Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Baconator Ultimatum

Back from a week long Hiatus (shorter than lost's) Ralph and Ben get back into the swing of things by talking about some Comic Con Memories, some good, some bad. They review 3 outstanding films and give a couple of Offbeat Comedies as suggestions for this week's Stick It In Your Queue segment. Ralph can't remember the name Patrick Labyorteaux and we get a bunch of awesome calls in on the Lars Line.

Yellow Sun- The Raconteurs
Batman Theme- Joel McNeely
The Heist- Incredibad
Backlot- Howard Shore
Velvet Pants- Propellerheads
On Green Street/Hernando's Hideaway- Martin Denny

Click To Listen:
The Baconator Ultimatum!


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Jordan said...

That list is funny palmer. Trevor would be totally exposed if he hadn't already let the cat out of the bag regarding his user name. lol.

Actually, you know what's funny? I know both Trevor and Palmer's actual names and they share a common name. One as his first name, one as his last.

Back to that list. I think I might have to change my user name to Philbright Westriverside Warehouserock XXVI.

Trevor McFur said...

Damn, I have to object to that number 7! I may have to change my name to Wild Woodman instead.

Benjamin said...

I'm going to give a big Kablammo for today's date.


PalmerEldritch said...

i bow to ben's superior use of the gregorian calendar.

/julian's for fries, bitches

[ally] said...

i will bow next to palmer. that is awesome, ben.

mb said...

I will bow to Ally

The Dharmalars said...

for those of you looking for a new Lars, Ben and I have decided to take the week off.

Sorry folks, but i am sure you will understand.


Ralph- said...


you are assholes

Ralph- said...

i am gonna kill you lazy podcasters, starting with Ralph... BOOOOOO!!

so anyway. I will bow to Ben for the 8/15 kablamo.

I chatted with Jorge yesterday and he said that Shooting for Season Four which was supposed to start today was delayed one week.

YAY, LOST IS 6 months

PalmerEldritch said...

you "chatted" with Jorge the other day?


did i mention that i met colleen from metrobuzz while i was at comic-con? and got a quarter from Wil Wheaton?

mb said...

wow man - "I chatted with Jorge yesterday..."

too fucking awesome

mb said...

I talk to my computer and record it

memphish said...

Kim have you been to Evil Dead The Musical yet? The Real Ash was there this past Sat.


PalmerEldritch said...

hey, mb. that's almost as cool. really.

quick, someone distract mb while i get him his meds.

[ally] said...

maybe we can get MB to chat with Jorge to distract him.

Anonymous said...

I'm personal friends with Gary Busey. So there!

PalmerEldritch said...

oh yeah?!

well, corey feldman is friends with corey haim. so there!

Anonymous said...

I am Sam

mb said...


PalmerEldritch said...

connect four!

[ally] said...

four + four = 8

memphish said...

4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16


PalmerEldritch said...

(4 * 4) - ( 4 /4 ) = 15

mb said...

(4+4+4+4+4+4)•(4/4) = 23

mb said...

OOPS - that should have been:

(4+4+4+4+4+4)-(4/4) = 23

Trevor McFur said...

4 + 8 + 15 + 16 + 23 + 42 = 108 :)

memphish said...

4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + (8/4) = 42


mb said...

and i wasn't even in math club

memphish said...

I was on the Math Team and I have a Geometry trophy. Sorry -- nerd alert.

BTW, got my Dharmalars t-shirt today and no Golden Ticket. Any word from Sam or Nate about the ticket? You did have a failsafe right?


Trevor McFur said...

(4*4*4) + 4 + (4/4) = 69


Trevor McFur said...

I wasn't on the Math Team, but I was in the Calculus Club. We're the guys that used to get picked on by the Math Team.

memphish said...

MB, The Tail Section has another casting rumor. I'm not looking.


Stephanie said...

I know somebody that knows somebody who's vacation plans in Hawaii got messed up and ended up having to stay in Naveen Andrews' house. He wasn't on the island at the time.

