I'm scared to know how you found that video Kim. They are singing inside the flowers right? That's why the camera focuses on the flowers at the beginning and the end.
De-Christmasing today. It's effing raining again! Yesterday was beautiful though. Sunny and 50. Tomorrow we head to the beach.
While I failed to watch The Constant on Christmas Eve, I did watch it yesterday on our new TV and our new DVD player. I just love the Penny/Desmond at the end. I can watch it over and over, like I was in a time loop.
I got Lost season 4 on Blu-Ray, wont get to watch it until tomorrow night. Gonna go pick up a few things at Fry's tonight. Maybe get a couple of movies to watch, since stevi is in Barstow with the family.
Just finished up Six Feet Under. I recommend it. Really liked the show. Just beware, the last couple ep's are pretty emotional. Especially the ending, which I'd call the anti-Sopranos way to end a series.
happy holidays blogspot! apparently i still know how to find my way to the blogspot. i was starting to worry since i keep saying to myself i'm gonna stop by and i then i forget or get busy.
kim~ my sister recently got a dog and has also named him tiger, but i don't think it's woods. he's a little menace and only to me!
i'm about to finish level 1 of the pole dancing stuff. i'm impressed with myself. i didn't think i could do it, and although it's challenging sometimes it's fun so i'm sticking with it for a while. i start level 2 after new years. i'm a little scared because that's when we start going upside down :/
- i'm kind of fascinated by the concept of levels in pole dancing. Do you get a belt like Karate? Will you eventually be a black belt in pole dancing? Or do you have a sash that you sew merit badges on? Are strip clubs competing with eachother for the strippers that graduate with a level 5 rating? Is there a level 20 stripper who walks the earth, reluctantly pole dancing for justice?
- my mom got season 1 of Six Feet Under for christmas, and we watched the 1st 3 episodes. It's been quite a few years since i've seen them, but they're really great. I may be the only person on earth that hated the series finale though.
I don't quite remember how I stumbled upon that youtube video, but it's GOLD. I don't know which "singer" I enjoy more...
Yes, season 4 only for The Losties.
Ally I'm impressed with your progress with the pole dancing lessons. When will pictures of your "graduation" be posted on Facebook? :P I'm also curious as to how many levels there are in the art of pole dancing.
Any residents in the Commonwealth go Boxing Day shopping? (Or is that more of a Cdn thing?) I was hoping to get a Blu-ray player, but missed all the great deals.
I'm also watching Six Feet Under. I'm liking it so far. The family is odd--but I like them.
No Andrew. I wouldn't say you are the only person to dislike the finale. I looked up articles about it online after watching it, and it seems that there were a few people who took expection with it. Similarly to how there were a few people (myself included) who didn't necessarily hate the Sopranos finale.
Oh, and I watched Wall-E & Kung-Fu Panda yesterday. Liked both. Wall-E was extremely charming and cute. Seems that most of the hype was well deserved. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a masterpiece as some seem to do. But I liked it a lot, and felt he recaptured a lot of what used to make childrens films classic. KFP was a lot of fun. I was impressed with it, as I have never thought much of most Dreamworks animated films.
Ben Button is nothing groundbreaking but I enjoyed it. I'm surprised that Morgan enjoyed it even more than I did. So, go see it. The effects were distracting. I kept thinking, "I bet Cate Blanchett wished her skin really was that smooth."
I really quite liked Benjamin Button. And in no way did I find the special effects or make up distracting. I mean, you can't help but notice, as it's obvious Pitt and Blanchett are being made to look different. But I actually feel that what made it so noticable was that it was done very well. It wasn't quite the epic I thought it had the potential to be. But it was very satisfying and IMO very enjoyable. It is such an ambitious concept to tackle visually. And I feel that Fincher did about as believable a job as can be in pulling it off. If I had to sum it up in one word, I would go with, "enchanting". And for a film nearing 3 hrs, I didn't find it to feel long or lose interest at all.
Also saw Vicky Cristina Barcelona the other day. Liked that a good deal as well. Very quirky and cute film that doesn't try to be anything too big. Great performances in it. Especially Penelope Cruz, who was great at being crazy.
