Friday, April 27, 2007

Dharmalars: D.O.C.

One year ago the Dharmalars did their first episode, S.O.S. and it is fitting that their one year anniversary is a review of D.O.C.. Join Ben and Ralph as they celebrate their first year anniversary, talk about D.O.C. and listen in on some fantastic calls from You All Everybody.

Don't forget to subscribe to the Dharmalars on iTunes, because the celebration does not end here. We have some Dharmalars exclusive content jumping onto iTunes as the week goes on, including 2 all new Video Podcasts!

Fight For Your Right- The Beastie Boys
Beat Girl- John Barry
Breed- Nirvana
Pipeline- Lively Ones
Theme to the Tiki Wonder Hour- Combustible Edison

Click To Listen:


Anonymous said...

yes!!! I can't wait to hear it!!!

casey_donahue said...

not only a new dharmalars, but the beastie boys are on the playlist!

two of my favorite things

Anonymous said...

Downloading now, can't wait to listen.

I like this staggering of podcast releases. Really helps with the wait for next episode, and usually each day leading up to the next ep theres at least one, sometimes two, of the podcasts up. It goes:

Jay and Jack (Thursday)
LOSTCasts (Thought I tune out if they get too into the theory bullshit, can get really boring)
Official Lost Podcast
Jay and Jack (Monday)
TLI (The BEST!!!)
Delta Park Gets Lost


Stephanie said...

I feel the same way about the staggering of the podcasts, J. This is jellyman, right?
ralph-, we've misssed you around here. Can't wait to hear what's up.
Downloading at 4 in the morning. There's no way I can go to work with knowing there's new dharmalars out there on the internet and I can't access it. It would drive me mad.

Darryl Cunningham said...

There's always good music behind your podcast. Here's to many more.

Unknown said...

Good show so far guys. I'm listening to it right now. The problem Ben is having with Lostpedia's timeline is that the timeline lists the Red Sox winning the World Series on October 27th. "The Glass Ballerina" was listed as the reference for this event because Ben mentions it in the episode.
Someone I was having a conversation with on another message board on Thursday made this same mistake.

memphish said...

Listening right now but the coffee hasn't kicked in yet. May have to listen again.

For any of the Skaters or guys who want a good picture of Kate, Click here.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a years worth of entertainment guys. Looking forward to the weeks festivities.

BTW you guys love movies , do you have any suggestions for podcasts that do movie reviews? I listen to filmspotting but haven't found any other ones yet.

memphish said...

Ben is the moral compass of the Island now? LOL. I can question Jack, but no one else can. Ha Ha Ha!


Stephanie said...

goofball, You've come to the right place. Scene/Unseen and Girls on Film are my favorites after Sam and Adam.

When Harold Perrineau left the show, I read it was because he was demanding too much money during contract negotiations for season three. I've been wondering if that would ever cause an inconsistency in the story. Is this it? How can the world believe everyone on Flight 815 died if Michael and Walt are home safe?

Stephanie said...

I have a music request.


memphish said...

Dharmalars M,B,K Challenge:

Jin's Mom
Claire's Aunt Lindsey
Isabel, the Other's Sheriff

Mr. Kwon - Jin's Dad
Christian Shephard
Mr. Widmore

I would
Marry - Mr. Kwon
Bang - Mr. Widmore
Kill - Christian Shephard (b/4 he kils again)

Does this make me Ralph?


Darryl Cunningham said...


Try, for weird and cult movies

and/or filmjunk for up to date reviews.

both are on Podcast Alley and iTunes.

elias said...

Throws Richter's arms back to him :)

elias said...

Marry - Aunt Lindsay, she's spunky and acceptable looking.

Bang - Jin's mom, she obviously knows what she's doing.

Kill - The Sheriff. she's an Other and that's all that matters.

aimee is lost said...

Woohoo! My iPod sort of works, so I think I can listen while I clean my house. Otherwise I'll just cart my laptop around to each room!

Congratulations Dharmalars on your 1 year anniversary!! I can't wait to listen to it!

Anonymous said...

yeah, what elias just said. me too.

Ralph- said...

Steph, Producer Ryan is a big Radiohead fan, i am the opposite. If you email a really good radiohead song to the Lars Email address, i will play it on our show, just for you.

Stephanie said...

Awwe, ralph-, that's so sweet. I'll get right on it.
That's what she said.

The Dharmalars said...

