 17 days of my life.

Ralph, we need to keep these discussions going to pass the time, since no one's putting out podcasts.

Since you had your "Finale Predictions", why don't you and Ben put out a "Season Premiere Predictions"? That would be fun! For me. To listen to. Or you can just post a new blog thread here, and we can all start spitballing about it!

Mike Campbell said...

I second Aimme. Yay season three predictions.

I predict Henry Gale passed by Jack in a resturant while being waited on by Kate's Mom. Any Takers?

Mike Campbell said...

I say she will be seen in the 6th eppisode. Right before it takes a break again. So it can just be like the summer break

aimee is lost said...

I will partially agree with Howie and say it will be in Season 3, Phase B, but I'd like to believe she will show up before the finale!

And I'm pretty sure Jack will die this season, if not in the premiere.

Sorry guys, I hope I'm wrong, but it's just my feminine intuition (supported by evidence that I don't want to reveal just yet).

Mike Campbell said...

oh aimee is not telling us "The Whole Truth"

I don't think they will kill one of the main characters. They take risks and kill people but no one that big. I think they would save that for the last season.

They said they will have a big reveal in the middle of the season. That could be when he dies, or someone big.

Ralph- said...

ben and i just finished a discussion about maybe recording this thursday. we talked about predictions.

i think that penny wont show up until season 4.

aimee is lost said...

I emailed Craig some information as to why I believe Jack is going to be killed off. That's why I wasn't going to say what it was; incase he decides to read some of the stuff I sent him in his next podcast.

But besides the above mentioned information, I still think there are other reasons Jack might die, and it doesn't have anything to do with considering the fan's feelings. It has to do with Matthew Fox's career. If Jack dies, I believe it'll be for this reason. He disappeared into oblivion after Party of Five, and now with the resurrection of his career due to Lost, he's up to his ass in movies and lots of good work. He may CHOOSE to leave.

We have to remember these actors have their own lives to consider, which to them is probably more important than the sensitive nature of their fans' emotional attachment to their characters.

But I'm rambling here. It would really stink to lose a major character like Jack, even if he is crackers bananas right now. However, from a Lost perspective, it would be interesting to see how the people on the island would manage to survive without someone like him to constantly lean on.

Jack Shepard is like "The Orb" of the fusies; they can get out of anything as long as he's around; or at least think they can. They feel safer knowing he's there. And without vulnerability & tension, what do you have? A bunch of people living on an island with some weird stuff.

If they kill Jack, that's how it will be written.


Ralph- said...

matthew fox uprooted his family and moved to hawaii. i honestly feel that the actors are pretty much forced to stay involved with the show until damon, carlton and JJ say it is time to go.

i really dont think that they will kill jack off...um. with the cast dwindeling i dont see how they can keep the show going by killing off so many people. they killed off 3 characters last season and two other characters left on a boat.

if they kill anyone in this season, it will probably be one of the others.

i honestly dont believe that penny will be a big part of the season 3 cast, i think that she was set up for future seasons. How long does it take for someone to get a ship, a crew, some sort of task force and set sail to an unknown island somwhere in the pacific? i think that we wont see her show up on the island until season 4.

Mike Campbell said...

ralph - I think we may see some of her this season doing all those things. not very much just little random bits of her. but maybe we will get help from someone on the outside and they show that. Who knows.

aimee is lost said...

The moment we begin to believe that certain people are not expendable - they will most certainly die. I will try to do the whole "reverse psychology" move on the writers, and keep saying that Jack will die, just so they won't kill him. On that note: there's no way Claire will ever die. She's waaaaay too important.

Ralph, I don't think Penny is going to be that big in Season 3 either. I think they need to save her for later, and like you said, will probably show bits and pieces of her, maybe during any episodes that happen to be Desmond-centric. (Hint, hint, keep an eye out for spoilers that say Desmond-centric, because you might know you'll see her...)

If she and her Portugese expedition actually made it to the island with a Widmore-brand cruise liner, wouldn't that mean the end of the show? (After some big final showdown, where Desmond poetically gets killed of course.)

aimee is lost said...

Does anyone here like jigsaw puzzles? I was just looking @ ABC's Lost merchandise and they have some mystery jigsaw puzzles that reveal secrets when you solve the puzzles (not seen on the show). However, it's only when all 4 puzzles are assembled that all the true secrets can be deciphered.

We need to get 4 people to each put one together, and see what it is. Or find someone on the internet that has already done it.


Mike Campbell said...

aimee - i know someone must have finished them but i am more then willing to buy one and do it. I think it would be fun for us to team up and do it. so no one find the answer online. I vote aimee for "The Others" puzzle cause we know about her subconscience henry gale feelings

aimee is lost said...

Stop making me blush, Mike. And yes, I'll definitely do the Others. The puzzle, Mike! The puzzle!

Anonymous said...

I just found a podcast called 'The Chronicles of Scott and Steve'... i'll let you all know in a minute what it's like...

aimee is lost said...

Mike, I ordered my puzzle (The Others)...let me know when you get yours! This'll be fun...

Tim, is this a Lost podcast or what?

Ralph- said...

did Desmond's fail-safe key destroy the electro magnet?

if so, are we going to see the death of Rose?

can you imagine if Locke loses the use of his legs, due to the fact that he decided to doubt his faith, and let it be destroyed. his useless pathetic life will continue. wow, think about it. he was looking for answers from the island, and the island gave him the key to the use of his legs, and he did not accept this gift, and will be punished greatly for it.

aimee is lost said...

I don't know if anyone's actually read this page before (I hadn't until today), but lostpedia has a neat rundown on the saga of Scott & Steve that's pretty funny:


What's even more funny is that the first time Bernard says mentions this, he says "Jenkins" (Steve's last name) and the Frogurt guy, and the second time he says "Craig" and the Frogurt guy.

God, I need a new hobby.

Mike Campbell said...

ralph i was asking that same question earlier. I think rose is a goner. But i think Locke will figure something out. But when he starts losing the use of his legs thats the eppisode where we get the flashback of how he lost them in the first place.

aimee is lost said...

I think a lot of people are wondering what's going to happen with Locke & Rose, and anyone else who has/had "special" conditions concealed by the island powers. I guess the question is whether or not the island's healing powers had anything to do with the electromagnetic forces.

Benjamin said...

I guess the question is whether the magnet cured people, or just supressed their problems. See, if it just kept Rose's cancer from growing, or making her sick, then it being turned off (or completely discharged, or whatever happened) might totally affect her, but if the magnetic rays actually shrank and destroyed the cancer, or at least turned it benign and stopped its growth, then she's OK. Ditto with Jin's little swimmers, not that he'll be needing those for about nine months.

Wow, I really hope no England people read my spoiler heavy post. Or have they finally got to the end of Season Two?

Mike Campbell said...

Ben - i think they finished S2 a few weeks ago, so for this time your ok. Lets pray to 6 pound 8 ounce baby jesus it doesn't happen again.