[ally] said...

so not only are we Lost geeks but we're math geeks as well...

at least we're all geeks together :)

mb said...

Thanks Holli, I shall look

[ally] said...

so where in the world is this golden(rod) ticker? nobody's found it?

i'm starting to think it's a myth.

[ally] said...

ticker = ticket


elias said...

Non scholae sed vitae discimus - tamen non vita numeros doctum est.

I was in Latin Club and still count on my fingers.

[ally] said...

Elias never ceases to amaze us with his geniusness.

elias said...

"We don't learn for school but for life; unfortunately life hasn't taught me maths"

Thanks Ally but this Latin geek bows down to the maths geeks - it's so much more useful.

memphish said...

I got no Latin, mais je parle un peu de francais or at least I used to.


mb said...

Je suis désolé mais...
Je ne peux pas résister ceci

(I'm sorry but I can't resist this):

(4•4•4•4) - (4•(4+4+4-(4•4/4+4)))

= 216

(appologies for any french hackery i just displayed)

Ralph- said...

for all i know, the ticket has been discovered, but no one has sent the special instructions to the gmail account... so we wait

mb said...

Oh well! looks like
Jorge's already pulling the plug
on his new blog. Apparently Cuselof and company put a bit of the kybosh on. grrrrr...

(sigh) I do understand, but damn - that blog was really exciting for a moment :(

Anonymous said...

Hiro PWNS Matthew Fox.

Trevor McFur said...


PalmerEldritch said...

anonymous, remember the heroes finale? yeah...

Brooklyn said...

WHO posts a "dis" anonymously on a message board? Are you really that lame...? Lamer than the Heroes finale?

Yes, sir. Yes you are.

Trevor McFur said...

Why on earth someone would come to a Lost board to trash-talk about Heroes in late summer when neither show is actually showing first-run episodes is beyond me. Has there been any really major news about either show in the past few days that I'mAnd jeez, we have a great board here, but it's not like we're the Fuselage or something. Bizarre.

Trevor McFur said...

Whoops, forgot to finish a sentence there. Meant to say, "Has there been any really major news about either show in the past few days that I'm not aware of?"

Don't drink and blog.

mb said...

I think you hit the nail on the head trevor - do not drink and blog. What an idiot!

mb said...

4 to the 4th KABLAMMO!!!
(4•4•4•4 = 256)

memphish said...

Actual headline in the sports roundup of today's Commercial Appeal:

Nutt praises freshman Dick


Trevor McFur said...

mb, I was actually referring to my own inability to complete a sentence last night, but you're right, it does work for our brave anonymous poster.

PalmerEldritch said...

holli, that's an interesting headline.

i'm glad that Dick's not being rubbed the wrong way.

[ally] said...

the last few posts have TWSS written all over them ;)

[ally] said...

Looking for an original name, how about this one.

Anonymous said...

The Greatest Lawsuit Of All-Time

Anne Hathaway Is Friendly

mb said...

My favorite part of that lawsuit is on page 3 where the Plaintiff Mr. Riches states that:

"Michael Vick subjected me to microwave testing"

Also, he has apparently copyrighted his name
(unless having that © by his name is some kind of legal-ease that I'm unaware of)

Stephanie said...

I was thinking that law suit was a joke.
Surely Ann is waiting for him to rub sunscreen on her back. He isn't even that good looking.

Jordan said...

What is going on blogspot people?

elias said...

LOL Steph.

"Yes officer, she was waiting for me to rub sunscreen on her back".

Is Michael Vick now hated in the US?

PalmerEldritch said...

everyone i know sure hates him.

mb said...

The lawsuit does indeed look like a joke, but I also have heard it mentioned elsewhere (as a sort of "news of the idiotic" thing), and it wouldn't be the most idiotic thing I've heard of in the world of litigation. I don't know - it is pretty crazy.

Stephanie said...