Radiohead are the only band I can say I have "everything" of. That said, they aren't what they were...imho.

elias said...

prog rock never died :)

Ralph- said...

i am assuming that Dharmalars comment was from Ryan.

The Dharmalars said...

I have posted our first Video Podcast of the week!

check your iTunes for the update.

It is a pretty old video, but i thought that you would all enjoy it in all it's "no shoulder" glory.


PalmerEldritch said...

Great stuff, Dharmalars. Downloading the video from Comic-Con 2005 now. Looking forward to it.

How was Krull? I haven't seen it in years but I totally want that throwing star thing.

And how did the Cyclops get back after the quicksand?

/ok, it's been like 14 years since I last saw Krull

mb said...

I just realized - how rude of me not to wish Dharmalove to both of you - HAPPY ONE YEAR!

Ralph- said...


Walt is Jacob. Michael did not leave the island. it was all for show. The Others intercepted Michael and Walt, just so the gang would think that michael got away with it. then they pick him up, place him in a cell then Walt begins to call the shots on the island.

Walt told John, Not to open the Hatch. and you do not tell john what to do and what not to do. Walt knew that a secret miracle happened to Locke.

Ben would not let Michael go if he staged a fake crash.

One Black, one is a better game than checkers. LOCKE vs. WALT

memphish said...

It's a cool theory Ralph. What about Walt warning Michael not to believe the Others though? Or did they put him back in "the room" to convince of his destiny?

Looking forward to the video. Good podcast today.


Stephanie said...

I Have A Theory:

Kate and Sayid didn't bring Jack back to the beach, but Jacob. Jacob is Jack's Bad Twin. Or Jacob is Ben's Bad Twin. Or Jacob is Locke. Or Anthony Cooper is Jacob. Ok, anybody could be Jacob. That is, if Jacob actually does exists.

Stephanie said...

Ryan, I don't know any Radiohead. Only their one pop hit. That's why I requested them.

elias said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
memphish said...

With 100 pages to go, I'm back to Bruce Campbell is Jacob.

Steph I like your Jacob is Jack's bad twin idea. Doc Jensen at EW even hinted a couple of week's ago that there's new ink on MF's arm. But would Evil Twin Jack/Jacob know about Sun's pregnancy? Before last week I'd have guessed only a few people knew about it, but I guess what with blabber-mouth Kate, everyone probably knows.

Ralph, I rescind my earlier quesiton. If Walt is Jacob he'd warn Michael not to comply with the plan for him to return for Jack, Kate, et. al because it would lead to Michael's death.

I waste way too much time and brain power thinking about these things.


Stephanie said...

Bruce Campbell is in Spiderman.
Gia was on Oxygen last night or was that the night before? No nudity.

Jordan said...

No nudity? What fun is that?

Holli, what are you thinking of the book?

memphish said...

Jordan, I like it a lot. I like Hollywood bio type stuff anyway. I took a Hitchcock class in law school, long story. And this one is really funny.

Plus I really like the guy. Make friends with the little people who work hard so you don't waste time when you get going instead of acting like a prick around the peons. That's always been my modus operandi as well.

I can't say many of the other lawyers I worked with adopted it though. But it pays off when you've got four filings in one day and you can get 4 different secretaries and the copy room to work willingly and happily for you.


Kirklain said...

I still like the idea that Ben's alter ego is Jacob... and that no one has actually met Jacob, only heard him, or heard his thoughts through Ben. Ben is being super clever by belittling himself so he understands his group, rather than being the aloof overlord that is Jacob.

Stephanie said...

I want to expand on my Juliet being pregnant theory. Pre-plane crash, she has no chance of going home if she has no subjects to study. There are no more female volunteers on the island. She decides to begin a relationship with Goodwin since she has no other choice. I predict this will be the next Juliet fb.

Mondo Movie podcast is not what I expected. Very intelligent.

Please remember me while you are out today, enjoying the sunshine. If you can, stop by and pay me a visit here.

Dharmalars vidcast was great. I watched while driving in to work. Yes, I watched while driving. It's a straight shot.

elias said...

I'm checking out SModcast and ThatsWhatSheSaid on Kim's recommendation - they're both very amusing. Hearing audio clips of old Office episodes is especially enjoyable. Earlier I was thinking of checking Mondo Movie - what sort of movies do they talk about?

Good theory on Juliet but I have a feeling she'll die in her next FB.

