ok, here's the deal. I just watched a james bond movie every weekend for the last 21 weeks. I watched all of them. every last one. You will find that the descent bond films are outnumbered by the shit ones. Every time i do this i become less and LESS impressed with Pierce Brosnan's films.
I don't care if QOS is one Hour and Forty minute action scene. I love Craig as bond. He is my favorite. HANDS DOWN! I would rather see him in an hour and a half action scene as opposed to having retarded scenes in Outer Space, Ice Palaces, Hollowed Out Volcanoes, Underwater Cities or any of the other bullshit that has come before.
My only question for the Boys in the Uk is this.
I always miss the new threads. So I'm just going to repost what I just did over there.
What I read what that this '24: Redemption' thing that's being shown at the end of the month is a prequel to season 7. I don't think the actual season starts until sometime in January.
As for the election being today and soon over. I'd be more excited if I truly believed that it was going to end all this nonsense. Regardless whoever wins, we're going to have one big group of angry people who aren't going to let this thing die. Be it a bunch of rich conservatives, small town people afraid of arabs, and white power Bill's. Or hippy tree huggers, big city elitists, the liberal media, black militants, and oh, the rest of the entire world. One of those two groups of people, as in every election, will not go away quietly. And heaven forbid the vote is close and drags out for days.
Enjoying Prison Break, Tdot? That T-Bag is a son of a gun, huh? Oh how I miss the old pre-Sona & pre-Sylla Prison Break.
- The Steelers beat the Redskins last night, and according to NFL lore that means the incumbent party is out. Steelers voted for Obama with a crushing defense and limping, but effecting offense.
- i hate election night, is there any counter programming tonight? Fringe?
Ralph, I believe I've answered a number of your questions via email already - including the gun barrel one. I must be psychic.
I clearly enjoyed it more than Elias, I wonder if I'm just less demanding.
Ralph, from your comments above, I don't think you'll be too disappointed.
Daniel Craig does none of the following:
Goes into space Defuses a bomb while dressed as a clown Drives a car under water Drives an invisible car Drives a car from the back seat using a mobile phone Have any contact with Robbie Coltrane
Oh - by the way. Here's the thing I liked the most about the film, and make of this what you will.
The location title cards. They are fucking excellent. They are completely designed - they take you out of the realism and remind you that you're watching a film, but they do it so blatantly that it becomes part of the art form - each appropriately constructed for the location the scene is in. Like nothing I've seen in a Bond film before.
I once visited the observatory at the top of Swiss Alps that blows up and that Bond skies down in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", which I actually found to be a rather entertaining film. One & done Bond, George Lazenby and all.
Kath & Kim has been picked up for a full season by NBC, the network also known as "We think Knight Rider is outstanding". If there's any scary signs that America is going to screw this election up, this might be one.
Ok, I voted and went to work. Now I'm home. I am going to play Spiderman: Web of Shadows, for as long as I can, and go to bed. I will not be one of the countless number of tools that will stay glued to their TVs to see if they're "brand" was better than the other.
No Cool Ranch?! No caffeine in Mountain Dew?! Is this a sick joke?! My God!
Oh well. Good job Alirio. That was my favourite Canadian segment I've seen on the internet today. Oh, and just so you know... My spell check underlined favourite in red for me.
What gives with Stephen Colbert? I like him. i think he is funny, but i think he is WAY inferior to John Stewart, Besides his name is not the same as any of the Green Lanterns!
Hey Blogspot! Had a great time meeting Stephanie today. Now I'm thinking of Ally as I watch people pole dance on Bravo. Check out the Atlanta Housewives.
I like Colbert a lot. I also like Stewart. I have a hard comparing them to each other because Colbert is 100% character and Stewart is not. Very different tones on their shows.
Alirio, you fiend. I knew that tune was familiar. Well pimped.
So the news looks like:
Pretty popular choice for new president = good
Proposition 8 probably going through in California = bad.
Yeah, I'm a big soft leftie. Bite me.
My only political word - I didn't really follow the policies of two the front runners for the POTUS job this year, I just knew whether I liked them or not - and I liked both of 'em. They seem to be fine and amiable individuals. The running mates I was, frankly, less sure about.
Still - you guys wit the actual vote - regardless of who you voted for, how are you feeling about the result?
We have what they call "Cool Original" Doritos, but I have no idea if they are the same as the Cool Ranch. We have that and some cheesy type and I think that's it. The bigger dipping backs have Lightly Salted and Hint of Lime but I'm pretty sure that's where our selection ends.
And, Alirio... did you refer to them as potato chips?
For the few months that they tried to launch Mountain Dew over here (via a bizarre Clockwork Orange inspired commercial instead of EXTREME sports) I can't remember if it had caffeine or not - same with TAB Clear, another drink that we had here for about seven days before everyone stopped buying it.
AAARGH! Doritos Cool Ranch flavour are available in the world, just not in Quebec...
Pleaswe don't make me say it again,a little piece of me dies every time I do :-(
I may have called them POTATO chips, but that's because of Quebec's stringent language laws, and the now infamous corn-quota system... don't get me started!
2 for sale within a block's radius. We actually thought of looking at one as rental property, then realized the rental income wouldn't cover the mortgage costs.
This will soon change as housing prices are starting to decline a little bit.
alirio, my revisionist take on Noah Webster is that he was an early environmentalist who was concerned about the use of too much paper and the the burning of oil in oil lamps while writing on paper. his INGENIOUS solution was to eliminate the U in words like colour, armour, etc.
even today, it's paying dividends in saving energy and our environment. think of the energy America would be wasting on writing and typing the letter U so often. that's electricity, heating oil, paper, etc. all being saved by making words shorter.
- i for one am excited about our president elect. i may have cried a little during his acceptance speech.
- i watch both the Daily Show & The Colbert Report regularly. I don't prefer one over the other. Actually it seems like when one is firing on all cylinders that the other is a little off.
- Finished Dead Set last night. It was excellent. Best Zombie movies since 28 Days Later.
Don't want to get too political in case anybody here is upset over what happened last night. But I'll just leave it at this. As someone who has traveled to over 30 countries during the Bush administration. I look forward to visiting other parts of the world and not being given lectures on how stupid the president is, as well as being given a laundry list of things to tell him when I return.
I'm hearing rumours about Bryan Fuller might be replacing those two producers who were fired from Heroes last week. What does that mean for Pushing Daisies?
if i were a showrunner on a network show, i'd make sure to cast the network president's son or daughter regardless of talent. my show would stay on forever!
