Monday, August 21, 2006

Attention All Podcasters!


Anonymous said...

wow aimee i love it...and you are one hundred percent right...i miss the SaS

Anonymous said...


Ralph- said...

ben and i will most likely record something this week. maybe a short piece that lets you know what is up with the dharmalars.

Mike Campbell said...

aimee - thats amazingtastic. Good for you!!!! And yay ralph for bringing in the SaS with a side of dish soap.

aimee is lost said...

I'm glad you guys got a kick out of it. That was my first attempt at making a video on my computer, which was difficult enough without owning a Mac. It was a fun way to spend a bored Saturday afternoon!

Ralph- said...

i love the Default image that YouTube used! i like that Craig's mouth is covered with a 'play' button on it. the sybolism is not lost on me.

aimee is lost said...

I haven't seen it yet since I'm @ work, but I'll look when I get home.

Hollerin said...
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Hollerin said...

Great Job Aimee!

aimee is lost said...

I'm always curious about what the person said when someone's comment is deleted...

Anonymous said...

That was KaBlamo.

Anonymous said...

scott and steve we need sas please

Hollerin said...

LOL...I deleted the comment. I am afraid it wasn't too exciting. I just double posted. I get too trigger happy with the mouse sometimes.

Uncle Igmar said...

That was great Amy - thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Honestly, i thought my first appearance on YouTube would be some stupid video about how much it rained when i went camping, but Aimee saved me - my first appearance is me playing the last two or three bars of Married With Children on the outro to the greatest montage of Scott and Steve ever heard (since Kimberley did her one).
Massive thanks to Aimee for that - genius.

aimee is lost said...

I've been listening to more of the old episodes, and man, there is so much more funny shit I wish I could put in there.

I need to make a version 2.0 or just some massive best-of montage before the season 3 podcasts start.

Anonymous said...

Aimee in Little Rock, that first picture of it from Skyline Drive up in Eagle River, Alaska?

aimee is lost said...

Nope, that's up on Flattop, over on the hillside in Anchorage.

Mike Campbell said...

IGN has an interview with Mr. Cuse. Its got some good stuff in it.

Ralph- said...

I am really concearned about craig. i was trying to help someone find the iTunes' feed for Myokom with Sas, and i noticed that all of the Scott and Steve stuff was taken down. the only things left were the junk that ben and i posted, the finale Lost Diary with Kimberley, and the Peabody award episode.

Craig, are you done?

aimee is lost said...

Ralph check your Dharmalars email.

Mike Campbell said...

On a Happy Note...

There is the poster for Season Three. Dez and Fenery on it!!! Getting more excited everyday.

aimee is lost said...

Hey, that link/webpage is blocked from my work, so I can't see it..

Can someone email it (the picture) to me please??? I wanna see it NOW!!!

aimee is lost said...

HOLY CRAP! Thanks Ralph!

I have a new desktop background. Wow, what a great poster!

Ralph- said...

i just thought of something. If Henry Gale knows the way off the island, than why does he stay? there is more going on here than meets the eye.i will bet that henry and his gang stubbled onto the island, which is now long abandoned, and they are keeping its secrets for themselves. they are not dharma, but rather some sort of sailers that now claim the island for themselves, and need a couple of stong individuals to help them with the society that they have created. they dress in the disguises to fool anyone who ends up on the island into thinking that they are savages. they are nothing more than mere stowaways. first come first serve.

the thing that bothers me most about season 2 is the Dharma Theatrical Glue. why would dharma supply people with theatrical glue?

does dharma endorse all the sneaking around?

aimee is lost said...

But you forget, Ralph, about the supply drop, which means that Dharma is still in some form or another, still active.

I was listening to one of the classic podcast episodes (I believe it was Fire + Water, because that's the only one on my ipod right now) and one of the conversations Craig and Dylan were having was about the lower level employees on the island, and how there had to be people there who weren't all scientists and what-not. There had to be mechanics, and garbagemen, and janitors, etc.

So this made me think; what if - after this big incident -
MOST (not all) of the bigwig Dharma folks freaked out and jumped ship, meaning they abandoned the projects and the island, which is why most of those stations are abandoned, and the people who are the Others, are those who were left behind, but Dharma still drops them food and supplies and shit, and now, these formerly lower-level people run the show.

I don't think this is correct, but I think we're getting warmer at least.

Ralph- said...

i really feel that the island is abandoned but many of the automated systems are still opperational. AKA my "Dr. Totenkopf" theory.

i just want season 3 to start, so i can start deciphering more information.

did i spell that right?

aimee is lost said...

which word, 3?

Ralph- said...

I have this feeling that this show has a Twighlight Zone ending. what we need to do is try to figure out what island "Twist" could be in store for us when all is said and done. make a list of all the twists we have come up with, and start crossing them off one at a time, when we feel that each one is debunct.



aimee is lost said...

I don't think of Lost as having as many "twists" as I do "debunked assumptions".

Give me an example of a "twist" you're referring to, as you define it at least, so I know what line you're thinking along.

Anonymous said...

Going along with the theme of 'eyes' that the producers have put everywhere up till now (opening a lot of episodes on eyes, etc) Has anyone else picked up on the freaky looking eyeballs on the new season 3 promo poster? What does it all mean!?

aimee is lost said...

Tim, those eyes do look crazy, but awesome. I'm glad they gave Hurley a nice big shot. Sawyer's eyes look really cool. Jack and Jin's look like they're two different colors.

And Henry Gale just won't stop staring at me.

Ralph- said...

a twist would be like the end of planet of the apes. they pull back to reveal that the island is on a moonbase, or something.

Ralph- said...

or the last living place on earth! penny is on a moonbase, monitering life on earth, and she just found the info she needed. maybe now, humanity can return to earth and rebuild society.

Mike Campbell said...
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Mike Campbell said...

I think the others are the people dharma were experimenting on. I think they got sick of it and had sort of a rebelion against Dharma. They scared away all the dharma people and they took the island as their own.

Because Dharma messed with them so much they didn't want to go back to society because they didn't want to be hurt again so they decided to stay there and make the island their own. They take the childern because they are innocent and are not tanted by socitey yet.

Ralph - I also think they will pull some sort of Twilight Zone thing for ending. Maybe not to explain alot of msyteries but everyone writing the show has said they love the twilight zone, so something like that must be coming soon. Maybe the clifhanger for the end of the first 6th episodes will be a big twilight zone type of thing.

aimee is lost said...

I smell what you're stepping in now Ralph. I do think some of the 'debunked assumptions' end up going hand-in-hand with the sort of twists you refer to. We'll assume something is what it is, then KABLAMO - we find out they all live on the moon. We assumed at first it was a deserted island only to be twisted by the first appearance of Rousseau. Etc Etc.

Mike Campbell said...

This isn't Lost Related but is reporting that Kal Penn is going to be in this season of 24. I don't know why they would pick him. He is a funny comedy actor, but as he was trying to be serous in Superman Returns he just seemed out of place. Maybe Keefer will beat him up a little :)

Here is the story if anyone wants to read it.

Scott and Steve said...

Anyone see the trailer for NAMESAKE? Kal Penn is taking on a serious role.