If you gotta work today I hope it's not too hard on you (TWSS)

Stephanie said...

Elias, try mondomovie for yourself. I think you'll like it. They talk about genre films; b movies, horror, martial arts, anime, sci fi.
The guys who do TWSS are such dorks. The main host feels sorry for Michael and takes offense when anyone makes Michael look like an idiot. Or should I say, more like an idiot than he already does. But it's entertaining.

Stephanie said...

As I familiarize myself with the entire Radiohead collection, I feel they have lost their edge. I want to slit my wrists now.

Anonymous said...

I HATE the TWSS podcast!!! they guys who do it have a LOST-level degree of scrutiny over every single aspect, and they're generally pretty negative and critical. Takes all my enjoyment out of watching the office when they spend an hour pointing out everything that was wrong with a 20-minute episode


Stephanie said...

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I've heard lots of podcasters do the same thing. Lostcasts, that 6 hour lost podcast, BSG Action Stations are a couple right off the top of my head. I hate to hear podcasters who talk like they think they could do a better job than the writers and don't have a true respect.

Stephanie said...

I just remembered another. TWIT. Leo and co come across really cynical on the tech industry.

Benjamin said...

Stevo, thanks for the catch. I guess it's my habit of just glancing at things instead of really paying attention. The same technique has led me to come home with the wrong groceries because I looked at just the general color and shape of the package. How embarrassing.

This post was made on my Wii.

Anonymous said...

- i'm currently subscribed to the theory that Ben = Jacob ala Wizard Of Oz or maybe something along the lines of Carnivale. There's no real point to stretching out the reveal unless it's someone we already know.

- Maybe Walt & Michael got really tired of eachother while being stuck on the boat together and Walt conjured up a Shark to eat his pops. Walt's "Powers" always seemed like they were headed for the Twilight Zone Movie sort of territory with everyone being afraid of him.

- Anyone else excited about 28 Weeks Later? i'll probably miss Danny Boyle's directing a little, but it looks like the same approach to the material and i'm stoked.

- going to listen to the Dharmalars now.


memphish said...

I think I've figured out the sperm issue we were discussing last week. Click here.


Ralph- said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ben & Ralph,

Congrats on your 1st year in podcasting. I'm looking forward this week's special vidcast! You guys crack me up each week without fail. Right at the end of the cast when you were handing out thank yous left right and centre, I was like--what about Aimee?? what about TLI--*phew* but you saved yourselves. lol!

As for the MBK...

Marry Penny's Dad
Bang Jin's Dad
Kill Jack's Dad


Ralph- said...

YAY!!!! Lost Inititative episode is up!!

Anonymous said...

Did Jin really fight Patchy, or was that Desmond's Flash again?
The way that scene plays out, when Mikhail first stumbles upon the guys with the parachutist...I questioning if the big kung fu fight with Mikhail even happened. There was a real quick cut after when Jin has him in a headlock (and it looks like he might twist and crack his neck), to Desmonds grabbing him and throwing him up against a tree and sticking him with the flaregun.
Plus, Jin chased him down a good distance from the parachutist. The other guys followed a couple seconds after. When Desmond throws him up against the tree with the gun, they are right next to the parachutist lady again. I doubt Jin released him from the headlock, and walked him all the way back to then have Desmond decide to toss him up against the tree. I thnk Desmond reallized Jin was about to kill or seriously hurt Patchy and then he wouldn't be able to help the parachutist...thus he couldn't let Patchy try and run initially.

Anyone else agree with me on this, or am I just losing it? Let me know.

Dharmalars...another great episode and a great year over all...keep it up.


Ralph- said...

i noticed that too. i think that they must have cut a scene where they walked back to naomi.

but it was a very very odd cut.

Anonymous said...

OMG, glad I wasn't the only one to notice that!!! I brought it up in the podcast, hoping someone else picked up on it

Ralph- said...

Non Lost Book Club related book.

Stevi just finished reading some new stephen king book and she said it was her favorite stephen king book and she has read a shitload of stephen king.

it is called Lisey's Story and she said it was so cool.

Maybe you can get it during the 8month hiatus.

anyway. i am bored. it is late and i am not tired.

Ralph- said...

MB, you crack my shit up. i wish i wasnt spoiler free so that i could listen to your segment.

i do listen to the Mac conversation, but not much after...i will catch up after the finale.

Wesh said...