- PalmerEldritch said... if i were a showrunner on a network show, i'd make sure to cast the network president's son or daughter regardless of talent. my show would stay on forever! ah, the Tori Spelling principle :)
- I would think Heroes is on the bubble at this point too. Brian Fuller is cursed with talent in a world in which "Two & A Half Men" exists.
- VERY pleased about an Obama presidency. Unlike others here (it sounds like - and I am NOT meaning to sound aloof by any means) I got sucked into the coverage during the day (6-8pm and usually later is family time) and then the speeches and commentary afterward. Presidential elections are a quadrennial thing, so I sort of put other things SOMEWHAT on pause while it's happening.
- Gonna see QoS if at all possible and am reasonably psyched for it. Like Ralph - I think Craig is turning into my favorite Bond (and I make that determination by seeing 1 movie - lol)
- Yet again, "24" will most likely capture my interest just enough to DVR it and watch it in between other things and when I have time. I just hope they do something a little less formulaic this season and that the writers might resist a FEW of the cliches they generally fall back on.
- happened to catch "The Other 48 Days" on SciFi the other night and noticed (though I'm sure this has probably been discussed ad nauseum & I just don't remember) that the sounds coming from the tail section (and assorted pieces which had broken off mid-plummet) as it sank into the water sounded like the smoke monster. My apologies if I have just made one of those observations like "HEY - anyone notice that those numbers keep turning up? They're everywhere!"
- Alirio - very psyched to check out the podcast. Will you have guests (not a request - just curious)?
I'm very happy with the election results. I think that comparing Obama with McCain just on their campaigns alone, Obama was clearly the superior candidate. I think that McCain's chances went out the window when basically ran around like a chicken without a head during the early parts of the meltdown. Not a good thing when your platform is that you're the experienced guy who's gonna be calm in a crisis. I was also glad to see that woman in North Carolina lose, especially since it looks like that horrific ad she came out with last week blew up in her face. I really despise that kind of campaigning.
Don't like seeing Prop 8 passing in Cali ... I hate seeing discrimination written into state constitutions.
And Alaska voted Ted Stevens in again ... this is the guy that thinks the internet is a series of tubes, right? AND he was the guy behind the 'bridge to nowhere', AND he was just convicted of felony corruption ... and STILL gets re-elected? What the hell is going on up there?
I like Stewart and Colbert. What impresses me about Colbert is, like our friend Jordan said, he's in character the whole time. Plus, it's pretty much just him the whole time, whereas Stewart has correspondents. He needs to bring back 'Better Know a District' though, it's kind of a bummer that all the Congressmen stopped talking to him. I think that The Daily Show is only as good as it's correspondants. Right now, I think that John Oliver is hilarious, one of the funniest that they've had. But I think that, on the whole, the current crop pales a little in comparison to a few years ago, when you had Colbert, Rob Corrdry, Ed Helms, and Steve Carrell all in their heyday.
I'm sure they had most of it done already. And they're known for doing their episodes close enough to air date to be extremely topical. But it was quite impressive them getting the exact Obama & McCain speech quotes in there.
Nice Ocean's 11 spoof. Randy Marsh singing "Oh-bama" to the tune of Barry Mainlow's "Mandy" was hilarious. And Sarah Palin being British in disguise was great too. lol.
Question for Palmer & Trevor. Seeing as how we all refer to you guys by part of your screen names. And that these happen to be actual names that have morphed over time into what we call the two of you. If you were walking down the street and somebody yelled, "Palmer!" or "Trevor!" would you turn around? Or if someone you know called you it out of the blue, would you think twice before replying? Just wondering how much the blogspot has screwed with your identities?
Which is also the name of a fish store in Memphis. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't notice being called that in person tho it's the only name I use on some boards. Maybe I can go to Comic Con this year and test the theory.
Today I'm going to meet Desiree in Pensacola. She calls the Dharmalars a lot and Twitters as sitakatherine. Speaking of Dharmalars, I hope we'll hear from them soon. Perhaps a QoS cast.
Due to my name being rare (even in Portugal where my parents are from), I haven't felt the need to use a "screen" name to distinguish myself from other Alirio's that might be on the internet.
I would, however, not refer to myself as distinguished in any other context...
To see what my life would have been like had I been an Alirio in latin-america rather than in montreal, please follow this link
Alirio being such a rare name, the above clip never gets old (for me anyway)!
I never had to urge to use a non de plume since my name is so common. There are 3 Stephanie Smiths at my tanning bed, 5 at my female doctor's office. If you want to steal my identity if try to find me to kill me, it'd be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
- i watched Michael Bay's "The Rock" for the first time last night. It was okay for an action film, and i'm not surprised that Michael Bay continued to work afterwords, but i am surprised that such a generic film is so fondly remembered. Oh, and thanks for assaulting my ears Hans Zimmer.
- also catching up on "Cue The Film" podcasts. i'm well into the Halloween film splice, which was a nice companion piece to the "Fan Boys Podcast" episode that went through every iteration of the "Friday The 13th" movie series.
BBC:Vue cinemas will show selected PG, 12A and 15-rated films to audiences of over-18s in 58 cinemas nationwide, in screenings that could avoid unwanted disruptions that can sometimes be caused by audiences under the age of 18.
Vue Cinemas:Tickets are just £1.00/75p/50p extra
Oh for FUCK'S SAKE. How much more do we need to spend to actually enjoy a fucking film these days? If we pay an extra £2 on top, can the projectionist make sure that the film's actually in focus? How much to get the house lights turned down properly so we can actually see the bloody screen?
Andrew:catching up on "Cue The Film" podcasts
Awesome - I particularly tried to pimp up the Halloween episode as it was my baby. Just me, a friend in the same room and Patti for a brief Skype chat. Here ya go!
The current thinking is either gift it to someone who CAN play it (but I'm the only person I know who has the previous three seasons. Seems a bit of a weird choice to farm the fourth out to them), or to go to HMV, claim it was an unwanted gift so we don't have the receipt and note that it's still wrapped and hope to trade it in for something.
Can the projectionist make sure that the film's actually in focus?
Generally the projectionists aren't taking much notice. They're either pasting film reels together or setting other films up to be played. Complain and you'll probably get some comps.
How much to get the house lights turned down properly so we can actually see the bloody screen?