- i'm post-Christmas shopping today. Buying records on-line and maybe some used Wii games. This economy isn't going to work if we're all responsible adults!
- i was looking forward to Benjamin Button because i'm a big fan of David Fincher, but all of this Forrest Gump talk has scared me away.
- Any BSG fans watching the webisodes? They're pretty good in terms of having some production value and nice little cliffhangers. I'm kind of hoping that it's Gaeta's swan song though, because i don't like the character.
- Didn't get nearly enough movie watching done over the holiday. I did watch "Man On Wire" with the family. It's a really entertaining documentary. I was expecting something a little more transcendental but enjoyed it. Also trying to plow through the 3rd season of Brotherhood, Showtime's attempt at blending the Sopranos and the Wire. It's enjoyable, not great.
Andrew, don't be scared. See it. You'll like it. It just didn't blow me away like I was expecting Fincher to do. I believe guys will appreciate the lack of sappyness he brings.
There's lack of sappyness however I did have to hold back the tears. I was surprised how moving the Hurricane Katrina aspect was and how great Queenie was.
I actually found the Katrina stuff a bit baffling. Not exactly sure what the point to it all was. And yes, I thought of Forrest Gump as well. And with good reason. The dude wrote both. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0744839/ I'd say see it. Just don't have too much in terms of expecations, and you should be fine. It's by no means perfect. But there's plenty there to enjoy.
To me, it's the kind of film where if you go in wanting to dislike it, or not want to "buy into the hype", that's exactly what you'll do. But if you just go along for the ride, it can be a quite enjoyable ride. Let me put it this way. While I watched it, I really liked it. But it's not something where I go, "Wow. I can't wait to see that again."
And here's a recent comment from an interview with Arrested Development creator, Mitch Hurwitz. This was in response to a question about Michael Cera & Will Arnett being the only two holdouts on the AD movie:
"I don’t want to talk about who is holding out right now because we might still work that out and I don’t want to pressure anyone through the press. Although I will say that Will Arnett is gung-ho, so there’s a big clue!"
I've spent the last hour trying to assemble a Liquor Carousel. Someone gave it to my Dad for xmas, and he didn't want it and gave to (threw it at) me. Now that it's all said and done, it's not too bad. Although I did spill about a 1/2 cup of gin all over myself when it came time to put the bottles in the unit. It's pretty neat. It spins, and measures out a 1.5oz shot when you press on the spout. (I'm sure there's a TWSS in there somewhere)
*Sigh* I guess, I'll have to go buy some alcohol... so that one bottle isn't lonely. There's room for 5 more.
For those interested on the pole dancing levels: I believe there are 7 levels. You don't get color-coded G-strings according to levels, just bragging rights.
That bottle thing sounds cool, kim.
Re: six feet under finale: I didn't hate it but it did seem a little over the top. I forgave a lot just because the rest of the series was so good.
We're watching the one where Kate and Sawyer play "I Never". Morgan asks what a one-night-stand is. I couldn't come up with a PG rated answer so I refuse to answer.
Is the boar that was stalking and harassing Sawyer the ghost/spirit/whatever of the wrong Sawyer that he killed at the shrimp shack?
That Ajira Airways site has gone live. People have found hidden HEX messages and the like which you can probably find summarized at DarkUFO or Lostpedia. At a minimum it's something to play around with.
i'm awaiting my LOST season 4 blu-rays. my mom was kind enough to order them for christmas. but waited until the last minute so they're somewhere in the mail.
yeesh! i guess it beats having to pay for them myself. right?
"At a minimum it's something to play around with."
that's what she said.
i got the (self-titled) Flight of the Conchords CD for Christmas so i've been listening to that way too much. also got a FOTC calendar and... a DOMO KUN CALENDAR. bad ass.
wesh, get on the Belgian Amazon site and order that bad boy up for yourself.
- i watched "The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button" yesterday. I'm sorry to say that i really hated it. In fact, while i could certainly understand people liking it, i'm really very surprised by the 'best picture' talk surrounding it.