Happy anniversairy Dharmalars! That's quite an awesome achievement! Wish yall all the best in following years!

*downloads eagerly*


Wesh said...

TLI ep 18 DOC is available too! w0000t!

memphish said...

I saw that too Wesh, and have been waiting for the new post so I can be really cool and post "First," like the guy in the video.


Wesh said...

LOL, too be terribly honest, I was waiting too :D
But it's ok, i'll leave it to you! Make us proud!! ^__^

memphish said...

No big Wesh. I'll leave it to you. I've been technically awake for 40 minutes but other than my fingers typing right now, you'd be hard to prove that by me.


Anonymous said...

DANG! how down wit the lingo are Damon and Carlton in this weeks official LOST podcast?

"Wat up wit dat, Carlton?" ???

"One more question, then we outties"???



Wesh said...

Ah, I'm out for a swim so I'll prolly miss it too.
Oh well, it's in the air :)

Thx for reminding me of that podcast J. (Jellymanianos, right?)
It's interesting to hear them hash and prehash episodes :))

Anonymous said...

That's not me,

Hey everybody, by the way - haven's been on here for ages... so how've you been?

Anonymous said...

Remembered my fucking login! Hoorah!

Anonymous said...

J needs another anacronym, or is it psuedonym, or title, whatever.

Anonymous said...

it's quarter to one pm, and i'm starving. Cycled to work today, and my legs are a little wobbly, it's about 4 miles. I want to know how it's possible people can be running through a jungle, with no food fuel available, other than Dharma mayo.

Favourite lost-related quote from this week, my other half, Hannah said that although still pretty, Kate needs a fucking good Dharma roast dinner, inciting that she needs to eat. She's the Anti-Hurley.

Wesh said...

Welcome back, Jellyman :) I also had login probs, but then i switched to my gmail login, and now it's smooth sailin.

I concurr, Kate is the hotness indeed, though she needs some meat in her indeed.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty sweet...

PalmerEldritch said...

TLI didn't finish downloading before i had to leave for work. very depressing.

Anonymous said...

Wesh - I just got your double entendre! Very nice!

Palmer - good shot, just my luck - i came before you did, sorry about that...

PalmerEldritch said...

yowzahs, jellyman. that's quite the double entendre right there in your post. just had to one up wesh, eh?

Anonymous said...

Of course! i'm not letting that bugger have all the fun!

PalmerEldritch said...

Heroes tonight. w00t!

PalmerEldritch said...

you can blame nerds (of course).


Stephanie said...

Hey jellyman. We've missed your rants around here.

Holli, Enterprise on Rachel Ray today.

palmer, you should have gotten up earlier to download TLI. If I'd known, I would have.

PalmerEldritch said...

i actually did check for TLI earlier than normal. but it said it was going to take an hour to download and i only had twenty minutes. so, i've got half of it downloaded and will prolly eat lunch at home so i can grab the other half. i'm dedicated.

Anonymous said...

Steph, i missed expressing my blinkered, bigotted points of view!
I shall endeavour to try and get on here more and complain and ridiculous things, it's what i'm best at.

Is it wrong that I find that Hayden girl out of Heroes very cute?

probune said...

The spoiler section has Quadrophenia in the background :D

Stephanie said...

Of course, we get the obligatory Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Very voluptuous. Just imagine she's 21, jellyman.

PalmerEldritch said...

tim, she's legal in the UK. right?

but it's still fun to refer to her as Jailbait.

Anonymous said...

I am obsessed with Harry Potter, but I listen to way more lost podcasts. They rock. Found Dharmalars and Lost Initiative through Jay and Jack. I like the whole bad twin idea with Jacob being either Jack's twin or Ben's twin. Maybe Ben is Jacob. Maybe he was trying to trick everyone into thinking there is a higher up that can cure cancer or whatever, but I'm not sure. Has Juliet met Jacob? In One of Us, Ben mentioned Jack and she wasn't like, "Who the hell is that?" I'm thinking it may be someone we've either never met or have met briefly.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you only have to 16 over here - but in some parts of the uk, that rule doesn't seem to apply....
I'll just say, i like her - i expect Americans will have to wait until August (according to IMDB).

Mike Campbell said...

she is turning 18 this year. so yeah... which is a bummer

elias said...

I had no idea the age of consent was 18 in the US - how provincial of me. I assume lots of kids break the law over there.