People generally complain if the house lights are down too low... Retarded, I know..
Also. I'll take that pesky set of DVDs off you're hands if they're being too much trouble... ;)
Actually my mind had turned to the Blog Brits, the one a couple of hundred miles away, the one under 100 miles away or the one a bus ride and a nostalgic walk away.
However, I think it may turn into a Christmas gift for a pal who I've got up to date with the series.
That was just as bad as when I incorrectly used an apostrophe and Herlihy tore me a new one for it. The best part was when I said it was because I wasn't paying that close attention, he was having no of it. Yet this!:
"I wasn't really paying attention... rewatching Dead Set and was doing some essaying... So my grammar attentions were elsewhere."
Holy blogspocrisy Batman! Hahaha.
Don't worry bout it Herly. I only tease because I have an insatiable need to be vindicated. lol.
30 Rock, Earl, and THE Office on tonight. Hopefully they are not preempted last minute for some more political commentary. lol. Well, I'd be ok if Kath & Kim was bumped in favor of a reality show about midget's trying to pick up supermodels. I really dislike that show. A lot.
Hardly tore you a new one. It was more cheeky banter rather than making a new orifice. Also, I said that I wasn't infalliable either. I make mistakes all the time.
Don't. I was totally joking. While pointing out humorous coincidence. But there is no reason to feel bad. Unless you're talking about something else. In which case, nevermind. lol.
Tired of coming here and nothing new being posted. I'll try to kickstart the blogspot this morning. Thoughts on The Office? If Jim is giving Dwight a hard time, I'm happy. I like that they are getting Pam more involved with the office.. Why isn't Pam home yet? She needs to be. 30 Rock was excellent even with Oprah. Tina Fey is one clever chick. Holli, are you home safe and sound? Counting down the days til I get to see new James Bond even though the reviews coming from across the pond aren't glowing. I hope B'ham gets Slumdog Millionaire. Wondering if the Morgster would like it.
Steph - I wish I had more to talk about. I will say that the Supernatural CIA podcast was great. Will have to look for seasons 1-3 of Supernatural to rent, I am now officially interested
Very much hoping that I get to see "Slumdog Millionaire" - the trailer looked really good.
- the office was okay. I missed the cold open, and the i was confused about Michael having a fiance? I also liked the focus on the Jim/Dwight dynamic. I appreciated the respite from Michael Scott. His stupidity is funny, but gets overwhelming and predictable week after week. I wasn't that into the Pam stuff, especially the last bit. It seems like they are setting up her being away from the office even longer. The Dwight/Angela/Andy triangle is pretty entertaining though.
- 30 Rock was okay too. Tina Fey's performance cracked me up a few times even when the jokes weren't that funny. I like a good Kenneth sub-plot too.
- It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia was good. I've been rewatching the episode from a few weeks back, the one where Dee & Charlie try to live in each other's lives for a bit and it is becoming my favorite thing this year. The comedy club scene gives me the giggles just thinking about it.
- i'm trying to stick to my policy of going into Danny Boyle films knowing as little as possible so i've had to turn off several podcasts to avoid even a premise. He hasn't disappointed me yet. Sunshine threw me a little but one subsequent viewings, it's much better.
- listened to the last few Jay & Jack podcasts this morning, and it was nice to think about that TV show LOST a little. I'm getting the itch to rewatch season 4 so its a good thing there's only a month until the DVD release (we know Chris!)
Oh - you just reminded me Andrew - I forgot to mention how frikkin' hillarious "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is. It has become the show that I laugh the hardest at - by far. I missed a bunch of episodes recently and then partially caught up w/On Demand.
Indeed the Dee/Charlie life swap story was inspired. The whole sequence in Charlie's apartment from his explanation of eating the cat food all the way through the spooky twins from "The Shining" in the hallway had me laughing so hard my side literally hurt. Good stuff.
Internetica says Lost returns Wed Jan 21 at 8pm Eastern. I think they are airing a clip show then episode. I hope the regular time is 9 eastern because 7 central means nothing but DVR viewing for me.
Through emails, Elias and I have found that we do indeed differ greatly on Quantum of Solace. He seems to dislike it more than I liked it.
Ralph-, would I be correct in thinking you enjoyed Live Free or Die Hard? If so, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
I've heard it suggested that the significance of the Gun Barrel logo happening at the end of the film is to show that Bod as you know him, begins here. What you've seen up until this point is a secret agent learning how to Bond it up.
So if that's true, can we expect smooth but violent coupled with Q branch and Moneypenny action in Bond 23?
I have gone to the fail blog in the past month or so. Only because I browse through digg.com once in a while and there is usually a link to a picture or video there. The Firetruck Fail on page 2 (for now) happened here in St Louis a few weeks ago. All 8 firemen were hurt but none serious.
I went to a Henry Rollins spoken word show for the first time last night. It was pretty interesting overall for the 3 straight hours he talked. Obviously he talked about politics for part of the show, but mostly talked about traveling the world and his experiences, music, and what projects he has been working on.
You don't realize how close the election actually was. You would think Obama had a huge lead against McCain. He didn't. Remember back in September when the economy was circling toilet? If McCain had come up with a good plan and demonstrated leadership, the results would have been different. It wasn't Palin that lost the election for him, it was the economy, stupid. (BTW, I'm not calling you stupid.) Speaking of Palin, it was almost as difficult listening to the prank call as it was watching SNL mock her to her face. I feel sorry for the lady for being dragged into this mess. But she shouldn't have accepted it if she wasn't able to handle it.
I like what you were saying about the US gets used to an idea after seeing it on television. Maybe if the part of the country who would never vote for a black man see that he can show good leadership in a time when we really need it, they will be more open and accepting of people who look differently than they look. Maybe this thing will work backward as well as forward.
I heard the Palin prank call and I have to say I thought she dealt with it fairly graciously - she clearly works out something's not right during the call but rolls with it, and is fairly classy after the truth is revealed.
- yeah, i didn't find the prank call funny or embarassing for Sarah Palin at all. I hope to never type her name again though.
- i thought this election stuff was finally over, but now all of my punk friends are coming out of the woodwork to tell me how Obama's election just means that our corporate overlords have won again, and instead of voting i should have been rioting. now they tell me!!
- Stephanie, i tried listening to the new CIA podcast but i realized that your guest was throwing down spoilers left and right so i stopped. I have to admit that your enthusiasm for the show has me intrigued, and i'm going to have to Netflix the series.