Hope all have had a nice pre-new-year holiday thus far! I feel like I have been away from here for an age. Life gets even crazier than the usual crazy around the holidays at our house. The...(cue dramatic local-news VO) "ARCTIC BLAST" definitely snowed us in for a good week and a half and we had very limited access to the world outside our neighborhood which is on a hill (we are at about 750ft I learned). You'd think that would mean that I'd have MORE time to tool around and visit here, but alas the children and weather kept me away from the computer most of the time (i.e. school was closed all week leading up to xmas break - so they've been home the whole time).
Had my share of 'excitement' including commuting to work one day which took 3 hours each way (by bus and walking), a fallen tree limb puncturing my roof (on an overhang - so no threat of leakage in the house thankfully) and about 3 hours spent trying to get my brother in law back to his place on Christmas Day night. The chains came off my tires 4 times from getting ALMOST stuck in snow and tires spinning too much. There's nothing like laying on your back in the frozen slush about 2 blocks from your home at 2am trying to repeatedly put chains back on your tires so you can just make it the last 10-20 feet to the top of the hill you live on. I definitely feel like I'm a more seasoned winter driver - which is ironic since I grew up in Chicago, but Chicago is pancake flat and has armadas of snow plows. Makes a big difference. And the silver lining? We lost power for a total of 30 seconds during the last 2 weeks - VERY relieved.
And then the rain finally came Saturday (I don't think I've ever prayed for RAIN here before) and now the snow is all but gone.
Anyway, sorry for the weather rant - all is well now!
Got Lost season 4 for Xmas - w00t! watched "The Begining of the End" w/Jorge & Evi commentary last night - that's a fun one to listen to. Got an espresso machine for my wife for Xmas and since I am an ex-barista I have been making drinks for her, myself and my mother in law - good stuff. I LOVE not shelling out 3 bucks for something I love to consume (not that I don't also drink black coffee) :) The flipside of course is that I no longer have a financial excuse to practice SOME restraint. good luck to me ;)
I think it's due to it's grandiose scale along with the fact that there aren't a ton of obvious best picture movies this year. Obviously I like the film better than you, but I agree in that I wouldn't call it best picture. I don't think I'd have a prob with it being nominated though. If Juno can be nominated, this can.
Oh, and for some unbeknownst reason I watched The Happening the other day. Wow. M Knight Shalamalam needs to be stopped. I think we have discovered George Lucas Jr.
Did we get an explanation of why Ben Button aged backward? I feel like a missed something.
Finally saw Slumdog Millionaire. I loved it almost as much as I was expecting. Why does Boyle put characters that jump into toilets of feces in so many of his movies? Loved the Bollywood ending immensely.
Hope all's well. I've not been online in 8 days, just yet another reason i hate christmas, and i have to say, i'm utterly bored by it. Hmpf.
Saying that though. I'm constantly bored... i've read all my books for the next semester and broken my wrist from a drumming related accident. Hmpf. hmpf. hmpf.
So funny you should ask Steph... :) I have been meaning to nail down a recording time w/you. I'll gmail you and try to figure it out today - jetting to lunch right now, but will be back.
Need some proof of how mediocre this year was in film? Check out this selection of critics' top 10 lists. Seems as if pretty much every one has their own opinino on what were the best movies of the year. I know that opinion and taste causes this to be the case. But usually there is a bit more of a consenus.
Anybody here seen Seven Pounds? I hear it's pretty awful.
season 4 blu-rays are awesome. just watched the (slightly abbreviated) fast forwards all strung together. the placing of the scenes was just a little bit different than i had imagined. anyhow, there's some really strong acting in those flash forwards. jorge garcia and matthew fox did some really good work.
oh. and can we find a way to get Leoben from BSG on LOST? that dude's a creepy mutha' 'uckah so he'd fit right in.
Keep it safe out there. As Damon and Carlton said in their latest email -- No DUIs.
The only holiday movie I'll be taking in this week is Tales of Desperaux. I'm taking the kid to it late this afternoon while Hubby prepares dinner. Then it's shooting off fireworks on the beach. Not a euphamism.