PalmerEldritch said...

well, it's more complicated then that. it's State by State. and i think some States have an age of consent for your partner if you're over 18 and an age of consent for your partner if you're 18 or under. ie. a 70 year old can't bang an 16 year old but a 17 can. something like that. i'm sure there are websites about it if you're planning to visit.

elias said...

err... I had no plans to visit :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary guys.

My picks for M/B/K ... can't say that any of the three are all that appealing, so I'll have to go by likelihood of contracting a disease. Jin's mama must be carrying something, herpes at the very least, so she'll be my kill. The Sheriff gives me a vibe like she's either chosen a life of celibacy, or has had celibacy thrust upon her ... so probably most likely to be disease-free. So, marry her. That means, bang Aunt Lindsay.

I think that Walt and Mike did make it off of the island. Even though we know that Benry is a big fat liar, he seems to place some sort of importance on 'always keeping his word' when he give it (even though it might be to the exact letter, as Jack found out). So, since the others did promise Mike a boat and a chance to escape, I think that he did get that chance ... I'm sure that there's some loophole somewhere though...

PalmerEldritch said...

Marry Aunt Lindsay, at least she was good looking.
Bang the Sheriff cuz she'd have access to handcuffs. Bow chicka bow wow.
Kill Jin's mom. Cuz she's a diseased whore. And a jerk!

Yeah, I like to think that Walt and Michael have escaped. I wonder if Michael would try to save them knowing full well that they know he's a mean ol' jerk of a double murderer.

mb said...

WOW Kim - you got TLI up fast! Sweet!

First - going back up the blog:

Ralph - glad my insubordinate Mac can give the gift of laughter. I just wish he would do what the fuck I ask him to do. ;)

Bune - gotta love the Who. Rock on!

Ralph- said...

does anyone visit the Tailsection?

because i noticed that there was someone posting under the name:

"Ralph of the Dharmalars"

and it's totally not me.

mb said...

Damn - that's trippy Ralph. You've reached that level of noteriety - people are using you for their screen name.

mb said... god...

K&A seriously think I am Morgan.
Wow - am I crazy? Do I really sound that much like Morgan. I've played Morgan's voice for several people and nobody else thinks it's me. Can anyone else weigh in on this - I need help!

And are you KIDDNG me about his last name?!? Seriously, It's Brown?!?! Fuck, that doesn't help my case. Although, to be completely truthful - my FULL initials are MBW, so it's NOT the same.

Morgan, Mayes! Where are you - HELP!

mb said...

Also - (not that K&A are going to believe me) but I didn't know about Garageband's pitch-shifting capabilities until Kim mentioned it.

Man - this is too funny.

mb said...

One more thing -
To everyone - I appologize for the lesser audio quality on the spoiler seg. I compressed it a bit more than usual because it was a bit longer this week. It should be better next week.

International-J said...

I believe you MB

Anonymous said...

Identity theft on the tailsection? There's something wrong there. Ralph, did you post a message or PM the guy and call him out on his deception?

memphish said...

That is trippy that someone is posting as Ralph who's not Ralph. That is a new level of creepy fame. I mostly stay away from the Tail Section because it's too spoilery.

Maybe it's MB. If he'll pretend to Morgan and Mayes, I certainly wouldn't put it past him to be Ralph of the Dharmalars at the Tail Section. Of course, true fans know what name Ralph posts under (at least at ABC) and it's not Ralph.

Juliet is evil and MB is a liar.


memphish said...


I'm just kidding about all the stuff in the previous post. I just wanted a good, clean, conspiracy theorist post.

MB is not a liar.

Juliet is still evil. It's her eyes which remind me of a cross between a cat (which I hate) and a lizard (which I hate, especially that Geico one).


elias said...

mb - that voice comparison cracked me up.

the true Morgan has yet to reveal himself :)

[ally] said...

Happy Anniversary, Dharmalars! Hope to have you around for many more anniversaries...

PalmerEldritch said...

Ralph, sucks that you have an impostor on your hands. But it does give me a good excuse to post this:

"Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!"

Stephanie said...

I believe MB.

They've got all they're gonna get outa me today.

mb said...

Thanks guys! :)

Didn't Morgan post here a number of threads ago? I'll have to look.

mb said...


Anonymous said...

MB, it's sad that you're now posting at Ralph on other lost sites.

Have you NO shame?

:P LOL!!

107 = mini KABLAMO??

memphish said...


Even tho. there's a new thread, it needed doing.