- Caught up on Terminator: SCC last night. Kind of a middle of the road episode, but it reinforced some of my theories that i think i'll take over to the MYOKM bboard.
-i've been watching a lot of trashy British cinema lately: Kidulthood, Adulthood, Dead Set, Donkeypunch. It's nice to see that the US doesn't have a monopoly on sexed-up exploitation faire. A strange common denominator for these is Jaime Winstone, attractive daughter of Ray Winstone. I highly recommend Dead Set, but not the others.
Dead Set isn't trashy...I thought it was quite classy and very well done.
It's not actually a film, it was shown in 5 episodes over halloween week... but it should be watched as a film.. it's much better that way.
Jaime Winstone is amazing btw. I thought she did so well in Dead Set. Well good. Shame she's being porked by Keith Allen's irksome child... not Lily, the other one.
- Stephanie - it's not a problem at all. Without seeing a single episode of Supernatural, i don't think i should have been listening to a discussion of the show in the first place. I plan on remedying that.
- Herlihy, you're right about Dead Set not being trashy, it just seemed to fit with the rash of British movies i've seen lately, so i added it to the list.
Promo Tour for My Name is Bruce. three showings at each location.
i couldn't help but notice that he'll be in Seattle, Portland, and Philly. so, i can think of three blogspotters who should be able to see Bruce in person. bring the kids, MB. babies LOOOOVE brucie.
I went to see Bubba Ho-Tep in the theater here and Mr. Chin was supposed to be there and introduce the movie. But he wasn't able to make it for some reason. I'm not sure if I have forgiven him quite yet.
Quantum of Whatever was lame.
do i have to? Fallout 3 on the PS3 is a heck of a lot of fun.
fine, blogspot. you've convinced me. i'll make sure to vote. in a bit, anyhow.
/not in a swing state
elias, did you like Casino Royale (minus the random extra 30 minutes at the end)? or are you an old skool Bond fan?
Casino was good but not really in the spirit of classic Bond. Also, Daniel Craig is too soft ;)
I won't lower your expectations any more but I'll be bitching to Chris via e-mail.
i missed out. what is the reaction of the Brits on QOS? Did Chris not like it?
Very disappointing to hear.
I just got back from lunch with Holli. We had a blast. She's bubbly.
ok, here's the deal. I just watched a james bond movie every weekend for the last 21 weeks. I watched all of them. every last one. You will find that the descent bond films are outnumbered by the shit ones. Every time i do this i become less and LESS impressed with Pierce Brosnan's films.
I don't care if QOS is one Hour and Forty minute action scene. I love Craig as bond. He is my favorite. HANDS DOWN! I would rather see him in an hour and a half action scene as opposed to having retarded scenes in Outer Space, Ice Palaces, Hollowed Out Volcanoes, Underwater Cities or any of the other bullshit that has come before.
My only question for the Boys in the Uk is this.
I always miss the new threads. So I'm just going to repost what I just did over there.
What I read what that this '24: Redemption' thing that's being shown at the end of the month is a prequel to season 7. I don't think the actual season starts until sometime in January.
As for the election being today and soon over. I'd be more excited if I truly believed that it was going to end all this nonsense. Regardless whoever wins, we're going to have one big group of angry people who aren't going to let this thing die. Be it a bunch of rich conservatives, small town people afraid of arabs, and white power Bill's. Or hippy tree huggers, big city elitists, the liberal media, black militants, and oh, the rest of the entire world. One of those two groups of people, as in every election, will not go away quietly. And heaven forbid the vote is close and drags out for days.
Enjoying Prison Break, Tdot? That T-Bag is a son of a gun, huh? Oh how I miss the old pre-Sona & pre-Sylla Prison Break.
- The Steelers beat the Redskins last night, and according to NFL lore that means the incumbent party is out. Steelers voted for Obama with a crushing defense and limping, but effecting offense.
- i hate election night, is there any counter programming tonight? Fringe?
Ralph, I believe I've answered a number of your questions via email already - including the gun barrel one. I must be psychic.
I clearly enjoyed it more than Elias, I wonder if I'm just less demanding.
Ralph, from your comments above, I don't think you'll be too disappointed.
Daniel Craig does none of the following:
Goes into space
Defuses a bomb while dressed as a clown
Drives a car under water
Drives an invisible car
Drives a car from the back seat using a mobile phone
Have any contact with Robbie Coltrane
My tenses changed there - see if you can guess at which point I went for a comfort break...
Oh, and the gunbarrel is at the END.
Figure that out...
Oh - by the way. Here's the thing I liked the most about the film, and make of this what you will.
The location title cards. They are fucking excellent. They are completely designed - they take you out of the realism and remind you that you're watching a film, but they do it so blatantly that it becomes part of the art form - each appropriately constructed for the location the scene is in. Like nothing I've seen in a Bond film before.
I once visited the observatory at the top of Swiss Alps that blows up and that Bond skies down in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", which I actually found to be a rather entertaining film. One & done Bond, George Lazenby and all.
Yes Herlihy. I realize I spelled 'skis' incorrectly.
Kath & Kim has been picked up for a full season by NBC, the network also known as "We think Knight Rider is outstanding". If there's any scary signs that America is going to screw this election up, this might be one.
wow, they must not watch LOST.
"I was wrong!"
What? I've not even done anything wrong.
Stop picking oin me :)
Ok, I voted and went to work. Now I'm home. I am going to play Spiderman: Web of Shadows, for as long as I can, and go to bed. I will not be one of the countless number of tools that will stay glued to their TVs to see if they're "brand" was better than the other.
Go Sony!
I voted about an hour ago. It went pretty smoothly except for a few people standing outside asking me to vote for a state rep or yes on certain props.
I plan on playing Rock Band 2 then checking on the results before I go to bed. I don't plan on watching much of the constant coverage.
Coming Soon or so they say.
Hello BlogSpot!
In an effort to distract you all from your Presidential Election, I've decided to launch my very own line of outer wear!
OK, actually it's a Podcast...
I like to call it PauseCast
No Cool Ranch?! No caffeine in Mountain Dew?! Is this a sick joke?! My God!
Oh well. Good job Alirio. That was my favourite Canadian segment I've seen on the internet today. Oh, and just so you know... My spell check underlined favourite in red for me.
What gives with Stephen Colbert? I like him. i think he is funny, but i think he is WAY inferior to John Stewart, Besides his name is not the same as any of the Green Lanterns!