I just watched Seven Pounds. If I measured movies by how many tears it caused me to shed then this is the best I've seen this year. Like Hancock, this movie is very different. And I don't think the general viewing public likes seeing Will Smith as a character that's not the guy from Independence Day or Men in Black. We fuss and complain about Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell doing the same movies over and over but you got to hand it to them for understanding the general viewing public. Finishing Revolutionary Road now. Not very impressive so far.
- Transporter 3 was a mess. Way too much plot fucking up a nice and simple action franchise. Plus the girl was cute but not cute enough to be that obnoxious.
- Looks like some critics have seen the Lost premier already. Tread these spoilery waters carefully.
Spent New Year's Eve day on the beach enjoying the sun, then Tales of Desperaux, a cute kid's movie, but definitely a kids' movie, then a delicious home-cooked meal with wine we brought home from Italy, football on TV and shooting off fireworks on the beach. Now, sipping some champagne, checking the internet and waiting for 2009.
Here's hoping 2009 is a wonderful year for everyone at Scott and Steve's!
Defiance was pretty good. The Polish accents were distracting. Liev Schreiber's was better than Daniel Craig's. This must be the reason Tom speaks in his American accent in Valkyrie. That one, I've yet to see. My opinion of Revolutionary Road stays the same. It's nothing impressive. Leo's pretty good as always. Kate is ok. Watching the Wrestler now. I expect this to be great.
- a new ___-____ would be nice. reminds me that i need to get on my Losties nominations.
- watched The Wrestler this morning too! I really, really liked it, one of the best for 2008 for sure. It reminded me of the documentary "Hitman Hart," which i also heavily recommend. I've never watched wrestling but there's no denying the taxing show business behind it.
- i couldn't find that Hitman Hart documentary on Netflix, so i wanted to warn people before they added a bunch of clips of Hitman Hart wrasslin' to their queue. Here's the IMDB page for the documentary. and here's the documentary on youtube
Andrew, about 13 years ago, when I was in college, I worked as a Barback in a restaurant here. There must have been a WWF show that night because Bret came in to eat. We all knew who he was, but we didn't bother him while he was eating. As he was leaving some of us got his autograph and talked to him. He was absolutely one of the nicest guys I've ever met. A week later we got an autographed picture of him he sent us in the mail thanking us for the good food, and service. Now that's fan friendly!
merry christmas!
if yer the grinch does that mean that tiger woods has an antler tied to his head?
your dog. not the golfer... :\
That is nuts.
Someone needs to get up that mountain and proclaim that these 2 chicks can't sing.
At least they had nice hair...and great stage presents.
The categories that we have to select from, Do they apply to season "3 only" or does it include all seasons till now?
Batter up!
The pitch...
Makes me happy to be on the Internets...
- very merry Christmas Blogspot. Merry Christmas, Blessed Christmas, and most of all a happy christmas...
- i'm having a great christmas back in my hometown of Virginia Beach with lots of dogs and family. I ate so many cookies.
- Bill, Bill, Bill. We're headed into season 5! To answer your question, the Losties cover season 4 only.
R.I.P. Cat Woman
Thanks andrew,
I'm a tard. I was thinking season "4 only" but my fingers wouldn't say it.
I'm on some pretty hefty pain killers and I think I deserve a pass on that one.
But I'll try again.With this...
Batter up!...
The wind up!...
Out of the park!!!
Thanks Alirio!
I was having a...how you say...
Skull Cramp.
Happy Boxing Day
I'm scared to know how you found that video Kim. They are singing inside the flowers right? That's why the camera focuses on the flowers at the beginning and the end.
De-Christmasing today. It's effing raining again! Yesterday was beautiful though. Sunny and 50. Tomorrow we head to the beach.
While I failed to watch The Constant on Christmas Eve, I did watch it yesterday on our new TV and our new DVD player. I just love the Penny/Desmond at the end. I can watch it over and over, like I was in a time loop.
Can't see YouTube from my touch either.
Watched The Constant last night since I had no one to talk to at the in-law's. And I thought my relatives were weird...
Mr. Bill, i read that as Skrull Camp!!!
I got Lost season 4 on Blu-Ray, wont get to watch it until tomorrow night. Gonna go pick up a few things at Fry's tonight. Maybe get a couple of movies to watch, since stevi is in Barstow with the family.
i guess i should get back to work
Merry Christmas, belatedly, everyone!
