Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Kimberley's Lost Diary

Another update from the T-Dot.

Click Here to dowload MP3


aimee is lost said...


I listened to it last night because I couldn't wait any longer; great job once again...

Awesome graphic by the way!

Scott and Steve said...

How'd you listen to it last night?

Ralph- said...

yeah, what the heck?

Scott and Steve said...

You'd better not be getting the Lost Diary off the black market, again. I don't want to have to do the whole "intervention" thing all over again.

Anonymous said...

The pressure! I couldn't resist...she held me against my will!

What can I say, I'm easy ;)

Ralph- said...

i know a place where you can get the Lost Diary 6 days before it comes out. but i will never tell.

Hollerin said...

Great show Kimberley!

And yeah, go Janelle-I hope she wins it all on bb7.

Ralph- said...

what are your plans for season 3? are you going to be doing a diary for each episode?

Mike Campbell said...

i hope so. I love your format and hearing the best lines always makes me laugh

Anonymous said...

Unless the "Powers That Be" deside otherwise...that's the plan! Where I work now, I have Thursdays off, and don't have to be at work until Friday at 6:30pm...so it's perfect for Lost Diary Goodness.

Benjamin said...

I'm looking forward to it every week. I just finally caught this episode, and it was a lot of fun to hear the Easter eggs from Season One, as well as some of the insights on casting and such. Thanks, Kim.