Thanks Jon...
I want to clarify: Cool Ranch Doritos are available in Canada, just not in Quebec, where I live :-(
No caffein in Mountain Dew ANYWHERE in Canada.
I prefer Colbert over Stewart for some reason, ralph-. He's on my list.
Hey Blogspot! Had a great time meeting Stephanie today. Now I'm thinking of Ally as I watch people pole dance on Bravo. Check out the Atlanta Housewives.
I like Colbert a lot. I also like Stewart. I have a hard comparing them to each other because Colbert is 100% character and Stewart is not. Very different tones on their shows.
I also have an odd attraction to John Oliver's dimples, cowlicks, crooked teeth and short,bowed legs.
Alirio, you fiend. I knew that tune was familiar. Well pimped.
So the news looks like:
Pretty popular choice for new president = good
Proposition 8 probably going through in California = bad.
Yeah, I'm a big soft leftie. Bite me.
My only political word - I didn't really follow the policies of two the front runners for the POTUS job this year, I just knew whether I liked them or not - and I liked both of 'em. They seem to be fine and amiable individuals. The running mates I was, frankly, less sure about.
Still - you guys wit the actual vote - regardless of who you voted for, how are you feeling about the result?
Nice shirt Alirio!! :P You mean to tell me the whole world doesn't have Cool Ranch Doritos?? WTF?!
Both The Daily Show and Colbert Report are funny in their own ways. I personally like The Daily Show a little bit better than Colbert, but enjoy both.
We have what they call "Cool Original" Doritos, but I have no idea if they are the same as the Cool Ranch. We have that and some cheesy type and I think that's it. The bigger dipping backs have Lightly Salted and Hint of Lime but I'm pretty sure that's where our selection ends.
And, Alirio... did you refer to them as potato chips?
For the few months that they tried to launch Mountain Dew over here (via a bizarre Clockwork Orange inspired commercial instead of EXTREME sports) I can't remember if it had caffeine or not - same with TAB Clear, another drink that we had here for about seven days before everyone stopped buying it.
AAARGH! Doritos Cool Ranch flavour are available in the world, just not in Quebec...
Pleaswe don't make me say it again,a little piece of me dies every time I do :-(
I may have called them POTATO chips, but that's because of Quebec's stringent language laws, and the now infamous corn-quota system... don't get me started!
Hey Alirio. Are there any houses for sale in your neighborhood?
2 for sale within a block's radius. We actually thought of looking at one as rental property, then realized the rental income wouldn't cover the mortgage costs.
This will soon change as housing prices are starting to decline a little bit.
alirio, my revisionist take on Noah Webster is that he was an early environmentalist who was concerned about the use of too much paper and the the burning of oil in oil lamps while writing on paper. his INGENIOUS solution was to eliminate the U in words like colour, armour, etc.
even today, it's paying dividends in saving energy and our environment. think of the energy America would be wasting on writing and typing the letter U so often. that's electricity, heating oil, paper, etc. all being saved by making words shorter.
thank you, noah webster!!!!!
/Energy Star Compliant
//complete bullshit
kill bill volumes 1 & 2 for $28 total as the deal of the day for the fifth of november.
i wont be getting it but i figure some of you might be interested.
Ooh. It's Guy Fawkes Night... and I'm doing nothing tonight. :(
Oh well.
Prop 8 went through. As did two similar things in different states. How upsetting. :(
- life, the universe, and everything
- i for one am excited about our president elect. i may have cried a little during his acceptance speech.
- i watch both the Daily Show & The Colbert Report regularly. I don't prefer one over the other. Actually it seems like when one is firing on all cylinders that the other is a little off.
- Finished Dead Set last night. It was excellent. Best Zombie movies since 28 Days Later.
- i would like to shake the hand of Captain Fantastic
Hahaha. That name made me think of this bit about the fantastic four.
Don't want to get too political in case anybody here is upset over what happened last night. But I'll just leave it at this. As someone who has traveled to over 30 countries during the Bush administration. I look forward to visiting other parts of the world and not being given lectures on how stupid the president is, as well as being given a laundry list of things to tell him when I return.
I'm hearing rumours about Bryan Fuller might be replacing those two producers who were fired from Heroes last week. What does that mean for Pushing Daisies?
Palmer, New PS3 firware update. Proceed with caution.
I think Pushing Daisies is pretty much toast. Networks don't seem to get too touchy feely about shows that viewers love when they tank ratings wise.
if i were a showrunner on a network show, i'd make sure to cast the network president's son or daughter regardless of talent. my show would stay on forever!
Spoilers posted on the Splog... oh yeah.
RIP Michael Crichton.
Class-Warrior Chris - at least you're not from the anti-american hard left. That would be silly.
Expect a Bond e-mail shortly.
- PalmerEldritch said...
if i were a showrunner on a network show, i'd make sure to cast the network president's son or daughter regardless of talent. my show would stay on forever!
ah, the Tori Spelling principle :)
- I would think Heroes is on the bubble at this point too. Brian Fuller is cursed with talent in a world in which "Two & A Half Men" exists.
Brian Fuller is cursed with talent in a world in which "Two & A Half Men" exists.
omg, I posted at 1:08PM
The numbers :P
apparently, "the numbers are bad" cuz nobody had a follow up!
you broke the blogspot, kim.
To catch up -
- VERY pleased about an Obama presidency. Unlike others here (it sounds like - and I am NOT meaning to sound aloof by any means) I got sucked into the coverage during the day (6-8pm and usually later is family time) and then the speeches and commentary afterward. Presidential elections are a quadrennial thing, so I sort of put other things SOMEWHAT on pause while it's happening.
- Gonna see QoS if at all possible and am reasonably psyched for it. Like Ralph - I think Craig is turning into my favorite Bond (and I make that determination by seeing 1 movie - lol)
- Yet again, "24" will most likely capture my interest just enough to DVR it and watch it in between other things and when I have time. I just hope they do something a little less formulaic this season and that the writers might resist a FEW of the cliches they generally fall back on.
- happened to catch "The Other 48 Days" on SciFi the other night and noticed (though I'm sure this has probably been discussed ad nauseum & I just don't remember) that the sounds coming from the tail section (and assorted pieces which had broken off mid-plummet) as it sank into the water sounded like the smoke monster.