Just curious, can someone help me...
I am in my mid-30's and I still get socks and underwear from the parents for Christmas...
Please tell me I'm not the only one!
Just finished up Six Feet Under. I recommend it. Really liked the show. Just beware, the last couple ep's are pretty emotional. Especially the ending, which I'd call the anti-Sopranos way to end a series.
happy holidays blogspot! apparently i still know how to find my way to the blogspot. i was starting to worry since i keep saying to myself i'm gonna stop by and i then i forget or get busy.
kim~ my sister recently got a dog and has also named him tiger, but i don't think it's woods. he's a little menace and only to me!
i'm about to finish level 1 of the pole dancing stuff. i'm impressed with myself. i didn't think i could do it, and although it's challenging sometimes it's fun so i'm sticking with it for a while. i start level 2 after new years. i'm a little scared because that's when we start going upside down :/
so lost is on in less than a month?
belated kablamo
I'd say those ladies were from Jasper but the production quality isn't that high here.
Hello, kids!
Six Feet Under = excellent, especially the sci-fi ending ;)
I now have series 1 of The Sarah Jane Adventures - the most consistent of the new Doctor Who related TV projects, even if it IS for kids.
That is all.
- i'm kind of fascinated by the concept of levels in pole dancing. Do you get a belt like Karate? Will you eventually be a black belt in pole dancing? Or do you have a sash that you sew merit badges on? Are strip clubs competing with eachother for the strippers that graduate with a level 5 rating? Is there a level 20 stripper who walks the earth, reluctantly pole dancing for justice?
- my mom got season 1 of Six Feet Under for christmas, and we watched the 1st 3 episodes. It's been quite a few years since i've seen them, but they're really great. I may be the only person on earth that hated the series finale though.
I don't quite remember how I stumbled upon that youtube video, but it's GOLD. I don't know which "singer" I enjoy more...
Yes, season 4 only for The Losties.
Ally I'm impressed with your progress with the pole dancing lessons. When will pictures of your "graduation" be posted on Facebook? :P I'm also curious as to how many levels there are in the art of pole dancing.
Any residents in the Commonwealth go Boxing Day shopping? (Or is that more of a Cdn thing?) I was hoping to get a Blu-ray player, but missed all the great deals.
I'm also watching Six Feet Under. I'm liking it so far. The family is odd--but I like them.
No Andrew. I wouldn't say you are the only person to dislike the finale. I looked up articles about it online after watching it, and it seems that there were a few people who took expection with it. Similarly to how there were a few people (myself included) who didn't necessarily hate the Sopranos finale.
Oh, and I watched Wall-E & Kung-Fu Panda yesterday. Liked both. Wall-E was extremely charming and cute. Seems that most of the hype was well deserved. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a masterpiece as some seem to do. But I liked it a lot, and felt he recaptured a lot of what used to make childrens films classic. KFP was a lot of fun. I was impressed with it, as I have never thought much of most Dreamworks animated films.
Ben Button is nothing groundbreaking but I enjoyed it. I'm surprised that Morgan enjoyed it even more than I did. So, go see it. The effects were distracting. I kept thinking, "I bet Cate Blanchett wished her skin really was that smooth."
I really quite liked Benjamin Button. And in no way did I find the special effects or make up distracting. I mean, you can't help but notice, as it's obvious Pitt and Blanchett are being made to look different. But I actually feel that what made it so noticable was that it was done very well. It wasn't quite the epic I thought it had the potential to be. But it was very satisfying and IMO very enjoyable. It is such an ambitious concept to tackle visually. And I feel that Fincher did about as believable a job as can be in pulling it off. If I had to sum it up in one word, I would go with, "enchanting". And for a film nearing 3 hrs, I didn't find it to feel long or lose interest at all.
Also saw Vicky Cristina Barcelona the other day. Liked that a good deal as well. Very quirky and cute film that doesn't try to be anything too big. Great performances in it. Especially Penelope Cruz, who was great at being crazy.
Jordan, all I could think of was Forest Gump.
Kim, we returned and spent Christmas money on Saturday. I got a black Liz Claiborne purse for seven bucks!
