i have a feeling that he will be back. i just think that we need to have patients. it takes a lot of work to muster up the nerve to go on the air, let alone having to do it without your right hand man there for you. i say, that craig should take his time, and work things out before diving into a solo career head first. when craig finally returns it will be a bigger, "OH SHIT" moment than Sayid pulling out that drivers liscense!
Katie, I wouldn't feel too bad. My own father can't spell my name.
I'm actually enjoying the blog in the absence of MYOKOM w/SAS podcasts. I think as long as we all continue contributing, it will take some of the pressure off Craig.
However, we are moving into an extremely interesting time on Lost, and it would be great to have a podcast to be able to discuss it all.
Perhaps if someone helped Craig put some of it together, he may feel more inclined to do another show. OR, if everyone called the listener line, Craig could play those, and maybe just comment on them.
I think we should be asking Craig what exactly HE wants, and respect whatever it is.
well, since this is a new begining for MYOKOMwSAS, it looks like the show is going to start off the way it did in the begining. remember how their first episode was for "Orientation", then they caught up in the later episodes? maybe this is the same thing. i think that if you listen to the first episode, the show is very simple and not that entertaining, as far as the jokey nature that the show ended up becoming. i cant wait for Myokomw/sas 2.0 and see how it unfolds.
i guess the point i was getting at, was that even though they missed a couple of episodes in the begining, that it did not affect our views on the show as well as the information we get to us. we read the boards, we know what all the secrects are. we dont need scott and steve telling us that, we listen to them for entertainment, and listening to a couple of cool guys talking lost evey once and a while.
...or MYOKOMw/SAS 4.0 where niether Craig or Dylan are involved. it would kind of be like ER or Facts of Life. or in the Brady Bunch variety hour, when they had a different person playing Jan. or what about when they brought a half hour Price is Right to primetime on CBS and the host was Shadow Stevens or some other hack. dude Craig, you have connections to radio, you should get Shadow Stevens to co host!
it's 12:27am on a friday night, and just got back from a Michael McDonald concert, figured i'd chek out the blog before i went to bed dreaming of "what a fool believes"! have a good weekend everyone!
He's no Kirk Cameron, that's for sure.
i have a feeling that he will be back. i just think that we need to have patients. it takes a lot of work to muster up the nerve to go on the air, let alone having to do it without your right hand man there for you. i say, that craig should take his time, and work things out before diving into a solo career head first. when craig finally returns it will be a bigger, "OH SHIT" moment than Sayid pulling out that drivers liscense!
Katie, I wouldn't feel too bad. My own father can't spell my name.
I'm actually enjoying the blog in the absence of MYOKOM w/SAS podcasts. I think as long as we all continue contributing, it will take some of the pressure off Craig.
However, we are moving into an extremely interesting time on Lost, and it would be great to have a podcast to be able to discuss it all.
Perhaps if someone helped Craig put some of it together, he may feel more inclined to do another show. OR, if everyone called the listener line, Craig could play those, and maybe just comment on them.
I think we should be asking Craig what exactly HE wants, and respect whatever it is.
well, since this is a new begining for MYOKOMwSAS, it looks like the show is going to start off the way it did in the begining. remember how their first episode was for "Orientation", then they caught up in the later episodes? maybe this is the same thing. i think that if you listen to the first episode, the show is very simple and not that entertaining, as far as the jokey nature that the show ended up becoming. i cant wait for Myokomw/sas 2.0 and see how it unfolds.
i guess the point i was getting at, was that even though they missed a couple of episodes in the begining, that it did not affect our views on the show as well as the information we get to us. we read the boards, we know what all the secrects are. we dont need scott and steve telling us that, we listen to them for entertainment, and listening to a couple of cool guys talking lost evey once and a while.
sorry if i blather... i have nothing better to do.
I love that Ralph, MYOKOM w/SAS 2.0 - When Dylan gets kicked out of the Navy we can call it v. 3.0
...or MYOKOMw/SAS 4.0 where niether Craig or Dylan are involved. it would kind of be like ER or Facts of Life. or in the Brady Bunch variety hour, when they had a different person playing Jan. or what about when they brought a half hour Price is Right to primetime on CBS and the host was Shadow Stevens or some other hack. dude Craig, you have connections to radio, you should get Shadow Stevens to co host!
it's 12:27am on a friday night, and just got back from a Michael McDonald concert, figured i'd chek out the blog before i went to bed dreaming of "what a fool believes"! have a good weekend everyone!
Come back!!!! Please!!!
cooper is the dude that says he is Locke's dad
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