My apologies if I have just made one of those observations like "HEY - anyone notice that those numbers keep turning up? They're everywhere!"
- Alirio - very psyched to check out the podcast. Will you have guests (not a request - just curious)?
- Thanks for the spoilers Herlihy!
oops - just finished watching the PauseCast and answered my question (I think) about guests. sorry!
I really would like to hear a new Dharmalars or a TLI sometime soon.
I'm very happy with the election results. I think that comparing Obama with McCain just on their campaigns alone, Obama was clearly the superior candidate. I think that McCain's chances went out the window when basically ran around like a chicken without a head during the early parts of the meltdown. Not a good thing when your platform is that you're the experienced guy who's gonna be calm in a crisis. I was also glad to see that woman in North Carolina lose, especially since it looks like that horrific ad she came out with last week blew up in her face. I really despise that kind of campaigning.
Don't like seeing Prop 8 passing in Cali ... I hate seeing discrimination written into state constitutions.
And Alaska voted Ted Stevens in again ... this is the guy that thinks the internet is a series of tubes, right? AND he was the guy behind the 'bridge to nowhere', AND he was just convicted of felony corruption ... and STILL gets re-elected? What the hell is going on up there?
I like Stewart and Colbert. What impresses me about Colbert is, like our friend Jordan said, he's in character the whole time. Plus, it's pretty much just him the whole time, whereas Stewart has correspondents. He needs to bring back 'Better Know a District' though, it's kind of a bummer that all the Congressmen stopped talking to him. I think that The Daily Show is only as good as it's correspondants. Right now, I think that John Oliver is hilarious, one of the funniest that they've had. But I think that, on the whole, the current crop pales a little in comparison to a few years ago, when you had Colbert, Rob Corrdry, Ed Helms, and Steve Carrell all in their heyday.
South Park does it again. Hahaha.
I'm sure they had most of it done already. And they're known for doing their episodes close enough to air date to be extremely topical. But it was quite impressive them getting the exact Obama & McCain speech quotes in there.
Nice Ocean's 11 spoof. Randy Marsh singing "Oh-bama" to the tune of Barry Mainlow's "Mandy" was hilarious. And Sarah Palin being British in disguise was great too. lol.
Question for Palmer & Trevor. Seeing as how we all refer to you guys by part of your screen names. And that these happen to be actual names that have morphed over time into what we call the two of you. If you were walking down the street and somebody yelled, "Palmer!" or "Trevor!" would you turn around? Or if someone you know called you it out of the blue, would you think twice before replying? Just wondering how much the blogspot has screwed with your identities?
if someone yelled it on the street, i'd check to see if they were yelling at me. ralph- calls me palmer in person. which is... weird.
i'd try to act surprised and confused if someone i know called me it though.
howabout if someone called holli "memphish?"
I've often wondered whether the name Holli uses is meant to be
Memphish ("Memfish")
Memphis H (for "Holli")
Or, indeed as she signs off with Holli each time, whether she'd be better served by altering her sign in name to "Holli".
It's clearly none of my business, but I'm sure others have wondered, and this finally seemed like the time to ask.
Which is also the name of a fish store in Memphis. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't notice being called that in person tho it's the only name I use on some boards. Maybe I can go to Comic Con this year and test the theory.
Today I'm going to meet Desiree in Pensacola. She calls the Dharmalars a lot and Twitters as sitakatherine. Speaking of Dharmalars, I hope we'll hear from them soon. Perhaps a QoS cast.
Chris the name works either way which is its genius. I first used it to be anonymous, but here like to use my real name. Or do I?
Due to my name being rare (even in Portugal where my parents are from), I haven't felt the need to use a "screen" name to distinguish myself from other Alirio's that might be on the internet.
I would, however, not refer to myself as distinguished in any other context...
To see what my life would have been like had I been an Alirio in latin-america rather than in montreal, please follow this link
Alirio being such a rare name, the above clip never gets old (for me anyway)!
So, Alirio, your life would be pretty sexy but with intermittent and ultimately annoying volume fluctuations?
alirio's life IS sexy. teaching MS Office to french canadians? ooh la la!!!
actually, traveling from business to business "addressing the needs" of administrative assistants with french accents does sound pretty sexy.
damn you, alirio!!!!
Muy caliente!
New promo
I never had to urge to use a non de plume since my name is so common. There are 3 Stephanie Smiths at my tanning bed, 5 at my female doctor's office. If you want to steal my identity if try to find me to kill me, it'd be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Number of registered voters in the US with the name Stephanie Smith:
Trevor McFur's genuine self turns up 64
Ralph Apel = 3
And finally, MB's real name turns up the brilliant result "1 or fewer people".
- i watched Michael Bay's "The Rock" for the first time last night. It was okay for an action film, and i'm not surprised that Michael Bay continued to work afterwords, but i am surprised that such a generic film is so fondly remembered. Oh, and thanks for assaulting my ears Hans Zimmer.
- also catching up on "Cue The Film" podcasts. i'm well into the Halloween film splice, which was a nice companion piece to the "Fan Boys Podcast" episode that went through every iteration of the "Friday The 13th" movie series.
who the hell would take the moniker of "MBs Real Name"?
/posting from a secret undisclosed location
BBC: Vue cinemas will show selected PG, 12A and 15-rated films to audiences of over-18s in 58 cinemas nationwide, in screenings that could avoid unwanted disruptions that can sometimes be caused by audiences under the age of 18.
Vue Cinemas: Tickets are just £1.00/75p/50p extra
Oh for FUCK'S SAKE. How much more do we need to spend to actually enjoy a fucking film these days? If we pay an extra £2 on top, can the projectionist make sure that the film's actually in focus? How much to get the house lights turned down properly so we can actually see the bloody screen?
Andrew: catching up on "Cue The Film" podcasts
Awesome - I particularly tried to pimp up the Halloween episode as it was my baby. Just me, a friend in the same room and Patti for a brief Skype chat. Here ya go!
MB: /posting from a secret undisclosed location
Not in Portland.
/lost nerd
You're such a LOST nerd that Entered that comment at #77
You guys'll like this. My wife has just come home from work with a freely given, shrinkwrapped DVD box set of LOST season 4.
A PAL Region 2 version, that most of you will probably not be able to play.
NICE Chris!
Will you turn this into a capitalistic opportunity and sell one or are you the collecting type?