- i'm post-Christmas shopping today. Buying records on-line and maybe some used Wii games. This economy isn't going to work if we're all responsible adults!
- i was looking forward to Benjamin Button because i'm a big fan of David Fincher, but all of this Forrest Gump talk has scared me away.
- Any BSG fans watching the webisodes? They're pretty good in terms of having some production value and nice little cliffhangers. I'm kind of hoping that it's Gaeta's swan song though, because i don't like the character.
- Didn't get nearly enough movie watching done over the holiday. I did watch "Man On Wire" with the family. It's a really entertaining documentary. I was expecting something a little more transcendental but enjoyed it. Also trying to plow through the 3rd season of Brotherhood, Showtime's attempt at blending the Sopranos and the Wire. It's enjoyable, not great.
Andrew, don't be scared. See it. You'll like it. It just didn't blow me away like I was expecting Fincher to do. I believe guys will appreciate the lack of sappyness he brings.
There's lack of sappyness however I did have to hold back the tears. I was surprised how moving the Hurricane Katrina aspect was and how great Queenie was.
I actually found the Katrina stuff a bit baffling. Not exactly sure what the point to it all was. And yes, I thought of Forrest Gump as well. And with good reason. The dude wrote both.
I'd say see it. Just don't have too much in terms of expecations, and you should be fine. It's by no means perfect. But there's plenty there to enjoy.
To me, it's the kind of film where if you go in wanting to dislike it, or not want to "buy into the hype", that's exactly what you'll do. But if you just go along for the ride, it can be a quite enjoyable ride. Let me put it this way. While I watched it, I really liked it. But it's not something where I go, "Wow. I can't wait to see that again."
And here's a recent comment from an interview with Arrested Development creator, Mitch Hurwitz. This was in response to a question about Michael Cera & Will Arnett being the only two holdouts on the AD movie:
"I don’t want to talk about who is holding out right now because we might still work that out and I don’t want to pressure anyone through the press. Although I will say that Will Arnett is gung-ho, so there’s a big clue!"
George Michael, George Michael. Sigh.
Steph, $7! Nice.
I've spent the last hour trying to assemble a Liquor Carousel. Someone gave it to my Dad for xmas, and he didn't want it and gave to (threw it at) me. Now that it's all said and done, it's not too bad. Although I did spill about a 1/2 cup of gin all over myself when it came time to put the bottles in the unit. It's pretty neat. It spins, and measures out a 1.5oz shot when you press on the spout. (I'm sure there's a TWSS in there somewhere)
*Sigh* I guess, I'll have to go buy some alcohol... so that one bottle isn't lonely. There's room for 5 more.
/tipsy on gin & tonic
For those interested on the pole dancing levels: I believe there are 7 levels. You don't get color-coded G-strings according to levels, just bragging rights.
That bottle thing sounds cool, kim.
Re: six feet under finale: I didn't hate it but it did seem a little over the top. I forgave a lot just because the rest of the series was so good.
Ally, I'll bet everyone is interested.
We're watching the one where Kate and Sawyer play "I Never". Morgan asks what a one-night-stand is. I couldn't come up with a PG rated answer so I refuse to answer.
Is the boar that was stalking and harassing Sawyer the ghost/spirit/whatever of the wrong Sawyer that he killed at the shrimp shack?
That Ajira Airways site has gone live. People have found hidden HEX messages and the like which you can probably find summarized at DarkUFO or Lostpedia. At a minimum it's something to play around with.
wassup, blogspotica?
i'm awaiting my LOST season 4 blu-rays. my mom was kind enough to order them for christmas. but waited until the last minute so they're somewhere in the mail.
yeesh! i guess it beats having to pay for them myself. right?
/suffering LOST withdrawal
"At a minimum it's something to play around with."
that's what she said.
i got the (self-titled) Flight of the Conchords CD for Christmas so i've been listening to that way too much. also got a FOTC calendar and... a DOMO KUN CALENDAR. bad ass.
wesh, get on the Belgian Amazon site and order that bad boy up for yourself.
Check this out.