Everyone I know is just wondering how anyone could be so stupid as to risk losing all that money over something as I don't even know how to classify fighting dogs.
A couple of years ago Vick was seen buying thousands of dollars worth of lottery tickets. I don't know what he's thinking. Just stupid I guess.

PalmerEldritch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PalmerEldritch said...

i don't have a problem with Michael Vick being an idiot. i have a HUGE problem with what he allegedly did to those dogs. it's REALLY awful, barbaric stuff that they're accused of. worse than the dog fighting, which is disgustingly horrible on its own.

Trevor McFur said...

Michael Vick is pretty easy to hate (and I would include myself among those who would like to see done to him what he did to those dogs). I think that he may still have a few defenders, but they're few and far between. The indictment is pretty bad, and pretty barbaric, so it's not real easy to defend him anymore (esp now that he's about to plead guilty).

Trevor McFur said...

And I thought that it was Shaq who bought up all those lottery tickets?

Stephanie said...

Just varified the lottery ticket issue with hubby. It was Randy Moss. I'm sorry. I'm not a NFL fan. They all run together to me.

PalmerEldritch said...

sweet! and Moss is on my favorite team now. yay!

i REALLY hope that the guy's turned over a new leaf. if not, we've only got a one year deal with him.

Trevor McFur said...

We're up to 275 posts here. Will this be the thread that reaches the elusive 300?

PalmerEldritch said...

i don't know. what do you think?

Trevor McFur said...

Could be.

Trevor McFur said...


Trevor McFur said...

Would making the 300th post be worth a 'kablammo'?

mb said...

well 300 does = (4•4•4•4) + ((4+4+4)-(4/4))

I'm so sorry....Palmer can you get my pills...

Jordan said...

The only people who still defend Vick are people who want to make this a race issue. Pretty much the people who defended OJ. It's sad really. I don't see why everything in the world involving people of color has to become about race with some folks.

Trevor McFur said...

When you look at the available eidence, this Vick case seems pretty, uhhhhh, black & white. :)

[ally] said...

yes! making the 300th post should be worth a KABLAMO.

[ally] said...

My Town underwater.

Crazy storm is making our lives miserable. What could be worse? Another storm is headed our way about mid next week :(

memphish said...

Hang in there Ally. My sis used to live in Houston. Went through one of the downtown floodings.

Jorge's going to try to post normal stuff on his blog now.



[ally] said...

Holli, you would think I would be used to this by now. Especially after that storm that went through here about 6 years ago.


mb said...

Whoa! Ally, sorry about all the water! I had no idea you guys were flooded. Hang in there!

Holli - w00t! Thanks for the Jorge update!


Colleen said...

Oh Lord, I don't read this thing for 18 hours & I come back to find loads of TWSS opportunities, French (I think) and 932 posts about math. GEEZE!

Anyway, just popping by to say hello friends, hope everyone's week has been good :D

And Palmer, it was good to meet you too, but remember that time you sent me that picture from the Dharmalars recording? Yeah, that was great.

[ally] said...

thanks, mb. yeah i didn't realize it was gonna be that bad either. oh well, hopefully we'll be drained by tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You guys are all full of shit! Brian Dennehy is awesome!

Trevor McFur said...

Hang in there Ally! Glad you're still connected!

memphish said...

What's with the drive-by Brian Denehy post anon? Does he do math? Speak French? Latin?



Trevor McFur said...

Thank you mr. anonymous for that little nugget, inching us one post closer to the coveted 300.

Stephanie said...

Ally, we have the opposite problem. My car said it was 106 degrees yesterday. 101 in the shade.
I keep thinking about how scary it is that Jorge's bosses found out about this blog in such a short time. Or is he contractually obligated to disclose to ABC anything he writes? I'm sure with all those big words I couldn't have gotten 100% accuracy.

Trevor McFur said...

Actually, considering it elicited a response from me and Holli, I guess that's 3 posts closer.

Oh, umm, make it 4 posts closer!

Stephanie said...

Nobody's minding the blogspot today. Will we break it with 300?