The current thinking is either gift it to someone who CAN play it (but I'm the only person I know who has the previous three seasons. Seems a bit of a weird choice to farm the fourth out to them), or to go to HMV, claim it was an unwanted gift so we don't have the receipt and note that it's still wrapped and hope to trade it in for something.
perhaps Who series 4?? :)
Nice idea, but I think it'll only be about half the price of the Who set.
Photographic proof of LOST discs, messy hair and tubby face.
Can the projectionist make sure that the film's actually in focus?
Generally the projectionists aren't taking much notice. They're either pasting film reels together or setting other films up to be played. Complain and you'll probably get some comps.
How much to get the house lights turned down properly so we can actually see the bloody screen?
People generally complain if the house lights are down too low... Retarded, I know..
Also. I'll take that pesky set of DVDs off you're hands if they're being too much trouble... ;)
"off you're hands"?
For shame, Herlihy.
Actually my mind had turned to the Blog Brits, the one a couple of hundred miles away, the one under 100 miles away or the one a bus ride and a nostalgic walk away.
However, I think it may turn into a Christmas gift for a pal who I've got up to date with the series.
Got a map of Brighton you might like, though.
I wasn't really paying attention... rewatching Dead Set and was doing some essaying... So my grammar attentions were elsewhere.
The Producer in Dead Set is one of my favourite tv characters this side of Benjamin Linus.
That was just as bad as when I incorrectly used an apostrophe and Herlihy tore me a new one for it. The best part was when I said it was because I wasn't paying that close attention, he was having no of it. Yet this!:
"I wasn't really paying attention... rewatching Dead Set and was doing some essaying... So my grammar attentions were elsewhere."
Holy blogspocrisy Batman! Hahaha.
Don't worry bout it Herly. I only tease because I have an insatiable need to be vindicated. lol.
30 Rock, Earl, and THE Office on tonight. Hopefully they are not preempted last minute for some more political commentary. lol. Well, I'd be ok if Kath & Kim was bumped in favor of a reality show about midget's trying to pick up supermodels. I really dislike that show. A lot.
Hardly tore you a new one. It was more cheeky banter rather than making a new orifice. Also, I said that I wasn't infalliable either. I make mistakes all the time.
For sure. For sure. No harm, no foul.
I feel bad now...
"Well, I'd be ok if Kath & Kim was bumped in favor of a reality show about midget's trying to pick up supermodels."
i dub thee: Little People, Hot Girls
/little people, not midgets
Don't. I was totally joking. While pointing out humorous coincidence. But there is no reason to feel bad. Unless you're talking about something else. In which case, nevermind. lol.
Palmer, Let's just hope the Fox network execs do not read this blog.
Although I'm sure it would be a lot better than Hole in the Wall or Til Death.
Sorry, Herls - I just thought it would be amusing given the previous apostrophe apocalypse.
I promise not to do that again. Oh, and I agree with you about Dead Set's producer - it's pretty much Brooker's reviewing persona.
Anyway - when's LOST coming back?
108 days after never.
Make your own Muppet at FAO Schwarz.
it's 87 days actually.
...make that 85 days.
I thought it had felt like a long day.
Tired of coming here and nothing new being posted. I'll try to kickstart the blogspot this morning.
Thoughts on The Office? If Jim is giving Dwight a hard time, I'm happy. I like that they are getting Pam more involved with the office.. Why isn't Pam home yet? She needs to be.
30 Rock was excellent even with Oprah. Tina Fey is one clever chick.
Holli, are you home safe and sound?
Counting down the days til I get to see new James Bond even though the reviews coming from across the pond aren't glowing.
I hope B'ham gets Slumdog Millionaire. Wondering if the Morgster would like it.
Steph - I wish I had more to talk about. I will say that the Supernatural CIA podcast was great. Will have to look for seasons 1-3 of Supernatural to rent, I am now officially interested
Very much hoping that I get to see "Slumdog Millionaire" - the trailer looked really good.
Anyone have big plans for the weekend?
- the office was okay. I missed the cold open, and the i was confused about Michael having a fiance? I also liked the focus on the Jim/Dwight dynamic. I appreciated the respite from Michael Scott. His stupidity is funny, but gets overwhelming and predictable week after week. I wasn't that into the Pam stuff, especially the last bit. It seems like they are setting up her being away from the office even longer. The Dwight/Angela/Andy triangle is pretty entertaining though.
- 30 Rock was okay too. Tina Fey's performance cracked me up a few times even when the jokes weren't that funny. I like a good Kenneth sub-plot too.
- It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia was good. I've been rewatching the episode from a few weeks back, the one where Dee & Charlie try to live in each other's lives for a bit and it is becoming my favorite thing this year. The comedy club scene gives me the giggles just thinking about it.
- i'm trying to stick to my policy of going into Danny Boyle films knowing as little as possible so i've had to turn off several podcasts to avoid even a premise. He hasn't disappointed me yet. Sunshine threw me a little but one subsequent viewings, it's much better.
- listened to the last few Jay & Jack podcasts this morning, and it was nice to think about that TV show LOST a little. I'm getting the itch to rewatch season 4 so its a good thing there's only a month until the DVD release (we know Chris!)
I enjoyed The Office and 30 Rock last night.
Anyone planning to bid in the BSG auction? Sorry no link thanks to lack of iPhone cut and paste.
I'm still at the beach Steph. I'm heading home Sunday.
Oh - you just reminded me Andrew - I forgot to mention how frikkin' hillarious "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is. It has become the show that I laugh the hardest at - by far. I missed a bunch of episodes recently and then partially caught up w/On Demand.
Indeed the Dee/Charlie life swap story was inspired. The whole sequence in Charlie's apartment from his explanation of eating the cat food all the way through the spooky twins from "The Shining" in the hallway had me laughing so hard my side literally hurt. Good stuff.
It's Always Sunny is stupid. Funny, but stupid. I kinda like it.
The cat food eating was hilarious.
Ralph and other bluray fans.
Deep Discount DVD with 25% off all blurays.
hmmm... do i buy all the blu-rays i want at a discount? or ask my family to buy them for me at full price for christmas?
in honor of the president-elect.
hey, cool LOST casting stuff over at aintitcoolnews.com. but do i dare check the splog to see if its already there? dont wanna get too spoiled.
/just spoiled enough
"damnit, chloe! i'm on sale for the rest of the day."
six seasons of 24 for $100.
/running out of time
Hi everybody!
Just had the following link emailed to me...