If you don't mind, leave silly comments. It would make their day.
steph, let's tell everyone that Jennifer Colorado is part of a new LOST ARG. :)
- i watched "The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button" yesterday. I'm sorry to say that i really hated it. In fact, while i could certainly understand people liking it, i'm really very surprised by the 'best picture' talk surrounding it.
HEY blogspot!
Hope all have had a nice pre-new-year holiday thus far!
I feel like I have been away from here for an age. Life gets even crazier than the usual crazy around the holidays at our house. The...(cue dramatic local-news VO) "ARCTIC BLAST" definitely snowed us in for a good week and a half and we had very limited access to the world outside our neighborhood which is on a hill (we are at about 750ft I learned). You'd think that would mean that I'd have MORE time to tool around and visit here, but alas the children and weather kept me away from the computer most of the time (i.e. school was closed all week leading up to xmas break - so they've been home the whole time).
Had my share of 'excitement' including commuting to work one day which took 3 hours each way (by bus and walking), a fallen tree limb puncturing my roof (on an overhang - so no threat of leakage in the house thankfully) and about 3 hours spent trying to get my brother in law back to his place on Christmas Day night. The chains came off my tires 4 times from getting ALMOST stuck in snow and tires spinning too much. There's nothing like laying on your back in the frozen slush about 2 blocks from your home at 2am trying to repeatedly put chains back on your tires so you can just make it the last 10-20 feet to the top of the hill you live on. I definitely feel like I'm a more seasoned winter driver - which is ironic since I grew up in Chicago, but Chicago is pancake flat and has armadas of snow plows. Makes a big difference. And the silver lining? We lost power for a total of 30 seconds during the last 2 weeks - VERY relieved.
And then the rain finally came Saturday (I don't think I've ever prayed for RAIN here before) and now the snow is all but gone.
Anyway, sorry for the weather rant - all is well now!
Got Lost season 4 for Xmas - w00t! watched "The Begining of the End" w/Jorge & Evi commentary last night - that's a fun one to listen to. Got an espresso machine for my wife for Xmas and since I am an ex-barista I have been making drinks for her, myself and my mother in law - good stuff. I LOVE not shelling out 3 bucks for something I love to consume (not that I don't also drink black coffee) :) The flipside of course is that I no longer have a financial excuse to practice SOME restraint. good luck to me ;)
Can't think of what else to say yet so....
I think it's due to it's grandiose scale along with the fact that there aren't a ton of obvious best picture movies this year. Obviously I like the film better than you, but I agree in that I wouldn't call it best picture. I don't think I'd have a prob with it being nominated though. If Juno can be nominated, this can.
Oh, and for some unbeknownst reason I watched The Happening the other day. Wow. M Knight Shalamalam needs to be stopped. I think we have discovered George Lucas Jr.
Did we get an explanation of why Ben Button aged backward? I feel like a missed something.
Finally saw Slumdog Millionaire. I loved it almost as much as I was expecting. Why does Boyle put characters that jump into toilets of feces in so many of his movies?
Loved the Bollywood ending immensely.
I think I was trying to say a combination of "something was missing" and "I missed something".
I was thinking of recording with a few people this week about what was so great about 08 and what they're looking forward to in 09. Anyone interested?
Yo Blogspot.
Hope all's well. I've not been online in 8 days, just yet another reason i hate christmas, and i have to say, i'm utterly bored by it. Hmpf.
Saying that though. I'm constantly bored... i've read all my books for the next semester and broken my wrist from a drumming related accident. Hmpf. hmpf. hmpf.
When's LOST coming back?
So funny you should ask Steph... :) I have been meaning to nail down a recording time w/you. I'll gmail you and try to figure it out today - jetting to lunch right now, but will be back.
Cool, mb.
I just got a lovely Christmas card from Kim. It doesn't matter to me that it's late. I still appreciate the gesture.
Thank you, Kim.
Need some proof of how mediocre this year was in film? Check out this selection of critics' top 10 lists. Seems as if pretty much every one has their own opinino on what were the best movies of the year. I know that opinion and taste causes this to be the case. But usually there is a bit more of a consenus.