Trevor McFur said...

Any second now Ralph is gonna come by and start a new thread.

Anonymous said...

Lost is for girly men.

Mattastic said...

Ralph, I dare you to start a new thred :)

Mattastic said...

Dang, I had post 300 and I didn't get to throw in a cool reference to the movie. Here it is anyway: "Give them nothing! But take from them everything!"

Stephanie said...


Mattastic said...

keeping with that... "Spartans! Prepare for glory!"

[ally] said...



[ally] said...

wow, steph! we were having that heat problem before this hit us, so at the very least it's cooled us down. it sucks when it's that hot, cause you don't dare go outside for anything.

Mattastic said...

Or the the token sarcasm:

"Let me guess,you must be... Xerxes!"

That would have been cool, or wiil be cool, if Locke had said that to Jacob:

"Let me guess,you must be... Jacob!"

Trevor McFur said...

I'd have just gone with the nice simple, "KABLAMMO!" Of course, "Tonight we dine ... IN HELL!" works too, but I don't think that anyone is going to be using on future numbers posts.

Trevor McFur said...

I actually feel a real sense of accomplishment at helping to reach 300.

Man, it's been a tough week.

[ally] said...

Ah dude, you brought up Xerxes!


How gay did he look?

mb said...

HOLY CRAP we did it! I go away for half an hour and BAM!

BTW, RE: the last sentence of Allys post #290 - TWSS

Maybe the anon poster(s) is (are) one of US!!!! (cue orchestral violin stab)

[ally] said...

All it took for us to get to 300 was some team work and a couple anonymous posts...


Colleen said...

damn i was gone for 25 minutes and there was like 70 new posts to catch up on

[ally] said...

ok, ya'll. i'm gonna go tough it out on the flooded streets. hopefully you won't see me on the news tonight as the crazy woman that tried to cross the deep water in her little car.


Ralph- said...

i wouldnt even know what to put up a new thread about.

lost is so far away.

Trevor McFur said...

Good luck Ally. You should take some pictures and post them.

memphish said...

Man I go away to do Mom stuff and I complete miss 300.

Ralph has challenged us to come up with new post material. Uh, how about Superbad?


Anonymous said...

memphish said...

Complete should be completely.


Anonymous said...

I say we go for 400.

memphish said...

Wow, those girls looked pretty good, but would have looked better in a Dharmalars t-shirt.


memphish said...

Another post suggestion from tonight's 30 Rock -- Things you love so much you want to take them behind the Jr. High School and get them pregnant.


PalmerEldritch said...

so, did i miss anything while i was gone after work?



HOLY GOD! 321 posts? Nicely played, blogspotica.

Mattastic said...

Obviously, I'd like to take Tina Fey behind the Jr. High and get her pregnant! Twice! Either that or a I'd like to get a Gordo's chile verde burrito pregnant. Is that possible? I love 'em that much.

Ralph- said...

Aktrez was a co-host on Geekscape a few times!

mb said...


mb said...


I defy Ralph AND Rock Riddle (next thread)

Trevor McFur said...

Let's keep going!


Trevor McFur said...

Of course, if the thread just turns into a bunch of posts stating the number of the post, it's gonna get real old real fast...

memphish said...


memphish said...


memphish said...


memphish said...


memphish said...


memphish said...

bust (boobies)!

memphish said...

Yes, it's Friday night and I'm home doing this pathetic sh** while the Sr. PGA tour is on my beautiful HDTV and my son is working on becoming the next Gob Bluth-like magician. I know you wish you were all me right now.


PalmerEldritch said...

hey, if holli will break out a random boobies shout-out, then i'll lend my keyboard to her cause.

341 for great justice!

Trevor McFur said...

342, bitches.

PalmerEldritch said...

one post closer to 500.

PalmerEldritch said...

sweet. typo! make that one post closer to 400.

Trevor McFur said...

One post closer...

memphish said...

I finally found something else to do. I remembered I could watch instantly with Netflix. I'm watching the British version of the Office.



memphish said...