I'm either on the cutting edge or way behind the times posting this...
Let me know if you've seen it before.
Internetica says Lost returns Wed Jan 21 at 8pm Eastern. I think they are airing a clip show then episode. I hope the regular time is 9 eastern because 7 central means nothing but DVR viewing for me.
Through emails, Elias and I have found that we do indeed differ greatly on Quantum of Solace. He seems to dislike it more than I liked it.
Ralph-, would I be correct in thinking you enjoyed Live Free or Die Hard? If so, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
I've heard it suggested that the significance of the Gun Barrel logo happening at the end of the film is to show that Bod as you know him, begins here. What you've seen up until this point is a secret agent learning how to Bond it up.
So if that's true, can we expect smooth but violent coupled with Q branch and Moneypenny action in Bond 23?
I have gone to the fail blog in the past month or so. Only because I browse through digg.com once in a while and there is usually a link to a picture or video there. The Firetruck Fail on page 2 (for now) happened here in St Louis a few weeks ago. All 8 firemen were hurt but none serious.
I went to a Henry Rollins spoken word show for the first time last night. It was pretty interesting overall for the 3 straight hours he talked. Obviously he talked about politics for part of the show, but mostly talked about traveling the world and his experiences, music, and what projects he has been working on.
-LT Smash
Too real, yet so bad
EW says Lost will have a 3 hour premier on 1/21 --- a recap, and 2 episodes. Then 9 pm Eastern on Wed will be the normal airtime.
New PauseCast episode uploaded.
Are you subscribed yet?
It appears that I am - started downloading automatically.
Yes, PauseCast has been loaded onto my iPod this morning. Can't wait to listen.
iu just wautched theu fiurst episoude ouf theu Pausecast. Weull doune.
Making changes to a web site and domain servers late at night AFTER you announce a new Podcast episode is something I won't do again.
For those who have already subscribed to PauseCast, please visit PauseCast.com and re-subscribe using the link with the purple podcast icon.
Those who have yet to subscribe will have found the above quite boring.
Hey! How about that LOST coming back in less than 108 days? Nice, huh?
Thank you! You made me laugh out loud.
Enjoy episode twou!
my LOST countdown timer thingy on iGoogle says it's 74 days till LOST.
Alirio, consider this the same as an email.
You don't realize how close the election actually was. You would think Obama had a huge lead against McCain. He didn't. Remember back in September when the economy was circling toilet? If McCain had come up with a good plan and demonstrated leadership, the results would have been different. It wasn't Palin that lost the election for him, it was the economy, stupid. (BTW, I'm not calling you stupid.) Speaking of Palin, it was almost as difficult listening to the prank call as it was watching SNL mock her to her face. I feel sorry for the lady for being dragged into this mess. But she shouldn't have accepted it if she wasn't able to handle it.
Touchdown Alabama!
Don't worry Steph, I never think people are calling me stupid, even when they clearly are...
I hope you enjoyed the rest of the show...
And another thing...
I like what you were saying about the US gets used to an idea after seeing it on television. Maybe if the part of the country who would never vote for a black man see that he can show good leadership in a time when we really need it, they will be more open and accepting of people who look differently than they look. Maybe this thing will work backward as well as forward.
I heard the Palin prank call and I have to say I thought she dealt with it fairly graciously - she clearly works out something's not right during the call but rolls with it, and is fairly classy after the truth is revealed.
- yeah, i didn't find the prank call funny or embarassing for Sarah Palin at all. I hope to never type her name again though.
- i thought this election stuff was finally over, but now all of my punk friends are coming out of the woodwork to tell me how Obama's election just means that our corporate overlords have won again, and instead of voting i should have been rioting. now they tell me!!
- Stephanie, i tried listening to the new CIA podcast but i realized that your guest was throwing down spoilers left and right so i stopped. I have to admit that your enthusiasm for the show has me intrigued, and i'm going to have to Netflix the series.
- Caught up on Terminator: SCC last night. Kind of a middle of the road episode, but it reinforced some of my theories that i think i'll take over to the MYOKM bboard.
-i've been watching a lot of trashy British cinema lately: Kidulthood, Adulthood, Dead Set, Donkeypunch. It's nice to see that the US doesn't have a monopoly on sexed-up exploitation faire. A strange common denominator for these is Jaime Winstone, attractive daughter of Ray Winstone. I highly recommend Dead Set, but not the others.
Dead Set isn't trashy...I thought it was quite classy and very well done.
It's not actually a film, it was shown in 5 episodes over halloween week... but it should be watched as a film.. it's much better that way.
Jaime Winstone is amazing btw. I thought she did so well in Dead Set. Well good. Shame she's being porked by Keith Allen's irksome child... not Lily, the other one.
Andrew, sorry. Looking back, I suppose I should have tried to edit all that out.
Metrobuzz is excellent this week.
- Stephanie - it's not a problem at all. Without seeing a single episode of Supernatural, i don't think i should have been listening to a discussion of the show in the first place. I plan on remedying that.
- Herlihy, you're right about Dead Set not being trashy, it just seemed to fit with the rash of British movies i've seen lately, so i added it to the list.
- Snow tonight. i'm not ready for winter.
A friend of mine had this to say aout Quantum of Solace:
"I think the new Bond is violently awesome and awesomely violent and only slightly more awesome than violent."
I will see this movie before the week is done.
The Smiths are seeing QoS Friday. Morgan and I are excited to be getting Big Ed to join us at the theater.
I like Obama. I voted for Obama. But THIS is ridiculous.
Anybody going to see My Name is Bruce? Doesn't look like the critics think too highly of it.
Whenever I hear of My Name is Bruce, I find myself thinking of "They Call Me Bruce?"
I see the proposed sequel is "My Name is Still Bruce", which makes me think of.. well... "They Still Call Me Bruce"
Is My Name is Bruce not a direct-to-video release?
Promo Tour for My Name is Bruce. three showings at each location.
i couldn't help but notice that he'll be in Seattle, Portland, and Philly. so, i can think of three blogspotters who should be able to see Bruce in person. bring the kids, MB. babies LOOOOVE brucie.
i can see it now, "Bruce meets the Deuce!" mb should have Bruce sign his infant son.
quick, Alirio, go stand in line!
I went to see Bubba Ho-Tep in the theater here and Mr. Chin was supposed to be there and introduce the movie. But he wasn't able to make it for some reason. I'm not sure if I have forgiven him quite yet.
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