Anybody here seen Seven Pounds? I hear it's pretty awful.
holy crap!
season 4 blu-rays are awesome. just watched the (slightly abbreviated) fast forwards all strung together. the placing of the scenes was just a little bit different than i had imagined. anyhow, there's some really strong acting in those flash forwards. jorge garcia and matthew fox did some really good work.
oh. and can we find a way to get Leoben from BSG on LOST? that dude's a creepy mutha' 'uckah so he'd fit right in.
Trailer for Crank 2: Crank Harder. Complete with Bai Ling sighting.
Happy New Year's Eve Blogspotica!
Keep it safe out there. As Damon and Carlton said in their latest email -- No DUIs.
The only holiday movie I'll be taking in this week is Tales of Desperaux. I'm taking the kid to it late this afternoon while Hubby prepares dinner. Then it's shooting off fireworks on the beach. Not a euphamism.
lol, Holli.
I just watched Seven Pounds. If I measured movies by how many tears it caused me to shed then this is the best I've seen this year. Like Hancock, this movie is very different. And I don't think the general viewing public likes seeing Will Smith as a character that's not the guy from Independence Day or Men in Black. We fuss and complain about Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell doing the same movies over and over but you got to hand it to them for understanding the general viewing public.
Finishing Revolutionary Road now. Not very impressive so far.
Crank 2 is already better than Transporter 3
- Transporter 3 was a mess. Way too much plot fucking up a nice and simple action franchise. Plus the girl was cute but not cute enough to be that obnoxious.
- Looks like some critics have seen the Lost premier already. Tread these spoilery waters carefully.
- Happily New Year End Blogspotters!
Hey all!
Its already 2009 in Australia!
agree with you 100% on T3.
What is the future like MB?
I read "T3" and came on here in case I'd missed stuff about Terminator 3, rather than Transporter 3.
Well, while I'm here - Happy New Year! Three hours away for me.
happy new year!
Terminator 3 is secretly good.
Happy New Year, blogspot. I cleaned my stove tonight. What awesome things did you do?
Spent New Year's Eve day on the beach enjoying the sun, then Tales of Desperaux, a cute kid's movie, but definitely a kids' movie, then a delicious home-cooked meal with wine we brought home from Italy, football on TV and shooting off fireworks on the beach. Now, sipping some champagne, checking the internet and waiting for 2009.
Here's hoping 2009 is a wonderful year for everyone at Scott and Steve's!
/wasn't it just the Millenium?
Ugh. This will be fun trying to sleep off.
Oh btw, saw Slumdog. Loved it! Def one of my faves of the year. Go see this movie!
Defiance was pretty good. The Polish accents were distracting. Liev Schreiber's was better than Daniel Craig's. This must be the reason Tom speaks in his American accent in Valkyrie. That one, I've yet to see.
My opinion of Revolutionary Road stays the same. It's nothing impressive. Leo's pretty good as always. Kate is ok.
Watching the Wrestler now. I expect this to be great.
Somebody please start a new post. I can't stand looking at these ladies anymore.
no new thread without a new __-_____!
/fill in the blanks!
So it's January 1, 2009. Happy New Recession, everyone :)
- a new ___-____ would be nice. reminds me that i need to get on my Losties nominations.
- watched The Wrestler this morning too! I really, really liked it, one of the best for 2008 for sure. It reminded me of the documentary "Hitman Hart," which i also heavily recommend. I've never watched wrestling but there's no denying the taxing show business behind it.
- Next Up: Wendy & Lucy
- i couldn't find that Hitman Hart documentary on Netflix, so i wanted to warn people before they added a bunch of clips of Hitman Hart wrasslin' to their queue. Here's the IMDB page for the documentary.
and here's the documentary on youtube
Andrew, about 13 years ago, when I was in college, I worked as a Barback in a restaurant here. There must have been a WWF show that night because Bret came in to eat. We all knew who he was, but we didn't bother him while he was eating. As he was leaving some of us got his autograph and talked to him. He was absolutely one of the nicest guys I've ever met. A week later we got an autographed picture of him he sent us in the mail thanking us for the good food, and service. Now that's fan friendly!
I feel certain Aronofsky watched that doc.
Jon, I think it's because he's Canadian. That's why he's so nice.
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