Now I'm watching Part 4 of Metrobuzz Comic Con. We need Clif to stick the middles of some stories on this thread to kick up our post count.



memphish said...




memphish said...




memphish said...

Nothing to say but this is 350!


PalmerEldritch said...

tree fitty one

how do you like the british office?

memphish said...

Overall it's funny, but a bit hit and miss. The Quiz was my favorite with one in Series 1 to go. There is no way Tim is anywhere near as cute as Jim and Dawn's a bit dumpy in my book. I kept trying to figure out what else I'd seen Ricky in only to realize he looks a lot like a guy I know in real life.



PalmerEldritch said...

after series 2 of the office, and the christmas specials, check out Extras.

Ricky Gervais + David Bowie = Comedy Gold


Anonymous said...

i dont think you can truly appreciate the british office if you watch it after the us version. its weird how the us version affects the uk one.

Anonymous said...

i am so stoked for snakezilla

Anonymous said...

So anyway, i was walking down the street the other day and this big fat man in a cape asked me what time it was, so i naturally looked at my watch and said, "4:34". He looked at me funny and said, "No, it's ass pounding time!" and grabbed me and threw me into the bushes. I was annoyed at this so I went across the street and bought some banana cream pies. I went up to the fat man in the cape and asked him if he wanted one. He said, "Hell yes I would!" So I shoved it down his pants. He then said thank you and proceeded to ask me if I knew of any Asian whore houses. I told him, "of course. There's Ming Tree's on 34th and Delaware. Ask for the Peace Cobbler."

mb said...

Wow! I didn't check back on this thread since my post #326. Sweet! let's do this thing.

I really want to add to Palmerdork's story...but I got nothin' that would top that ending

PalmerEldritch said...

sweet. i've got tribute/parody posts now. i should charge for autographs like Marc Singer does.

//would've gone with "piece cobbler"
///possibly "piece gobbler"

memphish said...

I think the British Office holds up after the US one, but they are quite different.

I'm on the 2nd disc of Season 2 of Arrested Development now, and while I'm sad I didn't watch it when it was on in the off chance that I could have been THE person who kept it from going under, it sure is fun to be able to go straight to the next episode without an annoying time delay in between.



memphish said...

More random thoughts to drive up the post count. It's not supposed to hit 100 degrees here today!!!! Yeah!!! And there was even a breeze when I cut my grass.



memphish said...

This week's house repair brought to you by Bartlett Plumbing. Last week it was snaking the kitchen line. This week new, puny garbage disposal. In 2 more months I will have lived here 10 years. The rapidity of those years is terrifying.



Anonymous said...

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea..does
that mean that one enjoys it?

Anonymous said...

And what kind of gum is the 5th dentist chewing?

Anonymous said...

Why do croutons come in airtight packages? Aren't
they just stale bread to begin with?

PalmerEldritch said...

Random Stupid Picture of a Cat

mb said...

if posts were days, we'd be saying Happy New Year people! keep going...

Trevor McFur said...

I like the cat picture.

Just keep posting, just keep posting...

memphish said...

My son got a Bumblebee Transformer toy from his headmaster today for his birthday. I'm so glad I pay what I pay in tuition so that the headmaster can give my child crap toys.


memphish said...

I also read somewhere today that they are making Transformers for IMAX I think it was. Has anyone seen a normal movie on IMAX? How was it?


And Kablamo for 369

mb said...

I so wanted to go see the Attack of the Clones in IMAX when they did it, but alas...

mb said...

Trevor - now I can't get Finding Nemo out of my head (don't know if that's what you were referencing)

Anonymous said...

Holli, I blame you for AD getting canned. Thanks a lot.

Actually, that just shows how fucking lame Fox was promoting it. Everybody with have a brain loves it when they see it. And it won like 12 emmys. Yet Fox couldnt figure out a way to promote.

FOX, you fucking suck the balls of a camel in heat. Eat me.

Scott and Steve said...


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